my Halfmoon Betta Fish ~ Hikki Chan (HD)

The HD Version (1280x720) of my first Video this is Hikki, my Male Halfmoon Betta :) His Colour isn't Full Royal Blue actualy, It got Turquoise-Purple and Blue Gradient, and White on his Chin.. He lives with 3 Otocinclus Catfish and 3 Albino Corydoras in 5 Gallon Tank :). All Friends with him. He is a Gentle Fish, a VERY CURIOUS one too, you can see him checking the Thermometer that I just put in today in the aquarium, sometimes he does that too my Corydoras cute hehehe.. he loves everything that shines and I think he's an active swimmer too (maybe?) Because I read that Betta Fish usualy calm and swim slowly... But He always move around in the tank, stop sometimes then continue the swimming.. I love the way he swims :) Pretty. His greyish Spot on his head will become really Black when He's flaring up actually :D He isn't afraid with me at last, Sometimes I have to fix something in the aquarium by put in my hands inside the aquarium, He doesn't run or hide, instead he get close next to my hand, see and check what I'm doing^^. I often pet him with my finger too, he really loves it, I'll upload the video later about it. Love him so much, hope I can take care of him for a long time :). It's been a month I have him.. and yes I fall in love with him..and all Betta Fish! They all have personalities, and yes I love Hikki's personality too :). TANK HABITAT Fish : 1 Royal Blue Halfmoon Betta 3 Otocinclus/Oto catfish 3 Albino Corydoras (baby?) Plant : 7 Big Marimos/Moss Balls 11 Small Marimos/Moss Balls Ornament: 1 Ceramic Vase Cave/Urn Cave 1 Plastic Aquaplant 2 Wide Leaf Silk Plants 1 Tall Boyu Silk Plants 5 'Eceng Gondok' Silk PLants 2 Customade Hammock Leaves White Snow Gravels A few of Arcylic Crystal and Balls Sushi Mat as Aquarium Background (I put it outside back of the tank, so it won't rot!) Tank : Nisso NS Medium 18 Litre Filter : Resun CY-20 Lamp : LED 2 watt Lamp and 12 Watt Lamp

my Halfmoon Betta Fish ~ Hikki Chan (HD) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Betta 12 years ago 53,600 views

The HD Version (1280x720) of my first Video this is Hikki, my Male Halfmoon Betta :) His Colour isn't Full Royal Blue actualy, It got Turquoise-Purple and Blue Gradient, and White on his Chin.. He lives with 3 Otocinclus Catfish and 3 Albino Corydoras in 5 Gallon Tank :). All Friends with him. He is a Gentle Fish, a VERY CURIOUS one too, you can see him checking the Thermometer that I just put in today in the aquarium, sometimes he does that too my Corydoras cute hehehe.. he loves everything that shines and I think he's an active swimmer too (maybe?) Because I read that Betta Fish usualy calm and swim slowly... But He always move around in the tank, stop sometimes then continue the swimming.. I love the way he swims :) Pretty. His greyish Spot on his head will become really Black when He's flaring up actually :D He isn't afraid with me at last, Sometimes I have to fix something in the aquarium by put in my hands inside the aquarium, He doesn't run or hide, instead he get close next to my hand, see and check what I'm doing^^. I often pet him with my finger too, he really loves it, I'll upload the video later about it. Love him so much, hope I can take care of him for a long time :). It's been a month I have him.. and yes I fall in love with him..and all Betta Fish! They all have personalities, and yes I love Hikki's personality too :). TANK HABITAT Fish : 1 Royal Blue Halfmoon Betta 3 Otocinclus/Oto catfish 3 Albino Corydoras (baby?) Plant : 7 Big Marimos/Moss Balls 11 Small Marimos/Moss Balls Ornament: 1 Ceramic Vase Cave/Urn Cave 1 Plastic Aquaplant 2 Wide Leaf Silk Plants 1 Tall Boyu Silk Plants 5 'Eceng Gondok' Silk PLants 2 Customade Hammock Leaves White Snow Gravels A few of Arcylic Crystal and Balls Sushi Mat as Aquarium Background (I put it outside back of the tank, so it won't rot!) Tank : Nisso NS Medium 18 Litre Filter : Resun CY-20 Lamp : LED 2 watt Lamp and 12 Watt Lamp

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Most popular comments
for my Halfmoon Betta Fish ~ Hikki Chan (HD)

Lineoutt - 7 years ago
My betta watches this and I think he feels lonely
Bailey Anne
Bailey Anne - 7 years ago
I just got a Betta fish at Walmart.
Lineoutt - 7 years ago
Make sure to give him at least 2.5 gal 5-10gal is better. good luck
Jaxxon the Healer
Jaxxon the Healer - 7 years ago
Luv him!!!! Great tank !!! You are a wonderful owner!!!
Breanna Basler
Breanna Basler - 7 years ago
This video is both calming and unique to watch.
CalculusVariations99 - 7 years ago
i played this video and pressed it against the aquarium to see if my betta would flare, but he didn't. He just swam toward the video and watched the colors.
Trammie Chanvong - Nguyen
Trammie Chanvong - Nguyen - 8 years ago
no, i didn't kill him but i got a new fish
suphanuch Pachima
suphanuch Pachima - 8 years ago
i like betta i rase one when i'm 7years old i have one it's dark ocean blue and a little purple and a little green
Aracely Rodriguez
Aracely Rodriguez - 8 years ago
this video makes me remember my old fish friend
Trammie Chanvong - Nguyen
Trammie Chanvong - Nguyen - 8 years ago
my brother's friend killed my halfmoon betta fish
Jaxxon the Healer
Jaxxon the Healer - 7 years ago
Goldiebubbles you go gurl!!!!
Goldiebubbles - 8 years ago
Trammie Chanvong - Nguyen Did you destroy him? I swear if someone killed my betta I would scream at them and throw shoes at them until they left my house it tears. But that's just me...

10. comment for my Halfmoon Betta Fish ~ Hikki Chan (HD)

Megan Keller
Megan Keller - 8 years ago
He's a beauty!
Tina Pasamihalis
Tina Pasamihalis - 8 years ago
I love your betta. He is beautiful. the tank is really nice and interesting. I agree, my Betta Stormy has a friendly personality while my other one Bubba is so shy and anti social.
PaperBoat Productions Show
PaperBoat Productions Show - 8 years ago
So petty
KScutie - 8 years ago
Champion Pets
Champion Pets - 8 years ago
Wow he's so handsome!!
Night Wolf
Night Wolf - 8 years ago
im gonna get one just like him in october from indonesia! :D
RAYAN AZAB - 8 years ago
Champion Pets
Champion Pets - 8 years ago
Oh he's amazing!
marlon david torres cortes
marlon david torres cortes - 8 years ago
he is a beautiful fish
Lei Flame
Lei Flame - 8 years ago
He is lovely, I love the iridescence on him, in that light he looks almost electric blue.

20. comment for my Halfmoon Betta Fish ~ Hikki Chan (HD)

Pink Betta
Pink Betta - 8 years ago
Hello fellow friends how are you
Haven Pukey
Haven Pukey - 8 years ago
this reassures me that my betta is swimming normally, thank you!
Brittany Teasdale
Brittany Teasdale - 8 years ago
YES! I thought something was wrong!
STPFT - 8 years ago
Haven Pukey same
hal m
hal m - 8 years ago
i show this to babies when they are fussy & it works wonders
Tiffany Ramey
Tiffany Ramey - 8 years ago
I put my iPad up to the fish bowl. My Bettas love this video!
Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 8 years ago
Your betta fish is soo beautiful I love that blue color! :)
Sylvia Wauters
Sylvia Wauters - 8 years ago
thank you for this video, it's so calm and relaxing :')
Fred Yeo
Fred Yeo - 9 years ago
So beautiful
Betta Bet
Betta Bet - 9 years ago
Question :p do bettas need a betta hammock. Just wondering xD
Nour Al Mahabah
Nour Al Mahabah - 7 years ago
Chantelle Tran e
Chantelle Tran
Chantelle Tran - 9 years ago
XD I named my male betta hikki chan and i named the feamale mikki chan XD
Betta Bet
Betta Bet - 9 years ago
+Agirl Canada :3 mk
Serena Byers
Serena Byers - 9 years ago
Very beautiful and peaceful video I have a halfmoon . I need some advice please. Does he need a heater?
Lei Flame
Lei Flame - 8 years ago
They need a temperate range of 76-79 F or 24.4-26.11 C. Any higher than that it will shorten their life span. 80 is a breeding temperature and it boosts their metabolism. If they get blow 76 they get sluggish and it can lower their immune system, especially at 72 and below.
Aquatic squid
Aquatic squid - 9 years ago
if you live in warm tempretures no but if it is like 6' degrees like it is in the uk yes you will do your re search
ginatae1986 - 9 years ago
Beautiful Betta. Watching them swim is so therapeutic in my opinion.

30. comment for my Halfmoon Betta Fish ~ Hikki Chan (HD)

Jdar99 - 9 years ago
It's a beauty.. almost like mine..
Jennifer Benzenhafer
Jennifer Benzenhafer - 9 years ago
He is gorgeous . I cant wait to get my hm
Josh Costa
Josh Costa - 10 years ago
Omg i never seen such a bueatiful betta in my life that color blue is amazeing he looks very happy and healthy
Karen Conlan
Karen Conlan - 10 years ago
Cute fish~~~~☆
kurniaaditya putraperdana
kurniaaditya putraperdana - 10 years ago
like this
obscur - 10 years ago
He's beautiful!! Apparently, some try eating their own tails if you don't feed them for a while
Lei Flame
Lei Flame - 8 years ago
They do and they also nip their tails if they're bored or stressed too.
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
the most beautiful betta ive ever seen! you seem to care for him well. GOOD JOB! i hope people see this video and take after you! (Y)
Huskies Plays
Huskies Plays - 10 years ago
Dawww that betta is so cute =^w^=
Do you have any tips for caring for bettas? I'm looking to get one.
Adi The Llama
Adi The Llama - 10 years ago
isn't that a delta or super delta anyways it still looks very nice
Stella Morris
Stella Morris - 10 years ago
pretty i want a betta
Pearl965 - 10 years ago
I'm getting a betta! any tips? ive never had a fish before.
BasicAndroid - 11 years ago
Very soothing music
Must Luv fish
Must Luv fish - 11 years ago
That's alout of moss balls lol
Must Luv fish
Must Luv fish - 11 years ago
I have a betta like that too it's a halfmoon with a blue body and red fins its living in a 1/2 gallon what's a good tank to upgrade it too and don't say 5 gallon or 10 bettas don't need that much
Lei Flame
Lei Flame - 8 years ago
The bigger the better with bettas generally speaking. A five gallon is actually ideal. 2.5 is the minimum number of gallon the experts recommend for betta keeping. It's easier to maintain a normal temperature in the tank with out it bouncing around on you. Also, you'll have to do less water changes with a bigger tank. Water quality and temperature are two crucial factors in keeping a healthy fish. A lot of bacterial and fungal infections can be prevented by keeping the water crystal clear. Also, the space keeps them fit. When bettas don't have room to swim around they can easily get obese and die early.
Must Luv fish
Must Luv fish - 10 years ago
cool :)
Stephanie Nelson
Stephanie Nelson - 10 years ago
for sure! I'm hoping to post a video of him in the next few days
Must Luv fish
Must Luv fish - 10 years ago
good you saved one :)
Stephanie Nelson
Stephanie Nelson - 11 years ago
I know people are so stupid. At least one of them went to a good home I don't know about the others though. 
Must Luv fish
Must Luv fish - 11 years ago
throw the fish away O-O wow just wow......
Stephanie Nelson
Stephanie Nelson - 11 years ago
I know right?! And they were just going to throw them away afterwards
Must Luv fish
Must Luv fish - 11 years ago
awsome i hate when they use bettas as centerpieces there not decor
Stephanie Nelson
Stephanie Nelson - 11 years ago
Awe, I'm sorry :( But at least he was happy in his three gallon! My betta was being used as a centerpiece at a banquet, and he was living in a tiny vase. But I rescued him, and now he lives in a 5.5! He's much happier now :)
Must Luv fish
Must Luv fish - 11 years ago
My betta lives in a 3 gallon now but sadly he died from velvet :(
Stephanie Nelson
Stephanie Nelson - 11 years ago
Sorry if this is too late, but I'd recommend a 2.5 as a minimum. 1/2 is definitely too small, so a 2.5 or 3 would be best if you don't want to go as big as a 5!
Nicholas Ghenov
Nicholas Ghenov - 11 years ago
my beta just floats in the top corner of his tank and has for weeks. hasn't moved or done anything. No he's not dead and he is taken care of.. I think its cause he knows he isn't a half moon
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
He might be stressed if he doesn't have a tank over 2.5 gallons of in a fish bowl (which are VERY bad for all fish) or may be sick
Nowie H.
Nowie H. - 11 years ago
He looks like my male, blu!!
HaikallP - 11 years ago
so beautiful and CUTE
HaikallP - 11 years ago
i wish my blue betta could be like that and i want to ask my betta has some red brownish color on the bottom fin(what that fin called?) and on the right side of the fish the color is greenish blue what's wrong with him? is there someting wrong?
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
(I am aware I am 3 years late) But there is nothing wrong with him, those are just his natural colors :)
Abie Negru
Abie Negru - 11 years ago
OH MY GOSH!!!!! that is sooooo pretty thats like a royal blue betta. those are SUPER rare i love that color. :)))))))
YummyFartsicle - 11 years ago
please look at my video of my sisters betta fish!!!!!

50. comment for my Halfmoon Betta Fish ~ Hikki Chan (HD)

thewickets1 - 11 years ago
He's so blue o.o
scarlette knight
scarlette knight - 12 years ago
I wish my halfmoon looked like that
CynHng - 12 years ago
thank you so much^^
kuronorocks - 12 years ago
Dang that's a beautiful betta fish nice find!

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