UPGRADED TANK // New Betta Tank Set Up

Wanna support my animals and the content I create? BECOME A PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/BrianaB Upgraded my betta fish Herbert from a 2.5 gallon into a new 5 gallon tank! I really really liked the way this set up turned out and I hope you do too! Hope you guys enjoy!! :) Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE! Follow me on social media: Instagram: brianacb7 Snapchat: bbsurfbum Background Music: Smells Like Summer (Original Mix) by Del https://soundcloud.com/del-sound Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/Zyi9QUB-fyo Sthlm Sunset Sthlm Sunset by Ehrling: https://soundcloud.com/ehrling Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/5ptXIfhUrTA Thanks so much for watching! :)

UPGRADED TANK // New Betta Tank Set Up sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7

Betta 7 years ago 8,696 views

Wanna support my animals and the content I create? BECOME A PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/BrianaB Upgraded my betta fish Herbert from a 2.5 gallon into a new 5 gallon tank! I really really liked the way this set up turned out and I hope you do too! Hope you guys enjoy!! :) Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE! Follow me on social media: Instagram: brianacb7 Snapchat: bbsurfbum Background Music: Smells Like Summer (Original Mix) by Del https://soundcloud.com/del-sound Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/Zyi9QUB-fyo Sthlm Sunset Sthlm Sunset by Ehrling: https://soundcloud.com/ehrling Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/5ptXIfhUrTA Thanks so much for watching! :)

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Most popular comments
for UPGRADED TANK // New Betta Tank Set Up

DarkBacon567 - 6 years ago
Though that Cory catfish need to be in groups they are schooling fish and very social and they also need at least 10 gallons of water but nice tank
DarkBacon567 - 6 years ago
Briana B ohh nice
Briana B
Briana B - 6 years ago
DarkBacon567 I actually have this betta and those two corys along with a new little Cory in a 10gallon now:)
DarkBacon567 - 6 years ago
This is like the first person I’ve seen to use real plants with their Betta fish THANK YOU
Corey matrix lewis
Corey matrix lewis - 7 years ago
List You've done wrong: No heater, one corydora on it's own (Juli cory is the name)
brooke n
brooke n - 7 years ago
Hey Briana, my betta passed away, so i purchased a new fish a couple weeks later! He seems to be perfectly healthy, very very active but doesn't seem to want to eat, i will drop 3-4 pellets in but he ignores them! How can i help this??
Catfsihnig - 7 years ago
very nice aquarium
TopHat GuineaPig
TopHat GuineaPig - 7 years ago
Did you even acclimate the betta??
narutoblader2 - 7 years ago
Nice jugs!!!
Kiera Kittie
Kiera Kittie - 7 years ago
snails don't usually harm live plants, when you first put live plants into a new tank, it is perfectly natural that they start to shed their leaves. They will go clear/see-through and die off as the plant adjusts to the new water parameters. Keep an eye for new growth. As long as you see new leaves growing, your plant will be fine.
ILikeHenny - 7 years ago
Where did u get the tank
ILikeHenny - 7 years ago
Briana B Thank you :)
Briana B
Briana B - 7 years ago
I got it from Petco

10. comment for UPGRADED TANK // New Betta Tank Set Up

Taurusthebull8 - 7 years ago
She did make few mistakes...BUT..it's ok because she's HOT!!
Chocotaw - 7 years ago
That cory isnt happy , he needs 3 more friends at least to be happy, they live in groups and should be kept in groups of 4-5 at least.
Briana B
Briana B - 7 years ago
He is with another catfish and will be getting two more friends when I move them into a 20G. He actually is very happy but thanks.
Faith Girl
Faith Girl - 7 years ago
Your tank is gorgeous! But aren't catfish schooling fish and supposed to have a 10 gallon min.? :) But nice setup!
Faith Girl
Faith Girl - 7 years ago
Oh, that's good! :) subbing!
Briana B
Briana B - 7 years ago
Faith Girl thank you!:) and yes they are! I am going to actually be moving them into a 20G and I'll be getting two more catfish to make a school!
PsychoticKnows - 7 years ago
Aren’t Cory catfish schooling fish
PsychoticKnows - 7 years ago
Briana B yeah I have 4 right now in a 5 gallon they’re babies then I gotta put them in my 10 gallon
Briana B
Briana B - 7 years ago
PsychoticKnows they are! I currently have two corys together and will be getting more soon for a bigger school when I move them into my 20G tank!
Yuli de Michoacan
Yuli de Michoacan - 7 years ago
I love your tank;)
Fionaclark1092 Clark
Fionaclark1092 Clark - 7 years ago
Lovely tank,Herbert and tankmates look happy,well done,I get hikari Betta food for our Sammy.xx
Aaron Lewis
Aaron Lewis - 7 years ago
Nioce tank that you got for your fish, how old is your better fish? He looks stunning!
Finn Bal'or
Finn Bal'or - 7 years ago
When ariana grande have a betta fish
Denise Camareno
Denise Camareno - 7 years ago
Pebbles is so excited. I plan on getting one just like that hope mine is as friendly as yours.. Too cute
Hannah The Banana
Hannah The Banana - 7 years ago
Pebbles is sooooo cute!

20. comment for UPGRADED TANK // New Betta Tank Set Up

Ernest Aquatics
Ernest Aquatics - 7 years ago
Great update!
The new tank looks great!
Kripke The Chameleon & Friends
Kripke The Chameleon & Friends - 7 years ago
Nice overall channel. Kripke sends his regards. We'll show some PetTuberLove and Subscribe # 1,372. Feel free to check us out sometime
I love hamsters 100
I love hamsters 100 - 7 years ago
You also didn't cycle the tAnk.
303 Bassin
303 Bassin - 7 years ago
didddzzz bruh if your ammonia is at 0, nitrite at 0 and nitrate at less than 10 or 20 ppm then bruh u have a cycled tank. Adding bacteria to that size tank can cycle it in 3 days. I cycled my 36 gallon in 6 days
didddzzz - 7 years ago
303 Bassin loool ok mate shows what you know.....m
303 Bassin
303 Bassin - 7 years ago
didddzzz if she tested the water and everything was good, that actually is a cycle
Briana B
Briana B - 7 years ago
I did cycle the tank. I added good bacteria and also left it cycling for 3 days before putting Herbert in. I said it in the video.
I love hamsters 100
I love hamsters 100 - 7 years ago
At 1:29 is that a critter trail cage????!!!!!! I thought she was experiAnced with animals.
Briana B
Briana B - 7 years ago
It was a holding cage while I got her new cage ready for her. That video on her cage upgrade is up now if you were interested in seeing the big new cage!
shayna cope
shayna cope - 7 years ago
Your setup is really good looking and your dog is so cute
Briana B
Briana B - 7 years ago
Thanks so much!:)
Aliyah Gaines
Aliyah Gaines - 7 years ago
You didn't let him acclimate ☹️
Ashley Strickland
Ashley Strickland - 7 years ago
Love your channel I subscribed
Briana B
Briana B - 7 years ago
Ashley Strickland thanks so much!:)
Brittany - 7 years ago
Going to sound like a broken record but your cory catfish need 5 more friends and a much bigger tank. He may look fine in that tank but once you put 6 or more in a 30 or 40 gallon its amazing to watch how they act. Do you know about the Nitrogen Cycle? If not a amazing forum to learn from is fishlore.com. Saw you had a albino cory cat in your other betta tank in your older video not sure if you noticed but his fins are bit off. What he has in that video are just his spikes where his fins should also be.
Briana B
Briana B - 7 years ago
Brittany Haha good to know! Thank you!:)
Brittany - 7 years ago
Briana B That's awesome to hear! :) So glad! Your 5 gallon is perfect just need a heater unless your house makes your tank stay at 78 to 80 degrees and the Cory cats need those things. Btw yard sales and thrift stores are your best bet for tanks. My only tanks I've ever bought from a store is a 30 gallon bowfront and a 5 gallon. Rest were from yard sales. Otherwise I'd be broke from tanks. Lol
Briana B
Briana B - 7 years ago
Brittany I do know about the nitrogen cycle. Also I moved the albino in with my spotted Cory in the five gallon and his fins have completely regrow along with him getting a lot bigger! Both my cory cats will be moving into a 20G soon and I will be getting them some more buddies along with some schooling fish! Thanks for the advice!:)
Amber Oscar
Amber Oscar - 7 years ago
Corys belong in a 10 gallon or bigger. They're schooling fish so he needs 3-4 friends. Also corys and bettas are both tropical so you have to buy a heater.
I'm not trying to be rude but so much is wrong with this. Please do research before you buy a pet!
Maci Wyan
Maci Wyan - 7 years ago
Post more videos!!
Maci Wyan
Maci Wyan - 7 years ago
Briana B noooooooooo I hope your computer works!
Briana B
Briana B - 7 years ago
Well thank you so much!:) I actually have a little bad news.. my computer is not letting me export my video to YouTube so I need to get a new hard drive first and then hopefully it will corporate! The video will be up this week but not today sadly :(
Maci Wyan
Maci Wyan - 7 years ago
Your welcome I just REALLY love your account and I hope it goes somewhere!!

30. comment for UPGRADED TANK // New Betta Tank Set Up

nicodabastard - 7 years ago
Brianna is freaking gorgeous!
coconutbead - 7 years ago
pebbles is so cute!also love her tank :))
Briana B
Briana B - 7 years ago
Thank you!!:)
Kaylee Todd
Kaylee Todd - 7 years ago
Yes, girl!! I love Herbert's new setup! Oddly, I find watching you clean out the tanks and set them up very calming, almost like some sort of ASMR stimming thing lmao. I'm excited to see the new hampster setup and Mowgli is SO CUTE I'M GONNA CRY.
Briana B
Briana B - 7 years ago
Kaylee Todd Thank you so much! And same I love watching tank set ups and cleaning videos super relaxing! Video on my little fat boy Mowgli will be up this Friday! Thanks again!☺️
Amelia's Menagerie
Amelia's Menagerie - 7 years ago
Looks nice! However, I did want to point out that corydoras are supposed to have a minimum of 10 gallons, and at least two friends as they are schooling fish. Honestly, I think it would be more important to get him some friends that move the tank size up for now, but they are schooling fish and can get legitimate fish depression (haha it is in fact a thing) when they don't have friends.
Briana B
Briana B - 7 years ago
Amelia's Menagerie I honestly think so too! I added Casper my albino cat with Pebbles in the 5 gallon and they are always together playing and eating haha thanks so much for the recommendation!:)
Amelia's Menagerie
Amelia's Menagerie - 7 years ago
that sounds good :) yeah, I have heard mixed things with whether they need to school or not, but I think it is much better for them to have a friend if at all possible :D
Briana B
Briana B - 7 years ago
Amelia's Menagerie I was really thinking of moving my albino cat in with him from my other tank.. I will definitely do that now! I do know about how certain fish need a school and die from stress and or depression... thanks for the suggestion!:)
Gonçalo's Pets
Gonçalo's Pets - 7 years ago
Looks really nice! But when are you getting a bigger cage for your hammie? Xx
Briana B
Briana B - 7 years ago
ThePetCrazy I said it at the end of this video.... I have her in a massive cage now video will be up soon!
salma jannet aguilar
salma jannet aguilar - 7 years ago
The tank came out really nice Herbert look really happy :)
Briana B
Briana B - 7 years ago
Thank you! He is a big happy boy ^_^

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