how to clean a betta fish tank

i know my crown tail needs a bigger tank him and my other betta are takeing turns in my 10 gallon please cheack out my other video on betta fish breeding tank. i need tips on how to breed my bettas

how to clean a betta fish tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 74

Betta 14 years ago 45,816 views

i know my crown tail needs a bigger tank him and my other betta are takeing turns in my 10 gallon please cheack out my other video on betta fish breeding tank. i need tips on how to breed my bettas

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Most popular comments
for how to clean a betta fish tank

Greenbettas13 - 8 years ago
Too small!
Konrad dragon
Konrad dragon - 9 years ago
the tank is to small
Betta Time
Betta Time - 9 years ago
You should have a bigger tank
Blaze R3con
Blaze R3con - 10 years ago
Dont marbles rip the life put of bettas?
ReviewCam - 9 years ago
+Gaming Sharks It probably could if the fins get caught between the spaces and can't get out, but I'm not sure. I've only used all marbles once and they were sparse.
ReviewCam - 9 years ago
+Gaming Sharks It probably could if the fins get caught between the spaces and can't get out, but I'm not sure. I've only used all marbles once and they were sparse.
alexander boyko
alexander boyko - 10 years ago
Your tank is to small and also you told us how to set it up and not how to clean it
Wicked kid
Wicked kid - 11 years ago
The tank is too crowded
Isaac Devathala
Isaac Devathala - 11 years ago
I have the same tank
Karin Hitora
Karin Hitora - 11 years ago
One of my friends wanted a betta, and since it was a quick late night browse at the person store at the time, she bought that same tank and a red crowntail. Being a betta enthusiast myself, I know it's not a full gallon at the least, BUT it's decent for beginners and for a quick start.
ReviewCam - 11 years ago
it's actually better than a lot of temporary 1/2 gallon tanks since it is both taller and longer than say the Marina 1/2 g.

10. comment for how to clean a betta fish tank

nabil aqmal
nabil aqmal - 11 years ago
Ur tank is the same as mine
aldrich francisco
aldrich francisco - 11 years ago
your fish going to die because your tank is so small my betta is in 1000gallon community tank and may betta is now 5 years old
nerfomatic18 - 11 years ago
learn how to not be a retard
Hannah Harris
Hannah Harris - 12 years ago
Also, aquarium salt will slowly cause their kidneys to stop functioning over time... with betta fish it should only be used as a medication not simply all the time
Hannah Harris
Hannah Harris - 12 years ago
That is not a tank... It is a bowl. Learn the difference.
Vanessa Gradisic
Vanessa Gradisic - 12 years ago
Can You put female halfmoons together ??
ReviewCam - 12 years ago
I agree with you
Eternal Skyy Costumes
Eternal Skyy Costumes - 12 years ago
I hate it when people complain about dog abuse and hitting their dog or forcing it to live in a small area, yet people dont have any right to complain about FISH living in small environments (betta fish's patties are 120 gal of water, real pictures are shown on bettafish (dot) com)....
salvyo827 - 12 years ago
If yall love the betta fish so damn much why are y'all yelling at her for having that tank. Do you rather see that fish in a small as little cup. People act so fucking stupid sometimes, i think that fish is happier in that tank than a cup, what you think?
Hannah Bolkcom
Hannah Bolkcom - 12 years ago
Ok people, you guys are seriously ticking me off. She can have a betta in there if she wants to, you CANNOT control that so stop trying, second, be thankful she chose to rescue a betta and get it out of a horrible cup!

20. comment for how to clean a betta fish tank

SurprizdArv'n - 12 years ago
I have the exact same tank as you, and, it's not good for fighter fish. Fighters need at the bare minimum 2.5 gallons. Do you know what I could do with that tank I have now? I'm open for suggestions :P
angel snow
angel snow - 12 years ago
keseyjo - 12 years ago
This tank is way to small for a betta. 2.5 gallon is the absolute smallest you should go. Also, you're only supposed to change about 25% of the water each week, not throw all of the old water down the drain. Putting him in brand new water every single week can stress the fish out. Try going to a website called bettatalk and do some research.
typalexandra - 12 years ago
a little too small tank for a betta, but otherwise, good video! :)
jenna bobyk
jenna bobyk - 12 years ago
why in the world would u put big rocks there cause it could get stuck and die!!
paulmillermig - 12 years ago
You need to use grave
MegaTimebomb098 - 12 years ago
yeah im sorry for saying "stfu" im just a little cranky this morning XD.
MegaTimebomb098 - 12 years ago
awsome, thanks for the info. im thinking of getting a betta fish this week, i already have a 5 gallon setup with a heater and filter. thank god for my goldfish filter i insta cycled my betta tank.
MegaTimebomb098 - 12 years ago
okay im sorry mango. i didnt mean anything against your smarts with fish but their are thousands of people who nag about fish tank size but alright.
MegaTimebomb098 - 12 years ago
calm down big bertha, i hate people like you who have to always say for example "you need a bigger tank", like what are you the fish tank police.

30. comment for how to clean a betta fish tank

MegaTimebomb098 - 12 years ago
you should..stfu.
ImLilla - 12 years ago
U don't need to let them wait in the cup b4 u put them in the tank
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 12 years ago
there is alot of good info online from the pros and some you can even email. go check it out.
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 12 years ago
not sure i understand. but try to get at least 10gal to breed in make sure the water has a heater and is warmer then normal. feed them often, use things like brine shrimp or blood worms. you could get some betta spa off ebay and it could increase breeding behavior be prepared to spend money bc its not cheap to maintain a good breeding ground for bettas. :)
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 12 years ago
get a bigger tank. you can fin them for really cheap in the vase area at walmart. like 3gallons for 8bucks. you could also get some cute fake flowers to put in the top. :)
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 12 years ago
lord, chill... i got an updated vid go watch it!
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 12 years ago
i have an updated video. i have herd it all b4. all of my bettas now have noo less than 1gal and most have 3 or more some have 10.
Darcy Taylor
Darcy Taylor - 12 years ago
Tat tank is way to small there isnt even room for a heater and that's essential to a bettas health and no filter and there isn't a hiding spot or a proper plant for it to rest its fins on and they need plants and not even proper gravel it's essential to keep good bacteria growing get a 2.5 gallon tank at least or 5 if u can it will help so much
Wandering Matt
Wandering Matt - 12 years ago
@ainmelover321 Actually the bacteria growing on rocks/marbles are good as they digest ammonia, changing it to nitrite, then other bacteria digests that, changing it to relatively harmless nitrate.
LegitimatelyBrown - 12 years ago
@dawnfur208 only for tanks 1.5 gallons or more need a filter
Daniel Jimenez
Daniel Jimenez - 13 years ago
thats not how to clean it its how to put it back together damit!
coolmint333 - 13 years ago
@coolmint333 Right after they 'mate' you should take the female out. Take the male out when the babies hatch and are starting to swim. BTW I am meaning to say this in a friendly manner. I have been researching bettas and I own two right now.
coolmint333 - 13 years ago
@sillysilvergirl1357 I think that 4 bettas in a 10 gallon tank would be too cramped. (if you want them to live for a long time) It is best for each betta to have 5 gallons. In order to breed bettas, you will need a breeding tank that has nothing on the bottom. You should put something at the top of the tank so the male can make his bubble nest. Put the male and female in sight of each other and when the female's belly swells up, put her in the breeding tank with the male.
coolmint333 - 13 years ago
@Mercedes56739 Tap water with water conditioner.
coolmint333 - 13 years ago
@Mercedes56739 Buy water conditioner at a pet store and read the instructions on the label. :D
coolmint333 - 13 years ago
@Mercedes56739 5 gallons but the bigger the better!
coolmint333 - 13 years ago
@ainmelover321 thanks. I am pretty sure that they are used to them.
coolmint333 - 13 years ago
@ainmelover321 I am just curious because I own 2 betas and I have these little plastic pebbles that look like seashells. Will they die? They have been living with the pebble things for almost a year and they are happy and healthy. What should I put on the bottom if I can't put rocks or marbles? >___< Please reply. I would like to have healthy, happy betas that live for a long time!!!
brdlwestmoreland13 - 13 years ago
@Thelleekata I have tried that but it doesn't seem to work. Besides, if that were true then why do they make these small tanks specificly for betas?
Fabulous - 13 years ago
@dawnfur208 they should have 1 but can "survive" without one but would really thrive with one

50. comment for how to clean a betta fish tank

Mark Beshai
Mark Beshai - 13 years ago
that was my first tank XD
breyershowstar - 13 years ago
@OrangematzAquariums actually no you dont need filters. betta hate them. ive been breeding bettas for 15 years and none of them ever had a filter.
breyershowstar - 13 years ago
i have bettas and none of them have filters. bettas get stessed out by the current and a filter makes it harder for them to build a bubble nest. ive had my bettas for a couple years and all of them are perfectly healthy. before the bettas i have now. i had four other bettas. they all lived to be six years old.
OrangematzAquariums - 13 years ago
@dawnfur208 Yes - you MUST have a filter and also a heater set to around 80 F.
AcidfartProductions - 13 years ago
You gave me an idea with those marbles.
VarlaV - 13 years ago
@pugluv1324 Smooth plastic plants work or silk. Something without sharp edges.
daleandstephanie - 13 years ago
I think your betta is beautiful:)
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 13 years ago
@dawnfur208 not realy but u can...
SimStart - 13 years ago
dont u need a filter for bettas?
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 13 years ago
i agree.
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 13 years ago
@traveroliver2 i have an upgraded vid. bigger tank! i didn't know anything about bettas when i made this vid!
Charlotte Brofelde
Charlotte Brofelde - 13 years ago
the tank is TO SMALL!! ;(
Brooke Foster
Brooke Foster - 13 years ago
i got mine from a wedding reception
Aiko - 13 years ago
I saw you mention that you have bigger tanks there's no need to rag you. :) one thing is that you don't want to completely clean out the gravel too; it gets rid of the good ammonia-eating bacteria, which are VERY important.
beanerlees1 - 13 years ago
Not to mention if not put in properly and dissolved.. it will burn the fish. >.>
beanerlees1 - 13 years ago
You really don't want to use AQ salt on a normal basis. After some time it can/will harm the betta. Not to mention when it is needed (it is used to heal external injuries, parasites, etc) your fish will be pretty much immune to the beneficial qualities the AQ salt gives. A 1gal tank is fine for a betta as long as you do a weekly 50% and 100% water change. They make those small tanks to make money. It's not about the quality, but quantity to the manufacturers.
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 13 years ago
@pugluv1324 i have a new tank much larger and with live plants. :) thx for the suggestion though
Parrotpeople21 - 13 years ago
That tank with the divider is WAY too small for a single betta!
MinecraftKidhd - 13 years ago
i got the same one
VS Productions
VS Productions - 13 years ago
VS Productions
VS Productions - 13 years ago
i like your beeta
Budget Shooter
Budget Shooter - 13 years ago
@mehtab1k wow you fucking idiot tiger barbs are schooling fish that need 20 gallons minimum
MrWthisthis100 - 13 years ago
@brandidawn45680 well because to trick people who don't know about fish. The reason he made a bubble nest as soon as you put him back in was because he has been in there long enough to call it his territory. When you moved it into the 10 gallon it didnt know where it was. I think if you left it in the 10 gallons for a week or 2 itll be 30x happier compared to that tiny thing.
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 13 years ago
@cowoperation THANK YOU! i agree! i thought my betta (the one in the vase in this vid) was the only betta was like tht. i put him in a 10gal. and he was okay. then i put him back in his vase and he built a bubb;e nest first thing! he seemed happyer! and why would they make those tanks if you can't use them?
cowoperation - 13 years ago
For all you people talking about how the tank is to small-- it was made FOR bettas, and two at that! I choose to take out the devider, and I put in a leafy plant, as well as a Greek column that my 1-1/2 year old betta LOVES to play in, I also have a two gallon tank that I used, but personally my fish just wasn't as happy... So truly I think it depends on the fish
NiyoNation - 13 years ago
wow the better perfers the vase....
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 13 years ago
@mehtab1k i have two 10gallons 1five gallon one 1.5 gal and for gallons i have alot of fish!
mehtab ali shah
mehtab ali shah - 13 years ago
Ur marbles look nice with ur tank I like ur tank I have a 5gal with 1tiger barb
LEGOBOY1098 - 13 years ago
@brandidawn45680 cool!
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 13 years ago
wow almost 3000 veiws!! i'm proud!! :) i'm going to make another video on how to clean a betta fish tank soon! it's will be much better than the first!
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 13 years ago
@LEGOBOY1098 i have bigger tanks now :) and i agree. i have learnd alot about bettas since this video. and i think i'm going to make a new one.
LEGOBOY1098 - 13 years ago
I would suggest getting more plants or an ordament because bettas love to hide! Also I would by some gravel.... its only like 3 dollars for a tank that size. But cool video and your betta is gorgeous!
Boby Bobby
Boby Bobby - 13 years ago
@wotldthe2006 i ment the decorations bettas only need like 1 liter of water
Boby Bobby
Boby Bobby - 13 years ago
thats way to small i treat mine like royality
stephanie - 13 years ago
omg i have that
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 13 years ago
@SmilensayHello dollar tree for a dollar.... kids section i believe. :)
geo moon
geo moon - 13 years ago
i have one of thoses bowls
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 13 years ago
@thelegokid001 you probley right. thts very important for regular fish. bettas ehhh it don't make tht much a diff. but thxx.
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 13 years ago
@livelovecreate1 now all my bettas are in there own 10 gal exsept one its in 1 gal my bf took 2 ones in a 20 gal with a divider and one has a 10 gal all to him self the CT in this vid died of ickk...:( he was my 2nd fav.
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 14 years ago
@DemonEzz06 idk why he looks terible? but he is in a 10 gal tank right now.
jake paterson
jake paterson - 14 years ago
your betta look terrable because his tale look terrable plus u have to keep a betta in something bigger
Luimeril - 14 years ago
@brandidawn45680 they aren't happy in just about anything. they're surviving. they're happier in larger tanks, 2 gallons and up make them happiest. i've had many bettas in my life, and the one that proved that they're happiest in larger tanks lived in a half-gallon bowl. then, i moved him to a 1 gallon tank, and he was much happier and more active. then, he lived in a 10 gallon, and he was so happy about that! i've not bred yet, but i'm researching it, and getting things ready for when i do.
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 14 years ago
@Luimeril i guess you didnt see i have a 10gaal. and if you read any thing abbout bettas it says there quite happy in anything i would deff love to have big tanks for both but i don't got to money. i got the 10gall for the breeding and right now my 2 fish are takeing turns in it. until i breed. have u ever bred b4?
Luimeril - 14 years ago
on another note, your CT looks almost identical to my brother's CT!
Luimeril - 14 years ago
for one, that tank isn't good at all for bettas, and neither are vases. if you want to keep them happy, get them at least two gallons each. bigger is better, though. i have seven, all in two gallons, and i'm adopting an 8th, who gets a 5 gallon. aquaruim salt should only be used if he's sick, or has fin issues. and, you should add a little at a time, so you don't stress him. as for breeding, you'll need ALOT to do it. if you want info, message me, and i'll help you out.

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