setting up a betta fish tank

Hi everyone! I was about to get a betta fish and I decided to upload a video about setting up the tank! by the way, when I got my fish, I actually removed the filter and the purple plant because the purple plant had too much jagged edges, and I removed the filter because the current was too strong and I was pretty sure that my fish might get stressed out. ^_^;

setting up a betta fish tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 42

Betta 9 years ago 15,253 views

Hi everyone! I was about to get a betta fish and I decided to upload a video about setting up the tank! by the way, when I got my fish, I actually removed the filter and the purple plant because the purple plant had too much jagged edges, and I removed the filter because the current was too strong and I was pretty sure that my fish might get stressed out. ^_^;

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Most popular comments
for setting up a betta fish tank

Kiki The hamster
Kiki The hamster - 7 years ago
Isn’t the betta gonna jump ??
vlogzs with shirley
vlogzs with shirley - 7 years ago
I have a 10 gallon bin for my Betta he loves it Sooooooo much
Detra Isham
Detra Isham - 7 years ago
vlogzs with shirley saame!!
kawaiisentimental circus
kawaiisentimental circus - 7 years ago
Sad tank.....
Kiki The hamster
Kiki The hamster - 7 years ago
kawaiisentimental circus wtf ?
Oh So Random
Oh So Random - 7 years ago
Lol not enough substrate at all XD!
EPIC BOSS COW - 7 years ago
The Snake guy
The Snake guy - 7 years ago
Lmfao, marbles, I wouldn't call that substrate- so first add like 5 marbles to the bottom and spread evenly- how to u spread 5-10 marbles evenly, they won't even take up the whole bottom
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 7 years ago
Adding Indian almond leaves gives many health benefits. The rich tannins in the water makes it more comfortable for the fish AND it helps keep the fish living long and healthy and helps ward off diseases.
stickers LPS
stickers LPS - 7 years ago
You kind of did that wrong
Finns And Spinns
Finns And Spinns - 7 years ago
You could always add a baffle to the filter to make the current a little slower for your betta. :) Great tank.

10. comment for setting up a betta fish tank

Anthony Ortiz
Anthony Ortiz - 7 years ago
Filter looks like a box n a tank
Anthony Ortiz
Anthony Ortiz - 7 years ago
Get a fish tank
Kiki The hamster
Kiki The hamster - 7 years ago
Anthony Ortiz fuck u bitch
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
That don't look like a 9 gallon
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
To me
Anthony Ortiz
Anthony Ortiz - 7 years ago
My eyes are burning from seeing this noob
The Superior Serperior
The Superior Serperior - 7 years ago
Then leave
Jake the gsd
Jake the gsd - 7 years ago
Great video!
Johnovan Dupper
Johnovan Dupper - 7 years ago
i like your tank! i like the way you are giving the betta fish lots of space
Joyce Gentile
Joyce Gentile - 8 years ago
I have similar setup it keep my gallons be to 3.5 because of wight my set up is on a small table.
AlexandrasPets - 8 years ago
Nice to see that someone FINALLY gives the betta plenty of space!
Blossom Buddies
Blossom Buddies - 8 years ago
AlexandrasPets it's sad, my first bettas were given to me by my parents and they got me a bowl. Soon I want to get another one and that beta will have atleast 5 gallons.
Joyce Gentile
Joyce Gentile - 8 years ago
loved your idea, but I sent you one better and made a DYI filter that uses an airstone as power great mechanical and bio filtration and air can be adjusted for flow!!!
Fins FurLife
Fins FurLife - 8 years ago
no he needs a filter!!!
diy baesforlife
diy baesforlife - 8 years ago
Fins FurLife it has a filter u dumbass

20. comment for setting up a betta fish tank

KushKILLa !
KushKILLa ! - 8 years ago
so i have the same filter an i have it all the way too - an do you think tht close the whole for the air to push thru or is it ok for me to set it on - like to the max an i see not that much power push thru an before it use to blow my betta away an now i had lowered it too - the max an now im wonder if its cover the air whole or no?
Bettas & Stuff
Bettas & Stuff - 8 years ago
Im pretty sure that does not count substrate but just like rocks
M & j Vlogs
M & j Vlogs - 8 years ago
Bins are good that's what I use for mine
Animal life
Animal life - 8 years ago
It's appropriate to use bowls that's what I use but bins are ok to
Mark - 8 years ago
AnImal life no your notbsopposed to keep them in bowls. your channel States animal life but your destroying it's life by putting it in there
Youtube account
Youtube account - 8 years ago
Wolf life Bowls are worse bins are just fine or better tanks!
Cool Wolf
Cool Wolf - 8 years ago
yeah bowls are really bad
Giovanni Perri
Giovanni Perri - 8 years ago
Wolf life bowls are terrible for fish this is better
Cool Wolf
Cool Wolf - 8 years ago
Wolf life i got a 54 gallon tub I have a 5 fish in there they're fine..
Lynn Little
Lynn Little - 8 years ago
I rather a bin that those tiny fancy little "tank"
Ashley Johnson
Ashley Johnson - 8 years ago
Off topic, but what is the name of the song?
Ayyee Fabulous
Ayyee Fabulous - 8 years ago
Ashley Johnson canon in d
Joy k Basumatary
Joy k Basumatary - 8 years ago
very nice .. I made this for my 4" Oscar
Giovanni Perri
Giovanni Perri - 8 years ago
Joy k Basumatary that's way too small for an Oscar bud you might want to upgrade to at least a 55 gallon tank for an oscar
bmoneybesteves - 8 years ago
Bettas like to hide in shit. Wtf is thid?
CorgiPlush - 8 years ago
bmoneybesteves It is.
bmoneybesteves - 8 years ago
LOL that's not enough.
CorgiPlush - 8 years ago
bmoneybesteves they can hide in the plants.
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 8 years ago
Thats good for a betta tub tank. You need a filter and heater AND a light bubbler to make oxygen but no water flow.
stopfollowingme - 8 years ago
thats not a tank thats a bucket
vlogzs with shirley
vlogzs with shirley - 7 years ago
stopfollowingme get your facts straight
DeadlyxXxNightShades - 8 years ago
better than a little bowl! lol
Nikhil - 8 years ago
That's not a tub, that is superman
ladywintersong - 8 years ago
that's not a bin, it's a tub
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 8 years ago
Its not a bucket, its a bin.

30. comment for setting up a betta fish tank

The juvenile Fisherman
The juvenile Fisherman - 8 years ago
you need more substrate
Lily and em Vlogs
Lily and em Vlogs - 7 years ago
You actually don't need any substrate at all
Animal lover 33
Animal lover 33 - 8 years ago
Your just earned yourself a subscriber
Momscare7 mom of petscare7
Momscare7 mom of petscare7 - 8 years ago
cool tank:) now I made a tank with a bin
Blossom Buddies
Blossom Buddies - 8 years ago
Momscare7 mom of petscare7 how long does it last? I've been trying to get a betta again for a while but my bunny broke her leg and that has been costing a bit
Sharon szeto
Sharon szeto - 9 years ago
Good idea
Anthony Dee
Anthony Dee - 9 years ago
Love the bin idea.
So Soo
So Soo - 9 years ago
Logan Wolf
Logan Wolf - 9 years ago
Logan Wolf
Logan Wolf - 9 years ago

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