i lost my betta fish.
Betta 7 years ago 13,331 views
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Love from india , bangalore
10. comment for i lost my betta fish.
20. comment for i lost my betta fish.
30. comment for i lost my betta fish.
Thx and have a great day❤
50. comment for i lost my betta fish.
some rocks give off calcium not sure what would be available in your area though but worth a look. Also ive found test strips to not be that accurate, ive tried a few different brands but no where near as accurate as a liquid test kit, when i first got the liquid done 2 test strips and 2 liquid tests and had 2 different readings, liquid for me is better.
R.I.P $50 dollar beta
You should do what I did an make a memorial out of a rock and a sharp piece of metal.
And, what happened to your puffer?
100. comment for i lost my betta fish.
Also, I am sorry about your betta. We've all lost fish throughout our hobby career. I thought my oldest betta was on his way out this past week, but they sure do surprise you! In the future, I would look for bettas who are suffering from ailments and take them in, treat them, and look for good homes for them. That is what I do and you'd be amazed the personalities of the bettas who are on the brink of death. You can just tell that they are grateful for your work! (Just an idea) :)
But I think this will make you happier, me and my dad bought some ramshorn snail and a couple plants from your store :)
How do you loose a fish?
but i feel bad for the betta. RIP cosmos
Losing a fish always sucks!
Good luck with fighting ich!
Keep up the good work!
#Fishfam #Jfam #Challenger #Ripcosmos
Sorry for your loss