Unboxing - These Aren't My Fish!
Betta 7 years ago 95,720 views
Another box of fish? Stop it Taylor! Today I have a little something different, I call them my step-fishies. I was hoping to have my new microphone working for this episode, but I had to get a special audio jack converter so it could work with my camera! Bah, maybe next time my audio will be a little better : ) Big City Bettas: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPLXk7h9QZlaK2EGn5qs8qA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simplybettafish/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SimplyBetta/ Website: www.simplybetta.com
Me: That water is filthy
10. comment for Unboxing - These Aren't My Fish!
20. comment for Unboxing - These Aren't My Fish!
Also I would have totally kept that marble boy for myself, holy wow he’s beautiful! I look forward to your future videos!
Does shipping via air also entail getting a vet certificate of health?
I’m in Idaho, I want some mice! Maybe when the weather warms up this spring?
I don’t know a lot about snakes, but I love mice! What variety do you breed? I really want a hairless mouse, or one of those Hereford fancy mice. They’re so dang adorable.
30. comment for Unboxing - These Aren't My Fish!
50. comment for Unboxing - These Aren't My Fish!
I want to identify the breed of betta that is mainly white with spots of blue and red koi markings. I saw it in a documentary about betta fish farms in india and I never found the breed's name. You seem an expert so I figured you might know the breed?
I've been looking for a while. I would love to possibly buy a pair.
I will have some pairs of Berta smaragdina guitar available on my website when I update my next batch of fish. And hopefully I will have mahachai and macrostoma soon too.
Big City Bettas will have apiapi, mahachai, and maybe a few other soon too!
I still need to do some research on them. Are they like your normal pet store bettas where males have to be kept separate?
100. comment for Unboxing - These Aren't My Fish!
Too beautiful I would probably not give them back haha
(Just kidding)
Those are too cute XD
And I love living vicariously through you. You guys come in contact with so many exquisite fish!
So you can call him a marble ^^
I'm curious to see what happens if you decide to try spawning her male with on of your females. ☺️
I would name him Heart Throb.
Yeah, I would love him anyways. He is gorgeous. With all the new fin types and colors I hope someone eventually gets fish like him that won't marble. Can you imagine what people would pay?? I have a little yellow, white, and black plakat but he is mostly black now. That is how the big bouncy ball bounces.
... It is fun watching them change though.