3 Stupid Ways to Kill an Outboard Engine

Wait! Stop! NOOOOOOOO! Better listen up, as boats.com Senior Editor, Lenny Rudow, fills you in on three stupid ways to kill an outboard engine. Don't do one of these three stupid things, or your outboard engine will leave you sitting at the dock. RELATED VIDEOS & PLAYLISTS: Basic Trouble Shooting When Your Outboard Won't Start - https://youtu.be/hZGfjNzdT9U?list=PLsiC-0C78AkEskOh3QIJAr7MOqD0D4AYr The Most Common Outboard Engine Issues: Fuel Systems and Flushing - https://youtu.be/iZeSEr1vy4Q?list=PLsiC-0C78AkEskOh3QIJAr7MOqD0D4AYr Boating Tips: Avoid this Outboard Winterizing Blunder - https://youtu.be/gH4H-npUzoM?list=PLsiC-0C78AkEskOh3QIJAr7MOqD0D4AYr Outboard Engine Maintenance - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsiC-0C78AkEskOh3QIJAr7MOqD0D4AYr Maintenance Tips: DIY Boat Repair, Updates and Improvements - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsiC-0C78AkHQiG3YQSlbL1rcWYMGjrGJ For more how to boat videos, visit www.boats.com

3 Stupid Ways to Kill an Outboard Engine sentiment_very_dissatisfied 175

Boat 10 years ago 614,937 views

Wait! Stop! NOOOOOOOO! Better listen up, as boats.com Senior Editor, Lenny Rudow, fills you in on three stupid ways to kill an outboard engine. Don't do one of these three stupid things, or your outboard engine will leave you sitting at the dock. RELATED VIDEOS & PLAYLISTS: Basic Trouble Shooting When Your Outboard Won't Start - https://youtu.be/hZGfjNzdT9U?list=PLsiC-0C78AkEskOh3QIJAr7MOqD0D4AYr The Most Common Outboard Engine Issues: Fuel Systems and Flushing - https://youtu.be/iZeSEr1vy4Q?list=PLsiC-0C78AkEskOh3QIJAr7MOqD0D4AYr Boating Tips: Avoid this Outboard Winterizing Blunder - https://youtu.be/gH4H-npUzoM?list=PLsiC-0C78AkEskOh3QIJAr7MOqD0D4AYr Outboard Engine Maintenance - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsiC-0C78AkEskOh3QIJAr7MOqD0D4AYr Maintenance Tips: DIY Boat Repair, Updates and Improvements - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsiC-0C78AkHQiG3YQSlbL1rcWYMGjrGJ For more how to boat videos, visit www.boats.com

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Most popular comments
for 3 Stupid Ways to Kill an Outboard Engine

1800splitair - 5 years ago
sorted last problem first and told my boss to stick job up his arse! now to go buy a boat... hmmmm.
Ross Best
Ross Best - 6 years ago
Mercury Mariners good motors?
Paul Coenen
Paul Coenen - 6 years ago
Only if they are the ones made by Yamaha.
Good luck finding out which ones were made by Yamaha it seems to be top secret information.
Maybe pull the cowel and look for the words Made In Japan.
jiffibay - 6 years ago
I personally use regular fuel, and never used any additive or fuel stabilizer , the trick is never fill the tanks to the top, only put the fuel you will use, my boat have a 75 gal tank I keep it to the half, normally add 10 , 15 gal every week this way I keep the fuel always fresh , and of course use a good water separator ,and change it every year
Iamadroid - 6 years ago
Man that modern day ges
kalle andersson
kalle andersson - 6 years ago
i recognize that prop, all shiny, but mine says Honda ;)NOMNOM
Curtis C
Curtis C - 6 years ago
But, but, king Obama said ethanol is good.......does this mean he lied to us???
rob wells
rob wells - 5 years ago
America voted in a muslim what did America expect? the truth?
Paul Coenen
Paul Coenen - 6 years ago
+Curtis C
Obama gets the blame for many things as he should but I believe it was George W who unleashed the ethanol scam on American consumers.
10% ethanol = 15% less mileage.
Curtis C
Curtis C - 6 years ago
No not at all look it up, (or are you capable of that snowflake?) HE SIGNED A HUGE RENEWABLE FUELS ACT THAT NEEDS REPEALED. I am truly sorry you are that uneducated. I will say this though as hillary cunton said it takes a village....to raise a new generation of village idiots.....
welshpete12 - 6 years ago
Nut case !
P Quinsay
P Quinsay - 6 years ago
These are so helpful. Thank you very much!
BEEF-_- GUN - 6 years ago
Worst thing is putting a stainless steel prop if you're a fresh water fishermen. Sure the prop is strong but everything else will break before the prop lol
D-op1 - 6 years ago
Most don't put stainless just for toughness. Performance is the main reason for me.
Joe Budd
Joe Budd - 6 years ago
Good help ...thankyou

10. comment for 3 Stupid Ways to Kill an Outboard Engine

Adnan Alaamri
Adnan Alaamri - 6 years ago
When you give full speed for the engine, the RPM is going high, and in that case you will destroy your engine, so it is not necessary to give full speed for your engine to live the engine for a long time.
Synthead - 6 years ago
New to sailing but am mechanically inclined, and I didn't even consider these three things! Thanks a ton, will take care of my outboard!
Clay .C.
Clay .C. - 6 years ago
Have you ever seen someone mistake a rod holder for a fuel fill? I have...
j k
j k - 6 years ago
I have also, the boat was on a trailer and was high so the attendant just reached up and found a hole and inserted the nozzle and pumped away, and when it left the gas station the fuel moved to the stern and the bilge pump activated, thankfully no one was hurt but it was quite the mess. I have also heard of gas being inadvertantly put into the freshwater tanks as well.
N C - 6 years ago
So what about a 35 merc that can only be tipped up and lowered if it's in F but needs to be back in N to start?
Mike W
Mike W - 6 years ago
One reason to leave your VHF antenna on an arch cocked; forget to put it down when trailering and you'll kiss it goodbye the first underpass you go under.
Bogy 1 Kinoby
Bogy 1 Kinoby - 6 years ago
Not warming it up after cold night and getting prop caught in lobster pots or entanglements,
SLAM BOY - 6 years ago
don't forget basic maintenance
Jacob Lapoint
Jacob Lapoint - 6 years ago
Stupid mistake number one is putting Obama gas in your boat in the first place!!
Ken Gundersen
Ken Gundersen - 6 years ago
What about to much prop, what about overrevving, what about transom placement, etc
JedemPoKucama - 6 years ago
Why putting stabilizer if you can install fuel separator?? Then you don't have to worry about water in the fuel..

20. comment for 3 Stupid Ways to Kill an Outboard Engine

Aaron Wilde
Aaron Wilde - 6 years ago
What's all this about ethanol and stabilisers? I just put unleaded petrol in.
Cody B
Cody B - 6 years ago
you don't have to add a stabilizer if you are going to use the fuel right away. I guess if you have a giant fuel tank on your boat
Just another youtuber
Just another youtuber - 6 years ago
Ummm..... I bought an old Chrysler 75hp outboard and kind of shifted it with the engine off to make sure everything was working correctly and turning the propeller to see if it was in neutral when it was supposed to be etc... and I’m kind of baffled on how that would hurt it. Maybe starting it in gear and the dog teeth aren’t fully engaged essentially wearing them out I could see how it’s bad, but I seriously doubt you’ll hurt it keeping the engine off just to see if the gearbox is functioning correctly before you hit the lake, right?
Liam MG
Liam MG - 6 years ago
Yes because I do all this while my boat sits up
chet blue
chet blue - 6 years ago
Improper oil..?
chris devito
chris devito - 7 years ago
Straight homo
Darren Alkire
Darren Alkire - 6 years ago
So true. They need to cover that in their infomercials.
Bassin' with Buzz
Bassin' with Buzz - 7 years ago
Do I still need fuel stablizer if I have a four stroke and use low ethanol gas?
John Fredrik Fredriksen
John Fredrik Fredriksen - 6 years ago
No, i've never used it and my engine is running fine
MinnesotaEric - 7 years ago
In my area stainless steel props are the number one cause of broken lower units and so we run aluminum props because the prop should be the sacrificial part, not the lower unit.
Thomas Kaemmerling
Thomas Kaemmerling - 7 years ago
Never, never put ethanol in an outboard!!!!!!

30. comment for 3 Stupid Ways to Kill an Outboard Engine

Kevin Tejera
Kevin Tejera - 7 years ago
That fuel stabilizer is bs
DinosaurVigil - 7 years ago
I use ethanol free gas, do I still need a stabilizor?
boats.com - 7 years ago
That depends on how often you use your boat, and how careful you want to be. Water getting into the fuel supply is an age-old problem, it's just exacerbated with ethanol. But generally speaking, if you use your boat less than once or twice in a month, the safe move is to use it.
powerstrokethis03 - 7 years ago
I remember one time I was at the sandbar and this lady had her outboard trimmed up. She fires it up and her husband was pushing it back into the water. Engine probably ran a good 45 seconds before she lowered it. The whole time I'm cringing and my fiancé asks what's wrong. I just said nothing at all those are the people that keep my business up and running lol
CrazyAmazingHD - 7 years ago
Not if u have none athonal gas
Paul Coenen
Paul Coenen - 6 years ago
Yes even with non ethanol gas!!!!
Gas starts getting bad after one week, it causes varnish to build up in the carbs causing problems like poor starting and idling.
Motor problem s are expensive Stabilizers are cheap.
Just use it.
Peter Schwartz
Peter Schwartz - 7 years ago
24 Everglades? I have a white one.
Seth S
Seth S - 7 years ago
Guy is lame. My shit sat 2 yrs ran fine. It air cooled he knows nothing.
powerstrokethis03 - 7 years ago
Lol not ALL outboards are water cooled. Just the vast, vast majority of them are.
Rick Leaman
Rick Leaman - 7 years ago
Fuzzy Wuzzy h
CD Copley
CD Copley - 7 years ago
When my motor doesn't start I just give it a good whacking with a hammer.
Izzi Michaels
Izzi Michaels - 6 years ago
"when in doubt, give it a clout"
Pits McGoo
Pits McGoo - 7 years ago
Actually that works if it is the starter just tap it.
Sharon Fluids
Sharon Fluids - 7 years ago
Step number 4. Don't put gas with ethanol in it in the first place
Mark Kus
Mark Kus - 6 years ago
Orppranator wrong you burn more so you create more emissions
Paul Coenen
Paul Coenen - 6 years ago
The use of 10% ethanol causes a 15% decrease in fuel mileage. I have proven this many times over the years with many different vehicles, so therefore you burn 5% more actual gasoline to travel the same distance.
Would somebody please explain to me how that helps with emishions?

( Crickets chirping)

That's what I thought. Crickets is all you will ever hear on that subject because ethanol is just another scam pulled on the American consumers.

Look it up yourself before its scrubbed from the internet.
Try the test yourself with your own vehicle.
I know most people won't because they can't figure out how to calculate there own fuel mileage.
Clayton Harris
Clayton Harris - 6 years ago
+Orppranator no one really cares about emissions
Orppranator - 6 years ago
Well, to be fair, ethanol helps with your emissions.
Michael Fairbanks
Michael Fairbanks - 7 years ago
Only there are places where you cannot get non-ethanol fuel. So it helps to know a good product to counteract the ethanol. In the mid west like the Great Lakes, folks use Startron. I have used it, and it works.
TridentDriver1987 - 7 years ago
Why I kayak. The end.
Redline Love
Redline Love - 7 years ago
I get turned on by revving the shit out of my engines that should be number 4 though hahaha
Manny Suarez
Manny Suarez - 7 years ago
good tips novices do all thoses things that ethonol was dybunked though if ut does any damage its in storage but a gree if possible just get ethanol free gas and save your self the hassle besides it cost the same at least here in miami.
Gary Dare
Gary Dare - 7 years ago
call bs on all 3
John Fredrik Fredriksen
John Fredrik Fredriksen - 6 years ago
We still dont use stabilizer, i dont live in america so we probably have different levels of ethanol or something in the fuel, but noone as far as i know use stabilizer over here, and our engines are fine
kbrownmct - 6 years ago
John, I assume you don't work in the repair shop.  It is recommended, actually required that you use stabilizer in ethanol fuel for boat motors.  Look in the owners manual.  A quick experiment.  Put a quart of ethanol in a jar and let it sit for 2 to 3 weeks, also put a quart with stabil for the same time and look at the difference.  It is amazing how fast ethanol breaks down
John Fredrik Fredriksen
John Fredrik Fredriksen - 6 years ago
Gary Dare yeah its mostly bs, i have a part time job at a boat dealership and have never heard anything about fuel stabilizer, or the thing he said about not putting it in gear while the engine is not running, and i dont think saltwater would give much lubrication, of course you should not leave it running while its not in the water, but just firing it up above water and then lower it down would do no harm
going2stealyourchildren9974028 - 7 years ago
wow great acting
Jesse Pylväläinen
Jesse Pylväläinen - 7 years ago
I dont know what kind of gasolines you have in the US, here in Finland we got 95octane up to 10% ethanol blend and 98 octane up to 5% ethanol blends as our primary fuels.

I have been using the 98 octane (or Shells V-power, which is around 99octanes) on my engine, has been running just fine, even though the Yamaha is as old as I am
Eric Leighton
Eric Leighton - 7 years ago
Agreed. Ive used ethanol gas for 10 years straight in my boat and have never had one issue. My tank is usually about empty when I get back to the boat ramp though, It doesnt sit too long! LOL
Jesse Pylväläinen
Jesse Pylväläinen - 7 years ago
Andrew Spang Thanks for the answer, just feels a bit silly to use some stabilizer on your engine
Andrew Spang
Andrew Spang - 7 years ago
Jesse Pylväläinen We rate our octane as (RON + MON)/2 so straight across comparisons with your fuel are difficult.
Craig Oldenburg
Craig Oldenburg - 7 years ago
what a guy boat like that and to cheap to buy 91 octane ha ha
Mick Wolf
Mick Wolf - 7 years ago
i start my motor at the ramp and then shut it off right away, way before it would spit out water out of the pisser, this way i know itll fire up in the water. good tips though
Mike Norris
Mike Norris - 6 years ago
Boat repair shops love this guy....
David Oakley
David Oakley - 7 years ago
Onec you've put in your plugs and removed your rear straps back up far enough that your lower unit is submerged, then it will be safe to check start before launching. But hey, its your money not mine.
jelly72 - 7 years ago
as soon as your crank turns the impeller turns. If it's dry it will deteriorate due to friction...
Daan Vaan
Daan Vaan - 7 years ago
carry a spare impellor
Broxty - 7 years ago
Wow this guy sounds like a dummy when he tries to be funny.
scarecrow - 7 years ago
Thanks for the tips!
Shawn P
Shawn P - 7 years ago
agreed sir
Daniel - 7 years ago
Thanks for the good advice. I just re powered my boat with a 75 etec.
Moonpie Spotlight
Moonpie Spotlight - 7 years ago
Then you won't have to kill it. It will commit suicide. :)

50. comment for 3 Stupid Ways to Kill an Outboard Engine

steven mckinsey
steven mckinsey - 7 years ago
One you forgot to mention is when people turn off their engine when it's still in gear. I do it occasionally when I'm focused on trying to leave the dock. But I also have a tiller handle motor
Bewitched Angling
Bewitched Angling - 7 years ago
This guy sucks. You're not funny bud... Stop trying to be.
Davey Summers
Davey Summers - 7 years ago
he's funny you're just stupid
mikeylab101 - 7 years ago
Bewitched Angling nah he's ok, has better job than most of us and people from philly are usually pretty cool, at least the ones I've worked with
Eric jones
Eric jones - 7 years ago
Its genetic to those people
mays9185 - 8 years ago
I bought my first used ranger here in ohio. Do you recomend draining fuel tanks or topping them off and add stabilizer for our harsh winters?
boats.com - 7 years ago
Hi mays9185. Leaving the tank empty opens up the possibility of condensation creating water in the tank, so filling the tank and adding stabilizer is the best move.
paul white
paul white - 8 years ago
not only will it cook your motor but will stuff the water seal under the pump and let water into the gearbox to
Mike Akins
Mike Akins - 8 years ago
so, you CAN fill it up with gas containing 10% ethanol, as long as you used a stabilizer?
Howabouthetruth - 8 years ago
boats.com - 8 years ago
Nick Maupin
Nick Maupin - 8 years ago
is seafoam a good source of stabilizer or should I got with startron or quicksilver? just curious on any differences.
boats.com - 8 years ago
Hey Nick - Seafoam has a good rep and should work fine for you. However, yes, there are differences between each stabilizer and Seafoam does have slightly different effects than the other brands you mention. So if you're unsure as to which you really need to use read up on each before making a decision. You can learn more by reading what our Outboard Expert Charles Plueddeman has to say on the topic, starting with his Ethanol Fuel and E15 Update.
Propane TreeFiddy
Propane TreeFiddy - 8 years ago
Awesome presenter. One of the view boating channels that doesn't have any major flaws in their video production. Subbed!
Gusmaropompa@ Pompa
Gusmaropompa@ Pompa - 8 years ago
how long you can you motor to not damage the pump Whit no water
jelly72 - 7 years ago
All depends on how dry the housing is.
Ben - 8 years ago
A few seconds probably wont hurt it but it is strongly recommended to never do this
StraightRavAge - 8 years ago
Do you really need to add a stablizer on every fill up? Or add it if it sits longer than two weeks??
Michel Nadon
Michel Nadon - 8 years ago
super unleaded does not contain alcohol ; use that at the end of the season.
xxl96 - 8 years ago
This is a great youtube channel.   I have been a boating for 30 yrs and I still learn new things by watching these videos.
rockynymia - 8 years ago
What's a good stabilizer to use? Thanks
boats.com - 8 years ago
+rockynymia I believe there are many good stabilizers out there, but I know from experience that Star Tron works extremely well.
Curtis Reid
Curtis Reid - 8 years ago
Thanks for the awesome video. Question, I have a 1995 Mercury black max 150. Whenever I take it out on the water I see oil coming from the back of the boat. I checked the motor and saw no leaks. I put the motor in a tub of water and run it and the gets oil in it. I thinks it's coming from the exhaust. Is there a oil gasket in the lower unit that needs to be changed? Thanks for your help.
boats.com - 8 years ago
+Curtis Reid Hi Curtis - since it's an old-tech two-stroke (with oil mixed in the fuel), yes, this is most likely coming from the exhaust. Most outboards of this vintage leave a slight sheen on the water when they run. If there are no other indications of a problem, I wouldn't worry about this one bit.
Rob Rossi
Rob Rossi - 8 years ago
I wish you would have said gas only last 2 weeks i would have clicked next right at that point but you save it till the end .
deere3321 - 8 years ago
Not starting out of the water is good advice. For those of you who do it, you are damaging your impeller a little bit at a time. Don't kid yourself. It only takes a few seconds.
I use nothing but non-ethanol and don't use any additives. Haven't had any issues for about 10 years.
Patrick Wamsley
Patrick Wamsley - 8 years ago
My dad's got a 1946 Johnson TD-20 5 horse outboard engine that he'd abandoned 45 years ago. We had gotten an aluminum row boat that's perfect for it. I got to work on the engine late summer of 2015 and realized the carburetor gasket is bad and a small rod in the magneto is damaged. As soon as those two are replaced and the gear case oil is changed, she's ready for a test fire, though, my dad doubts the water pump will work. I still have a lot of hope that this summer, it's 70 year birthday, it WILL run without my dad's help!
Airman - 8 years ago
what if i shot it with my 357 mag would it kill it?
Jacob Avery
Jacob Avery - 6 years ago
DonziGT230 - 8 years ago
Phase separation only occurs when there's enough water in the gas tank tank (around .5% by volume) to fall out of solution and stabilizer will not prevent or cure it. A short dry start (couple seconds) does not wreck the pump, allowing it to run and heat up the impeller can destroy it and the pump housing. I've seen people start their engine at the top of the ramp then back down with it running, that is a horrible idea for many reasons and likely to kill it. Shifting with the engine off is a bad idea, but if there's no abnormal resistance in the shifter it's unlikely to cause any problems. There's rarely a reason to do it so don't if you don't have to.
DonziGT230 - 7 years ago
And this is why I said there's rarely a reason and not "never do it". I've seen people, sometimes kids, playing with the shifter. When you do need to shift it stop if you feel abnormal resistance, rotate the prop or engine 'till it goes into gear easily.

Something else he didn't touch on that I think is important is engine warm-up. Some people start up and just go hammer on it, not good.
Dave Roberts
Dave Roberts - 7 years ago
My Merc manual says I should put the shifter in reverse while towing it. Then I have to go back to neutral to start it. It seems some shifting with the motor off is unavoidable. I guess really this advice is for Junior no to play with the shifter?
haresplitter - 9 years ago
If you have an older outboard don't forget to mix the oil in the gas..maximum carnage!
Chris Kelly
Chris Kelly - 9 years ago
# 4 , that is my problem. Thank you.
Bucket List Badass
Bucket List Badass - 9 years ago
New boat owner here. Just Saved me big bucks! Good vid, thanks!
DIY Boats
DIY Boats - 9 years ago
Add one more... Not warming it up properly before you go full throttle. I see guys doing it all the time. The motor needs time to properly heat up before you hit warp speed.
Veritas Vincit
Veritas Vincit - 6 years ago
Geeze tell me about it! How many times do I see this and it gets under my skin? Let me count the ways!
Hermiteve Gaming
Hermiteve Gaming - 6 years ago
DIY Boats absolutely
Stephen Spann
Stephen Spann - 9 years ago
This is a little dramatic. If you have run the boat within the last few weeks even, there is still some water left in the water pump and water tube, you won't burn up the impeller if you only run the motor a few seconds. I like to start my motor in the parking lot before backing down the ramp, just to make sure I'm not stuck on the ramp, blocking access trying to start my motor. Also, you are not going to hurt anything shifting the motor with it off, I've rebuilt lower units, I know how the shift cam,gear dogs, etc work. As far as the ethanol comments goes, 2 weeks sounds crazy, 2 months maybe.
Andrew Edwards
Andrew Edwards - 5 years ago
I love guys like Stephen , giving bad advice to people that will cost them a lot of money and I make that money . I am a licenced marine machic of 28 years and the guy doing this video is 100 percent right ! An outboard motor is a self draining system or that gear case would freeze and crack where I come for " Canada " plus that rubber impeller in a stainless steel housing takes 5 to 10 seconds to crap it out and for the gas he is right again he said every time you top up your gas put in addive because the last time you used the boat was two weeks ago and it still had 3/4 of a tank so now that gas is going on 3 weeks . I only run Premium in everything I own ! keep up the good work Stephen
Orppranator - 6 years ago
What you could do is pull your boat off the trailer to a dock next to the ramp using ropes, (I would be suprised if there isn't one going down at least one side of the ramp) tie your boat to the cleats on that dock, and then start your motor there.
jiffibay - 6 years ago
thats not correct, if you have a outboard there is not going to be any water at the water pump or pick up tube , it ony take 10 second to damage the impeller
David Morgan
David Morgan - 6 years ago
Your wrong buddy. You really shouldnt do that. Well at least of you are going to do it replace your impellers more often.
Powers LD
Powers LD - 6 years ago
Absolutely agree
cameron300462 - 8 years ago
+Stephen Spann totally agree with you stephen . my 130 yammy got started dry before hittin the ramp for the same reason you stated ( only for about 15 secs or so tho ) and I had that beautiful motor for 6 years ( from new ) and only ever replaced the impeller once..... and it use to piss like a race horse from the tell tale.
And anyway thats why engine have thermostats, to stop water circulating until they warm.

And this dude didnt even mention to check that your motor is pumpin water everytime you start it before moving off. Biggest killer of outboards is no water.
Some people will talk any dribble to get on youtube. This guy needs to stay away from boats. hahahahaha
HamRadioConcepts - 9 years ago
You forgot another very important tip, of people revving the piss out of the motor with a garden hose attached, in neutral, if that motor has a "runaway" you will watch it hand grenade until it's locks up tighter than a banjo string. A water hose also has to be a proper diameter for enough water, just because the water is trickling from the peehole does NOT mean it has enough water..
WasDannyHere305 - 10 years ago
What if you fill up with gas that has no alcohol
CrazyAmazingHD - 7 years ago
WasDannyHere305 athonal m8
Jake Barbee
Jake Barbee - 7 years ago
Sadly, it's getting hard to find 100% gas. Fortunately there are a few stations that sell it near me but it's more expensive but it's worth it.

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Captain Eric Sorensen shows you how to master the pivot turn in a single engine or sterndrive boat when you find...

About 3 Stupid Ways to Kill an Outboard Engine

The "3 Stupid Ways to Kill an Outboard Engine" video is part of the boating, sailing tipps category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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