5 MUST KNOW Boat Navigation Tips!

These are the 5 navigation tips that EVERY boat operartor MUST KNOW! Please Buy Your Service Parts From This Link To Amazon & Help Us Keep Bringing You Content!!!! https://www.amazon.com/?&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bornagainboat-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=97bb1968e1ac47dfc3703d401d95fb5a&camp=1789&creative=9325 #navigation #FloridaKeys #boating Help Us Grow By Subscribing! Our Website: https://www.bornagainboating.com/ Comment Contest: Comments must be appropriate and include the weekly Technician's Tag to be eligible to win. Winners must comment on the winner's post or direct message us by Monday morning in order for us to send out the item. If not contacted by Monday morning 8AM EST then we will repick a new winner for that week's item. Shipping must not exceed $50 USD. Video's For You! How To Mount An Outboard Motor Properly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_EMx9WwTlY&t Fixing Boat Hydraulic Steering! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGMqQCBicxc Get More Hours From Your Outboard! How To! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bHn2u7hrGk&t Articles From Our Website For You! How To Pressure Test A Gear Case! Step By Step! https://www.bornagainboating.com/pressure-test-gear-case/ What is an Outboard FSM or VST? https://www.bornagainboating.com/what-is-an-outboard-fsm-or-vst/ Expensive Sunglasses Vs. Cheap Glasses! https://www.bornagainboating.com/expensive-sunglasses-vs-cheap-glasses/ Welcome to Technician's Tuesday. Where every Tuesday we bring you on an inside look into the life and work of a Marine Mechanic! You get to see exactly what get's done on a regular Tuesday at a busy Marina in the Florida Keys! There is a new video every Tuesday at 4:45 PM EST! We also give a sneak peek at ongoing projects, repowers, rewires, and other boating rebuilds! Enjoy the video and get subscribed to keep up with our weekly Technician's Tuesday Video Series! ****Disclaimer**** This video is just a visual aid for locations and parts of a normal service. Enjoy the Video! Thanks for watching and don't forget to like and subscribe! Connect with us on our website: https://www.bornagainboating.com/ Our Equipment: GoPro Hero 5: https://amzn.to/2WfDIwz GoPro Hero 7: https://amzn.to/2WbFgrz GoPro External Mic Adapter: https://amzn.to/2Wa1JFn Our Network: Website Hosting: https://www.siteground.com/index.htm?afcode=b3a933b60d1612b551772b031c96df01 Follow Us: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/born_again_boating/?hl=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/BornAgainBoatin Contact Us: We'd love to hear from you and we will respond as quickly as we can! By Mail: 600 West Ocean Drive #510591, Key Colony Beach Fl, 33051 By Email: Aaron@bornagainboating.com Support Us By Donating! Thank You For All of Your Support! https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=3GY8RX7UEW2ZY&source=url

5 MUST KNOW Boat Navigation Tips! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Boat 4 years ago 10,693 views

These are the 5 navigation tips that EVERY boat operartor MUST KNOW! Please Buy Your Service Parts From This Link To Amazon & Help Us Keep Bringing You Content!!!! https://www.amazon.com/?&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bornagainboat-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=97bb1968e1ac47dfc3703d401d95fb5a&camp=1789&creative=9325 #navigation #FloridaKeys #boating Help Us Grow By Subscribing! Our Website: https://www.bornagainboating.com/ Comment Contest: Comments must be appropriate and include the weekly Technician's Tag to be eligible to win. Winners must comment on the winner's post or direct message us by Monday morning in order for us to send out the item. If not contacted by Monday morning 8AM EST then we will repick a new winner for that week's item. Shipping must not exceed $50 USD. Video's For You! How To Mount An Outboard Motor Properly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_EMx9WwTlY&t Fixing Boat Hydraulic Steering! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGMqQCBicxc Get More Hours From Your Outboard! How To! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bHn2u7hrGk&t  Articles From Our Website For You! How To Pressure Test A Gear Case! Step By Step! https://www.bornagainboating.com/pressure-test-gear-case/ What is an Outboard FSM or VST? https://www.bornagainboating.com/what-is-an-outboard-fsm-or-vst/ Expensive Sunglasses Vs. Cheap Glasses! https://www.bornagainboating.com/expensive-sunglasses-vs-cheap-glasses/ Welcome to Technician's Tuesday. Where every Tuesday we bring you on an inside look into the life and work of a Marine Mechanic! You get to see exactly what get's done on a regular Tuesday at a busy Marina in the Florida Keys! There is a new video every Tuesday at 4:45 PM EST! We also give a sneak peek at ongoing projects, repowers, rewires, and other boating rebuilds! Enjoy the video and get subscribed to keep up with our weekly Technician's Tuesday Video Series! ****Disclaimer**** This video is just a visual aid for locations and parts of a normal service. Enjoy the Video! Thanks for watching and don't forget to like and subscribe! Connect with us on our website: https://www.bornagainboating.com/ Our Equipment: GoPro Hero 5: https://amzn.to/2WfDIwz GoPro Hero 7: https://amzn.to/2WbFgrz GoPro External Mic Adapter: https://amzn.to/2Wa1JFn Our Network: Website Hosting: https://www.siteground.com/index.htm?afcode=b3a933b60d1612b551772b031c96df01 Follow Us: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/born_again_boating/?hl=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/BornAgainBoatin Contact Us: We'd love to hear from you and we will respond as quickly as we can! By Mail: 600 West Ocean Drive #510591, Key Colony Beach Fl, 33051 By Email: Aaron@bornagainboating.com Support Us By Donating! Thank You For All of Your Support! https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=3GY8RX7UEW2ZY&source=url

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Most popular comments
for 5 MUST KNOW Boat Navigation Tips!

D Huey
D Huey - 4 years ago
Just boat my first boat in November 2019. You videos are extremely helpful and I refer to your site often foe information.
Matt Charles
Matt Charles - 4 years ago
Shoals move during heavy storms... ask me how i know. #esearider
Paul Porter
Paul Porter - 4 years ago
Great information in this video. #esearider
jman3336 - 4 years ago
I fish out of Tavernier Creek. Unfortunately it’s one of the few channels that hasn’t been dredged out so it’s very shallow. I’m in a 30’ single diesel so I draft a lot. Just about 3 foot. I’ve bumped bottom 1 or 2 times but luckily never had damage. Now I just plan accordingly and leave as close to dead high tide as I can.
B Mick
B Mick - 4 years ago
I have watched people run their boats right into the sand bar near of my favorite fishing spots. They try to power through only to fill their engines up with sand and cause an overheat. #Esearider
Jack Salisbury
Jack Salisbury - 4 years ago
Nice job as always, thanks for posting! I just forwarded to 6 buddies. #ESeaRider
vxnova1 - 4 years ago
#easyrider, Haven’t hit bottom yet, but I’m sure it’s only a matter of time
wesley currin
wesley currin - 4 years ago
Last year we ran aground on the 22' bayboat while fishing (white sand) and got out of the boat and it floated enough to walk beside it and push it to a deeper hole. That deeper hole turned out to be a great trout fishing spot and we found a way out on the other side. #E-SeaRider
jgsmith16 - 4 years ago
New to boating, love the channel #esearider

10. comment for 5 MUST KNOW Boat Navigation Tips!

BRAD SATTERFIELD - 4 years ago
Great content keep’em coming!! #ESeaRider
Javier Rodriguez
Javier Rodriguez - 4 years ago
don't see many shallow spots on the west coast, but very informative. #esearider
Ethan Rossler
Ethan Rossler - 4 years ago
Unfortunately those sayings don’t work when running at night which means you gotta be extra careful. #esearider
myfast5oh - 4 years ago
Love the vid.. great infp
Lustfulvengance - 4 years ago
The shallow Florida water is EXACTLY why I bought a jet boat! It will float in 6" of water and on plane it draws like 1" ALSO won't hurt our Manatees! Completely flat under there!
Jpl636 - 4 years ago
I have never run aground. I have been close a couple time , makes you pucker up a little. Very informative vid. #esearider
Brad Cortez
Brad Cortez - 4 years ago
Although I was familiar with the 1st saying "Red, Right, Return" one of my first experiences driving thru the channel, I came across a 2 man crew working on one of the markers, blocking the marker symbol. That particular set of markers only had one. Not being familiar, I had to choose, is it red or green? Needless to say, I chose wrong! Worse sound ever! That particular area is heavy with oyster bars! Yikes! Ended up with a mushroomed over prop, no damage to lower unit tho.

Best part .. I was already slowing down, as that marker also marked a 'minimum wake zone' so the crew heard the noise and knew exactly what happened. Heard the guys yell, 'hey, it's safer over here in the channel'

'Gee thanks!'
butch c
butch c - 4 years ago
#ESeaRider as a rookie boater I didn't know about the red right return and I went to the right side of the red marker on inbound and grounded in the mud about three hours later someone pulled us out oops
Ethan Floyd
Ethan Floyd - 4 years ago
Been in a more rare hitting ground situation in NW Florida. I’ve been on a buddies boat several times that beach launch. A very cool experience each time. Bumping and nudging ground is quite the common occurrence. They change their lower unit oil every 20 hours and the props will get razor sharp from them sharpening in the sand. #ESeaRider
Catfish Stalker Outdoors with Capt Greg Ollila
Catfish Stalker Outdoors with Capt Greg Ollila - 4 years ago
Awesome! #Easyrider

20. comment for 5 MUST KNOW Boat Navigation Tips!

Fireship1 - 4 years ago
Have never hit bottom in over 20 years of boating. I watch my depthsounder like a hawk and I guess I’ve been plain lucky. #Esearider
Jamie Redington
Jamie Redington - 4 years ago
A few years back I went out of the channel to pick up a plastic bottle I thought was litter floating in the water. Well it wasn't and turned out to be tied to a string marking a submerged rock. The second I realized what it was it was too late. Needed a new prop but luckily didn't do any permanent damage to the motor #esearider
RED RACING GO-KARTS - 4 years ago
Scott Stolz
Scott Stolz - 4 years ago
Running up the War Eagle River I rounded a bend and hit a gravel bar. # ESEA Rider
jquinn5611 - 4 years ago
Few weeks ago at the lagoon, Horn island #ESearider
DRBumbles - 4 years ago
Ran aground while trying to scout new flounder higging spots around Sunset Beach, NC. I had to get out and push the boat about 100yrds. #ESeaRider
DirtMcGert29054 - 4 years ago
#Give my wife a. damn prize
DirtMcGert29054 - 4 years ago
Going to marathon on august , sent this video to the 5 other people going with me , It will be my 10th , wife has been with me a few times , but the other clowns need to know
Santy Sardinas
Santy Sardinas - 4 years ago
#esearider another great and very useful video thanks guys I like the frases
Mike Shirvis
Mike Shirvis - 4 years ago
....was coming in from fishing with girlfriend at night in New England, during the week, pitch black, no moon, no boats around...strong guide light went dead....foolishly went for the short cut way into the bay (running late as it was), but smart enough to cut my speed down.....too see a line of birds sitting in a row - on top of the rocks in the bay directly in front of me.....BAAAAMMMMMM......slammed into the rocks......after cleaning up my shorts, drifted off rocks and motored in.....Grady White only suffered a slight bruise on the hull!!!!!! #Esearider #Lucky

30. comment for 5 MUST KNOW Boat Navigation Tips!

Christian Bockelmann
Christian Bockelmann - 4 years ago
I have never hit the bottom. This is largely due to me just getting a boat last week. The #esearider would be a great addition to the new boat. Stay safe and your love the videos as always!
genrllee - 4 years ago
Been aground a few times in the flats, but was luckily able to jump out and push the boat off. Haven't had to wait for a tide to change to get free as of yet! #esearider
J Green
J Green - 4 years ago
Ran aground twice in Bogue Sound, with one being just east of marker 12 on ICW. Both times when big wind pushed water out of the sound. #EseaRider
Les - 4 years ago
I found the bottom in flamingo once in my 20 wellcraft. I see why this area is only for flats boats now. Glad I had help with me that day to get it out. #esearider
Hook & Spear
Hook & Spear - 4 years ago
I hit ground going out of Hatteras Inlet the first time in my panga... it was dark. #ESearider
Eric Frisch
Eric Frisch - 4 years ago
if you haven't hit bottom...you have not boated much. Spent the night high and dry many years ago and the skeeters loved us #ESearider
Wheel Man Motoring
Wheel Man Motoring - 4 years ago
Bottomed out on a sandbar in between Elliot key and Boca Chita key doing at least 40 knots on my dads old John almond with a 454! Dead stop but I’m alive!!! #Esearider
Frederick Wiley
Frederick Wiley - 4 years ago
Cut a bridge to short...ended up with a new lower unit and prop...learned stop trying to out fish the rain..#esearider
The Spinning Ballyhoo
The Spinning Ballyhoo - 4 years ago
Hit the bottom at horseshoe island near key colony... freaking clogged the engine pisser and we had to limp back to kcb on one engine, luckily we stuck a wire into the pisser and it ran and flowed water fine! #esearider
Abel Esparza
Abel Esparza - 4 years ago
White poles down here in the Lower Laguna Madre were used in the days before gps and chart plotters. They are scattered all up and down our bay system. You for got to mention if you see birds standing in the water it is definitely to shallow for many boats. #esearider
Jack Miller
Jack Miller - 4 years ago
I hit a rock in crystal River. Rocks are everywhere. Just have to know the areas. I fish a lot of rocky places. Tides need to be right or it’s can be a graveyard for lower units. #Esearider
florida musician
florida musician - 4 years ago
Hit Bottom Florida Keys Tavernier Key a local shallow pass on the bay side known for the marker poles decorated by Toilet Seats hung off of them.... Was not up enough on a plane for a clear passage and hit bottom and bogged out. Had to wait about an hour for the tide to rise high enough to pole-push out to deeper water. #esearider #navigation #FloridaKeys #boating
Julio Gonzalez
Julio Gonzalez - 4 years ago
Lol was having fuel pump issues with a 200 Johnson sonic had my brother take over the helmet while I kept pumping the primer bulb and I guess when I told him to go BETWEEN the islands he though I meant go straight for one and we definitely hit bottom! Luckily I was able to get us out quick with just minor scratches on the skeg. #ESeaRider
mrmettler1983 - 4 years ago
I hit the edge of a sandbar in our local river following a friend. Wasn’t low tide and wasn’t shown on our GPS unit. #esearider
Time Well Wasted
Time Well Wasted - 4 years ago
4 weeks back we launch out of Dunedin boat ramp it was early morning just before sunrise the guy i thought who new this channel well made us run a ground luckily no on was hurt we got a tow out of our situation by some very kind hearted passerby since then i never let anyone drive my boat again. # Esearider
alllstar01 - 4 years ago
Ran aground on a sail boat had to wait hours for high tide and was about to push it off #esearider
John Lancaster
John Lancaster - 4 years ago
Is your shop hiring but any chance??
Doug Copeland
Doug Copeland - 4 years ago
#Esearider. Ran my micro skiff right up onto an oyster bed and broke a my prop at the same time was not a good day fishing. Still have the scar on the bottom of the skiff.
Timothy Beaty
Timothy Beaty - 4 years ago
#ezrider. First time out in my boat. Thought Biscayne bay was deep enough, but not in Stiltsville! The tide freed me up an hour later. Next purchase, Garmin GPS!
Bottomknockin' Baja
Bottomknockin' Baja - 4 years ago
Mother mother ocean... she is beautiful and unforgiving! #ESeaRider

50. comment for 5 MUST KNOW Boat Navigation Tips!

Luis Vallecillo
Luis Vallecillo - 4 years ago
Ran into a sand bar in Rehoboth Bay Delaware while vacation with family. Misread the red/green single marker. Always messes me up. #esearider
Kyle Black
Kyle Black - 4 years ago
I've never hit bottom in my boat thanks to pure luck, but while a friend of mine and I were on his, he decided he wanted to cut across the river to the other channel during low tide. Didn't end well. #ESeaRider
David Cimarik
David Cimarik - 4 years ago
Dragged my lower unit a few times at a slow speed but haven’t truly run aground thus far. #esearider
John Paukovits
John Paukovits - 4 years ago
When I was 11 I bounced an outboard of the back of a dingy because I was ripping out into a bay on Long Island and hit bottom. The engine was spinning in the water while I held it by the gas line. I wasn't allowed to drive alone for the rest of the summer. #ESeaRider
Mario Sanchez
Mario Sanchez - 4 years ago
That time we broke the skeg off, lol #esearider
Jeremy Bushue
Jeremy Bushue - 4 years ago
I wasn’t paying attention to the white pipes and ran ground #esearider
Ed Mullins
Ed Mullins - 4 years ago
Ran aground last fall in the flats trying to get through a cut I was sure I’d make it through! Oh well, still caught fish and got out a few hours later at high tide. #E-SeaRider
Tom Losco
Tom Losco - 4 years ago
Always like to ride with someone who knows the area before I take my boat through #ESeaRider
Brady Bryant
Brady Bryant - 4 years ago
I’ve hit the bottom plenty of times, working on shallow lakes makes it always a challenge especially when on a new body of water. If I see a marker typically it is marking something in the water. This information in this vid will help if we get out on the bigger bodies of water! Never knew what those markers meant when going on charters. Thanks for the info! #ESeaRider
Michael Collins
Michael Collins - 4 years ago
2 Years ago staying at Pirates Cove in Central Florida..I was in the channel and during low tide bottomed out. I was totaly pissed and it pulled all the paint off my skeg! Thank goodness it was only sand! ..#esearider
J Sails
J Sails - 4 years ago
#Esearider Glad your still producing even during the Covid 19 outbreak. Your a great break from our daily (stuck at home) routine.
VinMan - 4 years ago
When my pop had a 17 foot aluminum StarCraft in the early 80's we got bottom all the time in Barnegate Nj. We always left the engine unlocked so when we hit at speed the engine would fly out of the water screaming. .. good times....
VinMan - 4 years ago
@veeco3110 so true! The light house inlet was treacherous sometimes it was gorgeous and others it seemed like haulover inlet in Miami.
veeco3110 - 4 years ago
Barnaget bay is SKETCHY! 1 second you’re in 8 feet of water, the next second you’re in a sandbar by island beach state park.
Carter S
Carter S - 4 years ago
#ESeaRider - we were on a small Boston whaler and cruising along the shore and then we hit a huge sand bar
Howe W.
Howe W. - 4 years ago
I am knowledgeable about my boating area..... now my wife?!?! Well, one time she took a few kids and a friend out on our old ‘63 Katama Whaler. On the way in they cut a corner and chewed up the prop real good on some rocks! They got in safe and we had a few laughs. I don’t think she’ll cut that corner again! #ESeaRider
Lovin House
Lovin House - 4 years ago
I was a passenger in a bass boat that ran aground...Not fun!
Stacy Meister
Stacy Meister - 4 years ago
I was riding on a buddies boat one time, while we were following about 25 of his previous gps track lines. In the middle of discussing the water depth, due to it very silty color, we slowly cam to a stop. Sure enough, sitting in the mud at low tide. Thankfully, we sat back and chilled for about 2 hours until the boat floated free. Could have used a #ESeaRider
Bill Stewart
Bill Stewart - 4 years ago
My first grounding was in the Atlantic ICW. I got out of the main channel to spend the night. Next morning when I returned to the channel I did not retrace my track. Very quickly my keel got stuck on a sand bar that didn’t register on my depth gauge quickly enough. Good thing for Towing contracts. #Esearider
Marcus Huenefeld
Marcus Huenefeld - 4 years ago
Here in the Carolinas (Cape Lookout NC), in behind the barrier islands, the channels shift like sand in a windy desert. You have to be careful all the time but especially after big storms or you can get yourself in a real bind in both natural channels and man made ones.
Was running at cruising speed in a spot we knew the channel well shortly after hurricane Florence and the water almost completely disappeared in front of us.
Had time to trim up the outboard and avoid sucking up sand but not quick enough to avoid a significant grounding in our 23ft bay boat. Took me, the wife, and two kids digging and rocking for 30 min to drift her back out but could have been worse. I’ve seen guys run completely out of the water going wide open! Now let me get that #esearider so it’s not so hard on the tush!
Tim Hanrahan
Tim Hanrahan - 4 years ago
I was taking my 36 foot sailboat into a small bay at Isle Royale on Lake Superior. The sun was high and the water was nice and dark which usually means deep water. The problem was that there was a big flat rock that was also dark. The keel of the boat rode right up on it and we were stuck for a hot minute. Fortunately we got away unscathed, but it took the rest of the day for my heart rate to return to normal. #Esearider
Dennis Bott
Dennis Bott - 4 years ago
After trying to run a storm that was coming in behind us, we went under a bridge to the left of the channel and found an abandoned train tresses. Almost took our engine off.
Coppertune - 4 years ago
Ever thought about doing more than 1 vid a week?
Easton Dufour
Easton Dufour - 4 years ago
Luckily haven’t ran upon ground yet almost got pushed unto the beach by a rouge wave once #esearider
shaun ruark
shaun ruark - 4 years ago
ESea Rider: Was looking at GPS and somewhere I could go in the summer but winter ran a ground. I just moved people to the front of the boat and floated off.
Joseph LaHood
Joseph LaHood - 4 years ago
Never hit ground but still would like the #esearider
Eddie Tinoga
Eddie Tinoga - 4 years ago
chadclm - 4 years ago
We don get the pleasure of clear water in Galveston bay ran aground a few time out of the intercoastal #esearider
Eddie Tinoga
Eddie Tinoga - 4 years ago
# easyrider
CJ - 4 years ago
Keys trip low tide excited at night running west of 7 mile and the sandbar popped out of no where lol #esearider
Jeremy Hawley
Jeremy Hawley - 4 years ago
What about limestone bottoms in the gulf of mexio?. Weeki wachee has claimed a few of my props and shafts. You can use all of the tips until you enter those limestone bottom area. #ESeaRider
Ed Loewen
Ed Loewen - 4 years ago
Vicinity Savannah, GA on a St Patrick’s day. Lucky just before low tide. Was stuck on a sand bar for a couple hours while the tide came back in. Lots of bugs! #esearider
Jeff Marshall
Jeff Marshall - 4 years ago
I once got caught up on some sand in a channel that the markers weren't in a great place, luckily was going slow enough and could back off and get around it. #esearider looks very comfy!!:-)
Jorge Llovet
Jorge Llovet - 4 years ago
#esearider Never hit ground but got close when looking at something else
Logan Shine
Logan Shine - 4 years ago
One time I went to Suwannee Florida just south of were I live and didn’t realize they didn’t maintain the Chanel’s and at low tide ran a ground IN THE CHANNEL always be careful wherever you haven’t been #Esearider
David Traurig
David Traurig - 4 years ago
Dave T. again with the hash tag. #easyrider. Sorry forgot to add with my comment.
David Traurig
David Traurig - 4 years ago
I live in Fort Myers Fl. on the southwest gulf. We have a great fishing area known as Pine Island Sound. Anyone that fishes the area knows for sure how much brown ground there is. The water clarity doesn't even compare to the Florida Keys. We have the Caloosahatchee river which runs into the gulf of Mexico. So in turn we get a lot of run off from Lake Okeechobee; of which turns a lot of the fishing waters to a rusty brown color. So as you could expect we have to pay extra attention to the channel markers. The skinny water blends into the channel water. You get the point. I have hit the brown ground twice; one time was a hidden oyster bar i knew nothing about. Scraped the bottom of the boat so bad had to have it skimmed with faring material, sanded and repainted. Luckily there were no holes to fix. Learned my lesson pretty quick. Needless to say we are the captains of our boats and are responsible for all aboard as they expect to be returned to the dock safely. Thank You Dave T.
Andrew F Yakim
Andrew F Yakim - 4 years ago
Hi BAB, This is all super information; I cannot imagine the work you did to put this together with all the drone video and such. Thank you! #esearider . I have hit the bottom so many times I don't know which one to pick! Most recent was last week when I hit 'something'; a submerged object or the 'bottom'. I don't know at this point, but did some damage to my lower unit...
By the way, the name of my present boat is Sea Sea Rider, so I am feeling exceptionally lucky about the bean-bag chair! ☺
captdwilliams - 4 years ago
I've never hit the bottom but would love an e-sea rider
__ row_shack
__ row_shack - 4 years ago
Hittin bottom with the wife #esearider
David Moran
David Moran - 4 years ago
there are two types of boaters on Moreton Bay QLD Australia - those that have run aground and those that lie about it! #esearider
rc-xd inbound
rc-xd inbound - 4 years ago
Rover Republic
Rover Republic - 4 years ago
#ESeaRider I was going 1/2 throttle across the ICW to a buddies house one morning. Sky was blue, air was warm, the water was too shallow. I hit bottom (Sandbar) and nearly tossed my daughter out of the boat. We were both okay but I had to trim up the motor, jump into the water and push us off. To this day, we laugh about it and the pact that we would not tell Mom what went down that morning.
VooDoo - 4 years ago
thx for the offer for bean bag .......very nice...I know others can use it.
luv the vid nice job
IFeelfishy - 4 years ago
Ran aground while talking on the phone in a tricky area by Oregon Inlet, NC. A 20 min struggle to get out, but we got out under our own power. Solid lesson learned: Pay attention to what you are doing, even if you have done this hundreds of times. #EseaRider
T. Koogle
T. Koogle - 4 years ago
We were visiting friends and took a trip on their boat. The husband went below leaving the wife to drive out (she had done it before many times) when we hit! She forgot what side of the red marker she was supposed to be on! #esearider
Gavin Kralik
Gavin Kralik - 4 years ago
Was going duck hunting in my boat, it was 30 degrees here in Nc, and the water was super low. I was on plane when my boat just stopped. Still went hunting tho. #ESeaRider
David Dye
David Dye - 4 years ago
#Esearider fortunately I’ve not hit the bottom yet, and I do not plan on it thanks to another informative video.
Md Wills
Md Wills - 4 years ago
There are only 2 types of sailors... Ones that have run aground and those who are lying about not running aground... #esearider
Michael Duhe
Michael Duhe - 4 years ago
I've hit multiple Mississippi river sand bars, water is always brown and they sneak up on you. Most passes aren't even marked. #esearider
rrw2gonefishing - 4 years ago
Last time whent aground. I drifted over a oyster bar hard. Had to get to out in my boxers and push off cause it winter lucky a mild day but water was cold. And only a ten min. ride back to the ramp. But cut my feet up, not bad some foot soaking and I was fine. #EseaRider
Mike Herman
Mike Herman - 4 years ago
Nice looking water ,here on the Anclote River brown all the time#esearider

100. comment for 5 MUST KNOW Boat Navigation Tips!

Brandon Curry
Brandon Curry - 4 years ago
Running out of Crystal River. I left the channel a little early and found a sand bar. Didn't get stuck just knocked the paint off the lower unit. #ESEARIDER
Johnny R
Johnny R - 4 years ago
#esearider when going in unknown water, I always trim the motor up.
Benji Gans
Benji Gans - 4 years ago
Because I completed US power squadron, I've never run aground, yet I've seen many folks who are stranded at the sandbar! #ESeaRider
Mike Shirvis
Mike Shirvis - 4 years ago
Benji Gans .....boat long enough and you will
James Landon
James Landon - 4 years ago
very cool #esearider
TheRoadGlideRider - 4 years ago
I would love the seat #ESeaRider. Sand bars in the Colorado River on Lake Havasu can be a bear to navigate. I have hit them before.
Working Diligently
Working Diligently - 4 years ago
#esearider My cousin had a rhodes 19 with a full keel back when we were kids. She wanted to get closer to some friends out in front of a farm at a raft, it may have been high tide or low - but it was an area that we never usually sailed with her boat. Needless to say, we hit ground and all rolled up to the front of the boat... luckily no one was hurt, but it was an abrupt stop. Also, we were able to lean the boat off the sand bar pretty quickly and head back home. It made for a great memory..
Tommy McCormick
Tommy McCormick - 4 years ago
Howe W. Nice! I haven’t had the pleasure of spending much time there but I spent a week in Brant Beach for a sailboat regatta this past summer and had a blast, aside from running aground in Little Egg Harbor, of course...
Howe W.
Howe W. - 4 years ago
Hey my friend.... I grew up in Beach Haven ... summered there as a kid in the ‘60’s. I loved It there!
David Johnson
David Johnson - 4 years ago
If you ain’t been Aground you ain’t been around... #esearider
Fabian Diaz
Fabian Diaz - 4 years ago
bayside on miami i kissed a sandy bottom
elmasry alhorr
elmasry alhorr - 4 years ago
Going out at night with my 16 footer I ran a ground for not checking the tides before leaving at marina del rey Rey California but thank GOD it was all sand not rocks and with some help from my friends got back to safe depth to continue #esearider
Hemlock Grove
Hemlock Grove - 4 years ago
Great video, thanks for the great information! We hit bottom coming in to the dock last year, didn’t raise the motor, shallow water. Bad mistake.
wukain - 4 years ago
#esearider went to key largo in early March didn't get stuck but my propeller did kick up some serious mud
Fishing Fool
Fishing Fool - 4 years ago
#ESeaRider I hit the bottom after crossing Humboldt Bay in California. I followed another boat but I guess they were lighter. I saw mud but didn't get stuck.
Tom - 4 years ago
amazing content
Gelacho - 4 years ago
I get grounded enough where the # EseaRider will help me wait comfortably, I need it!!
seawhaturnissen - 4 years ago
Just did it in Tarpon springs low tide watch out! #esearider
George Ringer
George Ringer - 4 years ago
I've been very luck I haven't it bottom but came close a couple time #esearider
michael burke
michael burke - 4 years ago
Crystal River is one area that has sand bars, oyster beds and flats. #EseaRider
Yovan Rosario
Yovan Rosario - 4 years ago
Its was an almost situation getting out of the sand bar and wave pushing the boat back to land not been able to push it back out we were lucky wind wasn't that strong and finally pushed out and then trim engine down but it was and almost stuck situation. Love the video keep the good work. #ESeaRider
dewey66904 - 4 years ago
#esearider Key West, This local says just drive straight to the ramp. well, my friend did and we made it about 100 yards and bottomed out.......me saying the whole time "dude slow down" .
kishidabu - 4 years ago
Thanks for the nav tips! Red Right Return worked great in the States but here in New Zealand (and other countries called "Region A" we have to say "is there any red port left?" as the port marks are red and on the left when returning. Why couldn't someone just come up with a standard for the whole world???
JMounce - 4 years ago
It all started with her: "Hey we should get a boat". First lesson, even if you're not ready, you get that boat. Took it down to Key West thinking we're surrounded by water this will be easy! Cruised around, went o Marquesas Key, looked at dolphins and boom!

All that light brown and green stuff on aerial Google Maps - yeah that's land on low tide. Spent about 4 hours stuck in just north in Key West yelling at her and the dog to get on the bow while I try to lift the stern and push it across the flats.

Watched a small shark do the same thing with its top half out of the water flail around and realized it's not just me.

Still would do it all over again. #ESeaRider
Steve & Melissa McAdams
Steve & Melissa McAdams - 4 years ago
As a matter of fact run a ground last year trying to anchor at a sand bar. #ESeaRider
William Blomdahl
William Blomdahl - 4 years ago
I live in Virginia Beach on the Lynnhaven River and use these tips all the time. I love watching your channel and you have inspired me to change my steering cable and binnacle cables in my boat. I check the tides all the time because where we keep our 1986 boston whler is based off the tides and channels. I would love to have the #esearider
Jason Lefevers
Jason Lefevers - 4 years ago
We hit a sand bar in Pensacola, FL while tubing once. We were doing about 25/30 mph and came to an abrupt stop. No fun at all. #EasyRider
Jazzy J
Jazzy J - 4 years ago
You might want to edit your hashtag to say esearider.
Fred Rempe
Fred Rempe - 4 years ago
Cant say I have ran aground ,but I will remember the brown,brown run aground saying..great video as always!#ESEARIDER
Generalturbo - 4 years ago
Rode my with paps some years ago and he didnt realized the depth of the tide that time and we ran aground during a bad storm after having to cut our fishing trip short and almost tore off the motor off the transom .. It was a scary moment but one to very much learn from. #Esearider
cslider - 4 years ago
#ESeaRider - Always good to lay close attention going down the Intercoastal. Sometimes if you aren’t paying attention and head off your coordinates you can run aground easily. Not so bad in Miami, but in the Keys you may be running into rock. Great content.
James Dewey
James Dewey - 4 years ago
Well. I bought a boat with a 25” shaft with a 20” transom. Was in 4ft of water in the channel and low tide, tried to get on plane and boom hit bottom. Lesson learned from your other episode. Raised up motor and nice and easy now. #esearider
John Bailey
John Bailey - 4 years ago
Thanks, Liked this content better then you others wish I knew it two props and one skeg ago :). Again thanks for all your content.
Matt Haithcock
Matt Haithcock - 4 years ago
I was anchored overnight next to one of my buddies. During the night his anchor broke free and drug across mine breaking it free as well. My 34in draft sailboat caught a sandbar 100yrds away from a low fixed bridge going out of the inlet. By the grace of god both boats were held and no damage was done. Just real confused when I woke up. #ESearider
stubmt - 4 years ago
Never did I hit the bottom sorry #ESeaRider
Roger Roger
Roger Roger - 4 years ago
Very good information! I brought a couple around some islands looking for buoys and I told them to hold my boat off the shore a little bit while I grabbed a buoy. Well they didn’t listen and we got tide nipped lol. 5 hour ordeal! #esearider
OfficerDave78 - 4 years ago
I got the Covid-19 and been out of work for over 2 weeks.
Jazzy J
Jazzy J - 4 years ago
@OfficerDave78 that's good to hear!
OfficerDave78 - 4 years ago
Jazzy J thank you ! I am doing better !
Rob Mitchell
Rob Mitchell - 4 years ago
#ESeaRider In muddy mobile bay i have run aground a few times. Just try and go back the way you came in. Pulled a few off shoals myself
OfficerDave78 - 4 years ago
#ESeaRider the times I ran aground. Never in my personal boat. Just anchored at the beach for the day and tide was real low when I left and was hitting bottom when I left. At work I was coming out of a canal and one of the buoys broke away when it froze so on my way out I thought I was over enough and I hit hard aground. No damage.
Eric Davis
Eric Davis - 4 years ago
Never been stuck! Living in the Fort Myers, Sanibel area... I’m pretty proud of myself! It’s really shallow here and when they release water from Lake O, everything is brown!” #esearider
Tom - 4 years ago
awesome content keep it up dude
Brianna Beheler
Brianna Beheler - 4 years ago

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