Unboxing - These Aren't My Fish!

Another box of fish? Stop it Taylor! Today I have a little something different, I call them my step-fishies. I was hoping to have my new microphone working for this episode, but I had to get a special audio jack converter so it could work with my camera! Bah, maybe next time my audio will be a little better : ) Big City Bettas: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPLXk7h9QZlaK2EGn5qs8qA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simplybettafish/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SimplyBetta/ Website: www.simplybetta.com

Unboxing - These Aren't My Fish! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 117

Betta 7 years ago 95,679 views

Another box of fish? Stop it Taylor! Today I have a little something different, I call them my step-fishies. I was hoping to have my new microphone working for this episode, but I had to get a special audio jack converter so it could work with my camera! Bah, maybe next time my audio will be a little better : ) Big City Bettas: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPLXk7h9QZlaK2EGn5qs8qA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simplybettafish/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SimplyBetta/ Website: www.simplybetta.com

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Most popular comments
for Unboxing - These Aren't My Fish!

Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
What lovely fish! Should I never give them back to @Big City Bettas ? Lol!
Rehan Mansoori
Rehan Mansoori - 7 years ago
Simply Betta you are sweet and sweet girl
Rehan Mansoori
Rehan Mansoori - 7 years ago
Simply Betta My City Mumbai and I am Indian my name is Shamshad in your video with very sweet and you're very very nice girls
Rehan Mansoori
Rehan Mansoori - 7 years ago
Simply Betta video with ladies shoes9
Rehan Mansoori
Rehan Mansoori - 7 years ago
Simply Betta hello sweetheart my name is Shamshad and my city Mumbai and You video is very cool my favourite fish line fish and Oscar
slickpaw07 Aj
slickpaw07 Aj - 7 years ago
Don Raven
Don Raven - 7 years ago
Simply Betta lol nope.
Leonor Lopez
Leonor Lopez - 7 years ago
Simply Betta thanks either way for the help
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
@Puppy-Lover 10047 Yes!
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
@Leonor Lopez I don't think she has a site, she has a youtube channel though
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
@Don Raven Lol, maybe I need a tan too
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
That may make some interesting offspring! : )
Jasmine McShea
Jasmine McShea - 7 years ago
try spawning him to the fish at 04:19 in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UP0lF95n19Q
Jasmine McShea
Jasmine McShea - 7 years ago
you should totally spawn the pretty male
Don Raven
Don Raven - 7 years ago
Simply Betta hey you need some sleep I can see it in your eyes.
Leonor Lopez
Leonor Lopez - 7 years ago
Simply Betta what is big city bettas website so I can buy from them
Bear-lee Trying
Bear-lee Trying - 7 years ago
Simply Betta I would have a hard time giving that white and blue one back. That one looks amazing. Spawn it for sure.
andree meche
andree meche - 7 years ago
Puppy-Lover 10047
Puppy-Lover 10047 - 7 years ago
The plakat half moon is so pretty!?!
Chrissy Polans
Chrissy Polans - 7 years ago
Simply Betta if I were you I'd sure take her up on that spawning offer!!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Congrats on the video success. Good job!
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Thank you Cory <3
Firefly 23
Firefly 23 - 7 years ago
Simply Betta: Ok This fish is ok

Me: That water is filthy
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Firefly 23 I promise the water was ok, it was just dark because the breeder added an Indian almond leaf in there that released tannins, which is quite good for the fish
My fish is lonely
My fish is lonely - 7 years ago
chardellion gamboa
chardellion gamboa - 7 years ago
Ohhh my gosh...what a fish...how to order??
Anupam Khan
Anupam Khan - 7 years ago
Abbottabad Aseels
Abbottabad Aseels - 7 years ago
nice work
Alaina thesavage
Alaina thesavage - 7 years ago
Pretty fish
Cecelia's Hobbies
Cecelia's Hobbies - 7 years ago
I got my bugbites. Thank you for putting my name in. My fish love them!

10. comment for Unboxing - These Aren't My Fish!

Jagged Guillermo
Jagged Guillermo - 7 years ago
Md Aarif
Md Aarif - 7 years ago
#simply beeta yours whtsapp contact
Jenni __
Jenni __ - 7 years ago
If you decide to breed the blue & white male I’d definitely want a baby female for my sorority
Dexter's World
Dexter's World - 7 years ago
your great! i appreciate it because im a betta breeder as well
Betta Fish
Betta Fish - 7 years ago
Separation anxiety looms down the road
LizzyPlaysMc - 7 years ago
I want the third Betta so bad
Jacob Nguyen
Jacob Nguyen - 7 years ago
They are pretty
SonnyGoten89 - 7 years ago
Foster fish. XD
Brandy Harrington
Brandy Harrington - 7 years ago
I want that fish!
Unicorn - 7 years ago
Me when I saw white and blue Betta: :O •O•

20. comment for Unboxing - These Aren't My Fish!

insane lama
insane lama - 7 years ago
I'd be sad when the time came to send them back. Haha
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Not lookingforward to it !
Carlson Moncrief
Carlson Moncrief - 7 years ago
one of my cloownfish showed up to my house cooked from the heat pack touching his bag
Carlson Moncrief
Carlson Moncrief - 7 years ago
Yeah, I called and told liveaquaria they should be more careful
shut up.
shut up. - 7 years ago
Carlson Moncrief oh no
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Oh dang! Yeah that’s a big shipping no-no
shin david
shin david - 7 years ago
I have experience keeping bettas but i didn't want to touch marble bettas because they might change colors. But i saw this koi betta the other day and i wanted to buy it. will it change colors or not? And if they do change colors, how badly? thank you
shin david
shin david - 7 years ago
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Woah I just noticed! Wow, thanks!
shin david
shin david - 7 years ago
and congrats on hitting 10k subs!
shin david
shin david - 7 years ago
thank you! maybe i'll try marble bettas after all.
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
A true Koi beta does not change pattern after it is around a year old. If you saw this fish in a pet store, I’m not sure what the likelihood is that is is really a koi or just a fancy marble labeled as a koi. Marble isn’t bad, it can be fun to watch a fish change!
RH_Factor Reptiles
RH_Factor Reptiles - 7 years ago
I want to say I’m so happy I found your channel! I don’t breed bettas but I love finding channels of people who have a passion for breeding and caring for animals that aren’t commonly kept and bred by most people. I personally breed a few different species of snakes and English show mice. I love watching your videos while tending to my own critters. And I applaud you for not letting naysayers who don’t understand how we may keep our animals and call us cruel get to you (I keep mice in plastic bins in a rack system)
Also I would have totally kept that marble boy for myself, holy wow he’s beautiful! I look forward to your future videos!
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
That’s really nice of you! I am curious as to who the closest person would be. I definitely want mice again one of these days, my last ones were in high school !
RH_Factor Reptiles
RH_Factor Reptiles - 7 years ago
Simply Betta i want to say that it does. I posted in my mouse club asking for closer breeders of hairless and Hereford. I did ask about shipping and they say at minimum it around $125 ish and unless you are getting a bunch of mice it’s not really worth the cost. I don’t know when I’d have that many Herefords by myself if you did want 15 + mice lol I’m still fairly new to show mice myself and the mouse plague didn’t help me any. I’ll let you know of any breeders near you as soon as I can!
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Oh I see, I didn’t know that about rodents. Darn! A recommendation of someone closer to me would be awesome.
Does shipping via air also entail getting a vet certificate of health?
RH_Factor Reptiles
RH_Factor Reptiles - 7 years ago
Simply Betta Unfortunately I am in Georgia and we cannot ship mice through FedEx like fish and snakes :( they must be shipped via air and it can be pricey. I will ask the mouse club members if there is a breeder close to you though :) and yes, tans have beautiful rich red/orange bellies with any standard top coat color. My favorite are black tans. The contrast on a show quality black tan is breathtaking!
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Oh man, sorry about your mice! Man That’s awful. I think it’s really cool you have Herefords, I love their little white faces! Ad the chocolate tans - is that the dark mouse with the tan tummies?
I’m in Idaho, I want some mice! Maybe when the weather warms up this spring?
RH_Factor Reptiles
RH_Factor Reptiles - 7 years ago
Simply Betta what state are you in again? If you’re close enough I’d definitely love to give you some Herefords once I get more and everyone is healthy again!
RH_Factor Reptiles
RH_Factor Reptiles - 7 years ago
Simply Betta I do breed Herefords! Only chocolate though right now and I’m still trying to build my numbers back up. I had a horrible outbreak of some pneumonia strain go through my mice two months ago. I think my newest rat brought it in. Rats are far more resilient and I had no idea. Anywho besides Herefords I bred pure English champagne, chocolate, black, black tan, and chocolate tan and I’m using show stock to create a show line of agouti, cinnamon, and blue agouti with little pet shop mice I started with. I’m really impressed at much improvement a few generations made but still much work to do!
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Hi @RH_Factor Reptiles, I appreciate the comment! I do get a lot of flack for my setup and it used to bother me - doesn’t anymore though. Now I realize that most people either don’t realize I have a breeding setup or they don’t know what that really entails.
I don’t know a lot about snakes, but I love mice! What variety do you breed? I really want a hairless mouse, or one of those Hereford fancy mice. They’re so dang adorable.
Trevent ;-;
Trevent ;-; - 7 years ago
50% of these comments: Talking about how the blue and white one is so pretty.
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Well it’s true!
Bonnie Nash
Bonnie Nash - 7 years ago
The blue and white one’s are just incredibly beautiful.
Yudi Tm
Yudi Tm - 7 years ago
Hi cek my channel
Irritable Jon Syndrome
Irritable Jon Syndrome - 7 years ago
Hey, are the half moon plakats for sale? By that i mean, is the original seller still selling? Or did you have offspring
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
I’m actually not sure who the original seller is! Or the original breeder
Sinha - 7 years ago
Irritable Jon Syndrome
Irritable Jon Syndrome - 7 years ago
What if I end up liking you more than her?
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
I don’t know, Amber could really give me a run for my money

30. comment for Unboxing - These Aren't My Fish!

BeautifulWorld Vlogs
BeautifulWorld Vlogs - 7 years ago
Your video is awesome I subscribe to your channel please subscribe my channel too
i am me
i am me - 7 years ago
Mine was all blue
G Jean Andrus
G Jean Andrus - 7 years ago
I really want a koi but the blue and whites are SO pretty!
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
It can be tough to choose a favorite!
Alexa Misty
Alexa Misty - 7 years ago
Duude at least keep the blue and white ones
Melody Chen
Melody Chen - 7 years ago
I swear I’m not lying once I saw the blue one i said SO BEAUTIFUL I’m not lying I’m actually telling the truth
Melody Chen
Melody Chen - 7 years ago
EcoJoe22 please no negative comments
EcoJoe22 - 7 years ago
woooah Nellie... "I'm not lying" and "I'm telling the truth" are things a liar would say... just say what you have to say. lol.
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
I believe you!
Callum Drummond
Callum Drummond - 7 years ago
you should spawn the blue and white 1
GoodVibes - 7 years ago
That white marble one is the reason I came
Monty The Betta
Monty The Betta - 7 years ago
The white and blue combo is gorgeous, would definitely be getting one of the spawn if I was in the US
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Ha ha thanks!
rodai MacCormick
rodai MacCormick - 7 years ago
rodai MacCormick
rodai MacCormick - 7 years ago
oh ok its just i heard it that way in cape cod for as long as i can really remember
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
rodai MacCormick haha you have it backwards, it’s properly pronounced “Bet-tah”. Most people pronounce it wrong.
RobloxZipp - 7 years ago
How do i convince my mom to get me a betta fish (and yes i do know how to take care of them)
SubparPanda - 7 years ago
that blue and white boy is the cutest betta I've ever seen :O
Melleefrase - 7 years ago
New subscriber. The blue and white betta is beautiful but when it opened its gill it was a bit freaky. Lol
Yours Truly
Yours Truly - 7 years ago
Yours Truly
Yours Truly - 7 years ago
wow, that blue n white is my all time favorite. Good to see you Taylor! I need more snacks....huge smile. Happy Holidays to you and the fam!!!!!!
Yoshi278 - 7 years ago
Oh geez they are some amazing bettas
William Neumann
William Neumann - 7 years ago
what is tannins
jessica jacobs
jessica jacobs - 7 years ago
Can you do a video on the tank?
Abhishek kashyap
Abhishek kashyap - 7 years ago
The random channel225
The random channel225 - 7 years ago
Here before 10,000 subsssss!!!
H.C. Aqua
H.C. Aqua - 7 years ago
I hope you’re able to spawn that beautiful blue and white marble plakat.

50. comment for Unboxing - These Aren't My Fish!

Rachel Warren
Rachel Warren - 7 years ago
I love the marble one. So pretty!!
First Name
First Name - 7 years ago
Fish in the post?? How cruel
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Quite common and safe if done by an experienced person with insulation and a heat pack. Every single fish in every pet store has gotten there though the post
Munchie's Place
Munchie's Place - 7 years ago
Oh my gosh that HM Plakat is simply GORGEOUS! I love Plakats!
Fenu S
Fenu S - 7 years ago
No baby eating sounds?
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Not this time ;)
Buzsaw Bowser
Buzsaw Bowser - 7 years ago
Hi Simply Betta, I'm wondering if you can help me?

I want to identify the breed of betta that is mainly white with spots of blue and red koi markings. I saw it in a documentary about betta fish farms in india and I never found the breed's name. You seem an expert so I figured you might know the breed?
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Sounds like marble to me! Look up marble bettas
O-Kay_TX - 7 years ago
very beautiful fish and a nice video . Please check out my betta here https://youtu.be/Xsl9wSBE3IU I am your new sub please sub back Thanks :)
the haunttyy
the haunttyy - 7 years ago
they're gorgeous, are red bettas more vulnerable to yellowish velvet? seems like it to me.
the haunttyy
the haunttyy - 7 years ago
thanks i had it happen several times in the past, just on the red ones, also fish that don't feed well...thanks.
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Not that I have heard!
Ashes - 7 years ago
The white marble is absolutely stunning! I am so jealous of you! xD
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
marquise Washington
marquise Washington - 7 years ago
You should spawn him.
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
plootsa - 7 years ago
Nice for you too do that
Google Man
Google Man - 7 years ago
Woah that marble plakat! Is stunning
Elizabeth Lowery
Elizabeth Lowery - 7 years ago
Where on Earth did she get the wild bettas? Can you link me to the seller?
I've been looking for a while. I would love to possibly buy a pair.
Elizabeth Lowery
Elizabeth Lowery - 7 years ago
Awesome! I will keep a look out!
shin david
shin david - 7 years ago
where is your website? i'd like to buy a couple of your bettas. Your breeding pairs look so good!
Kristie Verstelle
Kristie Verstelle - 7 years ago
could you tell us which Thai seller she got them from or send a link??
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
She imported them from Thailand. Wild Bettas are lovely and I always like to hear when someone appreciates them :)
I will have some pairs of Berta smaragdina guitar available on my website when I update my next batch of fish. And hopefully I will have mahachai and macrostoma soon too.
Big City Bettas will have apiapi, mahachai, and maybe a few other soon too!
I just subscribed keep up the good work
Simply Betta can u see my pet bettas named star blue and toffi there pictures are on my instagram (mysticdraws12)
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Hey thanks!
slickpaw07 Aj
slickpaw07 Aj - 7 years ago
Eishan Perera
Eishan Perera - 7 years ago
Hey you looks like snow white so beautiful!!!
Eishan Perera
Eishan Perera - 7 years ago
Thank you pretty lady......
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
You’re a charmer!
Anna Goiz
Anna Goiz - 7 years ago
she looks like Uma Kopton
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
That’s nicer than some comparisons I get ;)
keng yang
keng yang - 7 years ago
Awesome & beautiful fish jw how much was it to ship the mahachia wild bettas kinda want a few pairs bcus mine recently rip
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
I’m not sure how much it was to import. In the us shipping is about $13 usd
Gianna Goos
Gianna Goos - 7 years ago
I’ve never seen a blue and white fish like that before?!?!
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
They’re fairly uncommon and very beautiful
Andrew Rai
Andrew Rai - 7 years ago
From which country are you Miss simply betta
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
I’m from the USA
Small Pond Fishing
Small Pond Fishing - 7 years ago
These are amazing fish OMG
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Rockton Aquatics
Rockton Aquatics - 7 years ago
The blue and white one is amazing. He is so vibrant.
Down the Worm Hole
Down the Worm Hole - 7 years ago
Just stunning! I would for sure be trying to breed that male! Best of luck with the babies for big city bettas!
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Yeah! Thanks! : )
shofa urrhangga5
shofa urrhangga5 - 7 years ago
What your instagram?
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Simplybettafish I think!
Rudy Ramos
Rudy Ramos - 7 years ago
Great job. The half moon is absolutely gorgeous!
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Thanks! I like him ^^
Rob Osborn
Rob Osborn - 7 years ago
They are the first wild I've seen and there are stunning. I think I'll be setting up a betta tank
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
I always like hearing that some people appreciate the wild varieties : )
Andrew Rai
Andrew Rai - 7 years ago
A nice one betta can u do an giveaway
Andrew Rai
Andrew Rai - 7 years ago
Thank u mam
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Maybe in the future. I don't think I would ever do an animal giveaway, but maybe a betta-related product
ace.Rodney Mansalon
ace.Rodney Mansalon - 7 years ago
hi pitched voice
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Fresh water Fish Freak
Fresh water Fish Freak - 7 years ago
Where can I get wild bettas?
dakog OLOK
dakog OLOK - 7 years ago
Fresh water Fish Freak IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN
dakog OLOK
dakog OLOK - 7 years ago
Fresh water Fish Freak IN THE OCEAN
Fresh water Fish Freak
Fresh water Fish Freak - 7 years ago
I'm gonna have a bunch of aquariums to full here soon. and the wilds have caught my attention as of late. So...yeah, I really want one. I'll contact you when I get some of my new tanks in and ready.
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
It is very sad, but the more people raising them in captivity means a higher chance of the species surviving after all! Just like the white cloud minnow. WIlds are a little more forgiving than domestic bettas, they can usually be kept in pairs or a small group.
Fresh water Fish Freak
Fresh water Fish Freak - 7 years ago
Extinct in the wild sounds both exciting and sad :(

I still need to do some research on them. Are they like your normal pet store bettas where males have to be kept separate?
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Do you have a species in mind? I have some smaragdina guitar pairs, and hopefully soon I'll have some mahachai. Big City Bettas is working on apiapi (now extinct in the wild) and she will have mahachai and some more varieties in the future. The Wet SPot Tropical Fish has some varieties on occasion. Just depends on what you're looking for : )
Akhil TALASALA - 7 years ago
You cheated me. You showed two blue bettas on poster and there is one one in video. Hate u
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Lol, I didn't think of that! Was trying to show the fish in all his glory ^^
Killer Shark
Killer Shark - 7 years ago
You should keep them but that would be cruel
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Stef Styl
Stef Styl - 7 years ago
Keep them
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
I'm getting a lot of "keep them" votes ^^
Jaime 姚
Jaime 姚 - 7 years ago
What is the beautiful fish?
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
A betta
Bailee Jane
Bailee Jane - 7 years ago
Talk about well bred fish! Stunning!
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Kat Newman Obsessive Aquarist
Kat Newman Obsessive Aquarist - 7 years ago
Which scaping tank are you getting? I got a dennerle scapers for my sorority and the lid has very large gaps around the edge that I learned the hard way that they can jump through
Kat Newman Obsessive Aquarist
Kat Newman Obsessive Aquarist - 7 years ago
Email coming atcha !! Look forward to seeing it when it's all set up
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Jumpers are the worst :( I'm looking forward to setting it up. I didn't realize it didn't come with substrate so I'm waiting on that in the mail, then I'll plant it! You can send a pic to simplybettafish@gmail.com or to @simplybettafish on instagram or anything that is easiest
Kat Newman Obsessive Aquarist
Kat Newman Obsessive Aquarist - 7 years ago
Cool! As a tank I love it, the light grows stuff like crazy I have a cryptocoryne thats gone round the corner and kept going!! But poor Rose jumped and hid and I didn't find her till she was dry as a bone ☹ I will send you pics, where shall I send? Or I could do you a quick vid in the morning - haven't uploaded anything in yonks.
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
I got the dennerle scapers tank too! Unboxed it and I def. noticed the big gap in the lid. Dang, especially because wild bettas are expert jumpers! I was thinking about just putting cling wrap over the gaps even though it will be a bit ugly. If you have pics you should show me yours ;)
francisco menjivar
francisco menjivar - 7 years ago
Where did they get them from?
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
She imported them from Thailand
Silver Stream Bettas
Silver Stream Bettas - 7 years ago
You should do series where you breed him and we can watch the progress if the fry.
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Yeah! I just might. I'm fattening up the female now haha
My Pets
My Pets - 7 years ago
OMG SOOOOO PRETTTY! I made a betta video on my channel! It would mean a lot if u could check it out!
Jose Ortuzar
Jose Ortuzar - 7 years ago
Omg yasss spawn himmmmm he is gorgeous!!!!!
Kripke The Chameleon & Friends
Kripke The Chameleon & Friends - 7 years ago
What a gorgeous Plakat, so beautiful
Justin Bissoondath
Justin Bissoondath - 7 years ago
You should definitely spawn him...please do
Rachel Edwards
Rachel Edwards - 7 years ago
Where did she order these from?!?
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Imported from a breeder in Thailand
Noah Fagello
Noah Fagello - 7 years ago
How is the giant spawn?
Noah Fagello
Noah Fagello - 7 years ago
Simply Betta when will they be for sale?
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Growing fast!
GeoAquariums - 7 years ago
I never thought about keeping bettas until I started watching your channel... I think I'm going to set up a sorority here soon!
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Yay, I brought someone over to the dark side!
Lazaro Gonzalez
Lazaro Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Were can i order a pair of bettas like that!?!?!?!?!,
Lazaro Gonzalez
Lazaro Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Thank you!! Hope they have some more
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
From me or Big City Bettas !
Jarod Boening
Jarod Boening - 7 years ago
Where did she get them?
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Imported from Thailand
Animals and Stuff
Animals and Stuff - 7 years ago
Do you know any good beta breeders that have vail tale females and ship to Canada,Ottawa?
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
not off the top of me head, I would go to the Internation Betta Congress facebook page and ask that : )
Linda Smith
Linda Smith - 7 years ago
How much do you like Big City Bettas? That blue and white one wouldn't leave my house for sure! lol
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Meegan Streets
Meegan Streets - 7 years ago
That blue marbled one is incredible!! You should totally breed him!!
heatherwanderer777 - 7 years ago
yeah, I was drooling over him, he's a pretty one!!
betta fish expert 1
betta fish expert 1 - 7 years ago
You should spawn the fish before u ship it
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
You bet!
meowrisaaa - 7 years ago
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago

100. comment for Unboxing - These Aren't My Fish!

Rencie Woolsey
Rencie Woolsey - 7 years ago
Question (and forgive me if you covered this in a previous video): how do you cycle your tanks?  The domestic bettas remind me of those fancy department store floral bedsheets -- they are beautiful.
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
I like the comparison! For my big tanks I cycle the old fashioned way: seed a filter with used filter media and let it run on a tank with no fish in it. Add waste to decay and create ammonia and wait for the cycle to finish
Emerald Pets- Natasha
Emerald Pets- Natasha - 7 years ago
Wow my wife is really wanting one of the white and blue half moon bettas.
Emerald Pets- Natasha
Emerald Pets- Natasha - 7 years ago
Simply Betta oh awesome. Please let me know when ready I would love some. Emerald.nc83@gmail.com
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
I'll have spawns soon, and so will Big City Bettas!
Love of Pets
Love of Pets - 7 years ago
I would love to have one of those white and blue bettas. So pretty!
Out and About GTA
Out and About GTA - 7 years ago
Omg! The white betta with blue is stunning!
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Yes, I love him!
J Rem
J Rem - 7 years ago
I love the way they taped up the corners, I always worry about fish getting trapped in those and getting squished
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Yeah it is such a good idea, I do that now too
Jess MacDougall
Jess MacDougall - 7 years ago
Wishing I could have that hmpk
Thät Øne Bülly
Thät Øne Bülly - 7 years ago
Could swear she says simply Betty
Fish For Thought
Fish For Thought - 7 years ago
Hopefully big city Betta is doing okay... And can make videos again soon. Very nice of you to babysit :)
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
She will be back soon!
franklin jones
franklin jones - 7 years ago
that marble one is soooo beautiful.
Nigel Choo
Nigel Choo - 7 years ago
So pretty!!
CL Roman
CL Roman - 7 years ago
Beautiful fish, I'd be tempted to keep them too..
Bashar Net
Bashar Net - 7 years ago
Joshyxxx2 Playz
Joshyxxx2 Playz - 7 years ago
Give them to ME!!!!
Rebecca Woodward
Rebecca Woodward - 7 years ago
Oh my gosh that white and blue one is stunning.
Keshia Decker
Keshia Decker - 7 years ago
Man I want one so bad now so beautiful
Mark O Polo
Mark O Polo - 7 years ago
Another great video. Thank you. I really enjoy your videos.
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Thank you!
art - 7 years ago
I want that white and blue betta!
LJ Aquatics
LJ Aquatics - 7 years ago
O.M.G. If you DO spawn that gorgeous white/blue - Plllllllllllllleaaaaaaaaase plan on selling me one of the males. I have a female that would work PERFECTLY with one of his babies. Well.. Since she's (hopefully) in there spawning right now, it would be one of her daughters.. but oh man. I am totally in love with that blue!
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Isn't he gorgeous? Haha, I'm going to spawn him either to a solid royal blue female or a red/blue female with a little red wash on her. Or.... BOTH. Bwahaha
Money Team
Money Team - 7 years ago
For sure breed him try to a all white betta or a female that looks just like him
Bipolar Bettas
Bipolar Bettas - 7 years ago
Damn everyone wants a Betta. I need to start breeding
The Delusional Trump Supporter
The Delusional Trump Supporter - 7 years ago
Do you breed & sell?
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Yep! Simplybetta.com, though all my current stock is still growing out
Victoria Travers
Victoria Travers - 7 years ago
breed him! I'll buy a baby, hes stunning!
Victoria Travers
Victoria Travers - 7 years ago
I'll be on the lookout! Any idea of a price range if any babies resemble him well??
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Good to know! ^^ I will have a spawn from him and so should Big City Bettas!
keith746n - 7 years ago
the blue and white betta is awesome. I am very color blind,and i am speechless
Petit Fish
Petit Fish - 7 years ago
Omg he’s such a beautiful boy, you should definitely breed him. He’s such a stunning boy.
Petit Fish
Petit Fish - 7 years ago
Simply Betta I have a pair of blue marble like him, but mine are butterly and starting to marble up.
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
I totally will!
Arfath Ahmed
Arfath Ahmed - 7 years ago
betta whisperer,aqua woman and the list goes on and on...u are an amazing lady, love from India..❤
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
betta whisperer - I like that!
Diamond - 7 years ago
What beautiful fish X3
Too beautiful I would probably not give them back haha
(Just kidding)
Those are too cute XD
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
YellowMellow Fellow
YellowMellow Fellow - 7 years ago
Loving the new adopted bettas!
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga - 7 years ago
Great video. Great fish
Nathan Tiblow
Nathan Tiblow - 7 years ago
Alex Tchieng
Alex Tchieng - 7 years ago
TENN Aquarium And animals
TENN Aquarium And animals - 7 years ago
I love your new pair.......Can you trade my Discus fish?
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Besta TV
Besta TV - 7 years ago
Actually the mahachai betta was better for keep them for betta fighting sport they are really great at that
Rickard Rocks
Rickard Rocks - 7 years ago
Those where beauties!
Mary Devereaux
Mary Devereaux - 7 years ago
That is some fun babysitting there!! Really pretty fish, especially love that gorgeous plakat
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Good to hear! : )
Pet Craz
Pet Craz - 7 years ago
I want the male Placat! (Don’t know I& I spelled that right) where was the order from? Do you know Simply betta?
Pet Craz
Pet Craz - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Imported from a breeder in Thailand
Pet Craz
Pet Craz - 7 years ago
Yeah, thanks. Do you know where here’s She ordered the fish from?
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Plakats (short fin bettas) can be found at petco/petsmart, or ordered from loving breeders like myself and Big City Bettas ; )
LJ Aquatics
LJ Aquatics - 7 years ago
It is Plakat :)
Rae's Aquaria
Rae's Aquaria - 7 years ago
You are such a great friend! That's hard to come by these days.
And I love living vicariously through you. You guys come in contact with so many exquisite fish!
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
lol! Thanks Rae
Just YouTubing
Just YouTubing - 7 years ago
Sister Neistat back at it again! xD
Just YouTubing
Just YouTubing - 7 years ago
Simply Betta xD
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Congratz, that is still the weirdest comparison I've ever been given!
Absolute Aquatics
Absolute Aquatics - 7 years ago
stall Regnbåge
stall Regnbåge - 7 years ago
I love bettas
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Good to hear!
Joshua Fuhrman
Joshua Fuhrman - 7 years ago
My fluvel fish food came and my fishes are so in love with them! Can you tell me where you get them frm?
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
I think petco or petsmart might carry them now, and for sure the brand can be found online!
Horseshoe Bettas
Horseshoe Bettas - 7 years ago
oh, how cool!!!you are so nice to take care of her fish for the time being :)
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
They’re gorgeous! Love the marble plakat beautiful markings.
WolfAlpha213 - 7 years ago
Plakat means betta fish
So you can call him a marble ^^
Aqua Apprentice
Aqua Apprentice - 7 years ago
Yea that is definitely a beautiful fish. Spawn that bad boy
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Yes, so lovely!
Graham Mackie
Graham Mackie - 7 years ago
Love watching your videos and it's nice to have very good friends like you to look after there fish and I would definitely breed from them as nowadays there's not much information about betta but iv learnt so much from you it amazing especially the betta sorority tank keep up the good work
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Appreciate it: )
Ann Cleveland
Ann Cleveland - 7 years ago
SO the wild ones can be kept together? And I would mate the other he is so cute.
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Wild species can usually be kept in pairs or small groups ; )
Leslie2009 - 7 years ago
Wow. Those are some beautiful fish! I'll bet it's gonna be tough to see them go.
I'm curious to see what happens if you decide to try spawning her male with on of your females. ☺️
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Then be sure to follow along, because I've already chosen a female for him! Preparing them now : )
Spoon - 7 years ago
Oh wow, those white and blue bettas are gorgeous ! I’m sure you’re a great nanny
V. Stag
V. Stag - 7 years ago
Awesome video WOW that blue and white is amazing Thanks for Sharing #FishFam #NJAE18
V Betta
V Betta - 7 years ago
Oh man... If only that plakat would stay like that and not end up solid blue....

I would name him Heart Throb.
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
@LJ Aquatics Yeah, marble bettas tend to change colors throughout their lives, and tend to turn solid colors as they age. It isn't guaranteed though,. people are breeding them for the colors to be permanent. That is what Koi bettas are, but those ones don't have blue
V Betta
V Betta - 7 years ago
LJ Aquatics

Yeah, I would love him anyways. He is gorgeous. With all the new fin types and colors I hope someone eventually gets fish like him that won't marble. Can you imagine what people would pay?? I have a little yellow, white, and black plakat but he is mostly black now. That is how the big bouncy ball bounces.

... It is fun watching them change though.
LJ Aquatics
LJ Aquatics - 7 years ago
The white and blue will end up solid blue? A slight disappointment but What a blue!
Horseshoe Bettas
Horseshoe Bettas - 7 years ago
lol tue, tho!!
Luc Hoofd
Luc Hoofd - 7 years ago
What is that betta called? XD Nice video
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
A blue and white marble betta. Some might call it a "grizzle"
ColdOnion Man
ColdOnion Man - 7 years ago
Can i buy that blue marble??
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Maybe someday when me and Big City Bettas have some spawns going!
Bundyburger09 - 7 years ago
ColdOnion Man its not hers to sell. I doubt the owner wants to sell since thry only just bought him
carlmelo - 7 years ago
The wild ones look cool! They'd be very at home in a planted tank. Do you know if the colorful Bettas, aka Betta Splendes (aka Siamese Fighting Fish) came from the wild ones?
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Thanks! Domestic betta splendens are indeed selectively bred from wild bettas :)
ColdOnion Man
ColdOnion Man - 7 years ago
Where can u buy that kind of fish pls help
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
From breeders! Also from me and Big City Bettas once we get some spawns going : )
Karen Schuttler
Karen Schuttler - 7 years ago
Those are absolutely gorgeous! I don't know if I'd be able to give them back lol
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Me neither! ^^
Silver Stream Bettas
Silver Stream Bettas - 7 years ago
I'd keep them
Shirene Dustin Miller
Shirene Dustin Miller - 7 years ago
They all are so beautiful! :) you should try spawning the white and blue male :3
Shirene Dustin Miller
Shirene Dustin Miller - 7 years ago
Simply Betta im hoping to spawn my koi pair once they are of age for the first time. I'm excited! Only missing some microworms at this point. The youtuber fish community gave me inspiration and proper information to feel confident enough to give this a try :) love your videos!
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
I think I will!
Shirene Dustin Miller
Shirene Dustin Miller - 7 years ago
Karen Schuttler I would almost wanna name one moo, short for moo cow lol.
Karen Schuttler
Karen Schuttler - 7 years ago
Shirene Dustin Miller. I would want some of their babies!
Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities - 7 years ago
Great video! That is so kind of you to help her out! :) Gorgeous fish too. I just adore bettas.
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Thanks for stopping by @Bear Necessities, I love your vids!
Mercy Chua
Mercy Chua - 7 years ago
You have many bettas in your other videos do you sell them?
Jim Meeker
Jim Meeker - 7 years ago
Oh Man! That plakat is beautiful! You should definitely spawn it with one of your females before shipping it off to BCB.
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
You know I will!
Mimi's Aquatic Addiction
Mimi's Aquatic Addiction - 7 years ago
Wow! That white and blue marble plakat is absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!!
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
DoctorDelta - 7 years ago
I feel the pain. I need more snacks too.
The game hacker Parkin
The game hacker Parkin - 7 years ago
First one to comment just wants say I love watching your videos and keep up the good work
The game hacker Parkin
The game hacker Parkin - 7 years ago
First one to comment just wants say I love watching your videos and keep up the good work
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
Appreciate it!
Bettaxfish 1
Bettaxfish 1 - 7 years ago
Rugby beast Me Gleason
Rugby beast Me Gleason - 7 years ago
They are so cute
Rugby beast Me Gleason
Rugby beast Me Gleason - 7 years ago
First coment
Sunkiss Slimes
Sunkiss Slimes - 7 years ago
Lol this is why I never order fish ofline
CrazyNWildBaby - 7 years ago
LJ- Yes. :)
LJ Aquatics
LJ Aquatics - 7 years ago
Rachel O'Leary?
CrazyNWildBaby - 7 years ago
No problem. Just letting you know. I did just watch an unboxing on another channel and they legit sent her the wrong fish to her. lol.
Sunkiss Slimes
Sunkiss Slimes - 7 years ago
I know I commented before I watched the whole vid
CrazyNWildBaby - 7 years ago
She got a friend's order. It was setup that way because the friend had to go out of town. They didn't send her some random fish order.

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