5 MUST KNOW Boat Navigation Tips!
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These are the 5 navigation tips that EVERY boat operartor MUST KNOW! Please Buy Your Service Parts From This Link To Amazon & Help Us Keep Bringing You Content!!!! https://www.amazon.com/?&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bornagainboat-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=97bb1968e1ac47dfc3703d401d95fb5a&camp=1789&creative=9325 #navigation #FloridaKeys #boating Help Us Grow By Subscribing! Our Website: https://www.bornagainboating.com/ Comment Contest: Comments must be appropriate and include the weekly Technician's Tag to be eligible to win. Winners must comment on the winner's post or direct message us by Monday morning in order for us to send out the item. If not contacted by Monday morning 8AM EST then we will repick a new winner for that week's item. Shipping must not exceed $50 USD. Video's For You! How To Mount An Outboard Motor Properly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_EMx9WwTlY&t Fixing Boat Hydraulic Steering! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGMqQCBicxc Get More Hours From Your Outboard! How To! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bHn2u7hrGk&t Articles From Our Website For You! How To Pressure Test A Gear Case! Step By Step! https://www.bornagainboating.com/pressure-test-gear-case/ What is an Outboard FSM or VST? https://www.bornagainboating.com/what-is-an-outboard-fsm-or-vst/ Expensive Sunglasses Vs. Cheap Glasses! https://www.bornagainboating.com/expensive-sunglasses-vs-cheap-glasses/ Welcome to Technician's Tuesday. Where every Tuesday we bring you on an inside look into the life and work of a Marine Mechanic! You get to see exactly what get's done on a regular Tuesday at a busy Marina in the Florida Keys! There is a new video every Tuesday at 4:45 PM EST! We also give a sneak peek at ongoing projects, repowers, rewires, and other boating rebuilds! Enjoy the video and get subscribed to keep up with our weekly Technician's Tuesday Video Series! ****Disclaimer**** This video is just a visual aid for locations and parts of a normal service. Enjoy the Video! Thanks for watching and don't forget to like and subscribe! Connect with us on our website: https://www.bornagainboating.com/ Our Equipment: GoPro Hero 5: https://amzn.to/2WfDIwz GoPro Hero 7: https://amzn.to/2WbFgrz GoPro External Mic Adapter: https://amzn.to/2Wa1JFn Our Network: Website Hosting: https://www.siteground.com/index.htm?afcode=b3a933b60d1612b551772b031c96df01 Follow Us: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/born_again_boating/?hl=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/BornAgainBoatin Contact Us: We'd love to hear from you and we will respond as quickly as we can! By Mail: 600 West Ocean Drive #510591, Key Colony Beach Fl, 33051 By Email: Aaron@bornagainboating.com Support Us By Donating! Thank You For All of Your Support! https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=3GY8RX7UEW2ZY&source=url
10. comment for 5 MUST KNOW Boat Navigation Tips!
Although I was familiar with the 1st saying "Red, Right, Return" one of my first experiences driving thru the channel, I came across a 2 man crew working on one of the markers, blocking the marker symbol. That particular set of markers only had one. Not being familiar, I had to choose, is it red or green? Needless to say, I chose wrong! Worse sound ever! That particular area is heavy with oyster bars! Yikes! Ended up with a mushroomed over prop, no damage to lower unit tho.
Best part .. I was already slowing down, as that marker also marked a 'minimum wake zone' so the crew heard the noise and knew exactly what happened. Heard the guys yell, 'hey, it's safer over here in the channel'
'Gee thanks!'
20. comment for 5 MUST KNOW Boat Navigation Tips!
30. comment for 5 MUST KNOW Boat Navigation Tips!
50. comment for 5 MUST KNOW Boat Navigation Tips!
Was running at cruising speed in a spot we knew the channel well shortly after hurricane Florence and the water almost completely disappeared in front of us.
Had time to trim up the outboard and avoid sucking up sand but not quick enough to avoid a significant grounding in our 23ft bay boat. Took me, the wife, and two kids digging and rocking for 30 min to drift her back out but could have been worse. I’ve seen guys run completely out of the water going wide open! Now let me get that #esearider so it’s not so hard on the tush!
After trying to run a storm that was coming in behind us, we went under a bridge to the left of the channel and found an abandoned train tresses. Almost took our engine off.
By the way, the name of my present boat is Sea Sea Rider, so I am feeling exceptionally lucky about the bean-bag chair! ☺
luv the vid nice job
100. comment for 5 MUST KNOW Boat Navigation Tips!
All that light brown and green stuff on aerial Google Maps - yeah that's land on low tide. Spent about 4 hours stuck in just north in Key West yelling at her and the dog to get on the bow while I try to lift the stern and push it across the flats.
Watched a small shark do the same thing with its top half out of the water flail around and realized it's not just me.
Still would do it all over again. #ESeaRider