Welcome to BetterBetta!

Introducing my beautiful bettas! This channel is to provide you with knowledge about the fish that appeal to both experts and beginners. I will review my products, give tips and advice, and update you on my betta's lifestyle! All thoughts are and will always be my own. Subscribe for bettas! Music by Bensound.com. O'Riley is a border collie/ American eskimo mix. Sophie is a Springer Spaniel/ border collie mix. They are both bundles of energy! They are both rescues. In these clips, Riley is 13 years old and Sophie is 7 months old.

Welcome to BetterBetta! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Betta 8 years ago 3,766 views

Introducing my beautiful bettas! This channel is to provide you with knowledge about the fish that appeal to both experts and beginners. I will review my products, give tips and advice, and update you on my betta's lifestyle! All thoughts are and will always be my own. Subscribe for bettas! Music by Bensound.com. O'Riley is a border collie/ American eskimo mix. Sophie is a Springer Spaniel/ border collie mix. They are both bundles of energy! They are both rescues. In these clips, Riley is 13 years old and Sophie is 7 months old.

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Most popular comments
for Welcome to BetterBetta!

Betta Plus
Betta Plus - 8 years ago
I love your videos , You've made a new subscriber
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Betta Plus Thank you! :)
MyView 10.75.69
MyView 10.75.69 - 8 years ago
very good intro, look forward to viewing your content in the future.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+MyView 10.75.69 Thank you! :)
EZ's Aquarium
EZ's Aquarium - 8 years ago
Love your channel! Nice content.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Mark's Fish Keeping UK
Mark's Fish Keeping UK - 8 years ago
check out my latest video if you like :)
Mark's Fish Keeping UK
Mark's Fish Keeping UK - 8 years ago
very nice Betta fish :-)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you! :)
Ryan Cassarino
Ryan Cassarino - 8 years ago
what dose that mean
Ryan Cassarino
Ryan Cassarino - 8 years ago
and inside a lot of your older videos which I think are good but I can see bubble nest on the top of the tank women don't like bubble nest
Ryan Cassarino
Ryan Cassarino - 8 years ago
first things first if she's available mail or they'll tell female Delta meals don't have different friends from jail tell females pacifically they can be all shapes or forms it depends on the thin side and if they lay eggs and I can based on videos too she has much more male Behavior like and never showing any female Behavior like
Ryan Cassarino
Ryan Cassarino - 8 years ago
and it could be any kind of fin structure not that long I've been taking care of bettas all my life and I have not had one guy with in under a year and I've studied all types of fish

10. comment for Welcome to BetterBetta!

Ryan Cassarino
Ryan Cassarino - 8 years ago
camera gets closer to her her fans widen and get bigger because she is making herself look bigger if she were a girl she would not do that hurdles don't pop out which just means the bed is not that aggressive
Ryan Cassarino
Ryan Cassarino - 8 years ago
sorry if the words don't make as much sense because I'm talking into my device
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I know the struggle! :p
Ryan Cassarino
Ryan Cassarino - 8 years ago
and when you put the camera close to her I see her start to flare she may not be as aggressive but she swears her fans widen
Ryan Cassarino
Ryan Cassarino - 8 years ago
how do you ever put a mirror up to her face I'm sure she flares and I'm positive no women's fin get that long
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Most girls fins don't get that long, no. However I have seen other females with fins that long. She has an egg spot, therefore she is capable of laying eggs. Males are incapable of laying eggs. She is, in no way, a male due to this biological evidence. Using fin length as your only source to determine a betta's gender (one you have never seen in person) will lead to incorrect results. I'm sorry you don't agree with this however you are entitled to your opinion. Also, female are not INCAPABLE of flaring. When she sees a lense bigger than size of her body up close to her tank, she's bound to try to make herself look bigger. She's afraid, and angry. Female bettas can be aggressive too- some sororities do not work out for this reason. But just because she starts to flare does not change her gender. When she flares, she still lacks a beard- a defining characteristic in a male.
Ryan Cassarino
Ryan Cassarino - 8 years ago
please respond
Ryan Cassarino
Ryan Cassarino - 8 years ago
cuz I've been taking care of bettas for many years and the one I have right now its 5 years old and I've been taking care of them forever and positive that not a girl
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I found a forum post from 2009 that you may find interesting - females are starting to be bred to have longer finnage. If that was 2009, I'd assume that would explain the prevalence of my longer-finned girl 7 years later :) It's not impossible! It would clear up how females can have long fins, too. I've seen long finned bettas like her for sale at PetSmart more than once, amongst the shorter finned girls. Here is the link, it's from a Tropical Fish Forum: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/289039-long-finned-female-bettas/
Ryan Cassarino
Ryan Cassarino - 8 years ago
I'm just curious or are you just saying that she's a girl to play the theme of a girl
Ryan Cassarino
Ryan Cassarino - 8 years ago
you're white betta fish is not a girl whoever told you that is completely wrong I took a picture of it and I showed it to the pet store and they told me that that's a boy 100% his friends are way too long to be a girl
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Stores can be misinformed sometimes. Remember not all who work in pet stores are avid researchers of bettas. It is extremely unlikely that she had the time to look at its ventrals, its ovipositor, her gill structure (beard), her personality, her head shape, her fin shape, the blushing, the fact I found her with eggs in her belly... It's impossible really to tell that based on a picture. Thank you for your concern, however she is 100% a girl. Let me explain. She has an egg spot. This is only see in females. It is essentially the vagina of a fish- it is where the eggs come out. Males do not lay eggs. It is not visible in this video- therefore whatever picture you showed of Journey would not have included that. Secondly, she is a veiltail female. Veiltail females have longer fins than that of a Crowntail, Plakat, Halfmoon, etc. GENERALLY, but not always. Thirdly, she does not have a beard. Beards are visible on males gills even while not flaring. Journey, even whilst flaring, has little to no beard. Fourthly, Journey has had breeding stripes present when she is too close to my males. These are darker vertical stripes (NOT HORIZONTAL- Horizontal stripes indicate stress and fear) that appear on a female only to indicate she is ready to have her eggs fertilized. Males do not have eggs to fertilize. Fifth, Journ has very skinny, almost string-like ventrals. Males have blade-shaped ventral fins. Females have the thin ventrals. Sixth, she has a smooth, rounded head. Male bettas have a 'peak' or 'hump' on the top of their head. She does not have that. Seventh, I found her eggy. Shortly after she was discovered with the breeding stripes, I saw her full of eggs. This can be distinguished by the bloating being closer to the head than the stomach, and instead of a stretched appearance, the belly is very white. Fasting your betta will not cause the stomach to downsize, as it is not constipation. After almost 5 days of fasting Journey, she still had a blossoming belly. :) Eighth, Journey has never blown a bubble nest. This is not a determining factor as some males do not blow nests either, however combined with the other 7 reasons she is definitely a girl, we can include it here. Lastly, when males see their reflection, they flare due to their aggressive nature. Females, whom can be kept in sororities due to their more submissive personalities, generally don't flare at their reflection. Journey has only glanced at her reflection, stared a bit, then swam away, not once flaring, which is prime female behaviour. Again, thank you for your concern, but it is difficult to tell how to sex your betta unless you research it thoroughly. Fins can very in length and style- just like with humans, fish can have some characteristics that make them different than most others but that doesn't mean that it's a bad thing. As for gender stereotyping my betta - I would never change my bettas gender pronoun for my own benefit. I have male bettas and female bettas and I treat them as such with the appropriate decor. If I really wanted to put pink ornaments in my male tank (I wouldn't, but if did) I would say I did so for my tastes but I would continue to call my betta a boy because that is what he is. I think calling a betta the opposite sex pronoun for your betta is a tad demoralizing, but that is my personal opinion and you are entitled to your own. Hope this cleared things up, thanks for watching my video.
Cody's Fishes
Cody's Fishes - 8 years ago
Beautiful Bettas!
JC Fish Family
JC Fish Family - 8 years ago
Really cool, love your channel!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you! :)

20. comment for Welcome to BetterBetta!

Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
Also wut happen to jounrney is that white spot saposed to be there or is that the white spot deisese
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I think it is supposed to be there. It may be a natural coloring or marbling, or she may have accidently rubbed against something. It was there since the day I got her almost a year ago, and although it has grown in size, it's not changing quickly or dramatically. It also isn't impacting her behaviour at all, she's active and sure loves to eat! Thankfully it isn't ich or any fungal/bacterial infection because it doesn't match the descriptions of those. I'm not sure exactly what it is, and when I post pictures of her on different fish forums nobody else can determine either! The most common suggestion I get is that it is just a color changing matter, many bettas do and can change color :) I keep a close eye on it but for now she seems perfectly healthy!
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
Can we do a callab about tank mates
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta tank mates or maybe how we feed our bettas or the best treats for beytas or somthing like that
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
What did you have in mind?
Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 8 years ago
Great video! :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you :)
Bright-BlueBerry - 8 years ago
Nice video!!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago

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