breeding betta fighting fish bubble nest aquarium fish tank

first go.....many novice mistakes....female seems to be eating eggs, male not collecting them, possibly need a separate clear tank as alot of eggs lost in planting....any tips....

breeding betta fighting fish bubble nest aquarium fish tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 18

Betta 15 years ago 115,770 views

first go.....many novice mistakes....female seems to be eating eggs, male not collecting them, possibly need a separate clear tank as alot of eggs lost in planting....any tips....

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Most popular comments
for breeding betta fighting fish bubble nest aquarium fish tank

하프문 베타 youtube
하프문 베타 youtube - 8 years ago
The Male beta is giant beta?
Shidah Izumi
Shidah Izumi - 9 years ago
The water level is too high. Remove the female after she finish. Make sure you do not feeding the male when this happen till the egg hatch.
RachelLiang445 - 11 years ago
how big can the bubble nest be before you can breed?
Trey Johnson
Trey Johnson - 11 years ago
How do you no if the female is ready
Eva grace
Eva grace - 11 years ago
means its at prime breeding age its happy or its healthy or all of the above Well done
IansTropicalParadise - 12 years ago
Oh. Okay, thanks.
Djjean201 - 12 years ago
When can I connect the air pump??? and what should I do if I don't have the internal filter
Djjean201 - 12 years ago
The eggs get lost
IansTropicalParadise - 12 years ago
Sorry, I'm new to betta fish breeding. Why can't we have live plants under a bubble nest?

10. comment for breeding betta fighting fish bubble nest aquarium fish tank

IansTropicalParadise - 12 years ago
Now I know what to look for when I put Freddy and Gena together.
DylFynAquatics - 12 years ago
noice mine is nearly ready and female is nearly full of eggs come check it out :)
Excalibur Gaming
Excalibur Gaming - 12 years ago
Remove female asap
TJ.Geckos - 12 years ago
Nice male betta:)
jimmy nguyen
jimmy nguyen - 12 years ago
get the female as first , after 2 weeks the male needs to be remove as well
Aod Gnay
Aod Gnay - 12 years ago
man too much water for them to breed.
Sunny Bunny
Sunny Bunny - 12 years ago
can i know where to buy female fighting fish....?
earthtoterra - 12 years ago
Oh my gawd! I just glanced at my beta Mordecai and he had his mouth open HUGE and his gills were open, then an air bubble came out. Lol, I think he just burped.
reddevil211287 - 12 years ago
lol I know xD but I assumed he'd make them bubbles only in the company of a lady betta....speaking of.....I am always making bubble nests too ;)
reddevil211287 - 12 years ago
Ive got a male betta and he keeps making bubble nests, why though? he cant give birth could he?
47 EYES - 8 years ago
My guy is doing the same thing

20. comment for breeding betta fighting fish bubble nest aquarium fish tank

Tayl Schultz
Tayl Schultz - 12 years ago
your bossy...................
Stevie - 13 years ago
ive had a male with 2 females in a tank for nearly 3 or 4 months now and they have never bred..... is this a good or bad thing?
Sara Lee Yang
Sara Lee Yang - 13 years ago
umm i got some bettas but i accidentally put the male and female toghther to get the male to make bubbles but it didnt and it breeded causing the male to put the eggs in its lost
glenn prato
glenn prato - 13 years ago
@caramellecutiee YOUR A STUPID CUNT
Wilson Tan
Wilson Tan - 13 years ago
@theG0LDENteap0t female white egg at bottom of head
Faith Coviello
Faith Coviello - 13 years ago
Years and years ago I had a male and a female betta couple.The male started doing this and I wasn't sure what was going on. He died shortly after(like hours later). I was really sad about that. =(
Rohariel - 13 years ago
@light99light99 females are much smaller and slimmer, and don't have the big fancy tails
Rohariel - 13 years ago
@gokudass are they vertical stripes, or horizontal?
Rohariel - 13 years ago
@caramellecutiee she does, but only sometimes
JohnDoe - 13 years ago
@TheMrfishingmaniac you can feed them micro worms or baby brine shrimp

30. comment for breeding betta fighting fish bubble nest aquarium fish tank

Rusty Wrench
Rusty Wrench - 13 years ago
I put a male and female betta in together for fun and they bred. Now I have like a hundred baby bettas in the tank. And i don't know what to feed them. It's only like 5 days...
lovelyme - 13 years ago
@kualundertube emm~!! okk thanks~
caramellecutiee - 13 years ago
female fighter don't eat there eggs the female helps the male to put them in the bubble nest
Kunal Bhatt
Kunal Bhatt - 13 years ago
@light99light99 Well In most fancy varieties the females are very "plain" In comparison to males... Mature female's have a small white spot which sometimes sticks out slightly.... In many dark colored females you will also notice vertical breeding bars which is usually a sign that the female is ready for spawning.... In plakats... The male's anal fin is more pointed and well defined than the female.... You should check out some images from google to get a better understanding.... Hope this helps
lovelyme - 13 years ago
@kualundertube emm~!! can i ask how do you know which one is a female fighting fish??
Wilson Tan
Wilson Tan - 13 years ago
ur female look like it has been attacked
Kunal Bhatt
Kunal Bhatt - 13 years ago
1) Never have plants under a nest.... NEVER 2) Use a younger pair for breeding 3) Too much water... should have filled it up to just 3 inches 4) Use Indian almond leaves/ extract to condition the water 5) Dim down the lights... The fish love it when the water is dark and murky... (The almond leaf will make the water yellow'ish.. But that is how it is supposed to be...) 6) If the make female is a egg eater its a good idea to retire them from Spawning :)
StreetArtillery - 13 years ago
the female fish climax is like my girlfriend, I leave her in la la land
Vishal Patel
Vishal Patel - 13 years ago
nice video
Truong Nguyen
Truong Nguyen - 13 years ago
it might be his first time people stop saying bad stuff about it
madmax92gsx - 13 years ago
dont put anything at all on the floor of the tank so the male can find the eggs and put them in the nest, take out the female right after there done mating
Christian Metatron
Christian Metatron - 13 years ago
@jols321321 yes, vertical stripes on the female indicate that she is ready to breed. if she don't have stripes 99.9 she won't breed.
Christian Metatron
Christian Metatron - 13 years ago
this tank isn't conducive to betta breeding. this looks like a community tank. you cluttered it up and you got gravel on the ground. dude, what were you thinking lol.
Xx0mafia0xX - 13 years ago
hey guys i just got another female betta for my fighter and u guys do it think they will be all right because it look like the she is kind of scared form him so i wanna is it ok ?
Xx0mafia0xX - 13 years ago
i got only one fighter but it make nest by itself what should i do ?
Sage Sundstrom
Sage Sundstrom - 13 years ago
How did you condition the female and for how long.
john john marcos
john john marcos - 14 years ago
how can i know that the female fish is ready to breed?
JETSTA916 - 14 years ago
@xogamergirlox takes my bettas about a few hours to 1 day for them to start rocking all over eachother
Houa Yang
Houa Yang - 14 years ago
if your trying to breed try using a clear tank with no gravel, no plants so the male can see the eggs.
Piekenier - 14 years ago
Just wondering, is it possible to have other fish in the aquarium including the female when its just an ordinary aquarium and not a breeding one? Don't know if the male Beta will chase all fish in the aquarium or just those close to the eggs.

50. comment for breeding betta fighting fish bubble nest aquarium fish tank

Moses Lyons
Moses Lyons - 14 years ago
TheTob26 just take out all of the plants first. then leave the filter off. then put the female in a seperate side of the tank to let her take it in
xogamergirlox - 14 years ago
Does anybody know who long i have to put them both together? So they can mate.
Deonna Beard
Deonna Beard - 14 years ago
my syamese fighting fish are going to breed soon. this is the first day i got my female and my male i already had before already built a bubble nest.
k.a.c - 14 years ago
yes after u have to remove the females
k.a.c - 14 years ago
i had a female fighter who also takes the eggs and put it in the bubbles
saulojitos - 14 years ago
This is rlly sad lol.
frank ramires
frank ramires - 14 years ago
how long did it take him to make that nest?
Micah Evens
Micah Evens - 15 years ago
That shit iz funny

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