Zeus crown tail betta 5.5 gallon planted aquarium

Male crown tail betta, Otocinclus affinis (ottos), ghost shrimp, with live plants in a 5.5 gallon tank. 10 watt compact florescent light. anubias barteri v barteri anubias barteri v nana green cabomba brazilian pennywort wendtii green and red crypt dwarf hairgrass moss ball

Zeus crown tail betta 5.5 gallon planted aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Betta 15 years ago 47,919 views

Male crown tail betta, Otocinclus affinis (ottos), ghost shrimp, with live plants in a 5.5 gallon tank. 10 watt compact florescent light. anubias barteri v barteri anubias barteri v nana green cabomba brazilian pennywort wendtii green and red crypt dwarf hairgrass moss ball

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Most popular comments
for Zeus crown tail betta 5.5 gallon planted aquarium

Tom Brown
Tom Brown - 12 years ago
real betta tank not a cup
DickyT - 12 years ago
Thank you! the tank is currently down. After my son was born I lacked the time to keep it pristine. At the first algae bloom I got it sorted and gave the betta and the plants to a friend and stored the tank until my son does not require so much attention. When he is old enough to appreciate it I will set it back up with a fishless cycle with new plants so the family can enjoy a small beautiful aquascape in the living room. I will start a 250 gal reef in the man cave then too!
Pure4Kicks - 12 years ago
well done ;)
DickyT - 12 years ago
I got the light and the bulb at target. I am not using a standard tank light. It is a sunlight spectrum compact florescent that is in an architects desk lamp.
DickyT - 12 years ago
He was not a $1 fish, the tank price is close. It is not about the 1 fish, well a little, I like them to have a nice home, but it is about the aquascape and the live plants to me, and being able to have a beautiful, relaxing water feature.
DickyT - 12 years ago
no, you need to use aquatic grasses, regular grass can not live submerged.
Pure4Kicks - 12 years ago
probably Walmart fish section ;) that's where I get mine.
HBR - 12 years ago
O my fcuking god. ....damn dude awesome setup really healthy betta. .....check my humble planted n sand betta tank
Brian Vill Kiss You
Brian Vill Kiss You - 13 years ago
what are the dimensions of the tank?

10. comment for Zeus crown tail betta 5.5 gallon planted aquarium

Bryce Couture
Bryce Couture - 13 years ago
is your betta still alive
DickyT - 13 years ago
@TheFishlover123 20.81 litre
DickyT - 13 years ago
@techniicolours No, it is an All-Glass 5.5, tank came alone. Filter is a Marineland Penguin 100 with a homemade flow deflector made form a soda bottle. Heater is a Marineland Stealth 25.
Alexander Massaut
Alexander Massaut - 13 years ago
Doing it right! A nice size aquarium for an Betta.
FUZZY - 13 years ago
My betta ! :) watch?v=_HsAD4NppxA&feature=colike
DickyT - 13 years ago
@GTroutman896 Thank you! The tank has a Penquin 100 with a flow deflector made from a piece of soda bottle on the outlet. the heater is a marineland stealth 25.
GTroutman896 - 13 years ago
Love the setup! What are you using for a filter and heater?
Muhnazer - 13 years ago
Gorgeous aquascape! Your betta is a lucky fellow. Thanks for sharing.
eszereme3 - 13 years ago
It's so nice to see that you are giving your Betta a good home! So many Youtube videos are of Bettas in tiny bowls :(
DickyT - 13 years ago
@MsBettabits Thanks you, please share it!

20. comment for Zeus crown tail betta 5.5 gallon planted aquarium

Ravioli Ravioli
Ravioli Ravioli - 14 years ago
swim swim ghost shrimp
DickyT - 14 years ago
@MrSummerisHOT It will do ok. If you can find a daylight spectrum fluorescent, it will do better.
timegrrl - 14 years ago
The Betta won't bother the shrimp?
3LD3VIL - 14 years ago
@tekstyle373 im new on this i add 5 fish to my new aquarium but now i see the water is a little cloudy and i have the filter running i add biological filtration booster and other to remove chlorine chloramine ammonia nitrate and nitrite but still cloudy what u recommend me to use your water looks amazing clean thanks for your help
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 14 years ago
@Deepsand101 mine dose the same thing my mom who use to breed bettas said its just in his personality
Litameena-chan - 14 years ago
@tekstyle373 Awesome! :D I didn't know they sold daylight bulbs at Target! I'll have to go there sometime! =] Thanks! =]
DickyT - 14 years ago
Thanks! I got the bulb at Target for $2.99 =]
Litameena-chan - 14 years ago
LOL the music! XD Your tank and betta are beautiful! <3 I love the plants you chose! =] Where did you find your 10 watt Daylight bulb? I can't find any. :(
DickyT - 14 years ago
@belliniable Thank you. Plant Zone is some cheap aquatic plant fertilizer that my LFS has. I get all my plants at my LFS, one of them has a great selection.
Josh Villafuerte
Josh Villafuerte - 14 years ago
what substrate is that? do you use fertilizers?

30. comment for Zeus crown tail betta 5.5 gallon planted aquarium

summerawaits - 14 years ago
Wow, nice tank. I love how well planted it is :)
DickyT - 14 years ago
@Cybersix1980 Nothing fancy, just some leaf zone with each water change, all the plants are not picky
DickyT - 15 years ago
@MsBettaFish Shrimp need to be kept in groups of 3 or more, they are to be treated like schooling fish in that regard. 5+ is best for them. I feed them flake food twice a week, the rest of the time they graze algae
MiniMochaLop - 15 years ago
I have male 2 bettas each in a 5 gallon Hex tank...I love your aquarium setups...I think this one is my favorite....I also have been looking for that japanese lantern ornament.... I checked Petsmart online but they didn't have that design...Is it made of rock or plastic? How much did it cost?
saintsinningsword - 15 years ago
this shite is gay
DickyT - 15 years ago
@nosyiam I am partial to Marineland Stealth heaters, 25 watt in your 5 gallon will be fine, the 50 is overkill. They are fully submersible, and inside a plastic casing that makes them shatter proof!
nosyiam - 15 years ago
my heater in my 5 gallon half hex betta tank messed up will I was sleeping and boilded my male betta :-( I was thinking about getting a new heater and 2 female bettas any ideas........
DickyT - 15 years ago
@Litameena4chan Thank you =]
Litameena-chan - 15 years ago
The tank and it's inhabitants are GOREGOUS! =]
DickyT - 15 years ago
@teenie331 I have been lucky in this tank, not in the other. It depends on the personality of the betta. Zeus will give chase, but only killed one baby that he ate whole. The rest have been doing well for several months now.
DickyT - 15 years ago
@3mmerz - I did not remove anything. I just did not include the extending pieces. It sits perfectly upright. The only mods I made were to the outflow. I used a 1/2 of a soda bottle as a flow diffuser.
DickyT - 15 years ago
DickyT - 15 years ago
Thank you! He reacted very well to the change. immediately exploring. He lays on the moss ball often now, unless he notices people paying attention to the tank, then he swims like in the video.

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