my Halfmoon Betta Fish ~ Hikki Chan (HD)
Betta 12 years ago 53,600 views
The HD Version (1280x720) of my first Video this is Hikki, my Male Halfmoon Betta :) His Colour isn't Full Royal Blue actualy, It got Turquoise-Purple and Blue Gradient, and White on his Chin.. He lives with 3 Otocinclus Catfish and 3 Albino Corydoras in 5 Gallon Tank :). All Friends with him. He is a Gentle Fish, a VERY CURIOUS one too, you can see him checking the Thermometer that I just put in today in the aquarium, sometimes he does that too my Corydoras cute hehehe.. he loves everything that shines and I think he's an active swimmer too (maybe?) Because I read that Betta Fish usualy calm and swim slowly... But He always move around in the tank, stop sometimes then continue the swimming.. I love the way he swims :) Pretty. His greyish Spot on his head will become really Black when He's flaring up actually :D He isn't afraid with me at last, Sometimes I have to fix something in the aquarium by put in my hands inside the aquarium, He doesn't run or hide, instead he get close next to my hand, see and check what I'm doing^^. I often pet him with my finger too, he really loves it, I'll upload the video later about it. Love him so much, hope I can take care of him for a long time :). It's been a month I have him.. and yes I fall in love with him..and all Betta Fish! They all have personalities, and yes I love Hikki's personality too :). TANK HABITAT Fish : 1 Royal Blue Halfmoon Betta 3 Otocinclus/Oto catfish 3 Albino Corydoras (baby?) Plant : 7 Big Marimos/Moss Balls 11 Small Marimos/Moss Balls Ornament: 1 Ceramic Vase Cave/Urn Cave 1 Plastic Aquaplant 2 Wide Leaf Silk Plants 1 Tall Boyu Silk Plants 5 'Eceng Gondok' Silk PLants 2 Customade Hammock Leaves White Snow Gravels A few of Arcylic Crystal and Balls Sushi Mat as Aquarium Background (I put it outside back of the tank, so it won't rot!) Tank : Nisso NS Medium 18 Litre Filter : Resun CY-20 Lamp : LED 2 watt Lamp and 12 Watt Lamp
10. comment for my Halfmoon Betta Fish ~ Hikki Chan (HD)
20. comment for my Halfmoon Betta Fish ~ Hikki Chan (HD)
30. comment for my Halfmoon Betta Fish ~ Hikki Chan (HD)
Do you have any tips for caring for bettas? I'm looking to get one.
50. comment for my Halfmoon Betta Fish ~ Hikki Chan (HD)