Unboxing my first WILD BETTA FISH!! Betta Mahachai

In this video, I will be unboxing my first ever wild betta species!! I am super excited to finally have a captive bred pair of Betta Mahachaiensis also known as Betta Mahachai. I got the pair from the International Betta Congress show and will show you their tank setup as well as talk about types of wild bettas. ------------------- Want to support CreativePetKeeing on Patreon?https://www.patreon.com/creativepetkeeping ★AFFILIATE LINKS CreativePetKeeping Wishlist- http://a.co/eKZlC0V Filming Equipment - http://amzn.to/2sykXsu Products we reviewed- http://amzn.to/2sF9bwh Betta BREEDING SUPPLIES- http://amzn.to/2rwCHEu Aquarium Plants: http://lddy.no/ll1 If you are shopping on Amazon and want to help support my channel please use our shopping link: http://amzn.to/2tsvjXe SOCIAL MEDIA ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING WEBSITE: www.creativepetkeeping.com INSTAGRAM: @creativepetkeeping FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/CreativePetKeeping TWITTER: @KasiaPetKeeping For business inquiries ONLY: Creativepetkeeping@gmail.com #BettaFish #WildBetta

Unboxing my first WILD BETTA FISH!! Betta Mahachai sentiment_very_dissatisfied 27

Betta 6 years ago 27,633 views

In this video, I will be unboxing my first ever wild betta species!! I am super excited to finally have a captive bred pair of Betta Mahachaiensis also known as Betta Mahachai. I got the pair from the International Betta Congress show and will show you their tank setup as well as talk about types of wild bettas. ------------------- Want to support CreativePetKeeing on Patreon?https://www.patreon.com/creativepetkeeping ★AFFILIATE LINKS CreativePetKeeping Wishlist- http://a.co/eKZlC0V Filming Equipment - http://amzn.to/2sykXsu Products we reviewed- http://amzn.to/2sF9bwh Betta BREEDING SUPPLIES- http://amzn.to/2rwCHEu Aquarium Plants: http://lddy.no/ll1 If you are shopping on Amazon and want to help support my channel please use our shopping link: http://amzn.to/2tsvjXe SOCIAL MEDIA ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING WEBSITE: www.creativepetkeeping.com INSTAGRAM: @creativepetkeeping FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/CreativePetKeeping TWITTER: @KasiaPetKeeping For business inquiries ONLY: Creativepetkeeping@gmail.com #BettaFish #WildBetta

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Most popular comments
for Unboxing my first WILD BETTA FISH!! Betta Mahachai

Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
NOTE - DO NOT keep common male and female BETTA SPLENDENS together unless you are breeding and even then they NEED to be separate before/after breeding. You can only keep certain wild bettas together. Some people seem to be gettign confused..so I wanted to clarify
What should we name the male and female? I need some name suggestions! I was going to be very generic and boring and go with Romeo and Juliet :P
More Betta videos: https://goo.gl/SftZkv
pokemonheartgold1000 - 6 years ago
Where did you order them from?
Along Fairul
Along Fairul - 6 years ago
tarzan and jane : ) or Pahlawan and Serikandi
Along Fairul
Along Fairul - 6 years ago
any new update from this lover : )
Passion For Pets
Passion For Pets - 6 years ago
Super cool! I didn't even know it was possible to get wild bettas!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
There are over 70 varieties of wild bettas.. its super cool
Joelene Heinz
Joelene Heinz - 6 years ago
I have one of these guys. I am fortunate to have made friends with a girl who imports from her homeland Thailand. He is absolutely gorgeous. I only have a male. He has one of the most amazing personalities i have ever encountered in a betta. Love him so much.
gottalovebettas - 6 years ago
Could you do an update on them? I support you in getting captive bred species as someone gave me a pair of wild caught Betta imbellis. They just didn't eat for the first few days, stayed at the bottom and stuff. It was only a few days later when I diagnosed them with parisites, but it was too late. Might be my fault, but IDK just sharing my experience.
Amanda B
Amanda B - 6 years ago
Beautiful fish!
Legit Meow
Legit Meow - 6 years ago
Can you add a female wild betta fish with a normal female betta fish together in the same
6.0-gallon fish tank?
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 6 years ago
Legit Meow No! You should never ever mix wilds with splendens and you cannot have a female splenden and another fish in such a small tank together. Females can be as aggressive as males.

10. comment for Unboxing my first WILD BETTA FISH!! Betta Mahachai

Lunadrako - 6 years ago
Where did you get that cube tank? They're so hard to find.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
It was made by a company called Eheim but I think they discontinued making them
DumbSh!tMoto - 6 years ago
Hey im in Illinois too. If you are ever in the Springfield area, we have an amazing local pet store with tons of great fish, and usually a pretty good selection of bettas. Its called Nature Select. Thats where i got my Male coil bettas and my female delta betta
Eric - 6 years ago
Do you know where I can get some wild bettas from?
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 6 years ago
Depends on the species you're looking for. I work with quite a few and have many friends who also breed various types. Any idea what you're looking for?
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 6 years ago
Manon Nearly all wilds on aquabid are being purchased from collectors who take these fish from the wild. They often come with parasites and diseases and it is not recommended.
Eric - 6 years ago
Manon have your ordered from there before?
D D - 6 years ago
If they’re captive bred then how are they wild?
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 6 years ago
EH24 Today They're a wild species that was bred in captivity.
いぼなまず - 6 years ago
かっこいいベタですね!^ ^

Cool! Betta❣️
May breeding succeed.
Is my English wrong?(´;ω;`)
Villiam Yaj
Villiam Yaj - 6 years ago
Note you should cover the top they're great jumpers known to doing so
N S F F A - 6 years ago
I had a cover on my tank and my betta jumped out, still dont know how
The gaps that allow air were not even 1/2 inch .
Rhythm F.
Rhythm F. - 6 years ago
I kind of miss the natural shaking of cameras
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
It will be in future videos :p I'm always shaky when holding the camera
Heidi Kleinsasser
Heidi Kleinsasser - 6 years ago
wow this was soooo cooool to observe
Marisa Batta-Reu
Marisa Batta-Reu - 6 years ago
@Creative Pet Keeping Seeing your video makes me interested in the Betta Mahachai. Was wondering if you know of anywhere I could order them from?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
Aquabid.com might have some or you can ask members of the international betta congress as well.
Sirakorn Saengrueang
Sirakorn Saengrueang - 6 years ago
I want Sub Thai

20. comment for Unboxing my first WILD BETTA FISH!! Betta Mahachai

Melissa Wedin
Melissa Wedin - 6 years ago
I feel that wild fish shouldnt be caught cuz ppl think they are cool!!! Not all ppl are good fish ppl and they will only ruin the fish. They breed them to make them look the way they want. If it's wild let it be. I understand you bought captive breed fish. I wouldnt enjoy them knowing they are not happy. Just look at how bad your first reacted, poor thing almost had a heart attack
Melissa Wedin
Melissa Wedin - 6 years ago
Yeah I feel like you live in magical land. I saw some for sale at a local pet advantage in my state Vermont those poor fish are in cups that are maybe 6 oz they can not full extent their bodies, not memtion the ammonia burn fins and red streaks all over their bodies. I don't even want to get started on king bettas they had. I asked where all the betta's come from. They are all shipped from over seas. Do think those beautiful bettas with a wild line lived? Do you think they went to a for ever home that will care for them and heal them. Probably not. They are sold off to uneducated people, the fish dies they scratch their heads and go I don't get it. I got it a betta keeper and kept it clean. First mistake is buying a half to a one gallon tank with no filter or a heater. So yeah not all breebers and keepers give a shit about the fish. It's all for a dollar. I'm not confused at all.
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 6 years ago
Melissa Wedin Once again, I feel you're a bit confused. Those of us who breed wild bettas are working with them to PRESERVE the species as they are in the wild. Many of these species are facing extinction and we as responsibile breeders are the ones who will continue keeping these species in existence when they are no longer found in the wild. I don't know of anyone who is breeding wild bettas to alter them in any capacity. If all wild animals stayed wild we would have lost many species to extinction by now. There is a big difference between keeping a wild species to breed for a continuation of the species and tainting that species by fucking around with the genetics. You might very well have "plenty of education" but it seems to be failing you in this capacity. You are ranting about a larger issue that's not relevant anymore. Humans have already ruined the plant, get over it and realize that some of us are working to save and preserve species that otherwise might cease to be. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, doesn't mean its right nor does it mean that opinion matters when reality is so very different.
Melissa Wedin
Melissa Wedin - 6 years ago
Big City Bettas for real I have head that about so many species and not just fish. Thing about you breeding what you think the wild fish should be like isn't doing them any favors. Like is said it will be a matter of time before they do not even look like a wild betta. They only way to save the fish and other animals would be for mankind to stop expanding! Humans taken so much land and most of it is for our own greed! I did how ever did not give this person crap for own and buying a "wild breed betta." Now did I? What I said was wild animals need to stay wild and untainted by man! I also said that not all ppl that will come across these betta fish will be as responsible as the woman in video! I have plenty of education thank you!
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 6 years ago
Melissa Wedin I'm sorry but you appear to be a bit misinformed on this subject. Allow me to clarify a few things for you. Most wild bettas live twice as long in captivity as they do in the wild and if it wasn't for people hobby breeding wilds there are some species we simply wouldn't have anymore. Many wild betta species are currently being threatened by habitat loss, we need to be working with them and building captive numbers so we don't lose them entirely. The mahachai Kasia owns are not from the wild, not in their lifetime. They are a line that has been captive bred for quite some time now, her fish only know tank life. They are neither miserable nor had a heart attack. In fact when I last spoke to her they were doing phenomenally well! Do not pass judgement on what you do not understand.
InfinityPets - 6 years ago
I’ve alway really want to keep a Wild betta! I’ve never have had the room for one as they need 5 gallons.
Kelsey Barton
Kelsey Barton - 6 years ago
Wow, I never knew there was more than one species of betta! Super interesting and informative video, keep it up!
Advanced Diamond
Advanced Diamond - 6 years ago
Can you breed these fish with regular betta fish
Advanced Diamond
Advanced Diamond - 6 years ago
Big City Bettas thanks for replying i love your channel it’s very helpful yet interesting
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 6 years ago
Advanced Diamond Though you might be able to, doing so would be incredibly irresponsible. We need to preserve wilds, not mess around with trying to create hybrids and in turn destroying the integrity of a wild species.
Brian and Xman's Aquariums
Brian and Xman's Aquariums - 6 years ago
Very nice, best of luck with the new betta's
Anouk van der Veen
Anouk van der Veen - 6 years ago
how big is this tank?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
5 Gallon
Franks bettas
Franks bettas - 6 years ago
im so glad more and more people are getting into wild bettas
Daniel Joseph
Daniel Joseph - 6 years ago
From where did you get it
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
International Betta Congress show
NiceTech 28
NiceTech 28 - 6 years ago
Ill post a video of mine soon I'v spitted a KOi betta in the shop by me for £22 so gonna try get him hes so different
NiceTech 28
NiceTech 28 - 6 years ago
I have two of these male battas wait till.the red starts coming through on his tail stunning fish mine cime up top tank to get petted there so timmed love them

30. comment for Unboxing my first WILD BETTA FISH!! Betta Mahachai

Lourene Janse
Lourene Janse - 6 years ago
People at the post office mistreat fish / live animals??
Lourene Janse
Lourene Janse - 6 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping that's honestly crazy I had no idea that was an actual issue
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
Lourene Janse some people caught people throw packages on camera
MsLinanator - 6 years ago
What size is this tank, what brand, and the salt (salinity) does not affect the plant? So many questions. Thank you.
MsLinanator - 6 years ago
Look at him flare!!!! So pretty!
Zahid creations
Zahid creations - 6 years ago
So cool best of luck for breeding
V. Stag
V. Stag - 6 years ago
Awesome Video Thanks for sharing #FishFam #NJAE18
Uday Das
Uday Das - 6 years ago
So nice fishs and tank... can U tell me What is your tank size L/W/H ??
LeJohnny - 6 years ago
The male looks kinda like a plakat owo
Robbin Yahood
Robbin Yahood - 6 years ago
Nice fish, i wish youd give them a proper sized tank tho.
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 6 years ago
Robbin Yahood That is a proper sized tank for the species of wild she is keeping. Your concern would be very valid for a domestic splenden for sure! (not that you can house a male and female splenden together.) But with wilds it's very different, some species especially will not do well in too large of a tank.
Pranav Vaidya
Pranav Vaidya - 6 years ago
I also have some bettas fry but they keep dying after a week. I feed them infusoria everyday but then also they die. Mam can u suggest something about this? Plzzz
Amber Sherry
Amber Sherry - 6 years ago
i love the wild types- i watch them on Instagram... so beautiful!!
Lisa Gerace
Lisa Gerace - 6 years ago
Wow, they are beautiful fish!!
Lagypsea - 6 years ago
So beautiful! I would love to have a pair.
Courtney Pilant
Courtney Pilant - 6 years ago
The male will try to breed her so many times and will either kill her or she will turn on him and kill him, or if he doesn't then she becomes egg bound and dies. Do not spread misinformation!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
Hi Courtney, I'm sorry that you feel you were misinformed by my video. Those are very valid concerns! In regards to breeding, wilds spawn in a reasonable amount. This is why it is common to keep many wild species in pairs and some wilds can be even kept in groups (Betta channoides, Betta albimarginata, betta rubra..ect)! Betta Splendens definitely CANNOT be kept together. If I see the male harassing the female I will separate them but its not a huge concern as I know many reputable breeders who house them together. I know that there are not much online resources on the Mahachai as they are a relatively new classified species but those that do exist all point to them being kept together such as https://smp.ibcbettas.org/species/mahachai.html
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 6 years ago
Sara Mindel As an aquatic veterinarian you should know that a betta becoming eggbound is extremely rare, so obviously you cannot back all of her points. You say they're still aggressive and yet I don't see any aggression in my pairs that I house together. The collectors I've spoken to have often found pairs year round living together in the submerged bracts of palm fronds. I'm curious as to if you have any personal experience with this species as I do and I can tell you that the only time you see any aggression is when the male is watching a nest and even then it's very minimal. I'm curious as to whom says "they should NEVER be kept together" as myself (keeper, breeder, obsessed betta enthusiast) and my friends (also keepers, breeders and obsessed betta enthusiasts) as well as the International Betta Congress would all disagree. While I am fine with being incorrect on a subject, when it's on something I have personal experience on and everyhing else I've ever heard or learned on a subject backs up my experience I need some very credible sources to believe otherwise.
Sara Mindel
Sara Mindel - 6 years ago
Aquatic veterinarian here! Courtney is correct in her points. Yes, mahachai are less aggressive. BUT they still fight. Keeping them together is never recommended. Especially a female and male. They should NEVER be kept together, for the points courtney listed. Betta, no matter the species, are aggressive fish. They shouldn’t be kept together.
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 6 years ago
Courtney Pilant That isn't how it works and I highly recommend you do further research on the matter before making such accusations. Betta mahachai are one of many species of wild bettas that are recommended to be kept together. Most wilds are not kept in the same manner as domestic splendens, but given how many species of wild (there are 72) there will be exceptions. With mahachai the male and female aren't even aggressive with one another. Furthermore bettas becoming eggbound is extremely rare and fairly unheard of in captive wilds. Please explain to me why you feel so strongly on this matter, I would hope it comes from some level of first hand experience but given the nature of the species I wonder.
Christina Perez
Christina Perez - 6 years ago
They are gorgeous!✌️❤️
Joy Barton
Joy Barton - 6 years ago
Beautiful! Great info too!
Hillary Fritz
Hillary Fritz - 6 years ago
I love them!!! I like the natural look, and that they aren’t so aggressive!!
Pet Craz
Pet Craz - 6 years ago
Is keeping the new wild bettas you got the same as keeping betta splendidness?
Pet Craz
Pet Craz - 6 years ago
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 6 years ago
Pet Craz No worries! What good is being a fish nerd if you don't share your information? Haha!
Pet Craz
Pet Craz - 6 years ago
BIg City Bettas, thank you! You seem like you really know your stuff about battas! Thumbs up! Thank you for answering my question! :)
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 6 years ago
Pet Craz Absolutely not. Betta splendens are domestic bettas that humans bred by crossing many wild types over 600 years ago. They are not from the wild. We created them just like we created goldfish. Wild betta mahachai are naturally occurring and often pair off in the wild and stay together all year round. Kasia is not only keeping them properly, but exactly as other mahachai keepers like myself do. Betta splendens are a man created fish, wilds are directly from nature, humans haven't messed with them or changed them with selective breeding yet. Very different and if you ask me very effing cool!
FJheals - 6 years ago
beautiful eyes
lisa HAIR
lisa HAIR - 6 years ago
beautiful fish
Kayla Brooks
Kayla Brooks - 6 years ago
So with this strain being so friendly is it possible to house say, two+ males together? Or a few females? Or even could there be one male one female in a divided tank? My only worry is is that I know I wont have time for if there would be accidental breeding. Is it possible like you said to house different sexes together without the possibility of breeding ever? They're just so beautiful.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
They will definitely breed at one point or another. Luckily I have a lot of people in my fish club who are interested in wilds as well as other breeders so I have potential homes ready for babies if I get some. I should definitely make an update video addressing your question because its a really good one!
Kayla Brooks
Kayla Brooks - 6 years ago
Big City Bettas thank you!
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 6 years ago
Kayla Brooks They should be housed in pairs. They are friendly to their chosen mate, otherwise they are fairly territorial.

50. comment for Unboxing my first WILD BETTA FISH!! Betta Mahachai

Chris Brewer
Chris Brewer - 6 years ago
Where can I go to purchase your bettas
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
I will be selling domestic betta splendens on https://www.creativepetkeeping.com/buy-live-fish I'm not sure if I will sell any wilds I breed online though..
Muddy Yogi
Muddy Yogi - 6 years ago
Oh wow, they are stunning! How cool that they can be kept together! This may be a future tank for me! Lol
ReeFresh Aquariums
ReeFresh Aquariums - 6 years ago
such a beautiful fish
why not
why not - 6 years ago
it's the super betta
Amr Agiza
Amr Agiza - 6 years ago
Hi Kasha nice video .. I was wondering if you have any information about infertile imported Bettas .. I'm from Egypt and I wanted to get a higher grade bettas and try to breed it but I heared that Asian exporters will not allow to breed to keep its high value
Amr Agiza
Amr Agiza - 6 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping thanks Kasha keep up the good work ❤
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
I know that breeding for some colors such as pure black can result in infertile females..but its only limited to a few types. I have only red marbles and those don't have that problem so I will have to do more reasearch on the topic.
Aga Agayev
Aga Agayev - 6 years ago
pretty girl, pretty bettas
Fenu S
Fenu S - 6 years ago
why did i never think about you not haveing a wild betta!?! Thats what was missing!
Betta Keeper
Betta Keeper - 6 years ago
Love ❤️
Ann Cleveland
Ann Cleveland - 6 years ago
I really want an imbellis pair
Ann Cleveland
Ann Cleveland - 6 years ago
Meister J TV
Meister J TV - 6 years ago
isnt the female gonna die because of the males hormones?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
Do you have betta splendens? This is only ok with WILD BETTAS and NOT ok with domestic bettas. I can make a video further clarifying this. So if you have normal common bettas please keep them seperate..they are much more aggressive.
Raequel Suina
Raequel Suina - 6 years ago
They don't die from hormones. Just from being super stressed -having the male close by - so I don't advise putting your male back into the tank
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
Nope, that's a myth
Life Happens
Life Happens - 6 years ago
Wow. They are gorgeous! I agree, you do have to be careful who you get them from. I am picky too. I want the wild captive bred too. Lol. Congratulations! I love them!
Zeke D
Zeke D - 6 years ago
What's the place I can go to get some wild bettas
Elizabeth Ann
Elizabeth Ann - 6 years ago
After seeing this I think my biggest girl may have some mahachaiensis in her. She’s very large and has the dark brownish body like these two, but she’s red instead of blue.
Impact gaming
Impact gaming - 6 years ago
What type of Betta is that?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
Betta Mahachaiensis
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
Banana will be in the next video :D
Isabella Makarewicz
Isabella Makarewicz - 6 years ago
Are you going to be breeding anymore bettas? I really want one of your babies! I have a 20 gal long reserved for one ;)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
I have two spawns growing out right now, I will have to do an update on them soon.
Lifewithpets - 6 years ago
They’re absolutely gorgeous. It’s amazing the range of colors they display. I can’t wait to see how they progress.
Lifewithpets - 6 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
Maybe I can get you hooked on wild types too...Amber got me into them hehe
CC 3KidsL8ter
CC 3KidsL8ter - 6 years ago
Those fish have such pretty colors!
MrsHRodman - 6 years ago
Beautiful fish!!! I just got one shipped from Thailand yesterday, a black Orchid ct. I'm also getting a white blood ct from Betta and Arts this coming week!
Onyxette - 6 years ago
They're so beautiful! I have an expensive koi betta, and his colours seem to get brighter every month! good luck with yours.
Suzy - 6 years ago
They're beautiful! I want these in the future :) captive bred of course
MirelurkQueen - 6 years ago
Stunning looking wild bettas!
kc Slazzie
kc Slazzie - 6 years ago
How old have to be a Betta fish to spawn to get pregnant
Cole the pokemon Master
Cole the pokemon Master - 6 years ago
When you were talking about the fish being scared if they are wild caught I thought to myself, 'hey my cories are pretty scared whenever I go near them, even after they have been in their tank for 3 months now. Are they from the wild?' I know this is is a stupid idea, especially since I got them from a local pet store here in Arizona, but is this possible?
Cole the pokemon Master
Cole the pokemon Master - 6 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping OK thanks for the info and advice. I really appreciate it!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
Some fish are very shy naturally so I don't think you have to worry. You can always ask the petstore where they got thre fish from.
Mackenzie Ferguson
Mackenzie Ferguson - 6 years ago
They are looking SO GOOD! Glad they made it okay! Once they've spawned I may hit you up for a few fry :D
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
I shall save the best for you! Thanks again for getting them and sending them over to me! :D
Blue Bowser
Blue Bowser - 6 years ago
8:39 a lot BETTA
HowlingTv - 6 years ago
Wow they are stunning!
kc Slazzie
kc Slazzie - 6 years ago
Finally a new video
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
Oooo Smaragdinas! For now I think I'm stuck with one wild type as I'm running a bit low on space..thank you for the offer though!
tnellis8 - 6 years ago
They are so beautiful!
Kailejean Rama
Kailejean Rama - 6 years ago
1 hour late lol
Madeleine r
Madeleine r - 6 years ago
It won't stress a lot the female betta have the male betta flering like that all the time?
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 6 years ago
Courtney Pilant My dear now you are the one spreading misinformation. I suggest you stop and educate yourself further on the matter before appearing silly or ignorant on a subject you're doing a lot of preaching on.
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 6 years ago
Not very likely if a pair is compatible. They get excited upon reintroduction but with wilds flaring is used to get the females attention and appear larger, it is not done aggressively like with domestics. Their interactions while similar are actually much different.
Courtney Pilant
Courtney Pilant - 6 years ago
Yes it does. Keeping males and females together is not a good idea.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
Nope, eventually, he leaves her alone (edit* Mahachai only..Betta Splendens would kill each other if living together..just clarifying to be sure as some people are getting the two species confused). Will flare a little here and there but most of the time I noticed that they do their own separate thing. There is always a chance that a male CAN be too pushy with a female ..because some are a little more agressive..some are less.. so if he botheres her too much I will seperate them.
Hunter Folden
Hunter Folden - 6 years ago
ORDERING PAIR MYSELF IN A WEEK OR TWO!!! Found a guy in the USA who breeds them and is giving a good deal!!!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
Best of luck! :D
Ainz Sama
Ainz Sama - 6 years ago
finally betta videos yeeet
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 6 years ago
They're gorgeous! Welcome to the wilds club!! What a good pick too. Let me know if I can ever share fry and get you into more wild species, they are quite addictive. Really lovely pair you got. The pics you sent me didn't do them justice at all.
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 6 years ago
Marisa Batta-Reu It depends on the species or complex that you're looking for, but either myself or someone I know will likely have some. Or maybe even Kasia here if you're looking for mahachai!
Marisa Batta-Reu
Marisa Batta-Reu - 6 years ago
Seeing this video made me interested in the more "wild" species of betta, although splendens are still amazing on their own. I need a place to buy from when I am ready, do you sell wild types or know of people?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
Thanks for suggesting them (among other types) ..its what got me interested! :D
Kiki's FishAddict
Kiki's FishAddict - 6 years ago
The betta is beautiful
Pranav Vaidya
Pranav Vaidya - 6 years ago
Hi mam I just love watching your videos..
Brantov - 6 years ago
Very nice and interesing video.
JO Betta Vlogs
JO Betta Vlogs - 6 years ago
Yaaay, so happy for YOU!!!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
I used to do 3 videos a week..then I fell behind for a month or so..but I think I'm going to try to go back to 3 videos a week.
Elias sar
Elias sar - 6 years ago
How many gallons does their tank hold?
Elias sar
Elias sar - 6 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping thanks I love you!!!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
This is a 5.5 tall tank
Christopher Bronson
Christopher Bronson - 6 years ago
I’m confused. They’re wild Bettas, but they’re not wild caught? Are they just captive bred plakat Bettas?
Armored Wings
Armored Wings - 6 years ago
They are captive bred from a species you find in the wild. You won't find the same kind of bettas we have out where this species does. This is the kind of betta you will see in the natural habitat of rivers or rice patties, but these individuals were bred in captivity. They are referred as "wild betta" to to separate them from domestic bettas.
MintChocolate - 6 years ago
Christopher Bronson no because plakat bettas are still betta splendens. These betta aren't betta splendens at all. They're practically a different species
Ryan Choi
Ryan Choi - 6 years ago
Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!! YOU GOT WILD BETTAS!!!!!!!!! OMG, OMG, OMG!!!!!
Dima B
Dima B - 6 years ago
Im finally early
Luna 1235410
Luna 1235410 - 6 years ago
Congrats?! I'm going to set up my first betta tank in a while, I used to have 3, and will be breeding a pair - maybe even a trio c; - soon!
Lashay Wingate
Lashay Wingate - 6 years ago
Do you know the best way to breed gold fish good video by there way
Lashay Wingate
Lashay Wingate - 6 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping thanks anyway
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
I have actually never owned Goldfish before.. maybe Solid Gold Aquatics might have a video?
pet world
pet world - 6 years ago
#notificationsquad where you at
Animais & Cia
Animais & Cia - 6 years ago
hi,,,, i loved
my name is Julia.... love animals too
kisses from Brzil...
kieth kith
kieth kith - 6 years ago

100. comment for Unboxing my first WILD BETTA FISH!! Betta Mahachai

Daren She
Daren She - 6 years ago
they won't attack each other?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
Normal bettas would attack each other though. I figured I should add that.
Matthew Kelly
Matthew Kelly - 6 years ago
Daren She Along with b. Mahachaiensis, there are several other breeds that often cohabitate with one another peacefully such as b. Imbellis, b. Macrostoma & b. Albamarginata.

Great video!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
Nope ^_^
Trines Nails
Trines Nails - 6 years ago
Daren She no, she told in video too ;)
Lashay Wingate
Lashay Wingate - 6 years ago
6th to comet
MooMoo's Pets
MooMoo's Pets - 6 years ago
Isabella Makarewicz
Isabella Makarewicz - 6 years ago
Sydney Sharkk
Sydney Sharkk - 6 years ago
Ah I'm so early!!

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The "Unboxing my first WILD BETTA FISH!! Betta Mahachai" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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