What kind of fish can live with Bettas | Betta Tankmates
Betta 9 years ago 59,906 views
Can Bettas live with other fish? What kind of fish can live with Bettas? Can I keep Betta fish with goldfish? These are questions I get very commonly..but there is one ..above all that I hear the most.. watch the video to find our what it is! Here are some suggestions for good tankmates for betta fish: Apple Snails African Dwarf Frogs Ghost Shrimp Pygmy Corydora Harlequin Rasboras #BettaFish #Bettas -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): https://goo.gl/SkhMM6 ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/creativepetkeeping FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CreativePetKeeping/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/KasiaPetKeeping PERISCOPE: @CreativePetKeeping SNAPCHAT: CreativePet Facebook FAN GROUP: https://goo.gl/plD97d ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: https://goo.gl/ec91IJ INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/creativepinkunicorn Feel free to TAG me in fanart YOU make! I love to see your work! #CreativePetFanArt
2-Neon tetras
3- Platys
Not bedda
10. comment for What kind of fish can live with Bettas | Betta Tankmates
test your bettas with how he reacts to seeing him self and how he paces the tank if he see's another fish or how often he wants to fight his reflection in mirror for few minutes. this should tell you his aggression level.
Kuhli Loach
Cardinal tetra
Electric blue ram
Maybe Clown loach
20. comment for What kind of fish can live with Bettas | Betta Tankmates
It's not a matter of "calling out an 11 year old," it's more about supporting a girl who worked hard to make this helpful content.
Do you often call people out for correcting or admonishing rude individuals?
Seriously, we all use what we've got. She's educating and helping people, including you, so calm down.
30. comment for What kind of fish can live with Bettas | Betta Tankmates
1 giant freshwater snails
2 African dwarf frog
3 apples snails
4 shrimp
REALLY my old betta and my two guppies were best friends and the guppies were a male and female
but normally they keep bettas in pot with no heater and oxygen so how do they manage then???
so will either keep cleaning the jar regularly or try get oxygen and filter fitted in for betta
50. comment for What kind of fish can live with Bettas | Betta Tankmates
they are fine with eachother and play together
is it possible to add a betta to it??
Her last betta male was a beast in temper. He couldn't even have apple snails with him as he would constantly attack anything around him. He also died.
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Let's say you added your betta in a community tank and they are not attacking anyone, in the conditions I just said above. In most cases the betta will be stressed and confused, especially if the betta was raised in captivity (most likely it was) and it's not used to other fish. I have my betta in a 15 gallons tank only with 3 cories and this setup works because cories are bottom fish and bettas generally prefer the surface, so they don't collide that much. I saw someone here suggested to keep neons too, IMO it's a huge NO, they are colorful and stay at the surface, your betta might not attack them at first but he will certainly feel stressed or threatened by them, and end up attacking them. Fortunately, neons are crazy fast and they will never get harmed by the slower betta, still...that doesn't mean you should keep them.
What I said above applies to the majority of male bettas, sure, you can get lucky and get a totally peaceful one but it's very risky for the betta and for the other species in the tank.
Thank you, I try my best ^_^
That being said...all I can do is "recommend" betta fish combinations..with these fish and all fish its never guaranteed that a certain set up and fish combination will work for sure. Ive learned that the hard way with African Cichlids.
I do understand the bowl thing though... my concern is the water quality as its never really stable with the 100% water changes so frequently and then the ammonia spikes. Then there are those who change water every few days or week...which must be even worse.
Its good to get support ^_^
I always try to tell people that neon tetras are the way to go. I have a weakness for guppies for some reason.. but your recommendation is perfect :D
The bettas and the angelfish are definitely the ones with the most personality. I like the bettas.