Unboxing My $100 Betta Fish from Indonesia!!!

Yes, I spent over $100 on a betta fish. Watch me unbox the beautiful koi galaxy halfmoon betta from Indonesia!!! Download Amino and join me in the communities! iOS and Google Play: http://aminoapps.com/c/reptiles/join Follow Me: Tyler Rugge SUBSCRIBE TO MY VLOG CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC335A4cOrjpTjWkXpOT9lfg My Social Media: Twitter: https://twitter.com/tylerrugge Instagram: https://instagram.com/tylerrugge Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TylerRuggeOf... Tumblr: http://trugge.tumblr.com/ Snapchat: trugge PO Box Address: Tyler Rugge 511 Olde Towne Rd #81274 Rochester, MI 48308

Unboxing My $100 Betta Fish from Indonesia!!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 274

Betta 6 years ago 162,689 views

Yes, I spent over $100 on a betta fish. Watch me unbox the beautiful koi galaxy halfmoon betta from Indonesia!!! Download Amino and join me in the communities! iOS and Google Play: http://aminoapps.com/c/reptiles/join Follow Me: Tyler Rugge SUBSCRIBE TO MY VLOG CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC335A4cOrjpTjWkXpOT9lfg My Social Media: Twitter: https://twitter.com/tylerrugge Instagram: https://instagram.com/tylerrugge Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TylerRuggeOf... Tumblr: http://trugge.tumblr.com/ Snapchat: trugge PO Box Address: Tyler Rugge 511 Olde Towne Rd #81274 Rochester, MI 48308

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Most popular comments
for Unboxing My $100 Betta Fish from Indonesia!!!

cay252 - 6 years ago
Love ur hair color! :)
Mia Bivenour
Mia Bivenour - 6 years ago
Me: I want another betta
Betta: I’m $500
Me: sure! Here’s my money!
Scrat Is Life
Scrat Is Life - 6 years ago
I have the same sweater
Love Turtles
Love Turtles - 6 years ago
Beautiful betta
Turtle Momma
Turtle Momma - 6 years ago
I got a rainbow Betta he was actually rainbow I loved him so much he got his own 20 gallon long tank and I don't know how you can spoil a fish but I did he got every Betta "toy" thing that he wanted and real plants for him and like little hide things and he is going strong I've had him for about 1 year and his name is you guessed it rainbow
DylBeen the Plotagonist and randomee 240
DylBeen the Plotagonist and randomee 240 - 6 years ago
I have a male Halfmoon Betta named Raedo that my parents bought from Petco, and he’s actually doing pretty well, swimming around a lot, and hiding in his Tiki
Cipto Michael Julius
Cipto Michael Julius - 6 years ago
HAY im so happy watching this <3 <3 <3
Taylor Jones
Taylor Jones - 6 years ago
I ADORE BETTA FISH! I love their personalities and how beautiful they are.
Abigail Rasor
Abigail Rasor - 6 years ago
How long did it take to ship?

10. comment for Unboxing My $100 Betta Fish from Indonesia!!!

Owen Maggio
Owen Maggio - 6 years ago
I saw one that looks exactly like that at petsmart
Mary Norton
Mary Norton - 6 years ago
Can you go over the proper way to take care of fish and how to clean the tank? I am having a very difficult time with it.
Cuong Ga
Cuong Ga - 6 years ago
Here is koi galaxy
fish freaks
fish freaks - 6 years ago
In india you can get that for 15$
PLAY OR DIE - 6 years ago
This skin red koi galaxy
One Piece
One Piece - 6 years ago
Hi im from Indonesia
Rider Banua
Rider Banua - 6 years ago
Awesome Betta Fish
Ria Martinez
Ria Martinez - 6 years ago
I have the same type of betta fish, same color and same everything he’s very cute haha and I named him Louedveigh :) also an import but from thailand
Dammit Child?!?
Dammit Child?!? - 6 years ago
I wanna ask if you are vegan. I keep fish before I became vegan. And I am struggling with veganism, and keeping fish.
Dandi's Den
Dandi's Den - 6 years ago
I've got a betta in a 5.5 gal Tank with a snail and a albino spiny pleco... Saph will be 3 years old in 2019 (Or i'll have had him 3 years). Having kept Betta's in 1G tanks before, because I didn't know better, I could barely keep a Betta alive longer than 6 months. I think 5gal is more than good enough. I searched for almost 6 months to make sure I knew what would be best for a Betta and all i ever found was 2.5 bare min, 5 and up was best. There's nothing wrong with your 5g tank. If you don't believe me, talk to people like Simply Betta or Creative Pet Keeping - they seem to focus on Betta care on their channels.

20. comment for Unboxing My $100 Betta Fish from Indonesia!!!

Adi Prasetyo
Adi Prasetyo - 6 years ago
i dont know betta fish had a high price in your country...
'cause in indonesia we can get that under $10...
or for usual betta it's under $1... ☺
Marica Peter
Marica Peter - 6 years ago
I love kois
reeceislame - 6 years ago
I think that 2.5 gallons is way to small but I feel like five gallons is good they seem to really like five gallons. Ten is really good too though. I know people who have betta’s in 29 gallons.
Erlingga Oktapianur
Erlingga Oktapianur - 6 years ago
Betta fish indonesia is very good and i pepole indonesia
Burnt Toast
Burnt Toast - 6 years ago
I genuenaly enjoy aminio
Goaticorn - 6 years ago
Psssh, a 5gal would have been more than enough for him. A 10gal is "better" and will be a palace (Kindof like going from a 900 Sq ft apt to a 1800 Sq ft house) but they can happily survive in a 5gal. (It really really depends on the betta/fins/age/how long they've lived like they have/etc.)
Jessen JeKsEn
Jessen JeKsEn - 6 years ago
Do You Know Why The Water Is Yellow.?? Because The Seller Put A Banana Leaf Or In Asian We Called It Daun Ketapang. It Makes The Betta Fish Tail Colour Better And Glossy. Im From Indonesia, Come Visit My Fish Store At Tanjong Priok. ;)
Leon Drolet
Leon Drolet - 6 years ago
Damn, Boy, that is one beautiful betta! Hope he'doing well.
Jordan Luman
Jordan Luman - 6 years ago
That is a gorgeous beta!
Chelsea Smile
Chelsea Smile - 6 years ago
I think it's really awesome that people are starting to keep their bettas in bigger tanks! My last couple and my current betta have been in ten gallons (started doing this a few years ago) and they've been so much happier and lived to be at least 2 years old if not older. Your new kid is beautiful! Can't wait to see more of him :)

30. comment for Unboxing My $100 Betta Fish from Indonesia!!!

AKINAacacia - 6 years ago
Dude, it's pronounced bet-tah, not bey-ta. Also you have a plakat (pronounced plah-kot).
Luv V
Luv V - 6 years ago
Lol, im living in here and it was 2-10 dollar and i think great quality for such a cheap dollar
Brianna Underwood
Brianna Underwood - 6 years ago
buffy898 - 6 years ago
yeah , In all of my research 2.5 gallons is the lowest and anything more should be okay. I keep all mine in 5 gallons until I can get larger tanks for them.
Zatch - 6 years ago
BEH-TAH not BAY-TAH, just something to remember
Cutieno - 6 years ago
Fish keepers amino is honestly garbage, the owner attacked me for buying a telescope goldfish. Highly don't recommend it for goldfish keepers. Also 5 gal is good for them, so no massive worries
Versaiis P
Versaiis P - 6 years ago
My first fish was a gold. He was a telescope. His name was Bubbles. Now I have a turtle named Bubbles. And a bunch of guppies and three bettas. Good luck with your gold though! PS I love telescopes.
KittyCat Squad-Sian and Scarlett Wright
KittyCat Squad-Sian and Scarlett Wright - 6 years ago
I have warrior cat amino dose anyone know what warrior cats is?
Marcela Rodriguez
Marcela Rodriguez - 6 years ago
i think that you should name the betta fish ( freddy mcseaweed starlight
I Stan iKON & YG Fam _
I Stan iKON & YG Fam _ - 6 years ago
You got a beautiful koi betta for a high pice ?? I got my beautiful koi betta as well for $25 from my local asian fish market in the stores all the water is all fill with almond leaf medicine. Plus its all his fish is quality and every color and variety of bettas to every kind I can link his store website!
Aspect Studios
Aspect Studios - 6 years ago
You can get a koi betta fish at petco for 20$
CBPB Wrestling
CBPB Wrestling - 6 years ago
Name him Uranus

I'm sorry
Alexus TM
Alexus TM - 6 years ago
Jesus, 100 bucks for a fish!?
havannabeauty - 6 years ago
I'm curious for taking care betta on winter time..
Lilik Emi Rahayu
Lilik Emi Rahayu - 6 years ago
A hundred dolar. That's probably around Rp. 1.400.000 now. I think the cost for shipping are more high than the betta itself. But your fish is really beautiful. A bit hard to found one with quality like that.
Greeting from Indonesia..
Gokul - 6 years ago
Hi Tyler, this betta is amazing. Can I know the seller details or the online website from where I can get one?
Gokul - 6 years ago
Ruthie Sandberg
Ruthie Sandberg - 6 years ago
I have my batta in a 2 gallon and I’ve had him in there forever and he’s happy and healthy
LittleImpaler - 6 years ago
He looks really big.
LittleImpaler - 6 years ago
Your 5 is fine.
Carebear Ava
Carebear Ava - 6 years ago
You should name him firework
q p
q p - 6 years ago
Do they deliver it to your house? Or do you pick it up at an airport or something?

50. comment for Unboxing My $100 Betta Fish from Indonesia!!!

reza nugraha sanjaya
reza nugraha sanjaya - 6 years ago
in indonesia in year between 2000-2013. almost every kid had this beta fish. we called "IKAN CUPANG". and i was breed alot of beta fish when i was like 10 years old. but nowadays its rare that kids choose this fish as a pet. they prefer an online game. this make me sad
Rafer Raphael Toni
Rafer Raphael Toni - 6 years ago
Im from Indonesia
Sabiq Akbar
Sabiq Akbar - 6 years ago
Giant betta fish
Dawn Ruhl
Dawn Ruhl - 6 years ago
I know some Betta who literally stopped eating because they were put in bigger tanks. SMH
Dawn Ruhl
Dawn Ruhl - 6 years ago
I could barely watch you squishing the bag, holding it up. Otherwise, good video hun.
That Borderline Guy
That Borderline Guy - 6 years ago
When you said, I don't want to just spend $15 on a Petco Betta, I could totally relate. I didn't exactly order a fish from Indonesia, but I spent $51 on a short fin Koi male Betta today. You inspired me to buy a really nice fish and not compromise on something I can get anywhere.
lightdp - 6 years ago
Show the fish a mirror... that will trigger its "fight" mode.
Magnificent Addi
Magnificent Addi - 6 years ago
He’s a BIG BOI
David Liu
David Liu - 6 years ago
My betta fish lives in a 21 gallon fish tank!!
Isaac Hair
Isaac Hair - 6 years ago
Will my 25 gallon tank be too much for a single betta?
trinity k.
trinity k. - 6 years ago
I just bought a Betta from Wal-Mart for 6$
Falah Naufal
Falah Naufal - 6 years ago
Big love from Indonesia
Kaylea Walker
Kaylea Walker - 6 years ago
Hey I just started watching your videos. A five gallon tank is just fine.
hung truong
hung truong - 6 years ago
I have fancy and koi sale $50 eat ib my fb
Greg Williams
Greg Williams - 6 years ago
The betta fish they have over here look so washed out and wimpy compared to this beautiful guy
Greg Williams
Greg Williams - 6 years ago
It's really scary some of the ways people keep all kinds of fish here in the USA, like bowls for goldfish and crouded community tanks with fish who would never meet up in the wild.
Muhammad Ilham
Muhammad Ilham - 6 years ago
Your betta.. In malaysia is only $35...
Birds& More
Birds& More - 6 years ago
Hey Tyler great video. I want to give you a suggestion can't you bUy budgies and make videos on them.If anyone agrees like. This comment
Tara Vanflower
Tara Vanflower - 6 years ago
what a beautiful fish!
Katherine Clinesmith
Katherine Clinesmith - 6 years ago
ONE MINUTE OF THE ACTUAL FISH?!?!?!?! jesus christ dude do a voiceover. Pretty betta though
indra dj
indra dj - 6 years ago
Hello I luv pet too they better look then see painting,they so real n rare, im enjoying ur show
Jennifer Williams
Jennifer Williams - 6 years ago
That's a female
Strayfox - 6 years ago
OMG, this makes me so happy, that Americans FINALLY start to take the care standards from Germany serious (those standards are set by animal welfare groups and zoologists). It always makes me so mad to watch American pet videos because most of them are full of wrong care or even animal cruelty (hint hat all the bunny bathing videos). Try to convince someone in the yt comments that their pet isn't that happy as they think it is, it is impossible... (since those people are somehow unable to learn their pets bodylanguage as well...)
@ everyone who wants to own a pet, stop listening to pet store people they just tell you shit so you buy all the trash from the store. Inform yourself on the internet and check multiple sources not just one. Most of the old pet standards come from animal farming or factory farming to keep the animal alive with minimum effort/money, but they didn't care about their happiness. As example: before that change the highest age for pet bunnies was 6 years. Today, with species-appropriate care it's 10-15 years. (yes, I have bunnies but it applies to other pets too)
SkyePanda - 6 years ago
The min for bettas is 2 gallons....5 is more than fine!
K S - 6 years ago
Isn't it tannin that makes the water brown? I heard they ship in tannin, whatever that is. I've never ordered a fish online
Prestige Pets
Prestige Pets - 6 years ago
$100 isnt even all that expensive. In NZ the cheapest you can get is like $50
NOODLES KC2JLI - 6 years ago
You want a 15 or 20gal tank ...
Rani Syhr
Rani Syhr - 6 years ago
ohh i live in indonesia, there's so many people selling betta fish on the street and pretty cheap and idk why but now i just want to get a betta fish bc they're really pretty and i've always wanted a pet fish XD btw your betta fish is pretty
Billiam Wadford
Billiam Wadford - 6 years ago
I’ve had many betta fish, they live literally anything. We had like a 2.5 gallon bowl our last Betta, deuce, and he lived for 8 years
Priscilladeline - 6 years ago
I'm from indonesia and it's interesting to see you order a fish allll the way from indonesia. i appreciate the effort wow i never knew that asian beta fish are better? in a way. but anyway. love your channel!
That Borderline Guy
That Borderline Guy - 6 years ago
Very cool video. Was thinking about buying an expensive Betta lately.
watje janssen
watje janssen - 6 years ago
you know how bloody long you talk and keep the fish in that plastic bag ?
adi nugroho
adi nugroho - 6 years ago
nice one mate! love the colors!
NotaShow Show
NotaShow Show - 6 years ago
Adam Dawson
Adam Dawson - 6 years ago
flick to 7 minutes to get to the fish
SkyeBright StarLight
SkyeBright StarLight - 6 years ago
He looks like like a sorren. Lol idk sounds really random but he looks like a sorren.
Dean Johnson
Dean Johnson - 6 years ago
Beta fish are treated very cruelly as they can survive with next to no oxygen for up to two hours. Plus people naturally tend to dislike or take advantage of the betas because they aren't shown as sociable fish and they're cheap.
Calvin Yuda
Calvin Yuda - 6 years ago
the leaves are brown because they are mixed with ketapang leaves. ketapang leaf is very good for the health of betta fish
FAISAL algifari
FAISAL algifari - 6 years ago
Haai i'm from indonesia
Harry Stark
Harry Stark - 6 years ago
100 dollars and it has swim bladder problems. What a con.
Lilly - 6 years ago
I know Im way behind on this video but I was apart of the fish keeping amino, I dont necessarily agree with German standards; 3-5 is more what I agree with but a 10 can be perfect thats what both my bettas are in because the tank was the same price as a 10; I think Tyler's betta had been fine in the 5 but if its even happier now then cool. I just see a lot of uneccesary aggressive comments towards people with their bettas in a 5 and that is uneccesary. I think as long as the fish is cared for in that size tank then who cares? Leave people be for their tank size.
Sabrina Elisa Idris
Sabrina Elisa Idris - 6 years ago
the water is brown because it's tanned with dried leaves soaked in the water. lemme get the name of the tree the leaves come from. in malay, it's called 'ketapang' leaves. it is used to lower the pH of water and give the betta more intense colour. I'll give a link about the tree in the reply
Sabrina Elisa Idris
Sabrina Elisa Idris - 6 years ago

it's tropical almond tree.

here's another fun fact. most bettas in south east Asia are kept in plastic cup sized containers. well, not so fun apparently
Orlando Farias
Orlando Farias - 6 years ago
Destiny Knupfer
Destiny Knupfer - 6 years ago
Hey what's up you guys..yes
Brookeee - 6 years ago
watch it die in an hour ...lmfao
Briannasofia - 6 years ago
Mine was 1 dollar y’all extra
Josh L
Josh L - 6 years ago
What an interesting betta :)
Dody Kurniawan
Dody Kurniawan - 6 years ago
Betta fish koi half moon
Efrain Roman
Efrain Roman - 6 years ago
A puppies life N.C
A puppies life N.C - 6 years ago
its a girl u can tell from the fins
Armored Wings
Armored Wings - 6 years ago
A puppies life N.C It's a plaket half moon tail. Plakets have short tails, doesn't mean they are female.

100. comment for Unboxing My $100 Betta Fish from Indonesia!!!

William Nawei
William Nawei - 6 years ago
$100 ? ....
Dicky Wiratama
Dicky Wiratama - 6 years ago
hai brother, iam seller betta fish from Indonesia, if you have instagram you can check @wirousbetta and follow, thankyou so much
Niko Res
Niko Res - 6 years ago
wow plakad koi hellboy
Russell Catigan
Russell Catigan - 6 years ago
I tell you a secret when you open the box you see the brown water that water is healthy because in Asia they put the Indian almond leaves the Indian almond leaves is healthy for your betta I put too my betta sick and then after 5 days hes has cure
Russell Catigan
Russell Catigan - 6 years ago
Hello my name is Russell from phillipines I breed too betta all my betta has a beautiful vibrant color
Savannah Ashbrook
Savannah Ashbrook - 6 years ago
I have a betta that will loose his mind if he's anything bigger then a 3.5. Like he almost died in a 5 gallon.
Alex Pek
Alex Pek - 6 years ago
I'm sorry but I think it's a rip off for this betta based on the pattern and combination. You can get a lot more better grade and color combination at $30 USD. There are better seller with much better koi in Indonesia.
LIBA FPS - 6 years ago
Man.. that fish is lucky..
Red Panda
Red Panda - 6 years ago
$100 for a tiny fish?? taheck.. why???????
..annoying video too
Ayna BOOP BOOP - 6 years ago
Name the fish Timothy!
Magdazelda Henrideon
Magdazelda Henrideon - 6 years ago
I have a hobby breeder in my town. She has so beautiful bettas
PG Loi
PG Loi - 6 years ago
Dude.. too expensive. Suggest u check out my recent trip to Master Chin place.
Andika Pratomo
Andika Pratomo - 6 years ago
Hi! I live in Indonesia and that's a quite beautiful betta fish! And yes, bettas are cheap here but considering your betta color and types, it is worth maybe around $20-$40 here. Let's say the other $60 you spent is for shipping lol, and fyi, i bought my betta for about $1 here and it is just kinda regular red-bluish halfmoon betta.
Cyrko - 6 years ago
Male bettas are prettier than the female but why people calling them beautiful instead of handsome? Wkwkwkwkwkwkw
reiner somantri
reiner somantri - 6 years ago
You should buy betta fish from indonesia because the colour in nice.
Phuku Arse
Phuku Arse - 6 years ago
Its not pronounced BATE-AH is BED-AH.
black quervoo
black quervoo - 6 years ago
When I am still at elementary school i have that fish with just 0.5$ price. And the cheaper one i used to fight with other fish. That fish called Ikan Cupang
Nyctophilia XXX
Nyctophilia XXX - 6 years ago
I can't believe you paid $100 plus shipping for this. It's very overpriced for a half-moon betta fish. It looks more like a plankat. I'm from Asia and this betta fish regularly retails for $10 at most
Windi Maesa
Windi Maesa - 6 years ago
Worth it - shipping and the quality
Sona Avakian
Sona Avakian - 6 years ago
My betas are both in 5 gallons with 40% water changes weekly with heating and sponge filters. They're both happy and healthy boys
Masterjedi688 - 6 years ago
The water was brown probably because of the tannins released from the Indian Almond leaf. They say it's calming for them when they are shipped or to mimic their natural habitat in captivity. The tannins lower the PH and are said to have antibacterial and anti fungal properties. Other then that, your betta is awesome.
H Lin
H Lin - 6 years ago
Nova is a good name
Robbie Ragsdale
Robbie Ragsdale - 6 years ago
Look at asis lots smaller pots are used to keep them in and they are where Germany go to get betta fish from so who is right the small tank from asia
Destiny Weaver
Destiny Weaver - 6 years ago
They are 5$ here in texas
mystical nation
mystical nation - 6 years ago
I think its not an hm
Its an hmpk
MrBluemoonhalos - 6 years ago
This guy is in love with the sound of his own voice.
Jehzay GAMING - 6 years ago
The betta is so beautiful
Bernice Porter
Bernice Porter - 6 years ago
Beautiful Betta!!! Maybe give him an Indonesian name??? Betta Yang Indah. means beautiful Betta ( according OT Translator ap)
mamantigre - 6 years ago
you put way too much money on it ... my husband got the exact same frome thailand for 30€
Amir Chicago
Amir Chicago - 6 years ago
You're a fruitcake
Romeo W
Romeo W - 6 years ago
Wow! That is a beautiful betta.
The Vault Boy
The Vault Boy - 6 years ago
Your betta fish are gorgeous.. I remember when I was in elementary school, I brought 2 bettafish, back then they were really cheap only $1. Now I have Arowana, It's a beautiful fish, you should try to have one.
Marleny Rafferty
Marleny Rafferty - 6 years ago
I think your betta will be perfectly fine and HAPPY in a 5 gallon tank. Your betta is beautiful and I believe he'll thrive under your care because you seem like a very responsible pet owner. When people try to be contrary to what you feel is appropriate, thank them for their suggestion and tell them you'll take their suggestion under advisement. Enjoy your betta!
John Snot
John Snot - 6 years ago
its not pronounced the way you pronounce it.
jp whataboutit
jp whataboutit - 6 years ago
He is beautiful
Tre' Wilson
Tre' Wilson - 6 years ago
Breed em
Gabriel Cua
Gabriel Cua - 6 years ago
What are you talking about? gallons? Bettas come from rice patties, some just 2 inch deep.
Armored Wings
Armored Wings - 6 years ago
Gabriel Cua
2 inches deep, and thousands of gallons spread out several feet wide and across. (And actually they are knee high)

Rice patties are like large ponds, not puddles. Male Bettas in the wild usually have at least a three foot diameter territory.
Gabriel Cua
Gabriel Cua - 6 years ago
I can get a better fish than that for 5 bucks.
Hendi Lie
Hendi Lie - 6 years ago
Mantap djiwa
Happy Singh
Happy Singh - 6 years ago
I have also 2 fishes
Caio Antonio
Caio Antonio - 6 years ago
Tyler are so handsome wish i can hug him
Taylor Nicole
Taylor Nicole - 6 years ago
I just got another beta the other day. I also was aware of the 2.5 gallon minimum but the tank was 5.5 gallons for $30 so I went with that one and a little hide with a built in bubbler to attach to an aerator and a fake plastic plant and some gravel, and a filter of course. He seemed to be much happier in the tank then the cup. I've had betas get stressed in a larger tank and others be fine in a larger tank. They are individuals. I'm think of maybe getting a bottom feeder for his tank or a couple tetras but not sure yet. I'm going to see how he does first.
Bolder Baz
Bolder Baz - 6 years ago
name him Indomie, lol
Traveller - 6 years ago
I love your videos! You inspired me to buy a betta! <3
Lulla Maska
Lulla Maska - 6 years ago
Hi, I'm from Indonesia, fortunately i have a couples of a betta fish too, which is the same tipe as you have i can have it with only $2-3 everywhere near my house. Btw She's very pretty and happy. Glad for you.
Warkopp Beettta
Warkopp Beettta - 6 years ago
I love you
Katie Kat
Katie Kat - 6 years ago
I have a year old male marble halfmoon betta named "Rambo", for quite awhile now his tail fin has been ripping over and over again. It has gotten to the point where his tail fin has completely disappeared and its only down to the base of it. At this point in time, an inch and a half of his tail fin has grown back in the time span of 2 months. Ive been searching online for answers to why his tail would be ripping at the volume it is but I have been unsuccessful with answers.
Some facts...
-He has never had Fin Rot, a fungal infection or any other disease
-He is fed an nutritional diet of pellets, blood worms and cooked peas
-He is kept in a 10 gallon bare bottom aquarium that is to himself with silk artifical plants and a buddah statue with no sharp edges
-I do 25% water changes every four days, which includes removing the little amount of accumulated algae growth
-There is a sponge filter in the far back left corner of his tank to filter his tank instead of a hang on filter, to ensure there is no major flow rate
-The Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia and PH levels are always checked before and after water changes to ensure the water is safe
-He is always very active around his tank

I am looking for advice on how I could promote tail growth...
emil emierdhynie
emil emierdhynie - 6 years ago
the water is brown because its contain catapa leave.
Ajwa Z
Ajwa Z - 6 years ago
I From Indonesia
Slamet Prayitno
Slamet Prayitno - 6 years ago
hi bro, your betta is overpriced but its okay if you satisfy :)
i bought galaxy betta just for $10

you should joint betta group on facebook like KOMUNITAS CUPANG HIAS INDONESIA to get cheap price trough aucrion....
Tommy Kurniawan
Tommy Kurniawan - 6 years ago
Hi tyler sorry for correction, that betta fish type is Giant red koi galaxy.. His not halfmoon bro..
I'm from indonesia.. Greetings to you..
My facebook name is Tommy Kurniawan.
Thank you.
ExplosiveAct Plays
ExplosiveAct Plays - 6 years ago
Im indonesian i have betta farm i sell one of yours for $55
Katy Snow
Katy Snow - 6 years ago
All Time Low hoodie!!!!! And your fish is super pretty wow
Kaycee Teppo
Kaycee Teppo - 6 years ago
A betta will thrive in anything from 2.5-10 gallons. Like other people say it depends on the fish but as long as they have adequate filtering heating and water levels and room to swim they will be okay
Gamers Grace
Gamers Grace - 6 years ago
And America's fish are all inbred as hell and die because of mutations or sometimes steroids
Gamers Grace
Gamers Grace - 6 years ago
Half way across the world, a thousand Africans starved to death. This video was definitely money well spent
Joshua Gillard
Joshua Gillard - 6 years ago
I think you should name him Crimson Ocean Master Child the Second.
kel - 6 years ago
Five gallons are fine
kel - 6 years ago
You spent way to much
Rui Miguel Oliveira
Rui Miguel Oliveira - 6 years ago
I would like to know some website where I can buy bettas in Thailand, because I can not find any ... Anyone help me please?? Thank you
mentoswatthehell - 6 years ago
my aunt gave me a 10 gallon tank. im saving up to buy more plants for my betta. i named him electric.
Patricia Virgilie
Patricia Virgilie - 6 years ago
I’m Indonesian.. in Indonesian betta fish is called ikan(fish) cupang... how to speak c of cupang isn't like say cut, but like chili cupang
renas wahyudha
renas wahyudha - 6 years ago
name him "Bereum"
Paul Schwartz
Paul Schwartz - 6 years ago
I have a redish pinkish betta fish, his name is Berries.
Aidan Yu
Aidan Yu - 6 years ago
U got scammed amazing looking betta from villages are beautiful and cheap 10000 in Indonesian currency
Lee Ella
Lee Ella - 6 years ago
like seriously Betta fishes are everywhere in Indonesia & they're all very beautiful and unique. if u go to Indonesia they sell them for a cheap price..
Katelyn Grace
Katelyn Grace - 6 years ago
blizzaroxxx - 6 years ago
07:36 for the fish
mat komando
mat komando - 6 years ago
You may name him MamatSabu
JING JINGO - 6 years ago
I bought a betta fish for $1 in Philippines its really beautiful his color is dark blue also its a male
Kitty Fang
Kitty Fang - 6 years ago
I keep my betta fish in a 30 gallon he's really spoiled lol
DJ CleverPride
DJ CleverPride - 6 years ago
U can go to pet smart and go to the fish area and get them for five dollars in Florida
Foundry Tale
Foundry Tale - 6 years ago
i just got my betta fish (nova)
Kealsy Luvs Coco!
Kealsy Luvs Coco! - 6 years ago
Hey! You are on reptiles amino? So am I! I am so happy that shadow blazer is leader now! I am so going to follow you! I thought it was a fan account! Also it's pronounced A--m--in--oh not ameeno.
crazy shrimp lady
crazy shrimp lady - 6 years ago
I made a 5 gallon paludarium for mine. He is doing fantastic. It has a waterfall, is fully planted in the tank and around the water area with terrestrial plants. It has high sides, so he can't jump out. I tried to make it as natural as possible for him. I ordered a girl friend for him last night, but will set up another 5 gallon for her, just in case they don't get a long or if they have babies. My betta's name is Mince Pie.
David Susanto
David Susanto - 6 years ago
Is that male or female?
Lisa Maltsev
Lisa Maltsev - 6 years ago
I can see a little bit of an swimmbladder issue in him. Might be from shipping. But he'll recover soon. Just give hin a little bit higher temperature of about 28°C.
GoldTrainRider - 6 years ago
I love betas
Bunnie Flop
Bunnie Flop - 6 years ago
I had a beta fish for two years, and I only kept him in a fish bowl, so he just swam round and round, and he was happy as ever, he lived in a pineapple, his buried in my backyard now, his happy I hope there.
Michelle Val
Michelle Val - 6 years ago

Xara - 6 years ago
He looks like a clown.
MechroGecko - 6 years ago
so this amino thing is basically shitty reddit...cool
Shelby Smith
Shelby Smith - 6 years ago
Name him Rio
Animals Rule2016
Animals Rule2016 - 6 years ago
I’ve got a 5 gallon tank for my half moon beta Cosmo. I was told that 5 gallons(21 litres) is the minimum.
Tegar Kurnia
Tegar Kurnia - 6 years ago
Im from jakarta - indonesia ......
. In indonesia , we have a lot betta fish breeder .
sleepy caffe
sleepy caffe - 6 years ago
I’m actually dying whenever he says Indonesia
Alix Champagne
Alix Champagne - 6 years ago
a five gallon is completely fine
DrawWith Madde
DrawWith Madde - 6 years ago
I don’t know how true this is but I heard that bettas will sometimes eat the sand so it’s better to use gravel/ rocks
ozie fauzi
ozie fauzi - 6 years ago
Ikan cupang - Betta fish.
Kate Jennifer Lay
Kate Jennifer Lay - 6 years ago
I'm from Indonesia and betta fish here are called 'ikan cupang' . A lot of people sell this fish at the market and IT COSTS AROUND Rp. 15.000 - 650.000 !!! Thats like $1 - $50 ! So i definitely think the guy got a lot of profit from selling betta fish to foreigners, but that betta fish is really beautiful and $100 was worth it.
Blue Mandarin
Blue Mandarin - 6 years ago
Nice Red Koi Betta you got there... great video
gail schenk
gail schenk - 6 years ago
He is a beauty
Hizal Fucqry
Hizal Fucqry - 6 years ago
Malaysia betta fish a lot beautiful
Hizal Fucqry
Hizal Fucqry - 6 years ago
Also thailand
Alissa Zambelli
Alissa Zambelli - 6 years ago
Uhhh 2.5 is the minimum... 5 is good for a Betta... 10g seems unnecessary. Never heard of this and I’m from Europe
Elizabeth Mitchell
Elizabeth Mitchell - 6 years ago
It's so pretty! Looks like a Star Ruby!
Diana Monroy
Diana Monroy - 6 years ago
Bettas love being in bigger tanks with many places to hide. I have floating live plants and felt and live plants in the gravel and my bette loves them. Betta thrive in bigger tanks therefore making their colors more vibrant as well as making them more active and trusting you.
mike johnson
mike johnson - 6 years ago
Just another stupid American that doesn't know about betta! High pricing and color patterns are not the best of form!
Amethyst Fall
Amethyst Fall - 6 years ago
Okay, that betta seems pretty healthy. Here are some facts:

They need at least 2.5 gallons, 5 is better.

Only 1 pellet a day.

No plastic plants.

They need gentle filters and heaters.

Bettas can learn complicated tricks.

Bettas need 1/3 of their water changed every few days.
Amethyst Fall
Amethyst Fall - 6 years ago
henry hillary
henry hillary - 6 years ago
same colour with my betta mix galaxy koi. different is mine still young
krztin david
krztin david - 6 years ago
How do you order betta
Jessica Woodward
Jessica Woodward - 6 years ago
So pretty!!! You should name him Red!
Silvija Dragić
Silvija Dragić - 6 years ago
5 gallons is almost ideal for a betta, 10gallons for only one fish which doesn't like swimming or moving constantly is too much and ends up a practically empty tank, so I don't agree.
Kinthy Jean
Kinthy Jean - 6 years ago
Michael Tom Perez
Michael Tom Perez - 6 years ago
that's a cool Betta you got there.

Ariyan Shaikh
Ariyan Shaikh - 6 years ago
That is amazing
Wisnu Aridharma
Wisnu Aridharma - 6 years ago
You buy it from indonesia?
Their tanks standar even lover. I think it 1/3 or 1/4 of your tank
BluHana06 - 6 years ago
I had my betta in a 2gal a few months till he got pretty big and moved him into a 5gal. He doesn't even use most of the space at all, makes me wonder why people say the best for one is a 10gal.... They will be happy as long as they can swim without bumping into a wall everytime they turn around and can be able to spread their fins.
Gorilla Gaming
Gorilla Gaming - 6 years ago
I got kicked from amino ;)
Lauren Meredith-Jones
Lauren Meredith-Jones - 6 years ago
Omg! When you showed the Amino blog posts, it showed my post about my Gargoyle Gecko Morgoth!
Carrie Walsh
Carrie Walsh - 6 years ago
Ur the best pet YouTuber
emo pup
emo pup - 6 years ago
I see your dog he cute
Claire Pella
Claire Pella - 6 years ago
I've imported many many bettas from Thailand and Indonesia and I totally get it! You just cannot find the stunning fish like they have overseas in the chain pet stores. Also, 5 gallons is fine for a betta fish :) you have a beautiful halfmoon plakat :)
Jose Duran
Jose Duran - 6 years ago
Fishkeepers amino is full of toxic people
Mark Silva
Mark Silva - 6 years ago
Ok hold on, so I don't own any fish but I wish to own a beta one day and I've been doing my research and watching all kinds of different video's. I've already seen and heard of 3 different recommended tank sizes 2.5, 5 and 10
Lil Rex
Lil Rex - 6 years ago
You don't have to spend over 30 on a betta,. It can take time but you can breed your own and get incredible bettas
Amie McAllister
Amie McAllister - 6 years ago
I want one!
Fraser_02 - 6 years ago
2.5g is minimum.
jengathecat - 6 years ago
Thanks for sharing - how much did the shipping cost?
Kevin Blassingame
Kevin Blassingame - 6 years ago
Ryan is the name
Mr. Betta Man
Mr. Betta Man - 6 years ago
name him Star lord. like guardians of the galaxy?
Elma Rahmati
Elma Rahmati - 6 years ago
My betta was only 2 dollars
Kris - 6 years ago
2,5gallons is enough.
Kris - 6 years ago
Also don’t leave ur betta alone. I have tons other fish and 2axelotls with him
Puji Slamet Santoso
Puji Slamet Santoso - 6 years ago
betta fish=cupang, in indonesia
D Partyka
D Partyka - 6 years ago
But someone’s gotta love the betas from Petco and Petsmart. They didn’t choose that life... I wanna save them all!
Yours is gorgeous though.
I have a 5 gallon tank for my betta and he’s happy and healthy.
CeltycSparrow - 6 years ago
He is very pretty. Did you give him a name?
Kristi Schoenhaar
Kristi Schoenhaar - 6 years ago
While I absolutely abhor the pet warehouse stores (PetSmart, etc.) I also can't condone the transportation of live animals by mail. It's a terrifying experience for them, and their cause of mid-transport death is generally stress. Do some research and find a reputable breeder you can travel to.
Aimee M
Aimee M - 6 years ago
Um, here in SE Asia a 5-gallon would be considered palatial. We don't have to worry about keeping the temperature constant though. That would definitely be a consideration in a cold climate.
Excuse Me?
Excuse Me? - 6 years ago
luke skywalker
OmarDe Savage
OmarDe Savage - 6 years ago
Rare fish
Sophia RederTM
Sophia RederTM - 6 years ago
I have 3 beautiful betta fish. The problem is they are losing color and their diet hasn't changed and their aquarium is clean. I got them from pet smart. Do any of u know whats going on.
SpoopyKitten96 - 6 years ago
Instead of paying 100 dollars for a betta fish, why not give one a good home that just isn't that pretty or expensive. It's an animal not an OBJECT. I love Tyler and I've been here since around 10k but this is just one thing that makes me angry. I've been keeping betta fish for well over 10 years and I am guilty of buying an expensive one and having it imported, but some of my favorite fish have always either come from bad homes or been bought from my local fish store (I don't shop at petco ect.) These fish need loving homes where people will be able to provide them with a large tank and proper filtration. I think Tyler gave that fish a WONDERFUL home but I just simply think he made a poor decision to buy a 100 dollar betta when there are SO MANY that deserve better. They are such great fish with big personalities and too many of them die in a tiny cup sitting on a shelf, just because a fish doesn't have the prettiest colors, doesn't mean it doesn't deserve a good home. It's like paying 5,000 dollars on a pure breed puppy when you could go to a shelter an adopt a dog that needs a good home, like Nova for example.

p.s. please don't think I'm hating on Tyler, I really do love this channel and I support him. This is only my opinion and I thank everyone who takes the time to read this :)
Devenbobeven - 6 years ago
SpoopyKitten96 I totally agree
A. Cama
A. Cama - 6 years ago
You're welcome.
E.J.Craft Gaming/Ed jerrel Moreno
E.J.Craft Gaming/Ed jerrel Moreno - 6 years ago
Name it galaxy! or maybe red galaxy or maybe star red! Its just because it looks like its from the galaxy
rezmoir - 6 years ago
You should name it , "Bintang" in indonesia mean Star
Geraldus Flabian
Geraldus Flabian - 6 years ago
Paolo Garrido
Paolo Garrido - 6 years ago
buying in aquabid is not a scary process provided that you have good communication with the seller who will walk you through the step by step process. If ever you find it hard to communicate to a seller then switch to another seller. My first ever overseas purchase I bought my HMPK Galaxy Koi pair + a koi male from Ake_betta , very gorgeous and very healthy and the seller is very easy to communicate with cost me 70 usd all in all. The quality is so good there and also a wide range of selection of fish and their breeders. Also they have Breeder Reputation reviews so less likely to go wrong . Good video I like your betta similar to mine you should have bought a female too :) !!
Pork You
Pork You - 6 years ago
Can someone tell me the name of the song in the backround pls? Thanks
Emi Hirai
Emi Hirai - 6 years ago
That pee
gms4966chi - 6 years ago
Who’s channel should I sub to today???

watches video

After a long search I have found a channel I LOVE
Dah Bean
Dah Bean - 6 years ago
OMG Tyler, I literally, and I mean LITERALLY just got a conure
Dwight Adi
Dwight Adi - 6 years ago
Here in Indonesia you can get them for like 8$-15$ maybe even cheaper depends on the seller
The•Sad•Gay•Fangirl - 6 years ago
Is it okay to keep 5 harlequin rasboras and a female Betta in a ten gallon together? I know they'll get along okay, I did a lot of research about that, but is that too many to comfortably fit in a ten gallon?
Salmon And Grizzlys
Salmon And Grizzlys - 6 years ago
i keep my betta fish in a glass bowl. hes still here.
DH Aquatics
DH Aquatics - 6 years ago
It is great you are supporting private breeders! I have a friend who just go back from Asia and he toured many betta farms/breeders. He brought a few back with him. Aquabid is a great site as well! I use it all the time! Also, 2.5 gallons is the minimum. People are crazy to think the standard is 10 gallons. It is based off of water quality not quantity.
GOd SON - 6 years ago
Beater you buy female to,, couse your tank look a big for just one bet fish,, and you can breed them lol
DMAN D - 6 years ago
Wow nice! He is stunnings!
Michal - 6 years ago
Try to breed him with some nice female.
KraglerQuick - 6 years ago
so easy to find betta fish here in indonesia, sometimes in market nor fish/pet store and they cost so cheap but the quality is possibly high also the colors of their morphs are so beautiful and sometimes we used it as fighting fish and bet, who wins , got 1 betta fish lmfao
Federweich - 6 years ago
Im from germany and we dont even go by the "standard". For most of the Reptile and Fish keeping community these standards sizes are way too small!
Spook Vill
Spook Vill - 6 years ago
To me a 5 gallon would be fine for a betta fish as long as it has the whole tank and its not divided. I keep my little boy in a 3 gallon at the moment because he is only really small still but then I am putting him in a 5 gallon later on. I have always kept my betta fish in a 5 gallon tank as long as they have a heater and good filtration and you do your weekly water changes to keep the water quality good he should be fine in the 5 gallon.
INFAMOUS ™ - 6 years ago
it's common in my country here in Singapore.. I've got em like $2 each..
He who does not reply to replies
He who does not reply to replies - 6 years ago
But make sure you give a goldfish at least a 150gal -fish snobs
He who does not reply to replies
He who does not reply to replies - 6 years ago
5 gal is fine. Psycho fish know it all snobs need to chill the fuck out
che350z - 6 years ago
When u live at home with your parents, yes u can afford a $100 fish.
Meister J TV
Meister J TV - 6 years ago
Subscribed awesome vid
Skylar Blake
Skylar Blake - 6 years ago
Does he have any King genes in him? He's massive!!! I subbed btw
Sarah-Ann Hardacre
Sarah-Ann Hardacre - 6 years ago
Karkat Vantas
Karkat Vantas - 6 years ago
What about comment or star? He is a koi galaxy half moon and theres red giant stars and Comment because space and I just like that name
Leah Johnson
Leah Johnson - 6 years ago
He's a very handsome fish isn't he!!
X Martnez
X Martnez - 6 years ago
Minnie Moo
potatoe in a hoodie
potatoe in a hoodie - 6 years ago
Because it's wild caught the water is like it
Francis Butterton
Francis Butterton - 6 years ago
That looks like a Spike Spiegal to me (from cowboy bebop)
Francis Butterton
Francis Butterton - 6 years ago
I dont know who would think 5 gallons is too small for a betta. I think its a great size. I think the biggest thing is making sure the water quality is good. Which for you I would believe would not be a problem, between your plants, and overall experience with pet care.

But you got your 10g, so bigger is always better in this hobby. I even kept a few cory catfish in my old 10g with a pretty chill betta.
My BB Animals
My BB Animals - 6 years ago
Boy version of Taylor Nicole Dean
Meghan Champy
Meghan Champy - 6 years ago
5 gallon is perfect for one betta! Some of my bettas are 5 years old and are spunky and thriving. I feel 10 is too much for them too reach the surface when they need air. This guy is struggling reaching the surface.

I think you should name him Nebula!
Chuck Chucks
Chuck Chucks - 6 years ago
its beautiful
Luka Heriot
Luka Heriot - 6 years ago
All of these pet guys are super annoying but i love all there videos lol
Kaine Stevens
Kaine Stevens - 6 years ago
How do you care for all of your animals?
AlohaFilms - 6 years ago
my beta died and i was SO sad cuz i spent my own money on it and this person who was feeding when we were gone put the WHOLE container of food in the tank and left it and never cleaned it and my fish died becuz of that :(
Greg Giroux
Greg Giroux - 6 years ago
I have a turquoise red and black koi halfmoon betta who i love. Good job
Near Wils
Near Wils - 6 years ago
U should name him star or red
Bellieboo 22
Bellieboo 22 - 6 years ago
I have 2 vault ails and they have lives In 5gal their hole life it's ok, right?
Seylor's Eldridge
Seylor's Eldridge - 6 years ago
I have to brag about my beta fish, he’s pink and lavender and his name is Prince! He’s almost three and he’s a perfect fish. :3 No he is not in a bowl, I’m not a monster! He’s in a ten gallon with filtration and a heater.
Boss Exotics
Boss Exotics - 6 years ago
Tyler do you remember when you were doing a live video like a year and a half ago you put me on to talk to you but i just flicked you off lol
Rona - 6 years ago
Your betta fish reminds me of a Supernova, you can called it “Nova” or “Universus” (Latin of universe).
Desi Stark
Desi Stark - 6 years ago
My roommate switched from a 2.5 gallon tank to a 5 gallon for her betta but he only swims half of the tank. So I guess It really depends how big bettas they like their space.
Fun Āsîan Kangaroo Entertāînment
Fun Āsîan Kangaroo Entertāînment - 6 years ago
Name Suggestion: Matt Jacob Williams
Lamby Rocs
Lamby Rocs - 6 years ago
love the hoodie
Kaitlin Clarke
Kaitlin Clarke - 6 years ago
if you got a pet valu near you they always have beautiful really high quality bettas! (not sure if its just a canadian chain)
Jonathan Lee
Jonathan Lee - 6 years ago
Did you know that in Asia, well for me Malaysia, I can get bettas for 2 Ringgit which is 50usd...cents. Srsly they're cheap here. Higher end bettas would cost more of course. But basically the bettas in Walmart and Petco are the kinds that would cost 50 cents here. If you want like 200 of them let me know. I can ship them to you in 3 days by air
Ash the Snowman
Ash the Snowman - 6 years ago
He shows the actual fish (not him talking for 7:30 minutes)at 7:30
Antonio Fdr
Antonio Fdr - 6 years ago
It’s a gorgeous betta fish tho,
Christina Facts
Christina Facts - 6 years ago
5 gallon IS great for a betta fish.
Minimum IS 2.5.
Some people won't be happy until you dig a pond in your back yard for a single betta.
Emily Steffen
Emily Steffen - 6 years ago
Those people arent correct. Some bettas do not do well in 10 gallons, its too much space for some. My betta hated the bigger tank. He thrived in his 2.5g. My other betta loved the 10 gallon and did well. I think of he thrives in the 5, i wouldnt call it cruel in any way- thats plenty of water space for the one fish.
Renjuoy Yenruoj
Renjuoy Yenruoj - 6 years ago
I have my betta in a four gallon and hes happy. I keep him alone becuase hes happier that way. My other betta is in a 10 gallon tank with 2 smaller fish
anonymous_bmx_and_stuntrider anonymous
anonymous_bmx_and_stuntrider anonymous - 6 years ago
Get a arawana or red tail or clown knife or gulper catfish etc
Mayoneshh Ivancooo
Mayoneshh Ivancooo - 6 years ago
The betta fish from indonesia especially online it have a really good care the babys was putted on a pool
NoItsKaycee - 6 years ago
And I thought my $20 Betta was a lot.
Lytra - 6 years ago
Oof been using Amino for nearly 6 years now. Amazing to see how popular it’s become
Dragon Ball Z hero
Dragon Ball Z hero - 6 years ago
Hey im not trying to be rude are you gay becaus you act and look gay ps im bi
Kameo Hosley
Kameo Hosley - 6 years ago
I dont know what “good quality is”. Lol
I got mine from Petco and he is beautiful!
Explode Gaming
Explode Gaming - 6 years ago
In Indonesia they keep bettas in 2 liter bottles. A five gallon is fine.
_Its Marlena_
_Its Marlena_ - 6 years ago
You should name it Jupiter or universe, something to do with outer space.
Syafiq Khairuddin
Syafiq Khairuddin - 6 years ago
It's gorgeous. worth buying it.
Tyler J
Tyler J - 6 years ago
Call it Jeffry
Cheng Her
Cheng Her - 6 years ago
return that shit!!!
Cartoon Anime World
Cartoon Anime World - 6 years ago
Please make the videos of flemish giant rabbit
epic moments
epic moments - 6 years ago
Well im from indonesia
Danang Handika
Danang Handika - 6 years ago
The price is so worthy for that kind fish, i spend much money too for bettas although i live in Indonesia too
Stef West
Stef West - 6 years ago
Loving the ATL hoodie ;) I think a cute name is Ruby, idk why, it just came to me because she's so red :3
Farih Nahar Mubarok
Farih Nahar Mubarok - 6 years ago
That water called ketapang leaves water. Its good for your bettas.
Jessica Natania
Jessica Natania - 6 years ago
Indonesia my country ❤
Indra Yudha Kusuma
Indra Yudha Kusuma - 6 years ago
Im indonesian that lives in indonesia , that brown water is from a dried fig leaf and its good for the betta because thats what the water condition when they live in the wild like in the river here in asia ... and your 5 galons is fine u know where that betta fish come from it only stays in the small glass jar and theyre okay but of course the bigger the better lol xx peace
Cmharper 50
Cmharper 50 - 6 years ago
Just saying he isnt a halfmoon hes a halfmoon plakat aswell as the brown water is because of tannins from Indian almond leaves. And he looks more like a hellboy koi which aren’t in my opinion worth 100 plus dollars just because they are soooo common especially on aqua bid :p
Martha Amador
Martha Amador - 6 years ago
But anyways I LOVE UR VIDS, and what a beautiful betta fish
Martha Amador
Martha Amador - 6 years ago
Is the filter bothering him?
halfmoonblu - 6 years ago
Awesome fish, totally worth it. I think 5 gallons is perfect for a betta. But 10 might be great too. Good luck with him!
h y u c k c y o n
h y u c k c y o n - 6 years ago
Kenna MFilms She lives with him and he appeared in some videos. There was alot of drama about her boyfriend, apparently he's not a good person at all.. So it's now pretty well known she's dating someone, you can see him in some of her recent videos
Kenna MFilms
Kenna MFilms - 6 years ago
h y u c k c y o n how do u know ?
h y u c k c y o n
h y u c k c y o n - 6 years ago
Kenna MFilms Taylor has a boyfriend
Amanda Vick
Amanda Vick - 6 years ago
The bettas bred in Indonesia are bred in plastic cups and jars. And are kept in plastic cups and jars. Please don't import your bettas from Indonesia. That long trip can be very stressful
FLO from PROGRESSIVE - 6 years ago
Wow!!! Call him galaxy!
ant loveing channel
ant loveing channel - 6 years ago
Your betta is a female I think
Lance Pajarillo
Lance Pajarillo - 6 years ago
I think that you should name him andromeda like the closest galaxy to our's
d v
d v - 6 years ago
Skip to 7:55 if you just want to see fish.......
Alex Adams
Alex Adams - 6 years ago
He's gorgeous! Def looks like hes carrying the marble gene, so it'll be really interesting to watch him change color. I had a Koi colored betta I got from thailand not long ago!
April Smith
April Smith - 6 years ago
5g is fine for bettas, but since you have a plakat he would enjoy the 10g much more since they have small fins and more energy :) the ones with the larger fins do perfectly fine in a 5g though since they’re lazy haha
bill bob
bill bob - 6 years ago
leave it in the big bag a bit longer
A Girl and Her Reptiles
A Girl and Her Reptiles - 6 years ago
Hi Tyler, love your channel. I have a betta in a 5 gallon Fluval Chi, and I have one in a 6 gallon fluval edge, and both are doing fabulous. Everybody has their own opinion, so you have to take the opinions with a grain of salt. Your betta is gorgeous. Check out my channel if you have a chance, I just put together a 18x18x24 for my dart frog. Love for you to subscribe too!
Blazin Vireo
Blazin Vireo - 6 years ago
He's so beautiful!
Jasmine Gomez
Jasmine Gomez - 6 years ago
I was gonna get the same fisshhhhhhh
Caroline - 6 years ago
I have a 6.8 gallon tank for my betta, Oscar ❤️❤️ had him for two years lol he loves it
Its Just You Gamer
Its Just You Gamer - 6 years ago
lool. i got mine for £26. you got ripped off sunshine
erlika02 - 6 years ago
Big shout from Indonesia! Beautiful betta!
Creat2 gamers
Creat2 gamers - 6 years ago
Recenly we used that fish for fight an the fish its called "cupang" and it cost 15 IDR OR 1 bux (beta fish will fighting if u put 2 fish or more in 1 tank )

Btw... im from indo,living here its so cheap
Indi Sugar Taufik
Indi Sugar Taufik - 6 years ago
Gak semua cupang murah, banyak kok yang mahal di sini. Yang biasa dipakai lelang juga pas buka harga udah berapa ratus ribu tuh, ntar jatuhnya jadi jutaan :)
Djoko -
Djoko - - 6 years ago
itu ikan murah bro yang lo tau haha cupang yang mahal ada cuy wkwkwkwk
Creative Kids
Creative Kids - 6 years ago
Im indo
Hayley Baybe
Hayley Baybe - 6 years ago
where can I get that hoodie?
Angga Iman
Angga Iman - 6 years ago
My country, Indonesia !
Rifki Meidianto
Rifki Meidianto - 6 years ago
They’re only 15-30$ in Indonesia.
Gear tech Plays
Gear tech Plays - 6 years ago
Taylan Diehl
Taylan Diehl - 6 years ago
Are u faze rugged brother
Adam _S
Adam _S - 6 years ago
I keep my crown tail in a large glass bowl thats no more than a gallon and I see no problems at all, he's very happy and energetic
Allison Holly
Allison Holly - 6 years ago
I’ve had multiple fish tanks and hated the fluval spec v. I got hair algae and no matter what I did it wouldn’t go away. I had no such problem with any of my other tanks. By the way it’s pronounced “bet-ah”
Keiron Raven
Keiron Raven - 6 years ago
I have lots of them lol
Bree2k1000 BB
Bree2k1000 BB - 6 years ago
I’m on an Amino called Herps and Reptiles (my user name is Doodle-Danger)

...I’m not asking for followers...
Christopher Chavez
Christopher Chavez - 6 years ago
I think you should name him Galaxy.
Coral Moselle
Coral Moselle - 6 years ago
A 5 gallon tank is adequate for a fancy betta with large find. But it's really the smallest tank you should have as a fancy betta will thrive in 10+ gallons. For a plakat like yours, they should really be in 15-20+ gallons. Plakats fins aren't as long and heavy do this means they can swim a lot faster and need more space to swim.
There are some amazing betta groups on Facebook that you guys can join to learn more about proper betta care if you want. Most of them have sticking sheets for what is appropriate for what size tanks as well.
My favorite is A Betta Community.
Some others are:
-betta fish keepers
-betta fish Enthusiasts
-betta fish keepers world wide
-fish tank talk
Megan Heckmann
Megan Heckmann - 6 years ago
Kaleo would be a cool name
Elena - 6 years ago
Hes beautiful omg!
AwwNuggets Fortnite
AwwNuggets Fortnite - 6 years ago
if I were a pet fish and was in a 5 gallon I'd be happy with that.... it's enough space. that's like me living in my living room
ANANS AGUNG - 6 years ago
Thats a pekka tho not a halfmoon
#Fishingnoob99 ***
#Fishingnoob99 *** - 6 years ago
thats the prettiest betta ever
Sarah Bee
Sarah Bee - 6 years ago
Personally, I think the minimum for a betta should be 5 gal not 2.5 gal. Especially since you have a slightly larger type of betta, a 10 gal will be perfect. Gives lots space to swim and be active! Orion would be a cool name for him~
Fattyboiboi - 6 years ago
I feel that you got overpaid for that fish
Alice In Wonderland
Alice In Wonderland - 6 years ago
Beautiful fish.... What website did you use to order this fish I would love to look at there fish to order one thanks
Marwin K.
Marwin K. - 6 years ago
In Germany it's actually forbidden to hold adult fishes in tanks under 54-60 Liters, so 14-15 Gallons. Pet shops and markets excluded. When I bought myself a Fluval Edge 23L/6 Gallon Tank for a Betta, the women at the fish store wouldn't even sell me the fish. You're only allowed to hold shrimps and stuff in there, even though it technically is big enough for a hand full of neons or so. But I guess it's a good thing, we also do pay taxes on our dogs ranging from 80 to 200€ yearly per dog, depending on breed or where you live.
Lexi Renee
Lexi Renee - 6 years ago
Name him Acid lol
RealTrickster505 YT
RealTrickster505 YT - 6 years ago
It's actually a female, Tyler.
Alvin Welby
Alvin Welby - 6 years ago
Fish form wkwk land
Jehad Carlos
Jehad Carlos - 6 years ago
Call it mercury its a great name
Shylo x Fading 770
Shylo x Fading 770 - 6 years ago
Tittle = Me
JtTaylor2026 - 6 years ago
Hey Tyler just followed you on insta! Love your vids and your animals. I want just as many to fill this gaping whole in my heart haha. Just got my first snake few weeks ago. Heading to repticon here in Asheville NC and picking up a python. keep doing what your doing. love looking foward to your vids :). Btw have your eyes gotten more glossy? they look amazing!!
Annelie - 6 years ago
Every year, 130 million containers are transported across the world's shore. every day 4 of them fall into the water.
Brenna Lock
Brenna Lock - 6 years ago
You should name him either Toad or Shroom because he is red and has white spots so it is a reference to toad from Mario.
Candy Corn
Candy Corn - 6 years ago
So pretty
dominick carmosino
dominick carmosino - 6 years ago
chris guyer
chris guyer - 6 years ago
I'd call him J.P. because he looks like he swam through a Jackson Pollock painting .
Lyndsay Kang
Lyndsay Kang - 6 years ago
I mean, I am all for larger the better. And if you can provide the 10gal that's great. I can't see how a 5 gal tank for a single beta wouldn't be enough though. I think a 5gal for a beta is acceptable and I would think would be happy in its tank.
denise331 - 6 years ago
I would do that. That fish is beautiful!! He looks very happy in his new home.
World Pets TV
World Pets TV - 6 years ago
5 Gallons is just fine.
Crystalthewolf1000 - 6 years ago
5 gallons is enough. Bettas don't like tons of space.
Katelin Ussery
Katelin Ussery - 6 years ago
5 gallons is perfectly fine
King Trill
King Trill - 6 years ago
I put my beta in a 6.5 gallon
A. Taylor
A. Taylor - 6 years ago
Lovely fish! Unfortunately, while my experiences on Aquabid have been in and of themselves positive, all the 'imported' bettas from both Thailand and Indonesia did not survive even a year (even though I gave them proper conditions). And I paid closer to $214 for two fish, each contracted dropsy in under one year while in clean water (water parameters were stable and most people say fish get dropsy from DIRTY water which was not the case). I can only assume it was a genetic cause even though breeding is supposed to produce better specimens..After the heartache and large financial loss I decided to just buy fish locally and low and behold, the fish I have purchased from PetSmart have lived 2 years and are quite healthy. This may not be the norm, but it's the unfortunate reality I had to deal with.
Awkward Anna
Awkward Anna - 6 years ago
I’m apart of the snake, bearded dragon, and Asian drama amino it’s a great app.
Sam I Am
Sam I Am - 6 years ago
Honestly, my betta was very happy in his 5 gallon. Granted he was very old and wasn't very active. But I felt that 5 gallons was fine.
bill road
bill road - 6 years ago
where the hell you at bro
Samantha Tucker
Samantha Tucker - 6 years ago
What did you name him.?
Casylum - 6 years ago
I have both my bettas in 5 gallons and they seem really happy in there, but your betta is a lot bigger than mine two. Mine are about a year old but they're still small boys :)
Sam Wimoe
Sam Wimoe - 6 years ago
Hi Tyler, I'm wimoe from Indonesia... I also loves animal.. Just come to Indonesia hehhee... I'm your fan!
Harry Stark
Harry Stark - 6 years ago
He has a swim bladder problem. Looks like he's sinking all the time.
hugh skeen
hugh skeen - 6 years ago
Always have some spare cycles media
hugh skeen
hugh skeen - 6 years ago
Rivaldo Christian
Rivaldo Christian - 6 years ago
I’ve been breeding betta for a year now still a beginner
And I wanted for you guys to check whether my betta’s quality are good or not
Give me some critique pls dont be too harsh
Cheers betta lovers ❤️❤️❤️❤️
kyle limjoco
kyle limjoco - 6 years ago
Name him macaw
John Andreadakis
John Andreadakis - 6 years ago
I think it is not a half moon, I would say delta
Andrew GT
Andrew GT - 6 years ago
I selling betta fish :
Information :
Whatsapp : 087882678000
Line : andrew.gt88
Instagram : cupang.jakbar
Email : andrewgiovanni69@gmail.com

Thanks for ur attention..
Vaughn Mercado
Vaughn Mercado - 6 years ago
That water (ww extract from Almond Leaf) enhances the colors of the betta. I think that's a Halfmoon-Plakat (HMPK)
william wahyudi
william wahyudi - 6 years ago
the water from ketapang leaf
christine wilson
christine wilson - 6 years ago
You should name him a planet like Venus
TheDG - 6 years ago
Cassie Winchester
Cassie Winchester - 6 years ago
I wish there was a better way to transport fish than putting them in a dark space for such a long time. I'm glad he's being taken care of by someone who will treat him right after the long journey:)
Renee Sanchez
Renee Sanchez - 6 years ago
Name him winn
Bedroom Beardies
Bedroom Beardies - 6 years ago
Wow, that's a beautiful betta!
Kayla Fay
Kayla Fay - 6 years ago
Ha! I love all of your animals, but I genuinely think Mango is the most sassy. Maybe I'm wrong, but I love hearing about Mango. Those photos are hilarious.
Fish For life
Fish For life - 6 years ago
Wow.. what a stunning fish.
Chloe Januar
Chloe Januar - 6 years ago
Lmao I come from the same country as the betta but I’m worth like $1
Dexie D.
Dexie D. - 6 years ago
Name him Ruby
RODRIGO LARA - 6 years ago
I think a 5 gallon is fine if you have aeriation such as a bubbler. A 10 is if you don't have aeration.
Daniel Sniderman
Daniel Sniderman - 6 years ago
It’s pronounced BET-ah because there are 2 T’s
PandaKingYT - 6 years ago
the water looks like piss
jake tabor
jake tabor - 6 years ago
does anyone know what the name of the background song is??
Kyle McIntyre
Kyle McIntyre - 6 years ago
I paid 10 bucks her fish it looks just like that at PetSmart
Dou Vang
Dou Vang - 6 years ago
What is the song?! Giving me lifeeeee
Voeris - 6 years ago
Just in case you didn't know: you can take some of the media of the cycled tank and shake it in the uncycled one (as to release the beneficial bacteria), or also just put it in the new tank's filter. The tank is "instantly" cycled, though I like to wait a day or two so the bacteria settle in well. No need to wait months for a new cycle to establish.
Trampas Smith
Trampas Smith - 6 years ago
i've kept betta's in 2.5 gal's for years and never had any problems.
Ishaq Hussain
Ishaq Hussain - 6 years ago
name him corel
Maisie Caton
Maisie Caton - 6 years ago
Spot the all time low merch
Tay - 6 years ago
I love how responsible you are. You didn’t get offended at the responses just did more research and that’s commendable. I know zero about certain animals but you’re leading as a good example on doing research and giving whatever animals you get the best care. :)
emmalei klotz
emmalei klotz - 6 years ago
Omg I was just looking at buying a galaxy koi betta
Emily Howard
Emily Howard - 6 years ago
Call him Sherbert? <3
Videos with Emily
Videos with Emily - 6 years ago
I have my beta in a 5.5gallon for my beta and it’s been in there for 2years and seems fine
Toris Zoophoria
Toris Zoophoria - 6 years ago
Omgosh, that looks like a huge Betta!
AceFamily FanForever
AceFamily FanForever - 6 years ago
Call it Indonesia or rebel
Jessica La Roche
Jessica La Roche - 6 years ago
Some of our bettas prefer bigger spaces, though some like the more contained smaller tanks. I prefer to give any animal a bigger enclosure over a smaller one unless they prefer it that way so you can see how he goes. And the water flow depends on your bettas individually. Everyone says very little water flow, but one of our past bettas absolutely LOVED to play in the water flow! It was very cute watching him play and swim through it.
He's very lovely! My mum will be going to Indonesia on a holiday and hopes to find some wild bettas. Unfortunately we can't ship from Indonesia to NZ but seeing them will be an awesome experience, I wish I could too!
Bailee Jane
Bailee Jane - 6 years ago
I'm so relieved to see that he isn't a rose/feather/halfmoon/petal tail.

Can't stand bettas with outrageously large fins. Plakats are alright and some crown tails
The Lorax
The Lorax - 6 years ago
gives improper housing for a bearded dragon

Hey here’s TeN GaLlOnS for my BeTtA

Don’t get me wrong I love Tyler but I’m just saying ...
Georgi - 6 years ago
damn he is super cute , i wanna have a bf like him
Thomas Burke
Thomas Burke - 6 years ago
Name him Suigetsu
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
ninja thegamer
ninja thegamer - 6 years ago
Challenge the Wild hi I learn alot in your video thank
geet rakhra
geet rakhra - 6 years ago
Name him Starlord
Shimada Fox
Shimada Fox - 6 years ago
God I wish I could have an animal ranch
Christinamay123 - 6 years ago
<dies in two hours>
Welp, that sucks
hamsters 101
hamsters 101 - 6 years ago
Wow I have a betta and I thought mine was beautiful but your' s is everything love u
Evelyn Streett
Evelyn Streett - 6 years ago
nice atl hoodie, my dude
Pet Craz
Pet Craz - 6 years ago
In my PERSONAL opinion a betta fish’s minimum tank size is 1 gallon, I know this is a bit small for fish, but as I say, that is my MINIMUM a 5 gal would be awesome for a betta, really the bigger the better with any pet.
Abbi King
Abbi King - 6 years ago
I was always told to put a leave near the top of the water for the Betta to sleep on. I always thought it was adorable because my Bettas loved them.
Verónica Ferreira
Verónica Ferreira - 6 years ago
Name him Dollar (obvious reasons) ;)
O'Malley Malarkins
O'Malley Malarkins - 6 years ago
Now that you spent that much maybe you'll want to pronunce it betta instead of beta. ;) Nice looking little guy though. Nice and well fed.
Hella Homo
Hella Homo - 6 years ago
I don’t want to be drama driven because I love your videos, but because you are also a big youtuber in the pet world I was wondering how you felt about Taylor Nicole Dean’s latest video. What are your thoughts- i would be called a hater if I said mine but whatever.
Krystal K
Krystal K - 6 years ago
Can you give us the name of the company where your got your betta? It’s beautiful ❤️
Amy Williams
Amy Williams - 6 years ago
5 gallons of heated, filtered water is more than adequate for a betta fish lol. I've rescued and brought betta fish from the brink of death to perfect health in 5 gallon tanks, and had betta fish live long, happy lives in 5 gallon tanks.
hamzah habahbah
hamzah habahbah - 6 years ago
Thats a fat fish
Eunice Gabrielle Pebrada
Eunice Gabrielle Pebrada - 6 years ago
Not hating on him but is he gay?
Catie Liz G
Catie Liz G - 6 years ago
Is that all time low merch I see? lol. Beautiful fish :)
Dev - 6 years ago
I've been dying to import a betta but I'm so scared they won't make it alive and I'll be shit out of luck. I came soooo close to buying a beautiful guy last night but chickened out.

Your new boy is so pretty!!
Munchkingirl - 6 years ago
Names for your new fish: Rupert, Crimson, Regal, Truman, Fanta, Maul, or Ichor!
Dustin Schmidt
Dustin Schmidt - 6 years ago
Holy shit that is the most beautiful beta fish
Crystal Silva
Crystal Silva - 6 years ago
I've always put my bettas in 10 gallon tanks I've heard that for a while and I prefer it so much I've seen them thrive and so much more room for them to swim and more room for designing :)
Love of Pets
Love of Pets - 6 years ago
What a beauty! My Bettas are in the Fluval Spec.
alinabee 3
alinabee 3 - 6 years ago
Name him moo shoe I don’t know how to spell it. Or misha.
Cozmoplex - 6 years ago
I love your accent.
Kandi Jade
Kandi Jade - 6 years ago
You should name it Knuckles like from Sonic because he's red LOL
Izura uchiha
Izura uchiha - 6 years ago
im from indonesia the betta fish here are not to cheap
Golden Rose
Golden Rose - 6 years ago
I've owned a beta fish that lived a good 3 years in a 1.5 gallon tank. ( this was when i was a child and my mother didn't know anything about then and The betta fish was an older before I bought him) They can live fine in a minimum of a 2.5 gallon tank. Now that I'm older and in the fish hobby, I wouldn't put a betta fish in anything less than 5 gallons though.
Anyway, that is a beautiful fish. And he looks so happy, alert, and bright.
MissClariss - 6 years ago
Tyler we have the same hoodie!!! Did you get it from their concert in 2015?
Andrena4 Gaming
Andrena4 Gaming - 6 years ago
Hello ,great video!^^ i would like to say thank you for joining bird amino! And putting us into your videos!^^ we appreciate it
HamsterLuv7777 - 6 years ago
violetkitten18 - 6 years ago
Something kinda silly and adorable for a fish humors me so maybe name him after a berry since he is so red and colorful like a little fruit. Or name him after something sweet, like gummy or a Swedish name since he looks like a Swedish fish candy. Barry, cherry, fruitcup lol, something along those lines
Kody Done
Kody Done - 6 years ago
Here's a few batta tips for you, Tyler, or anyone else thinking about getting one first off I'd like to say thanks for upgrading him to a ten gallon my betta, Lucifer lives in a ten gallon and seeing him so happy is very rewarding since your moving him to a different tank this may not be an issue but it looked like he had a bit of a hard time swimming around bettas live in sallow areas with no current so strong filters make it hard for them to get around I'd recommend keeping an eye on his swimming if he can't move around easliy you could get him a weaker filter or only turn the filter on an hour a day or less bettas can survive in somewhat dirty water so this should work fine my betta is doing great with these methods. Also the reason your first betta jumped out is because the tank was too small in the wild when bettas are in too small of an area they puddle jump to a bigger area if your betta or anyone else's jumps that's your betta begging for a bigger space. I didn't see all of your tank so I don't know if you have one but if you could get a floating decoration that would be great bettas live near the surface so having something to hide under near the top of the water is amazing to them Lucifer (my betta) is always under his floating boat. Anyway that's all you seem to be on the right path by yourself just wanted to give some imput have a good day!
Addy Tucker
Addy Tucker - 6 years ago
His name would be bulan, because it is Indonesian for moon ( hes from Indonesia and he's a half moon beta)
Tori Rider
Tori Rider - 6 years ago
https://sweatco.in/hi/toriisunshine ... It pays for walking
Mariana Chiulli
Mariana Chiulli - 6 years ago
5 is perfect I think. 10 for one fish seems a lot. Also my bettas color has dulled a little. Any advice on how to brighten it up? I have read a few things about it, but wanted more advice. Also any live plants that do well. Is the moss ball thing good?
sugargliderlove123 - 6 years ago
i'm so glad i have a local fish store that gets imported bettas from breeders because for that fish it was exactly like yours i got it for 7 euros
sugargliderlove123 - 6 years ago
they were galaxy koi too i bought a pair of them
TJzz Adamszz
TJzz Adamszz - 6 years ago
5gal is good but u have to do a water change at least 1 a week
miss-megative - 6 years ago
My betta loves his 10g! The community standard for them is 2.5g (though I disagree haha), 5g is fine, and 10g is amazing for them. It’s such a personality difference when you move them up in sizes :D Your new boy is gorgeous!
Benjamin Lock
Benjamin Lock - 6 years ago
Love it! But I can literally buy better looking ones for about £20 on a Facebook group I’m on.
TheNight Taker
TheNight Taker - 6 years ago
You can keep your betta in a 5gal tank. I have mine in a 10 gal because its the only tank i have but you can keep one in a 5 gal. It just depends on how comfortable you are and the fish as well. I love your betta btw. I think you should name him Elmo.
Maddie Hass
Maddie Hass - 6 years ago
"let's hope you're alive, I spent a lot of money on you!"

Me after I bought a 20$ betta fish
Alexus Chan
Alexus Chan - 6 years ago
The betta fish is massive!
Paul Estrada
Paul Estrada - 6 years ago
Your Betta fish is gorgeous Tyler!
fatcatcakes - 6 years ago
lol my betta fish was 12$ and looks the same...i got it from petco like 2 years ago
Phi Salaymang
Phi Salaymang - 6 years ago
those people are trippin 5 gallons definitely enough if it's cycled, has filter, and heat. weekly water changes are good enough. since you have plants it's more than enough for him. unless you have a king betta than yeah you would need bigger than 5 gallons. I have 2 bettas in a divided 10 they have so much space they don't know what to do with themselves lol
angry avacado
angry avacado - 6 years ago
beautiful fish
Queen B
Queen B - 6 years ago
100$ with shipping?
Joe Houghton
Joe Houghton - 6 years ago
Haha love the hint of surprise when you say it’s alive
Rudy Warrior THE FIRST
Rudy Warrior THE FIRST - 6 years ago
Toku .
Tierney Sutton
Tierney Sutton - 6 years ago
Can you do a beta care video? I feel like these are really often mistreated and it would help a lot of people
J Pucci
J Pucci - 6 years ago
I think that a 5 gallon is fine, but it’s great that you want to upgrade!
Jairo V
Jairo V - 6 years ago
3:09 yes , the ones here are way to small the ones here are heard to bread the female always kills the male but the ones in Asia are more large .
Born to spread தமிழ்
Born to spread தமிழ் - 6 years ago
I'm very crazy on your dressing style dude
Phoenix Onfire
Phoenix Onfire - 6 years ago
who saw blackpink there?
Artsy Animal Lover
Artsy Animal Lover - 6 years ago
Gorgeous fish! His perfect white scales look unreal :0
Kaitlyn Schwenk
Kaitlyn Schwenk - 6 years ago
My dad owns a pet store that breeds snakes, other reptiles, amphibians, fish, ect. If he breeds a fish he really like he will keep it. He has a female and a male in the same tank and it is a forty gallon! Lol i think he went a little overboard. And before anyone asks he is trying to breed them.
Artsy Animal Lover
Artsy Animal Lover - 6 years ago
Ack betta fish aminos leaders support bettas in bowls and wont let others educate the owners using bowls :(
Fukano Nakito
Fukano Nakito - 6 years ago
You got pretty mcuh scammed
This betta is not even a good galaxy koi
Would range it more to hellboy
Plus for that price you could get one suitable for competitions
I- chad
I- chad - 6 years ago
im Indonesian✌
Jamie Rems
Jamie Rems - 6 years ago
On the fishkeeper amino someone told me to look up fish euthanasia methods because my 3 month rykin goldfish is in a 55 gallon tank. I like amino otherwise though.
trellsenCaurnious - 6 years ago
Jamie Rems
FKA is a pretty toxic place,my friend
Blocktopia8 - 6 years ago
Yeah... Petsmart sells 1/2 GALLON BETTA TANKS
Blocktopia8 - 6 years ago

Anna Golden
Anna Golden - 6 years ago
Name him Alpha!! That’s what my betta was named, and he recently passed away this year:’( but the name can live on through your betta lol
Backyard Gardening
Backyard Gardening - 6 years ago
ChickenPoop For the beta name
Ay H.
Ay H. - 6 years ago
Nice fish, but his fins aren't that impressive, halfmoon bettas have really nice and long fins.
aGuy - 6 years ago
Wth in petco they cost like $47
Fazmi Sharaff
Fazmi Sharaff - 6 years ago
Can u make a video telling us the origin story of getting mango your sun conure
Mr. FlipFlops
Mr. FlipFlops - 6 years ago
I’m not trying to be offensive I’m just wondering, are you gay? You kinda sound like you are.
KingSlapAHoe HNIC
KingSlapAHoe HNIC - 6 years ago
I love your videos! I'm recently new but ive gone back and watched almost everyone youve posted! You got me addicted great job very good videos and really informative thanks for the effort u put into making them and entertaining us! Keep it up!
Llama freak
Llama freak - 6 years ago
Name him Felix
Jonah Rae Donato
Jonah Rae Donato - 6 years ago
Completely unrelated. But Amino is an awesome app! I finally found a community that is dedicated to competitive Pokémon battles. There’s an Amino for every interest!

Back to the betta fish. He is GORGEOUS!!!!!!
Caiman Wright
Caiman Wright - 6 years ago
Wat music was that
Hillary Fritz
Hillary Fritz - 6 years ago
My vote is for Sparkles!!!!
Madi - 6 years ago
Apparently Bettas are known to jump out of tanks and commit suicide? It happened to my friend twice. It was pretty terrible
Rookie_Artist - 6 years ago
U should name him Luca or Blied for white blue and red all mixed
courtney quashen
courtney quashen - 6 years ago
my betta thrives in his 75 gallon tank, so anything below 10 g is DEFINITELY too small.
wpdh9102 - 6 years ago
He looks like a giant betta, or at least a large one. Thats probably why 5gal is minimum. For small bettas (most common), 5gal is great. I have my betta in a 5gal and hes happy as ever
Sarah Aidukas
Sarah Aidukas - 6 years ago
I got mine from Betta Squad USA. He ships all over from Houston Texas. He has the most beautiful bettas. Highly recommend him. Also, that color of water might be from soaked Almond leaves. They are really good for bettas. I have them too. I got a baby girl from him and she is so healthy and beautiful.
Nasyavnd - 6 years ago
me too :)
Artsy Poodle
Artsy Poodle - 6 years ago
Same lol
MutatedCheeseVlogs - 6 years ago
wow your beta is so beautiful and adorable!!
furyfox13 - 6 years ago
I had a penguin fish once
Cheyenne Quinn
Cheyenne Quinn - 6 years ago
From what I can see in your planted tank, your crypts look great but everything else looks like it’s melting or suffering from really bad algae/sufficiencies. I recommend osmocote plus root tabs and seachem plant fundamental pack along with water changes every week(disregard if you are already doing the water changes) I’ve noticed on the fluval spec 2.5 gallon that the light is only suitable for low light plants, what I did was upgrade my light to the Finnex clip light and it works great now. All of these elements will give you a great looking tank that will definitely be a conversation starter! Hope you find my advice helpful!
firestarlver - 6 years ago
That is a really beautiful fish, and also your hoodie is amazing
Katherin Gonzalez
Katherin Gonzalez - 6 years ago
nebula or cosmo would be pretty dope name
Allen Jay
Allen Jay - 6 years ago
Literally JUST bought 2 HMPK from the same seller this week lol
Christhewolfie Gamer
Christhewolfie Gamer - 6 years ago
Nice unboxing video
Rachel Chu
Rachel Chu - 6 years ago
gembrot319 - 6 years ago
I thing its worth it... nice color
Chloe Freeman
Chloe Freeman - 6 years ago
I think you should name him Rio!
Gage G
Gage G - 6 years ago
Amino really is a good app, I highly recommend for anyone who has an interest in anything lmao
Art and craft by D.S
Art and craft by D.S - 6 years ago
You should nama him venus or astrony
Fallon Is my name
Fallon Is my name - 6 years ago
Ok, uh I’m almost 100% certain that’s not a half moon... he looks like a plakat. MAYBE he could be a half moon plakat but he doesn’t really look like one... please tell me if I’m wrong because now I’m confused on my own fish who has the same composition of your fish
Tyler Rugge
Tyler Rugge - 6 years ago
Fallon And her animals I think he’s a half moon plakat. I could also be wrong I was just told he was a half moon from people online. I’m not super knowledgeable about the different types of Betta!
AcAutomatic - 6 years ago
Omg I saw my chat on his amino
Allison del Valle
Allison del Valle - 6 years ago
Or squishy

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During the "Aqua-Fisch" Kampffischfreunde.de presented the International Betta Competition. Kampffischfreunde.de is a...


The Complete Betta Fish Life Cycle in 3 Minutes

40,028 likes 3,448,112 views 8 years ago

Love is beautiful. Betta fish love is uniquely beautiful. Watch their life evolve from courtship, eggs, fry to...



7,142 likes 2,396,980 views 13 years ago



HOW TO: Care for Betta Fish

5,848 likes 1,287,784 views 10 years ago

Aquatic expert Tom Sarac introduces different varieties of betta fish and offers helpful tips on caring for this...


5 Things You've Heard about Betta Fish That...

17,930 likes 1,130,845 views 8 years ago

I recorded this a few days ago but finally got around to editing it! 5 common things you will hear or may have...


NoClean Aquariums - Betta Fish Tank

3,342 likes 1,081,286 views 11 years ago

http://www.thegrommet.com/noclean-aquariums The Grommet team discovers the self-cleaning aquarium from NoClean...

About Unboxing My $100 Betta Fish from Indonesia!!!

The "Unboxing My $100 Betta Fish from Indonesia!!!" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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