Walmart Betta Fish One Gallon Tank

As of 2017, he has PASSED AWAY. Shortly after this video, I moved him to a 5 gallon tank and lived good 3 years. Then he caught pine cone disease and passed away due to weakened immune system. I had filter and heater in his tank. He died because he was old. I buried him and he is now in fish heaven.

Walmart Betta Fish One Gallon Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 41

Betta 10 years ago 6,751 views

As of 2017, he has PASSED AWAY. Shortly after this video, I moved him to a 5 gallon tank and lived good 3 years. Then he caught pine cone disease and passed away due to weakened immune system. I had filter and heater in his tank. He died because he was old. I buried him and he is now in fish heaven.

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Most popular comments
for Walmart Betta Fish One Gallon Tank

LPS Kitty Cats
LPS Kitty Cats - 7 years ago
If u cant get him a bigger tank and not take good care of him bc of ur living situation u should never of gotten a betta
Jake Farrell112233
Jake Farrell112233 - 7 years ago
You need a new bigger tank a heater and filter and more stuff to hide in
Betta fish are tropical and need a heats do some research before u buy
judethius windstone
judethius windstone - 7 years ago
Heater, bigger tank, filter, substrate, decor, water conditioner..
Moonlight Bettas
Moonlight Bettas - 7 years ago
Read the description!!!!!!
Arex Productions
Arex Productions - 7 years ago
needs gravel more decor and better food not trying to be mean
TimmyME - 7 years ago
What makes a person put a living thing in such a tank? Just terrible.
BettaFish Mizu
BettaFish Mizu - 8 years ago
Do you have a filter, heater, gravel, hiding space? Good food that doesn't contain fish meal? The reccomended minimum of a tank is 2.5 gallons I even feel bad for that size. I have 5.5 gallons and still feel like it's small. That conditioner is Ok. I reccomend prime it's the best conditioner. And 10 pellets will make him become bloated!
winterbreeze32 - 8 years ago
Kudos Tailes He died after living 3 years under my care
KelseyKay beauty
KelseyKay beauty - 8 years ago
needs a heater and filter and bigger tank
Felix Yi
Felix Yi - 7 years ago
KelseyKay beauty you don't NEED it unless you live in a cold place
fishpond34 - 8 years ago
that tank looks to small, bettas need at least 2 gallons
Payton Tomlinson
Payton Tomlinson - 7 years ago
But i recantly got a 2.5 for my bew betta hes a half moon his name is shushy
Payton Tomlinson
Payton Tomlinson - 7 years ago
fishpond34 they do need 2 gallons but hers looks very happy in that tank mine usually died without a heater
MLPMelodyBlossom - 7 years ago
fishpond34 well it depends on the fish, but tbh this fish doesn't look too happy...

10. comment for Walmart Betta Fish One Gallon Tank

Tai Collins
Tai Collins - 8 years ago
do u have a filter a heater a thermostat feed him once a day and clean the tank four times a week please
Cristian k
Cristian k - 8 years ago
My qestion is do u still have the fish tank? And do u know how big is the tank For example, 1 inch 2 inch or 1 gallon also my last qestion was how much did you pay for the tank in the viedo
Emma Randomness
Emma Randomness - 8 years ago
I have the tank. It was 6$ and it's 1.5 gallons and it's from walmart
Cristian k
Cristian k - 8 years ago
How many inches are the 1 gallon fish tank u have i need won for a betta fish too and your doing ok all u need is a heater and a tempeture and aqua safe
Por in one drop
Dragon Sule
Dragon Sule - 8 years ago
+juahnful Can you please get some rocks in there or some sand.
winterbreeze32 - 8 years ago
I have upgraded his tank (bigger size+ heater), as he is getting older and his immune system might not be good compared to when he was young. Very general rule is 1 gallon for 1 inch fish. But that's not accurate. It depends on the fish. For betta, they live mimally in a gallon tank. I don't get what you were trying to ask though
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
No scolding at all :) He's beautiful and thank you for rescuing a betta. One gallon is fine. You can also add a little cave so he can hide when he gets stressed, and perhaps some gravel, too.
Scale Modeling Mania
Scale Modeling Mania - 8 years ago
Please forgive me for my rude comment earlier. I am honestly sorry. Was in a bad mood and took it out on you. Your Betta looks like he is doing very well.
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
+Scale Modeling Mania That has to be one of the nicest things I've read on You Tube.
Kat - 9 years ago
she said shes have had the fish for a year, so clearly a heater or a pump is not mandatory a kennel is a healthy life without it
Ashley - 8 years ago
surviving is not thriving.
Presley Howell
Presley Howell - 9 years ago
Hello. I'm glad your fish isn't in a bowl but maybe could you add some live plants? I'm glad to see its not in a bowl.
winterbreeze32 - 9 years ago
+Bethany D. actually though...I'd love to give him a WIFE. He keeps building his bubble nest but it's used for nothing D':
winterbreeze32 - 9 years ago
+Bethany D. your betta lived for 7 years? then...that's pretty amazing! but yes, IF i could, I'd love to give my betta more space to roam around. I am doing the basic minimum of 1 week water change and keeping temp around 70.
Presley Howell
Presley Howell - 9 years ago
+Bethany D. Bowls aren't the best for bettas or any other fish. They hardly have oxygen and they have no filters and are disgusting and miserable. Bowls would need a lot of water changes to keep a fish in there alive. Bettas need atleast A 5! Gallon tank. With a filter and heater unless they are in a big tank with berry frequent water changes.
Presley Howell
Presley Howell - 9 years ago
+juahnful oh okay
winterbreeze32 - 9 years ago
+Presley Howell Hi! I thought about adding a plant (I've done this before in 3 gal tank), but 1 gallon is kinda risky because the plant can release harmful chemicals when it's not in the right environment. I don't think 1 gallon is enough to allow for stable plant-fish cycle.
Olav Øverland
Olav Øverland - 9 years ago
maby you could add a live plant like anubias nana thats a cool plant
Olav Øverland
Olav Øverland - 9 years ago
yeah okay im not too sure either :P
winterbreeze32 - 9 years ago
I studied this long time ago, so I might be wrong..but if I'm not mistaken, ammonia is release when dead plant materials decay. Plants do 'breathe out' carbon dioxide, when they break down their food (glucose). I am actually planning to get a 5 gallon tank. Maybe I will get java fern for my fish. But if it's too pricey, I probably won't. I find java fern more accessible because anubis nana is kinda more expensive.
Olav Øverland
Olav Øverland - 9 years ago
okay but plants does not leak amonia and carbon dioxide is something you can put in not something the plant make.
winterbreeze32 - 9 years ago
Hi! I chose not to put any live plants because the tank is pretty small, so I am afraid of ammonia and carbon dioxide buildup if the plant starts naturally rotting.
Virgie Wilson
Virgie Wilson - 9 years ago
Cute name how much Mony thay are pritty
winterbreeze32 - 9 years ago
i think he was about 3 dollars?
Alexandra martinez
Alexandra martinez - 9 years ago
you should look on amazon for a heater and you should put some gravel/pebbles in his tank and you're only supposed to feed him 3 to four pellets 2 times daily and you should get him a betta bed leaf hammock and bettas take 1 gallon tanks and give him something to go through like a tunnel
winterbreeze32 - 9 years ago
ayayai! that sounds like a lot for a gallon tank! I currently have small heater and fake plant inside. The betta sleeps on the floor of the tank. I had another one before that used to sleep on the fake plant. His feeding schedule is 4~5 micro pellets a day, skipping meal on Saturday for digestion detox

20. comment for Walmart Betta Fish One Gallon Tank

meg toons
meg toons - 9 years ago
I dont want to be mean but thats not a 1 gallon my one gallon looks way bigger than thy
RutlandMiddleStalker - 9 years ago
Don't listen to the haters, your fish looks very happy;)
RutlandMiddleStalker - 9 years ago
I understand I would love to give all my bettas as much space as possible, but I breed and it's a bit hard to keep all my males separate while giving them space, heater and a filter. I think he looks like he's in pretty good shape, and I love his colour!;)
winterbreeze32 - 9 years ago
+PetsForAll Thanks for the comment. I do wish I can give him a bigger space to explore--it's just that I live in dorms and I need to be able to transport him for a 3+ hrs of car ride. I've had him since last year summer. It's almost our..anniversary! lol
Ssap1015 - 9 years ago
Do your research!
Blaze R3con
Blaze R3con - 10 years ago
I dont want to be rude but he needs a bigger tank, a heater, and definitly more decor to hide himself. And do persistant water changes since his tank is not really that big unless u decide to upgrade it for him
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
+juahnful Please ignore any mean comments. The size is just fine and infinitely better than those tiny cups, and you're keeping it heated when it needs to be heated.
winterbreeze32 - 9 years ago
can't upgrade his tank size due to my living space limitations. i have his heater. i use it during winter.
Doctor Fetus
Doctor Fetus - 9 years ago
+Gaming Sharks The tank is a suitable size for a betta, so long as the water is maintained via changes. Otherwise, it just needs decor for cover and lying on so the betta can be comfortable., and possibly a heater.
archer - 10 years ago
Hey,nice fish tank and fish !!!!! But I recommend to make some gravel , your tank would be nicer.

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