Unboxing My $100 Betta Fish from Indonesia!!!
Betta 6 years ago 162,715 views
Yes, I spent over $100 on a betta fish. Watch me unbox the beautiful koi galaxy halfmoon betta from Indonesia!!! Download Amino and join me in the communities! iOS and Google Play: http://aminoapps.com/c/reptiles/join Follow Me: Tyler Rugge SUBSCRIBE TO MY VLOG CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC335A4cOrjpTjWkXpOT9lfg My Social Media: Twitter: https://twitter.com/tylerrugge Instagram: https://instagram.com/tylerrugge Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TylerRuggeOf... Tumblr: http://trugge.tumblr.com/ Snapchat: trugge PO Box Address: Tyler Rugge 511 Olde Towne Rd #81274 Rochester, MI 48308
Betta: I’m $500
Me: sure! Here’s my money!
10. comment for Unboxing My $100 Betta Fish from Indonesia!!!
20. comment for Unboxing My $100 Betta Fish from Indonesia!!!
i dont know betta fish had a high price in your country...
'cause in indonesia we can get that under $10...
or for usual betta it's under $1... ☺
30. comment for Unboxing My $100 Betta Fish from Indonesia!!!
My first fish was a gold. He was a telescope. His name was Bubbles. Now I have a turtle named Bubbles. And a bunch of guppies and three bettas. Good luck with your gold though! PS I love telescopes.
I'm sorry
Greeting from Indonesia..
50. comment for Unboxing My $100 Betta Fish from Indonesia!!!
@ everyone who wants to own a pet, stop listening to pet store people they just tell you shit so you buy all the trash from the store. Inform yourself on the internet and check multiple sources not just one. Most of the old pet standards come from animal farming or factory farming to keep the animal alive with minimum effort/money, but they didn't care about their happiness. As example: before that change the highest age for pet bunnies was 6 years. Today, with species-appropriate care it's 10-15 years. (yes, I have bunnies but it applies to other pets too)
it's tropical almond tree.
here's another fun fact. most bettas in south east Asia are kept in plastic cup sized containers. well, not so fun apparently
100. comment for Unboxing My $100 Betta Fish from Indonesia!!!
..annoying video too
Its an hmpk
2 inches deep, and thousands of gallons spread out several feet wide and across. (And actually they are knee high)
Rice patties are like large ponds, not puddles. Male Bettas in the wild usually have at least a three foot diameter territory.
Some facts...
-He has never had Fin Rot, a fungal infection or any other disease
-He is fed an nutritional diet of pellets, blood worms and cooked peas
-He is kept in a 10 gallon bare bottom aquarium that is to himself with silk artifical plants and a buddah statue with no sharp edges
-I do 25% water changes every four days, which includes removing the little amount of accumulated algae growth
-There is a sponge filter in the far back left corner of his tank to filter his tank instead of a hang on filter, to ensure there is no major flow rate
-The Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia and PH levels are always checked before and after water changes to ensure the water is safe
-He is always very active around his tank
I am looking for advice on how I could promote tail growth...
i bought galaxy betta just for $10
you should joint betta group on facebook like KOMUNITAS CUPANG HIAS INDONESIA to get cheap price trough aucrion....
I'm from indonesia.. Greetings to you..
My facebook name is Tommy Kurniawan.
Thank you.
. In indonesia , we have a lot betta fish breeder .
They need at least 2.5 gallons, 5 is better.
Only 1 pellet a day.
No plastic plants.
They need gentle filters and heaters.
Bettas can learn complicated tricks.
Bettas need 1/3 of their water changed every few days.
Their tanks standar even lover. I think it 1/3 or 1/4 of your tank
Yours is gorgeous though.
I have a 5 gallon tank for my betta and he’s happy and healthy.
p.s. please don't think I'm hating on Tyler, I really do love this channel and I support him. This is only my opinion and I thank everyone who takes the time to read this :)
You're welcome.
watches videoAfter a long search I have found a channel I LOVE
But you got your 10g, so bigger is always better in this hobby. I even kept a few cory catfish in my old 10g with a pretty chill betta.
I think you should name him Nebula!
Minimum IS 2.5.
Some people won't be happy until you dig a pond in your back yard for a single betta.
I got mine from Petco and he is beautiful!
Btw... im from indo,living here its so cheap
...I’m not asking for followers...
There are some amazing betta groups on Facebook that you guys can join to learn more about proper betta care if you want. Most of them have sticking sheets for what is appropriate for what size tanks as well.
My favorite is A Betta Community.
Some others are:
-betta fish keepers
-betta fish Enthusiasts
-betta fish keepers world wide
-fish tank talk
And I wanted for you guys to check whether my betta’s quality are good or not
Give me some critique pls dont be too harsh
Cheers betta lovers ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Information :
Whatsapp : 087882678000
Line : andrew.gt88
Instagram : cupang.jakbar
Email : andrewgiovanni69@gmail.com
Thanks for ur attention..
He's very lovely! My mum will be going to Indonesia on a holiday and hopes to find some wild bettas. Unfortunately we can't ship from Indonesia to NZ but seeing them will be an awesome experience, I wish I could too!
Can't stand bettas with outrageously large fins. Plakats are alright and some crown tails
Hey here’s TeN GaLlOnS for my BeTtA
Don’t get me wrong I love Tyler but I’m just saying ...
Welp, that sucks
Your new boy is so pretty!!
Anyway, that is a beautiful fish. And he looks so happy, alert, and bright.
Me after I bought a 20$ betta fish
This betta is not even a good galaxy koi
Would range it more to hellboy
Plus for that price you could get one suitable for competitions
FKA is a pretty toxic place,my friend
Back to the betta fish. He is GORGEOUS!!!!!!