Today I got my new giant betta fish for my betta sorority, I was planning on getting a different betta for the tank but I decided to get this new girl because she looked so awesome! I did get a discount for the betta from space city fish and coral, but I did still pay for most of it :D Don’t forget Bettas require 3-10 gallons of water per fish. Cholla Wood https://amzn.to/2vQnAs9 Do you like aquariums and betta fish? Consider subscribing and hitting the bell! http://bit.ly/CTWSUBS ---------Support My Fish Addiction!--------- http://bit.ly/CTWSupport https://goo.gl/P5ajYX ---------Awesome aquarium Websites--------- https://wildpetsupply.com/ http://bit.ly/Aquacoop http://bit.ly/flipshrimp WISH LIST: https://goo.gl/P5ajYX MY INSTAGRAM: (@jamesmorelan) http://bit.ly/JamesInsta MY TWITTER: (@jamesmorelan) http://bit.ly/JamesTweet MY SNAPCHAT:(@thejimmotion) http://bit.ly/JamesSnap MY OTHER CHANNEL: http://bit.ly/TJEffect Aquarium Shrimp: http://bit.ly/flipshrimp Awesome Plants http://bit.ly/H2Oplants ---------Fish Equipment--------- Pleco/Snail/Shrimp Food: https://goo.gl/LyxJZ9 Guppy Food: http://amzn.to/2BKHNO5 Cheapest/Best Light: http://amzn.to/2kB5rcw WaveMaker: http://amzn.to/2kAdhn4 ---------Film Equipment--------- Camera I use: http://amzn.to/2sFDoHq Cheap Light: http://amzn.to/2kBf4YL Main Light: http://amzn.to/2B2jr5Y Second Camera: http://amzn.to/2BN5jKG Mic: http://amzn.to/2j54AR6 ---------Business only email:--------- cw47wabe@gmail.com ---------Mail me stuff--------- James Morelan PO BOX #085925 Racine, WI 53408

UNBOXING MY GIANT BETTA FISH!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 222

Betta 6 years ago 99,044 views

Today I got my new giant betta fish for my betta sorority, I was planning on getting a different betta for the tank but I decided to get this new girl because she looked so awesome! I did get a discount for the betta from space city fish and coral, but I did still pay for most of it :D Don’t forget Bettas require 3-10 gallons of water per fish. Cholla Wood https://amzn.to/2vQnAs9 Do you like aquariums and betta fish? Consider subscribing and hitting the bell! http://bit.ly/CTWSUBS ---------Support My Fish Addiction!--------- http://bit.ly/CTWSupport https://goo.gl/P5ajYX ---------Awesome aquarium Websites--------- https://wildpetsupply.com/ http://bit.ly/Aquacoop http://bit.ly/flipshrimp WISH LIST: https://goo.gl/P5ajYX MY INSTAGRAM: (@jamesmorelan) http://bit.ly/JamesInsta MY TWITTER: (@jamesmorelan) http://bit.ly/JamesTweet MY SNAPCHAT:(@thejimmotion) http://bit.ly/JamesSnap MY OTHER CHANNEL: http://bit.ly/TJEffect Aquarium Shrimp: http://bit.ly/flipshrimp Awesome Plants http://bit.ly/H2Oplants ---------Fish Equipment--------- Pleco/Snail/Shrimp Food: https://goo.gl/LyxJZ9 Guppy Food: http://amzn.to/2BKHNO5 Cheapest/Best Light: http://amzn.to/2kB5rcw WaveMaker: http://amzn.to/2kAdhn4 ---------Film Equipment--------- Camera I use: http://amzn.to/2sFDoHq Cheap Light: http://amzn.to/2kBf4YL Main Light: http://amzn.to/2B2jr5Y Second Camera: http://amzn.to/2BN5jKG Mic: http://amzn.to/2j54AR6 ---------Business only email:--------- cw47wabe@gmail.com ---------Mail me stuff--------- James Morelan PO BOX #085925 Racine, WI 53408

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Most popular comments

Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Sorry About the lines they go away in a minute but its still annoying if your on desktop lol sorry again
Here is the cholla wood https://amzn.to/2Jvq0yv :D
Here is where I got the shrimp http://flipaquatics.com?aff=3 :D
Here is where I got the betta fish https://spacecityfishandcoral.com/ :D
LadyJinyxx Majestic Bitch
LadyJinyxx Majestic Bitch - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild yes they are very distracting when I'm trying to listen to what you are saying.
Christiaan Koorts
Christiaan Koorts - 6 years ago
Can a male and female Betta be in the same tank?
Ashley Sowell
Ashley Sowell - 6 years ago
Hey i went to your shop and youve ran out of plants so as soon as u update your shop ill buy plenty of
Ashley Sowell
Ashley Sowell - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild great video!! Why dont u do a live
John Nguyen
John Nguyen - 6 years ago
Mine is three rimes the size of a average female. Three or 4 inches I forgot
Jayme Scholtes
Jayme Scholtes - 6 years ago
Here, queen of the Greek gods. That would be a cool name for your new girl. I wish the boys could be kept together. They're a gorgeous and it would be amazing to have a big tank full of them. Nice video!
A Jacks
A Jacks - 6 years ago
You should have probably quarantined before you added the fish. You have no idea what it could have carried
J Personality
J Personality - 6 years ago
Jaswanth STARBOY
Jaswanth STARBOY - 6 years ago
Haha your new Betta is pretty small I have 4inch Betta
ambercloey123 - 6 years ago
She's not big wtf is wrong with you ha
Mr.creator 12386
Mr.creator 12386 - 6 years ago
what the heck why would they leave a beta fish with bag in it.they can't breath because they need to have air
Jackie Varughese
Jackie Varughese - 6 years ago
Have you ever thought about getting a wild betta tank ?
Jackie Varughese
Jackie Varughese - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild Yea! That would be awsome!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Kinda I think it would be awesome


Joseph Dittrich
Joseph Dittrich - 6 years ago
The tape is to hold down the corners of the bag so that the fish doesn't get trapped or anything. Pretty common when fish are shipped.
Balrogh - 6 years ago
Medium size bro
lps Michaela
lps Michaela - 6 years ago
Regina from Once upon a Time
Blink. - 6 years ago
Lol my betta is like twice the size of that! But he is so cool!!
Brianna Underwood
Brianna Underwood - 6 years ago
Miftah ArRahman
Miftah ArRahman - 6 years ago
Emperor Archit
Emperor Archit - 6 years ago
Plzz give me suggestion for naming my betta it is blue in colour
Emperor Archit
Emperor Archit - 6 years ago
I have a imported aquarium it's is curved at corners I have betta fish chiclids goldfish and angelfish
Ananth Ramachandran
Ananth Ramachandran - 6 years ago
Enjoy with your new friend ...
Deanna Mauricio
Deanna Mauricio - 6 years ago
Hi, it could just be the stress from first meeting, but your giant betta has a very noticeable stress line going down her side. So does the dumbo betta, This is an indication that they are extremely stressed. I would keep an eye out to see if that goes away. You definitely don't want to stress her out since she's already been stressed because of shipping. Also, you don't quarantine??


Huehue Beep
Huehue Beep - 6 years ago
Giant betta cant be mixed with other fish since its born to figjt
wikidg - 6 years ago
You must name her big bash
Ravindra Bhoir
Ravindra Bhoir - 6 years ago
plz stay camera properly
B'se i cant see any samll shirmp & etc
Shakir Khan
Shakir Khan - 6 years ago
Normal size of betta
Nico Guzman
Nico Guzman - 6 years ago
How do you keep your betta fish together
Yougotnomilk - 6 years ago
you think thats bad acne lol wish my acne was like yours im like a spot punch bag meaning punch me and ill pop alot
janoke - 6 years ago
What lines?
cody linfield
cody linfield - 6 years ago
Bruh stop flailing your arms around so much it’s so annoying
Elaine de Koning
Elaine de Koning - 6 years ago
I think the tape on the bag is used to make sure the betta doesn't get stuck in the corners during transport, not to make it darker
kitsune - 6 years ago
Marry to me? U.u


DinosaurGirl135M - 6 years ago
Wow! That’s awsome! I have three normal betta fish, a male halfmoon, a male elephant ear, and a female koi. I don’t have much room in my bedroom, but I do have a 2.5 gallon tank for each, because the larger the tank, the longer they live. But I think that should be a good enough size.
jessica c
jessica c - 6 years ago
I got a new betta at a different pet shop than I usually go to two days ago. He has the same fin 'layout' as other bettas I have owned, but his tail is long and pointy at the end. I have no idea what type of betta he is, or how old he is. I can't find anything on bettas with long, pointed tails online. Anyone have any knowledge of betta tail types? Lol
Chris V
Chris V - 6 years ago
He should name it queen Elizabeth
Animal Loverrr
Animal Loverrr - 6 years ago
You do know that betts fish ARE NEVER SUPPOSED TO LIVE TOGETHER
Thisen Attanayake
Thisen Attanayake - 6 years ago
That’s not big at all
Patriot Coin Rings
Patriot Coin Rings - 6 years ago
Shippers tape the corners to prevent the fish from being pinched in shipping as they typically run into corners of the bag and when flopped around in a shipping truck the plastic bag crimps down on them sometimes killing them. By tapping the sides you fold the sides up and round off the corners preventing that from happening.
Tokyo Barbie
Tokyo Barbie - 6 years ago
HELP Can a betta fish temporarily eat gold fish flacks??...it's all I have at the moment
Anirudh Ks
Anirudh Ks - 6 years ago
That isn't Big at all,I have a really big betta
Hannah Banana
Hannah Banana - 6 years ago
It's actually pretty cool to see bettas get along!
Hannah Banana
Hannah Banana - 6 years ago
How many gallons is that?
Jafar Khan
Jafar Khan - 6 years ago
Wow nice, jesus is our GOD
Amani Battle
Amani Battle - 6 years ago
dont put male TOGETHER
jack kecix
jack kecix - 6 years ago
right now i only have halfmoon betta. already breed super gold betta,those baby fish are 2 weeks old now.planning to breed another kind such as crowntail betta and solid colour
กันติ์ แม้นเมืองแมน
กันติ์ แม้นเมืองแมน - 6 years ago
Deezee Breezee
Deezee Breezee - 6 years ago
you should have done a drip acclimation
Wisefairy12121 R
Wisefairy12121 R - 6 years ago
Shoua Xiong
Shoua Xiong - 6 years ago
Not even big... if you want a giant betta. Giants are more like 4 to 5 in long..
Neon Kue
Neon Kue - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild I highly doubt that. Most Giant Bettas can only reach 3-3.5 inch in body size. Females are smaller and only reach a little past 3 inches at maturity. Only way to find out is to put your fish in a plastic bag and place them on a ruler.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
she is 4 maybe even 5
Quick Scope 031204
Quick Scope 031204 - 6 years ago
I make this 1000 like
G-ChipZ - 6 years ago
thanos lol
bookcomplex - 6 years ago
60 gallon tank for bettas???? Get some real fish bro. U wasting a huge tank for nothing


Lisette DeLoatch
Lisette DeLoatch - 6 years ago
You're adorable, I love seeing people get so excited about fish like me. Subscribed.
Ken Wintin
Ken Wintin - 6 years ago
Well, I got to turn this video off before the child said more than a dozen words. I don't watch videos of people who don't even know how to pronounce the subject of the video. It is Betta, not Beta. It is not pronounced, "Bey tah.". but "Beh tah."
GamerGuy 36
GamerGuy 36 - 6 years ago
Me lol my screen has cracks dont matter and great vid
Ralph Carpio
Ralph Carpio - 6 years ago
whats crackaling dude? I love giant bettas
belizean ram
belizean ram - 6 years ago
mac mcm
mac mcm - 6 years ago
dai psycho punda otha Enna da soldra lavde
Kimberley ann hellem
Kimberley ann hellem - 6 years ago
Giants are the best! Twice the size. Twice the personality! My boy atlas is a giant HMPK red copper. And his personality is so amazing! He isn't aggressive at all! He will only flare to himself. No one els.
APAR -arron plays and reacts
APAR -arron plays and reacts - 6 years ago
Kimberley ann hellem sounds like my female Betta who is the compact version
Kim Ragbir
Kim Ragbir - 6 years ago
I had a bigger one than that about 10times that seriously
DANI AKA HIHI - 6 years ago
I love fish but i hate it when i eat it
did you just
did you just - 6 years ago
张博 - 6 years ago
Just Toast
Just Toast - 6 years ago
That's not big compared to the ones at the fish store
Fish Girl
Fish Girl - 6 years ago
Just Toast mine is way bigger
Tahiti Kruse
Tahiti Kruse - 6 years ago
I don’t think she’s fully grown.
Thatwildgamer 0813
Thatwildgamer 0813 - 6 years ago
Just Toast exactly mines bigger then that
Mash Bridges
Mash Bridges - 6 years ago
Why aren’t the betas attacking Each other
irfxn aimxn
irfxn aimxn - 6 years ago
That wild betta
Lachelle9 Brews
Lachelle9 Brews - 6 years ago
name here Samantha the queen!
Lachelle9 Brews
Lachelle9 Brews - 6 years ago
I love betta fish I love bettas I had some for my birthday
Important Person
Important Person - 6 years ago
the fish is a lot in Malaysian
Melony Ullom
Melony Ullom - 6 years ago
We called our giant goldfish big mama.
Melony Ullom
Melony Ullom - 6 years ago
You take very good care of your fish. I rescued a beta fish from Wal-Mart yesterday and he was starving. I was mad at the Wal-Mart staff for not treating the fish right.
lestat - 6 years ago
Don't have quarintine?.... Check it out.
why not
why not - 6 years ago
ember tetras would be cool
why not
why not - 6 years ago
dude, don't worry, guy is gender nutural
I Just Can't Wait 2 Be King
I Just Can't Wait 2 Be King - 6 years ago
if you're wondering why tape is used in packing is so that corners of the bag are closed off so the entire fish bag is rounded and prevents the fish from being trapped in corners during transportation to avoid fatalities if there were to be any bumps during transportation! Although the main issue is why didnt you quarantine that betta fish! even if its from a reputable source thats not an excuse to not quarantine for at least two weeks with daily water changes in the first week and nuking it with intestinal parasite meds!
I Just Can't Wait 2 Be King
I Just Can't Wait 2 Be King - 6 years ago
hey man thanks for replying i truly enjoy your content and you being a young influencer in the hobby is what we all really need! and yes i loved the pun haha! love the enthusiasm! Hope school and everything is going well for you! :) keep up the good work! imma competitive swimmer just like you so KEEP SWIMMIN CHAMP!
tristan3510 - 6 years ago
i can't see the betta
Gamer MXtreme
Gamer MXtreme - 6 years ago
Name her Hela, The Asgardian Goddess of Death
Jovante xHercules
Jovante xHercules - 6 years ago
nice video
Enrique Montanez
Enrique Montanez - 6 years ago
animal stuff
animal stuff - 6 years ago
When I got my bettas they were tiny tiny and now there an inch or two long. I had them for two years
hieu dang
hieu dang - 6 years ago
Quay video mà nói lialiạ cái miệng như cức ệ
Yajaira Mercado
Yajaira Mercado - 6 years ago
Make a video breeding the bettas
Hypester Playz
Hypester Playz - 6 years ago
The only way I’ll subscribe if you get a Flame Angel Fish (salt water) 1-2 of them like if you want me to subscribe lol
Manic Jamieraa
Manic Jamieraa - 6 years ago
how about Maleficent
Warkopp Beettta
Warkopp Beettta - 6 years ago
Good men
Vcent Lee
Vcent Lee - 6 years ago
Remember that Betta Fishes are territory and like to stay certain spot and kinda own it. If another fish or Betta comes around, it kinda chase it away. Just remember to make sure you have a lot of hiding spots for the fishes. Also are you planning on breeding the Bettas? That would quite cool to see and for you. I mean I have seen how Betta process go through already. We Asians love Betta, because there so many different kinda and colors and they in between easy to breed if you have the right tools for them. Keep up the videos my man, James Morelan!!!!
Spirit Maew
Spirit Maew - 6 years ago
Toby smith
Toby smith - 6 years ago
Name Valkyrie or Valk please from Thor
Mohd Shoaib
Mohd Shoaib - 6 years ago
Lodu dikhade
kyleigh Calzadilla
kyleigh Calzadilla - 6 years ago
Kaitlyn Rodriguez
Kaitlyn Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Call her Cersei from game of thrones!!
(Or khaleesi)
Char Char
Char Char - 6 years ago
You should name it Shrek like the character because he is big like the betta.
Worin The Sergal
Worin The Sergal - 6 years ago
You shouldn't actually put betas together no matter the gender as they may not kill each other but can cause a lot of stress
JK Feather Ranch
JK Feather Ranch - 6 years ago
Females do very well in groups the vast majority of the time. I have two tanks with multiple females what have been doing great for months and they are all fine.
Irena Wolfrom
Irena Wolfrom - 6 years ago
Worin The Sergal everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but with all the betta fish in tiny tanks, i believe sororities are the least of fishkeepers problems.
Worin The Sergal
Worin The Sergal - 6 years ago
Just because they don't look stressed doesnt mean there not stressed. There are alot of different ways to tell if a fish is stressed. And jus because they look ok doesn't mean it's right. My opinion is that this is not right. Each female beta should have there own tank.
Irena Wolfrom
Irena Wolfrom - 6 years ago
Worin The Sergal tons of people keep betta sororities successfully, and stress can happen in other fish species as well even when simply introducing fish to a new tank. With bettas you can tell when they are stressed because of stress lines, and as you can see, none of james fish have lines (minus the newest one)
Noah Stout Fish
Noah Stout Fish - 6 years ago
Didn’t see the lines until disappeared
Me Me
Me Me - 6 years ago
What do u use for ur substrate
Ron Gladding
Ron Gladding - 6 years ago
Zenobia: Zenobia was a third-century queen of the Syria-based Palmyrene Empire.
Potato :D
Potato :D - 6 years ago
You aren’t supposed to keep a giant in with normal sized females when doing a sorority, it will be the alpha and will fight with the previous pecking order
lee8830 - 6 years ago
i say spud :)
lee8830 - 6 years ago
1 word quarantine
Semma Bro
Semma Bro - 6 years ago
U shld buy pacus
Cynthia Chetty
Cynthia Chetty - 6 years ago
U are truly the best
Carlos Vallejos
Carlos Vallejos - 6 years ago
I like ur channel, but honestly I think your tanks look gross, heavily plant this tank in order to create more hiding spots, get taller plants because bettas are top and middle water column swimmers


igregmart - 6 years ago
Name her Cersei, as in Cersei Lannister-Game of Thrones
Meister J TV
Meister J TV - 6 years ago
Subscribed bro .
Pedrielin Collado
Pedrielin Collado - 6 years ago
Follow me on Instagram @beast 257
Negative330 - 6 years ago
Gammer Time1812
Gammer Time1812 - 6 years ago
Your the best
Keith's World
Keith's World - 6 years ago
I got a female veiltale betta and I named it Rainveil, how original! :P
Laura wilson
Laura wilson - 6 years ago
Elsa would be a cool name as would Rainbow or Anna
Dee Dee Bullock
Dee Dee Bullock - 6 years ago
you could call her Otrera...who in greek mythology was an Amazon queen and daughter of Eurus.
Maddy C
Maddy C - 6 years ago
For some reason my female beta has looked pregnant for many months now but she has never been with a male beta and I got her as a baby so if any of you know what is up then please tell me!
Maddy C
Maddy C - 6 years ago
I have a female beta bigger than all those betas
Matthew Dacøsta
Matthew Dacøsta - 6 years ago
u should get some julii corydoras. they stay small, and really help keep the bottom cleam
Juan Contreras
Juan Contreras - 6 years ago
Great video man! Keep up the amazing work. can't wait to see the pond.
TheRandom GamerXD
TheRandom GamerXD - 6 years ago
Can u teach us how to breed beta?
Dara's Life
Dara's Life - 6 years ago
"WooOow" -James 2018
ShrimpAnimates Stopmotion
ShrimpAnimates Stopmotion - 6 years ago
Brian Guerrero
Brian Guerrero - 6 years ago
What is the website you buy them in
Junjubes - 6 years ago
man if u hadn't of told me there were lines there, i wouldn't have realised, now i cant unsee it XD, anyways nice vid, was hoping to create a sorority as well after high school after watching your vids, KEEP IT UP!!!
song with tanjil
song with tanjil - 6 years ago
wild bettq fish
Jacob Karlson
Jacob Karlson - 6 years ago
If you’re having problems keeping the tank warm you might need a bigger heater. The other think you can do is move it to the back wall that you just painted black and turn it sideways. That should help evenly distribute the heat.
Hydrodragon28 - 6 years ago
I see your having a bit of algae issues in that tank. I was thinking, if your water is soft enough you could get some amano shrimp to clean it up.
Mad Fish Diva
Mad Fish Diva - 6 years ago
Nice Betta.
Suyesh singh
Suyesh singh - 6 years ago
You need for sub
Suyesh singh
Suyesh singh - 6 years ago
And you deserve it
Shael Soliah
Shael Soliah - 6 years ago
She's so pretty!!!! I'm so happy for you!
Shael Soliah
Shael Soliah - 6 years ago
If you want a powerful queen name you should name her Elizabeth!
Asheeq Martin
Asheeq Martin - 6 years ago
Regina the Evil Queen from the Once upon a time tv series :D
Tobs Dogs
Tobs Dogs - 6 years ago
awsom vid bro!!!!!!
cara k
cara k - 6 years ago
Call her nala
Barry The Koi
Barry The Koi - 6 years ago
Name her Elizabeth
Kei Cookie
Kei Cookie - 6 years ago
Goliath lol
MrChris2Fur - 6 years ago
Name her Khaleesi or Daenerys from Game of Thrones haha
Betta 4 Life
Betta 4 Life - 6 years ago
It’s not a giant, giants are 4-5 inches
ErthFall Horror
ErthFall Horror - 6 years ago
Louise. That's what you said when you first saw her, so maybe that should be her name :)
Segaran Ramalingam
Segaran Ramalingam - 6 years ago
Can name her Sally
Karun Thapa
Karun Thapa - 6 years ago
get corydoras
rrr rrr
rrr rrr - 6 years ago
So cool
teaxstains - 6 years ago
My betta's huge too, only he's a male
Ruby Jones
Ruby Jones - 6 years ago
She’s huge!! Woah!! A good name could be Ursula or Maleficent
N8 the Gr8
N8 the Gr8 - 6 years ago
She's cute! I am setting up a 120 sw tank right now and have been inspired by your videos. Even though you are more toward saltwater. Good luck keeping her!
Yollow Feet
Yollow Feet - 6 years ago
lol im watching this at 11 pm with my leopard gecko
Robinson Wilson
Robinson Wilson - 6 years ago
she is so beautiful
Heath Crowther
Heath Crowther - 6 years ago
Sorry I’m late i didn’t have post notifications on
Heath Crowther
Heath Crowther - 6 years ago
Great video James
FishNerdVlogs - 6 years ago
sweet new betta brother! lol the lines weren't that bad... better than sound being off! I'm always fighting with the audio xD
Keenan Milam
Keenan Milam - 6 years ago
Black widow
Yasmine - 6 years ago
Wow, shes very pretty I might have to see about possibly getting one of those the next time in market for a diffrent betta. For a name suggestion what about Isabella or Isa for short? That was the first name I thought of for her lol.
Nott NKR Kiadtisak
Nott NKR Kiadtisak - 6 years ago
Should not include the same species of fish or other fish.
From Thailand
Malak Ayyad
Malak Ayyad - 6 years ago
Hi James I just wanted to ask how do you stop a leaking 10 gallon tank it would mean a lot to me if you give me a suggestion about this problem and I love your vids #challenger and #Jfam
Julie Pedersen
Julie Pedersen - 6 years ago
That’s an awesome tank I’m sure they love it!
Laurel Wheaton
Laurel Wheaton - 6 years ago
Name her Brienne of tarth
I am bored
I am bored - 6 years ago
Get dwarf Sag or narrow leaf chain swords
Isabella Churchill
Isabella Churchill - 6 years ago
Name her lamp

Just because
Assist Aquatic
Assist Aquatic - 6 years ago
Name her Maleficent!
Fred Espinosa
Fred Espinosa - 6 years ago
I didn't go to school for Thursday and Friday(which is today) cause #redfored.
me - 6 years ago
Aye 200th like
I am bored
I am bored - 6 years ago
Do you even lift bro
WOLEM - 6 years ago
You could call her Goliath, but that’s just an option
ashleyiscuteaf - 6 years ago
She’s so precious:’)
Ulises Ibarra
Ulises Ibarra - 6 years ago
Queen Ursula
Joseph Grove
Joseph Grove - 6 years ago
Call it queen Elizabeth
The_Savge_Haker - 6 years ago
Koi Betta FinAddicts
Koi Betta FinAddicts - 6 years ago
Nice tank brother grab a female for you sorority from me in the next month or so ill send it free if you do a unboxing if it on your channel? LMK brother im ROB from koi betta finaddicts. Keep it up brother! Got about 100+ fancy galaxy yellow koi bettas.
k sung
k sung - 6 years ago
Pecking order
G Tristan
G Tristan - 6 years ago
Name it bean
Elena Rivera
Elena Rivera - 6 years ago
Name her cleopatra :)
IHas_ Gamers
IHas_ Gamers - 6 years ago
Were you in a paintball fight??XD
Jay gamble
Jay gamble - 6 years ago
Betta hierarchy! Name her fiona after shreks big girlfreind or ursela after lil mermaid
Ruben Salazar
Ruben Salazar - 6 years ago
Omg I want one for my betta tank!! It's so cool!
Blaster •
Blaster • - 6 years ago
It's... It's... So Pretty!
Galaxy/ fishing
Galaxy/ fishing - 6 years ago
You inspired me to get my own betta fish so I have one and I named it Wild
Llama Boy
Llama Boy - 6 years ago
Name her Morgana (More-gah-nah). I got this name from a British TV series called Merlin. You can find it on Netflix (I 100% recommend it). The reason I chose this name was because Morgana on the series is stunning. However, looks can be deceiving, as she is full of anger and hatred. And this betta is looks amazing and they are known to be aggressive.
Tanner M
Tanner M - 6 years ago
You remind me of myself when I was your age. I had 10 - 50 gallons and I had to have every fish I could get my hands on. Now I just have a 150 gallon discus tank and a 50 gallon angel tank.
Mika Chan
Mika Chan - 6 years ago
I’ve had a halfmoon male betta for a year he is huge
DH Aquatics
DH Aquatics - 6 years ago
That betta is "Yuge!" Is it a king betta? The sorority looks great!
Madame Queens Pets
Madame Queens Pets - 6 years ago
You should get a koi betta
Xander - 6 years ago
Glad I never had to see the lines, #laptoplife
Junior B
Junior B - 6 years ago
Call her queen Elizabeth
Scaredbyeagle Z
Scaredbyeagle Z - 6 years ago
Queen Elizabeth
The Jeffrey 27
The Jeffrey 27 - 6 years ago
Try axolotls, they’re awesome and ima try to start a channel but it’s kinda hard I don’t have a good camera microphone or many tanks
Joshua SYMINGTON - 6 years ago
Great video dude. You should experiment with creating betta harems (1 male, multiple females). I have one betta harem going on right now (one crowntail male, 3 crowntail females, 1 halfmoon female and 1 double tail female). Im planning on uploading a video on creating betta harems, but here is a tip and some facts. Its good to get a peaceful male like my male is, as long as his fins make him look bigger than the females he's good, with females its good to get similarly sized females along with some smaller ones, this simulates what happens in the wild where a male betta would have a territory with a harem of females. You might even get some breeding going on, though that would be rare
Brian Zavala
Brian Zavala - 6 years ago
Hey I followed you on instagram
Pedi C
Pedi C - 6 years ago
I don't like female bettas
Antara Guha
Antara Guha - 6 years ago
Oliver Corrne
Oliver Corrne - 6 years ago
52d comment
Kenneth Ansell
Kenneth Ansell - 6 years ago
Keep up the great videos, you were the one that inspired me to get a better myself, thanks for the info about fish it has helped me!
Kenneth Ansell
Kenneth Ansell - 6 years ago
Call her Hela from thor!
sugarlegs cc
sugarlegs cc - 6 years ago
so cute!!!
Jenni __
Jenni __ - 6 years ago
Name her Kratos, from God of War. CUz why not shes red
Jenni __
Jenni __ - 6 years ago
MC. CİGULİ - 6 years ago
Jenni __ Boy,
black and blue 12
black and blue 12 - 6 years ago
I got a crowntail Betta
Bob Caylor's Fish Hobby
Bob Caylor's Fish Hobby - 6 years ago
Silver Tip Tetras, six or more, would be awesome in that tank. Muted strong colors which would showcase the girl's colors. (Neon colors overcome the Betta colors). When you talked about the noob's size and who would be queen of the tank, I thought "Virgin Queen" is a perfect name for her. Google if you don't know the back story...Great video. Thanks!
Ankiino - 6 years ago
I saw a MASSIVE King Betta today at my local PetCo, and it was so sad to see it in those tiny containers, but i got new gouramis and ghost shrimp!
Also i was looking at your instagram, you used to look so different!
RIGO BARRON - 6 years ago
i used to have the same betta fish, i got it from a petstore for $2 and it lived, but i had to give it away to a friend because we were moving stuff around my house and had no place to keep at. BTW her name was Dorothy
Lucas Hopkins
Lucas Hopkins - 6 years ago
Keep an eye on the new beta but I wouldn’t be to worried about them fighting to much. There’s always gonna be fighting when a new fish is introduced they just gotta figure out who’s dominate. Also thanks for the follow on Instagram!
Duckzter 101
Duckzter 101 - 6 years ago
I want to get live plants ! Should I use gravel or sand??!
V Q - 6 years ago
You should name her Rani which means queen in Sanskrit it makes sense and it's unique too
Neu Dii
Neu Dii - 6 years ago
ill steal this name.
Duckzter 101
Duckzter 101 - 6 years ago
Yaaass here before 200!!! Sorry im late how was school dude
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Ayy np i understand lol :D
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
PrimalJay - 6 years ago
Connor Schmidt
Connor Schmidt - 6 years ago
Dude yes u did spoil look at 8:01-8:03
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
i didnt spoil this omgg
Reptiles Rock
Reptiles Rock - 6 years ago
7:52 pecking order is what you would call it.
Loud and Clear
Loud and Clear - 6 years ago
Nice!! U r dope
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Thanks so much :D I love her she is so cool!!
Reptiles Rock
Reptiles Rock - 6 years ago
Hey! I used to have a giant betta!
Melony Ullom
Melony Ullom - 6 years ago
I keep my beta fish in separate tanks to avoid fights. Only experienced people like this guy should house beta together in the same tank. I have a white delta beta and a gray crowntail beta.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
I love her she is so awesome
Rodents&Roshes - 6 years ago
YESSS! So early! I literally just uploaded on my channel to!!! Lol
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Omg parrot fish are awesome
Storm - 6 years ago
I got 2 flame guromies do you know any tank mates I could put with them?
Mitchell Rosa
Mitchell Rosa - 6 years ago
Is it a dwarf guromie
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Hmm I heard they can sometimes be aggressive look up and see if guppies can be with them
V Q - 6 years ago
1st comment love from India ,❤️
Jacob's fish care
Jacob's fish care - 6 years ago
Cool I got two Betta Fish
Jacob's fish care
Jacob's fish care - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild me too
Lance Steelflex
Lance Steelflex - 6 years ago
Lance Steelflex
Lance Steelflex - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
Logan Gawler
Logan Gawler - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
You are!!

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