how to clean a betta fish tank

give ur betta a bigger home!!! nuff said!
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Most popular comments
for how to clean a betta fish tank

KPD DiGiaco
KPD DiGiaco - 8 years ago
Ok this was 5 years ago but no plants to small tank ...
planthi80 - 8 years ago
Nice posting ....thanks!
Amarion Bruton
Amarion Bruton - 8 years ago
I,t,s so stupid why would anyone buy a big tank for a bite size fish
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
So many chemicals. All you really need absent a serious problem is something to remove chlorine, and aquarium salt. That said, it doesn't hurt to have an antibiotic on hand
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 9 years ago
I made this video like 5 years ago for fun I was just a kid don't be so serious.
Carly Fisher
Carly Fisher - 9 years ago
Add some more plants and some hiding places. I know you are younger and I'm not trying to me mean, but please get some and a larger tank. In an open space, bettas can get stressed out and flare too much when there are no plants. Ask your mom if you could upgrade! Good luck!
Marilyn Oros
Marilyn Oros - 9 years ago
Really I didn't know that thanks
TheInfernoGamer - 9 years ago
Takes the betta accilmates the fish, pours it in my 20g tank and breaks the shit out of thay plastic
D i m a
D i m a - 9 years ago
Really. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To small.
Noelle Price
Noelle Price - 9 years ago
Hey relax she did what I did I went from a 1/2 gallon tank to the same tank but now my fish is in a 3.5 aquarium and is doing great I bet she will get a bigger fish.
Rosalba Zapata
Rosalba Zapata - 9 years ago
i have the same tank

10. comment for how to clean a betta fish tank

Because I'm Doraemon11
Because I'm Doraemon11 - 9 years ago
DAMN!!! She got too many bottles for ONE fish!
paulmillermig - 7 years ago
I think she has more fish though
Lorenze Raj
Lorenze Raj - 10 years ago
add aquarium salt it safe for betta.if u not using the aquarium salt ur fish will get dropsy and ich
sebastian salazar
sebastian salazar - 10 years ago
Do I need water conditioner for drinkable water?
Fish Lore
Fish Lore - 10 years ago
T may be to late but yes the declorinator (i think i spelt that wrong) will take out harmful stuff from the water so it wont kill the fish it will take out metal and other thing that are not harmful foe people
Sydnee Hanson
Sydnee Hanson - 10 years ago
That tank is a absolute death wish!! Put the poor thing in a 2.5 or more gal. And with Plants!!!!
Hallie Ivory
Hallie Ivory - 10 years ago
were is the plant. bettas like a place to hide.
Loi Nguyen
Loi Nguyen - 10 years ago
Nice job. If you love beta fish. You can go to my YouTube loisexotics channel or type ufo fish tank .you will see my ufo antigravity beta aquarium that I design. Thanks
Loi Nguyen
Loi Nguyen - 10 years ago
Nice job. If you love beta fish. You can go to my YouTube loisexotics channel or type ufo fish tank .you will see my ufo antigravity beta aquarium that I design. Thanks
Yadira Rodriguez
Yadira Rodriguez - 11 years ago
What tank is that?
Sydnee Hanson
Sydnee Hanson - 10 years ago
A death bowl!
Gracey Odom
Gracey Odom - 11 years ago
I have a few questions!! 1) what was the alge stuff you use called? 2) can you put it in with your betta or do you have to do it during a water change? 3) where did you get your betta spa?
Thanks so much!

Great video!!
Eternal Skyy Costumes
Eternal Skyy Costumes - 11 years ago
takes the fish, puts it in my 10 gallons tank with a heater and smashes the crap out of that little tiny piece of plastic

20. comment for how to clean a betta fish tank

Ty - 11 years ago
I have a 10 gal I'm going to out mine in with a few African dwarf frogs how would I clean that tank ?
johnray8o8 - 11 years ago
where you when buy your tank
Lena Liang
Lena Liang - 11 years ago
Isn't both too small? I do not want to start an argument, I just thought that 2.5 galleons was the minimum.
Yadira Rodriguez
Yadira Rodriguez - 11 years ago
+ReviewCam . No, 5 gallons 
xenia godridge
xenia godridge - 11 years ago
Thank now I am confident to get a fish and maybe u should put some plants in or else they can get really bored plants or a Ping pong ball
PrettyThingsRock - 11 years ago
Seems like so many chemicals you put in it. Did you do a nylon test on the floating plant? Just wondering, thanks for sharing.
BioHazard - 11 years ago
No you dont need those chemicals
Rebekah C
Rebekah C - 11 years ago
This really helped me
Navjot  Kaur
Navjot Kaur - 11 years ago
Heather Jones
Heather Jones - 11 years ago
LeeAnne Murphy
LeeAnne Murphy - 11 years ago
were is cool fish stuff

30. comment for how to clean a betta fish tank

Cecy Pena
Cecy Pena - 11 years ago
Will it die if i don't have all those chemicals :( my first day i only have the water conditioner thing and feed them pellets once a day i have two
Abie Negru
Abie Negru - 11 years ago
Why aren't u cleaning it in a sink? Of all places ur floor. Lil
mj35k - 11 years ago
I mean sis
mj35k - 11 years ago
Said don't say that she talks alot
mj35k - 11 years ago
Cox Media relations between now I am so I am so I can get it is the sender immediately and then I am going to be a lot of this message is a bit of a few weeks ago but I have a lot of this email address so we have a few days of this message in the sender immediately notify the same time and I have a lot of this is not the same time and I have a lot of this is not the same time and I have a lot of this is not the same time and I have a lot and I have a lot of this is not the same time and I have a
Bella Pop
Bella Pop - 11 years ago
My male betta fish is in a bowl and I dont have all those chemicals and whatnot he just gets clean water from the store and gets fed flakes everyday
Bella Pop
Bella Pop - 11 years ago
36doggy - 11 years ago
Betas should be in at least a 5 gal tank with a heater.
Hannah Michel
Hannah Michel - 11 years ago
how many gallons is the trianglular tank?
megan hatfield
megan hatfield - 11 years ago
I have a suggestion for you. you should put a plant in the tank because if your tank is plain your fish can get stressed and possibly die they need something to interact with or play thanks for reading this and I hope this helps! :) have a nice day
Lindsay Pez
Lindsay Pez - 11 years ago
My betta is in a half gallon bowl right now, and tomorrow I'll be moving him to a 3 gallon tank. I do regular water changes (25-50% daily) but I have a feeling the pH and ammonia are off in his current home. Do you have any advice on how I can safely move him to his new home with better levels so that he doesn't go into shock from being in a poorer environment? I loved this video by the way; thanks for sharing and uploading!
Vanessa Rosales
Vanessa Rosales - 11 years ago
My betta is blue and it's name is snowball
AK19601 - 11 years ago
Tankyou for helping me! Just got my betta fish, and this video helped me very much :)
lucia navarrete
lucia navarrete - 12 years ago
i love your videos!!!
MegaHorrizon - 12 years ago
your tank is tiny
Jillian McCamey
Jillian McCamey - 12 years ago
i dont think it will i have a betta and i dont think so
Vanessa Gradisic
Vanessa Gradisic - 12 years ago
Moving Betta Fish into a new tank is it bad can it make a fish like die because i got 5 bettas and i change thier bowls often so please comment ???
Jillian Cam
Jillian Cam - 12 years ago
do you only have to put in the ph once? thanks.
johnathan mckenzie
johnathan mckenzie - 12 years ago
To much trouble I have a 10 gallon tank and I don't use ay of that stuff just a big filter and air filter all my battalion and other fish list there life spam
mstenorsaxplayer - 12 years ago
Nah, I don't breed mine. He makes bubble nest all the time. Its just what they naturally do.

50. comment for how to clean a betta fish tank

Cennedi Ryan
Cennedi Ryan - 12 years ago
Relax, pH sets are at Petcos and Petsmarts for 10-20 dollars
mymys101 - 12 years ago
how come u dont have any ornaments
mymys101 - 12 years ago
um only if your breeding ur betta it will make a bubble nest right???
Jessica Taylor
Jessica Taylor - 12 years ago
I was going to name my fish Harry after Harry Styles,but my Fish likes the name Hector.When I call him and say Hector he really comes and I only got him yesterday!
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 12 years ago
petland pet mark walmart any local pet shop should sell them.
Shayla Beavers
Shayla Beavers - 12 years ago
Gigan - 12 years ago
or get a filter :)
Kaitlyn McKenzie
Kaitlyn McKenzie - 12 years ago
Thanks for helping me care for my betta. He now lives in a 1 gallon tank with plants and gravel. I hope to get another betta because he was making a nest out of bubbles and I watched videos about it and I want him to have a female with him. :D Anyways, thanks! :D
gir46765 - 12 years ago
There's nothing u can really do because a while back I had gotten a scratchy or pointy plant that made rips on my bettas fin so I removed the plant and after a few weeks his fin healed so I would recommend to remove anything sharp in your tank
Sailor Williams
Sailor Williams - 12 years ago
My betta has ripps in his find HELP!!!!!! Ps. Nice vid very informative!
Viper112884 - 12 years ago
U do not need gravel if I have a filter that's where the bacteriagrows but u only have one gallon so I hope u kno u can't cycle that small of tank..u should be doin 100 percent water change every other day.. jus sayin but that's ur fish and u can do whatever u like jus tryin to give u a lil tip for healtthy betta
Viper112884 - 12 years ago
@Guineapig321 no u do not have to hhave gravel... ihave a five gallon betta tank at the moment that is barebottom meaning no substrate ie gravel... check my tank out if ur curious on how it would look
Sena Hansler
Sena Hansler - 13 years ago
yeah that's true haha. Even note for those beginners: if you are losing bettas left right and center, check your tap water. I had that problem... the tap upstairs was killing my fish. taps downstairs are fine. Pipes, and water supply can alter, so always remember to acclimatize back to the water =D
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 13 years ago
shut up valey ;)
Guineapig321 - 13 years ago
Thank you for the help :)
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 13 years ago
i hope he is okay! to late for to say.. sorry.
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 13 years ago
i agree but i'm trying to help the beginners out there. lol.
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 13 years ago
why thank ya.
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 13 years ago
yes you need gravel. it will help with the bacteria in your fish tank in witch the fishy s love <3 there are all kinds on gravel to buy. Its very cheap at wal-mart too. and get you some fish you will love em.
Guineapig321 - 13 years ago
Hi (Anyone can answer this) I don't have any fishes now but I am thinking about getting fishes in a few months (MAYBE), Could someone please tell me what the Gravel is used for. Do the fish like/Need it? What does it do? Thank you :)
Jordan Thomson
Jordan Thomson - 13 years ago
i have a 1.5 gallon to. and my betta is happy, hes even making a bubble nest because hes very very happy!!!!!!
Beyond That's Me
Beyond That's Me - 13 years ago
You don't know your beautiful <3
Sena Hansler
Sena Hansler - 13 years ago
I like your video, but, I will point out the inch per gallon is bogus :p no one should put a 5 inch goldie in 5 gallons of water lol. All depends on bioload :) for bettas, as long as you can have the water warm for them, and keep the water clean, then good =D
Quinn's Life
Quinn's Life - 13 years ago
im pretty sure that is a one gallon tank your moving him into. and is that a male crowntail?
Joeink100 - 13 years ago
Fit as hell
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 13 years ago
@EveryoneLuvzBetaFish i have five:) but at one point i had 10. but i felt like i wasn't giveing them proper homes so i gave some to friends.
Linh V
Linh V - 13 years ago
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 13 years ago
@Chkeey123 thx ya ;)
Brandi Travis
Brandi Travis - 13 years ago
@jacjul1952 thank you :)

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