i lost my betta fish.

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i lost my betta fish. sentiment_very_dissatisfied 16

Betta 7 years ago 13,331 views

SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/CTWSub Online store www.wildpetsupply.com MY INSTAGRAM (@jamesmorelan) http://bit.ly/JamesInsta MY TWITTER (@jamesmorelan) http://bit.ly/JamesTweet MY SNAPCHAT http://bit.ly/JamesSnap Business only email: cw47wabe@gmail.com Mail me stuff James Morelan PO BOX #085925 Racine, WI 53408 Camera I use: http://amzn.to/2sFDoHq

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Most popular comments
for i lost my betta fish.

Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Yollow Feet
Yollow Feet - 7 years ago
Um... This may be a bad time... Or a good to time to mention that you got 1,000 likes on your kilifish video and you said that if you did you would buy some eggs... So... Yeah...
Fred Espinosa
Fred Espinosa - 7 years ago
I'm sorry, I've had issues with my betta and she died but focus on the others to try take mind off the loss besides your doing well with your other fish
Sandeep Ho
Sandeep Ho - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild please add red tetras to one of your Aquarium its kinda great community fish! Looking forward!
Love from india , bangalore
A3668m Milling
A3668m Milling - 7 years ago
We are doomed.
Trippie AMV
Trippie AMV - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild I'm so sorry for your loss when my blood in tetra passed away due to cold water and I was so sad so I feel your pain but I know you loved him ♥️
Yollow Feet
Yollow Feet - 7 years ago
Me and my dad ordered some plants and ramshorn snails but I have a question, will the snails have babies? If they do, do I need to do anything for the eggs to hatch?
No stop aquariums
No stop aquariums - 7 years ago
im so sorry #ripcosmos
Gaige Stinson
Gaige Stinson - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild u should consider getting an eliphant ear betta.
Animal Arts
Animal Arts - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild dang I have watched all your videos and this is for sure the saddest you’ve been I’m so sorry and I hope you can get through this and keep making great videos?
Marko_ Markovik
Marko_ Markovik - 7 years ago
I'm sorry for your betta
Sam's Fish Tank
Sam's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
Who me?
ImDead Vlogs
ImDead Vlogs - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild wow you still made a pun
Sam's Fish Tank
Sam's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild are you going to get another one
Carrie Dawson
Carrie Dawson - 7 years ago
Try crushing the cuttlefish to powder and mixing in the substrate
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
teaxstains - 7 years ago
My betta fish died 2 days ago
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 7 years ago
Just a tip: you said that you used test strips. Do you use them on all of your tanks? Because test strips can be very inaccurate and often times are flat out completely wrong. Liquid test kits are so much more accurate and precise. The API freshwater test kit is only around $30 and very easy to use, it's definitely worth upgrading! Your levels could def have been off without you knowing if you only use the strips!
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild good it will definitely make everything so much easier for you! And your welcome
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Tanks for the tip! I'm thinking about getting a set for my fish room
Jose Gonzalez
Jose Gonzalez - 7 years ago
get another betta fish
Autumn Olsen
Autumn Olsen - 7 years ago
if you want a good, kinda hardy betta fish, look into the koi breed. i think, from one fish keeper to the other, they can do oodles for the healing process. :)
Ahsan Ali
Ahsan Ali - 7 years ago
I feel sorry for u
Tierra Jean
Tierra Jean - 7 years ago
sorry for your loss, Rest In Peace cosmos, I was wondering if you could possibly make a video about which types of fish can be tank mates with Goldfish? love your channel!
net fishing daily
net fishing daily - 7 years ago
yes , boy i like video

10. comment for i lost my betta fish.

KingEmirZ _RBLX
KingEmirZ _RBLX - 7 years ago
Poor Fish :(
River Life
River Life - 7 years ago
Sorry for your loss.
Bigcat - 7 years ago
I had a fish once. it was digging in the rocks and ended up killing it self
Sydney Grey
Sydney Grey - 7 years ago
I'm soooo sorry for your loss! I can't imagine losing one of my bettas, I hope your other bettas are doing okay. :)
Seaside aquatics
Seaside aquatics - 7 years ago
I just got a used but in good condition 10 gallon aquarium with a filter and everything for only $10 :)
TV's Head
TV's Head - 7 years ago
Why do you need too much snail in tank?
Yollow Feet
Yollow Feet - 7 years ago
He sells them on his store
Fish Guy
Fish Guy - 7 years ago
I think I am about to lose my betta fish he gots really bad fin rot and the salt baths are not working
Natasha Bergstrom
Natasha Bergstrom - 7 years ago
Just make sure he has a lot of clean dechlorinated water thats at at least room temperature and a small amount of quality food. Usually fin rot is caused by low water quality
Yollow Feet
Yollow Feet - 7 years ago
:( Thats sad, I had a betta but we didn't know he needed a heater... He died.
B0OY YT - 7 years ago
B0OY YT - 7 years ago
Thx harley 78
harley 78
harley 78 - 7 years ago
B0OY YT 10 to 20 gallons is okay for those fish
World of Wild1's
World of Wild1's - 7 years ago
R.I.P Cosmos, sorry for you loss.
Emanuel Chavarria
Emanuel Chavarria - 7 years ago
I'm sorry James :(

20. comment for i lost my betta fish.

Emanuel Chavarria
Emanuel Chavarria - 7 years ago
I'm sorry I had lots of losses with fish I got so attached to. I know how you feel.
algerome28 - 7 years ago
thats definitely their shells deteriorating. shell erosions happen when theres not enough calcium and if the water is too soft
Megan S
Megan S - 7 years ago
Hey, sorry for your loss...I think you should get an API kit (if you don't have one) the strips are proven less accurate so even tho your strips didn't show high reading it could've been higher..
Stanley Colaco
Stanley Colaco - 7 years ago
Did ya find it
Ana Roberts
Ana Roberts - 7 years ago
Honestly I go on your profile to see tanks so I can get one for my hamster ;)
Yollow Feet
Yollow Feet - 7 years ago
Mercy Chua
Mercy Chua - 7 years ago
My situation was worst i accidentally killed my fish i dont know how to cope but i feel sorry for you loss also rip cosmos
jon97gamer1 bluesparkgames
jon97gamer1 bluesparkgames - 7 years ago
Geronimo soto
Geronimo soto - 7 years ago
Or Gourami.
Geronimo soto
Geronimo soto - 7 years ago
So sorry to here that. I lost a marble molly a month or two ago. Maybe with Cosmo's tank you could do cardinal tetras.
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 7 years ago
Geronimo soto I heard cardinals need at least a ten gal and do best in a 15-20, isn't that tank like a 5gal?
Cireann Ashly Villahermosa
Cireann Ashly Villahermosa - 7 years ago
Condolence For you and Cosmos may he go to heaven...

30. comment for i lost my betta fish.

David - 7 years ago
R.I.P cosmos... 2017/2017 u will be remembered
potato - 7 years ago
I don't have a filter for my 5 gallon betta tank because with no filter, betta fish can build a natural shield for themselves. If they have filters, they will still be healthy but if the filter breaks for if a situation occurs, the betta won't have a natural shield because the filter was providing it all for them. P.S. So sorry for cosmos
potato - 7 years ago
Caroline Salpeck a natural shield as in when the betta fish gets a disease
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 7 years ago
I'm not sure what you mean by "natural shield" but I can tell you that, from what I know, that definitely doesn't exist. Betta fish need filters like any other fish. They can live longer without filters than other fish because they have a labyrinth organ which allows them to breath small amounts of air, and thus get oxygen in extreme conditions, but they shouldn't live permanently without a filter. They need a filter, heater, and at least a 2.5 gal tank. Not only are filters important for water circulation and proper oxygen levels, they also house all of the beneficial bacteria that run the nitrogen cycle (aka they eat the toxic ammonia and nitrite in your tank). So yes, filters are necessary for Betta fish.
Yollow Feet
Yollow Feet - 7 years ago
M Mulder
M Mulder - 7 years ago
potato thats bullshit
jon james
jon james - 7 years ago
Condolences for Comsos
Benedict Lamoste
Benedict Lamoste - 7 years ago
R.I.P betta fish
Certified Helper
Certified Helper - 7 years ago
#ripcosmos..it was my favourite fish of this channel....i miss him...BTW congrats on 30K
Melvin versus Aquaescape
Melvin versus Aquaescape - 7 years ago
I'm sorry for your loss challenge the wild bro
JTS 21
JTS 21 - 7 years ago
Sorry for your loss... My betta recently just passed away cause of dropsy.. anyway congrats on 30K :)
Lamarr Wilson
Lamarr Wilson - 7 years ago
I'm sorry to hear this, buddy. Hang in there.
InsertName Here
InsertName Here - 7 years ago
Lamarr Wilson hey (:
Marcxx Todavia
Marcxx Todavia - 7 years ago
Congrats for your 30k subrs.
Williz Z
Williz Z - 7 years ago
R.I.P stay strong James this is just a thing that happens in the hobby
Amoliq Super
Amoliq Super - 7 years ago
I lost my turtle on the 3rd December
Nic B
Nic B - 7 years ago
im sorry about Cosmos! you probably already know this but with shrimp its better not to do massive water changes when breeding because youll end up with loses of fully grown females as they are already using all their energy on making babies and the change in water parameters means they have to molt and most times that takes more energy and resources than they have and then they die.
princetigern117 - 7 years ago
Um hi james im the one chatting u taylor19885
Liam Pawlak
Liam Pawlak - 7 years ago
I lost mine today too man. I feel for your pain... It was all random in my case.
Andrew Maliberan
Andrew Maliberan - 7 years ago
#ripbettafish Congrats btw, you have 30k subscribers..
DirtyNaan54 - 7 years ago
I had a male and female betta in a 5 gallon divided the male was on the heater side, when I got home he was pretty much dead he had white almost burns on him idk what happend when fish die it kills my spirit to on keeping fish but everyone looses fish so don't feel like it's your fault :))))
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 7 years ago
DirtyNaan54 your welcome! I suggest doing large water changes every day for a few weeks until your tank cycles- so basically keep doing this until your ammonia and nitrite levels are at 0 and your nitrate is above 0. You can find more information about a fish-in tank cycling online! Good luck!
DirtyNaan54 - 7 years ago
Caroline Salpeck omg that's what my female has jesus I need to a water change cuz I'm treating her with metro plex from seachem and that totally makes sence that's a tone
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 7 years ago
DirtyNaan54 it sounds like either ammonia burn or an injury (which look like white marks on their scales). If it was ammonia burn, then that means your ammonia levels are too high, which could kill your female as well. I would check your water parameters asap (either with a liquid test kit or by taking a sample of the water to a fish/pet store). I would also take any sharp objects/decor out of your females tank such as plastic plants- if the male died of an injury, thy could have caused it. I would also buy a stick on thermometer just in case it was the heater. The tank should be between 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit. If it is higher than this, you should consider getting an adjustable heater. Good luck!
harley 78
harley 78 - 7 years ago
DirtyNaan54 females produce different toxins in the Watters that could be why
Yollow Feet
Yollow Feet - 7 years ago
maybe your heater was to hot for him
Shamshad Ansari
Shamshad Ansari - 7 years ago
world of fish
world of fish - 7 years ago
Hi im just a beginning youtuber who is going to start making videos i would really appreciate it if you subscribed to my channel it would really help me out to start
Thx and have a great day❤
Foxxy - 7 years ago
That's weird because my Betta fish just died and his name was cosmo and yours just died what are the odds but #ripcosmos
funnytimes 24.7
funnytimes 24.7 - 7 years ago
Your poor betta fish. I hope it goes to heaven. :.( I am so sad. I feel bad for u. I just got one yesterday. So awesome. But I feel so sad. I loved your betta fish:(

50. comment for i lost my betta fish.

Yodi Gaming
Yodi Gaming - 7 years ago
congrats on 30,000 subs I have been watching you since 900 subs you grew so quick i'm so excited to be there all the way also when will you have another live stream? But anyways um sorry for cosmos's death :/ I hope your other fish are ok. Wish you the bestest of luck!
Yodi Gaming
Yodi Gaming - 7 years ago
sorry for your loss :/
shreyas kulkarni
shreyas kulkarni - 7 years ago
Don't worry bro, it happens
falied o
falied o - 7 years ago
Don’t worry. It’s a part of life and it’s natrual that all life comes to an end. Don’t blame your self just know your betta is in fish heaven eating gold fish.(Trying to lighten mood)
Sadie S.
Sadie S. - 7 years ago
Just lost my favorite koi female betta today.
Maddie D
Maddie D - 7 years ago
I’m so sorry about cosmo. That sucks dude
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
ZD4RK - 7 years ago
I’m sorry for your loss but congrats on 30k
Parakeet Corner
Parakeet Corner - 7 years ago
I'm sorry for your lost.Ive been in this situation but my budgie named blue got injured and passed away on the same day and that was 1 year ago which was December 4th 2016 on a Sunday.
MPWALL - 7 years ago
I hate loosing fish. It’s not the monetary value that bothers me, it’s just that you try so hard to provide them a comfortable environment only to have this ultimate end. Also they are a creature you really care about, and having them suffer as well just breaks your heart. You’ll find your passion again, trust me, you always do.
Sam Melyanets
Sam Melyanets - 7 years ago
R.I.P. Comsos :(
Gabycreate Gaby2002
Gabycreate Gaby2002 - 7 years ago
Take care well
Mario - 7 years ago
yo bro, if it was because of freezing water, I think the betta was only sedated, you've made sure the betta really dead isn't it?
DUB.REXY21 - 7 years ago
congratulations for your Milestone
Aquatics And furries
Aquatics And furries - 7 years ago
Sorry for the loss of your betta, so gutting when it happens...
some rocks give off calcium not sure what would be available in your area though but worth a look. Also ive found test strips to not be that accurate, ive tried a few different brands but no where near as accurate as a liquid test kit, when i first got the liquid done 2 test strips and 2 liquid tests and had 2 different readings, liquid for me is better.
The Toxic Fish
The Toxic Fish - 7 years ago
Sorry R.I.P. Cosmos forever Cosmo will not be forgotten
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
The Toxic Fish hi! Yeah.... he was beautiful. Swim in peace Cosmos
Petit Fish
Petit Fish - 7 years ago
If you want another betta, hit me up on @Petit_Fish on instagram
InfinityPets - 7 years ago
#ripcosmos :( and congrats on 30k sub.
dattkidd Tillman
dattkidd Tillman - 7 years ago
I'm finna get me a ten gallon tank what is the best fish to go in
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 7 years ago
dattkidd Tillman Well first off, your ten gallon will have to cycle for between 3 weeks to a month before you can put fish in it. This will allow it to build up the beneficial bacteria in the filter that the fish will need to survive. Not many fish can go in a ten gallon- don't trust what the stores tell you! Betta fish are a great fish for a ten! If you don't want a Betta fish you could also do a few guppies but no more than five. 5-6 chili rasboras or neon tetras could work as well. But most rasboras and tetras are too big and too active for a ten gal. You could put the chili rasboras or neon tetras with one dwarf gourami as a centerpiece (they are super pretty). Shrimp and snails are also great choices for a ten gal (but be warned, if you get a Betta or gourami it may eat them). But other than those options there really isn't much else that can go in a ten gal. You can always use AqAdvisor.com to see what types of fish and how many you could keep in a tank that size! Make sure you do a lot of research online about how to take care of fish before you get them because the people at the stores will usually give you false information. Good luck!
Jwtanner 05
Jwtanner 05 - 7 years ago
R.I.P ggs on 30,000 its been a while since I've watched yt I've moved to twitch
JW Aquarium's
JW Aquarium's - 7 years ago
That's sad
victor pirir
victor pirir - 7 years ago
He lived a good life with a great fish owner
R.I.P $50 dollar beta
Hi It’s Fishy
Hi It’s Fishy - 7 years ago
I lost my pea puffer...
You should do what I did an make a memorial out of a rock and a sharp piece of metal.
bart gold
bart gold - 7 years ago
OH GOD i hope your not getting like that wacko nut job jenni from solid gold aquatics - she thinks and acts like shes the queen of goldfish then all her fish die....!! literalLY ALL then she makes a video begging for money without any fish lol. but sorry for your loss.
ilvdoggez - 7 years ago
Oh no, I'm so sorry :(
PsychoticKnows - 7 years ago
How cold is your house cause my betta was fine in 73 degrees
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 7 years ago
PsychoticKnows okay... then you should get a heater for your tank to regulate the temp. I recommend putting it next to the filter so that it can be spread quickly throughout the tank. You should also look up salt bathes- if done correctly they can really help with fin rot. I would also check your parameters- fin rot is usually caused by too much ammonia in the tank, not the temp. Did you cycle your tank before you put the Betta in it?
PsychoticKnows - 7 years ago
Caroline Salpeck the temperature of my house and tank are always changing and now my betta has fin rot
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 7 years ago
PsychoticKnows Betta fish can usually handle a wide range of temperatures as long as they stay between 70-80 ish degrees and stay STABLE. A large fluctuation in temperature can cause them to become stressed which makes them more open to swim bladder, dropsy, or other sicknesses.
Adri GG
Adri GG - 7 years ago
What nooooo im sad
Eric Segerberg 2
Eric Segerberg 2 - 7 years ago
My betta fish died and then we got new ones and that died
Bear-lee Trying
Bear-lee Trying - 7 years ago
Sorry to hear about the Betta.
Challenge Nature
Challenge Nature - 7 years ago
R.I.P Cosmo
Mimi's Aquatic Addiction
Mimi's Aquatic Addiction - 7 years ago
So sorry
Andrew Lee
Andrew Lee - 7 years ago
NOOOOOOO! My betta died once too. Hope you feel better. :(
Summer Hendrix
Summer Hendrix - 7 years ago
My Bettas Blue and Hawkeye are both 3 and look like they are gonna pass
Gretta Gritsy
Gretta Gritsy - 7 years ago
At 4:16 a black mystery snail drops from the glass in the twenty gallon to the right of you
dylan Bernard
dylan Bernard - 7 years ago
s.i.p swim in peace
Master Jer
Master Jer - 7 years ago
Enderdood 2.0
Enderdood 2.0 - 7 years ago
Rip I lost mines to so I can relate :(
JasonS1415 - 7 years ago
To get more calcium for the snails, use crushed coral or shells.
Gavin Chen
Gavin Chen - 7 years ago
Don’t worry about a little shell rot, it’s normal when you have a bunch of snails, leave the cuttlebone in and let them eat and nip at it
Hunter Folden
Hunter Folden - 7 years ago
My Snails are having the same issue I put cuttlebones in just a few days ago, and they are really improving I think
Bad Username
Bad Username - 7 years ago
R.I.P Cosmo 2017-2017 Dunt Cri Jamesssss
Down the Worm Hole
Down the Worm Hole - 7 years ago
Sorry for the betta, Grats on the 30K! wow!
Aquatic shrimp
Aquatic shrimp - 7 years ago
use crushed coral for calcium
Belle 12
Belle 12 - 7 years ago
Nice 30 thousand! Sorry your fish died
Adriana Nguyen
Adriana Nguyen - 7 years ago
SIP Comsos.

And, what happened to your puffer?
Cindy Lu Roman
Cindy Lu Roman - 7 years ago
Congrats on 30K........ sorry for your losses
Michelle S
Michelle S - 7 years ago
So sorry for your loss. Test strips aren’t nearly as accurate as liquid test kits, also in the end and over time liquid test kits are way cheaper. Please don’t use test strips. Congrats on 30k
Sian Hingston
Sian Hingston - 7 years ago
His tank did look pretty dirty when you put him in :/
Melissa Berry
Melissa Berry - 7 years ago
Congratulations on 30,000 subscribers....I'm sorry for your loss
Veronica V
Veronica V - 7 years ago
From what it looks like to me: Mystery snails tend to get pin hole size holes on their shells whenever they aren't getting enough calcium. The white is the shell deteriorating. While older mystery snails do develop this over time, considering the amount of snails you have in that tank, there may not be enough calcium for everyone to absorb or eat. Whenever I breed and raise mystery snails I give them kent liquid calcium (sold in the Marine section), homemade powdered eggshells, Tums ( they enjoy the berry flavored ones), and calcium enriched veggies like spinach, kale, and chard. I have a small jar of powdered eggshells if you'd like to try some. Hope this helps!
CrazyNWildBaby - 7 years ago
i do the cuttlebone and it works fine for me. I haven't tried the tums, so I might check that out for myself. Thanks for the tip, Veronica.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Veronica V tanks so much! Ill have to try them out
Betta Fish
Betta Fish - 7 years ago
I’m so sorry :( RIP ILY

100. comment for i lost my betta fish.

_Dylan _
_Dylan _ - 7 years ago
Sorry for your loss of your betta and congrats on 30k!
B0OY YT - 7 years ago
So sad! And i have a question. Im thinking on getting a 10 gallon tank and i would like to have a female betta; 6 neon tetras; 3 panda catfish and some snails. Do you think the tank would be crowded or not?
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 7 years ago
You could probably get away with the Betta and neons, but the panda cats (which I'm assuming are Cory cats) can't go in a ten gal. You need to keep them in groups of at least six, so they need at least a twenty gal. The Betta and the neons completely max out your tank. You could maybe get away with adding a snail or a few shrimp, but that's it. You'll just have to make sure you do 25% water changes every week and keep an eye on your water parameters (use a liquid test kit- strips don't really work). Also, i want to make sure you know that you have to let the tank cycle for anywhere between 3 weeks to a month or so before you put fish in so that the beneficial bacteria can grow in the filter- otherwise the ammonia will kill the fish. Make sure you do a lot of research online before getting the tank- store employees will pretty much always give you inaccurate information. Good luck!
B0OY YT - 7 years ago
It's a 42 liter
B0OY YT - 7 years ago
And without the snails and only one panda catfish it eoul be ok?
lesbi. .fweds
lesbi. .fweds - 7 years ago
Try a 20 or 30 gallon, smaller tanks are more of a pain. Believe me
Pieano Twin#2
Pieano Twin#2 - 7 years ago
That would be way too overcrowded.
Dara's Life
Dara's Life - 7 years ago
I'm so sorry kiddo, hope u feel better soon ❤❤❤
straight savage
straight savage - 7 years ago
Rip was it the red baby beta?
No stop aquariums
No stop aquariums - 7 years ago
no it was the $50 yellow one
Sunkiss Slimes
Sunkiss Slimes - 7 years ago
My beTa fish died the other day he was 3 years old
creative footprint
creative footprint - 7 years ago
That’s sucks sorry
-Animal-fish-gamer -
-Animal-fish-gamer - - 7 years ago
YAY 30k nice
Raccoon Creek Aquatics
Raccoon Creek Aquatics - 7 years ago
Sorry for your lost, man.
-Animal-fish-gamer -
-Animal-fish-gamer - - 7 years ago
Rip Cozmo
AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 7 years ago
RIP Cosmo
Alexis Favela
Alexis Favela - 7 years ago
Are you going to sell guppies on your online store
Yesli Frias Mejia
Yesli Frias Mejia - 7 years ago
I'm so sorry boo....
DH Aquatics
DH Aquatics - 7 years ago
Congrats on 30,000! That's amazing!

Also, I am sorry about your betta. We've all lost fish throughout our hobby career. I thought my oldest betta was on his way out this past week, but they sure do surprise you! In the future, I would look for bettas who are suffering from ailments and take them in, treat them, and look for good homes for them. That is what I do and you'd be amazed the personalities of the bettas who are on the brink of death. You can just tell that they are grateful for your work! (Just an idea) :)
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium - 7 years ago
Congrats man! Happy to see your channel grow since the beggining. I remember when you first started and we are so few subs that time :) Once again congrats! Always a supporter here
Al's Critters
Al's Critters - 7 years ago
I was here since 1,000 subs! Your channel has grown a lot, love how more mature and educated you are getting, keep up the good work!
Guppy Gal & Tanzie the Ragdoll
Guppy Gal & Tanzie the Ragdoll - 7 years ago
rip cosmo calcium try to use rinsed crushed coral in mesh bags or in a plastic box filter with air pump be careful thou can raise ph too
RkBunny - 7 years ago
Mr Mang0123
Mr Mang0123 - 7 years ago
Guppy Gal & Tanzie the Ragdoll
Guppy Gal & Tanzie the Ragdoll - 7 years ago
I feel ya
Maddy Grabham
Maddy Grabham - 7 years ago
Awww RIP! I feel for your loss. My first ever female guppy also passed today I found her dead in her tank just after I woke up. She was my first one! Losing a betta or some other fish like the first one or the first baby etc is always hard because they are more significant and unique and special. Congratulations for 50k! I've been subscribed since 6k and watched literally every video you ever uploaded. I'm such a huge fan! Lol. I also noticed how your tone had changed it made me sad! I can feel your passion for the fish and I can sympathise when one dies.
nick spangler
nick spangler - 7 years ago
hey any tips on starting a new channel challenge the wild?
nick spangler
nick spangler - 7 years ago
dude so sorry. same happened to me last week.
Yollow Feet
Yollow Feet - 7 years ago
I am so sorry about your betta fish :( Congrats on 30k

But I think this will make you happier, me and my dad bought some ramshorn snail and a couple plants from your store :)
Blue Drop Aquatics
Blue Drop Aquatics - 7 years ago
I'm sorry about your fish. but look on the bright side, you got 30k subs! congrats!
Jungwon Lee
Jungwon Lee - 7 years ago
I am the 100th comment
Harvey S
Harvey S - 7 years ago
Jacob Thompson
Jacob Thompson - 7 years ago
Sorry bro
Killer Shark
Killer Shark - 7 years ago
When I see the title I’m like
How do you loose a fish?
Joey Heavican_Smile More
Joey Heavican_Smile More - 7 years ago
i don't think the betta would die from temperature. they like higher temperatures and they thrive on warmer water but they wouldnt die from room temp.
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 7 years ago
Joey Heavican_Smile More it was probably caused but the sharp drop in temp/fluctuations in the temp. Betta fish can handle a wide range of temps but only when they are stable- fluctuations can cause stress and sickness in any type of fish.
Roman's Aquariums
Roman's Aquariums - 7 years ago
Hello i love your videos
Isabelle Anderson
Isabelle Anderson - 7 years ago
Awww sorry to hear. When I woke up this morning I learned that my betta had passed away as well
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
Isabelle Anderson sorry for your loss too....☹️
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Awe thanks im sorry to hear that
betta fish expert 1
betta fish expert 1 - 7 years ago
Use bird cuttlebones for calcium
Fish Republic
Fish Republic - 7 years ago
Sorry for your loss #RipCosmos
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Lucaa - 7 years ago
Use crushed coral
Suhail Sohi
Suhail Sohi - 7 years ago
What happend to your dwarf gourami
Honor Scott
Honor Scott - 7 years ago
Hey I am so sorry about Cosmo, he was a lovely fish, and he will be missed for sure. And for the snails calcium deficiency, I recommend just using the cuttlebone that birds use. I just get a big one and break it down for the tanks that have snails in them. And you mentioned you used test strips when you tested your water, and you’ve probably heard this a lot, but you should invest in a liquid test kit. They are much more accurate and last longer. Also another thing that would benefit you and your tanks is to test weekly and keep track with a journal, I do this on the weekends along w water changes (ugh school) and it helps a lot, especially with shrimp. (I have Caridinas)
Honor Scott
Honor Scott - 7 years ago
Omg I feel like an idiot i just read saw how you had cuttlebone in there. Lmao. But broccoli is good too, just don’t leave it in there too long
Seaside aquatics
Seaside aquatics - 7 years ago
Rip Cosmos
WorldOfAnimals EN
WorldOfAnimals EN - 7 years ago
Congraz to 30.000, that's a huge number ;) You deserve it. I got 15 so far, but already happy :D And I feel very sorry for you cause of the death of your betta..
Katy Loves BTS
Katy Loves BTS - 7 years ago
majkskys - 7 years ago
#ripcosmos ohhhh So Sorry to hear Cosmos passed away!
Darksorcer778 - 7 years ago
Put shells in the tank
yk ia gaming
yk ia gaming - 7 years ago
one of my bettas died like that
Bryan Bermudez
Bryan Bermudez - 7 years ago
Sam's Fish Tank
Sam's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
I know how to spell....you try tipping a coment while doing a test
Bryan Bermudez
Bryan Bermudez - 7 years ago
Sam I would but just learn how to spell first.
Sam's Fish Tank
Sam's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
Hey realy be thankfull if you help me get to 100 subes before Cristmas
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
Awww.... I'm sorry he was so beautiful. S.I.P. Swim in peace Cosmos..............congrats on 30k
Jay Just Gamin
Jay Just Gamin - 7 years ago
Petlover2017 123 if he passed how would he swim
Olivia Penrose
Olivia Penrose - 7 years ago
I get what you are saying but then for humans you would say walk in peace
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
Hi Its me s.i.p means swim in peace so it works for a fish
Hi Its me
Hi Its me - 7 years ago
Parker Fenton
Parker Fenton - 7 years ago
I'm sorry for you!
DJ RENZO - 7 years ago
Fish Aquatics
Fish Aquatics - 7 years ago

but i feel bad for the betta. RIP cosmos
Flynn's Fish Forum
Flynn's Fish Forum - 7 years ago
Sorry for your loss :(
Joseph Jones
Joseph Jones - 7 years ago
I’m sorry James. The Challengers are on your side
Daetyn Jones
Daetyn Jones - 7 years ago
Joseph Jones I'm a jones
Thibault Boeraeve
Thibault Boeraeve - 7 years ago
what are you feeding the pleco?
Bradley Gonzalez
Bradley Gonzalez - 7 years ago
I'm early I like the videos always good fun
Leonor Lopez
Leonor Lopez - 7 years ago
Sorry for your loss hope you feel you better
BayIsProbablyOkay - 7 years ago
i’m so sorry to hear about your loss, out of curiosity what kind of heater was it? i want to be sure not to get it myself
Fish Nation
Fish Nation - 7 years ago
Crush coral
Chitownst1 Gaming
Chitownst1 Gaming - 7 years ago
Same thing happened to me... RIP little fishy
RookieAquarist16 - 7 years ago
RIP Cosmos, and poor shrimp, hope his colony stays healthy and happy
Awesome Crab
Awesome Crab - 7 years ago
Awe im sorry
Colin Reeves
Colin Reeves - 7 years ago
Sorry about your betta
HuskyGamer98 - 7 years ago
I'm sorry, you take such good care of your animals and it sucks to see a young person like you lose a animal
JediWolv - 7 years ago
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 7 years ago
Great video again James!!
Losing a fish always sucks!
Good luck with fighting ich!
Keep up the good work!
#Fishfam #Jfam #Challenger #Ripcosmos
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 7 years ago
OhDearInPubs - 7 years ago
Sorry for your loss. I doubt the heater didn't work - most people keep them for like a year without heaters. It sucks, but weird things happen. Hope it all works out
Anya Aponte
Anya Aponte - 7 years ago
true but the sudden change in temperature could’ve been too much for the fish
704 Fish Keeper
704 Fish Keeper - 7 years ago
OhDearInPubs same when I was little I kept a betta without a heater throughout 3 winters
OhDearInPubs - 7 years ago
BayIsProbablyOkay when I was like 5 I used to have a Betta in a small bowl. Horrible, but it lived.
BayIsProbablyOkay - 7 years ago
OhDearInPubs they’re tropical fish, if they are kept in a colder place yes they WILL die from lack of heater, people who keep them without successfully are most likely from regions with similar climates to thailand or they just got very very lucky
SilvaKnight Phoenix
SilvaKnight Phoenix - 7 years ago
Congrats James! I've been with you since you uploaded putting velvet into the 10 gallon!
Gaming With Miner514MC
Gaming With Miner514MC - 7 years ago
One like... one respect
I have a dig bick
I have a dig bick - 7 years ago
Hazmatcar1750 - 7 years ago
Im sorry for your loss man i to had a favorite fish pass:( he was a dwarf blue gourami hand i miss him so i know how you feel ive had him for 2 1/2 years so i feel you man
Sam's Fish Tank
Sam's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
We hit 30,000 subes ,I have bean subed since yourfirst 50 subes
Cristian's Pet Room
Cristian's Pet Room - 7 years ago
Congrats for 30K
Malika Khasanova
Malika Khasanova - 7 years ago
What kind food do you give for snails ???
Malika Khasanova
Malika Khasanova - 7 years ago
O ok thx for information
ImDead Vlogs
ImDead Vlogs - 7 years ago
Malika Khasanova they eat popp left over food and alhee pelets
LR aquatics
LR aquatics - 7 years ago
I think there is another egg clutch on your left side
FISH _OUT OF_WATER - 7 years ago
I feel the same way when a fish dies don't feel like doing it anymore..but I know fish need homes and were better then with me or other fish keepers who love fish..
Terriance Frink
Terriance Frink - 7 years ago
My betta fish died three days ago i had him five months
Terriance Frink
Terriance Frink - 7 years ago
TheGolemHunter thank you hope your betta do better
TheGolemHunter - 7 years ago
Terriance Frink Sorry for your lost, I got really sad when my betta got a fungus patch on his head and started to not eat, swim into things etc a few months ago. I thought he was going to die but he is going strong today.
Eli W
Eli W - 7 years ago
I get it when a betta does I lost 2 in one day and forgot to do water changes for 2 weeks
Sheep Beak
Sheep Beak - 7 years ago
Man I’m really sorry bro my two rescued oranda I saved from death just passed last night I know how you feel
Cristian's Pet Room
Cristian's Pet Room - 7 years ago
Sorry for your loss James. RIP Cosmo
Hunter's channel
Hunter's channel - 7 years ago
Hunter's channel
Hunter's channel - 7 years ago
NO! Sorry for your loss. :( It happens, every day we learn more about the fish keeping hobby! Do you mind checking out my channel and seeing some videos of my 46 gallon? I would appreciate it!
PR1MAL PLAYER - 7 years ago
Oh man. Sorry for your loss bro. he was a beautiful fish
Brennen Fish N Shrimp
Brennen Fish N Shrimp - 7 years ago
Sorry man about the betta. I am also a horniest and it is no fun to lose fish. Especially a fish you had gotten to know.
Brennen Fish N Shrimp
Brennen Fish N Shrimp - 7 years ago
TheGolemHunter I do. But I forget to do it. And yes I know what hornet means. And that is not what I was trying to say.
TheGolemHunter - 7 years ago
Brennen Fish N Shrimp You should edit it lol, idk if you know what horny means but you probably just edit...
Brennen Fish N Shrimp
Brennen Fish N Shrimp - 7 years ago
Ah typo. I mean I am also a hobbiest.
Rachael Meador
Rachael Meador - 7 years ago
Awwww that’s so sad!! Question...what do you use to edit?
Marko_ Markovik
Marko_ Markovik - 7 years ago
Noo I'm sorry for your betta
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
10 th
Franco bos
Franco bos - 7 years ago
I got first like and comment
Malika Khasanova
Malika Khasanova - 7 years ago
I am first who watched
Glaceon pokemon #471
Glaceon pokemon #471 - 7 years ago
I never even knew his name
Dragon Killer
Dragon Killer - 7 years ago
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
10 th
Cristian Cool10
Cristian Cool10 - 7 years ago
Sorry for your loss RIP cosmo
TilledCarton528 - 7 years ago
Sorry for your loss my dude #jfam #challenger #staystrongjames congrats on 30k
axjh - 7 years ago
im sad rip your betta
Max Eck
Max Eck - 7 years ago
First like
Sorry for your loss
Campbell Landswerk
Campbell Landswerk - 7 years ago
Omg I’m so sorry, I love you and your vids so so much❤️❤️
Franco bos
Franco bos - 7 years ago
Haha first comment sorry for your loss
muggle keah
muggle keah - 7 years ago
Aw no I’m sorry
George Coker
George Coker - 7 years ago
Hilo - 7 years ago
Sorry for your lose
Anthony Martinez
Anthony Martinez - 7 years ago
oh no
Cristian Cool10
Cristian Cool10 - 7 years ago

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