Updating the Fishroom | NEW 20 Gallon Male Betta Divided Tank | Fish Fan Friday

Representing the nano tank life over here. One-day....one-day I will move to a place where I can get a large tank and I will swim in it and it will be glorious. Till then..we have a new 20 gallon long..that might be the last tank I can get before I crash down to the floor below me. I decided to divide it 6 ways to house all my male betta fish so we can enjoy all of them and their glory while allowing me to be lazy and do a water-change one tanks vs. 6 individual ones. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Become a part of the #CreativeCritters and #PotatoSquad Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): https://goo.gl/SkhMM6 Want to support us on Patreon? Click here! https://www.patreon.com/creativepetkeeping ------------------- ★AFFILIATE LINKS Filming Equipment - http://amzn.to/2sykXsu Products we reviewed- http://amzn.to/2sF9bwh Betta BREEDING SUPPLIES- http://amzn.to/2rwCHEu Want an Amazon Review? http://amzn.to/2sxYewW If you are shopping on Amazon and want to help support our channels please use our shopping link: http://amzn.to/2tsvjXe ------------------- SOCIAL MEDIA ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/creativepetkeeping FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CreativePetKeeping/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/KasiaPetKeeping Facebook FAN GROUP: https://goo.gl/plD97d ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: https://goo.gl/ec91IJ INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/creativepetvlogs BANANA's FB PAGE: https://goo.gl/vkEHSJ For business inquiries only: Creativepetkeeping@gmail.com Remember that subscribing, commenting, linking, and sharing my videos reach more people and this helps this channel GROW! We are building an awesome community of like-minded individuals that LOVE pets. Thank you so much for your kindness and support!

Updating the Fishroom | NEW 20 Gallon Male Betta Divided Tank | Fish Fan Friday sentiment_very_dissatisfied 61

Betta 7 years ago 58,365 views

Representing the nano tank life over here. One-day....one-day I will move to a place where I can get a large tank and I will swim in it and it will be glorious. Till then..we have a new 20 gallon long..that might be the last tank I can get before I crash down to the floor below me. I decided to divide it 6 ways to house all my male betta fish so we can enjoy all of them and their glory while allowing me to be lazy and do a water-change one tanks vs. 6 individual ones. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Become a part of the #CreativeCritters and #PotatoSquad Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): https://goo.gl/SkhMM6 Want to support us on Patreon? Click here! https://www.patreon.com/creativepetkeeping ------------------- ★AFFILIATE LINKS Filming Equipment - http://amzn.to/2sykXsu Products we reviewed- http://amzn.to/2sF9bwh Betta BREEDING SUPPLIES- http://amzn.to/2rwCHEu Want an Amazon Review? http://amzn.to/2sxYewW If you are shopping on Amazon and want to help support our channels please use our shopping link: http://amzn.to/2tsvjXe ------------------- SOCIAL MEDIA ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/creativepetkeeping FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CreativePetKeeping/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/KasiaPetKeeping Facebook FAN GROUP: https://goo.gl/plD97d ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: https://goo.gl/ec91IJ INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/creativepetvlogs BANANA's FB PAGE: https://goo.gl/vkEHSJ For business inquiries only: Creativepetkeeping@gmail.com Remember that subscribing, commenting, linking, and sharing my videos reach more people and this helps this channel GROW! We are building an awesome community of like-minded individuals that LOVE pets. Thank you so much for your kindness and support!

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Most popular comments
for Updating the Fishroom | NEW 20 Gallon Male Betta Divided Tank | Fish Fan Friday

Yi Min Chan
Yi Min Chan - 7 years ago

I did a 20gallon divided betta tank after i saw your video.
My tanks seems to get "oily" within a few days.
And the 1 of my betta is getring fin rot.
Im doing a 25% water change every week.

Do you have any advise?

Thanks in advance!
Logan Vapez
Logan Vapez - 7 years ago
I love ur fish room it give me some ideas
Izi's animal kingdom
Izi's animal kingdom - 7 years ago
help! does the flow of the filter stress the fish???
Kelsy Greenwood
Kelsy Greenwood - 7 years ago
Hi i am 10 years old i own a betta fish his name is Mr.Bubbles he does not have a tank because i cant aford that yet (I buy all of my fish stuff with my own money) but i am saveing up for one do you know of any good tanks that are not to much money?
Kelsy Greenwood
Kelsy Greenwood - 7 years ago
and it cant be too big! our well cant support a big tank
Sebok Jang
Sebok Jang - 7 years ago
what stand is it on the middle??
Edwin L.B
Edwin L.B - 7 years ago
Do you do videos just of the guppies, will like to see more of your guppies
Xara - 7 years ago
If i was to get colored gravel i would make the yin yang sign and have natural gravel for the rest of the tank.
Jaymie Ann Aclan
Jaymie Ann Aclan - 7 years ago
You have so many fishes
Kanyon Tyner
Kanyon Tyner - 7 years ago
Um yeah king of diy and solid gold are better than you. They have their fish in over 100 gallon aquariums when you have betta fish in about 2 gallons each. Wow. You really can keep fish! Betas need at least 5 gallon not 6 in a divided 15 gallon. That's about 1.5-2 gallons each. That's horrible.
Catlin L. Price
Catlin L. Price - 7 years ago
Kanyon Tyner it's a 20 gallon tank, 3.33 gallons each, which is quite acceptable. Know what you're saying before you decide to be a judgmental ass, you obviously don't know what you're talking about.

10. comment for Updating the Fishroom | NEW 20 Gallon Male Betta Divided Tank | Fish Fan Friday

Gentleman by Brahim Madon
Gentleman by Brahim Madon - 7 years ago
I like u...
Legendary King
Legendary King - 7 years ago
Love your setup and love the videos.....
Nikki B.
Nikki B. - 7 years ago
Concerned about the room for each betta...
Nathan Morris
Nathan Morris - 7 years ago
Your betas don't have enough space
Angel E 123
Angel E 123 - 7 years ago
where did you get those dividers
Skadi Birch
Skadi Birch - 7 years ago
Do you ship your fry to Australia??
Lightning Wolf
Lightning Wolf - 7 years ago
There was a shooting near my school...
Lightning Wolf
Lightning Wolf - 7 years ago
OMG THERES A CAT FISH lol but it did look like the cat was in the tank
Bradley Martin
Bradley Martin - 7 years ago
Where did you get those dividers from? Maybe I missed it in the video..
Bradley Martin
Bradley Martin - 7 years ago
Thanks! Those are really nice!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
They're from our website lifewithpetsgci.com under the store you will find them.
Matthew Zito
Matthew Zito - 7 years ago
Are those racks made to hold that much weight?
Ooparks - 7 years ago
was thinking the same thing. And that plastic dresser beside it :D

20. comment for Updating the Fishroom | NEW 20 Gallon Male Betta Divided Tank | Fish Fan Friday

Alex Nicolau
Alex Nicolau - 7 years ago
In the 20g betta tank what plant is in the fourth section
MY NAME IS NAMED - 7 years ago
did you cycle the tank?
Michael Wells
Michael Wells - 7 years ago
WOW!!! I didn't know you live in Chicago. So do I.
Zane Rianom
Zane Rianom - 7 years ago
Im not totally for colorful gravel due to the fact it stresses fish out, but that dark blue gravel looks really nice.
Maliyla Garcia
Maliyla Garcia - 7 years ago
I think trying a Beta then of it dissent work out then the shrimp
Heavy Metal Lion
Heavy Metal Lion - 7 years ago
so i've been told that male bettas shouldn't be housed with fancy guppies, because of their colors and large fins, the betta would mistaken them for other bettas. also, do the shrimp. shrimp are cool. especially yellow and blue ones.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
Males just want to chase anything with long finnage. Usually, it's not good to keep them together with guppies.. but I choose more mellow males.. then it works out.
Brownie boy 53
Brownie boy 53 - 7 years ago
Creative pet keeping you should take a look at aquarium coops tutorial of a Betta barracks
Eduardo García Tapia
Eduardo García Tapia - 7 years ago
where do you buy your tank?
Jonathan Cyrus Francisco
Jonathan Cyrus Francisco - 7 years ago
Why is betta keeping so addictive omg i bought 2 bettas yesterday, and bought 6 bettas again today lol
Mysmall petshop
Mysmall petshop - 7 years ago
If I had a divided 15.5 gallon tank would you recommend a filter and heater in each? thank you!

30. comment for Updating the Fishroom | NEW 20 Gallon Male Betta Divided Tank | Fish Fan Friday

TheQuantumCore - 7 years ago
What is the material the mesh lids covering the betta jars. Are they plastic? Where did you buy them
Memes Gamer42
Memes Gamer42 - 7 years ago
With my 20 gallon I spit it into 4 sections for my bettas so they each basically get 5 gallons
Jules Askalotl
Jules Askalotl - 7 years ago
You're making me nervous with that tank....those shelves aren't sturdy and are notorious for slipping shelves
Lexi's Vlog
Lexi's Vlog - 7 years ago
How much are your koi bettas
Lemon - 7 years ago
I thought betta fish needed at least 5 gallons per fish
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 7 years ago
Lemon it's kind of debatable but a lot of people agree that they need 2.5 gal at least
百合•希望 - 7 years ago
Sweetie, are you also breeding your guppies?? They're beautiful and love the colours!! I'm just the kind of mom who loves colours ever since I was a child and I love them most on my fish. Can't wait to be able to get 2 couples of your marble Koi Bettas and I seriously don't mind the one with a touch of blue on his tail that you were pondering back then if he's a keeper or not. If not, I'll take him as one of the 2 males and I would love the ones with more red on them. I pray that all your fish will stay healthy and happy. Can't wait to show them to my kiddoz when I receive them. I'll let you know my US location and more through email. Take care, Sweetie. Love, JZielle
百合•希望 - 7 years ago
I love your guppies aquarium!! Love all the plants and setup, too. Really hope I can really get 2 couples of your marble Koi Bettas and also to hear from you. GOD bless and SHALOM!!
Oshiza - 7 years ago
Diy for this this is so cool i wanna do it !
momo catera
momo catera - 7 years ago
Good job
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
To use electricity better you could do what I did with my males divided 30. Flexwatt under the tank, one large Beamswork light, a single large air pump and gang valve running to mini sponge filters in each separate divided section. Three outlets for six tanks basically. I'm running my entire apartment off two fuses so my fish room has to be energy efficient.
SantaMonicaHelp Assistant
SantaMonicaHelp Assistant - 7 years ago
Would you like to make some special videos using one of our upflow algae scrubber water filters? :)

Eros Play
Eros Play - 7 years ago
How are your tanks doing :p I was thinking of buying the same shelf at home depo but I'm scared of my tank breaking
carrie bolton
carrie bolton - 7 years ago
Where can I get that rack?
Valentina C
Valentina C - 7 years ago
Isn't bad for them living on a jar? I have no idea about beta fish but seems small for a adult fish
Chic Fillet
Chic Fillet - 7 years ago
You should get a pea puffer they are small
Waterfall Gardens
Waterfall Gardens - 7 years ago
Hi. I came over from Sheila's channel, life with pets, because she mentioned you. I watched some of your betta videos and I like your channel and your personality. I subscribed.
Kat Facesmally
Kat Facesmally - 7 years ago
were did you buy the dividers?
Waterfall Gardens
Waterfall Gardens - 7 years ago
Kat Facesmally Life with Pets
Shannon Turner
Shannon Turner - 7 years ago
Way too cute
Warriors Betta
Warriors Betta - 7 years ago
What is that material of the separations
Emily Arevalo
Emily Arevalo - 7 years ago
They only get 0.4 space :(
Lay z
Lay z - 7 years ago
Emily A They get 2.5 gallons which is the minimum

50. comment for Updating the Fishroom | NEW 20 Gallon Male Betta Divided Tank | Fish Fan Friday

Alestair Clark
Alestair Clark - 7 years ago
Where did you get your guppy grass? I've been having a hard time finding it!
Shey's Betta
Shey's Betta - 7 years ago
The problem with colorful gravel is that the color is chemical. There are many reports (at least from my country in German) which document that the color can rub off and get into the water and into the animals system. I saw pictures of mystery snails with stains on their houses from the color of the ground as well as dead ancistrus. So it's not about taste but about health risk, which is why I don't use any gravel with fake/chemical color.
Eugene Barthmallow
Eugene Barthmallow - 7 years ago
Shey's Betta natural is always better. No matter what the circumstances are, frozen foods are the closest thing to livefood that is readily available so that's why they're the healthiest food for bettas.
Faith Fehr
Faith Fehr - 7 years ago
Very well said, I totally agree with you
Trish - 7 years ago
get shrimp! shrimp are fun
Trish - 7 years ago
aquariums are so confusing
Cian - 7 years ago
I'm curious,is it okay to keep them splitted like that? How is it with the filtration and so on?....seems to be a fine way if you want more then just one betta.
rascalheart8 AJ
rascalheart8 AJ - 7 years ago
Make a sorority tank instead of managing a bajillion jars
Wild Earth
Wild Earth - 7 years ago
Omg...how many tanks r u having...how r u able to maintain all these...????....i think u work 24/7 for maintaining these right...?
Emily Fish
Emily Fish - 7 years ago
I like colored gravel. I put it in my planted bowl. It was awesome. Especially with my blue shrimp it was like where's waldo.
bill bob
bill bob - 7 years ago
wats the point if it looks so messy
Josh's Room
Josh's Room - 7 years ago
5:07 living in the US be like. So glad I live in Australia. America really needs to sort out this stuff with their gun obsessions! Stuff like that never happens in Australia.
Junnbi - 7 years ago
Awesome set up! I was thinking of doing the same after I move.
Btw, my male betta's tummy is bloated/swelling and he does this weird swimming pattern. I'm very concerned but can't find the answer as to what is really wrong. Can anyone help? My boiiii- D':
Rodolfo Garcia
Rodolfo Garcia - 7 years ago
Good afternoon, I am Rodolfo García de CDMX, MEXICO; I really liked your split tank; You could show me your filtration system and how you did it!

I fell in love with your tank, thanks for your videos.

Hey Bree
Hey Bree - 7 years ago
how often do you do water change on those tiny containers for your betta?
carisa s
carisa s - 7 years ago
I live in Chicago too
John Medel
John Medel - 7 years ago
can you give a a tank you dont need plz for my gold fish
Petit Fish
Petit Fish - 7 years ago
Are those the dividers by Lifewithpets72? They look like they fit perfectly!!

Also I just started my channel, hope you check it out! ❤️
Petit Fish
Petit Fish - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets yeah but I decided to use my 5.5 for something else since one of my betta died. Maybe in the future I will use it!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Oh ok, so you've already got it. Thanks!
Petit Fish
Petit Fish - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets I bough them on July 10
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Ok great, when did you buy it? I've not had any orders today for 5.5 gallons only 10's and loads of 20's.
Petit Fish
Petit Fish - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets bough one! For the 5.5 Tank. $10 was cheap compared to the ones on stores which are usually just tacky mesh.
Meghan Blake
Meghan Blake - 7 years ago
Petit Fish I believe the tank dividers correspond to the title of the product Sheila puts on them. So I believe the 10 gal and 20 gal long by aqueon. Definitely take advantage of that $1 per gallon sale! I just got down setting up a 20 gal long in three sections. The third section is empty, because I'm waiting for creativepetkeeping to sell her koi betta
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Petit Fish Hi, yes these are our dividers. They're available on our website Lifewithpetsgci.com
Petit Fish
Petit Fish - 7 years ago
Meghan Blake just bough one!! Although I don’t even have a tank to use it for. Hopefully will buy one since petco has the dollar per gallon sale.
Meghan Blake
Meghan Blake - 7 years ago
Petit Fish yes you can order from her website. I received mine and they are extremely sturdy upon installing them correctly. Very high quality. I recommend them!
Goku Dragon
Goku Dragon - 7 years ago
Dario Hernandez yeah I’m pretty sure.
Prime Time Aquatics
Prime Time Aquatics - 7 years ago
Love the divided tank. Everything is looking great!
power last
power last - 7 years ago
Who are u hiding behind the cardboard
power last
power last - 7 years ago
Katie Mader
Katie Mader - 7 years ago
power last haha...I want to know!!!!
Pissed-Off Pete
Pissed-Off Pete - 7 years ago
Who else yawned when she yawned
Amber Sherry
Amber Sherry - 7 years ago
I absolutly love the 20 long with dividers- what a great idea! I also am interested in the shrimp- I have always had guppies- never shrimp! is it hard do you think?
HopArt Studio
HopArt Studio - 7 years ago
Tanks are looking great. No need to go bigger. Really enjoy watching your updates ❤️
jss12 a1234
jss12 a1234 - 7 years ago
Go fore it
Sarah Pickering
Sarah Pickering - 7 years ago
What about your red eyed baby will u keep it?
Betta 405
Betta 405 - 7 years ago
that's cool come check out some of my tanks at betta 405
aby f
aby f - 7 years ago
"that could be gunshots" lol life in Chicago. Not phased at all.
Fins and Fur
Fins and Fur - 7 years ago
That tank is so pretty! My 20 long is currently housing my hamster, and my 20 tall, houses my COMMINITY TANK!!!
Fins and Fur
Fins and Fur - 7 years ago
Lay z
Lay z - 7 years ago
Fins and Fur aw heck you're right. Your videos are super cute and you look adorable. good job!!
Fins and Fur
Fins and Fur - 7 years ago
Ya, if you check out my " Hamster Cage Tour," you will see that I have a CritterTrail attached to the top. I also just recently bought ANOTHER Crittertrail to attach to the top, so it equals over 500sq inches. Thanks for your concern though! :)
Lay z
Lay z - 7 years ago
Fins and Fur 20 gallon long isnt long enough for a hamster :( The new minimum is 40 gallon breeder
Forever and ever I swear!
Forever and ever I swear! - 7 years ago
Bettas r most troublesome to keep. If only they were not seperated when young u could keep all different colours together. Like the discus..
Airy74 - 7 years ago
Like in the same tank? No. Only girls can stay together. 95% of males no matter what will fight it's their nature
carlos Narwhals
carlos Narwhals - 7 years ago
musicalmarion - 7 years ago
Such beautiful guppies ! : )
Down the Worm Hole
Down the Worm Hole - 7 years ago
I really enjoy your channel.  a great inspiration to us.
lewis gaskell
lewis gaskell - 7 years ago
that looks well good
LaTun 202
LaTun 202 - 7 years ago
I dont have a problem with coluorful gravel either, as long as it is Not bright pink or yellow
J3ssica Glov3R
J3ssica Glov3R - 7 years ago
LaTun 202 lol, I have some bright neon pink, black, and some other colors in my goldfish tank
Sheila - 7 years ago
I have 5 gallon tank for a betta but it is in front of window will this be ok for a betta. Someone told me they do not like light.
Princess Lunchbox
Princess Lunchbox - 7 years ago
Sheila bettas need light.
Sheila - 7 years ago
I have a backing on the side and back. Can i paint the side of the tank outside of it i am planing to get a betta with in the next week i have had the betta 5 gallon tank running for 2 weeks now. I live in the uk so not much sun to worry about thanks.
Armored Wings
Armored Wings - 7 years ago
Sheila That's wrong. Bettas need light. They must be confused with Axolotls, those are the only aquatic things I can think of that don't like light. The only problem with sunlight is it can help algae grow, but it won't hurt your fish.
Kaltrina Demiri
Kaltrina Demiri - 7 years ago
I love your guppy tank
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 7 years ago
Great video again!!
Mmh...Who will that special guest be?
Emily Marney
Emily Marney - 7 years ago
I personally dont like the colored gravel i have more natural looking but ive never seen anything about colored gravel being bad so make it how you like it. Also about the bloated bettas you csn use peas
Princess Lunchbox
Princess Lunchbox - 7 years ago
Emily Marney sometimes it is. But bloat is really a symptom of a larger issue. You shouldn't just see a bloated fish and assume it's constipated. Usually bloat is caused by the kidneys not displacing water as they're ment to.
Emily Marney
Emily Marney - 7 years ago
Princess Lunchbox yeah but a lot of times bloat happens because of constipation
Princess Lunchbox
Princess Lunchbox - 7 years ago
Emily Marney peas are for constipation, not bloat.
bruizes - 7 years ago
will you be selling your koi spawn?
Kat  M.
Kat M. - 7 years ago
Airy74 Yea...
Airy74 - 7 years ago
+Happy Pets they have been old enough she's just wanting to watch them longer
Kat  M.
Kat M. - 7 years ago
bruizes She will be on her website once they are ready and old enough
Kaitlyn Gelfman
Kaitlyn Gelfman - 7 years ago
What type of puffer fish are you thinking about getting??
Monkey Nut
Monkey Nut - 7 years ago
America. Where a killing a day is like meh... it's normal.... not trying to troll. In the uk... never heard a gunshot.. lucky in that respect

however great vid, you got some nice fish. Would you keep a puffer in the guppy tank? Is that possible or would that e happy puffer sad guppy day
Eduardo Diaz
Eduardo Diaz - 7 years ago
i love youuuu!!!!
tyrone daharu
tyrone daharu - 7 years ago
gurl!! your bettas rule !!
Ann Cleveland
Ann Cleveland - 7 years ago
they your fish do what you want it gravel.
JAZZ KING9810 - 7 years ago
Love the divided tank! Ive been wanting to do something like that for my male bettas too. I live in Chicago too (well in the south suburbs, but not too far from the city)
shiv shankar k
shiv shankar k - 7 years ago
hi! the rack in which you have placed the 20 gallon long tank. could you please write where you bought it. thanks!
shiv shankar k
shiv shankar k - 7 years ago
thank you for the reply.
Lay z
Lay z - 7 years ago
shiv shankar k some peoples comments say you can get them at Walmart and Kmart, but I dont know the brand
Yasmin Alexa
Yasmin Alexa - 7 years ago
Ayy I'm in the Chi too
Hubble Tea
Hubble Tea - 7 years ago
I think it would have been a better choice to use duller fish with your "demon betta" because they see the colorful tail and in their dumb little head they feel agitated because it looks sorta like a betta
Dominic Villarreal
Dominic Villarreal - 7 years ago
I can't wait for the Betta fish to go on sale because I all ready have a Koi mail and now I want a female
Tracy Albright
Tracy Albright - 7 years ago
What are you hiding behind the cardboard?
Tracy Albright
Tracy Albright - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping I knew it!! Hurry!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
Tracy Albright super secret new import fish that I'll be showing off soooooooooooon ;)
Freeman Bayard
Freeman Bayard - 7 years ago
What kind of stands do you have?
Benjamin Lopez
Benjamin Lopez - 7 years ago
hey what part in chicago do you live in?

100. comment for Updating the Fishroom | NEW 20 Gallon Male Betta Divided Tank | Fish Fan Friday

CRY BABY - 7 years ago
Yas fish keeping queen!!!
Corrie Robertson
Corrie Robertson - 7 years ago
I love it!
MissLadyFair Pets
MissLadyFair Pets - 7 years ago
Looks great! What kind of rack do you have the tanks on?
Amazing Jenny
Amazing Jenny - 7 years ago
The people who pressed the dislike button,well they just missed the like button!
I'm the 100th like
Amazing Jenny
Amazing Jenny - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping ikr that would be really cool
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
Amazing Jenny i wish the dislike button came with a comment option (combo) so I can know why ppl dislike. Im always curious..maybe I could get some good critique.. who knows
Jade Tessier
Jade Tessier - 7 years ago
I get ridiculous stoked every time you upload. It's become apart of my weekly routine. Love them!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
Mint Moths Im so happy to hear that. I'm like that with my fav youtubers so its so cool that I can also get ppl excited about my videos as well :D
CollegeBettas - 7 years ago
I use coloured gravel in my divided tank, because why not. I do like a more natural tank, but since I don't use the divided tank very often, I thought it would be fun to have bright coloured substrate. Of course, Malaysian trumpet snails as a substrate is interesting too. I am starting to get closer to that point in my tanks as well.
I will do my best to join in the livestream tomorrow. That is a great way to help recognise other YouTubers that maybe don't have as many subscribers. I always love finding new channels to binge watch.
CollegeBettas - 7 years ago
Definitely. A living substrate is more interesting, right?
Turns out I will not be able to join the livestream today as now I am working an extra shift, but I will definitely watch it in the replay.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
CollegeBettas ah..the Malaysian trumpet snail substrate... that makes me think of those youtube videos where they ppl wear 50 tshirts or do a 100 layers of nail polish.
MultipleTankSyndrome - 7 years ago
May I ask where you got the rack for the 20 longs? I haven't been able to find any reasonably priced ones!
Anna Foster
Anna Foster - 7 years ago
i have a rack from walmart that was roughly 25 bucks and it supports the weight of 20gs
ToxicTurtle - 7 years ago
I got the same ones she has but chrome, it's all modular so you can add and remove shelves of different lengths etc. I got mine at Kmart.
Sleepy cx
Sleepy cx - 7 years ago
MultipleTankSyndrome lmk if you find anything out please :)
Misaki M
Misaki M - 7 years ago
Welcome to the USA, is that gunshots or fireworks? A plus is if it's the fourth of July
Steven Plays
Steven Plays - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping - thank goodness you were safe and thank goodness they didn't break into your house but I'm glad you were safe from any possible danger
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
Misaki M so give or take 12 years ago. I was at home and heard bangs.. so I told grandma it must have been fireworks..but it sounded awfully close. An hr or so later I hear the cops and go outside to investigate... they were looking at gunshot shells on the street...in front of my house... O_O
TheGreatKellee - 7 years ago
neat idea. I love bettas and used to keep split 10 gallons but couldn't find solid dividers, so I ended up splitting them into two 10gs. at one time I had 5 10 gallons with 4 boys and a girl Betta! I miss them. this video makes me want to get more again
Animallover0236 - 7 years ago
I'm terrifed of doing a divided betta tank i have an empty 10gal not sure what I'm gonna do with it but for sure not a divided tank
Airy74 - 7 years ago
If you have a sturdy divider it's no issue
straight savage
straight savage - 7 years ago
2:28 im triggered lol
Heidi - 7 years ago
Woo! Organizing! :D I love all your tanks and you've inspired me a little to make a sorority of my own which I am currently doing. Yay! Am looking forward to your soon to come fish room tour :o)
Elemental - Gaming & More
Elemental - Gaming & More - 7 years ago
Creative pet keeping IDK if I already told you this but in 2 months im getting 1 more 29 gallon fry grow out tank a long with the one I already have and I'm gonna be doing youtube of me doing two spawns at once, well 1 month spread apart I would suggest you do the same if you spawn two cause it would take some time for people to buy the first batch then put up the second, In my opinion at least :P
Elemental - Gaming & More
Elemental - Gaming & More - 7 years ago
And btw you inspired me to do all of this just to make you feel better xD (My parents hate you now btw :P)
1-4-8-3-6-9 Represntin theABQ What biatch! 1
1-4-8-3-6-9 Represntin theABQ What biatch! 1 - 7 years ago
guineapigplace - 7 years ago
looks great!
Taehyun Nu
Taehyun Nu - 7 years ago
You should do like a fish room tour and show all your tanks?
Kat  M.
Kat M. - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping Yay!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
I plan to do that soon, I'll clean up the place and make it all nice for all of you and film it
The Toxic Fish
The Toxic Fish - 7 years ago
Yay a collab who else is excited I am
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 7 years ago
I'm excited!
Little Bit of California
Little Bit of California - 7 years ago
Why is colorful gravel bad?i think it depends on opinion.the fish don't care.it doesn't hurt them.
Steven Plays
Steven Plays - 7 years ago
Little Bit of California - I know right!
Little Bit of California
Little Bit of California - 7 years ago
Mega8884 that's dumb
Mega8884 - 7 years ago
Little Bit of California its more like fish keepers think its cringey...
Armored Wings
Armored Wings - 7 years ago
So each Betta there has 3.33 gallons to themselves. That's an interesting set up
Faith Fehr
Faith Fehr - 7 years ago
The swimming space is enough, but normally my concern would be the build up of ammonia and nitrate vs the tank size. The tank is actually 20 gallons so the ammonia and nitrate levels should stay fairly level
Noice - 7 years ago
huehue Oh, my bad. Sorry.
huehue - 7 years ago
she only filled it up to ~15g because of weight concerns and other reasons.
Noice - 7 years ago
Hubble Tea I thought it was a 20 gallon not a 15..?
Armored Wings
Armored Wings - 7 years ago
Hubble Tea You are correct, I just thought I'd get the true(ish) gallons per fish if she decides to fill up the last 5 gallons in the future. Unnecessary I know, but why not?
Hubble Tea
Hubble Tea - 7 years ago
Actually its 2.5 each because 15/6 is 2.5 :v
Armored Wings
Armored Wings - 7 years ago
Definitely more than what most Bettas get for sure!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
I think it's a reasonable minimum ^_^
Alex Clay
Alex Clay - 7 years ago
0:57 I breed snails in one of these tubs for my dwarf puffers and loaches!
Alex Clay
Alex Clay - 7 years ago
Melanie Gaming I would see like 1-2 clutches of eggs but I thick maybe sometimes my rubber lip pleco eats their eggs, in the tub there's no predators for the eggs and then I put them in my tanks that have loach's and my dwarf puffer tank.
Melanie Gaming
Melanie Gaming - 7 years ago
Cool. I usually get around 30-50 eggs every 2 months or earlier.
Alex Clay
Alex Clay - 7 years ago
Melanie Gaming I breed some in my German blue ram tank but I get a better return on eggs and more snails by keeping them in there own tub since I'm breeding for food.
Melanie Gaming
Melanie Gaming - 7 years ago
Alex Clay !! Cool, I breed snails in my goldfishes tank.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
We can be "breeds snails in cat litter box" buddies
Emma's Animal Adventure
Emma's Animal Adventure - 7 years ago
love you hunny and all your bettas how many do you have including the fry
Emma's Animal Adventure
Emma's Animal Adventure - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping and I thought I was crazy haha
Emma's Animal Adventure
Emma's Animal Adventure - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping not crazy at all you just love you fish like me I have 2 bettas now and im getting another one soon I also have 2 guinea pigs 2 dogs 1 kitten and 3 turtles so your not cray haha
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
Oh my... including the fry I have roughly 52 bettas right now O_O that sounds crazy haha
BeanieBettas - 7 years ago
Great vid! I was wondering how you branch the air tubes off of each other? is their some type of connector?
Princess Lunchbox
Princess Lunchbox - 7 years ago
BeanieBettas it's called an airline gang valve.
BeanieBettas - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping, thank you! I really appreciate your response!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
I use an air line splitter, https://goo.gl/quqTNF this one I got from petsmart. It's built to hang on the back of your aquarium. I will try to show it in a future video.
Andrew Barber
Andrew Barber - 7 years ago
Aquarium Tech
Aquarium Tech - 7 years ago
Just ignore anyone who criticizes your choice of gravel. The important thing is that you enjoy the tank. :)
Dj Lightning
Dj Lightning - 7 years ago
Yeah, I've been using my blue gravel in my 40 gallons for over 5 years and have never come across a problem but most tell me it's too tacky which I find dumb :P
Michael Wells
Michael Wells - 7 years ago
Aquarium Tech. That is very well put.
Shey's Betta
Shey's Betta - 7 years ago
The problem with colorful gravel is that the color is chemical. There are many reports (at least from my country in German) which document that the color can rub off and get into the water and into the animals system. I saw pictures of mystery snails with stains on their houses from the color of the ground as well as dead ancistrus. So it's not about taste but about health risk, which is why I don't use any gravel with fake/chemical color.
Prime Time Aquatics
Prime Time Aquatics - 7 years ago
Exactly! As long as the decor is fish-safe - go with what you like!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
No one said anything to me per say BUT I hear people that people generally don't like colorful gravel because they think it's "tacky" or "fake" looking.I actually like all tank styles..from complex aquascapes....simple bare bottom tanks....to crazy colorful tanks with pet store decor and colorful gravel. As long as people meet the basic needs of the fish.
ray taylor
ray taylor - 7 years ago
i hope u move out of state to a better state. we want u to be save!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
If I could afford it I would totally love to try living in another state. I like Illinois but America has so many cool states.
Veronica D.B.
Veronica D.B. - 7 years ago
Thank you for renewing my love of aquatic pets!! Your tanks give me motivation!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
I'm so happy to hear that!
Nic Yang
Nic Yang - 7 years ago
I need t o get a divided betta tank soon...
Diandra Noad
Diandra Noad - 7 years ago
why is coloured gravel frowned upon?
Dj Lightning
Dj Lightning - 7 years ago
No idea, I have had blue gravel and have used it for my 40 gallons for over 5 years. I have never come across a problem, all my fish had been healthy.
Beboping Bettas
Beboping Bettas - 7 years ago
I think colored gravel is pretty darn snazzy haha. Though I prefer the shades of brown gravel, and the solid black :)
aby f
aby f - 7 years ago
when it's mixed altogether
aby f
aby f - 7 years ago
clown vomit
Allison Pets
Allison Pets - 7 years ago
Diandra Noad I changed all my substrate to natural colors & although it's beautiful, mature, and sophisticated, it's less fun than having a fun color tank. fish coloration also gets influenced by the background color & it's surroundings too, so some people don't like colors to compete with the fish.
Evie - 7 years ago
I like coloured gravel. My betta lives in a 5g with a fairy theme with pink and purple gravel
Hubble Tea
Hubble Tea - 7 years ago
Fireworks echo, gunshots don't :0 also the gravel looks good so don't sweat it.
Hubble Tea
Hubble Tea - 7 years ago
Also apparently it could stress out fish. The colorful gravel you chose wasn't really colorful, the kind that people hate is the hot pink rainbow gravel. IMHO it looks really bad mostly because I have the connotation that beginners use it in their bowls and 1 gallons.
Elemental - Gaming & More
Elemental - Gaming & More - 7 years ago
guineapigplace You should make more videos I actually liked them and I believe there is a way to prohibit phrases and words on youtube so they get sent to your spam and you can sort them out because holy crap lmao gives me a better perspective on how many creepy people there are out there lmao
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
People think it looks tacky or fake. I'm tempted to make a "colorful gravel" challenge and tag some fishkeepers to get creative :D
guineapigplace - 7 years ago
Most people like a natural look. Personally, I dislike coloured gravel due to me being really into aquascaping. Just a personal choice but I do like what she did :)
Ashley Fenimore
Ashley Fenimore - 7 years ago
I love how well u take care of your fish. I wish there were more people like u in the world. Maybe then more bettas could get better lives ❤️❤️❤️
Faris Ahmad
Faris Ahmad - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping of course it did I was so excited to get a betta and put it in a large bowl thinking I could take care of it with a little extra water changes but no I should be patient I'll ask my parents for a 10 gallon tank so I can divide it and keep two wonderful males
Thank you otherwise I would have a betta right now in a bowl
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
Hopefully my videos will inspire people :D
Yewon Chang
Yewon Chang - 7 years ago
I love your videos! And I'm actually not that late for once :P
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
I should post at the same time each day..it would make it easier to not miss my videos
ClayArtGirl - 7 years ago
Looking good! lol 4th
ClayArtGirl - 7 years ago
kristan dionne I think you have to do it in your settings.
krissys fishies
krissys fishies - 7 years ago
ClayArtGirl hey do you think you can help me with figuring out how to put my picture where the letter K is when I comment it shows a red circle with the letter k I'd rather have my picture in there can you help me?
Keona Lee
Keona Lee - 7 years ago
Keona Lee
Keona Lee - 7 years ago
kristan dionne your picture did show up i think that is just on your phone
krissys fishies
krissys fishies - 7 years ago
Keona Lee I know this is stupid but how can I get my picture to show up instead of the letter k?
krissys fishies
krissys fishies - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
Watch out King of DIY, Solid Gold Aquatics, Aquarium Co-Op ...with your big tanks and future big tanks.. ain't got nothing on my new 20 gallon long (that I technically only filled up to be 15 gallons...shhhh...don't tell anyone) LOL :P
Yannick Broos
Yannick Broos - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping you should not add a puffer with guppy's because they nip fins very often
Everything Malawi
Everything Malawi - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping lol
Fenu S
Fenu S - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping yes queen! All my favs
Optical Aquatics
Optical Aquatics - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping Don't Get a Puffer they are not great community tank companions I know because I have one
Sara Ann
Sara Ann - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping I would love to see a guppy/shrimp tank. thats what I am going to do :D in a 20-29 gallon tank. ^_^
J3ssica Glov3R
J3ssica Glov3R - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping was wondering how you feel/think about the new bubble wall mounted aquariums?
Elemental - Gaming & More
Elemental - Gaming & More - 7 years ago
FirstClassFishKeeper I didnt even have to watch your video I already know I will love your content I subbed xD ima start watching now ;)
FirstClassFishKeeper - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping im going to make a video tomorrow!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
lol I need to spell check more often
MadAlice - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping yesssss!
Elemental - Gaming & More
Elemental - Gaming & More - 7 years ago
Keyna'Stuff I think she meant King Of DIY a youtuber,
Eugene Barthmallow
Eugene Barthmallow - 7 years ago
How easy are dividers to make?
Keyna'Stuff - 7 years ago
What kind of DIY?
betta fish expert 1
betta fish expert 1 - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping this is great I'm doing something like this for my male bettas so thanks for inspiration just Need the tank divider lol
Thisdino Guy
Thisdino Guy - 7 years ago
MrCrappyUploads - 7 years ago

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