Visiting a Swedish petstore + Betta fish special!

Today I want to show you the inside of a Swedish petstore, and also a special section they have for their betta fish! Since I´ve heard and seen so much horrible things about how some petstores treats their bettas, I wanted to show you that not every store is like that. In this petstore, bettas have their own tanks on 1-2 gallon at least, filters, heaters, gravel and plants. They are really taken care off! I will also show you around the other animals in this beautiful petstore. Enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------- Join my little sisters vlog at:

Visiting a Swedish petstore + Betta fish special! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 18

Betta 10 years ago 35,024 views

Today I want to show you the inside of a Swedish petstore, and also a special section they have for their betta fish! Since I´ve heard and seen so much horrible things about how some petstores treats their bettas, I wanted to show you that not every store is like that. In this petstore, bettas have their own tanks on 1-2 gallon at least, filters, heaters, gravel and plants. They are really taken care off! I will also show you around the other animals in this beautiful petstore. Enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------- Join my little sisters vlog at:

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Most popular comments
for Visiting a Swedish petstore + Betta fish special!

Jim Emmanuel
Jim Emmanuel - 7 years ago
Not piranja piranha the j is pronuce h
Ras Tandi
Ras Tandi - 7 years ago
Buy White me. Folow instagram rastandi1048. Colection betta from indonesia
Charlotte Henderson
Charlotte Henderson - 7 years ago
Ras Tandi did it
It's Ethan!
It's Ethan! - 7 years ago
It sucks that the Bettas here in the U.S. got to be kept in tiny cups :(
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
Petco, Petsmart, some fish store.
Take notes on how the bettas are.
*Cough**Walmart too**Cough*
Dick Gordon
Dick Gordon - 7 years ago
How i love pirajas
Everything Animals
Everything Animals - 7 years ago
I wish all stores had their bettas like this here in america they have them in tiny cups
mia animals150
mia animals150 - 7 years ago
omg the bettas are so happy unlike american and canadian petstores(i live in canada)
Madeiran Marvel
Madeiran Marvel - 7 years ago
THank you for sharing... I wish all pet stores were like this especially where male bettas are concerned.
Becky Perkins
Becky Perkins - 7 years ago
I with our fish In fish stores where treated this good

10. comment for Visiting a Swedish petstore + Betta fish special!

kroakie4 - 7 years ago
I love how the keep all of the decorations for the fish as natural as possible. It's especially nice that most of the fish have live plants on their tank. Swedish pet stores must put the US ones to shame. By the way, the frog you saw was a bullfrog.
Intoy pet fish
Intoy pet fish - 8 years ago
peranha not peranja hehehehe.....
Zachary Aquatics
Zachary Aquatics - 7 years ago
You are correcting her, but you can't even spell it correctly.
Spencer Williams
Spencer Williams - 8 years ago
Omg The states need to take notes this place is great
Fish K33per444
Fish K33per444 - 8 years ago
Mekong Giant catfish
Mekong Giant catfish - 8 years ago
This is how I act in a fish store
Holli Wright
Holli Wright - 8 years ago
Love your accent !
Blossom Buddies
Blossom Buddies - 8 years ago
This is so nice, I'm going to see if they have this store near my grandparents house.

I've also been to German pet stores which are pretty alike. The betas were mostly in sorority tanks though with other fish such as guppies. The one I went to was smaller though.
I could've written this in Swedish but English is my first language and I have to get off my phone soon
Elli Virtanen
Elli Virtanen - 8 years ago
Oh! This store is in my hometown Uppsala and they are incredibly awesome there. Well worthy of a visit if you are in town!
Wyv3rn H34rt
Wyv3rn H34rt - 8 years ago
Omg I was your 1000th subscriber no joke wtf wow XD
Hema Gurunh
Hema Gurunh - 8 years ago
looks like any generic garden centre/ pet shop combo in the UK so I am very happy, animals look nice and no Bettas in cups (shudders), lookin at you America
Leilicorn - 7 years ago
Hema Gurunh it might also be a species of dove

20. comment for Visiting a Swedish petstore + Betta fish special!

RuneyBoy99Videos - 8 years ago
wish we had places like this in the united states... this is amazing!
Jayknee Garner
Jayknee Garner - 8 years ago
RuneyBoy99Videos their are a few! Aquarium Co-op in Washington state has Betta's in quite a few of their tanks both in the store and in his fish room!
Rhythm F.
Rhythm F. - 8 years ago
stress pants!
Oktay Veznedar
Oktay Veznedar - 8 years ago
they look so healty. its cool.
Reef & Livebearer Aquatics
Reef & Livebearer Aquatics - 8 years ago
WOW! What a awesome store.
piro midis
piro midis - 8 years ago
ur little sister is so hot. me wanna have her.
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
that's weird.
piro midis
piro midis - 8 years ago
Dann Brann
Dann Brann - 8 years ago
Take note American Pet stores
Toyricx - 7 years ago
lol the petco near me has 10 fish tanks and like 3 fish in each
-Bellapup- Cosmic
-Bellapup- Cosmic - 7 years ago
Dann Brann YASS
Conner Cross
Conner Cross - 7 years ago
Dann Brann agreed. I'm American and I refuse to visit places like petco or PetSmart because fish are kept in horrible conditions
DragonDrutt - 9 years ago
i live in sweden! :D
DJ Geraldus Horcus Horcus
DJ Geraldus Horcus Horcus - 9 years ago
I want to go there eee!!!!!!!
Bettawing Aquatics
Bettawing Aquatics - 9 years ago
I'm impressed! That store's betta care quality is remarkable!

30. comment for Visiting a Swedish petstore + Betta fish special!

Justins Fish Tanks
Justins Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
Awesome store, great video. I subbed, check my betta tank out and sub back please.
Rakel chilli
Rakel chilli - 10 years ago
are you from sweden :3?
Rakel chilli
Rakel chilli - 10 years ago
ohh yeah! XD
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
+Rakel chilli well, keep on watching my videos! right now i have three bettas and you can find every video about them on my channel! :D
Rakel chilli
Rakel chilli - 10 years ago
I am looking forward to see your new bettas :3
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
+Rakel chilli hahah great!! :D
Rakel chilli
Rakel chilli - 10 years ago
fun we are neighbors, I'm from Denmark :D ♥
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
yes i am! :)
ExplosiveFish - 10 years ago
Such a cool pet store, makes me want to live in Sweden! :D The females are a lot better than ones in the US. Btw I can't get over how much I LOVE your accent! :)
Mr Pls give me bleach
Mr Pls give me bleach - 8 years ago
Anshassassin Updhyaya j
TheAmazingNicke - 8 years ago
+Anshassassin Updhyaya he can jump, you should have a lid :) (if you don't already have one)
DraconianTuber X
DraconianTuber X - 9 years ago
+AlexandrasPets I have a half moon male Betta he's a baby can he jump and do they have Betta like this in India im indian
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
Aw youre so sweet! :D yeah bettas live great lives in most stores here! :D
VitalSignsXx - 10 years ago
Your voice is so pretty !!
Alfam Yusoff
Alfam Yusoff - 8 years ago
+AlexandrasPets gç6gggbcuhc
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
+Ella Bee thanks! I will sub you back! :D
VitalSignsXx - 10 years ago
;D i subbed i love your videos thank you for replying 
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
aaaw thank you!! :D
Voxhe - 10 years ago
Western pet stores should learn from this. Here betta fish are kept in tiny little cups or jars before they're sold and some can be in there for months or even until they die. It's incredibly depressing.

Good job, Sweden.
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
Yeah, thats the reason of why i made this video. To show you guys how sweden treats their bettas, and that not EVERY store keep them in cups! :)
Crystal Chung
Crystal Chung - 10 years ago
THATS A DUMBO BETTA?!!?!?! I should of got that one in the pet shop........... look at then waving there fins around making me jelly for making me buy a twin tail half moon but either way the half moon betta fish looks cool xD
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
Yes, they has 3 dumbos in the store! I love their cute flapping chest-fins too! Adorable! :)
Crystal Chung
Crystal Chung - 10 years ago
THATS A DUMBO BETTA?!!?!?! I should of got that one in the pet shop........... look at then waving there fins around making me jelly for making me buy a twin tail half moon but either way the half moon betta fish looks cool xD
TheOwlyCat - 10 years ago
What a great store!
Flare Stone
Flare Stone - 10 years ago
Wow, your pet stores in Sweden are so much better than the ones in america! Especially the betta section!
Alexandras Pets
Alexandras Pets - 10 years ago
Yeah, we have pretty strong laws here in Sweden and petstore-chains here usually follow the laws very good! 
Kathy's Chinchillas
Kathy's Chinchillas - 10 years ago
So pretty!
sharugan's fish
sharugan's fish - 10 years ago
Great video :3
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
Thanks! :D
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
@Kristina Linden, yes they do! :D they have a whole section with saltwater aquariums. The have clownfish and pirayas too ^^
Kristina Linden
Kristina Linden - 10 years ago
Wow!! They have sting rays there!? So u can by a sting ray!! That's cra cra
Chris The Hobby Guy
Chris The Hobby Guy - 10 years ago
I enjoyed seeing a swedish pet store…your friend Chris from the USA
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
thanks! yeah, swedish petstores are great! (especially the chain-stores) :)
Fish4Ever - 10 years ago
WOW! Those bettas are very lucky to have those "tanks" like that before they are sold! :)
Bugs βunny
Bugs βunny - 7 years ago
True enough.
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
yeah, they live very good in there! :D and when you buy a betta from there, they are already used to live by them own! in most other petstores in Sweden, they live in big community tanks, so you kinda feel sorry to take them away from it XD 
Bella Camilletti
Bella Camilletti - 10 years ago
Awesome video keep them coming!
Chantelle Suiter
Chantelle Suiter - 10 years ago
The Bettas over there certainly do have better tanks in comparison to the JARS most pet stores keep them in here in Australia. Ps, I love your accent! 
Jawwad - 8 years ago
Channnyyy.x LMAO where do you go to get fish. in my local petbarn in Australia they have little 5 gallon containers for each Betta.
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
Yeah, thats why i made this video about them! :) i have seen so many horrible videos on how bettas lives in other countrys. Here in sweden we luckily have stronger rules. Aaaw thanks! XD ive never been good at speaking english cause im pure swedish, but hey- i gotta start somewhere ^^
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
Hilda Lind
Hilda Lind - 10 years ago
Åh vi hade en röd men den dog ju :(
Alexandra Fridh
Alexandra Fridh - 10 years ago
Åh, så synd :( men det finns alltid nya! ;)

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