Transferring the Halfmoon Female Better Fish to her NEW Filtrated, LED Light Changing Aquarium! Thank you guys for the advice last video, go to that video (linked below) and comment a name for this BETTA! Name the Betta HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VNJEE0FlS0&t=434s PC MERCH AVAILABLE HERE: https://paulcuffarobrand.com Clothing Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paulcuffarobrand/ Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paulcuffaro/ SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKFtfFitaK83yBc0rlg9m1A?view_as=subscriber Camera Gear: Canon G7x Mark ii Thanks for Watching! Like, Share, and SUBSCRIBE for more videos!

UPGRADING BETTA FISH to BIGGER AQUARIUM! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 191

Betta 7 years ago 174,230 views

Transferring the Halfmoon Female Better Fish to her NEW Filtrated, LED Light Changing Aquarium! Thank you guys for the advice last video, go to that video (linked below) and comment a name for this BETTA! Name the Betta HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VNJEE0FlS0&t=434s PC MERCH AVAILABLE HERE: https://paulcuffarobrand.com Clothing Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paulcuffarobrand/ Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paulcuffaro/ SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKFtfFitaK83yBc0rlg9m1A?view_as=subscriber Camera Gear: Canon G7x Mark ii Thanks for Watching! Like, Share, and SUBSCRIBE for more videos!

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Most popular comments

SAC_1104 - 6 years ago
needs at least a 2.5 gal... but at least it's an upgrade
ralphonzo drawls
ralphonzo drawls - 6 years ago
Please learn about your animals. Thank you.
Super gamer
Super gamer - 6 years ago
seeon is the best name
Laila Perry
Laila Perry - 6 years ago
Luna should have at least a 2.5 gallon tank
AquaticDerps Yt
AquaticDerps Yt - 6 years ago
Look at the top of his head!

No hate I'm subscribed and notified
Jessica Obes
Jessica Obes - 6 years ago
Just got a 5g tank for betta that is to small
Matt North
Matt North - 6 years ago
You should name your Betta fish Luna
Evan Simpson
Evan Simpson - 6 years ago
Your so nice Paul well done I’m so proud of you I am 11 and I have 160 gallon tank it’s all African siclads
Lara Malin ( Student )
Lara Malin ( Student ) - 6 years ago
She’s beautiful


DA BOI - 6 years ago
You need a two gallon aquarium... lol
Kerri Gorman
Kerri Gorman - 6 years ago
Get a fish and plz your fav one tho so plz can get a snake or koi Paul and ypur jake Paul
I_bombhills - 6 years ago
Damn he’s come a long way in a short amount of time
Katerrious Carson
Katerrious Carson - 6 years ago
Ricky Lopez
Ricky Lopez - 6 years ago
Her awesome name should be flower
John Conkwright
John Conkwright - 6 years ago
My betta keeps eating my frogs food so i switched tanks. I almost bought that same 1.6 tank :)
Grace Sterling
Grace Sterling - 6 years ago
You need 2.5 gallons at least with a filter AND a heater unless your house is around 85 degrees at all times
Grace Sterling
Grace Sterling - 6 years ago
Also plants like that can rip the bettas fins
James the Slytherin
James the Slytherin - 6 years ago
is a 13 litter ok for a betta?
zara sears
zara sears - 6 years ago
Still to small but at least there is a filter
Andy Xu
Andy Xu - 6 years ago


Wendy Sanford
Wendy Sanford - 6 years ago
Hey Paul what part of New York are u from?
Polesňák adam
Polesňák adam - 6 years ago
How are you old???
Julie Cozine
Julie Cozine - 6 years ago
bettas actually prefer food pelets not flakes i would get her pelets they are easier to eat and she will grow much more and the tank will fit her better
Destiny Jimenez
Destiny Jimenez - 6 years ago
buy them all
Snow Flake
Snow Flake - 6 years ago
I have 3 female beta in that same tank
Ava Nordhagen
Ava Nordhagen - 6 years ago
1.6 is too small! bettas need 2.5 gallons at least but 5 is even better. You also need a heater.
Ava Nordhagen
Ava Nordhagen - 6 years ago
I live in Canada and it is regularly -25 degrees celcius ( -13 degrees Farenheit )
Zelda makes slime squish and aj Lol
Zelda makes slime squish and aj Lol - 6 years ago
pls stop calling her a boy
Jimmy Lindsay
Jimmy Lindsay - 6 years ago
Huehue Beep
Huehue Beep - 6 years ago
did u add conditioner


alfredo gaming.roblox and more
alfredo gaming.roblox and more - 6 years ago
begginer keepers says you need 14235344 gallon and need heater and filter to house a betta fish in thailand,vietnam and phillipines they kept in a jars but they're beutiful here in phillipines i bought koi betta for 5 dollars not bad right but they're beatiful then in other countries they're selling very stressed betta that's all sorry for my english
Vindy Sarabia Flores
Vindy Sarabia Flores - 6 years ago
Name her Evee
Nsfk_booner - 6 years ago
Do plecos and platies get along
Fishing and Hockey Aquariums
Fishing and Hockey Aquariums - 6 years ago
I did 50 gallons for a single fish
GroundHog - 6 years ago
Luxxyy Pug
Luxxyy Pug - 6 years ago
That’s still too small 1.6 gallons isn’t enough they need at least 5 gallons to be happy. Yes 1.6 gallons is bigger but not by much
Roger Y
Roger Y - 6 years ago
No batas are bad swimmer put the low curt so she dose not hurt herself.
karolina vlogs
karolina vlogs - 6 years ago
Half moon
copperhead junkie
copperhead junkie - 6 years ago
2.5 is the smallest u should go in my opnion
Olivia Grace
Olivia Grace - 6 years ago
Name it cuffaro
Josh Price
Josh Price - 6 years ago
Your fish will have a seizure lol .
Kavin Yoga
Kavin Yoga - 6 years ago
Nice video
BluBerriBunE - 6 years ago
Still pretty small, but im glad its a tiny bit bigger than the bowl/
Ammar Bilal
Ammar Bilal - 6 years ago
I like Stowe name for fish
lil sis
lil sis - 6 years ago
Name here luna please
FISH guy
FISH guy - 6 years ago
Can you send me an a aquarium I don't have oneT_T
Maria ho
Maria ho - 6 years ago
Bell Daisy pop rianbow cake
Dillson Mine
Dillson Mine - 6 years ago
her name
Dillson Mine
Dillson Mine - 6 years ago
Smallworld Aj
Smallworld Aj - 6 years ago
I looooooveeeee snakes I have a baby corn and ball python


Bailey Flynn
Bailey Flynn - 6 years ago
fish name [Little jessy]
LIL ICE - 6 years ago
Why don't you have two betta fish in one tank
Rebecca Vidal
Rebecca Vidal - 6 years ago
That's my dream snake
Ahmed Moosani
Ahmed Moosani - 6 years ago
I boot the white one and he is a savege
vita trama
vita trama - 6 years ago
u can put more than one girl betta fish in one tank
ImjustYasmine x
ImjustYasmine x - 6 years ago
Not to be mean but 7 degrees is apparently cold? In Canada it’s like -9 not anymore but still!!
sebastian juscak
sebastian juscak - 6 years ago
count how many times Paul said he for the female betta lel
Kianna n Ka'Mya
Kianna n Ka'Mya - 6 years ago
I have a date to.
DillonRed - 6 years ago
Ashley Martin
Ashley Martin - 6 years ago
I wonder if he bought a five gal for the Beta, if people would still be pissed.
Assault Raider
Assault Raider - 6 years ago
90% of the
comments are all about how many the galloons is needed ...XD not complaining tho have a good day!
L L - 6 years ago
It’s not small it’s a good size most are smaller
The Golden Fish Shoppe
The Golden Fish Shoppe - 6 years ago
1.6 is still to small. but I applaud you for changing your tank. I know how expensive that can be
Cristiano Ronaldo Fans
Cristiano Ronaldo Fans - 6 years ago
Goood job
Dakayh Jackson
Dakayh Jackson - 6 years ago
Get her a friend
Kitt Matt
Kitt Matt - 6 years ago
It’s supposed to feel like -20
Tomorrow in Canada
Monica Chandra
Monica Chandra - 6 years ago
Way too small tank
Buddha Maharjan
Buddha Maharjan - 6 years ago
fang fighter
Chris Pardo
Chris Pardo - 6 years ago
This kid really knows nothing about fishes
Glitter islife
Glitter islife - 6 years ago
If you had done you research then people would not have to tell you that the tank is to small and btw the tank in this video is still to small betas need at least 2.5 gallons
Annelys Santana
Annelys Santana - 7 years ago
the lest amount of water for a betta fish is 2.5 gallons and you should breed her
SarahTheSlime Gaming
SarahTheSlime Gaming - 7 years ago
she needs atleast 5-10 gallons
- 7 years ago
You. Are. Dumb. ASF
Orcashark - 7 years ago
You have to wait 3/4 weeks for the nitrogen cycle or your fish will die because of the nitrite peak before introduce ur fish! 5 or 6 gallons for ur bettas !!!! Bettas need Filter (its ok here) and HEATHER !
Brooke Shergold
Brooke Shergold - 7 years ago
Yeah is a bit small but it will be fine
Austyn Bowman
Austyn Bowman - 7 years ago
You need turtles for your mini pond
amanda west
amanda west - 7 years ago
60 is cold! Here in Iowa 60 is amazing lol for the winter
The Craft Boys
The Craft Boys - 7 years ago
You need a 3 gallon
Beastly Rose
Beastly Rose - 7 years ago
Kathleen Archila
Kathleen Archila - 7 years ago
Not a he
Kathleen Archila
Kathleen Archila - 7 years ago
Its a her
Livia Wilder
Livia Wilder - 7 years ago
You should name her beater
Joyce Zhou
Joyce Zhou - 7 years ago
So lonely
Haroon Lakdawala
Haroon Lakdawala - 7 years ago
2:34 koi betta
chey bennett
chey bennett - 7 years ago
You need a heater for the water
Owen Maggio
Owen Maggio - 7 years ago
It just survives in distilled water? I thought it needed chemicals or something in it
Paige Johnson
Paige Johnson - 7 years ago
You should get a Molly with one of your Bettas. My female Betta is living with 2 Molly’s and a catfish. She has never attacked them.
Wolf_ love
Wolf_ love - 7 years ago
People need to stop complaining that Bettas need a 2.5 gallon. Yes, I understand people are upset about it, but be glad he got a sort of bigger tank. Yes I agree, you should keep a 2.5 gallon at the minimum, but don't be so rude about it.
Colin DeJesus
Colin DeJesus - 7 years ago
I have a koi Betta
Liely Woof
Liely Woof - 7 years ago
Did anyone else notice the fish floating backwards at 4:22?
TheKlaag - 7 years ago
What you did with the wirr is a fire hazard dude
IAmABigFanOfSB737 - 7 years ago
Just watch this. You keep calling her a him until the end of the video
Emmy Xoxo
Emmy Xoxo - 7 years ago
Android Friend
Android Friend - 6 years ago
Emmy Xoxo is this a joke? I can't tell
Osa Itatsu
Osa Itatsu - 7 years ago
I think you are doing a great job! you've tried your best to offer the best quality of life the betta can have. her life is much better than where she were and that's  all it matters! I think 1.6 gallon is enough for a female betta of her size. as long as you keep the tank clean and change water at least once a week, she should be more than fine. keep up the good work!
D D - 7 years ago
Lol how do the fish tell you people if they’re happy or not? Have you even watched a video of these fish in the wild? Come on
Fruity Orange
Fruity Orange - 7 years ago
Everyone is saying 2.5 or 5 is the right size but it isn't! Especially for a female you should have a minimum of 10gallons for her tank with small gravel rocks, and live plants. Anubias and Hornwort are my choices for a tank along with some spider wood if you want something nice in your tank
Cupcake Killer
Cupcake Killer - 7 years ago
Bettas need 2.5 gallon. The round bowls are also bad for any fish. U absolutely need to do more research
Lydia Padilla
Lydia Padilla - 7 years ago
luna means moon in spanish
Hayley Dowson
Hayley Dowson - 7 years ago
Alyssa Hattingh
Alyssa Hattingh - 7 years ago
get another plant


Alyssa Hattingh
Alyssa Hattingh - 7 years ago
i think it should be named luna or moon \ sunset \ blood moon \
Kelly Feuerstein
Kelly Feuerstein - 7 years ago
But please upgrade to atleast a 2.5 in a few months.
Kelly Feuerstein
Kelly Feuerstein - 7 years ago
Those small bowls should all be thrown into a pile and break them ALL !!!!! From Everyone & Store's!
Sick & Tired of people using small tanks and bowls.
Thank You for getting a 1.5 at least.
Bella Burton
Bella Burton - 7 years ago
For someone whose channel is dedicated to fish, you really don’t know much about them at all... no acclimating, no cycling, didn’t even put any bacteria into the tank, left the filter on a high flow, and lastly upgraded your betta to a tank that is still TOO small...
Bella Burton
Bella Burton - 7 years ago
You shouldn’t have to rely on your viewers to be giving you information to improve your setup- you should have done the research in the first place so you don’t have to constantly keep buying ‘bigger’ tanks for your Betta’s...
Carmen Almazan
Carmen Almazan - 7 years ago
Kelly Marie
Kelly Marie - 7 years ago
60 degrees?! That’s t shirt weather in New York
Sophia is back
Sophia is back - 7 years ago
New subscriber I'm going to tell my friends to subscribe
Radz Emman
Radz Emman - 7 years ago
Do betta bite their owner??
Zachary _86
Zachary _86 - 7 years ago
You should but a cheaper tank for like 14 dollars and it's a 5 gallon made out of glass
Frida Z
Frida Z - 7 years ago
In Sweden your not aloud to have a tank smaller then 7,9 gallons it’s agents the law, and u need to have 1 real plant in it at least
phoebe h
phoebe h - 7 years ago
l of course am no fish expert, but l have owned bettas before. You need at least a 2.5 gallon for a FULL GROWN at least, and a heater as they are tropical fish. In my experience, they enjoy water temperatures up to 74 degrees Fahrenheit. They also don’t like bright lights (mine don’t) or moving water besides a small filter.

Good luck!
• CottonPuff •
• CottonPuff • - 7 years ago
It's still too small
Zoey Chesney
Zoey Chesney - 7 years ago
Zoey Chesney
Zoey Chesney - 7 years ago
In Moose Jaw in winter its usually -20 or 30
Em’s Wildlife
Em’s Wildlife - 7 years ago
She looks EXACTLY like my female Betta named Firefly, and the store must have mislabeled one of them because mine was labeled as the veiltail and your fish was half moon.
BROFIST448 - 7 years ago
I know that tank says it's for Bettas but Betta fish can live in a minimum of 2.5 gallons and your tank is only 1.6 gallons. You also need a heater and you didn't cycle the tank or acclimate your fish from what I saw. Can you do your research before purchasing a fish?
Crafts,kawaii,slime,squishies And more!
Crafts,kawaii,slime,squishies And more! - 7 years ago
Best YouTube ever!!
Crafts,kawaii,slime,squishies And more!
Crafts,kawaii,slime,squishies And more! - 7 years ago
Right here it's -15 not kidding it's freezing!!
FORTNITE abdulqat
FORTNITE abdulqat - 7 years ago
name it kaka
RedflameLGM - 7 years ago
My baby betta is in a 5.5 gallon tank. the betta is as small as yours.
Ariana Butera
Ariana Butera - 7 years ago
Jiane Gacayan
Jiane Gacayan - 7 years ago
Lea should be her name
Jhony And Jennifer
Jhony And Jennifer - 7 years ago
Just helping, at walmart you can buy a 10 gallon tank with filter and led lights for $30 and get dividers so u can have more than 1 betta
Libby Cosby
Libby Cosby - 7 years ago
Your not supposed to put them in bowls , it ruins there vision
Hazel Neko Chan
Hazel Neko Chan - 7 years ago
Meowme 005
Meowme 005 - 7 years ago
I need your help . My guppies had babies and I'm not sure what to do. I have over 28 babies in one tank what do I do ?? Comments ?
Gucci Breyers
Gucci Breyers - 7 years ago
This tank is still way to small....
Henry Ng
Henry Ng - 7 years ago
You should buy the fish bowl that you saw just now
Henry Ng
Henry Ng - 7 years ago
A Betta fish needs a 2 gallon bowl or a tank
Addy Wiedemann
Addy Wiedemann - 7 years ago
My betta Is white
Cheepea - 7 years ago
cool but the lights could stress the fish and so you know you can put females together depinding on personality
chaos king 101
chaos king 101 - 7 years ago
Get a male betta fish and breed them
Jack Nguyen
Jack Nguyen - 7 years ago
My betta is in a 1 gallon heated tank, like if you think I should put it back in the cup I purchased my betta in and return it to petco.
Gem Stone
Gem Stone - 7 years ago
You talk to much
Leow Kwang Lee
Leow Kwang Lee - 7 years ago
Leow Kwang Lee
Leow Kwang Lee - 7 years ago
Hey one fish tank big not a small
Theplayingtiger - 7 years ago
Bettas are scared of large spaces
Mariah Carrizales
Mariah Carrizales - 7 years ago
Name her sushi
Noah Alarie
Noah Alarie - 7 years ago
your tank is still below recommended like all the other comments, but I think that the female will do just fine because she is pretty small like he said
Ivy Mulhern
Ivy Mulhern - 7 years ago
The tank is too small, but so many other people told you it's not even funny.

Also I just love how many betta fish your store has! Mine usually just has blue and some reds.
TheoreticallyYourWrong - 7 years ago
My betta died in that tank, its filter is way too big and the tank is way too narrow
Stepbystep - 7 years ago
Hope you kept your receipt...
Now you see it now you don't !
Now you see it now you don't ! - 7 years ago
Bertha for beta fish
* - 7 years ago
I have two 6.5 gallon tanks where I keep my bettas, and I still feel inadequate as a fish hobbyist.
Discounted Success
Discounted Success - 7 years ago
I really hate to say this, but that is STILL to small. Bettas need at least a 2.5 gallon tank.A 5.5 is much better. They also need heaters.
Mylee The extrovert
Mylee The extrovert - 7 years ago
You need heater and water conditioner
Hinata Hyuga
Hinata Hyuga - 7 years ago
That a girl honey i have 1
Yo Girl Alaisha B
Yo Girl Alaisha B - 7 years ago
Name her Luna it means moon in Spanish
Moira Johnson
Moira Johnson - 7 years ago
it’s still too small, 2.5 gallons are required. also cylindrical tanks are really bad for bettas because it’s discombobulating
Jesmar Rex
Jesmar Rex - 7 years ago
He's an animal hoarder
wet trout
wet trout - 7 years ago
width is better than height. fish swim horizontally
wet trout
wet trout - 7 years ago
rip to that betta who’s dead in their tub
wet trout
wet trout - 7 years ago
ffs please research the fish before you buy them. 5 gallons minimum for them. this leaves room for plants and rocks and rests they need. they need comfort and hiding spots because sometimes lights get too much for them. i hate t when bettas are used as decoration only.... they need space. imagine living in your bathroom your entire life?
Mackey Binion
Mackey Binion - 7 years ago
You have no clue what you are talking about that is a girl and u call it a boy sometimes then other times you call it a girl also your videos are awesome but can u please learn more
flaviaflorida - 7 years ago
Lanie’s Diary
Lanie’s Diary - 7 years ago
I Broked My Fish Bowl On Accindent
Charly Pearson
Charly Pearson - 7 years ago
I feel like he doesn't know what he's talking about because "oh she looks perfectly happy"
DreamfulSkies. - 7 years ago
Did he cycle the tank? He shouldve acclimated her first..and I hope the water is warm..because I don't see a heater.
InvolvedFern307 segovia
InvolvedFern307 segovia - 7 years ago
Make a setup of your boa
Madelyn M.
Madelyn M. - 7 years ago
Sorry if this is “being a hater” but 1.6 is way too small. The minimum is 2.5 so maybe consider getting a bigger one and donating the smaller ones for the people who have fish and can’t afford big tanks.
Tyler Barhite
Tyler Barhite - 7 years ago
1.6 is still too small for a betta fish
Cherish Williams
Cherish Williams - 7 years ago
You need a 10 gallon tank
Katie Lynch
Katie Lynch - 7 years ago
Good to see she’s in a bigger tank with a filter. Next thing to get should be a little heater
Anthony Ramirez
Anthony Ramirez - 7 years ago
We’re do you live I live in a immokalee Florida
smiling_tiger _76
smiling_tiger _76 - 7 years ago
Name her lilac
conway racing
conway racing - 7 years ago
I name the Kid Rock
Sandra M
Sandra M - 7 years ago
I started with 1 gallon, then went to a 2 gallon now my betta is in a 3.5 and loves it. People say go bigger but it's one small fish 3.5 is perfect, better than the cup the fish was in at the store.
JB Wooster Outdoors
JB Wooster Outdoors - 7 years ago
Awesome red tail boa
Sheila Marie Balagtas
Sheila Marie Balagtas - 7 years ago
Lunaaaaaaa pls Luna pls paul
BenTheMovieMaker - 7 years ago
Name it Luna,moon,cherry,and wuaaa
Carson Williams
Carson Williams - 7 years ago
Try -10 in Canada
Julie Keller
Julie Keller - 7 years ago
Put the cap back on the filter, it's there for a reason. Bettas don't like much surface movement. And of course you should know by now that this is still not large enough for the Betta.
EquineLena - 7 years ago
you should feed luna pellets. the flakes create a much bigger mess and create more waste. at least that’s what i’ve found
cnp53 - 7 years ago
Also I recommend buying some nice tall plants. Bettas like to feel safe and she will feel stressed swimming at the top with no plants
cnp53 - 7 years ago
Shows that he sees the 2.5 and 3.7 gallon tanks, but gets the 1.6 and no heater lmao are you kidding me?
Guess it's better than the bowl but you should always get the biggest tank you can for any fish.
AY F - 7 years ago
You fish Nazis in the comments are annoying
Infected Echo
Infected Echo - 7 years ago
Brroooo i spent 25 for a 2.5 that is WAY better than that and uts actually good for my betta tf
Sam Parrott
Sam Parrott - 7 years ago
They need 2.5 gal minimum 5 gal is better
Riley Craig
Riley Craig - 7 years ago
Thats still a terrible tank the minimum is 2.5 gallons do research please people like you drive me nuts.
Emily Hessey
Emily Hessey - 7 years ago
Call the fish nutmeg
Natalie Dickens
Natalie Dickens - 7 years ago
my betta is sleeping in a plant lol
Natalie Dickens
Natalie Dickens - 7 years ago
im attempting to get a kenyan sand boa
Natalie Dickens
Natalie Dickens - 7 years ago
omg i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee snakes way to much
Ashley C.
Ashley C. - 7 years ago
Current is actually bad for betta fish. They like slow moving water. Most tanks like that cause harsh fast moving currents of water, so I would suggest to put the top piece back on. Also, why do you keep on switching from calling your betta a him then a her? Confused lol.
Talia Hoeser
Talia Hoeser - 7 years ago
It's -53 in Alberta
Maia Stockwell
Maia Stockwell - 7 years ago
Bettas have really delicate fins that plastic plant looks way too sharp, silk plants and real plants are best
D vlogs
D vlogs - 7 years ago
Pagl gdhe time vest karbia gdhe
Kayla Mayer
Kayla Mayer - 7 years ago
Betta fish prefer sand to gravel, they also thrive better in a 2-5 Gallon tank. Artificial/ plastic plants are actually not very good for betta fish. Their fins are incredibly fragile and the artificial plants just rip them apart when they swim around them.
Marcus Rielly Ganaban
Marcus Rielly Ganaban - 7 years ago
Wolfy Kaname
Wolfy Kaname - 7 years ago
Um, why didn't you acclimate the poor thing!?!
Jaylin Thompson
Jaylin Thompson - 7 years ago
SHE you know it's a female
Anthony Dellanno
Anthony Dellanno - 7 years ago
Name it surely
Garrett Jones
Garrett Jones - 7 years ago
to everyone saying this tank is to small lick me south. The fish gives less of a shit then you do about your 2.5 + bullshit.
Jonathon Lastname
Jonathon Lastname - 7 years ago
*sees bowl with betta in it *

Amber Moore
Amber Moore - 7 years ago
Holy shit i have a red tail too
Fish Addicts
Fish Addicts - 7 years ago
who wants to sub fro sub
Brittany Arnette
Brittany Arnette - 7 years ago
Sadly a 1.6 still isnt big enough :/ betta need a minimum of 2.5 tbey do when better in a 5 gallon
Muhd Fauzan
Muhd Fauzan - 7 years ago
Kaidence Nicole
Kaidence Nicole - 7 years ago
you really need to do more readers but if your going to be a “fish channel” all of your info is wrong
Malfontz - 7 years ago
Awesome steal. If you wanted to you could get a little bigger and put a couple more females in with her. Wouldnt do it in anything under 5 gallons though.
Obed Villarreal
Obed Villarreal - 7 years ago
Get her a friend
TTTOXIC KINGGG - 7 years ago
He needs a 2.5 and above
YellowFellow04 - 7 years ago
I think that new tank will be fine until the fish grows bigger and then you will need to buy a new tank !
Jordan Z
Jordan Z - 7 years ago
You need a 2.5 gallon tank minimum, at least 1 hide out, a heater (temp. Should be 78-80 degrease F) and u need to acclimate her to the temp of the water for 20 mins! I suggest u do research before u get an animal
Intapass Asher I love cooking
Intapass Asher I love cooking - 7 years ago
Still to small but try to get a 10 gallon...
Mario Pachecano
Mario Pachecano - 7 years ago
What hapens if you put 2 betta fish together
Mario Pachecano
Mario Pachecano - 7 years ago
Paul plz answer what hapends if you put to betta fish together
Christian Sanders
Christian Sanders - 7 years ago
You did that do wrong
Tyson - 7 years ago
It’s still to small and you also need a heater they are tropical fish just like any other and should be in 78 degree water and you need a 2.5 or larger.
#LPS ZOË - 7 years ago
That’s a female beta
Aliyah Motshweni
Aliyah Motshweni - 7 years ago
Call her bunbun
Shaylas.Petz - 7 years ago
hello, I own 7 bettas and THEY NEED 2.5 gallons or more!!!!!!! PLEASE DO YOU'RE RESEARCH THANK U!!!!!!
BurgerMan Gaming
BurgerMan Gaming - 7 years ago
You should get another betta so your other one can have a playmate
marylyn ducusin
marylyn ducusin - 7 years ago
Bettas are territorial. They can't live with other Bettas. Usually when they see one they fight till the other one dies.
Ironsniper 411
Ironsniper 411 - 7 years ago
Name her luna
Ironsniper 411
Ironsniper 411 - 7 years ago
Looks like a rave is going on in the tank when lights change
SADHANA SANKAR - 7 years ago
I know u did this vid a month ago but not to be harsh do u hv internet in ur place? If u do pls make use of it there is a ton of info abt betta fish care and nitrogen cycle and also pls do ur reasearch.... and 2 gallons is the bare minimum for betta tank
MooSaidChicken - 7 years ago
The main thing you need to be focusing on instead of the size of tank is proper care, you need to buy a dechlorinator for the water and use it on tap or spring water, the ph levels of distilled is not right and lacks the nutrients for fish.
Laura V. Barajas
Laura V. Barajas - 7 years ago
Can her moon
Nova Spiderstorm
Nova Spiderstorm - 7 years ago
Bettas actually need 2.5 gallons or more for their tank, that tank is still to small.. I’m not trying to hate I just care about fish...
Haley H
Haley H - 7 years ago
I’m from NY and when this was posted we had a couple weeks when it didn’t get about like 5 degrees F
Drake Summers
Drake Summers - 7 years ago
XxEmxlyxX - 7 years ago
It's still really small sorry you have to keep them in 2.5 at the very minimum
Evelyn Benton
Evelyn Benton - 7 years ago
Name her Luna also you should have two females in a 10 gallon tank
Leah Morgan
Leah Morgan - 7 years ago
In England it is normally 6 degrees
Cookie ACE family
Cookie ACE family - 7 years ago
Call it chip chip
Gillface - 7 years ago
Yeah, 1.6 is still reeeaaaaally on the small side. Better than the bowl, for sure.
Clarissa Izaguirre
Clarissa Izaguirre - 7 years ago
its still too small
Shylo x Fading 770
Shylo x Fading 770 - 7 years ago
Bettas need at least 5.5 gallon a sponge filter and small heater. Smallest tank is 5.5 gallons. Please do more research there is a lot more you need to know about them. If you want for information I'm willing to direct you to supplies and things they need. I breed bettas myself.
terrmine_ - 7 years ago
Silver Stream Bettas not true
Jimin Tae Yoongi Hui IM B.I Young K Woosung Jongup
Jimin Tae Yoongi Hui IM B.I Young K Woosung Jongup - 7 years ago
He went from a the worst "aquarium" to a shitty one. 1. Never buy a curved tank, at least not for bettas 2. you need more PLANTS. If you buy fake plants, buy silk plants. Normal ones cut the fins of your fish 3. The ground should have been something natural and not blue but it's better than pink so whatever 4. you should have waited until you put your fish in the tank. There is a so called nitritpeak at the beginning of a new tank which kills the fish when its in it. Thats why you normally let your tank run for 2-6 weeks before you put the fish in 5. if your water temperature is not 24 celsius +-2 then you need a heater 6. I don't know if this is true or right but I think that if you don't have a filter you need to make a 50% water change a week but as i said i'm not sure if thats right 7. the size of the tank is too small but still better than your bowl but really, if you wan't your fish to be at least kinda happy and don't want it to die in an instant, check all those things I wrote above
Monkeyfacex13 - 7 years ago
Whats wrong with a curved tank?
Jimin Tae Yoongi Hui IM B.I Young K Woosung Jongup
Jimin Tae Yoongi Hui IM B.I Young K Woosung Jongup - 7 years ago
And bettas don't like strong water current they need it very low so check if there are signs that its too strong
Dibyendu Saha
Dibyendu Saha - 7 years ago
Paul by some platys , guppy and tetras for your Beta .
Ella Macedo
Ella Macedo - 7 years ago
Your tank is still to small. 2.5 min... They are also tropical fish, meaning she will also need a heater. I have all my bettas in a 10gal (in seperate tanks) and they thrive in the space given, and will use every inch of space you give them. I see that your passion, and wanting to give your pets the best they can get, but you should do research on bettas... Typically before you get the betta. No hate at all tho! Love ur vids!!
Annah Brice
Annah Brice - 7 years ago
yeah you need betta water conditioner. they do fine in tap water with a conditioner. allllso please put the cover back on the filter! bettas do not like flow, they are not strong enough swimmers to deal with current!! it will stress her out. please get a water heater too, they are tropical fish and they need the water temperature to be warmer it else she may not move very much. she should be fine without it in the summer but in the winter it’s a bit dangerous not to have a water heater. just a bit of advice ☺️
Ethan Pugh
Ethan Pugh - 7 years ago
To small for the fish, how would you like it if you had to live in your bathroom all the time, that’s what the betta is going through, 2.5 gallons at least,5 would be best. #savethebetta #propertanksize
Brenden Galloway
Brenden Galloway - 7 years ago
I unsubed after the snake
Casey Olson
Casey Olson - 7 years ago
Abyss name her abyss
Tiffany Ptaszkiewicz
Tiffany Ptaszkiewicz - 7 years ago
Mady Games
Mady Games - 7 years ago
For a betta fish, the minimum you can get is a one gallon. (Which i have and plan to get a bigger one in the future). Bigger is always better but one gallon is completely fine.
Joe Dupont-Roche
Joe Dupont-Roche - 7 years ago
Your tank is still too small. A Betta needs minimum 2.5 gallons, 5 ideal.

You cannot keep a living being in distilled water. I also hope you have a heater, Betta's need water at 78 degrees +. 80 is ideal.

Cruel video.
Bettalife - 7 years ago
Joe Dupont-Roche you know what I'm glad you care about fish and you want the best for them you didn't have to criticize me like that thank you very much. so have a nice day bye now
Bettalife - 7 years ago
Joe Dupont-Roche okay sure of fly all the way to Ireland I would love for you Too? And even if I did give you the restore I would never want you YOU to come in my store and buy a fish because gladly you would kill them
Joe Dupont-Roche
Joe Dupont-Roche - 7 years ago
Bettalife , whats your fish shop called? I'll buy from you next time.
Bettalife - 7 years ago
Joe Dupont-Roche and it's also sad that you think you have more knowledge than me in fish when I own a fuckinc store and I'm a breeder wow Jesus Christ get a life
Bettalife - 7 years ago
Joe Dupont-Roche by the way have a nice day !
Joe Dupont-Roche
Joe Dupont-Roche - 7 years ago
Bettalife , is it second of all? Or third of all? Now you've got me confused.
Bettalife - 7 years ago
Joe Dupont-Roche
Joe Dupont-Roche - 7 years ago
Bettalife , it's rare I find people more insecure than you. Glad you've found it necessary to repeatedly say you have "more knowledge" when it comes to fishkeeping. What it really sounds like is that you're just a 12 year old who doesn't know what he's doing.

A pond with bass and piranhas? What a great combo!
Bettalife - 7 years ago
Joe Dupont-Roche dude please why is my water parameters perfect, why is my betta active, also you're trying to tell someone how to care for a Betta when they have a store about fish, and when they breed them all their life, I've had bettas all my life I know all about them I know all about fish in general so dude stop criticizing someone Whos higher than you in knowledge about fish. tell me all you want but I know what I'm saying is right and of course I know bigger is better duh but bettas are the only fish that can live in a small one gallon tank. goodbye have a nice day Jesus!
Joe Dupont-Roche
Joe Dupont-Roche - 7 years ago
Bettalife , if you keep yours in a 1 Gallon you need to educate yourself about Betta's.
Bettalife - 7 years ago
Joe Dupont-Roche Pork Ball I'm sorry but the word "abuse" means to treat a animal or person with violence or cruelty PURPOSELY. People who put bettas in a 1 gallon are not physically trying to hurt their fish, give it a break, my fish was happy in a 1 gallon and I’ve been a fish keeper for a long time and I own a store. So don’t dare tell me idk about bettas
Bake Gibbons
Bake Gibbons - 7 years ago
i never new you had a red tail boa
Irven Townsend
Irven Townsend - 7 years ago
You need a lest a 3 gallon aquarium
Hola Eva
Hola Eva - 7 years ago
She needs a heater. There are heaters on Amazon for 10 dollars. Also the lights will stress her out which will lead to death.
Savanah Kuklinski
Savanah Kuklinski - 7 years ago
Do you not research before you get an animal? And even after people told you last time? Betta fish need a minimum of 2.5 gallons, and need to have their water heated to 78-80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Plastic plants like you have tear their fins, look up silkies, they’re much better.

No matter if you think it’s suitable, it’s still not. Check out r/bettafish for a complete rundown of care. And before you start broadcasting false information.
Sam Winters
Sam Winters - 7 years ago
Savanah Kuklinski The betta is a baby and they prefer smaller tanks
My Tiny Planet
My Tiny Planet - 7 years ago
Bettas need at least 9l and that plastic plant will be tearing its fins up. You should also get water conditioner to make sure that there is nothing harmful (chemicals) in the water
Sarina Miles
Sarina Miles - 7 years ago
Still too small
Josie Knott
Josie Knott - 7 years ago
Also did you add water conditioner into the tank before putting her in? Your going to kill this fish dude
Josie Knott
Josie Knott - 7 years ago
Yo I’ll subscribe if you make another video giving your fish the space it actually needs... 2.5 gallons!... do the right thing that fish depends on you for quality of life
McKenna Melder
McKenna Melder - 7 years ago
I'm so glad you got a new home for her. thank you.
Mary Martin
Mary Martin - 7 years ago
I’ve had a betta for six and a half years and I’ve kept him in a ten gallon, it’s the best for them and you also need a heater because bettas are tropical fish. Petco also likes to claim that their lifespan is only three years but if your betta only lives for three years that’s just... that’s your own fault....
Miles Blair
Miles Blair - 7 years ago
Ive got a 5g tank
Valdita B
Valdita B - 7 years ago
you need a water heater and at least 2.5 gallons for a betta fish
Valdita B
Valdita B - 7 years ago
my male veil tail male betta has a 5.5 gallon and his name is gillagon
Kimo Vines
Kimo Vines - 7 years ago
Crystal should be the name
BowHunter Paxton
BowHunter Paxton - 7 years ago
If you take out some water the filter will make bobbles and make more of a flow in the water
Codey Simpson
Codey Simpson - 7 years ago
Lol I have a 36g tank for one female big enough?
Tiger Boss11
Tiger Boss11 - 7 years ago
The minimum for betta is 2.5 gallons with heater and filter but u might not need a heater the main problem with bowl is that it is a round shape no filter also that is way bigger then a 1.5 gallon
Matilda the musical UK
Matilda the musical UK - 7 years ago
When Guinea Pigs Fly
When Guinea Pigs Fly - 7 years ago
my spoiled betta has a 20g all to himself
Levis Amaya
Levis Amaya - 7 years ago
Yooooo! U from NY. Me too. I moved to Houston TX though
Gemma Restificar
Gemma Restificar - 7 years ago
carlos paul
Mimikyu Fan Boy
Mimikyu Fan Boy - 7 years ago
That's good....
But it that.....
It can't be in direct sunlight........
Or should I say, light........
Direct light.....
Hydrodragon28 - 7 years ago
Way to small still betrays need at least 3 gal
TheFirstOneOut -.-
TheFirstOneOut -.- - 7 years ago
...It's still too small. Bettas need at least 2.5 gallons, and if you upgrade, you need a heater too. Bettas are tropical fish, and the temperature needs to be around 78-80 Fahrenheit, or 26-27 Celcius.
Nick's world
Nick's world - 7 years ago
It is a her
the channel For animals
the channel For animals - 7 years ago
Also it is a hundred times better to have a heat pad than a heat lamp. I wish u would do ur research. I guess u just don't care... Don't use distilled water u Dumbo
the channel For animals
the channel For animals - 7 years ago
Dude he needs a 2.5!!!!! I am trying not to be mean but rlly dude.... Also no fake plants for bettas there fins can be ripped
Stonie Dudley
Stonie Dudley - 7 years ago
You should name her sick or lunar
Mia's Keeper
Mia's Keeper - 7 years ago
It needs a 5 gallon if you want it to be happy .... Just watch a betta video and you will see ....
luckily you can return that to petco they excepts all returns
Grace Haizel
Grace Haizel - 7 years ago
That bowl is not to small i have even smaller bowls
Mitchell Rosa
Mitchell Rosa - 7 years ago
Did you not use water conditioner?
tropical fish
tropical fish - 7 years ago
Autocorrect sucks
tropical fish
tropical fish - 7 years ago
Bettas do better without a strong current
Lee The Gamer
Lee The Gamer - 7 years ago
Buy a male betta fish let betta fish breed
alien_invation :3
alien_invation :3 - 7 years ago
Olivia Potter
Olivia Potter - 7 years ago
Bettas don't like strong currents. It could stress them out and kill them. I would put the cap back on the filter. It just calls for a happier and healthier fishy! Also did you name her yet?
Lee Hoffman
Lee Hoffman - 7 years ago
This tank should be fine for a baby betta, since she is so small, but as she grows, the recommended /minimum/ for a betta is 2.5 gallons. My own betta is in a 5.5 gallon tank and he uses all of his space! Also, bettas are tropical fish. They need heaters that will make the water around 75*f. Poor girl must be freezing. She will be much more active and entertaining to watch, let alone happier when she's given proper heat and conditions. And instead of investing in distilled water which is expensive and wastes resources, just pick up some water conditioner from a pet store for fish. It's a lot cheaper and then you can use water straight from your sink. This is healthier in the long shot because fish need healthy bacteria and minerals, and the water conditioner takes care of harsh chemicals like chlorine. Please look up some videos/articles on proper fish care! I don't blame you at all for not knowing but when you post videos without practicing proper care it only promotes ignorance and causes bettas to go to poor homes to just die in a cold bowl of their own waste. Use your videos to promote proper care instead of just getting a pet for the hell of it
Alivia Clay
Alivia Clay - 7 years ago
Get a heater
Alivia Clay
Alivia Clay - 7 years ago
Still way to small needs a 2.5
Jessica Champa
Jessica Champa - 7 years ago
It really isn’t I big tank for a Betta they need at lease 2.5 gallons of water and you could have got a aquaculture 10 gallon aquarium or a five for the same price
Shehrir Anik
Shehrir Anik - 7 years ago
Does not your betta changes colour I have two male crowntails and two female halfmoon butterfly betta
Danielle Laoulach
Danielle Laoulach - 7 years ago
if its a girl name her lizzy and if its a boy name him chris
Gebil Lover
Gebil Lover - 7 years ago
My red tail boa is 6 foot long... She is bigger than me! She's gonna need her own bedroom soon
Hjammer - 7 years ago
I have 7 bettas myself. All males. And she’s a cute little female! I think you got a good upgrade. I didn’t know a lot about bettas when I got my first. Unfortunately I had my first one in a 1 gallon tank and he didn’t last more than a year. Now all my bettas are in 2.5 gallons, heated and filtered. I’m glad you did an upgrade!
Fimo Donnat
Fimo Donnat - 7 years ago
Omg that’s a way to small tank
Please just get at least a 5 gallon tank she will have a much better life and just because she is small doesn’t mean she doesn’t need a bigger tank!
Josh Vue
Josh Vue - 7 years ago
Paul call her sheema
Remigio Laxamana
Remigio Laxamana - 7 years ago
BunniesAndBubbles - 7 years ago
People may be telling you that the tank is too small but as long as you do weekly water changes and monthly cartridge changes and only have the betta in there there is no reason that the fish can’t be totally happy and healthy.
BunniesAndBubbles - 7 years ago
And be sure to do lots of water quality tests. The pet stores usually do them for free if you bring in a water sample.
Mariah Ahmed
Mariah Ahmed - 7 years ago
Her name could be Kawai
Lily Stone
Lily Stone - 7 years ago
Bro, Bettas need a minimum of 2 gallons! I keep mine in a 10 gallon. he's the most happy betta Ive ever seen
Lily Stone
Lily Stone - 7 years ago
also I dont suggest Flakes they get to much air in there stomach and dont get enough food to support them
Fish Army
Fish Army - 7 years ago
Fish Army
Fish Army - 7 years ago
My beta is in a 12 gallon
Kevin Alexander
Kevin Alexander - 7 years ago
I feel bad but it’s still like a gallon to small
Min Yoongi Is A Savage
Min Yoongi Is A Savage - 7 years ago
I know you dont want to hear this, but a 1.9 isn't even bigger by a full gallon. If you return that and buy a 5 gallon from walmart it should be $30-$40. Which is a great deal. I believe its $40-$55 for a 10 gallon there, as well. I learned from my mistakes and got bigger tanks. They stay much happier and live longer lives. It shows when you bring them home and put them in it after you declorinate the water. They will flare up and swim like crazy. And with the LEDs they light up their colors, really, well. You will also need a 2-10, or 5-15 gallon heater. Colder water can, and will, stress them out. Especially, if it's a cold season. Also, make sure it is shaped like a TANK, not a sphere or an odd shape.
Zenji Chan
Zenji Chan - 7 years ago
If I am you I will buy that platinum betta fish
Hanging with Emily
Hanging with Emily - 7 years ago
I got a 2.5 gallon that came with a filter and light for 11$
Cecilia Howell
Cecilia Howell - 7 years ago
2.5 gallons are the minimum for any betta fish
Wes Smith
Wes Smith - 7 years ago
Dude I'm sorry to tell you but no matter how small the fish bettas need at least 3 1/2gallons at the minimum. And bettas need a heater, they are tropical fish that come from warm climates. I recommend the fluval spec v. It is a 5 gallon. Great leds and lots of space. In a 1 gallon tank the fish has little room to swim and exercise. Also in smaller aquariums there is less dilution, meaning the water parameters are going to fluctuate immensely. Most of the smaller aquariums that are labeled "betta friendly" are the exact opposite. Also multi colored lights stress the fish out. And most panoramic tanks like the one you bought, they create the image that there is a predator in the tank, which in turn, stresses the fish and causes it to be more suseptiable to contracting diesieses and parasites. I recommend at bare minimum a 5 gallon tank for your betta to grow to be happy and healthy.
Wes Smith
Wes Smith - 7 years ago
And one last thing I wouldn't use distilled water, spring water would be a better option
Wes Smith
Wes Smith - 7 years ago
Also your betta doesent "eat a lot" bettas will eat themselves to DEATH, their stomachs are the size of their one of their eyes.
Jessica Bloom
Jessica Bloom - 7 years ago
You have to have a 2 gallon or more for a batta. I heard about that over ten times
JO JO - 7 years ago
Berta fish actually prefer bigger tanks they don't really like small tanks
Pets 4ever1
Pets 4ever1 - 7 years ago
Tank 2 .5 is the smallest plz get bigger
person67 - 7 years ago
You NEED a heater
Sam Wagner
Sam Wagner - 7 years ago
nice tank. but they need atleast 2.5 gallons
RagingRaptor 32
RagingRaptor 32 - 7 years ago
7:00 the piece of wood has a face lol
TOM BEARDSLEE - 7 years ago
Do a video of you feeding your snake!!!!
Gennaro Menafra
Gennaro Menafra - 7 years ago
Name her beta Lol Xd XD
Ryan D
Ryan D - 7 years ago
This new tank is still to small!
Elias Fernandez
Elias Fernandez - 6 years ago
Ryan D So is your dick now please shut up
Spencer Tutterow
Spencer Tutterow - 7 years ago
Name him garry
cuddles - 7 years ago
You should not hold little fish bowl with one hand because you could drop the tank
Ezequiel Guevara
Ezequiel Guevara - 7 years ago
You don’t need a filler for beta fish
Ratty Friends
Ratty Friends - 7 years ago
It was negative 17 degrees yesterday were I live
EAZY FREEZY - 7 years ago
Beta does fight
poptart the hamster
poptart the hamster - 7 years ago
I have 5 gallon for my half moon betta
Alisha Lee
Alisha Lee - 7 years ago
But where is the heater ?
Tammy Matthews
Tammy Matthews - 7 years ago
name her bella or luna
Zaini Maatan
Zaini Maatan - 7 years ago
Maxie Tulauan
Maxie Tulauan - 7 years ago
Destroyer And fish
Destroyer And fish - 7 years ago
Still to small
Bitty Oliver
Bitty Oliver - 7 years ago
that tank is still to small. she needs atleast a 2.5 gallon. but a 3-5 g is best for them to thrive/be happy.
Matt Frear
Matt Frear - 7 years ago
Its snowing like hell in NY! I'd love 60°f weather
Maggie Sparks
Maggie Sparks - 7 years ago
That tank is still too small, the minimum tank size for a betta should be 2.5 gallons
Jinte De Smet
Jinte De Smet - 7 years ago
I still don't like this: a female betta needs some friends (they have to be with 5 or more so they won't fight) and a bigger aquarium (around a 25-30 gallon?). Female bettas can be aggressive but it's less when you have a big aquarium. You can ceep a male betta in a 2.5 gallon tank but that's just the minimum. I live in Belgium so those are the rules here when you would like to keep a betta fish. I don't know the rules where you live but this is about a living animal so that fish deserves a good home. It's good you've chosen an other aquarium instead of the bowl but it's still not the best option for the fish. I hope you'll think about this! Thank you!
Brodie Tiner
Brodie Tiner - 7 years ago
U can buy more than one female and they can live together if u got another female I️ suggest getting a koi female
ReppingTheBrand - 7 years ago
Bettas are tropical fish they need heaters...
FaZe Prime
FaZe Prime - 7 years ago
Name her cuffaro
DLsnake 5543
DLsnake 5543 - 7 years ago
pocket bike BROs
pocket bike BROs - 7 years ago
Name it moons plz
pocket bike BROs
pocket bike BROs - 7 years ago
Or moona
Life With Josh
Life With Josh - 7 years ago
Do you got water conditioner? @PualCuffaro
Motivation Music
Motivation Music - 7 years ago
you need a heater for her
Pilar Zequeira
Pilar Zequeira - 7 years ago
Maybe Bety ir could be a good mame because She's a beta and She's small, idk xD
Seth Bosserman
Seth Bosserman - 7 years ago
I live in pa and it is -40
Micheal Gluszk
Micheal Gluszk - 7 years ago
Im a fish breeder if u need information on bettas pm me
Landon Wojciechowki
Landon Wojciechowki - 7 years ago
I like the red
Landon Wojciechowki
Landon Wojciechowki - 7 years ago
Name it MOON!!!!!!
Landon Wojciechowki
Landon Wojciechowki - 7 years ago
Yeh it's 10 degrees in nj I'm so cold
Eliana Dahl
Eliana Dahl - 7 years ago
Name her angel plz
Kai Mckerral
Kai Mckerral - 7 years ago
Get a bigger tank and get more females and make a sorority!!!!
Sky - 7 years ago
I don’t mean to be that comment but a beta fish needs to be at leas!!!!! Be in a 2 gallon .6 tank but if you can put in a 5 gallon or a 10 gallon because they can live up to 10 years and those .
제니Shin - 7 years ago
Beta need 2.5 + gallons. Ammonia spread quickly in anything below 2.5 gallons. You need to acclimate the beta fish before just dropping it in.
Talis Jason vlogs
Talis Jason vlogs - 6 years ago
It was in the same water and the same temperature of water so the betta is fine
Minecraft Central
Minecraft Central - 7 years ago
Probably not happy or healthy
Shaylas.Petz - 7 years ago
bai watson
bai watson - 7 years ago
no, I do not like cats. But it’s still a baby betta.
A N C I E N T - 7 years ago
bai watson it has grown alot.
A N C I E N T - 7 years ago
Shin 제니 also I don't think he cycled the tank
bai watson
bai watson - 7 years ago
Shin 제니 the tank is fine because it’s a baby betta. And the water was in the same room so it should be the same temperature
Olivia Potter
Olivia Potter - 7 years ago
Shin 제니 I have had a betta fish In a one gallon tank for almost a year and he is very happy and healthy. But that's probably because I keep his tank clean
Anthony Barahona
Anthony Barahona - 7 years ago
Call him Alex
Zoe Boone
Zoe Boone - 7 years ago
1.6 is still to small, 2.5 gallon is the minimum size for a beta fish
SAUCEMAN_ MAX - 7 years ago
@Paul Cuffaro
SAUCEMAN_ MAX - 7 years ago
Paul make sure u get your beta fish distressing drops in every time you clean the tank
James B fish music bonsai and more
James B fish music bonsai and more - 7 years ago
atleast 5 gallons
Maria A.
Maria A. - 7 years ago
You should really do some research. It’ll take you like 5 mins. They need at least 2 gallons. A slow current. They like to be alone.
The Person
The Person - 7 years ago
Not hating just saying you need water conditioner I recommend Betta bowl plus
Jaclyn Stetzer
Jaclyn Stetzer - 7 years ago
Love your channel so far! Just saw it. Bettas do need a heater in their tanks, just so you know. Also, they need a minimum of 2.5 gallons, but I would recommend a 5 gallon. They are super cheat to get, and Petco sells them for a dollar a gallon if you have a membership. You can also probably find them at GoodWill. I would recommend doing a little more research to ensure she has a good life. Beautiful fish, and again, love your channel. :)
Brandon Dye
Brandon Dye - 7 years ago
i have a red tail boa to
Olivia Amen
Olivia Amen - 7 years ago
You need to rinse everything put before you put your fish in
JM Lansang
JM Lansang - 7 years ago
Name him ROSSY
Bettaxfish 1
Bettaxfish 1 - 7 years ago
My bettas In a 10 gal lol. That’s a nice tank. I mean usually it’s a 2.5g heated tank would work but A FOR EFFORT!
Bettaxfish 1
Bettaxfish 1 - 7 years ago
Thank youuuuuu
Freja Martinez
Freja Martinez - 7 years ago
its not a big tank for a betta i got mine in a 60 gallon
Tristan Parry
Tristan Parry - 7 years ago
It is a her not a him
Colin Reeves
Colin Reeves - 7 years ago
A betta needs at least a 2.5 gallon but for now it should be ok since it's still a baby
Alaina Mark
Alaina Mark - 7 years ago
Bettas need at least 2.5 gallons of water with a heater filter and water conditioner stress coat
Gracie Smith
Gracie Smith - 7 years ago
1.6 gallons is an upgrade from that tiny bowl, but bettas should really have a minimum of 2.5 gallons. You should also have a heater as they are tropical fish. You also might want to replace the plastic plant with a silk plant, as their fins are extremely delicate.(or better yet, a real one!)
Jacob and the Camera
Jacob and the Camera - 7 years ago
The tank is still a little small
roxanna cofrancesco
roxanna cofrancesco - 7 years ago
Diddles De Diddly
Diddles De Diddly - 7 years ago
Poor thing needs a water heater.. Bettas are warm water.. That fake plant is too sharp too.. Her fins are delicate.. Get a real plant.. those moss balls you seen will be good
Cosette Barnett
Cosette Barnett - 7 years ago
Name here Lunala
Erin Nelson
Erin Nelson - 7 years ago
You need a heater and thermometer
Hassan Aamir
Hassan Aamir - 7 years ago
Paul buy more beta fish and breed them
Amy Omar
Amy Omar - 7 years ago
Get a male
A costa
A costa - 7 years ago
Tip for shopping at Petco. Online prices are usually cheaper and they price match at the counter.
MizzRivera86 - 7 years ago
Snake cringe love...the beta tho!!
Megan Kruse
Megan Kruse - 7 years ago
Are those rough fake plants cause that can hurt there fins and give them fin rot
jesus vasquez
jesus vasquez - 7 years ago
You can put 2 betta together.!!!!!!!!!!!! As long as they not aggressive.!!!!!!!!!!!
Megan Kruse
Megan Kruse - 7 years ago
Noooo they don’t like current they need low flow filters that’s why it had that
Megan Kruse
Megan Kruse - 7 years ago
Betta fish won’t stop eating they non stop eat only feed them 2 to 4 pellets or flakes twice a day (morning and night)
Ian Ian
Ian Ian - 7 years ago
I have a king snake
Young trucker 1201
Young trucker 1201 - 7 years ago
Name the betta cherry
Denis - 7 years ago
Subscribe to me I well subscribe back
Jonah Taylor
Jonah Taylor - 7 years ago
name her moon
Noah Solis
Noah Solis - 7 years ago
snowy name her that
Abraham Barnes
Abraham Barnes - 7 years ago
U could have got a 10 gallon tank at Wal-Mart for 30 dollars
Mr. MAn
Mr. MAn - 7 years ago
You should ave 2.5 gal tank or bowl for your betta fish
Suresh Kumar
Suresh Kumar - 7 years ago
Buy some more fish
Suresh Kumar
Suresh Kumar - 7 years ago
Feed UR snake
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke Uchiha - 7 years ago
Still to small they need at least a 55 gallon tank
Kelly Baxtron
Kelly Baxtron - 7 years ago
snagg 100
snagg 100 - 7 years ago
Can you do snake video pls
Taylor Shortt
Taylor Shortt - 7 years ago
A 1.6 is still not big enough when she gets older and bigger about a 10 gallon from walmart is good and they have kits that have everything for about 50$
Maddy Grabham
Maddy Grabham - 7 years ago
Ok no hate here I love this channel so much you encouraged me to buy my first betta. However I have done hours and hours of research and that thank is still way too small even though she is small she will grow. They live in the wild in rice fields and although they are inches deep, they are feet wide. The minimum tank size for a betta should be 5 gallon not a "big" 1.6 gallon.
Brayden Parkhurst
Brayden Parkhurst - 7 years ago
Mohammed Amar
Mohammed Amar - 7 years ago
Andrick Singleton
Andrick Singleton - 7 years ago
Shrek - 7 years ago
Even 1.6 gallons is too small. The bare minimum for bettas in 2.5 but i recommend 5+ gallons. :(
marvelous Jijiji
marvelous Jijiji - 7 years ago
Paul read this ......
Early Death Comes From Drinking Distilled Water

During nearly 19 years of clinical practice I have had the opportunity to observe the health effects of drinking different types of water. Most of you would agree that drinking unfiltered tap water could be hazardous to your health because of things like


Many health fanatics, however, are often surprised to hear me say that drinking distilled water on a regular, daily basis is potentially dangerous.

Paavo Airola wrote about the dangers of distilled water in the 1970's when it first became a fad with the health food crowd.

Distillation is the process in which water is boiled, evaporated and the vapour condensed. Distilled water is free of dissolved minerals and, because of this, has the special property of being able to actively absorb toxic substances from the body and eliminate them. Studies validate the benefits of drinking distilled water when one is seeking to cleanse or detoxify the system for short periods of time (a few weeks at a time).

Fasting using distilled water can be dangerous because of the rapid loss of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride) and trace minerals like magnesium, deficiencies of which can cause heart beat irregularities and high blood pressure. Cooking foods in distilled water pulls the minerals out of them and lowers their nutrient value.

Distilled water is an active absorber and when it comes into contact with air, it absorbs carbon dioxide, making it acidic. The more distilled water a person drinks, the higher the body acidity becomes.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Distilled water, being essentially mineral-free, is very aggressive, in that it tends to dissolve substances with which it is in contact. Notably, carbon dioxide from the air is rapidly absorbed, making the water acidic and even more aggressive. Many metals are dissolved by distilled water."

The most toxic commercial beverages that people consume (i.e. cola beverages and other soft drinks) are made from distilled water. Studies have consistently shown that heavy consumers of soft drinks (with or without sugar) spill huge amounts of calcium, magnesium and other trace minerals into the urine.

The more mineral loss, the greater the risk for osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, hypothyroidism, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure and a long list of degenerative diseases generally associated with premature aging.
marvelous Jijiji
marvelous Jijiji - 7 years ago
Paul ......Distilled water tends to be acidic and can only be recommended as a way of drawing poisons out of the body. Once this is accomplished, the continueddrinking of distilled water is a bad idea. Water filtered through reverse osmosis tends to be neutral and is acceptable for regular use provided minerals are supplemented.
Ishmum Ahmed
Ishmum Ahmed - 7 years ago
Luna is a very good name
Ishmum Ahmed
Ishmum Ahmed - 7 years ago
I think you should put your betta fish in the mini pond
Rosa Aguirre
Rosa Aguirre - 7 years ago
Name her luna
Garrett Brewer
Garrett Brewer - 7 years ago
Professor magma DP
Professor magma DP - 7 years ago
You should have a 2 gallon aquarium for a big Beta
TheEmrealdBoy - 7 years ago
get her a mate/friend but make sure thier the same size
Petlover2017 ___
Petlover2017 ___ - 7 years ago
The minimum is 2.5 gallons!
Lilly James
Lilly James - 7 years ago
U should name her Betty or Berta so it kinda sounds like betta
Aw gaming
Aw gaming - 7 years ago
Beta fish don’t like the current
Georgi Zechov
Georgi Zechov - 7 years ago
Betta needs a 10 gal!!!!!!!!!!!!! But still better
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 7 years ago
Glad you upgraded her tank.
Aquarium Wave
Aquarium Wave - 7 years ago
bettas need heaters
Aquarium Wave
Aquarium Wave - 7 years ago
for a betta I would to at least 2.5 gallons.
Clarke Road Trojans
Clarke Road Trojans - 7 years ago
The premium halfmoon male betta fish cost me $26.99 (Canadian currency) at Pet Smart! It’s all about the fish not the money, eh.
Clarke Road Trojans
Clarke Road Trojans - 7 years ago
The cold weather is -16 in Ontario.
Fishing Aaron
Fishing Aaron - 7 years ago
Put it in the pond
D&G Outdoors
D&G Outdoors - 7 years ago
Get another baita
Earth and the Wolves
Earth and the Wolves - 7 years ago
I got a 3.5 gal for 20$
FlipFlop FishFlake
FlipFlop FishFlake - 7 years ago
It’s good that you listen to your fans, and I am really sorry to break this to you, but that tank is still to small. The bare minimum is 2.5 gallons, while Bettas do best in 5 gallons and over. Floor space is more important than tank gallons, so even if your tank is an appropriate gallonage, it still doesn’t have enough swim space. In addition, Bettas need heating in their tank so it is around 78 degrees Fahrenheit.
super bird's
super bird's - 7 years ago
Name you're fish albert
Fox light Luna
Fox light Luna - 7 years ago
Heyitme - 7 years ago
They need a 2.5 gallon tank
MooSaidChicken - 7 years ago
Nigga we got it with your first comment
Damian360sniper Gaming
Damian360sniper Gaming - 7 years ago
Heyitme - 7 years ago
They need a 2.5 gallon tank
Heyitme - 7 years ago
They need a 2.5 gallon tank
Heyitme - 7 years ago
No that too small they need a 2.5 gallon tank
Android Friend
Android Friend - 6 years ago
They do not "need".
Choco Stewart
Choco Stewart - 7 years ago
Bv Jenner We are complaining because he isn’t keeping the fish in the right tank which isn’t good for them. God, you’re so stupid.
TheFirstOneOut -.-
TheFirstOneOut -.- - 7 years ago
Bv Jenner if he doesn’t have the correct tank for the fish, he shouldn’t have bought the fish. Thats that
Random axolotl Lover
Random axolotl Lover - 7 years ago
Stop complaining, obviously he doing his best and care about the fish. plus the tank looks fine for the fish.
FANTAIL - 7 years ago
Australia is 40 degrees lol
Khadeejabi Shafeeq
Khadeejabi Shafeeq - 7 years ago
Name her Rosy
Poochdiepie League of legends gamer
Poochdiepie League of legends gamer - 7 years ago
Feed your Betta Fish Live foods... I recommend Tubifex and dont forget Indian Almond Leaves
MMA Vlogs
MMA Vlogs - 7 years ago
Still to small she needs 2.5 gallons but will be a OK
Andy William
Andy William - 7 years ago
it's better to buy a turtle again to be more beautiful for a mini pond
Marwan Almehairi
Marwan Almehairi - 7 years ago
a tank for a single betta must be at least 2.5 gallons + the tank wasn't even cycled before you put the betta there + you know there is something called acclimation, which you clearly did not do, good luck with the betta but please do more research thanks .
Th3RealSiegeMaster - 7 years ago
Today it was -11 in Wisconsin lol
Nicholas Teng
Nicholas Teng - 7 years ago
You are actually a youtuber who responds to "Buy the betta a bigger tank" you actually care for the fish, that's very kind of you not like others who ignore the people who suggest things for them.
Goku Dragon
Goku Dragon - 7 years ago
I know you got a lot of hate for having a betta in a small bowl, I’m glad you decided to upgrade it’s tank. I have around 50 betta fish and they do require at least 2 gallons, filters are not required unless you want to set up a big tank. They do need a heater to keep the temperature warm since they are tropical fish. Also they need a variety of foods, try getting bloodworms and pellets aswell. Also if you want you can find live plants that can help filter the water. Most common are moss balls, Anubias, and Java ferns. Goodluck with your new betta!
CLASHnoob 1
CLASHnoob 1 - 7 years ago
Feed the boa a live mouse
Yash Mehta
Yash Mehta - 7 years ago
Get another fish for the tank
Hayston Fantl
Hayston Fantl - 7 years ago
name it luna
Tharushana Perera
Tharushana Perera - 7 years ago
Can you buy a 5 gallon tank and buy some male bettas also buy some dividers for the tank But anyhow I like your channel very much
Donkeeey TV
Donkeeey TV - 7 years ago
Name it Empire
D' vante Frett
D' vante Frett - 7 years ago
Get a friend for the Betts fish
Logan Stockton
Logan Stockton - 7 years ago
You should name it beta dave
free to fire gamming
free to fire gamming - 7 years ago
Name it LUNA!
368 Degree Fishing
368 Degree Fishing - 7 years ago
ADAM’S BIRDS - 7 years ago
Next thing you know she’s going to have her own pond.
GabeJmon - 7 years ago
You could get a 3 gallon for 20 dallers
The Robloxians
The Robloxians - 7 years ago
But a male beta
Brenston Velasquez
Brenston Velasquez - 7 years ago
30$ that's insane I got a 10g for 12$ in Arizona and it wasnt even on sale
Charles Higham
Charles Higham - 7 years ago
Have you removed the top comments saying your betta tank is still too small? It’d be better if you followed advice and listened to your subscribers rather than just delete/ignore them??? your tank is still too small, are you just planning on ignoring that?
Nathan Maistry
Nathan Maistry - 7 years ago
flake - 7 years ago
Name her luna
Jason Danuser
Jason Danuser - 7 years ago
Get an algae ball.
Jason Danuser
Jason Danuser - 7 years ago
It cleans the tank and looks cool
bren do
bren do - 7 years ago
U need to take your snake out
Brett Barth
Brett Barth - 7 years ago
what state do you live in im your biggest fan.
MadiTSM - 7 years ago
That bowl is not too small for the beta
David C
David C - 7 years ago
1.6 gallon is still to small!!!! Betta requires a 2.5 gallon tank!!!
Ashes - 7 years ago
I hope people weren't being rude to you about keeping your betta in a bowl! I hope I didn't come off as rude as well, I just want to share some friendly advice! I have 13 bettas total they all have 5 gallons or more and you will notice how much more active they are in the right enviroment.
Penelope Panda
Penelope Panda - 7 years ago
Name hem or her snowy
Lucas Tapper the fish kid
Lucas Tapper the fish kid - 7 years ago
put a male betta with your existing female
DarkLemon - 7 years ago
You need to do more research, Betta fish require ATLEAST 2.5 gallons and they need a heater
Pooly Puff
Pooly Puff - 7 years ago
Davin Richardo
Davin Richardo - 7 years ago
Name that betta Bethany
Arsa daniswara
Arsa daniswara - 7 years ago
Follow me on instagram @arsa_carnivor
AstonishingAidan •
AstonishingAidan • - 7 years ago
You should put turtles on your pond.
Jack Thomson
Jack Thomson - 7 years ago
Get the male platnem
Lee The Gamer
Lee The Gamer - 7 years ago
Why you didn't upload any video today.I have a sad life
ruz maq
ruz maq - 7 years ago
betta dont like water flow/current, they make bubble nest,  its ok tho urs is girl so
Alucard- Demon Hunter
Alucard- Demon Hunter - 7 years ago
1.6 is too small
Betta fish need 2.5 gallons minimum!
But a 5 gallon is best
Alexander Puga
Alexander Puga - 6 years ago
Stop you dont
Beebo - 6 years ago
Hazel Neko Chan Well if he didn’t want to waste money on this he should’ve researched first.
James the Slytherin
James the Slytherin - 6 years ago
its not in petco there in a TUB
Reagan Butrum
Reagan Butrum - 6 years ago
Beebo - 6 years ago
Huehue Beep It’s fine your betta will get use to it in a few days. Just make sure you cycle and condition your water.
Huehue Beep
Huehue Beep - 6 years ago
Alucard- Demon Hunter i got a 6 gallon i find it too big
Beebo - 6 years ago
Ashley Martin She meant with no water. And keeping a betta in that small of a tank is pretty much abuse. How about we lock you in a freezing, dirty bathroom for all your life and give you food and water everyday. You’d survive but you’d feel miserable for your shortened life.
Roger Y
Roger Y - 6 years ago
BusyPetKeeping 101 gust get a 5 gallon tank so she has room to grow
Kingtony - 6 years ago
Hazel Combs yeees wtf poor betta probaly stress
Ashley Martin
Ashley Martin - 6 years ago
kik15 actually , you can survive for that life no with just water.
Purple Chair Gaming
Purple Chair Gaming - 6 years ago
katie 27 u r dumb
Peaches_n_Pets - 7 years ago
Hazel Combs If you cant provide a fish the correct suitable home dont get it. How would he be wasting the money if it is going towards his animal. I dont consider purchasing the essential for my pets wasting money? I consider it being a proper care giver. If you consider it a waste please don't get pets till your priorities are fixed
katie 27
katie 27 - 7 years ago
BusyPetKeeping 101 the fish r like an inch long they’re good
Ya Boi Dezz
Ya Boi Dezz - 7 years ago
ughhhh stfuuuuuu
Shoot to kill 5322
Shoot to kill 5322 - 7 years ago
Tiger Boss11 yes it is. It hows on the box it’s a 1.6
Shoot to kill 5322
Shoot to kill 5322 - 7 years ago
Students React but they don’t live as long in a smaller tank
Kelly Feuerstein
Kelly Feuerstein - 7 years ago
Students React
Anything smaller than a 1.5 is a nightmare to a Betta !!!
In the Wild they live in big water but when drought come in, they have to some how to survive in a puddle of water til they can more Rain.
Literally a bowl is a nightmare to Them !!!!
Seriesyer - 7 years ago
BusyPetKeeping 101 I honestly have been told 1.5 is the least you can have for a betts, But I have a 5.5 with a filter, heather, and temperature rod in there.
Hazel Neko Chan
Hazel Neko Chan - 7 years ago
Really he tried you want him to wast another 30$ ~
Nuria - 7 years ago
BusyPetKeeping 101 mine is in a 3 gallon. I’m upgrading him soon.
Tiger Boss11
Tiger Boss11 - 7 years ago
That tank is bigger the 1.6
lady lex 9999
lady lex 9999 - 7 years ago
females CAN be just as aggressive as males. but not usually. my most aggressive betta is female. but she's not average.
Alucard- Demon Hunter
Alucard- Demon Hunter - 7 years ago
Students React have you ever seen a betta fish in the wild??
Probably not
Why don't you do research before you come and talk to me
kik15 - 7 years ago
I don't know why you think female betta are any different then males or what 'fun' space means, they have been proven to be just as aggressive.
kik15 - 7 years ago
And you can survive on just water for 3 weeks- that doesn't mean it's fun or makes you grow healthy.
pocket bike BROs
pocket bike BROs - 7 years ago
BusyPetKeeping 101 you are right he will need to upgrad in a few month's
juniper kiwi
juniper kiwi - 7 years ago
Students React are you retarded? Yes it will survive but it will NEVER be happy ij such space do you even own a betta?
Students React
Students React - 7 years ago
BusyPetKeeping 101 and it's a female so it lacks the extra needed fun space

And anything is better than her bowl
Students React
Students React - 7 years ago
BusyPetKeeping 101

Yes but they can survive in a 1.6 just fine because it's 1.5 or less inch of fish

So you don't absolutely have to have a 2.5
Khaulah Potabuga
Khaulah Potabuga - 7 years ago
I love the name of the Betta fish
LARMT 3 - 7 years ago
Erika or Sahra or elibeth or Luna
kalebgilreathhighlights 21
kalebgilreathhighlights 21 - 7 years ago
Can you get a boy beta so they can have babies
A. Cama
A. Cama - 7 years ago
Please research a lot more. Read up on the nitrogen cycle, most importantly. Bettas are easy to care for but you need to know what you're doing.
Also, thank you very much for increasing the tank size. Just keep in mind that tanks with curved sides tend to cause eyesight problems in fish.
weekendfever20 - 7 years ago
thats one spoiled rich betta
MrMovieman174 - 7 years ago
Bro WHY DISTILLED WATER. They benefit from minerals in the water. If anything use Poland spring drinking water or add a very small amount of aquarium salt
Alexis Paz
Alexis Paz - 7 years ago
Betta should be her name
Js23 Sneakers
Js23 Sneakers - 7 years ago
Make a female betta community tank or add small tetras or something
Aaden Trn
Aaden Trn - 7 years ago
the new tank is way too small. she needs at least a 100 gal. with a wet/dry filter and LED lights. make sure you keep her by herself or you'll overcrowd the tank.
Manny Venegas
Manny Venegas - 7 years ago
That's cool u got him a bigger tank but she needs a heater bro.
Khang Pham
Khang Pham - 7 years ago
You can keep more than one female betta in the sams tank
Lance Grainger
Lance Grainger - 7 years ago
You have a dope channel bro
Ty Olea
Ty Olea - 7 years ago
Don't keep the light on it stresses out the fish
Ju4nz s9gc4l
Ju4nz s9gc4l - 7 years ago
Buy a male betta plssssssssssssssssss like if you agree
Predator Survival
Predator Survival - 7 years ago
Name her luna
PRINCE NATION - 7 years ago
Bro I’ve came up with the perfect name from Nemo (shark bait)
Reese Golshani
Reese Golshani - 7 years ago
You need at least a 75 gallon for that giant
Rachel Tojio
Rachel Tojio - 7 years ago
That tiny tank was 30 dollars!!! WHAT A RIPOFF MY 20 gallon was $20 and it not made of plastic it's glass.
Upstate Fishing&Outdoors
Upstate Fishing&Outdoors - 7 years ago
7 degrees is warm its 30 bellow for a high were im at in Minnesota
Keinorris Jones
Keinorris Jones - 7 years ago
Name it bonnie
Keinorris Jones
Keinorris Jones - 7 years ago
Name the fish bonnie
Yancy Allen Tiburcio
Yancy Allen Tiburcio - 7 years ago
I subscribe to you pls make more videos
Sarason Gc
Sarason Gc - 7 years ago
name her haily
dan the fish man boss
dan the fish man boss - 7 years ago
Put the betta fish you have in the pond and get a better one
beth barber
beth barber - 7 years ago
name it alador
Jesus Feris
Jesus Feris - 7 years ago
You should get a male
lil timmy
lil timmy - 7 years ago
RippinLipz TV
RippinLipz TV - 7 years ago
First of its a colored minnow so everybody concerned about that fish needs to chill it’s literally a just a minnow chill. And I also would like to see some more fishing content and I’m sure that would get bit
RippinLipz TV
RippinLipz TV - 7 years ago
Also I have one there not that special^^
Ty. W
Ty. W - 7 years ago
ha thats nothing its minus 40 in edmonton alberta right now
Rubelindo Perez Morales
Rubelindo Perez Morales - 7 years ago
I live by a lake and i want to bring a fish home i want to bring a little bluegill but i dont know if i should use water from the lake or if i can use sink water and add chlorine remover or use regular store bought water. PLPEASE HELP
WhiteLion - 7 years ago
All the people who said it was too small just want something to complain about. Why do you think they live in the pet store in a little tiny tiny tiny plastic container. That circle tank is perfectly fine for a beta fish
Zach Fischer
Zach Fischer - 7 years ago
60 degrees- warm, -10 degrees cold Minnesota
Kenneth Damaso
Kenneth Damaso - 7 years ago
May Canda
May Canda - 7 years ago
Get a male
DLR Daniel
DLR Daniel - 7 years ago
In 6:17 theres a creepy wisper saying yeah
Olinsuper - 7 years ago
Paul make video everyday .i like your video, great video keep up bro
Ainul Yakin
Ainul Yakin - 7 years ago
Buy 1 oscar fish for friend the brouce
brandon Fire Thunder
brandon Fire Thunder - 7 years ago
You should name it Martian
Owen Chute
Owen Chute - 7 years ago
Betta fish need a 2.5 gallon minimum.
E’s Aquatics
E’s Aquatics - 7 years ago
Please don’t make it suffer and get a heater
E’s Aquatics
E’s Aquatics - 7 years ago
You also need a heater dude
E’s Aquatics
E’s Aquatics - 7 years ago
Not 1.6
E’s Aquatics
E’s Aquatics - 7 years ago
Do you know nothing, Berta fish need at least 2.5 gallons
Belle 12
Belle 12 - 7 years ago
It needs a 2.5 gallon
Caden Phillips
Caden Phillips - 7 years ago
Big fridge like if you agree
Aidan Chromick
Aidan Chromick - 7 years ago
I live in Ohio and it is 11 degrease and the windchill is -15

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