UNBOXING Tetra Bubbling LED 3 Gallon Halfmoon Aquarium

Unboxing of my new Tetra Bubbling LED 3 Gallon Halfmoon Aquarium kit. I bought this tank for my female betta Journey, because she lived in a one gallon standard glass fishbowl and I thought she deserved something bigger and better. :) This tank was $32 CAD. It was purchased from Walmart, and includes: -Filter -Tank (Plastic) -Lid w/ Feeding Hole (Plastic) -LED Rainbow Bubbling Airstone -Flake Food -Water Conditioner -Instruction Manual Although it does not come with a heater, it is recommended you buy one separately as this tank is best suitable for bettas only and bettas generally require heaters. I am currently using the National Geographic 10w Submersible. Thanks for Watching! If you have this tank, let me know your thoughts and experiences with it in the comments below! :) Intro Music Credit to Bensound.com. Other Audio from YT Audio Library.

UNBOXING Tetra Bubbling LED 3 Gallon Halfmoon Aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 6

Betta 8 years ago 14,277 views

Unboxing of my new Tetra Bubbling LED 3 Gallon Halfmoon Aquarium kit. I bought this tank for my female betta Journey, because she lived in a one gallon standard glass fishbowl and I thought she deserved something bigger and better. :) This tank was $32 CAD. It was purchased from Walmart, and includes: -Filter -Tank (Plastic) -Lid w/ Feeding Hole (Plastic) -LED Rainbow Bubbling Airstone -Flake Food -Water Conditioner -Instruction Manual Although it does not come with a heater, it is recommended you buy one separately as this tank is best suitable for bettas only and bettas generally require heaters. I am currently using the National Geographic 10w Submersible. Thanks for Watching! If you have this tank, let me know your thoughts and experiences with it in the comments below! :) Intro Music Credit to Bensound.com. Other Audio from YT Audio Library.

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Most popular comments
for UNBOXING Tetra Bubbling LED 3 Gallon Halfmoon Aquarium

summer bodam
summer bodam - 7 years ago
I got this tank last night and i put my blue veiltail betta in the tank and he likes it,I put the bubbles super low cause he gets a little scared if its all the way up i see him now and he's super happy. I had him in a glass bowl and im like i need a new fish tank and i got this tank at walmart and its good! He's so happy i got him at petco and he was in a tiny cup half way it was so sad;-; now he has a amazing home.
Kilm - 7 years ago
This is abuse. A betta needs atleast a minimum of 10 galloms and a sponge filter so the water is more calm. It is literally 10 dollars at the 1 dollar per gallon event at petco.
1. Bigger tank means less diseases due to larger area for water to flow.
2. They need more SPACE! They get stressed out very easily, and can even get depressed.

Please, don't abuse animals
Kilm - 7 years ago
In Germany, the minimum tank size for any fish is 15 gallons. In america, the gallon size is out dated. I am not sure where you live, but it 2.5g is also the out dated version for america. Therefore, 10g is MINIMUM for any a betta if you want to keep healthy. I had no knowledge of you having a twenty gallon, but please do not spread false rumors on how a puddle is good for a betta fish.

Thank you :)
BetterBetta - 7 years ago
+Kilm I have NEVER heard ten gallons as a minimum. The minimum among most fishkeepers is 2.5, and I tend to side with the majority when it comes to keeping my fish healthy and safe. Secondly, I am not American. There are no PetCos in my entire country. If I could not financially afford my pet's necessities, I would not have a pet. Before insulting someone of animal cruelty, maybe make sure the video you are watching is recent- so you do not end up accusing someone of animal cruelty who literally in their most recent video explains that the only betta I own is in a TWENTY gallon tank she shares with only 6 guppies. While I think calling someone out for that is absurd, the authorities can freely charge me if I practice animal cruelty, but thanks for your concern.
Blue Bruh
Blue Bruh - 7 years ago
If you empty all fish from oceans and put three neon tetras people will say its overcrowded or that tetras need much more space
Cristian Suis
Cristian Suis - 7 years ago
Beautiful bettas!!!!
roy marquez
roy marquez - 7 years ago
Where you buy the tank because I look it and Walmart I can't not found it.
PetzoticsExtreme - 7 years ago
roy marquez look on Amazon it's at an amazing price
Rafael Gomez
Rafael Gomez - 7 years ago
A fish lover and gorgeous.......... I think I'm in luv!!!!! Great videos
Gyzmo´s Fishing Adventures
Gyzmo´s Fishing Adventures - 7 years ago
does the tank comes with a LED lamp? i mean one that actually illuminates the tank, not only decorative
BetterBetta - 7 years ago
The only light it comes with is the rainbow LED decorative one. It's not the brightest, it's just for appearance- I would definitely suggest getting a LED lamp separately if you were to use it for live plants, etc.
Jazmin Bretado
Jazmin Bretado - 7 years ago
I use to have one similar to this one. It is a pretty good tank.
Pete Wentz Where
Pete Wentz Where - 8 years ago
I want one of these and I have 3 bettas at the moment and if I get one of these I would put neon tetras in it
Bree Fenton
Bree Fenton - 7 years ago
Pete Wentz Where This tank isn't big enough for much more than a single zebra snail. Or an aquatic frog, IF enough hiding spots are available without over cluttering the tank size, and if your Betta isn't a complete aggressive douche.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Beebo Urie It's a nice tank, my betta likes how I've got it set up. I think it's a little small for neons though, they like to school and are very active and this tank wouldn't suit their needs- they actually are best in a 10+ gallon tank. You wouldn't think that they'd need a bigger tank because they are smaller than a betta, but it's true :)

10. comment for UNBOXING Tetra Bubbling LED 3 Gallon Halfmoon Aquarium

Glitter Bettas
Glitter Bettas - 8 years ago
Is it normal when bettas lay on top of your thermometer as a resting place my does that but not always
I’d rather not XD
I’d rather not XD - 7 years ago
Maybe put the leaf next to the thermometer
Alex Jonsson
Alex Jonsson - 7 years ago
My fish does that too i call it my fish's girlfriend
Kyrie - 8 years ago
Flower purple msp same here
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Flower purple msp Well, bettas are quirky sometimes! Haha
Glitter Bettas
Glitter Bettas - 8 years ago
I hav the lead but it prefers the thermonter
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Bettas will lie on anything they can when they want to rest, it's perfectly normal and perfectly safe :) You could always buy him a zoo med betta leaf hammock or floating log if you don't want him lying on it, but there is no harm in what he is doing :)
Dragon Sin
Dragon Sin - 8 years ago
Cool tank
Galaxy Twinkle Star
Galaxy Twinkle Star - 8 years ago
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Hi :)
MyView 10.75.69
MyView 10.75.69 - 8 years ago
that fish is going to be one happy camper in that big ole tank.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+MyView 10.75.69 She sure is! :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+MyView 10.75.69 She sure is! :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+MyView 10.75.69 She sure is! :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+MyView 10.75.69 She sure is! :)
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
Wow your Betta will be super happy in her bigger tank. I have 32g with 1 male beta, guppies, neon tetras, Cory, sword long tail and shrimp.
Linn Andersson
Linn Andersson - 8 years ago
I'm so jelly. Tanks that are more than 2.5 gallons cost at least 100 dollars. So upsetting for a fish keeper lol
Kilm - 7 years ago
No. 10 gallons are 10 dollars at petco. The only fish you can keep in a 10 gallon is a betta. No tank lower than 10 gallons can hold a fish. :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
It's definitely one of the more expensive hobbies :(
Frenchie Nintendogs
Frenchie Nintendogs - 8 years ago
Plz I need help! I cared for my fish so much and did everything the pet store said and they died a few weeks later! I loved my fish with all my heart! I loved my Dalmatian mollies Dottie, Elijah, Spot, and my betta Neko with all my heart! My mom doesn't trust me anymore! ;( What should I do please reply asap ;( I'm thinking about getting GloFish, are they good too?!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta Sorry* Your* Lots of Research* Autocorrect is not my friend today.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Frenchie Nintendogs Srry for the late reply. I am so sorry to hear about yur fish! It hurts so much to lose a pet you love, no matter what species. What kind of tank were they in? I agree with Shreejit, sometimes the pet stores will push small, unheated tanks for bettas when they aren't the ideal option. However, sometimes fish can and do get sick, no matter how much we fight for them. Do lotsmofmresearch and present it to your mom to try to regain her trust. I'd also suggest visiting the Betta Fish and Betta Fish Care forum - the users on there have helped me so much, and they may be able to help you too. They may be a betta forum, but most users have experienced with all types of fish. Good luck!
Sre_ Rich
Sre_ Rich - 8 years ago
+Frenchie Nintendogs so did you get fish yet
Frenchie Nintendogs
Frenchie Nintendogs - 8 years ago
+Shreejit Ri thanks
Sre_ Rich
Sre_ Rich - 8 years ago
pet shop employee dont know much do your research and what size tank you had and did you have filter heater that kinda basic stuff.as I kid I use to love fish and I relly had good luck with rosy red minnow in 5 gallon filter tank so try it out
You Jerry
You Jerry - 8 years ago
Bettas hate moving water and usually die of stress in it. And why such a small tank? I would suggest a five gallon minimum. Bettas come from rice patties somewheir in Russia and rice patties are pretty big. Just because a animal can survive in harsh conditions doesn't mean they should live in them.
Insainseniper - 7 years ago
They don't from Russia. They come from some part in Thailand or the south eastern part of Asia
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Awesome :)
You Jerry
You Jerry - 8 years ago
Off to join the fourm then
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
People can do what is best for their individual fish's personalitites. If your betta(s) hate it, then don't use a filter, skip the air stone, and clean your tank more often to 'make up' for the filter. Journey loves her bubbles though. She looks like she HATES when I have them off :p My bettas are weird, they also have never jumped and people constantly say "all bettas are jumpers" and share their horror stories. Bettas jump (more often than not, but not always, of course) because they want out of their tank. If she hated her tank, I'd assume she'd try to get out. :) Their are rare cases in everything. :) Most people swear to filters and would consider it mistreatment to not have it. You seem to think water movement of a filter or stone is cruel. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion- have you even been on the Betta Fish and Betta Fish Care Forum? There is no two members with the same opinion on what their bettas love and hate. If you're not a member, I'd suggest becoming one. It's a great and helpful forum, I'd recommend it to any betta keeper.
You Jerry
You Jerry - 8 years ago
And the biggest myth of the fishkeeping world was just repeated... Some bettas do enjoy moving water yes but most HATE it.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
*having, not haunt. Oops :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Hi! Thanks for your comment. Actually, bettas come from Thailand, not Russia. The rice paddies are very long and shallow, but the droughts that leave bettas in small puddles are what lead the misconception that bettas can live in gallon and under tanks. The accepted minimum among most owners is 2.5 gallons, although it is a inconclusive debate. This is a 3 gallon, and my two males are in 5 gallons. It gives her plenty of room to swim and when I test their water parameters weekly, the ammonia is always 0ppm, so safe on that end, too. As far as the moving water bit, filters are required but can be baffled to lesson flow. Hers is on the lowest setting while still being functional :) The bubble air stone is on a low setting. It can be turned completely off, but she actually loves them, she intentionally swims right into them if I turn them up. They dont hate moving water, the key is haunt it low enough because betta's fins aren't the fastest or strongest. I keep a good eye on them to see how they swim, and they are doing wonderfully! Thanks for your concern!
Pedro Ramos
Pedro Ramos - 8 years ago
This tank looks so cool !
Pedro Ramos
Pedro Ramos - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta Awe ): you'll learn (: Haha i used to film videos and they would end up being 15-20 min cause I talk so much xD & I'll be expecting those
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Everything Aquatics Thank you! I unfortunately didn't film setting up my tanks because it was my first time ever doing it and it took a lot longer than it really should :p I do have a video of me introducing my bettas into the tank, and also a tank tour once its all set up, though :)
Pedro Ramos
Pedro Ramos - 8 years ago
will there be a setting up video ?
JC Fish Family
JC Fish Family - 8 years ago
Mine came with a different LED and it doesn't sink so that was pretty annoying.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+JC Fish Family That is too bad :/ I wonder if all the tanks with that LED stone were like that. She does like her home a lot :)
JC Fish Family
JC Fish Family - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta I did try burying it but it just would slant and knock them off :/ Thank you though :D Hope Journey loves her new home!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+JC Fish Family I really like it too. I piled a lot of rocks on and around the base of the LED before even putting water in the tank, so I'm not sure if mine would float up without them there, but if you have not tried burying it, I'd give that a try :) It stays put with the rocks on top :)

20. comment for UNBOXING Tetra Bubbling LED 3 Gallon Halfmoon Aquarium

JC Fish Family
JC Fish Family - 8 years ago
Awesome tank, I love that one :D
Brooky-Lynn - 8 years ago
That tank is so cool!! Can't wait to see more videos!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Brooky-Lynn Thank you! :)
TheDollCorner - 8 years ago
Love the new tank! Your fish are gonna love it(:
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+BettaBound They really do!
BlueRiolu - 8 years ago
I love your voice :P :)
ultrakool - 8 years ago
gee, wish I coulda heard it over the kenny g
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
Agree. I saw her first video not seeing her only I am hearing her voice, and she so pretty too.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+BlueRiolu Thank you :)
BlueRiolu - 8 years ago
Blazing Bettas
Blazing Bettas - 8 years ago
wow that tank is so cool! I love it
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Blazing Bettas :)
HeyitsMax - 8 years ago
Yes first comment
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+HeyitsMax Thank you so much! :)
Paris Jean
Paris Jean - 8 years ago
Omg yay first comment and I love the tank. Do u think I could keep 4 guppies in a 3 gallon kit like that? Love the video
Paris Jean
Paris Jean - 8 years ago
+DerpyDino funny u said that because i now have 2 guppies in this same tank, they are rescues and couldnt be more happy
DerpyDino - 8 years ago
well what i did was i had 2 guppies in this tank but still this is a little too small
Sre_ Rich
Sre_ Rich - 8 years ago
5 gallon Is smallest I would go for 2 female guppi
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+ParisJean Yay :) Thank you! Unfortunately I would say this tank is too small for 4 guppies, I personally would make 5 gallons the minimum for any fish besides a betta. I have heard people say 10 gallons is the minimum for guppies, too, but it's all subjective as to whether 5 or 10 or larger are the minimums. :)

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