betta fish tail biting
Betta 15 years ago 26,378 views
All this fish ever does is attack his own tail. He is extremely overly-aggressive and destroys his tail fin whenever it gets long enough for him to reach it. I vary his diet with bloodworms, live mosquito larvae and betta pellets. He eats like a pig, and then goes back to spinning in circles trying to reach his tail again! SOOOOOOO frustrating... maybe I'll just get a new fish :(
10. comment for betta fish tail biting
As some people before me have already mentioned, he could be stressed out. Not necessarily because he is bored, but because his tank is too scarcely planted. Bettas like dark, heavily planted tanks which resemble their natural habitat.
Tank size might have been a tad bit too small for him too.
20. comment for betta fish tail biting
Also what size was your tank and did you have a heater?
30. comment for betta fish tail biting