Why Is My Fish Tank Cloudy and How to Fix It?

http://amzn.to/2AZaRlF - Changing your aquarium water is a huge deal! I advise buying a water changer. It hooks up to your faucet and pushes and pulls water out. Python Water Changer: http://amzn.to/2AZaRlF Got sent this question and figured I'd post a video answering it. Tank changes are the answer to fixing your cloudy fish tank water and I give some possible reasons why it may have happened. Let me know what you think. Alright. Before I say screw it and throw in the towel..... again.... anyone have any ideas what this is? It has killed 2 of my Dalmatian Mollies and is now getting her. Afraid it's going to kill all of my fish. How do I get rid of it? What do I need to use? What do I need to do? The last Dalmatian to get it, someone said to use Primafix. We stopped halfway through it because we started losing fish every day. Should we use it again. http://bettafishcaretaker.com/ I couldn't get a pic of her other side, but the other side is worse. I can't really see any thing in the pics! What are the symptoms? How long has the tank been running? Water parameters? this is our tank :-( water tested perfect not that long ago.. need another test.. tank has been up for about 2 months. She has a bump on her side and her scales look pinecony around that spot. Looks like dropsy to me since I think I can see pine coning. More pictures please. Does anybody have thoughts or recommendations on this bump on my Blue Dwarf's mouth please? I thought it was looking better but it does not go away. He is acting just as happy and social as ever. He lives in a 36 gallon with just 6 tetras right now. I have a few more tetras and 2 cory catfish waiting in quarantine to join, and their time is up but I do not want to move them until I have solved this mystery. Thank you! So goldfish jumped out of the tank this morning and got carried around the house by the dog. It’s missing a bunch of scales and fins aren’t in the greatest shape but apparently he’s still alive. Anything extra I can do to help him? Wow, and he's still alive ? I have no suggestions other then keep him alone and have him recover if possible if not you must stop the suffering I guess. No need to treat anything at this point. Just keep the water clean. Don’t treat for anything you don’t have. Medication will only add to the stress of an already stressful situation. A MEthylene blue bath will help deliver extra oxygen to the blood and will stain any places the slime coat has been removed. It's a wonderful blue liquid that is used for ammonia and nitrite burns as well as used in place of QT when new fish are introduced. It will help him recover more quickly, and as the world has said. Clean water and frequent partials to keep mineralization and dissolved oxygen levels up. Epsom salt helps draw out liquids, so mainly useful for bloating and fluid retention. If you want to use AQ salt in the methylene blue bath that would be most helpful rememdy over Epsom.

Why Is My Fish Tank Cloudy and How to Fix It? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 42

Betta 11 years ago 71,460 views

http://amzn.to/2AZaRlF - Changing your aquarium water is a huge deal! I advise buying a water changer. It hooks up to your faucet and pushes and pulls water out. Python Water Changer: http://amzn.to/2AZaRlF Got sent this question and figured I'd post a video answering it. Tank changes are the answer to fixing your cloudy fish tank water and I give some possible reasons why it may have happened. Let me know what you think. Alright. Before I say screw it and throw in the towel..... again.... anyone have any ideas what this is? It has killed 2 of my Dalmatian Mollies and is now getting her. Afraid it's going to kill all of my fish. How do I get rid of it? What do I need to use? What do I need to do? The last Dalmatian to get it, someone said to use Primafix. We stopped halfway through it because we started losing fish every day. Should we use it again. http://bettafishcaretaker.com/ I couldn't get a pic of her other side, but the other side is worse. I can't really see any thing in the pics! What are the symptoms? How long has the tank been running? Water parameters? this is our tank :-( water tested perfect not that long ago.. need another test.. tank has been up for about 2 months. She has a bump on her side and her scales look pinecony around that spot. Looks like dropsy to me since I think I can see pine coning. More pictures please. Does anybody have thoughts or recommendations on this bump on my Blue Dwarf's mouth please? I thought it was looking better but it does not go away. He is acting just as happy and social as ever. He lives in a 36 gallon with just 6 tetras right now. I have a few more tetras and 2 cory catfish waiting in quarantine to join, and their time is up but I do not want to move them until I have solved this mystery. Thank you! So goldfish jumped out of the tank this morning and got carried around the house by the dog. It’s missing a bunch of scales and fins aren’t in the greatest shape but apparently he’s still alive. Anything extra I can do to help him? Wow, and he's still alive ? I have no suggestions other then keep him alone and have him recover if possible if not you must stop the suffering I guess. No need to treat anything at this point. Just keep the water clean. Don’t treat for anything you don’t have. Medication will only add to the stress of an already stressful situation. A MEthylene blue bath will help deliver extra oxygen to the blood and will stain any places the slime coat has been removed. It's a wonderful blue liquid that is used for ammonia and nitrite burns as well as used in place of QT when new fish are introduced. It will help him recover more quickly, and as the world has said. Clean water and frequent partials to keep mineralization and dissolved oxygen levels up. Epsom salt helps draw out liquids, so mainly useful for bloating and fluid retention. If you want to use AQ salt in the methylene blue bath that would be most helpful rememdy over Epsom.

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Most popular comments
for Why Is My Fish Tank Cloudy and How to Fix It?

steven simon
steven simon - 7 years ago
50% water change more than once a week is insane !
solar clapson
solar clapson - 7 years ago
"A hundred million reasons". Riiiiiiiight.
timothy brewster
timothy brewster - 7 years ago
My 5 gallon tank 1 betta i had a month still have. I had crystal clear water but when used ammonia clear. The next day my tank was cloudy which found out it was bacteria bloom. I took the bacteria food out which was ammonia. I useing prime and water changes will not rid it. It reproduces the bacteria every 20 min to compensate. Best just change water and vacume gravel every 3 days or so.if needed stop till u see it clearing up
timothy brewster
timothy brewster - 7 years ago
I like ur videos
JAKE DYNAIMZ - 7 years ago
uv sterilizer will solve it
crazy cotton
crazy cotton - 7 years ago
great advice
Wolfgang Benfattoum
Wolfgang Benfattoum - 7 years ago
Fantastic video. Same here. Never needed any chemicals or subs. Clean water every other day. Fish are happy and live for years.
Ramsey Colt
Ramsey Colt - 7 years ago
Cloudy water isn't necessarily a bad thing. Water changes aren't going to do shit.
Paula - 7 years ago
Thank for sharing your wisdom
Matt N
Matt N - 7 years ago
I change my water regularly but it still has a slight cloudy look to it which never seems to clear up. Any ideas?
steven simon
steven simon - 7 years ago
Matt N , too much water change causes the cloudy water
JAKE DYNAIMZ - 7 years ago
get a uv sterilizer you wont regret it
Matt N
Matt N - 7 years ago
Harry creasian Got 4 anglefish, 2 Panda Cory, 2 flying fox and 2 bristle nose plecs. 200l tank.
Harry creasian
Harry creasian - 7 years ago
Matt N too much bioload?

10. comment for Why Is My Fish Tank Cloudy and How to Fix It?

Jeni Lee Lanning
Jeni Lee Lanning - 8 years ago
Thank you for not being boring! I come across youtubers that talk too slow and I can't stand it! Also, glad to know I am already on the right track to fixing my cloudy tank!
Ronan Scholtz
Ronan Scholtz - 8 years ago
when will you make new vidios
homar parra
homar parra - 8 years ago
Thank you
Rick Barg
Rick Barg - 8 years ago
Where's your substrate
Nick Bruce
Nick Bruce - 8 years ago
you don't really NEED a substrate
cromwell enriquez
cromwell enriquez - 9 years ago
will it affect the cycle if you do water change daily? or if the tank is established, would it repeat the cycle?
x Mottify x
x Mottify x - 8 years ago
Grimm_ Ace
Grimm_ Ace - 9 years ago
I live in the city, and use chemicals that supposedly eliminates chloramines. You say to just use faucet water? Id like to do that, do you think that is safe generally?
Pyro  Guy
Pyro Guy - 8 years ago
he said conditioned faucet water
Mr Lung Butter
Mr Lung Butter - 9 years ago
Thank you for getting straight to the point!
Lorena Molina
Lorena Molina - 9 years ago
very true; my tank was so couldy so i did a 50% water change, i can see a very big difference now
Love Goldens
Love Goldens - 9 years ago
I just put new gravel in my tank (I spent hours trying to clean it) well it's made the water go all murky. if I do a 50% water change every day, will it eventually clear
MR.Machine - 9 years ago
+Sarah Brodie Whenever putting new gravel you need to rinse it with water then put it in your tank if the gravel is not clean it causes your water to be clody.
Antonio Pereira
Antonio Pereira - 9 years ago
I have 30 years experience. 2 ponds + little aquarium
Watching back your good movie.
Cloudy water it means amonia or chloro or light environment etc.., but..the level of cloudiness. ..you must I repeat, you must check amonia level coming out from the filter. Little pipe with syring extracting filtered water then you know.. types of internal filtrations. Please dont think it means only amonia. Sometimes water contains extra chloro and the usual amount of conditioner can't eliminate chloro. If you dont like conditioner let the water settling for two weeks. Why? Because, a hidden product kills good bacteria. Two weeks! Including aeration... In case the same water levels are the same from samples water out/in, what you reckon?
please I am not arguing.

20. comment for Why Is My Fish Tank Cloudy and How to Fix It?

Uk PcGamer
Uk PcGamer - 9 years ago
100 million reasons.please can you exsplain them all
crazy cotton
crazy cotton - 7 years ago
Jeff Davis
Jeff Davis - 10 years ago
IMO you should only change out 20% max because with each change you take out the food that the bacteria in your tank and in your filter need so there is a good chance, IMO, that you could crash your bio-filtration at least in part causing your tank to recycle.
Rick Barg
Rick Barg - 8 years ago
The Watcher 207
The Watcher 207 - 10 years ago
i use microbe lift special blend never once had cloudy water from start to finish on my tanks 
Gabriela Gamboa
Gabriela Gamboa - 10 years ago
Thank you so much for this video! I'll start water changes right away!
Char Lee
Char Lee - 10 years ago
Thanks for the advice..My 80 gallon tank that I have had running successfully for a few months went so milky white after I did a small water change.  I was shocked as it was as though I poured a jug of milk into the tank.  I did a water test and it showed a low reading of nitrate..  I watched this video and then cleaned out my filters and then did a 50% water change.  The next morning my water was clear and beautiful! 
saul m
saul m - 10 years ago
great video! simple help gonna give it a whirl let you know how i make out. i dont like chemicals either ...
John Arco
John Arco - 10 years ago
Marks aquarium take your 9 subscribers and stick em up your ass,my man has over 700 subscribers and is trying to help people on here,not run em down in the comments. YouTube Gangsta! Lol
John Arco
John Arco - 10 years ago
He didn't have a bad attitude,he isn't getting paid to post these videos if he didn't wanna do it,he wouldn't do it ...I thought he was just fine,what did you want him to say?? I love you all lmao
Rosa Gonzalez
Rosa Gonzalez - 10 years ago
What worked for me was: changing the filter to a more powerful one, atleast a 70G, that power filters 350G per hour (I got it on sale at a Petsmart for $25...AVG price is $50 for a Marineland Power Filter Penguin 350 so you might get lucky) (goldfish are like "water piggies" especially Oranda) (no need for UV lights) and checking the cartridges to make sure they are in the correct position. Along with the cartridges I do have extra filter media such as stones (Fluval biomax inserts), extra Marineland filter pads and the only chemical I use is Prime - removes chlorine, chloramine, ammonia, detoxifies nitrite &  nitrate and provides a slime coat ($15).

I had reaaaalllly really cloudy, I just wanted to get rid of the fish and fish tank because I had no patience seeing it cloudier time after time. I watched video after video and bought several chemicals that did not work. My fish tank water has been crystal clear and I have not done a single water change nor cleaned out the gravel in about 2 weeks! 
Unboxing stuff
Unboxing stuff - 10 years ago
Worst video ever

30. comment for Why Is My Fish Tank Cloudy and How to Fix It?

The Dude
The Dude - 10 years ago
you're stupid
The Dude
The Dude - 8 years ago
+Shane Simms 1v1 me on rust faggot
Shane Simms
Shane Simms - 8 years ago
you're a douche
mark cilia
mark cilia - 10 years ago
You should get a better attitude to get more subs
mark cilia
mark cilia - 10 years ago
You should get a better attitude to get more subs
medivette2004 - 11 years ago
help I am sleeping like 4 hours a day with work and school. I dont have time to change water every day plus the water that comes from my sink is polluted. For goodness sake I have a 10 gallon tank with 1 beta fish and 1 Tetra Whisper filter deal, why this water keeps getting cloudy is beyond me. I only used the chloro thing to help with the tap water...so frustrated here
Anna Alessio
Anna Alessio - 11 years ago
I used tetras WaterClarifier and a twenty percent water change once a week. About two weeks into seriously cleaning my tank it was like crystal clear.
Palmer Fish Q&A
Palmer Fish Q&A - 11 years ago
Keep doing the water changes until the tank clears up and then you can get back to your original process.
magdaddy - 11 years ago
How many changes until you can leave it and it will stay clear for a few weeks?
Palmer Fish Q&A
Palmer Fish Q&A - 11 years ago
I have 4 cameras including a pair built into glasses (i-kam). Is the quality not to your standards? Its a touch below HD that is all? My analytics show you watched like .06 seconds of the video so maybe if you watch a bit more hehe
Ram Saini
Ram Saini - 11 years ago
Dude do u want a suggestion on how to get more subs and likes??? GET A BETTER CAMERA. (Just a little no-offending message) :-)

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