betta fish fighting for real in one tank!

betta fish fighting for real in one tank! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 907

Betta 14 years ago 56,566 views

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Most popular comments
for betta fish fighting for real in one tank!

Melanie Rules
Melanie Rules - 6 years ago
I work at petsmart and I always see happy people with happy animals walking out or in while there not acting like you idiots, you should respect the animals the way you want to be treatied where animals too. I'm just really mad at seeing all that stupid stuff you did with your bettas. you jerks!
super Kelly
super Kelly - 6 years ago
ill scoop your eyes out witha rusty spoon and go to hell
Noe Feliciano
Noe Feliciano - 6 years ago
I hope you die betta fish are beautiful not meant to fight if you do not get that from you will burn in hell f**** b**
Yeji Chon
Yeji Chon - 7 years ago
you guys are such bad people you should never do such a thing! That is called pure evil! Imagine if you were dying and fighting and people just watch and laugh! Those beautiful creatures don't deserve that!
GORSTANATOR - 7 years ago
Why the fuck would you do this you sick human beings
Welsey Miles
Welsey Miles - 7 years ago
You are an awful person. I love fish! You don't deserve to be in possession of such absolutely beautiful creatures. Shame on you.
Sura Alzaidy
Sura Alzaidy - 7 years ago
you're a piece of shit for this.
Stop Please
Stop Please - 7 years ago
Your a piece of trash
BonnieThe BunnyX3
BonnieThe BunnyX3 - 7 years ago

10. comment for betta fish fighting for real in one tank!

BonnieThe BunnyX3
BonnieThe BunnyX3 - 7 years ago
Ya Are idiots Making poor creatures Fight to the death How would ya Bitches Feel if we trapped you in a cell and make ya fight to the death then end up killing both of ya.ya should be ashamed bitches
Deborah Leverette
Deborah Leverette - 7 years ago
Horrible people
Robin Saout
Robin Saout - 7 years ago
There should be an age limit at the lfs or atleast they should have an adult present.fn children
Katherine Canales
Katherine Canales - 7 years ago
omg thats awful what if I did that to yo guys if you were a fish you should be ashamed
Sam Jackson
Sam Jackson - 7 years ago
Jesus Christ
Boiler 1999
Boiler 1999 - 7 years ago
This is disgraceful
Gab Muniz
Gab Muniz - 7 years ago
you are quiet the asssholes doing this to does por fish you dont even deserve to live you pieces of shet
okaiden - 7 years ago
Kill yourself ugly cunt this is animal abuse. Even if you didn't let them fight look at how tiny the tank is. I hope you get stuck in a 6"x6" room forever. If I knew who you were, I would slit your throat. I hope you die a very painful death.
L B - 7 years ago
what an idiot
Maddy Selva
Maddy Selva - 7 years ago
this is mean but so funny

20. comment for betta fish fighting for real in one tank!

Danielle Berges
Danielle Berges - 7 years ago
What in the actual Fuck is wrong with you?
Bohica Nation
Bohica Nation - 7 years ago
i love comments from the tree huggers
Wyatt Shepard
Wyatt Shepard - 7 years ago
you guys will die a slow painful death
Mia's Corner
Mia's Corner - 7 years ago
Burn in hell
whitney bryant
whitney bryant - 7 years ago
you're a jackass. and I dislike jackasses
Nachos - 7 years ago
boo you are terrible people
Leslie Beckum
Leslie Beckum - 7 years ago
dumb bitches..
Jace Schanzenbach
Jace Schanzenbach - 7 years ago
Wow.. Looks like we have ourselves a couple of degenerates here. Are you hosting dog fights too? Do you realize this is animal cruelty!? If your trying to piss ppl off you did a good job with this vid. Someone needs to slap some sense into you. Respect our wildlife!
Calex M
Calex M - 7 years ago
I am ashamed of you people for doing such a horrible thing to these beatiful fish.
Jennamia Always
Jennamia Always - 7 years ago
Why are you guys for cheering the fish. THEY PREFER TO SWIM ALONE!

30. comment for betta fish fighting for real in one tank!

Jayda Radovic
Jayda Radovic - 7 years ago
Shame on you for going to buy two beautiful fish to watch them kill each other for your internment....
Dogggirl363 - 7 years ago
Your an ignorant d bag
levi plopper
levi plopper - 7 years ago
I found this funny I feel no emotional value for a fish and if any of you in the comments ever went fishing when you have food at your homes you don't either fish don't like hooks in there mouth so yay fuck fish it's there fault. there fighting cause there dumb creatures and deserve no sympothy when there the ones fighting
Jace Schanzenbach
Jace Schanzenbach - 7 years ago
levi plopper Wow your worthless.. Lol, were you trying make a statement there or did you just shit on your keyboard. Learn how to talk!
Kyrie Hall
Kyrie Hall - 7 years ago
You people should be incredibly ashamed of what you did to those fish
arijit patra
arijit patra - 7 years ago
Dumb people doing dumb things. I hope someone beats you repeatedly for no reason.
Becca Bean
Becca Bean - 7 years ago
I hate seeing this. This is considered animal abuse, no matter how small the animal is, you could still be charged.. I hope you burn in heck btw.
Redazu - 7 years ago
Lol all these people hating on it. Lucky for you these clowns uploaded the video just for you to watch, which you did. You should have dropped a like in exchange for getting to see something that otherwise you wouldn't have gotten to see.
The emperor  of memes
The emperor of memes - 7 years ago
kill yourself
OLIVIA W - 7 years ago
This is kinda fish abuse this
Melissa Pinol
Melissa Pinol - 7 years ago
It is actually illegal to make fish ( or dogs, or chickens) fight so guess what , this is a record of a crime. Kinda like making a video of Robbing a store .Not only cruel but really dumb.Records are kept, you know.
Gianna Madden
Gianna Madden - 7 years ago
why did you do this to them
zioro1235 - 7 years ago
are you kidding me stupid heads drop dead you morons
Raul Paredes
Raul Paredes - 7 years ago
I hope you guys die in pain
daniel sanchez
daniel sanchez - 7 years ago
you bitches dumb af
Verity PALMER - 7 years ago
this is disgusting why the fuck would you do that. horrible person!!!
foxy hart
foxy hart - 7 years ago
white people piss me off!! come into the ring with me and ill show you a real fight! real talk!
Noe - 7 years ago
lol everyone is mad. issa fish
Daniel Aquino
Daniel Aquino - 7 years ago
You're a shit bag
Adam Rose
Adam Rose - 7 years ago
you people are horrible and shouldn't be able to buy any animals until you mature at least 20 years
Savage Cutty
Savage Cutty - 7 years ago
Everybody is butthurt over some stupid shit like this I found this entertaining I fight dogs for a living soo
Jace Schanzenbach
Jace Schanzenbach - 7 years ago
Savage Cutty more like savage cunty you little fuckin merkin.. you sound like a worthles pos.. why dont you go make your mother proud and jump off a cliff.

50. comment for betta fish fighting for real in one tank!

rose gold TV
rose gold TV - 7 years ago
can u please stop...
James Doyle
James Doyle - 7 years ago
Nate C
Nate C - 7 years ago
Sick bro. Make more
Julia Pinheiro
Julia Pinheiro - 7 years ago
You are stupid
gog alexander
gog alexander - 7 years ago
what a bunch of dough bags..
Sam Glass
Sam Glass - 7 years ago
This is animal abuse never do this EVER!
rick and morty fanz
rick and morty fanz - 7 years ago
wow wtf why would u do that
Sheeping - 7 years ago
When I worked at Walmart I used to do this a lot! Watching them fight can be fun. Nature favors the stronger fighting fish.
Jace Schanzenbach
Jace Schanzenbach - 7 years ago
Daniel way to state the obvious retard.. only ppl that are sick in the head like to watch animals hurt eachother. Grow up.
Dante_samPE88 - 7 years ago
Remove this from YouTube
Bohica Nation
Bohica Nation - 7 years ago
Dante_sam-P-E-88 why? its pretty cool to see fish act the way they would in the wild
Dante_samPE88 - 7 years ago
Go to hell
Dante_samPE88 - 7 years ago
Dante_samPE88 - 7 years ago
Die in a hole
Dante_samPE88 - 7 years ago
Dante_samPE88 - 7 years ago
You guys suck
Becky Schoenfellinger
Becky Schoenfellinger - 7 years ago
You are sick individuals. I hope karma visits you soon. I also hope you don't have children.... ever. They will be as horrible as you. Shame on your parents for raising such horrible children. Animal abuse is usually the first step for murders. So, hopefully you'll be in jail before you graduate to killing humans. Hope your parents sleep with their eyes open....
William Schmitt
William Schmitt - 7 years ago
r u being serious u fuck get gucked off utube this is animal cruelty i hope they put u and urfriend in a tank with eachother and see how u like it u dumb twats of human beings eat me
Holli Wright
Holli Wright - 7 years ago
this is just sad:( why would u want them to fight until they kill each other shame on you immature kids you have no business even owning a fish . just goes to show what kind of people u are !
Jonah Pineapple
Jonah Pineapple - 7 years ago
you people need help.Your fucking cruel
Haylei DeWitt
Haylei DeWitt - 7 years ago
You guys are seriously fucked!!
Kici K
Kici K - 7 years ago
shame on whomever did that, sad
Gisselle Velazco
Gisselle Velazco - 7 years ago
This isn't right
Lauryn Allen
Lauryn Allen - 7 years ago
This is absolutely horrible please do not reproduce
Brandon Hernandez
Brandon Hernandez - 7 years ago
This vid is really mest up
ozsef - 7 years ago
I hope those people die in hell for hurting those betta fishes
Andrew Gao
Andrew Gao - 7 years ago
ozsef and enjoying them fighting as a show
Becky Schoenfellinger
Becky Schoenfellinger - 7 years ago
I agree
Joe Bachaalani
Joe Bachaalani - 7 years ago
terrible video from terrible people you are what is wrong with our world
Lauren Manyguns
Lauren Manyguns - 8 years ago
ManyGuns - 8 years ago
how can u laugh about this u fucking animal cruelty I'm reporting g this video on YouTube and the POLICE
ManyGuns - 8 years ago
fucking psyco path
ManyGuns - 8 years ago
what the fuck is this shit u should die in hell for this u fucking crazy crual person who would do this
Lauren Manyguns
Lauren Manyguns - 8 years ago
Martyna Obrycki
Martyna Obrycki - 8 years ago
6 100 tor 1jay
6 100 tor 1jay - 8 years ago
you sicko , go fight the neighborhood corner bully to entertainer your lazy sperm beings.
megan.mayfield - 8 years ago
What the fuck is the matter with you?
Megan Mahaffey
Megan Mahaffey - 8 years ago
Bruh why are you letting them hurt each other like there living things to you know your a B*ch and a Dumb** Fu**ing hoe u know that right
Kaleb Turrubiates
Kaleb Turrubiates - 8 years ago
Yeah they're fish...but that's not cool, I own two bettas and keep them separate. You're just stressing them out, my own 6 year old brother knows better than you middle schoolers.
Stop Please
Stop Please - 7 years ago
Kaleb Turrubiates these are like high schoolers
Noice - 8 years ago
Die in a hole dipshit.
Kitty Martinez
Kitty Martinez - 8 years ago
that one dumb as keep saying she "can't no more" but still laughing and watching. This makes me mad ):<
Michelle S
Michelle S - 8 years ago
Fucking assholes. You obviously don't know anything about this species of fish. Do not buy animals if you are not going to properly care for them. Stupid Idiot people.
Manny Blackstar
Manny Blackstar - 8 years ago
wow. so beautiful.
Jess Hudson
Jess Hudson - 8 years ago
ignorance they should you ask questions about the thing your buy to make your not a teen douche
Tammy Stebbins
Tammy Stebbins - 8 years ago
Sarah Ross
Sarah Ross - 8 years ago
You should be ashamed of yourselves. This is straight up animal abuse
Kevin Phipps
Kevin Phipps - 8 years ago
You pieces of complete Shit. You mother fuckers should never be allowed to own any pets for the remainder of your shitty, disgusting fucked up lives. Guess it's cool to abuse pets huh. Go abuse your pathetic cock sucking lives if you want but you don't have the right to do that to another LIFE. If you got a problem with what I'm saying then come see me please I'm begging you to. I'm not some internet tough guy like so many others are. YOU MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!
Dustin P
Dustin P - 8 years ago
Stupid cruel fucks are the problem with humanity.. Die
Limbert Noesi
Limbert Noesi - 8 years ago
fuckk (kkkkkkkkk you mother fucker ass bitch
altamash urooj
altamash urooj - 8 years ago
Noice - 8 years ago
Frank Peter Redisi
Frank Peter Redisi - 8 years ago
Screw you
Julia Hartman
Julia Hartman - 8 years ago
.Ayomide.A. - 8 years ago
FruityKinz - 8 years ago
How cruel! You have those poor fish in such a small tank that they barley have any space to swim, then you remove the divider to make them fight, shame on you!!This video is so hard to watch, you sick monsters are watching these fish fight for a minute of your own entertainment. It's horrible that people like you exist!!
zhuoqun xu
zhuoqun xu - 8 years ago
make two betta fish fight to death for entertainment NOT COOL!!!
Brody Pullishy
Brody Pullishy - 7 years ago
I want to see them finish it. My money's on the Red one, blue is too much of a pussy. Of course, they're probably both dead, now.
MicroStars - 8 years ago
zhuoqun xu I liked it

But nothing died
lil G
lil G - 8 years ago
really cool I wanted to see the end
Hoos Poe
Hoos Poe - 8 years ago
Thats what happens when your that one group in highschool that doesnt fit in so the cluster themselves in a room and force two innocen creatures to kill eachother
Jace Schanzenbach
Jace Schanzenbach - 7 years ago
Benis Ass Nibba My bad benis, thought i was talking to microstars. Disregaurd that! My appologies.
Benis Ass Nibba
Benis Ass Nibba - 7 years ago
MicroStars lol no comment to that that was the dumbest thing ive heard this year and we're in 2017
Jace Schanzenbach
Jace Schanzenbach - 7 years ago
microstars is the dumbass its acually the opposite.. theyre born to reproduce and pass on there dna.. there built to protect theyre territory not kill eachother dipshit just like every other male in any species on this planet. Learn your shit.
MicroStars - 8 years ago
Hoos Poe not innocent creatures

They were born to kill other beta fish dumbass
Oscar Sanchez
Oscar Sanchez - 8 years ago
Learn how to zoom in and out

100. comment for betta fish fighting for real in one tank!

fire doggo
fire doggo - 8 years ago
Northeast Exotics
Northeast Exotics - 8 years ago
wow... u asshole wtf is wrong w/ u, buying 2 fish and putting in the smallest tank on purpose in hopes for them to kill each other, hope the same happens to you. your supposed to make fish as happy as possible and a live a good, happy life. Looks like u have no life or heart. youre fucking dumbass faggoty prick .
Lisamarie DeJesus
Lisamarie DeJesus - 8 years ago
Wow... This is disgusting. I hope someone beats the shit out of you people.
Noah Monson
Noah Monson - 8 years ago
what is wrong with you. this is awful
tiannah webster
tiannah webster - 8 years ago
who ever did this is so foolish and bad minded this is awful
Ryan Gangler Gaming and vlogs
Ryan Gangler Gaming and vlogs - 8 years ago
That's not rite
-Red Blaze-
-Red Blaze- - 8 years ago
Go to hell you fucking idiots, don't just buy fish to watch and kill for your entertainment, fucking bastards
Arj B 23
Arj B 23 - 8 years ago
not nice. fish r pets
Erik Estela
Erik Estela - 8 years ago
White people activities
Dancer_ Emm
Dancer_ Emm - 8 years ago
Ummmmm wow
Lolz_ rairai
Lolz_ rairai - 8 years ago
I'm kind of scared to put my black moor fish and black molly in the same tank as a betta fish now.... Would the betta fish fight them like this? I've seen videos where they have a bettas and other fish in the same tank with no problems. idk what to do... HALP
Kyle Sasman
Kyle Sasman - 8 years ago
No worries! I've had a male betta fish with 2 black mollys before, and I've had them all for 2 years and they're still all here. They do their own thing c:
CCCCindy2004 - 8 years ago
why would they do that?
Customer - 8 years ago
At first I thought they were going to rip each other apart but then I was calm and then at the end they started fighting OH NOOO
Joseph Zahiri
Joseph Zahiri - 8 years ago
This is absolutely awful. People like you should be prohibited from owning fish. You should realize that what people should do when owning fish is to make them as happy as possible and provide them a good life. Not put them in a 1 quart container and watch them fight. I get that this video is about 6 years old, but still, that's awful.
MicroStars - 8 years ago
Joseph Zahiri they are fish
Frank Peter Redisi
Frank Peter Redisi - 8 years ago
+Jordan De Pass Ikr why people got SO sensitive
Invidious TV
Invidious TV - 8 years ago
+Daniel Nunez ... they're fish.....
Customer - 8 years ago
This is hard to watch
Donna Walker
Donna Walker - 8 years ago
people think It's funny to fight animals you sick heads hope one day karma gets you right back
Collin 30
Collin 30 - 8 years ago
U deserve to die
Aron Boele
Aron Boele - 8 years ago
sick fucking cunts, the fish says fuck you!
Sage Shikaze
Sage Shikaze - 8 years ago
I hope you never reproduce.
Timothy Riegle
Timothy Riegle - 8 years ago
what the fuck is wrong with you cunts?
Hailee 157
Hailee 157 - 8 years ago
I can't watch anymore why would you do that
Kaan Kama
Kaan Kama - 8 years ago
mal ya
Kaan Kama
Kaan Kama - 8 years ago
mal ya
Kaan Malta
Kaan Malta - 8 years ago
Damn your son of a...
Peter Elliott
Peter Elliott - 9 years ago
What a bunch of arse hole's ,need to get some brain cells.
Catherine Evans
Catherine Evans - 9 years ago
You horrible nasty people , hope karma comes to get you.
FishySeabass - 9 years ago
You should feel ashamed... Fish are awesome..
Maljka Sakhizada
Maljka Sakhizada - 9 years ago
how could you!!!!!
Lee Bruce
Lee Bruce - 9 years ago
The tank is to small there no room for them to fight
AberrantFatDude - 9 years ago
Lmao you idiots would be mortified watching my snake or monitor eat. Get over it people, most of you eat an animal of some sort. Even more of you eat fish. This is not like watching 2 dogs/cats fight, this is more like watching a scorpion and a spider fight. I don't see anyone crying over that.
Joseph Zahiri
Joseph Zahiri - 8 years ago
+AberrantFatDude The issue here is that it looks like these bettas are being made to fight for fun, not naturally. If a betta is in a quart of water, it will probably claim that quart of water as their own. When another animal is forced into their territory, their nature is to fight, even if it is against the will of the other fish.
Spencer Williams
Spencer Williams - 9 years ago
Tatiana Espinosa
Tatiana Espinosa - 9 years ago
wow you guys are literally mental but hey wat can we do about that.......nothing
Tatiana Espinosa
Tatiana Espinosa - 9 years ago
wow you guys are literally mental but hey wat can we do about that.......nothing
Camrycat - 9 years ago
Why would you do that its like making 2 kittens fight trapped inside of a cage...
Jolee Thompson
Jolee Thompson - 9 years ago
You awful awful awful person I hope someone puts you in a cage and makes you fight till death you never buy fish just seem them fight to death for your entertainment
Jace Schanzenbach
Jace Schanzenbach - 7 years ago
Brody Pullishy Wow man you amaze me more every comment with your insignificant stupidity.. Your probably not capable of alot more than metaconciousness and sapience.. Those seem like big words for someone who doesnt know what the phrase "IMAGINE if you were the fish" means. lol. Your a big waste of my time but it was worth it to let someone that harms innocent little animals know what a peice of shit they are. And you sure are.
Brody Pullishy
Brody Pullishy - 7 years ago
+Jace Schanzenbach Well, then I can assume I'm not capable of higher though, let alone metaconciousness or sapience.
Jace Schanzenbach
Jace Schanzenbach - 7 years ago
Brody Pullishy lmao NO SHIT thats the point. Nuthn gets passed you does it!!
Brody Pullishy
Brody Pullishy - 7 years ago
+Jace Schanzenbach Well then I wouldn't really be myself.
Jace Schanzenbach
Jace Schanzenbach - 7 years ago
Lol, god your dumb! I said if you were the fish.
Brody Pullishy
Brody Pullishy - 7 years ago
+Jace Schanzenbach If the tables were turned I doubt there would be much fighting going on, considering I'm a ration human being.
Jace Schanzenbach
Jace Schanzenbach - 7 years ago
Brody Pullishy Soo you like to watch animals kill each other.. your fucking sick in the head i guess. Imagine if the tables were turned and you were the fish.. would you still like it?? i bet not. and if you say that you would your a fucking liar to boot.
Brody Pullishy
Brody Pullishy - 7 years ago
People don't fight to the death when put in cages. Betta fish do, however. And it's fucking fun to watch.
JEREMY brightman
JEREMY brightman - 9 years ago
You guys have a bigger vocabulary the curse words???
Shows your brain IQ.
let's put you in a cage with people you don't know and fight to the death, and we will luagh!!
Wish I was their I would had fucked all you up for doing that you heartless morons
darthprime 77
darthprime 77 - 9 years ago
You cruel ass mother fuckers
Luisa Ortega
Luisa Ortega - 9 years ago
You fucked up people! Seriously how stupid and messed up must one be in order to do something like this??
LiveOn Studios
LiveOn Studios - 9 years ago
I'm not a tree hugger but you girls are bitches
Flo Green
Flo Green - 9 years ago
Dumb ass stupid idiots!!!! Low class trash talking cunts what's wrong with you all?? I hope they both die so they can no longer have you morons as owners !! You suck
Emma S
Emma S - 9 years ago
This is sooooo evil. You guys shouldn't have done this. This is like making dogs fight. Or another animal fight
Terrae Spiritus
Terrae Spiritus - 9 years ago
This is so fucking wrong, this is no different than putting two aggressive dogs in an enclosure to fight to the death. You guys deserve to get your asses beat you fucking sociopaths...
josef flores
josef flores - 9 years ago
f@cking dumb noobs i hope they burn in a fire
cassandra sanchrz
cassandra sanchrz - 9 years ago
This is beyond fucked up.
ImpendingNoob - 9 years ago
Wow, dumb cunts. I hope something similar happens to you.
Kaushal Sheth
Kaushal Sheth - 9 years ago
example of illiterate and idiot people who doesn't know a single bit of betta fish....what rubbish you are doing.....thats why you got only 5 subscribers and 236 dislikes
oThisMyMfBeach -PRGD-
oThisMyMfBeach -PRGD- - 9 years ago
Stupidddd bitchesss !!!!!!!
kaito kid
kaito kid - 9 years ago
This is awful you should be ashamed of what you people did
zioro1235 - 7 years ago
they are beautiful fish and deserve respect
Ammon Miller
Ammon Miller - 8 years ago
+kaito kid This is what happens when foolish teenagers get high
Customer - 8 years ago
yah bad person
Krista Parsons
Krista Parsons - 9 years ago
Kill urself Kay?
LiveOn Studios
LiveOn Studios - 9 years ago
Melody TehLlama
Melody TehLlama - 9 years ago
You Jerks!
Daniel _
Daniel _ - 9 years ago
You are a horrible person
Shiann Ridpath
Shiann Ridpath - 9 years ago
Lauren Janes
Lauren Janes - 9 years ago
Tara Shakti
Tara Shakti - 9 years ago
firstible they are in a tiny tank, this is cruel, what the fuck si wrong with you??
Nikki LaLa
Nikki LaLa - 9 years ago
Ugh something wrong with people who do this kind of stuff for entertainment she admitted to wanting to see them fight sick.
obscur - 9 years ago
You monster!
Asia DeMarre
Asia DeMarre - 9 years ago
Morbid! I love my beta fish. I would never watch them fight for entertainment. You guys are sick.
Emma S
Emma S - 9 years ago
I love my betta fish too. I would never do this
Howard Beale
Howard Beale - 9 years ago
Devious bitches... Someone should put u 2 in a cage and make u fight to dead! I would enjoy watching this way more than the poor fishes...
Brody Pullishy
Brody Pullishy - 7 years ago
+Jace Schanzenbach her her i'm very badass i swear at people online.
Jace Schanzenbach
Jace Schanzenbach - 7 years ago
alfredo sounds like a dumbass and is named after a fucking noodle. brody i think your mom dropped you on your head too many times.. its not even room enough for 1 betta to be comfortable. Second of all it is instinct and you are making em fight. If you didnt know your not supposed to put em in the same tank. Educate yourself before you open that hole in your face.
Brody Pullishy
Brody Pullishy - 7 years ago
Nobody is forcing these Betta fish to fight. There's more than enough room for both of them to live in relative comfort in the tank. The only thing pushing them to fight is instinct.
Jack Evans
Jack Evans - 9 years ago
+AlfradoShanchez terry tough cunt
AlfradoShanchez - 9 years ago
Hell put me in a catch and make me fight to the death with someone I don't know! I'm down, I've trained muay thai, boxing, judo, freestyle wrestling, and bjj... I'm down to fight!
All Hail Nannerpuss
All Hail Nannerpuss - 10 years ago
Crappy editing, no script and no hot chicks (only trailer trash). I rate this video 69/10.
General lee
General lee - 10 years ago
Retards! Those were beautiful living things! Now there dead!
DeMeakey Williams
DeMeakey Williams - 10 years ago
Y'all r some lil fucks....who in the hell would abuse these beautiful animals...this goes to show that y'all have no life.....yalll are some pussy ass motha-fuckers with no lives
Minecraftauto800 - 10 years ago
You little fucks i would beat your ass I'm disliking and doing what ever I can to this video you are fuckers i hope you know this was animal abuse i hope you go to jail shit bags
SasuNaru and other junk Dogs anime animal crossing
SasuNaru and other junk Dogs anime animal crossing - 10 years ago
wow nasty idiotic  people here glad I gave up on humans
Mian Wei
Mian Wei - 10 years ago
Retarded shits
niki shkmatov
niki shkmatov - 10 years ago
fucking dumb kidsss
Alex Cerritos
Alex Cerritos - 10 years ago
Fuck u all no wonder why you have only 2 subscribers
N K - 10 years ago
put me in a tank with one of you
dangerkatz - 10 years ago
You stupid little kids. This is why people hate Americans. You give this country a bad name.
StreetSoldier88 - 10 years ago
I disliked this because you can't film.
Kenny Ellis
Kenny Ellis - 10 years ago
fucking retarted kids.
Kenny Ellis
Kenny Ellis - 9 years ago
+Julian Tarantino Retarded isnt offensive to special needs, It's what they are.
V&J FOREVER 666 - 9 years ago
Retard is not what you think it is, its an offensive thing to call someone with special needs
Matthew S
Matthew S - 10 years ago
Bad children, no wonder your parents didn't love you.   Sociopaths.  
Jeannie Marissa
Jeannie Marissa - 10 years ago
This is animal abuse. I hope you know what you did was wrong.
SomeSortOfBird - 10 years ago
+Dan C
It's their nature. They know this so they put them together.
Alex - 10 years ago
When someone tells you the fish will kill each other, you're not supposed to try and find out for yourself! Oh my god, the stupidity.
You guys are the very definition of shitty human beings.
Anya Taliaferro
Anya Taliaferro - 11 years ago
wooww. is this you entertainment? God...
RightWingReefer - 11 years ago
It's orange not pink thick o
RightWingReefer - 11 years ago
You r so rude
MrGDIRTY5 - 11 years ago
Man I had my money on the blue one
ray allen
ray allen - 11 years ago
why are you guys so fuked up??
Rhianna Carrillo
Rhianna Carrillo - 11 years ago
he or she is right that is wrong
the925ninja1 - 11 years ago
Animal Cruelty... you don't buy pets just to have them kill each other. FLAGGED/REPORTED
Mohit Bhandari
Mohit Bhandari - 11 years ago
These people are morons and are uneducated. They do not deserve a pet. They should find a humane way to entertain. I request everybody to dislike this video and ban their account. Educate yourself and stop acting like fools.
Sean Chachucha
Sean Chachucha - 12 years ago
Sean Chachucha
Sean Chachucha - 12 years ago
animal cruelty. thats terrible. how can you even sleep at night knowing that you have hurt an animal. GTFO!!!
RagedPanda00 - 12 years ago
stupid shits
Yasmeen TySha MUA
Yasmeen TySha MUA - 13 years ago
this is animal cruelty
Black Stallion
Black Stallion - 13 years ago
well you are pretty dump betta fish always fight to death

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