Walmart betta fish vlog!

Hey it's CJ!! I got a new tank and cave for my betta fish! Sadly the cave does not fit but I got a lot of good feedback on my last video so why not make another! Please like comment and subscribe!! Byee

Walmart betta fish vlog! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 108

Betta 10 years ago 52,397 views

Hey it's CJ!! I got a new tank and cave for my betta fish! Sadly the cave does not fit but I got a lot of good feedback on my last video so why not make another! Please like comment and subscribe!! Byee

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Most popular comments
for Walmart betta fish vlog!

Kiki The hamster
Kiki The hamster - 7 years ago
U suck
salty sugar • 10 months ago
salty sugar • 10 months ago - 7 years ago
One gallon, probably full of uncycled chlorinated water.. poor thing
Tabby Michaels
Tabby Michaels - 7 years ago
first stores like walmart give the impression its ok to keep these fish in a small amount of water, think about it would you like to live in a room you hardly have room to turn around in. I wont keep even a betta in a tank under 5 gallons In the wild yes they live in shallow water but its a lot of shallow water in the rice paddies and being in shallow water keeps their water warm so you need a heater and most heaters say dont put in tank under so many gallons. walmart and stores like it leave people with the impression that they are good starter fish cause they can handle a lot well by the time they have left walmart they already have delt with a lot including being shipped in water that doesn't even cover the whole fish and because of their treatment at the store and shipping it reduces there life expectancy I have heard many stories of fish not living long after getting them home and its not always the buyers fault a lot of times the fish is already sick even if you cant tell. People seem to think they just dont live long, truth is bettas in the right conditions can live 3 to 5 years and even like toys to play with and can learn little tricks. you should really learn about things before posting videos
Cadence Tish
Cadence Tish - 7 years ago
The current in that tank is a little to strong, you should also upgrade the tank to at least a 2.5 gallon tank.
Kris Supplee
Kris Supplee - 7 years ago
You should already have a heater because betta fish need heaters
Abby's Pets And Bettas!
Abby's Pets And Bettas! - 7 years ago
cough abuse cough
Hamster Family
Hamster Family - 7 years ago
Ur filming on a potato
trash money cash money
trash money cash money - 7 years ago
Really pretty tank!! I have two bettas as well
Santiago Fuenmayor Soler
Santiago Fuenmayor Soler - 7 years ago
Santiago Fuenmayor Soler
Santiago Fuenmayor Soler - 7 years ago
Sorry that s nota me that Washington my little brother.

10. comment for Walmart betta fish vlog!

Michael E. Crawford
Michael E. Crawford - 7 years ago
Please do research before buying a pet
인형뽑는호노카 - 7 years ago
Tank looks pretty cool.
It-Burnz! - 7 years ago
this makes me so mad. if you cant give your fish the requirements it needs dont get it. Even a 10 gallon isnt that expensive. U should be able to buy the stuff it needs
Sophia Ceckitti
Sophia Ceckitti - 7 years ago
Please get s bigger tank. Mine is in a 10 gallon
Sophia Ceckitti
Sophia Ceckitti - 7 years ago
Also mine has an undergravel filter for 10-40 gallons and it works pretty well
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
You should get the 2.5 gallon version.
Or even the 5 gallon Aqua Culture one.
And yes i did say the tank is bad. DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!!
Kiersten Grier
Kiersten Grier - 7 years ago
Honey, you need a bigger tank.
Bree Aruffo
Bree Aruffo - 7 years ago
No filter, no heater ☹️
Giraffe Gamer101
Giraffe Gamer101 - 7 years ago
I hope you get your betta fish a bigger tank
Theresa DePew
Theresa DePew - 7 years ago
I got a fish from walmart and it have almost loved for a tear so they are fine but they still treat them badly
MultiGamer - 7 years ago
what u should should get him is a bigger tank that's to small

20. comment for Walmart betta fish vlog!

david dior
david dior - 7 years ago
whats with all the dislike?
TimmyME - 7 years ago
Terrible... tank
shanice turner
shanice turner - 7 years ago
I have the exact same tank but the light burn out.
shanice turner
shanice turner - 7 years ago
TheCJWay - 7 years ago
Cool! I no you can buy the light bulbs because that happen to me!!
willow the fat bunny
willow the fat bunny - 7 years ago
Where did you get the tank that your betta fish was in before the Walmart one
TheCJWay - 7 years ago
hmm not sure! Sorry!!
Tait Johnson
Tait Johnson - 7 years ago
I have that same tank and the light burned out after 3 days
shanice turner
shanice turner - 7 years ago
mine did too
Caramel-Sann - 7 years ago
I got that tank yesterday
Patrick Chen
Patrick Chen - 8 years ago
Does the fish have fin rot
TheCJWay - 8 years ago
Cavitae Productions
Cavitae Productions - 8 years ago
"I didn't know what to get him as he has all his supplies", sees tiny tank with no heater filter, etc
SilentBalladxxx - 8 years ago
I go to Walmart for most of my betta tanks, their prices are so much lower than my local pet store.
Andrew Rodriguez
Andrew Rodriguez - 8 years ago
I have it to

30. comment for Walmart betta fish vlog!

Andrew Rodriguez
Andrew Rodriguez - 8 years ago
for my fish golden glow
Andrew Rodriguez
Andrew Rodriguez - 8 years ago
I have that tank to
Brilie Patton
Brilie Patton - 8 years ago
the light changes all different colors
Brilie Patton
Brilie Patton - 8 years ago
I have that same tank
Littledragon - 8 years ago
wait your fish is a girl i heard u call it a girl it looks like a boy!!!. :O lol:D
athie torres
athie torres - 8 years ago
I ment stop for Katie medland
allie moran
allie moran - 8 years ago
I have two bettas
TheCJWay - 8 years ago
Alek Rudewicz
Alek Rudewicz - 8 years ago
Ya that was my first tank
Gracie Richardson
Gracie Richardson - 8 years ago
I got 2 tanks from pets smart that were on sale for 3 dollars and they are pretty good. My betas love it. They are one gallon and it looks exactly the same. (With dividers)
Sandra Sanchez
Sandra Sanchez - 8 years ago
cj you should do a video on cleaning all your fish tanks
MoreMike - 8 years ago
We're can I get that tank
shanice turner
shanice turner - 7 years ago
wal Mart
Corrupt Goldfish
Corrupt Goldfish - 8 years ago
I have that tank but it is not permanent I use to for Betta
Corrupt Goldfish
Corrupt Goldfish - 8 years ago
Sanctuary tanks
Katie Medland
Katie Medland - 8 years ago
Your bettas are not in appropriate tanks. They need AT LEAST 2.5 gallon with a heater.
athie torres
athie torres - 8 years ago
Tony Kart Racer
Tony Kart Racer - 8 years ago
Don't worry about people who always complain about bettas needing a larger tank, a 100 gallon tank wouldn't be enough to satisfy these people. Personally, I think 1 gallon is fine for 1 betta......... and I've been into bettas for a very long time, even successfully breeding them. Nice tank btw.
Katie Medland
Katie Medland - 8 years ago
TheCJWay oh okay good!
TheCJWay - 8 years ago
This video is so old! please look at more recent videos:)
Mexican cartel !
Mexican cartel ! - 8 years ago
I have it to the bubbles were too much for my Betta he couldn't find his food so I just took the pump out is just fine I just do regular water changes
Dakota FarmGirls
Dakota FarmGirls - 8 years ago
under gravel filtres or good i have one in my 29 gallon and it is great! :) bot you ned a regaler filter to for big tanks!
Manny Zavala
Manny Zavala - 8 years ago
Cj can you change the colors in the light
Preslie Unlimited
Preslie Unlimited - 8 years ago
sscribe lol
Dragon Sin
Dragon Sin - 8 years ago
girl bettas need at least 2.5 gal I have a 5.5 gal tank
COOL X xx - 8 years ago
I do but idk because my didn't bring a light
JAMARE SWAgg 001 - 8 years ago
who's watching in2016

50. comment for Walmart betta fish vlog!

Annesa Ford
Annesa Ford - 8 years ago
If you could answer me soon like before tomorrow that would be awesome

Do you recommend getting a fish from petsmart Walmart of petco? I'm thinking about going to petsmart but I want your opinion

Dakota FarmGirls
Dakota FarmGirls - 8 years ago
petco is a good one to go to! the petco i go to has a lot of pretty bettas! Walmart bettas or not heathy! wants in a while they can have heathy bettas! Bot i wood go to petco or petsmart! your chores! :)
Quayquay 12321
Quayquay 12321 - 8 years ago
+Annesa Ford No problem
Annesa Ford
Annesa Ford - 8 years ago
+Betta Lover thanks for the info it help a lot
Quayquay 12321
Quayquay 12321 - 8 years ago
Um never get ur fish from Walmart because walmart does not take care of their fish
Annesa Ford
Annesa Ford - 8 years ago
+TheCJWay Thank you so much
TheCJWay - 8 years ago
petsmart is my fav place!
Sky Dorsey
Sky Dorsey - 8 years ago
Hey girl! I love your channel, and how much your interested into your fishes!!
TheCJWay - 8 years ago
robert menefee
robert menefee - 8 years ago
i mite get that one and i am getting a betta fish at walmart
animal addict
animal addict - 8 years ago
+Betta Lover
then don't get one now, save up
Quayquay 12321
Quayquay 12321 - 8 years ago
And what If she can't afford it right now so calm down...
animal addict
animal addict - 8 years ago
get a 5.5 with a heater and filter and some silk plants
Karol Escobar
Karol Escobar - 8 years ago
How old was she in this video
• emma •
• emma • - 8 years ago
Around 14
Hyrum Pospisil
Hyrum Pospisil - 8 years ago
I got the same tank and I LOVE it!!!!
2k Boy
2k Boy - 8 years ago
That's horrible
2k Boy
2k Boy - 8 years ago
Ok wow
LilSD - 8 years ago
I have a 2.5 gallon glass aquaruim, and it is suprisingly big for one betta fish. My betta, BeBe loves it. He Swims all the time.
Abbey Wonderland
Abbey Wonderland - 8 years ago
Bettas I recommend to have 5 gallons
Matthew Meredith
Matthew Meredith - 8 years ago
Do u like birds
Ryan Borchardt
Ryan Borchardt - 8 years ago
How old are you now
Bulldog Central
Bulldog Central - 8 years ago
can you make a video about you getting a fish in a fish store not walmart or petco or petsmart
Abbey Wonderland
Abbey Wonderland - 8 years ago
She may not love near one not all places have fish stores
Ana Sanchez
Ana Sanchez - 8 years ago
I just ordered this online for 35.00$ lol my mom orders me everything for my fish
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 8 years ago
omg your so little! This is funny:P Can you make a video, Reacting to old videos?
Cats 6
Cats 6 - 8 years ago
+Bella And Bettas why are u calling her little?!?!? Your little too and u look little(er) then her
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 8 years ago
TheCJWay - 8 years ago
bhahaba yes I was!! maybe!
plants,bearded dragons,fish,oh my
plants,bearded dragons,fish,oh my - 8 years ago
i have one like that CJ tank you for doing viedeoes
miranda vallecillo
miranda vallecillo - 8 years ago
Love the fashion of the tank
Ericonda Styles
Ericonda Styles - 8 years ago
Tbh I got that tank and hated it. It doesn't have a real filter system just a bubbler. Second of all, the fish had NO ROOM TO MOVE. I got a five gallon tank from Walmart that I love way more and works way better
Abbey Wonderland
Abbey Wonderland - 8 years ago
That's what I got a 5 gallon and it's so great my Betta loves it
StarsomeGirl - 8 years ago
That aquarium does look bigger than a 1 gallon. It looks very pretty with the plants (:
Guppie Guy
Guppie Guy - 8 years ago
i have the exact same tank
Glitter Gymnast
Glitter Gymnast - 8 years ago
I have that tank and I love it for my betta
BabyAriana - 8 years ago
You don't have a lot
Riannaleacoots - 8 years ago
Were is th filter in the tank at the start they need it to live btw
Sam - 8 years ago
you didn't cycle the tank...
Lynn Little
Lynn Little - 8 years ago
its too small to cycle anyway
Clairebear - 8 years ago
How old r u? U look (im telling by the size of ur hands and ur nails) 15 like me but (no offense) you sound really younf!
Sara Scott
Sara Scott - 8 years ago
I'm getting a new betta fish and I'm really worried because I don't no what to get please tell me
Collin Klinger
Collin Klinger - 9 years ago
OMG I just got that for my adploption birthday
Collin Klinger
Collin Klinger - 9 years ago
Azurda Azurda
Azurda Azurda - 9 years ago
1 gallon is too small for any fish
Collin Klinger
Collin Klinger - 9 years ago
it's really 2.5
Cali Lorenda
Cali Lorenda - 9 years ago
I got a sponge bob house for my betta fish my dad bought it :)
Kat McKenna
Kat McKenna - 9 years ago
its a 2.5 gallon I have that tank
Nikolina Stegnjaic
Nikolina Stegnjaic - 8 years ago
Its not 2.5 tho
Adhvika Arunkumar
Adhvika Arunkumar - 9 years ago
I think you should get a bigger tank for the fish......
Adhvika Arunkumar
Adhvika Arunkumar - 9 years ago
+TheCJWay oh OK sry
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+Adhvika Arunkumar old video please checknew ones
Rachel Briar
Rachel Briar - 9 years ago
The Betta Bowl
The Betta Bowl - 9 years ago
That is a 2.5 gallon actually. I have my betta in one like it.
Rickey Fernandez
Rickey Fernandez - 9 years ago
went to petsmart to get crowntails, there were 3 2 were dead 1 was dying. so i look at regular male betta fish and saw there was a purple one for 4.25 so i decided to get him
Shaina Kristjanson
Shaina Kristjanson - 9 years ago
i love your videos so much
Taryn Maschke
Taryn Maschke - 9 years ago
I saw this little castle hideout at Walmart and I really want it
Emily Ormsby
Emily Ormsby - 9 years ago
a betta needs a minimum of a 2 gallon tank, a filter and a heater. yes...a betta CAN live in a smaller colder tank but thats like having a horse live in ur room all its life. So its always good to have a bigger warmer tank.
Shaina Kristjanson
Shaina Kristjanson - 9 years ago
Love Dolls
Love Dolls - 7 years ago
Shaina Kristjanson no its just makes bubbles
Harley Allen
Harley Allen - 9 years ago
comes w/ an airpump
Michelle Lopezy
Michelle Lopezy - 9 years ago
sure waste money on make up instead on the fishes life (entertainment, food*bigger home*)
FloralMaddz - 9 years ago
I have that tank too, mine is 2.5 gallons :-)
jill valentin
jill valentin - 9 years ago
"but i think it is" uhm you think wrong
Josie McDonell
Josie McDonell - 9 years ago
You're so pretty.
awsome person
awsome person - 9 years ago
I have the same tank
Rachel S
Rachel S - 9 years ago
I have that tank! I'm planning to put a betta in it soon from my local pet store
Rachel S
Rachel S - 9 years ago
AND I got the same cave, and it also didn't fit!
Alannah Hama
Alannah Hama - 9 years ago
I have the same exact tank!!!!!
Jaquan Souder
Jaquan Souder - 9 years ago
i had the same fish tank
Gwenieeeee - 9 years ago
Maybe you should try to get a thermometer for the tank? They're a little over a dollar at Walmart, and monitoring the temperature of your betta's tank is super important, even if you don't have a heater yet. And don't worry about people telling you this is too small, a one gallon is okay for a betta as long as it doesn't get stressed. You should try to get a 2.5 gallon further down the road though, just so your fish doesn't stay in a 1 gallon all its life :)
Jalen Bradford
Jalen Bradford - 9 years ago
I have it and mine holds 1.5 gallons
Kelley Thieding
Kelley Thieding - 9 years ago
That "filter" is a holder for the air pump, I have the tank, it's NOT a filter
Sam Morelos
Sam Morelos - 9 years ago
Do an update on the tank and fish
Sam Morelos
Sam Morelos - 9 years ago
I have this tank :p

100. comment for Walmart betta fish vlog!

Queen Tristin
Queen Tristin - 9 years ago
I think you take good care of your fish!:DD
Maria Hacks all of you
Maria Hacks all of you - 9 years ago
I know this video is kind of old ;D but I'm going to Walmart to get that tank today and I'm really excited!
Ahmad Yumna
Ahmad Yumna - 9 years ago
wow cool
XxCrystal DashxX
XxCrystal DashxX - 9 years ago
I love your vids
Lindsay Lohan videos
Lindsay Lohan videos - 9 years ago
LOL! I got the same tank and the same neon thing... Big mistake! The neon thing didn't fit and I was telling myself "don't get it it won't fit don't get it!" And you did
crazyesme flores
crazyesme flores - 9 years ago
Kennedy Plagman
Kennedy Plagman - 9 years ago
I have same tank and the same decoration except for the light has changed
Dorito Fish
Dorito Fish - 9 years ago
Actually I watched your last video a blog to petsmart and plants are easy to take care of. If you want a super easy plant get Java moss, Java ferns, or marimos. The also help clean your water. :D Happy fish keeping
Lauren Lishish
Lauren Lishish - 9 years ago
i have the same tank! but i am thinking about getting a bigger one! yay! great video luv your fish!
Mayra Gaspar
Mayra Gaspar - 9 years ago
I have the same tank but the LED light is colorful
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+Mayra Gaspar really cool!!
Areld Fish,Turtle
Areld Fish,Turtle - 9 years ago
Nice video..u just got another subscriber
Let's Talk Boxing
Let's Talk Boxing - 7 years ago
Areld Fish,Turtle fucking weirdo
J Shapiro
J Shapiro - 9 years ago
Creepy much? She's a kid!
Areld Fish,Turtle
Areld Fish,Turtle - 9 years ago
can i have your facebook name??
Areld Fish,Turtle
Areld Fish,Turtle - 9 years ago
No Problem.. pretty ;)
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+Areld Fish,Turtle Thanks!
Shelby Nicholas
Shelby Nicholas - 9 years ago
Hey I don't know If you knew this but that's not an under gravel filter it is just there to hold the tube for the air stone in place and doesn't serve any other purpose then holding the stone housing at the bottom
Biological - 9 years ago
I got the same tank and that rainbow rock at Walmart too! Though I had the rainbow rock before the tank, but otherwise... What a weird coincidence!
Katherine Weaver
Katherine Weaver - 9 years ago
How often do you change the tank?
Ruben Inca Donayre
Ruben Inca Donayre - 9 years ago
Me and u have the same betta fish its name is Blue and its a boy
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+Ruben Inca Donayre Cool!!
lupita martin
lupita martin - 9 years ago
im sorry i spelled same wrong
lupita martin
lupita martin - 9 years ago
i have the sama tank
Harvey Hill
Harvey Hill - 9 years ago
Cool I've a tank like that but lot bigger
ryantrench - 9 years ago
Nice legs
kevin Durden
kevin Durden - 9 years ago
I have a tank like that it a one gallon tank it said right on the box
Mayra Gaspar
Mayra Gaspar - 9 years ago
When you were having trouble spelling aqua, you can sound it out as ok-wa. Hope I helped
Miranda Paz
Miranda Paz - 8 years ago
+TheCJWay gosh, She was all trying to help
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+Mayra Gaspar Um Ok!
Lucy Gonzales
Lucy Gonzales - 9 years ago
I love your videos, keep up the good work!!!!!
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+Lucy Gonzales Thanks!
Amanda Smith
Amanda Smith - 9 years ago
where did u get yellow gravel????
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+Amanda Smith Petsmart!
XboxPlayer - 9 years ago
My betta died from fin rot. The pump wasn't working so well, and so I did 50% water changes every 3 days. Then I get some Mardel maracyn 2. Didn't work. Oh well. Fish funeral
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+UniqueMission480 Im sorry to hear that:(
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 9 years ago
Im guessing this is a old video
Ari - 9 years ago
I Have a question why do you have to put the beta in the container and let it float on top ? I need help because I'm getting a black moor fish , you inspired me to get a fish ❤️❤️
Amber Doodles
Amber Doodles - 9 years ago
It's to prevent the fish from getting to stressed you do it so the water your fish is in becomes around the same temp as the water in the tank
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+CaliBaby01 Awww have fun!!! and it lets the temp, of the water get use to the fish!!!
tahlia van der boor
tahlia van der boor - 9 years ago
under ground flitters do work
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+tahlia van der boor Yes they do!!
Jamie C
Jamie C - 9 years ago
how your betta male is he ok
Johnny Vasquez
Johnny Vasquez - 9 years ago
I have the same tank but then I got a ten gallon tank so I'm going to sell that one
Shelby Nicholas
Shelby Nicholas - 9 years ago
Hi. I have seen some of your videos and you are doing a pretty good job with your fish but I would like to suggest either getting 1 real plant or just 1SILK plant, I'm not trying to be rude but plastic plants are bad because they can hurt the fish's fins if its a betta. Not being rude just saying. And it looks as if you're crowding the poor fishes tank with too many decorations.
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+Shelby Nicholas Oh don't worrier! This was from a very long time ago so I have changed a lot around!
M Lee
M Lee - 9 years ago
I love watching your fish videos! They are awesome! Great job!!!
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+M Lee Awww Thanks so much!! <33
Juanita Lugo
Juanita Lugo - 9 years ago
It's pretty and it was a good price
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+Juanita Lugo Thanks and ikr!!!!
Itz Mia
Itz Mia - 9 years ago
Thanks. do you use one!!
Itz Mia
Itz Mia - 9 years ago
Hi!! Is a heater Necessary
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+Maria Paz Landetta Valencia yes! or your water most be 74-82 degrees!
Fish Forever11
Fish Forever11 - 9 years ago
i have the same tank for my double tail male betta finlay but mine does not have a filter
Dragon Killer
Dragon Killer - 7 years ago
Fish Forever11 you need a bigger tank NOW. Get a 5 gallon
Sydney Schwebel
Sydney Schwebel - 9 years ago
I have the same tank too and I agree it is more than 1 gallon because I have three of them for my three betas and they are way more than one down each✊
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+Sydney Schwebel Thanks!!
Shiann Ridpath
Shiann Ridpath - 10 years ago
Your fish needs a bigger tank.
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
This is a old video HAH! Have a new one!!
Megumi Kanamori
Megumi Kanamori - 10 years ago
Omg ur fish is so cute! And don't worry about the tank I personally think that it's a pretty ok size for a betta but anyways great video! I have a betta fish myself as well he's living in a 5 gallon tank!
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+Emily Maldonado Cool!!
Emily Maldonado
Emily Maldonado - 9 years ago
+TheCJWay i have the same tank my betta loves it but it is a little loud but it works okay
Megumi Kanamori
Megumi Kanamori - 10 years ago
+TheCJWay no problem!
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
Thanks so much!!
x kyle x
x kyle x - 10 years ago
The minimum tank space a betta should live in is 2.5 gallons. Any smaller is improper. Owning a fish cost more than it would seem but it is well worth the money. A 2.5 gallon isn't that expensive. A betta living without heating puts it at risk of sickness and disease. Please do your research before owning an animal. If you aren't willing to buy everything  the animal needs then don't get the animal. Don't say your fish is okay in a 1 gallon tank because you aren't a fish doctor you don't know if it has a hidden disease or sickness. A 1 gallon just isn't suitable. imagine you living in a dog crate, with no heat and no room to move. This is not hate it is constructive criticism.
Logan Knudson
Logan Knudson - 7 years ago
x kyle x Chill
lena the meme god
lena the meme god - 7 years ago
my 2 male bettas live in a 20g heavily planted tank. i also have a 3.4g planted tank and they are the happiest fish ever. this girl is seriously rude and the tank is horrible, hope she got a bigger one tbh
The diy Boy
The diy Boy - 7 years ago
x kyle x the minimum is .5 gals dumbass
Roxidomus - 7 years ago
x kyle x I have a 2 gallon with a filter,decorations and heaters and 2 gallon isnokay
Betta Blogger
Betta Blogger - 7 years ago
I completely agree. A beta should not live in a 1 gallon tank, and like you said should be kept in a 2.5 gallon take at MINIMUM. There is only ONE acceptation for NOT having a heater. The temperature of the room should be in the mid-seventies. And i hope she is using silk plants. I have had plenty of Betta fish. None of them had heaters. My Bettas survived 2-4 years. Right now i am currently owning 3 Bettas. None of them have heaters and so far i have had them for 1 year. They are thriving. I do completely agree with you, i just want to point out that you can have no heater as long as you have the right accommodations .
Graces vlogs
Graces vlogs - 8 years ago
x kyle x she knows shes only going to use it for a little bit
Arianna Weatherly
Arianna Weatherly - 8 years ago
x kyle x. sooo true about the expensive part. my mom had a betta fish, in a tiny fish bowl, like a classic bowl, and she was going to flush him down the toilet!!!! I COULD NOT let her do that. so I took matters into my own hands. I've saved up $60 in the past year, and was waiting for a good opportunity to spend it on. so, I had the fish for one day, kept him on his stupid little fish bowl, and then, did A LOT of research. and went to Walmart. I bought a 2.5 gallon tank, some decorations, like plants and a cave thingy to let him hide. and food, water conditioner, and gravel, but I didn't have enough for the heater! right now his water is at 72°f and that's okay, for a betta, but it could be higher, I also bought a in - tank thermometer. so I don't know if I'll buy his Heater or not, but his names Caution, he's a red Betta, male, and I spent $54 on him. it was totally worth it.
Kaitlyn Grasty
Kaitlyn Grasty - 9 years ago
thank you so much
Avery Dotson
Avery Dotson - 9 years ago
Btw CJ that was not directed towards you. It was directed to all of the other people commenting saying about what the "correct" way of taking care of betta fish is.
Avery Dotson
Avery Dotson - 9 years ago
Both of my betta live in 1.5 gallon tanks and they are both very happy! I respect that you are serious about the topic of fish keeping...but seriously!
x kyle x
x kyle x - 9 years ago
I never said I was a fish doctor.
Kaitlyn Grasty
Kaitlyn Grasty - 9 years ago
+Makayla Whitley your not a fish doctor either so don't go around telling people what's  improper and what is not and just because fish live in a 1 gallon doesn't mean it has no heat.
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
Ok I was not trying to be rude! I like to say for the last time this video is old! I don't respond back like this anymore! Ok idk what you want me to do! So thanks for the info but Ik what to do!!
Stella Bieber
Stella Bieber - 9 years ago
+Haven Deathkill
Haven - 9 years ago
what the heck are YOU trying to prove? Like +Candy Pop was saying we are just being informative, not rude. You just ignore it and be rude back to us. We are trying to help you not prove anything else. +TheCJWay 
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+Candy Pop Im sorry but I really don't understand what you want me to do.. agin I like to point out that this was from a very long time ago. if you see my other videos I don't respond like this at all. 
Stella Bieber
Stella Bieber - 9 years ago
+TheCJWay Do you understand that just because someone disagrees with you, doesn't mean they are hating.
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+Candy Pop And then they respond back with some really rude things... idk what your trying to prove. 
Stella Bieber
Stella Bieber - 9 years ago
+TheCJWay No their response was informative, yours was rude.
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+Candy Pop Ok! but I already knew how to care for fish and they response was rude!
Stella Bieber
Stella Bieber - 9 years ago
+TheCJWay It still isn't hate!
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+Candy Pop This video Is very old!
Stella Bieber
Stella Bieber - 9 years ago
+TheCJWay They aren't hating on you! They are informing you on how to keep your bettas happy!
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+Haven Deathkill Ik! larger the tank the happier the fish! Mine have always been fine so yes!!!
Haven - 9 years ago
I have a betta, and im not saying 1 gallons makes them sad, im saying larger tanks make them even happier. I have a 2.5 and my betta loves it.
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+Cydney Kenny THANK YOU!!! People say there not happy and Im just like ummm you have never seen them in real life! aha thanks!
Cydney Kenny
Cydney Kenny - 9 years ago
+TheCJWay I know right, I have 3 bettas and soon getting another I love them so much and id get what ever they needed to stay healthy.And they all live in there own one gallon tank and are very happy. And right now there all 3 years so I think im doing something right.I hate when people post stuff like do your reaserch.
Haven - 10 years ago
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
+Haven Deathkill YES I do lol I just always use the "no"! HAHA!
Haven - 10 years ago
umm yes, do you "know" how to spell?
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
+Haven Deathkill umm did you even see this was from a long time ago I do no my facts!
Haven - 10 years ago
This wasn't even hate, just facts
Haven - 10 years ago
^ LOL you said you didn't know what you were doing at the bottom, and don't you think 12 fish is enough? Especially if they don't have 2.5- gallons?
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
I would really find it nice if people would stop the hate:) Don't you say this is not hate... ik you want the best for MY fish but he is in a 1.5 now that a filtered and heated the reason why I did not buy a heater was becuase it was summer... Also please to not say I am not willing to care for my fish I have 12 and they are all fin I have had fish for hummmm 8 year now I dod no what I am doing! My bettas all live in either 1 or 2 gallons and are100 % ok! I had one betta live 4 year in a 1 gallon so i do not what I'm doing!
Gymnastics4eva - 10 years ago
I love your tank! I like how it's so neony and pretty. I'm sure your betta fish loves it too and can u guys please stop being mean! I have 10 bettas and I keep them in 1.5 gallon tanks and they last years! Plus she said the tank is bigger than a gallon when she filled it up. The betta looks happy and healthy so everyone please stop
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
+Gymnastics4eva YES! Thanks so much!
Gymnastics4eva - 10 years ago
Your welcome. It's just I don't like when people tell you that you need to get a 10 gallon tank when bettas can live in a 1 gallon tank. The only thing I don't agree with is when they put bettas in tiny bowls where they can barely move but your bettas can move and stretch their fins so what your doing is fine
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
Thank you! Im glad some people get it! All my bettas have 1 gallons and up and they are ok! Thanks so much!
sacha adams
sacha adams - 10 years ago
The tank is beautiful
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
Greenbettas13 - 10 years ago
Check out my video too! I got the same tank! 
Officialfernandezzz :
Officialfernandezzz : - 10 years ago
I really like your betta fish
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
alexander boyko
alexander boyko - 10 years ago
ok guys she had a smaller tank and she upgraded her fish is happy and has a lot of swimming space so leave her alone with the the tank is to small stuf.
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
Thank you so much!
Donna McDonell
Donna McDonell - 10 years ago
1:26 I have that exact one!!! I'm getting fish tomorrow (from PetSmart). I'm getting a Algae Eater, a Australian Rainbowfish, a Tequila Sunrise Guppy, and a Comet tail goldfish.
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
+Donna McDonell Coolo!!!
Donna McDonell
Donna McDonell - 10 years ago
Thanks. I figured out names for the others. Fajita and taco!!! Lol. Weird names. :)
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
+Donna McDonell Oh so cool! you got a lot!! Have fun your fish seem so pretty and cool!!
Donna McDonell
Donna McDonell - 10 years ago
I ended up getting a algae eater named Burrito, 3 tetra fish guppies ( one is named Rainbow but I just got them so I haven't figured out names for all of them) , a yellow guppie named London, and a cobra guppie named Cheetah ( looks like a cheetah) . The fish care taker said we should have 1 gallon for every inch of fish so I ended up getting those fish.
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
AWW so cool! I love getting new fish!! Have fun!! Thats so cool!!
R R - 10 years ago
Im not trying to be mean or anything but you sound like your 12-13 why do you need make up at this age? And so much!
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
Hahah im in high school I'm not 12-13! I have so much because I'm aloud to wear it because I am older than most people think!
Cade`s Aquariums.
Cade`s Aquariums. - 10 years ago
Um. Bettas are very sensetive to currents. If you have a controllable air pump. I would turn it on low. My betta is in a 3 gallon with an air pump. And I always turn it on low. Because they can't STAND currents.
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
This was from about 5 months ago and I don't even have it in the tank any more... I know how to care for my betta
Amelia Marie
Amelia Marie - 10 years ago
You should really upgrade to 2.5 or more which is the minimum gallons a betta can have. I would much more suggest 5 gallons
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+Candy Pop I can say what I wish to say! In the video I said I knew what I was doing so yes!
Stella Bieber
Stella Bieber - 9 years ago
+TheCJWay Then just say thank you!
TheCJWay - 9 years ago
+Candy Pop Yes but I already knew the info!!
Stella Bieber
Stella Bieber - 9 years ago
+TheCJWay This isn't hate! It's helpful information.
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
+bubblybettas Ok I really don't need all of this over one fish and he is in a bigger tank so yeah... i have had many fish and there all fine mine one lived for 5 years before this so i think i no what I AM doing.. And the reason I am not going  to spend so much is because HE IS 100% ok so I think I am doing something right! My fishes  have lived for many years in 1 gallon tanks and are 100% ok and I got a heater in there so why worrie?? I wont post these videos if so many people are going to leave hate... the only reason I do it because some people no I do not buy fish to kill them they are fine!
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
+Jen Jung Ok thanks for the info but if I get a 10 gallon then I need a gravel vacuum a filter and a heater and more decor so that would be around um we'll...... 50$ witch I don't have... I have had lots of betas and They have lived for many years with no heater in a 1 gallon tank my last betta lived 3 years so please don't say that I abuse my fish because I no i don't! I don't have money for all of that and I am not going to spend that much.. Sorry?
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
Ok thats cool... but I feel a 1 gallon is fine... my bettas do fine in them and I not about to spend 20-50$ on fish but thanks.....
MikasLife !!!
MikasLife !!! - 10 years ago
I have that tank and my betta squirt loves it!!!!!!
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
Fishlover - 10 years ago
I have the Same tank
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
Julia Rushing
Julia Rushing - 10 years ago
I think your fish would be really happy if you could do 100% water changes twice a week and put a heater in his tank... 1gal is kinda small but it can be done if you're careful. Good luck with your fish!
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
Thank you I just got a new fish (he is not dead) Just wanted a new one! haha I have to save up for them thanks!
Angie Darst
Angie Darst - 10 years ago
Well, It's better then a bowl/vase.
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
yea but its only thing I can get!
Kimberly - 10 years ago
OMG i have that tank!
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
haha Awesome!!
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
I Use The Smaller Tanks Due To Having Alot Of Breeding Bettas.... I Keep My Females In Packs Of 6 In Larger 5gal Tanks. But My Males Are In 1gal And There Love It Just Picked Up A Few More Today (Males) :D 
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
+TheCJWay  Tankchu 
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles Maybe...
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
+TheCJWay  :D Np :DDD COuld I Have A Shoutout? 
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles Awww thanks!
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
+TheCJWay  Yeah Ikr! I Love Ya Channel Btw! 
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
Cool! I love those  tanks!
probono17 - 10 years ago
I have an aqeon bow 2.5 gallon tank and your tank looks great!!!
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
Thats what I wanted but It was to much for me!
Nicolas Lopez
Nicolas Lopez - 10 years ago
that betta fish is cramped inside. also at least a 1 gallon or more.
Nicolas Lopez
Nicolas Lopez - 9 years ago
+HaydenPlays true
HaydenPlays - 9 years ago
Tank was 1.5 gallons...
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
+Nicolas Lopez welcome!!
Nicolas Lopez
Nicolas Lopez - 10 years ago
Thank you !
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
+Nicolas Lopez I believe you can feed them frozen pees warmed in the microwave and cucumber!
Nicolas Lopez
Nicolas Lopez - 10 years ago
hey do you know any veggies for bettas ?
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
+Nicolas Lopez hahha Its fine!!
Nicolas Lopez
Nicolas Lopez - 10 years ago
oh sorry about that
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
If you watched the video all the way I did buy him a 1 gallon tank ! The tank at the beginning was my old tank!
Jessica Chavira
Jessica Chavira - 10 years ago
I HAVE THE SAME TANK! My betta fish loves it!!!
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
OMG! Awesome! 
sierra Wilson
sierra Wilson - 10 years ago
Your welcome have a great day i just subscribe to you channel
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
Thanks you too!
sierra Wilson
sierra Wilson - 10 years ago
if you change the food maybe it will help
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
OK thanks for the help I am going to the pet store soon!
sierra Wilson
sierra Wilson - 10 years ago
Do you know that your fish is losing color
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
+GISELLE CERNA oh ok thanks
Giselle Elizabeth
Giselle Elizabeth - 10 years ago
I probably because of the food U feed it i had a betta and my lost all its color and turned white people at the pet store said because the food I gave him
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
yes idk why? Do you no? I got it salt and its not working?
Raymond Sanchez
Raymond Sanchez - 10 years ago
I have that tank and it did not come with all that stuff
you are lucky
Joyful_Julie Ann
Joyful_Julie Ann - 10 years ago
Do a make up collection;) can you also check my Chanel out, I subbed you also I subbed to your friends channel!!!!!
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
Awesome Thank you so much! I will be sure to do one!! And just subbed back!! <<33
InfinityPets - 10 years ago
I have this tank you can change the air pump setting but mine is a 2.5 gallon they have this tank is sold at petsmart but it's mor expensive
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
Yeah Ik!! Idk why!!
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
Don't worry I do not support the fish they have there! I only bought the tank because of the price!
Collin Klinger
Collin Klinger - 9 years ago
my aquarium is 2.5 gallons
Madeleine P.
Madeleine P. - 9 years ago
+TheCJWay I agree!
Noelle Price
Noelle Price - 9 years ago
+The Sea Jay Way same:)
Shaina Kristjanson
Shaina Kristjanson - 9 years ago
Claire Rosa Pets
Claire Rosa Pets - 9 years ago
+Bethany D. Hahaha lol!
Shaina Kristjanson
Shaina Kristjanson - 9 years ago
+Bethany D. WHAT
Claire Rosa Pets
Claire Rosa Pets - 9 years ago
+TheCJWay Hi CJ! When will you be making another vlog? I really like your vlogs! :)
scrapironfish - 10 years ago
When And if possible, Please do not support Walmart's fish department. Local fish stores aren't much better but, Walmart treats their fish very badly. The more you buy, the longer they keep that department open. Just do me a favor and search "Walmart fish" on YouTube to see the way Walmart treats their fish.

I know your not a serious fish keeper (yet) which is fine, And we all have bought fish stuff at Walmart in the beginning. You like your tanks and that's all that matters in the end. But If possible please do not buy anything from the Walmart fish department.
Animals Are Awesome
Animals Are Awesome - 10 years ago
Nice vid like your channel. Check on mine
Animals Are Awesome
Animals Are Awesome - 10 years ago
Ok done
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
Sure!:) sub back?
Kayla R
Kayla R - 10 years ago
Congrats on 50 subs!!!!
TheCJWay - 10 years ago
Thanks congrats for 80!

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