What kind of fish can live with Bettas | Betta Tankmates

Can Bettas live with other fish? What kind of fish can live with Bettas? Can I keep Betta fish with goldfish? These are questions I get very commonly..but there is one ..above all that I hear the most.. watch the video to find our what it is! Here are some suggestions for good tankmates for betta fish: Apple Snails African Dwarf Frogs Ghost Shrimp Pygmy Corydora Harlequin Rasboras #BettaFish #Bettas -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): https://goo.gl/SkhMM6 ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/creativepetkeeping FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CreativePetKeeping/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/KasiaPetKeeping PERISCOPE: @CreativePetKeeping SNAPCHAT: CreativePet Facebook FAN GROUP: https://goo.gl/plD97d ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: https://goo.gl/ec91IJ INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/creativepinkunicorn Feel free to TAG me in fanart YOU make! I love to see your work! #CreativePetFanArt

What kind of fish can live with Bettas | Betta Tankmates sentiment_very_dissatisfied 65

Betta 9 years ago 59,906 views

Can Bettas live with other fish? What kind of fish can live with Bettas? Can I keep Betta fish with goldfish? These are questions I get very commonly..but there is one ..above all that I hear the most.. watch the video to find our what it is! Here are some suggestions for good tankmates for betta fish: Apple Snails African Dwarf Frogs Ghost Shrimp Pygmy Corydora Harlequin Rasboras #BettaFish #Bettas -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): https://goo.gl/SkhMM6 ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/creativepetkeeping FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CreativePetKeeping/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/KasiaPetKeeping PERISCOPE: @CreativePetKeeping SNAPCHAT: CreativePet Facebook FAN GROUP: https://goo.gl/plD97d ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: https://goo.gl/ec91IJ INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/creativepinkunicorn Feel free to TAG me in fanart YOU make! I love to see your work! #CreativePetFanArt

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Most popular comments
for What kind of fish can live with Bettas | Betta Tankmates

Josh Smith
Josh Smith - 7 years ago
The title of this vid led me to believe that you were going to tell us the fish that are recommended.
Shailah Teelucksingh
Shailah Teelucksingh - 7 years ago
Can Gold Fish? I have the gold fish food and a male blue betta
Jimena Cuevas
Jimena Cuevas - 7 years ago
I have a ten gallon tank finishing cycling

2-Neon tetras
3- Platys
Tony Kart Racer
Tony Kart Racer - 7 years ago
This girls is putting on makeup and getting her hair 'did' now! Pretty soon she's gonna lose interest in betta fish and put all her attention to boyz!
DiAnna Burgess
DiAnna Burgess - 7 years ago
My daughter's betta lives with an otocinculus, a cory cat, 3 neon tetras, and a goldfish (until it out grew her 10 gal). Everyone gets along fine and they have been together for 8 months. Her betta is just laid back and cool.
Vinetta Wallis
Vinetta Wallis - 7 years ago
This did not help at all
Vinetta Wallis
Vinetta Wallis - 7 years ago
It's pronounced bate_uuu

Not bedda
Cynthia Price
Cynthia Price - 7 years ago
Vinetta Wallis no, it's 'bet-uh.'
Mospus the Spider
Mospus the Spider - 7 years ago
Vinetta Wallis wait what? bate_uuu? Wut
24casfur - 7 years ago
I think my female beta would get along with guppies. She's very active and just goes with the flow..also at fist to make sure she was introduced right I had her in a breeding container, just for awhile though..I have a bully platy problem right now and she's sometimes the only one out swimming. I'm isolating my the platy right now...he's stressing everyone in the tank out..
24casfur - 7 years ago
The music is calming but it seems like crying music...

10. comment for What kind of fish can live with Bettas | Betta Tankmates

Ryan Rajnauth
Ryan Rajnauth - 7 years ago
Your very beautiful...
Rahil Thakur
Rahil Thakur - 7 years ago
Can we put betta fish with discus together??
Potato - 7 years ago
I'm trying a plakat betta with my ghost shrimp so hopefully that works
Drake Ripper
Drake Ripper - 7 years ago
his name is mr rainbow
Drake Ripper
Drake Ripper - 7 years ago
i got a beatta
It-Burnz! - 7 years ago
i had a betta with some guppies, he killed them all.
donna Jeter
donna Jeter - 7 years ago
sorry to hear that! next time watch your precious fish closer so it don't happen. look up the fish personalities and which types go together to start out with and from much observation you will figure out whom can get along with the others. setup to separate tanks to do the observation first, research then go from there. Good luck!

test your bettas with how he reacts to seeing him self and how he paces the tank if he see's another fish or how often he wants to fight his reflection in mirror for few minutes. this should tell you his aggression level.
mohamed alabbasi
mohamed alabbasi - 7 years ago
You are the most beautiful creature I،v ever seen
Gymtastic Kyan
Gymtastic Kyan - 7 years ago
i'm thinking about getting a betta,will these tank mates be ok?

Kuhli Loach
Cardinal tetra
Electric blue ram
Maybe Clown loach
mamiesue94 - 7 years ago
I have never had any of those tank mates but I have had a couple of my males alone in community tanks. if you want snails, i have had nerite and mystery snails work well with both of them. I have also had guppies and corydoras and they have worked great. One of the keys to harmony is to give everybody alot of space. 20 gallons is a good size.
Vea Nese
Vea Nese - 7 years ago
Fresh water snails worked really good for me. But it all depends on the fish some are more agressive than others
donna Jeter
donna Jeter - 7 years ago
what size tank you got first of all? betta tank is 3-5 gallons minimum. first think about choose none nipping for fast moving color fish a few at an time maybe work. its how you also introduce the groups into the one tank. cardinal tetra minimum of them in an group is 5-6 be best since they are schooling fish. electric blue rams i would pass up but, depending on the fish personality might work. is your tank heavily planted so the tetra and betta can hide and spread out? for bottom feeder check up on their maximum size they will grow up to. the most common loach's grow quite long. check out there each type of fish needs and care guidelines so you will be successful Gymtastic Kyan. good luck!
Akash Ujjwal
Akash Ujjwal - 7 years ago
Can i keep my Betta fish with Mollies and angle fish ??????
donna Jeter
donna Jeter - 7 years ago
what size tank you got? is your tank heavily planted for betta / others to hide out? what are the fish parameters for each fish in housing?/ do they match up to were everyone can live under same temps and water conditions. what is your betta's temperament when he see's other fish? All of these things maybe Akash Ujiwal want to consider and research first. mollies and bettas can work together depending on how there personalities are and how you introduce them to the main tank and if planted. angel fish are a bit aggressive and fin nippy just like tiger barbs. mollies are an schooling fish type.
Jodi Bradley
Jodi Bradley - 7 years ago
I want to put a snail and a couple shrimp with my Betta what would be a good size to try first? Would a 5 gal be reasonable or just way too small?

20. comment for What kind of fish can live with Bettas | Betta Tankmates

Deep Karmakar
Deep Karmakar - 7 years ago
d girl who is telling all dis looks so cute . and she s so sweet . i gues i felt in love wid her
Michael Mrozek
Michael Mrozek - 7 years ago
I saw someone with a tiger barb and a Beta in a tank with guppies
Mr. Very Kool
Mr. Very Kool - 7 years ago
My betta is in a ten gallon with a bristlenose and 3 lady guppies. the females are very pretty and my betta is mild tempered enough to not bother them. a lot depends on temperment. My betta rarely flares at anything
cheyennepug - 7 years ago
Awesome vid, helped a lot. I like the music you put in the background.
Marshall_BOSS -_-
Marshall_BOSS -_- - 7 years ago
Are you recording on a potato
Andie D
Andie D - 7 years ago
PhoenixAngel70 Sometimes, though I don't really bring age or gender into it. When they're being unnecessarily insulting or hypocritical, for example, I might comment. This creator took her time to make a very helpful video, and the OP's comment was rude and not at all helpful. Why comment only to insult her work, with zero constructive feedback?
It's not a matter of "calling out an 11 year old," it's more about supporting a girl who worked hard to make this helpful content.
Do you often call people out for correcting or admonishing rude individuals?
Simply Changing You
Simply Changing You - 7 years ago
Andie D do you often call out 11yr old boys for making juvenile comments?
Andie D
Andie D - 7 years ago
Marshall_BOSS -_- If so, it looks like she's using a better potato than you're using to make videos...
Seriously, we all use what we've got. She's educating and helping people, including you, so calm down.
Gracelynn - 7 years ago
can a guppy live with a goldfish
Milo Bel
Milo Bel - 7 years ago
you are pretty and attractive
Something Fishy Juno
Something Fishy Juno - 7 years ago
do you use c02 I'm your betta tank?
AcuariosCAR - 7 years ago
nice video.
Kary N
Kary N - 7 years ago
You ramble.

30. comment for What kind of fish can live with Bettas | Betta Tankmates

luckymoose247 - 7 years ago
fish that are good with bettas in my opinion are and pis note that these are my favorite things to put with my betta

1 giant freshwater snails
2 African dwarf frog
3 apples snails
4 shrimp
Razør syg
Razør syg - 7 years ago
i have a crowtail male betta he pretty docile he wouldn't flare at his reflection or other. bettas but when i got him some tank mates ( 1 male platy and three female platies) he wouldn't stop bullying them so i took him out. any suggestions on what i should do?
donna Jeter
donna Jeter - 7 years ago
your betta is too aggressive in personality for an community tank. put your guy in an separate tank to him self 3-5 gallon be best. find another type of fish to put with the community tank your building, or look up peaceful temperament bettas. ask the seller/ breeder a bit about them before buying the fish for personality info. and if it doesn't work out could you bring back the fish to the breeder/store if you don't have another spare cycled tank to keep him/her in. just some ideas you could do.
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
I have a planted 10 gallon tank with a halfmoon betta, a dwarf gourami, some zebra danios and 2 live bearers and surprisingly the betta did not bother any of the fish and he gets along with the gourami very well.
Sa Re Ga Ma Pa sujata
Sa Re Ga Ma Pa sujata - 8 years ago
can I kip guppy fish with Betta fish? ?
Arya C
Arya C - 7 years ago
No, the guppies will nip the betta' fins
0.x f i0 fr
0.x f i0 fr - 8 years ago
can it live with puffer ?
Arya C
Arya C - 7 years ago
farji zayn macatoo no the puffers will nip the betta' fins
Jenni __
Jenni __ - 8 years ago
farji zayn macatoo Puffers are usually aggressive & territorial sooo probably not
TheFishGirl - 8 years ago
I'm going to try female guppies with one of my Betta's, have yet to pick which one I'll have to see who reacts best.
TheFishGirl - 8 years ago
Turns out my most mellow betta who doesn't flare at other males or his reflection or anything, really doesn't like guppies ...
Rhythm F.
Rhythm F. - 8 years ago
TheFishGirl how'd it go?
CasperTheBetta - 8 years ago
is a snail ok to be tank mates with my bettas
CasperTheBetta - 8 years ago
ok ill give it a try some time soon
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
CasperTheBetta They won't bother it because well, they are snails
Abby c
Abby c - 8 years ago
Wow, I never thought anything was wrong with keeping a betta with guppies! well, as long as the betta isn't really aggressive and s/he is in at least a 10 gallon tank. c:
The Huntrexx
The Huntrexx - 8 years ago
I currently have a Super Delta male in a 5 gallon with a veil tail female. They love eachother, and will even play with their ping pong ball together. When they sleep they nestle down into the sand and sleep side by side; it's pretty cute. I had a male crowntail in with her before that she did not like AT ALL and bullied him quite badly.
The Huntrexx
The Huntrexx - 8 years ago
Mr. Purple Despite common belief, males can be kept with other fish. including betta's. they've been in the same tank for over a year and never fought, and we remove the bubble nests before we get babies. (:
Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple - 8 years ago
Mythic Simmer Bettas shouldn't really be together. That male and female and are going to breed and I'm surprised they haven't done so or fought yet?
Memewhore - 8 years ago
I have a tank with (got this all today and yesterday) : male betta, 2 African dwarf frogs, 10 rosy red minnows and 2 neon tetras.. will they all be okay? My betta is very docile and seems to get along with them nicely
Memewhore - 8 years ago
I did re home most of them and are getting fancy guppies and a whiteskirt tetra with my betta.. how big of a tank should i give them without problems??
Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple - 8 years ago
Crowley how big is the tank? Neon tetras are schooling fish And are also known fin nippers. African dwarf frogs will have a hard time getting food from all the other fish and may starve
SwFt Siffleur
SwFt Siffleur - 8 years ago
i have a 2.5 and on male betta can i put a Mystery Snail in the tank.
ChickenWingTittiesInADeepFryerInHillarysButthole - 8 years ago
SwFt Siffleur yes
Pete Wentz Where
Pete Wentz Where - 8 years ago
I got 2 baby goldfish and their small. I got a 10 gallon tank and it is huge compared to the goldfish, so I was thinking can I put one of my bettas in that tank?? So here I am. I think if I were to put one of my bettas in that tank, I would most likely wait for the gold fish to grow for a bit
Pete Wentz Where
Pete Wentz Where - 8 years ago
Mr. Purple they're just feeder fish- the one died and the last one is still alive
Wael Oman Vlogs
Wael Oman Vlogs - 8 years ago
birdslifeProductions like?
Brittany Swanson
Brittany Swanson - 8 years ago
Pete Wentz Where gold fish are not good with Betta fish but there are other fish you can put with gold fish
Correct Pet Care
Correct Pet Care - 8 years ago
Goldfish actually need 20 gallons each(it's a lot) and betters + goldfish shouldn't live together
Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple - 8 years ago
Pete Wentz What kind of goldfish are they? And no it's never an option. Goldfish are cold water and bettas are tropical. Regardless of what type of goldfish 10 gallons is never good enough.
Pete Wentz Where
Pete Wentz Where - 8 years ago
Yeah I won't put them together
clifftclock - 8 years ago
i once put 2 guppies in a 10 gallon tank with my male betta. thr next morning ALL his fins were nipped off and he was being bullied by them :(
Charissa Harvey
Charissa Harvey - 7 years ago
cleo goldfish I put one guppy with my Betta and in the next ten mins he had bitten a huge chunk out of his tail so I had no choice but to move him into my goldfish tank, the guppy has now been in there for 3 days and is eating and swimming happily.
Aqua Marine
Aqua Marine - 8 years ago
REALLY my old betta and my two guppies were best friends and the guppies were a male and female
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
Ghost shrimp beat up on one of my male Bettas and I had to remove them.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Were they male guppies? Males can be bullies sometimes.
Maurice Matla
Maurice Matla - 8 years ago
First things first dear. It ALL starts with the first question you want too ask yourself before considdering ¨tankmates¨ for Betta´s. Actually WICH species of Betta does one have.... There are many more then Splendens a lot of them with completely different water quality demands....
Patti Hanson
Patti Hanson - 8 years ago
Love the tshirt!! Gryfindor, Doctor Who, and Sherlock scarves.
Shinu Wolf
Shinu Wolf - 8 years ago
i have a male dumbo betta who lives in a 20 gallon long planted tank with neon tetras, grey skirt tetras (the ones with the black stripes) a gourami, loaches, two albino cory catfish, two african dwarf frogs, five mystery snails, ghost shrimp, and one bristlenose pleco. he is doing so much better than another male i have who tried fighting everyone
lil sneaks
lil sneaks - 8 years ago
do you sell your betta and your fish tanck
Piyush Rumao
Piyush Rumao - 8 years ago
ok thanks alot
but normally they keep bettas in pot with no heater and oxygen so how do they manage then???
Mostlyharmless1985 - 7 years ago
They die festering in their own waste in misery. Get the boy a proper tank, they don't need much! Pots are for plants, not fish.
veiltailed - 8 years ago
+Piyush Rumao you need a proper tank not a filter small enough to fit in a small container
Piyush Rumao
Piyush Rumao - 8 years ago
+Creative Pet Keeping ok thanks for that
so will either keep cleaning the jar regularly or try get oxygen and filter fitted in for betta
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
When bettas are in a tropical place then they don't need a heater and they can breath from the surface BUT those are very harsh conditions for them. As a small jar or container will have very toxic water conditions in a short amount of time.
WWETheStoryTeller Productions
WWETheStoryTeller Productions - 8 years ago
I'm getting a betta soon, what size gallon of water should my tank be to keep him happy???? freaking out because i really want to keep him happy
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Bigger tanks are easier to maintain so I think a 5.5 gallon would be a great size with room for decorations :)
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
my betta is very lazy and docile so he is in a ten gallon community tank
Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple - 8 years ago
Alexis Wilson Corydoras do better with at least 2 and tetras are known fin nippers and schooling fish that need a 20 long tank.
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
I had tanks ever since I was little. in elementary school I was raising/breeding platys
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
I have a Cory dora, tetras, and platys
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
he's a crown tail

50. comment for What kind of fish can live with Bettas | Betta Tankmates

Allyssa Martinn
Allyssa Martinn - 8 years ago
I keep my betta with neon tetras and it's going just fine but the odd time it will flare at the tetras but other then that my experience has been good except my betta gets attacked by my Chinese algae eater
Piyush Rumao
Piyush Rumao - 8 years ago
i have 4 gold fishes and 1 shark in my tank
they are fine with eachother and play together
is it possible to add a betta to it??
GalaxyCat 799
GalaxyCat 799 - 8 years ago
U could put a tank for a betta next to the tank u have :P
Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
No. Goldfish are cold water fish. Bettas are warm water fish and need a water temperature of 76-82 degrees F. It will not work out.
pecktec - 8 years ago
Great advice!
Hudson Inguito
Hudson Inguito - 8 years ago
just search my new beautiful betta fish
Hudson Inguito
Hudson Inguito - 8 years ago
in my betta i add some refeland fish and they only catching themselves
zombie killer3228
zombie killer3228 - 8 years ago
i have one of they tanks that should not work in any way but it does
SuperMisheru - 8 years ago
Love these videos! My mother inlaw had a betta male and two females that went with anything, no problem (corydoras, endlers guppys, ancistrus, rasboras, SHRIMP even and apple snails). The one male and one female started to spawn, even, without hurting any other fish. But they were all pretty mellow and even-tempered. Unfortunatly they all died from either constipation or tumor.
Her last betta male was a beast in temper. He couldn't even have apple snails with him as he would constantly attack anything around him. He also died.
Jnm1220 - 8 years ago
I have a plecostamus living with my betta and so far so good
Alchemic Chaos
Alchemic Chaos - 8 years ago
Can a betta fish can live without an oxygen pump? Asap
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
+john ysaac piedad Yes
tilapia axb
tilapia axb - 8 years ago
Why does she look like hilarry duff !?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
More awesomeness!!!
To see my art check out: http://goo.gl/ehvWQQ
For my vlogs and adventures check out: http://goo.gl/oc3mEo
Silvia coldwell
Silvia coldwell - 9 years ago
do you happen to know anything about glofish keeping?
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
glo fish are pretty cool but I don't like how they are treated like a brand name product
Amazing Beanie Boos
Amazing Beanie Boos - 8 years ago
I had a BETTA with my glo fish for 2year I still have my glofish and they look fine my BETTA is also happy
Joe B
Joe B - 9 years ago
Another great video. Love the t-shirt with # 4 in the middle.
Meschantra Parthiban
Meschantra Parthiban - 9 years ago
I have a betta fish with my neon tetras and my Guppys so now I have a 100 gallon tank
Tetra Aquariums
Tetra Aquariums - 9 years ago
I use to have a 3 foot aquarium with 5 females and 1 male and it worked fine until I sold it and the person who bought the fish and tank and when the bettas where re introduced the new owner didn't have enough foliage and the male killed the females
Rahul Soni
Rahul Soni - 9 years ago
nice background music
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
Thank you!
Corey Michael Mixter
Corey Michael Mixter - 9 years ago
Victoria Zhong
Victoria Zhong - 9 years ago
Tbqh, more fish try to nip betta fins than betta nipping others. Guppies do it, platy do it, tetra do it.
MarkSamurai5 - 8 years ago
Even tiger barbs will nip the betta as well.
Follzie Mummzie
Follzie Mummzie - 9 years ago
The main idea about betta male fish is that they are territorial. From my perspective (only if you really want to keep a betta in a community tank) you can keep a betta in a community tank only if it's bigger than...maybe 40 gallons. Why? Because they live with other fish in the wild too, but usually they find their little area which is not populated by other fish and just stay there until other male betta beat them or until they die.

Let's say you added your betta in a community tank and they are not attacking anyone, in the conditions I just said above. In most cases the betta will be stressed and confused, especially if the betta was raised in captivity (most likely it was) and it's not used to other fish. I have my betta in a 15 gallons tank only with 3 cories and this setup works because cories are bottom fish and bettas generally prefer the surface, so they don't collide that much. I saw someone here suggested to keep neons too, IMO it's a huge NO, they are colorful and stay at the surface, your betta might not attack them at first but he will certainly feel stressed or threatened by them, and end up attacking them. Fortunately, neons are crazy fast and they will never get harmed by the slower betta, still...that doesn't mean you should keep them.

What I said above applies to the majority of male bettas, sure, you can get lucky and get a totally peaceful one but it's very risky for the betta and for the other species in the tank.
MarkSamurai5 - 8 years ago
You can also try putting some plants and tank ornaments for fish to hide.
MarkSamurai5 - 8 years ago
Yeah male bettas are territorial let alone curious fish. They will nib on anything that is in their territory whether it's other fish, plants, tank ornaments, even your finger.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Follzie Mummzie
Thank you, I try my best ^_^
Follzie Mummzie
Follzie Mummzie - 9 years ago
Yeah, I was convinced you already know what I said. I kinda tried to clarify some things before someone gets too excited and would try to add bettas even without your method (it's a really good method btw)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Follzie Mummzie I mostly agree with your statement. To prevent the confusion and stress for a Betta who has never seen other fish I usually recommend for a male to be kept in a breeding container for 1 to 2 weeks. What that does is it still allows for him to be in a small environment that he is used to while experiencing the clean water flow as well as observing the other community fish. This process desensitizes the fish and allows it to acclimate to the tank a bit better. Ive been able to get really aggressive males and condition them to mellow out and accept its tank mates with all my males except for one..so i think that's a pretty good success rate even though its not 100%.
That being said...all I can do is "recommend" betta fish combinations..with these fish and all fish its never guaranteed that a certain set up and fish combination will work for sure. Ive learned that the hard way with African Cichlids.
Tim Quérée
Tim Quérée - 9 years ago
No. . just no...
farm life
farm life - 9 years ago
hey I have a question about lighting how would I get a dim tank with dark corners
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+farm life you can put your light at an angle and also cover the corners of the light with some tin foil to block of a little bit of the light.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
I think its fun to talk to you guys in a video! I'd like to do that more! Be sure to support my videos on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/creativepetkeeping
Dawn Hannah
Dawn Hannah - 9 years ago
Um, that shirt is nerdtastic, btw! (I also enjoyed the fish info, since I have only ever had furry critters... Maybe one day I shall venture into aquatics!)
About Betta Fish Tanks
About Betta Fish Tanks - 9 years ago
Great info! Txs for sharing.
BusyBettas - 9 years ago
Great tips! I have my dumbo male betta Winslow in a community tank with platies and a balloon molly ☺️ He just ignores them all haha.
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
my crown tails name is Picasso. because he is white with dots of color on him.
hanzifaction - 9 years ago
All fish have different personalities. I have had one male betta live with another female betta and showed no signs of aggression what so ever toward her. On the other hand, I have had other males that will attack any fish in the tank. It all depends on what kind of personality the betta has. I think if you have a big enough tank, you can basically put a betta with anything.
MarkSamurai5 - 8 years ago
Yeah it depends on the size of your tank because even the other fish will attack the betta if the tank is too small or overcrowded.
Michael Burns
Michael Burns - 9 years ago
cool vid
Rain Yuri Young
Rain Yuri Young - 9 years ago
Love your videos. Very conversational.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+tenzmoon Thank you ^_^
FreshwaterNaturalist.com - 9 years ago
This is an advanced Betta Keeper's topic. We disagree with Rail & Dust completely considering Bettas and shrimp are natural enemies. We have seen Bettas demolish even snails. What Creative Pet Keeping is trying to point out is that partnering Bettas is really on a case by case basis and if you are new to Bettas; stay with the recommended suggestion as that reducing chances of having a negative experience. We have seen Bettas adore all their tank mates, and we have seen Bettas that are intolerant of anything else moving including their own reflection. This video is spot on!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+FreshwaterNaturalist.com Yup, sadly when people ask me if something will work... I feel in an awkward spot because ..in theory it might or might not..and in reality it can be the entire opposite. I do have shrimp in my tank..but they are masters of disguise apparently. I thought they were dead/escaped for a good month before I spotted the buggers again.
Texas Hobby Man
Texas Hobby Man - 9 years ago
For anyone reading, most of the stuff said about betta fish not getting along with other fish is total BS. Just be careful with what you pick. As long as it's not another betta you should be covered. My most recommended Betta community stock is 1x Betta, 6x+ Neon Tetras, 3x+ Corydoras Catfish, 400x+ Snails (rofl it doesn't matter how many), 6x+ Ghost Shrimp (or a neocaridina shrimp such as cherries). You can adjust the stock on the shrimp and catfish if you would like, but I wouldn't have less than 6 neons. This is a wonderful stock of fish and critters I've had in the past, and each species provides something unique to the table. It also helps that you have a two step cleanup crew. ;-)
LeafyIsHere - 7 years ago
Texas Hobby Man I had two tadpoles with my betta and he killed both of them. .-.
MarkSamurai5 - 8 years ago
You can also put Harlequin Rasboras as well.
Texas Hobby Man
Texas Hobby Man - 9 years ago
Oh, I'm not saying it's a good idea haha. Currently I have a lovely Opaline Gourami in my 29 gallon. She's lovely and doesn't bother smaller fish. I love to recommend blue/gold gouramis to anyone who wants a mid/large fish that won't attack smaller fish.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Rails & Rust I used to have dwarf gouramis back in the day. They were so lovely.
I do understand the bowl thing though... my concern is the water quality as its never really stable with the 100% water changes so frequently and then the ammonia spikes. Then there are those who change water every few days or week...which must be even worse.
Texas Hobby Man
Texas Hobby Man - 9 years ago
I will say there's a reason bettas do well in a bowl. They don't like a ton of waterflow, or at least, they need a gentle current. I definitely wouldn't put one in a 20+ gallon with a sump haha. Of course that's why my bigger 29 gallon has graduated to gouramis. My favorite family of fish.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Rails & Rust I get comments all the time saying I'm crazy for not keeping my Betta in a bowl... when they loose their mind when they see other fish in the tank lol
Its good to get support ^_^

I always try to tell people that neon tetras are the way to go. I have a weakness for guppies for some reason.. but your recommendation is perfect :D
TM3000 - 9 years ago
I have 3 female bettas in a community tank with angelfish, minnors, corydoras, and a few others.

The bettas and the angelfish are definitely the ones with the most personality. I like the bettas.
Pentor - 7 years ago
what do you feed your betta? and guppies?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+TrunkMonkey3000 I'm always glad to hear of successful Betta community tanks :D
Gone to the Snow Dogs
Gone to the Snow Dogs - 9 years ago
I wonder if our dogs would like a fish tank. . . hehehe
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
i liked your page in fb
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Gone to the Snow Dogs I can just imagine Memphis .."oh look...a big water dish!"

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