49: Scuba Divers Underwater for 2 Weeks, Wacky Boating Laws
Boat 17 years ago 29,520 views
http://www.TheBoaters.TV (high res) Episode 49: First up today: A group of six scuba divers from Italy have successfully accomplished their task of setting a new world record for living underwater for two weeks. They spent 70 percent of their time IN the water, but slept and dined in small underwater rooms that were weighed down to the ocean floor. Aside from attempting to set a record, the experiment was to see how the human body adapted to a different environment like the ocean. The ultimate goal of scientists is to one day colonize the ocean. The divers' breathing and blood oxygenation were constantly monitored during the experiment. The scientists determined that divers were also able to live among the marine life without disturbing the ecosystem. After being brought 49 feet back up to the surface at the end of the two weeks, the divers were reported to be in good condition. Next up: Trailer Boat Tips — For Those of You with a Craving for the Paving...Is your trailer boat itching to hit the road and take you to new places to fish and ski? Boating writers Gordon and Janet Groene offere tips for getting your boat into the water safer AND sooner. For the final check-through, run down this list: Are your brakes hooked up? Have you checked out your brake and signal lights? Do you have a spare wheel on board just in case? Is your boat bedded and tied down ENOUGH for a 55 mile-an-hour ride? Finally today: Wacky Boating Laws Have you ever been curious about some of the more outdated or obscure boating laws that are still on the record in certain areas? While it is unlikely that anyone will actually be prosecuted for breaking these wacky laws, they just might be able to provide you with a good laugh. Coming up on Wednesday: TheBoaters TV will be celebrating our 50th Episode (TBTV's Golden Anniversary), so be sure to check back. TheBoaters.TV, hosted by Julie Perry, airs every M, W, and Friday at http://www.TheBoaters.TV
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