marina betta aquarium kit Unboxing and Review

Unboxing and Review di betta shop aquarium

marina betta aquarium kit Unboxing and Review sentiment_very_dissatisfied 55

Betta 12 years ago 31,059 views

Unboxing and Review di betta shop aquarium

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Most popular comments
for marina betta aquarium kit Unboxing and Review

Sai Krishna
Sai Krishna - 6 years ago
wt.s the price
Frenchie Nintendogs
Frenchie Nintendogs - 7 years ago
This would be great as a decoration but NOT for any living creature. I heard you could mount these on your wall :)
Breddy Blue
Breddy Blue - 7 years ago
No it's fine it is two and a half litres
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
Coop hbajs Vlogs 2 and is wayyyy to less at least 2.5 gallons which is 9.25 litres
Eve Elizabeth
Eve Elizabeth - 8 years ago
is it glass or plastic
Tamás Leskovics
Tamás Leskovics - 9 years ago
salcz czuker care no fish marina betta aquvarium guantamo fish lager poor fish stupid boy
Pam Wilson
Pam Wilson - 10 years ago
It's not abuse box it's a starter kit
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
I know, but they will as long as people continue to buy them, and I don't see chain stores doing anything differently.
halfmoonblu - 8 years ago
That's still no excuse for them to be selling these cubes.
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
I have noticed that at the Petsmart I go to they're placing the bettas next to these cubes but also 1 and 2.5 gallon starter tanks.
halfmoonblu - 8 years ago
+ReviewCam I agree bettas are often bought on impulse and some people upgrade from the little cubes. but why are you sure they always do? my first betta was an impulse buy and came in a cube not much bigger than a cup, but I got bad info from the store owner so I ignorantly kept it in the cube and it died very prematurely. so I wouldn't just assume most people upgrade, especially when parents buy a betta without a second thought to make their kid stop whining. I've watched this scenario unfold in stores multiple times. the parent buying the fish has no clue what kind of tank it needs or how to take care of it.
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
But the reality is they keep these tanks right next to the cups of bettas and they look large compared to the cups. Many probably bettas as impulse items. I'm sure they change their minds and upgrade once they get them.
halfmoonblu - 8 years ago
a starter kit should be an acceptable home. if it's not, why buy it unless it's to hold the betta while you clean its real tank? that's about all it's good for. clearly people on here have never researched betta care.
ReviewCam - 9 years ago
+Pam Wilson Yep. It's not meant to be a long term home
Karin Samuelis
Karin Samuelis - 10 years ago
and how many liters there
DIESEL king Chris
DIESEL king Chris - 6 years ago
Karin Samuelis 2 litres.
halfmoonblu - 11 years ago
Way too small for a betta. Abuse box.
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
first i wanted to put crabs instead of guppys because i don't like the most fish but the guy at the petshop said the triops would eat the molting crabs because they think they are dead and then he showed me some fish and the only ones i liked were the guppys.
and the clams, i bought them because i love clams they are verry interesting animals
halfmoonblu - 8 years ago
+Günter TV sound like interesting setups
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
i also have a 15 liters aquarium in which i have a clam group
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
yeah he died but now i have 4 triops 2 snails and 5 guppies they were 6 but one was sick or something and died 1 day after i bought him
halfmoonblu - 8 years ago
+Günter TV that's great, I didn't mean you, just betta owners in general. I'm sure your betta is doing well.
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
wow chill i have a 60 liter betta tank
halfmoonblu - 8 years ago
+Günter TV how do you know if your betta is happy? in my experience, the more space they have, the more they swim, and faster. if a betta is swimming slow in this cube, how do u know it doesn't want more room to swim faster? why not just get a bigger tank?
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
+halfmoonblu dependes on your betta this thing is like rushian roulette if your fish is happy in it you can put it in there but dayly waterchanges are necessary.
if your fisch swimms a lot but slowly its ok if your fish swimms a lot but hectic then it is not if your fisch rests a lot it isn't ok either
halfmoonblu - 11 years ago
Way too small for a betta. Abuse box.

10. comment for marina betta aquarium kit Unboxing and Review

CJM - 11 years ago
Not review only unboxing so ya.
rizwan A.K.A
rizwan A.K.A - 12 years ago
jual ikan kat mane???boleh tak hantar ikan laga yang betina seekor kat umah saye!!!!! nanti saye bagi alamat....saye duduk kat paya jaras dalam,sungai buloh

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