This was a popular topic last year so we thought we'd bring it back. What types of creatures can we keep in our tanks to help with maintenance or help keep it clean? What fish can clean the bottom of the tank? Our Personal Channels: Joel's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/CorvusOscen Cory's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/aquariumcoop Jimmy's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/jimmaynguyen Support The Show: Purchase from using code Podcast10 to save 10% at www.aquariumcoop.com Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Joel_C https://www.patreon.com/aquariumcoop Filming equipment we use: Main Camera : Sony a6500 http://amzn.to/2hpl3Ls Travel Vlog Compact Camera : Sony RX100 V http://amzn.to/2yyRUV2 Underwater Camera : GoPro Hero5 http://amzn.to/2hq2WF6 Microphone : Video Rode Micro http://amzn.to/2hx4ocF Secondary Audio Capture : Tascam DR-05 http://amzn.to/2zEGcvu Lav Mic : Boya BY-M1 http://amzn.to/2zEZGQL Small Tripod : Gorilla Pod SLR ZOOM http://amzn.to/2iTe3qy Lightweight Tripod : Pedco UltraPod II Lightweight http://amzn.to/2hyljLP Favorite Versatile Mount : GoPro Jaws Flex Clamp http://amzn.to/2zFRGyL Main Gimbal : Zhiyun Crane-M http://amzn.to/2iTBYpM Phone Gimbal : Zhiyun Smooth Q http://amzn.to/2yzsXZE Big Drone : DJI Phantom 3 4k http://amzn.to/2zJ2wCf Compact Drone : DJI Mavic http://amzn.to/2hqSmhu Studio Equipment for live streams: 2 x Studio Microphone : Shure SM7B Vocal Dynamic http://amzn.to/2idDjIs 2 x Back Up Microphone : Blue Yeti http://amzn.to/2yzJugc 2 x Microphone Swivel Boom Arms : RODE PSA1 Swivel Mount Studio Boom Arm http://amzn.to/2iTC68K Audio Interface : Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (2nd Gen) http://amzn.to/2yCl5qf Broadcast Software : Wirecast 8.0 Cory's 4K Webcam : Logitech BRIO http://amzn.to/2zEmQqg Jimmy's Webcam : Logitech C922 http://amzn.to/2iW1WZN

WHAT FISH CLEAN THE TANK? - Ep. 20 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 24

Betta 7 years ago 5,750 views

This was a popular topic last year so we thought we'd bring it back. What types of creatures can we keep in our tanks to help with maintenance or help keep it clean? What fish can clean the bottom of the tank? Our Personal Channels: Joel's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/CorvusOscen Cory's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/aquariumcoop Jimmy's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/jimmaynguyen Support The Show: Purchase from using code Podcast10 to save 10% at www.aquariumcoop.com Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Joel_C https://www.patreon.com/aquariumcoop Filming equipment we use: Main Camera : Sony a6500 http://amzn.to/2hpl3Ls Travel Vlog Compact Camera : Sony RX100 V http://amzn.to/2yyRUV2 Underwater Camera : GoPro Hero5 http://amzn.to/2hq2WF6 Microphone : Video Rode Micro http://amzn.to/2hx4ocF Secondary Audio Capture : Tascam DR-05 http://amzn.to/2zEGcvu Lav Mic : Boya BY-M1 http://amzn.to/2zEZGQL Small Tripod : Gorilla Pod SLR ZOOM http://amzn.to/2iTe3qy Lightweight Tripod : Pedco UltraPod II Lightweight http://amzn.to/2hyljLP Favorite Versatile Mount : GoPro Jaws Flex Clamp http://amzn.to/2zFRGyL Main Gimbal : Zhiyun Crane-M http://amzn.to/2iTBYpM Phone Gimbal : Zhiyun Smooth Q http://amzn.to/2yzsXZE Big Drone : DJI Phantom 3 4k http://amzn.to/2zJ2wCf Compact Drone : DJI Mavic http://amzn.to/2hqSmhu Studio Equipment for live streams: 2 x Studio Microphone : Shure SM7B Vocal Dynamic http://amzn.to/2idDjIs 2 x Back Up Microphone : Blue Yeti http://amzn.to/2yzJugc 2 x Microphone Swivel Boom Arms : RODE PSA1 Swivel Mount Studio Boom Arm http://amzn.to/2iTC68K Audio Interface : Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (2nd Gen) http://amzn.to/2yCl5qf Broadcast Software : Wirecast 8.0 Cory's 4K Webcam : Logitech BRIO http://amzn.to/2zEmQqg Jimmy's Webcam : Logitech C922 http://amzn.to/2iW1WZN

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Most popular comments

Unfitting Reaver
Unfitting Reaver - 7 years ago
The freshwater equivalent to a marine biologist is a limnologist.
JustMyFish - 7 years ago
#Bolly12345 is back.
Yirabeth - 7 years ago
As I've told my kids when I taught them to drive - doesn't matter whose fault it is, dead is dead...Who cares who is right, just take care of YOU out there.
BAS Aquariums
BAS Aquariums - 7 years ago
I always put cleaner fish in my aquariums but only ones that I like and breed like ancistrus c. Aenus and farowella all of which are in my main display
Matt Dill
Matt Dill - 7 years ago
You should look at the statistics about how trains impact traffic congestion and the local economy. In the majority when trains are included and/expanded, there is a decrease in traffic fatalities, decrease in congestion and usually a measurable positive increase in the local economy (I'm specifically discussing commuter lines. Not Amtrak longhaul lines. Which are also important, but for more social reasons than economic ones).

There's an equation city planers use to calculate the speed, cost and economic return when discussing transit. In short, there's a distance where trains are faster and cheaper than a plane. Cars are a part of that as well, but usually safety and access are nearer to the top.

The data in this situation seems to point towards a long term benefit for most people by expanding train services.

I haven't looked at all of the data, but I'm assuming enviromental concerns are being addressed by expanding commuter services over expanding highways.
Thomas Gallo
Thomas Gallo - 7 years ago
What was chemical used to get rid of black beard algae?
Thomas Gallo
Thomas Gallo - 7 years ago
Corvus Oscen thanks! :)
Corvus Oscen
Corvus Oscen - 7 years ago
Thomas Gallo Triple daily dose of excel.
bebebutterfield1 - 7 years ago
I just bought 20 freshwater clams. They buried in the sand within minutes and catch particles from the water. The tank is heavily populated so they will get plenty of leftover food.
Real Fish Talk
Real Fish Talk - 7 years ago
Nice, I found I needed to supplement their diet with something like first bites mixed into the water.
LittleLargeMouth - 7 years ago
Aw, fwuks!
Uhohhotdog Gaming
Uhohhotdog Gaming - 7 years ago
Blaming someone for being in the left lane is like blaming the victim. If some idiot going too fast causes an accident it’s their fault not mine for being in the left lane.

Those left lane laws are only in some states.

10. comment for WHAT FISH CLEAN THE TANK? - Ep. 20

Ben Jay
Ben Jay - 7 years ago
the zebra loaches in the background keeps catching my eye. me jelly
Esteban - 7 years ago
These 2 hours episodes are the best. I save them to be able to listen to them in the car, please please keep these longer episodes in the mix for the commuters.
Corvus Oscen
Corvus Oscen - 7 years ago
Esteban We certainly will! With added features coming soon!
Lisa G
Lisa G - 7 years ago
Ohio State patrol has a viper for the turnpike that is an undercover car, all the lights and even the radars are hidden in the vehicle. On topic, how would you build an ecosystem? From the bottom feeders to the top or from top to the bottom?
Corvus Oscen
Corvus Oscen - 7 years ago
Lisa G I typically plan starting from the feature fish, that said my 240 is way off track lol!
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 7 years ago
great live stream guys! for the record this is a casual FRIDAY showing so calm down everyone lol
Adventure Bound
Adventure Bound - 7 years ago
Is this fish talk or car talk channel
Juergen Sbr
Juergen Sbr - 7 years ago
car talk and a waste of time
Real Fish Talk
Real Fish Talk - 7 years ago
Car talk.
Tyson Yeager
Tyson Yeager - 7 years ago
Cory, Love the show and the Coop but I have to say don’t be the left lane hall monitor. Especially in eastern wa. 85-90 is perfectly safe in a modern car on I-90.
Joe Mabry
Joe Mabry - 7 years ago
Cory sounds like one of those guys I hate driving behind and try to pass up because of the blockage lol. No offense Cory but I like to go fast xD.
Gary B
Gary B - 7 years ago
Texas has a lot of freshwater biologists because freshwater includes our reservoirs(drinking water) and fish management for recreation.
KyloMeekthos aka FilthyCasual
KyloMeekthos aka FilthyCasual - 7 years ago
Love Joel But im missing the old format live streams, where you stayed on topic more. The Puffer, Goldfish, and Snails streams for example are LOADED with info related to those specific topics. I would love to see those types of streams again!
Real Fish Talk
Real Fish Talk - 7 years ago
Maybe try to watch the hour long episode onAquarium coop about clean up crews.?There is only so much information to share. A lot of topics already have 3 or 4 hours worth of live streams from my channel alone. Real fish talk is a talk show that has two fish nerds host it. We each have our own channels related to fish. This is us trying to do something different so we as the creators have some fun as well.

I can only speak for myself but I’ve done hundreds of live streams at this point. Most probably don’t follow everywhere I am on the internet, but this week alone I have been a part of 6 live streams for a total of 8 hours with another 8 hour live stream on Monday.

The challenge becomes staying engaged with what you are doing. Most topics have been done several times. Some never at all. Those that have never been covered are more likely to be covered more in depth by us.

I believe our goal is to provide 2 hour blocks of entertainment. Some of that will be fish. Some will be other things. But while people on YouTube might not engage with the car talk in this episode for instance. The thousands of people downloading it as a podcast might since they are in a car etc.

We hope that people come to enjoy what we do because we are enjoying it. We have the goal to do what we enjoy first so that the longevity factor remains and burn out doesn’t happen.

We appreciate all of our listeners and we try to improve the show weekly.
Bill The Tractor Man
Bill The Tractor Man - 7 years ago
KG cichlids I can understand that. This is just topic I think there is a lo of interest in, I see it constantly online and in groups. I'm always curious about what veteran fish keepers have to say. It can just be hard to focus on the topic when things go off topic. It was a hard to take in any valuable information.
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 7 years ago
for the record this is a Friday show, its more loosey goosey
KyloMeekthos aka FilthyCasual
KyloMeekthos aka FilthyCasual - 7 years ago
I like these videos too, it's just i feel like im getting less info out of them. Maybe i missed the announcement that this was the new format and the videos im looking for are only on the main channel. IDK
Bill The Tractor Man
Bill The Tractor Man - 7 years ago
KyloMeekthos aka FilthyCasual I agree. It feels like 20-30minutes of relevant information and over an hour and a half of random babbling. I like the extra banter but filtering through sucks.
Cae Walker
Cae Walker - 7 years ago
Hey Cory, Joel and Jimmy. Thanks for all the fish talk guys and have the best Crissy eva!

20. comment for WHAT FISH CLEAN THE TANK? - Ep. 20

Daddy Tankee
Daddy Tankee - 7 years ago
Wild caught fish tend to eat snail eggs from my observations.
Cody Angstadt
Cody Angstadt - 7 years ago
So I haven't watched the vid the whole way through yet, but is there a way to tell what kind of algae different fish will and will not eat? Or is there a way to tell what that fish's "cleanup" resume is?
Kroeger Markus
Kroeger Markus - 7 years ago
MikeJ H
MikeJ H - 7 years ago
Best episode so far are Cory's more loach family or more like catfish? Just always wondered seem more loach like to me
MikeJ H
MikeJ H - 7 years ago
I get that it's just they look and behave more like loaches than catfish
Mostlyharmless1985 - 7 years ago
MikeJ H corydoras are in the true catfish order of Siluriforms. Loaches are Cypriniformes. So they are about as far apart from each other as we are from lemurs.
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 7 years ago
I loved the car talk. Thats why this is called the REAL fisk talk. Its about fish, and real life. Thanks for the epic podcast guys
SWhiskey Vision
SWhiskey Vision - 7 years ago
Neon Tetra Aquarist oh man... hahahahaha that car part was hilarious
Jacqey R
Jacqey R - 7 years ago
I,m from Wisconsin and our cheese is the best...especially if u get it the same day it was made............sooooo goooood
Deanne Sherriff
Deanne Sherriff - 7 years ago
I always pronounce it off-wocks.
Bettas And beardies
Bettas And beardies - 7 years ago
My Convict cichlid gets annoyed if I feed my platys before him
Casey Somers
Casey Somers - 7 years ago
Please, please please... left hand lane only for passing! Please pass the word. Stay out of the left lane unless you are actively passing! BTW best tangent on this show ever hahaha
Asnl45 - 7 years ago
Casey Somers we have the same problem in Australia (its keep left for us) fight the good fight!
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 7 years ago
cory is the chuck Norris of fish keeping...even if hes wrong than hes right. lol
Wes Barshinger
Wes Barshinger - 7 years ago
Corey was way wrong on that conversation.
Daniel Whïtêhëád
Daniel Whïtêhëád - 7 years ago
This is helpful but I have a 35cm long prawn in my aquarium and I can't put anything in the tank because it want last...

30. comment for WHAT FISH CLEAN THE TANK? - Ep. 20

Mikael Nordborg
Mikael Nordborg - 7 years ago
Hey! My guppies are most of the time doing well and multiplying but sometimes they get a crooked back and thin off and die. Most of the time they're not even old when they do this and the rest of the population are seemingly healthy. Is that a deficiency or disease? Both? Maybe internal parasites, like worms? They are red deltas (not red eye) if that helps..
Award Aquarium
Award Aquarium - 7 years ago
Mikael Nordborg Yeah garlic can help attract them to the food, and boost their immune system. You should be able to find garlic supplement for fish at your lfs or online. If not, I have had success using regular garlic powder.
Mikael Nordborg
Mikael Nordborg - 7 years ago
Not sure, I'll see what kind of meds I can get a hold of!
Mikael Nordborg
Mikael Nordborg - 7 years ago
Oh really, garlic? I'll look into that! Is there a brand that sells food that contains a lot if garlic or should I mix it in with Repashy or something?
I haven't found a source for G.C in Sweden either, hopefully Cory will start shipping worldwide soon ;)
Mikael Nordborg
Mikael Nordborg - 7 years ago
Thanks for the advice, I'll start by adding calcium to the water and after that I'll see what kind of dewormer I can get a hold of here in Sweden. Will all dewormers kill my snails(ramshorns)?
I greatly enjoy all your videos, keep up the good work! Excited to see what the new studio is going to look like!
Mikael Nordborg
Mikael Nordborg - 7 years ago
I haven't noticed stringy poo, most of the time when a fish gets sick they just stop eating and pooing as well. I feed a variety of food but once they're sick they don't eat anything, not even live brine shrimp or frozen bloodworms.
I'll try adding calcium and see if that helps. I live in Sweden and they source the tapwater from a lake which is fed by a lot of rivers so there should be a lot of minerals but maybe it lacks calcium. Thanks!
LDS SG - 7 years ago
Real Fish Talk Thanks so much for the suggestion, going to search to see if it is sold here in Brazil or if there is something similar.
Real Fish Talk
Real Fish Talk - 7 years ago
Can you get a hold of Prazi pro? That would work too.
LDS SG - 7 years ago
Mikael Nordborg The exact same thing is happening to mine, since general cure is not availble in Brazil, I started doing daily wc, took out the substrate to toroighly vacum and started feeding garlic based food. It is helping a lot, but I suspect it wont be the answer and treatment will be needed.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Could be any of those things. I would start by eliminating whatever is easiest. So perhaps adding some hardness to the water. Then deworming the fish. Then maybe if you still have it ongoing it's a genetic issue.
Award Aquarium
Award Aquarium - 7 years ago
Mikael Nordborg is their poo stringy? A course of general cure shouldn't hurt, even if they don't have parasites.

The crooked backs is either a genetic think, or possibly a lack of calcium.
Award Aquarium
Award Aquarium - 7 years ago
Wow 1st again

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