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VLOG: MY BETTA FISH ALMOST DIED | ANOTHER FISH TANK sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7

Betta 7 years ago 3,912 views

AQUARIUM PLANTS FACTORY: http://www.aquariumplantsfactory.com COUPON CODE FOR 25% OFF (minimum purchase for $25): jennylee COUPON FOR 10% OFF AT H20 PLANTS : http://i.refs.cc/hGz2jTf5 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JennyLee Instagram: Youtube_Jenny Twitter: YoutuberJenny Snapchat: Youtube_Jenny THANKS FOR BEING MY PATRON: Sashimi Whiskey, Matt Wheeler, Andrew Sweeney

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Most popular comments

Eagle Nation Percussion
Eagle Nation Percussion - 7 years ago
Hey :D I love your tanks. I've been looking at betta fish videos all day and you're the only one that actually knows what you're doing
big kahona
big kahona - 7 years ago
Jenny can you tell me where you get your plants from I cannot find where you told us that you got them but can you tell me one more time please I would appreciate it thank you very much and I love your videos
Jeff C
Jeff C - 7 years ago
Those old ladies at Walmart are such savages! Haha
Gorgeous Bettas
Gorgeous Bettas - 7 years ago
That half gallon tank was 12 dollars at Walmart!? I bought a 5 gallon tank for 30 bucks! 12 dollars is almost half of $30! And it's only HALF a GALLON! That's preposterous!
Scales InTheSnow
Scales InTheSnow - 7 years ago
Highly recommend that if you have to move a tank that you remove all the water first and are careful not to hit/run into anything with it. The aquarium if it has any decent amount of water in it is liable to twist/shift and crack the silicone. Thus creating a leak. ^^
At work we never lift full aquariums/(less then 25% full is a must), and they must be placed on level stands or there is no guarantee - again due to the twist/shifting of the silicone.
If you've placed two 10G into that spot and they've both after a time leaked - I'd make sure the stand is level. It should be, but just in case y'know?
Oscar's Fish Tanks
Oscar's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Jenny, could I buy a better from you when you spawn them?
Monoo Truax
Monoo Truax - 7 years ago
So those "Betta Fish View" tanks are the okay for temporary like 1-2 weeks? Because I'm waiting for my next pay and just got one of them for temporary use.
Sierra Martinez
Sierra Martinez - 7 years ago
can you please do a video demonstrating how to set up a sponge filter with the products in the description
Alpha Wolf Gaming
Alpha Wolf Gaming - 7 years ago
how do you edit your videos though i see you use your phone i dont know how to


Alpha Wolf Gaming
Alpha Wolf Gaming - 7 years ago
hey jenny ive been watching and i love the videos and you inspired me to make my own channel which is this one
Maryna Swanepoel
Maryna Swanepoel - 7 years ago
Helooo I have just discovered your channel today! I am thinking about getting a Betta fish since it looks like a really fun hobbie and a beautifull fish but I'm not really sure if it's worth it. Last time I had a fish tank I was really young and all the fish ate each other because I didn't know that certain fish did well with comunity tanks and certain fish did not but now I'm older and I have done my research on betta fish and I have the space for a reasonable sized tank but I'm still worried
My Pawfect Family
My Pawfect Family - 7 years ago
Maryna Swanepoel good luck with your decision. It's always hard to know whether you are ready for a pet or not. It's really admirable though for you to think so much about it and not jump into it as a lot of people do. Just based off of that, I would say go for it:) but it's ur choice:)
Good luck
JW Aquarium's
JW Aquarium's - 7 years ago
I got a new 5 gallon from Walmart got home an it was cracked so had to get a new one it was ridiculous
Delilah Gonzalez
Delilah Gonzalez - 7 years ago
hello Jenny, quick question. what's a good breeder you can recommend to me to purchase a betta fish. I have tried saving 5 bettas already from Petco lol but now I don't want to keep purchasing from pet stores.
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Delilah Gonzalez You can check on eBay as many good breeders sell there.
ProtoType 1
ProtoType 1 - 7 years ago
can I have one of your Betta fry
Keona Lee
Keona Lee - 7 years ago
girl you just have the spilling jeans lol haha glad your ok , and your baby boys .
Anna Foster
Anna Foster - 7 years ago
seachem stability is much more efficient than quickstart in my experience! so happy the boys were alright! :')
Amanda for Jesus
Amanda for Jesus - 7 years ago
Walmart tanks are not the best for tropical fish. My silicone melted and it was not even super warm. The sides even got sharp. They are fine for coldwater, but even then I am paranoid now. I have coldwater, and tropical fish.
boop da snoot
boop da snoot - 7 years ago
Sounds like a nightmare O - O.
Kaitlyn Peery
Kaitlyn Peery - 7 years ago
So scary!!! So glad your gorgeous boys are okay. <3


Courtney Villa
Courtney Villa - 7 years ago
I sure hope this does not happen to me.... knowing me though watch it happen to me just right when I said that. Lol. But I'm so happy your two boys survived that horrible horrible tragedy. Also, loving their setup!
Rice Scapes
Rice Scapes - 7 years ago
Wow another leak? :( sorry to hear you had another incident. Be sure that the tank is level and that all the corners are sitting evenly on the stand so there isnt any twisting. Best of luck!
deSeriosa - 7 years ago
hey Jenny! you can go to a store like Winco and Walmart buy a shit ton of cheap baking soda. then sprinkle a thick amount ALL OVER THE WET SPOT, leave over night ( dont let Bella disturb the powder everywhere so cover with rug or something lol). then vacuum next morning.
it would suck all the moisture and get rid of the smell! experience from my cat knocking down my juice/milk/water almost daily.
Jenny Lee
Jenny Lee - 7 years ago
Okay thanks! I'll definitely try that!!!
Luckyhi AJ
Luckyhi AJ - 7 years ago
Hi! I love your videos and your SO pretty!
Jenny Lee
Jenny Lee - 7 years ago
Aww thank you so much! ❤️
Bella Burton
Bella Burton - 7 years ago
Aww Jenny that sucks that it happened again ! But thank god they survived and keep on keeping on girl ;))
ToxicTurtle - 7 years ago
Just to let you know, the bacteria that processes ammonia dies when out of water
Loi Yong Sheng
Loi Yong Sheng - 7 years ago
Sunglasses, Yasss, girl
Concepción Zayas
Concepción Zayas - 7 years ago
That must have bin horrible
Jenny Lee
Jenny Lee - 7 years ago
It was awful since it happened the second time!
Maddie Equestrian
Maddie Equestrian - 7 years ago
Oh no! That's not good. I'm glad they were ok. I'm loving the shades!
Jenny Lee
Jenny Lee - 7 years ago
Haha thank you! ❤️
MasterAquatics - 7 years ago
keep up the good work jenny! love your vids!
Jenny Lee
Jenny Lee - 7 years ago
Thank you so much! ❤️


lotuspetal Fancy
lotuspetal Fancy - 7 years ago
nice shades buy marineland tanks had my 10gallon for 7 years it's still good
Jenny Lee
Jenny Lee - 7 years ago
I'll check them out! Thank you! ❤️
Will Lieu
Will Lieu - 7 years ago
Sorry to hear about the tank. Those Aqua Culture ones tend to be not as durable as the Tetra or Aqueon ones. Even tho Aqua Culture is a sub brand of Tetra the quality control sucks. Glad to hear your fish are ok tho. Highly reccomend setting up a spare 10 gallon tank with a sponge filter. You can use it for emergencies or to quarantine new fish so they don't spread disease to you main tanks.
Lightsoul Tran
Lightsoul Tran - 7 years ago
If the tank keep leaking, I don't think you should keep buying tanks from Walmart lol
Jenny Lee
Jenny Lee - 7 years ago
I never had trouble with them up until I was cleaning the tank... I guess I just have to be extra cautious with them!
Peachmilk - 7 years ago
So I have had this issue before as well. I really don't recommend Wal-Mart tanks. Sometimes they are not sealed correctly and when you put in cold water, the sealing shrinks and starts to allow gaps which allows leaks. I'm so sorry hun that this happened, hopefully you'll be able to get a good tank that doesnt lweak. If I may ask, was the other tank that leaked in the past from Wal-Mart as well or petco?
Jenny Lee
Jenny Lee - 7 years ago
I've never had issues with Walmart fish tanks, up until I was cleaning it the day before... I guess I just need to be extra cautious when I'm cleaning them! I would buy another tank from a different brand, but it wouldn't fit inside the shelving unit if I had the lid on...
Jwtanner 05
Jwtanner 05 - 7 years ago
I have the 1 gallon starter kit if u don't have a lot of money I recommend it
PyxelPanda - 7 years ago
Oh no! Luckily you managed to save them! I'm so sorry about everything that's happened recently... Don't give up, though! You are so inspiring and you always motivate me! Your tanks and fish are looking a beautiful as ever, too. Also, I heard a little rumor that Petsmart or Petco is going to have another dollar per gallon sale between July 7-8. Unfortunately I cannot support your Patreon, I hope you can understand. If you can manage it, I would be really excited to see a "What I Feed My Fish" video. Also, do you plan on spawning soon?
Thanks and good luck! :D
Amelia's Random Life
Amelia's Random Life - 7 years ago
(just get a 10 gallon from Petco when the dollar per gallon sale is going on----- just a suggestion though)
Amelia's Random Life
Amelia's Random Life - 7 years ago
Jenny Lee
Jenny Lee - 7 years ago
I have plenty of spare tanks, but the Aqua Culture brand from Walmart is the only one that fits in my lower shelf with the lid... However, if this happens again, I'll definitely replace it with another brand!
AznStarzflyz - 7 years ago
"People kept staring at me but who cares what they think"
Cory Keepers
Cory Keepers - 7 years ago
What aquarium was it that leaked?
Cory Keepers
Cory Keepers - 7 years ago
Jenny Lee man I've been hearing about those breaking left right and center
Jenny Lee
Jenny Lee - 7 years ago
It was the Aqua Culture brand.
Chiyoiche - 7 years ago
Oh my goodness! I am glad they are ok! Do you think maybe it could have been a hairline crack covered by the gravel? I would guess if it was, the pressure when filled caused it to leak. Perhaps it is along the seal somewhere.
Jenny Lee
Jenny Lee - 7 years ago
That's actually a really good theory! I'll be careful next time I clean the tank...
Aqua Maniacs
Aqua Maniacs - 7 years ago
And please make detailed video on breeding bettas
Aqua Maniacs
Aqua Maniacs - 7 years ago
Which groups do you share your video, links on fb
Jenny Lee
Jenny Lee - 7 years ago
I don't share my video... However, my Instagram and Snapchat followers get notified ahead of time! @Youtube_Jenny
Lizeth Alice
Lizeth Alice - 7 years ago
why did you had sunglasses on?
Jessica Tam
Jessica Tam - 7 years ago
Lizete Z at 2:03 she explains it
Lizeth Alice
Lizeth Alice - 7 years ago
Christina Bacon what, am I deaf? why the heck I can't find a part where she says that?
Lizeth Alice
Lizeth Alice - 7 years ago
Christina Bacon oh, ok, sorry I didn't hear that. thanks
Chrissy Of Oldstones
Chrissy Of Oldstones - 7 years ago
Lizete Z she said why in the video lol
Kimsotus Orelius
Kimsotus Orelius - 7 years ago
Fishkeeping is a life & death sport. Glad you came out victorious.
Jenny Lee
Jenny Lee - 7 years ago
Haha so true... Thank you!
Andre Gomez
Andre Gomez - 7 years ago
23rd like
Jenny Lee
Jenny Lee - 7 years ago
Haha thank you! ❤️
Gorgeous Bettas
Gorgeous Bettas - 7 years ago
No!! Missed the live vid!!?! Why!? Love your vids...
Gorgeous Bettas
Gorgeous Bettas - 7 years ago
Jenny Lee ok, good! Thought it was a live vid! Lol.
Jenny Lee
Jenny Lee - 7 years ago
I didn't go live... Don't worry, you didn't miss anything!
Darius DXD
Darius DXD - 7 years ago
Jenny how do you do your thumbnails?

Ps: can I have your hair?
Gorgeous Bettas
Gorgeous Bettas - 7 years ago
Falkor Mix lol
Richard Feng
Richard Feng - 7 years ago
if you filmed that it would look like something straight out of an action movie
rigbi robloxian
rigbi robloxian - 7 years ago
what do u feed your fish
Jenny Lee
Jenny Lee - 7 years ago
I'll be answering that question in my upcoming video. You read my mind!
Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 7 years ago
Great video! I'm so glad your two boy bettas are doing good. Sorry to hear about your tank.
Jenny Lee
Jenny Lee - 7 years ago
Thank you! ❤️


SAÚL MARIN - 7 years ago
I love you, jenny
Jenny Lee
Jenny Lee - 7 years ago
Love you too! ❤️
Zoe Addison
Zoe Addison - 7 years ago
#notifactionsquad I feel so bad for you
Jenny Lee
Jenny Lee - 7 years ago
AYYYYY... ❤️
Turtleman Jr
Turtleman Jr - 7 years ago
hello! how're you doing!
Turtleman Jr
Turtleman Jr - 7 years ago
Jenny Lee im doing great!!
Jenny Lee
Jenny Lee - 7 years ago
I'm doing awesome! How are you, Matt?
ProtoType 1
ProtoType 1 - 7 years ago
first comment

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