Updated Betta fish tank tours #3

LuxoGear Emergency Whistles with Lanyard

LuxoGear Emergency Whistles with Lanyard

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NOCO Genius GEN5X2, 2-Bank, 10A (5A/Bank) Smart Marine Battery Chargers

NOCO Genius GEN5X2, 2-Bank, 10A (5A/Bank) Smart Marine Battery Charger

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LuxoGear Emergency Whistles with Lanyard

LuxoGear Emergency Whistles with Lanyard

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NOCO Genius GEN5X2, 2-Bank, 10A (5A/Bank) Smart Marine Battery Chargers

NOCO Genius GEN5X2, 2-Bank, 10A (5A/Bank) Smart Marine Battery Charger

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RHINO USA Boat Trailer Transom Straps (2PK)

RHINO USA Boat Trailer Transom Straps (2PK)

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LUCKY Kayak Portable Fish Depth Finder

LUCKY Kayak Portable Fish Depth Finder

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Seaview 180 V3 Full Face Snorkel Mask

Seaview 180 V3 Full Face Snorkel Mask

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Most popular comments
for Updated Betta fish tank tours #3

??Simeon Curtis
??Simeon Curtis - 8 years ago
just subscribed
??Simeon Curtis
??Simeon Curtis - 8 years ago
+ParisJean welcome
Paris Jean
Paris Jean - 8 years ago
Aww thanks so much
Californiahip - 8 years ago
Love the intro!!!:))))))
persio echavarria
persio echavarria - 8 years ago
Im sorry but a betta needs at least 5g
BlueRiolu - 8 years ago
+ParisJean oh and ignore all the hate :)
Paris Jean
Paris Jean - 8 years ago
+BlueRiolu I think both are great options
BlueRiolu - 8 years ago
+persio echavarria it's 2.5g
Paris Jean
Paris Jean - 8 years ago
+persio echavarria thanks! And I appreciate you commenting. Not everyone knows how important it is to take proper care of Bettas. I didn't at first
persio echavarria
persio echavarria - 8 years ago
+ParisJean Yea you have nice tanks though! Your vids are awesome.
Paris Jean
Paris Jean - 8 years ago
I am aware of the conditions I'm keeping my bettas in. It has been addressed with my parents and we are looking tomorrow for a better setup. No worries
Jake FISH - 8 years ago
do you clean all of your tanks in the same day? how long does this take
Paris Jean
Paris Jean - 8 years ago
Yes every Sunday morning. It usually takes 30 minutes when I take my time and dilly dally
TheDollCorner - 8 years ago
Ahhh I LOVEEE your tanks! So exited for your new 20 gallon! Can't wait to see how it looks! I know it will look amazing(: SO excited for the giveaway!(:
Paris Jean
Paris Jean - 8 years ago
Thanks and yeah me too
InfinityPets - 8 years ago
I love the tanks
Paris Jean
Paris Jean - 8 years ago
Sydney Schwebel
Sydney Schwebel - 8 years ago
Great video ! The 20 gallon sounds amazing ! Your bettas are going to love it !
Paris Jean
Paris Jean - 8 years ago
+ParisJean thanks
Paris Jean
Paris Jean - 8 years ago
Tha ks
Blazing Bettas
Blazing Bettas - 8 years ago
I love your tanks! When does the giveaway end
Blazing Bettas
Blazing Bettas - 8 years ago
+ParisJean awesome!! CAN'T WAIT XD
Paris Jean
Paris Jean - 8 years ago
April first
Puppypop 101
Puppypop 101 - 8 years ago
Awesome! I love all your tanks! What shelf are you getting? I really need to buy a shelf for all my tanks and for some new ones possibly.
Puppypop 101
Puppypop 101 - 8 years ago
+ParisJean awesome! I think I might need to get that shelf too!
Paris Jean

10. comment for Updated Betta fish tank tours #3

Aquarium Boy123
Aquarium Boy123 - 8 years ago
Cute bettas!
llibbyobrien - 8 years ago
Don't listen to the haters your awesome
llibbyobrien - 8 years ago
+ParisJean lol good
Paris Jean
Paris Jean - 8 years ago
Thanks ❤️❤️ and don't worry, I don't unless there proving a point
Joan Rodgers
Joan Rodgers - 8 years ago
This channel is embarrassing to all fish keepers. Not one betta you own has a filter of some sort, or even an airstone. You call yourself an animal lover, but yet you have your fish in awful conditions. None of them can swim. You only just put a heater in some, but these heaters are so small that they don't stop heating after they reach the desired temperature. I'm willing to bet that when you do a water change, you take your betta out and put them in a cup. Then you probably rinse the entire tank. Your supposed to use a two tank method if you absolutely need to keep a betta in these conditions. You're not an expert either. You just keep your fish alive barely. I've owned several bettas in a 20 gallon long divided tank. I had a sand substrate with plants. You can't be an aquarist if your largest tank isn't even 15 gallons. A beginner should always have at least 10 gallons. Also, you have zero self control. You keep getting these bettas to torture. Just leave them at the fish store and let someone with more knowledge take care of them. You aren't even 14, you probably cry when one dies. Sorry, but if you get a bigger tank, you'll kill all the fish. You're supposed to leave a tank be to cycle. If you buy a ten gallon, you have to fill it up and get it ready as if you were to put fish in, but wait a month to add fish. If you get a 5 gallon, it's too small for any community tank. What will you have? 1 guppy and 3 female bettas? Oh, maybe 1 male betta with 4 guppies. Dumbshit
Californiahip - 8 years ago
if you think she doesn't have the best conditions two of my bettas are in .75 gallons and seem very happy so that goes to show they can be happy without a heater and without 5g they can survive in smaller tanks and most enjoy that because they aren't in little tiny cups and square containers in the back of a shelf barely even being treated so do t harp on her for not having everything out together.:)
Paris Jean
Paris Jean - 8 years ago
+UniqueMission480 thank you so much that really helps. My dad used to own a 50 gallon so he's going to help me with that as well. But this helps a lot, thank yoy
XboxPlayer - 8 years ago
that, was the smoothest way to respond.

Pro Tip: Always be prepared. Get some melafix, Marcel 1 &2, stock up on water declhorinatinor (I have like 5 bottles), and some stress coat +
Get some ich guard too
This 20 gallon will be a big step up, and will bring a lot of new diseases.
Also, algae loves light. Only have a light on for around 7-8 hours. Once it's in a 20 gallon, it'll be tough to remove. If you use live plants, make sure the medicine is safe for them. Make sure the lights are good enough for the plants. And make sure if you use sand (required for live plants) to stir it up. It'll grow anaerobic organisms which could kill fish. But, live plants do help ammonia nitryifying bacteria, so use them.

This was off topic but you need it for 20 gallons. Get some anubias and Java ferns. They don't need much light, BUT CAN'T BE PLANTED IN SUBSTRATE.
Weigh the roots down with a rock. Also, water changes. Make sure the water is the same temp
Paris Jean
Paris Jean - 8 years ago
+Jake FISH thank you so much for the concern and as for jake thank you for standing up. Entering the fish world it is true, I didn't know much. But that doesn't mean I'm not trying. Aloysius was a rescue, he had terrible fungus. He is very healthy now, that was a great learning experience. I have done my research in fact and if you didn't catch it. In the beginning of the video I said I was getting a 20 gallon and dividing it into 5 parts. That's 4 gallons each. It's going to be heated and might have a filter. I just wanted to inform you that I thank you for worrying about my fish and I appreciate that there are people like you out there to help out. There is no need to worry I have everything planned out. Thanks for watching
Jake FISH - 8 years ago
what's your issue. She's a kid. She isn't even in high school yet. Just let her figure out what works. Her fish are alive and look healthy. Yeah, she probably can't identify a disease just by a glance like you or I, but she's learning. You seem like maybe 15-16. You can't possibly know much either. I spend a lot of my time with my ten gallon. I do water changes every 5 days to keep it all clean. I could probably push it to once a week now since I have 2 fish and a shrimp. Anyways, who cares? Bettas have some sort of organ that allows them to breathe surface air. They should have a filter and bigger tanks, I'll agree with that, but she's a beginner. Let her be
Artsy Animal Lover
Artsy Animal Lover - 8 years ago
Oh and the Buddha is awesome looking.
Paris Jean
Paris Jean - 8 years ago
Artsy Animal Lover
Artsy Animal Lover - 8 years ago
Artsy Animal Lover
Artsy Animal Lover - 8 years ago
Paris Jean
Paris Jean - 8 years ago
Yeah. I finally convinced my parents to agree on one of my amazing ideas they absolutely love hearing

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