What You Need For a Betta Fish
Betta 10 years ago 106,541 views
RECOMMENDED TANK: AQUEON 2.5 MINI BOW AQUARIUM Todays video I'll give you an in-depth video on all the supplies you will need for a betta fish. Video on Brine Shrimp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hY0t1abnxw I also want to congratulate DavidsAquarium for being my channel of the month! Congrats David! Thanks for being so kind and supporting my channel with the thumbs up, and comments! Check out David's channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9tHSgUP8Pta5il8v3914BA
10. comment for What You Need For a Betta Fish
20. comment for What You Need For a Betta Fish
30. comment for What You Need For a Betta Fish
1)TANK: tank for SINGLE betta male/female is 4Gal. or 16L!!!
2)PLANTS: Live plants are the BEST because they can't tear fins
3)GRAVEL: Do not use sharp gravel use smooth gravel it won't damage scales or fins
4)HEATER: Because betta fish is tropical fish temperature needs to bee 74°~78°F OR 24°~28°C
5)FILTER: Is OPTIONAL as well can use air stone
6)TANK MATES: Almost everything can work but first search some information about them
You also forgot the heater that is absolutely nessecary for most people as bettas are tropical fish and the water needs to have a tropical temperature.
Another important thing you should get when having a tank with a light is a timer, this helps the fish to develop a proper biorythm which reduces stress and helps keeping the fish healthy.
Also if you want to keep a betta you should go for a bigger tank, 2.5g is the recommended minimum, yes, but it is still very vry small and a betta will thrive better in a larger tank, 5g tanks are great too and not alot more expensive than the 2.5g bowfront kit, a 10g tank would be best for a betta ;)
Besides these things the video was not bad ^^
50. comment for What You Need For a Betta Fish
My betta is spoiled though i have him in a ten gallon
Where does a Betta swim in real nature? Rice fields, marsh and bog woodland, ponds, puddles and flooded meadows.
So give him this environment. Take atleast a 5-8 gallon (20-30l) tank and A LOT of herbage plants. Actually enough to cover the most of the light from the fish tank.
Also: never use white or other bright stones, gravel and decoration. Why? The Betta Splendens is a fish used to live in dark waters, having nothing but pale light on the ground.
What the most of the people out there forget: the Betta is a labyrinth fish. So he actually has an organ to breath normal air. That means you need to make sure, that the air above the water has the same temperature like the water. Having this in mind, all tanks without a real cover will not work in environments, where the outside temperature is lower. (e.g. most of the new nano cases without covers will fail)
For the feeding: Betta are pure carnivores. Keep that in mind and feed them this way. Just giving them vegetarian food will not give them what they need.
Also, dont feed too much of those tubifex worms, they will cause the organs of your betta to become too fat.
All of this said: the Betta is a fish that can survive a lot, but keep in mind that your fish should not only survive but live in a good condition.
people say bettas are ok without heaters but in reality they barely move if they're too cold
Just a comment, not trying to be rude, but, I'd recommend letting the pellets soak in a bit of aquarium water before feeding. My Betta Vixen got swim bladder disorder due to the pellets expanding in her belly, I now feed frozen brine shrimp to prevent from that happening again.
100. comment for What You Need For a Betta Fish
Featuring , "Ornge" the Betta Fish
Performing to "The Witch of Ontario"
We don't have a
Heater,2.5 gallon tank(we have a 2 gallon tank),live plants,filter,thermometer,basically everything you said in the video exept the net,food,and silk plant. And a light,and a bowl.
Sooooo,since my family is not even average class,what do we do?
and i was wondering what u use to record and to edit the vids
plz reply thnx
For this video, I used Windows Movie Maker
Air pumps aren't 100% necessary. If you have a strong enough filter, it will adgitate the water enough to allow oxygen to enter. But if you have really hot water (over 82 degrees F) I would recommend an air pump so the fish don't die of to hot water.
btw I also use the same type of salt in my aquarium =D
If it won't rip nylons then they're safe to use