What You Will Need For Your Betta Fish

A brieft overview on all of the supplies you will need for your very first Betta fish! Feel free to comment, rate, and subscribe! Also, let me know if I left something out! (: P.S. The reason why I sound Different is because I am DreamSummit1's sister

What You Will Need For Your Betta Fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 46

Betta 12 years ago 48,661 views

A brieft overview on all of the supplies you will need for your very first Betta fish! Feel free to comment, rate, and subscribe! Also, let me know if I left something out! (: P.S. The reason why I sound Different is because I am DreamSummit1's sister

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Most popular comments
for What You Will Need For Your Betta Fish

Kris Supplee
Kris Supplee - 7 years ago
Fish don't breathe oxygen
blue Fox
blue Fox - 7 years ago
If I buy a big bin that means we'll be light and make a filter and buy other stuff my betta fish will love it
Jaden Huang
Jaden Huang - 7 years ago
I have one really bad problem in this video,I can't freaking find a right size cartilage for my damm filter.My tank was designed by national gegraphic so i can't find the right size cartlage.I also have another big problem my parents hardly let me go to the pet store.The filter cartilage is almost gone overfill and the might spill ower to the otherside.If i find a right size which is 4 inches long and 2 inches tall i will buy it like mad,ony if it is not over 5 bucks.
Yesenia Munoz
Yesenia Munoz - 8 years ago
Tasha Horn
Tasha Horn - 8 years ago
I have a battalion fish he lived for couple of,years and he's still alive
Yagurl. lisha
Yagurl. lisha - 8 years ago
thanks like the vid
cookiequeen - 8 years ago
Luv it thx
M's Guinea Pigs pig
M's Guinea Pigs pig - 8 years ago
doesn't gravel absorb waste and stuff?
FruityKinz - 8 years ago
I'm getting one tomorrow, I am so excited. Thank you for the help!

10. comment for What You Will Need For Your Betta Fish

George Cebrero
George Cebrero - 8 years ago
you do not have too use all those things for your betta fish I have one but I only give them food and there and he still alllive I have him for 6 year and I did not use all that
Shadowkind Dewar
Shadowkind Dewar - 8 years ago
Good video for beginners... Bettas breathe both air and water. Like you said, it isn't ideal to house them like that forever. It's more or less for stowage/storage and not a home. Back under the bridges, trolls.
Shania Lopez
Shania Lopez - 8 years ago
what kind of water do you need to give to your betta
Nae Msp
Nae Msp - 9 years ago
People say you HAVE to feed Betta fish meat but i only do dry foods such as pellets is that ok?
Josie McDonell
Josie McDonell - 9 years ago
Is it okay if I get a completely square bin, and find out a way to attach a heater, and filter, cut holes in the top and put wire mesh over for ventilation, and house my Betta in it?
Josie McDonell
Josie McDonell - 9 years ago
Allyson Marie
Allyson Marie - 9 years ago
If it is large enough bin 2.5 gallon+ then it is perfect!
Amanda Torres
Amanda Torres - 9 years ago
Thank you for this video. I found it very helpful because I'm about to purchase a betta. I used to have one but it was a gift so I didn't have to worry about what I needed to purchase. I'm excited to get my new little friend at petsmart hopefully this week!
Emily Lord
Emily Lord - 9 years ago
Thank you for giving us a starting point with our new Beta fish. This was very informative.
monshonday - 9 years ago
You have no idea what your talking about first of all never do a full tank clean out your killing all the bacteria secondly the gravel doesn't make the fish feel at home you idiot the only time you need gravel would be with fish that burrow and you need sand for this
Cara Duvall
Cara Duvall - 9 years ago
thank you so much for the help! I have been looking at other betta fish videos and none of the explain as simple as you thank you...
MrCrappyUploads - 8 years ago
Cara Duvall Actually this video was ALL wrong!!
Dest MLG
Dest MLG - 9 years ago

20. comment for What You Will Need For Your Betta Fish

XboxPlayer - 9 years ago
Hey, what about medicine for the fish. It's better to be prepared for an outbreak, like finrot
ReviewCam - 9 years ago
+UniqueMission480 aquarium salt should be on the required list
daynes13 - 9 years ago
I have a question. I am confused about the water conditioner. How frequent do I have to use it? And do I have to wait to put my betta into the water after conditioning it? Or can I put him in right after adding it? Also do I have to mix it? Another thing, do I need to have a tank with a water filter? I cant afford one. I clean his water quite frequently.
Stella Bieber
Stella Bieber - 9 years ago
You need to put water conditioner in every time you clean the tank
You don't have to wait to put your betta in
No mixing needed
No filter needed as long as you keep up with water changes. A filter is usually more helpful to the pet owner.
Outdoor Martinez Life
Outdoor Martinez Life - 10 years ago
you need at least a 1 gallon
steven moreno16
steven moreno16 - 10 years ago
I have a betta In a 55 with a school of blood fin tetras and glofish very pretty
Abigail Choi
Abigail Choi - 10 years ago
you never want to do a full tank clean. you should only clean aboit 10-25 percent of the water a week and never more than 50 percent. if you do a full tank clean than your fish most likely will go in shock because of sudden water change
Donna McDonell
Donna McDonell - 10 years ago
I'm getting some fish tomorrow. I'm getting a Algae Eater, a Australian Rainbow fish, a Comet Goldfish, and a Tequila Sunrise Guppy. I'm going to Wal-Mart tonight to get supplies. I'm getting them from PetSmart tomorrow. I'm planning to get a Betta, a GloFish, and a Angel Fish once I get the other fish going. And I DO know Betta's have to live alone.
Donna McDonell
Donna McDonell - 10 years ago
And a different one for the betta.
Donna McDonell
Donna McDonell - 10 years ago
I know, I'm getting another tank.
Fish Lore
Fish Lore - 10 years ago
Depending on the size of the tank (please comment the size)dont get a angel fish they can get 6-8 inches every thing else is okay
Darya Amiri
Darya Amiri - 10 years ago
Nice video but I want to point out that plastic plants do not have a good reputation with betas.
Lovely Bettas
Lovely Bettas - 10 years ago
Patricia Soto
Patricia Soto - 10 years ago
Can someone please tell me what is a filter?
Patricia Soto
Patricia Soto - 10 years ago
Thanks William this helped a ton !!!!:)
steven moreno16
steven moreno16 - 10 years ago
Lol it has to be a troll
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
+William JersGaming  LOL :D Where Are  You Based? I Am Intrested In Buying Some Fry Off Ya Now Im Getting Back Into Breeding Livebearers
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
+William JersGaming  Better Than I Could Explain And Iv Been Keeping Fish For Over 10 years :P 
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
Tell Me Your Joking. 
Deepak Moily
Deepak Moily - 10 years ago
they will 'outgrow' it?

30. comment for What You Will Need For Your Betta Fish

Kaveen Patel
Kaveen Patel - 10 years ago
thanks for this good vid will make sure to keep my betta happy and healthy!
Tara Lynn
Tara Lynn - 10 years ago
I have a 2.5 gallon tank from Walmart for $10.77
Crazymangaming -_-
Crazymangaming -_- - 7 years ago
Tara Lynn what kind is it
Tara Lynn
Tara Lynn - 10 years ago
I think that this is a great video. I personally think that that size aquarium is a perfect size for beginners just cause it takes up less room and then you can upgrade
Tara Lynn
Tara Lynn - 9 years ago
yah I'm not stupid
Stella Bieber
Stella Bieber - 9 years ago
+MacBabe02 Okay good
Tara Lynn
Tara Lynn - 9 years ago
K, I know that now. Before when I was a beginner myself I thought thought that and almost bought that tank for my fish. But I ended up buying a one gallon and half a year later ended up buying a 2.5 gallon and now he is in a 5.5 divided tank which is 2.75 gallon tank. 
Stella Bieber
Stella Bieber - 9 years ago
+MacBabe02 No it isn't at all. A good tank size for beginners is 2.5 gallons. Being a beginner isn't an excuse for animal abuse.
DreamSummit1 - 10 years ago
Hello everyone. There is quite a bit of controversy as to what I said about housing Betta fish in smaller tanks. Many of you  have misunderstood me. I said that "it works for a short amount of time, but is not ideal." This basically means that they can survive, but will not thrive. If you have any further arguments on the topics, feel free to read the replies below that I wrote for similar questions. I am now deleting any unreasonable comments.

Khrisandra Tomlinson
Khrisandra Tomlinson - 8 years ago
THE ERASER I know this is old, but there is a difference between wild and captive bettas. bettas we have in our tanks are selectively bred through captivity, just as wolves were. although they may not be an entirely different species, bettas we see in tanks do not entirely resemble the fish we see in the native creeks of south east asia. there, wild bettas closely resemble the "plakat"/short fin betta we may see in pet stores and do not come in the bright and vibrant colors we admire. captive bettas ARE bred to be pets, they are not taken from their natural habitats to be sold. (as blue tangs, for example, would be.)
XxneonplaugexX Gaming
XxneonplaugexX Gaming - 8 years ago
DreamSummit1 Yunjin you say something right here you don't need better first conditioner like it's conditioner like literally it's a chemical it's an eight regular water is A-OK what are you going to do in the Whitewater like yeah like everything in your videos great but personally I look at other peoples beta fish and they say that they use conditioner on their bed fresh look looks horrible but when I don't use conditioner for minute mind swimming around and I was actually doing better without my conditioner for it
THE ERASER - 8 years ago
+Lorranne Depeche hahahahahaha dogs are different species , bettas in rice paddies are the same as the ones u have in ur fish tank . a dog is not a wolf . again what ever makes u feel good about it , but the reality is that u are holding captive a creature that is meant to be free in nature , just to satisfy your ego .
Lorranne Depeche
Lorranne Depeche - 8 years ago
+Anwar rif these bettas were bred to be pets. just like wolfs were made to be dogs.
THE ERASER - 8 years ago
+Arib Hassam tanks are definetly not made for fishes either , if u really care about them u would nt have them any a tank too no matter how it is . fishes belong in nature
ginatae1986 - 9 years ago
+Arib Hassam you just said the same thing she said using different wording.
Arib H
Arib H - 10 years ago
Bowls are for soup not fish. If I lock u in a closet and give you food will you survive? Yes! But will you be happy? I don't think so.
Quinn Wikwakz
Quinn Wikwakz - 10 years ago
Need at least a 10 gallon, filter, heater, NATURAL colored gravel to make him/her not feel like a stage clown, and many, many other things that you do not have. You absolutely CANNOT fill that puny little cup with all of these things. You have an unhappy betta on your hands.
Sam - 8 years ago
+Annie Lu they do need a heater no matter how hot it is where you live.
Annie Lu
Annie Lu - 8 years ago
I agree that they need a larger tank than 0.5 gallons but you don't have to go as big as 10 gallons, I recommend 2.5 gallon at the very least she also said she changed her betta into a bigger tank after . They don't have to have heater if they live in a warm environment and if you are willing to change the tank out more often then you don't have to have a heater
Sam - 8 years ago
+Heidi Weissenhorn some Bettas do get stressed in bigger tanks, I keep mine in a 5 gallon cause he didn't like the 20 gal
Quinn Wikwakz
Quinn Wikwakz - 9 years ago
+Pony Painter Ha. I've been working with these fish for about 6 years... 1-2.5 is really not great for any fish. Where did you hear that big tanks stress out bettas? I have 5 15 gallon tanks each with one male and the oldest one is 4 years old. Happy as can be. Please get your information from experienced aquarists of marine biologists and petkeepers.
Pony Painter
Pony Painter - 9 years ago
10 gallon?? For a betta?? That's ridiculous. If you didn't know, bettas can become stressed out in that size of a tank. 1-2.5 gallons would be ideal
Brilliant Bettas
Brilliant Bettas - 9 years ago
Emily Lord
Emily Lord - 9 years ago
+DreamSummit1 I think you did a wonderful job. Very informative and a great starting point. Good job and thank you very much. The people that are insulting are just that. Insulting people. Brush it off your shoulder and move on because honestly people like that will never be satisfied with anything anyone does including themselves. So rock on with ya bad self . lol
DreamSummit1 - 10 years ago
I know that we all have our own opinions, and that we have all be told or taught certain things, but the point of this video is not to criticize what I have been told, insult me, and just be rude in general. I made this video for beginners who have not yet had their heads filled with loads of different facts and numbers about their fish. This video was a lot of work, and I would really appreciate it if anyone who wishes to be so criticizing does so elsewhere. I am aware that some of you apparently feel the need to constantly critique and correct, but unless it is kindly worded advice, please do everyone else a favor and keep it to yourself.


AB W - 10 years ago
I got my betta from an Asian var. store. Went in for something completely different, couldn't help but notice the stacks of tiny lil' "tanks", etc. and next thing ya know we have a betta...and a betta bill ; ) I knew I'd need a larger container/tank, and a heater, but I'll be honest, I didnt think a filter would be necessary, and I was just gonna put a submersible heater in a lrg. tupperware  kinda container and have that be his happy new home!!!
Talia Rojo
Talia Rojo - 10 years ago
would you still need the water conditioner if you use bottled or fresh water?
KevinsWither - 10 years ago
For Jamie Drakrov, just leave the water out for one day. 
TheBetta Keeper
TheBetta Keeper - 11 years ago
that size bowl is ok, as long as you dont keep him there for long. it can be useful for a temporary tank but i wouldnt reccommend keeping it there for life time.
Elucid Erin
Elucid Erin - 10 years ago
...That's what she said...(Not the pun, that's literally what she said.
jay hatem
jay hatem - 11 years ago
That tank is to small for a betta but 0.5 they can't
Jeremy Nguyen
Jeremy Nguyen - 11 years ago
my lucky betta is in a 10 gallon tank
Yadira Rodriguez
Yadira Rodriguez - 11 years ago
Stop saying they can easily live in 0.5 thats a lie . Being a beginner doesn't give you the purpose to give people wrong info
DreamSummit1 - 10 years ago
Okay. So I guess that calling people liars must be a great hobby of yours, if you would throw that comment out so quickly. First of all, I am not a beginner. I may be young, but I have been caring for fish for more then 10 years It was my first experience with this particular kind of fish, but I quickly learned what was best for the fish and changed the tank. I did not give wrong info. I said that a fish "could survive" in a tank that size, which is very true. I never said that they would thrive, but seeing as my fish is still alive and well today, it didn't kill him. Therefore, I didn't lie. Thanks for the lovely comment!

Joel Tan
Joel Tan - 11 years ago
Bettas need at least 2.5 gallons not 0.5 your giving all the wrong info!!
wxt64 - 8 years ago
+Owen Pace wrong it's 2.5 gallon minimum. But you can keep them in bowls. (Bowls are not the best)
Pony Painter
Pony Painter - 9 years ago
My bettas are in 1.5 gallon tanks and they are happy and well. I would prefer to get bigger ones but I have no room. 5 gallons is outrageous as a minimum. At least 1 gallon to keep them happy, but a preference is 2.5 everyone chill. She knows what she's doing. The best thing is 2.5 gallon but honestly, one gallons work fine.
DreamSummit1 - 10 years ago
That's great. Seeing as I said that I was only keeping my fish in there temporarily and that my fish is still alive and well today (in a much larger tank) I really don't think that that 0.5 gallon tank was deadly. He is still alive, and that tank didn't ruin his whole life. Betta fish are hardy, lovely animals. Even though keeping them in a tank that size is not going to help them in any way, it won't kill them. Please don't say that my information is wrong, as what is right is a matter of opinion, and can have many meanings.

Thanks for reading,

Owen Pace
Owen Pace - 11 years ago
Wrong again. its 5 gallons man 5...WITH heater and filter
Jaime Darkow
Jaime Darkow - 11 years ago
what do you do if you dont have water conditioner?'
*Yawn* - 11 years ago
i hav water ager. on the back it says it does everything that water conditioner does. is this true?
Robert Andres
Robert Andres - 11 years ago
Pink Daisy
Pink Daisy - 11 years ago
flakes are pretty bad
Pink Daisy
Pink Daisy - 11 years ago
bowls are bad
DreamSummit1 - 11 years ago
It is a good idea to get a filter, because the water quality will remain higher. The best sized tanks are anything 2.5+, but smaller is okay. It's great that you aren't getting a bowl!
beth allan
beth allan - 11 years ago
hi im considering a betta fish for my birthday is is best to have a filter or not beacuse my local pet shop sells betta bowls which have no filtiers which im not getting cuase there ting but im getting a proper tank and what size do i need it if you cnat answer these dont worry
Schleichtiere4ever2 - 12 years ago
Cool :D

50. comment for What You Will Need For Your Betta Fish

DreamSummit1 - 12 years ago
Glad to help! (:
DreamSummit1 - 12 years ago
That's awesome!
DreamSummit1 - 12 years ago
I am DreamSummit1s sister(:
Chewwy - 12 years ago
Your voice sounds so different from the other vids you have.. xD

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