7 ways to Trick Out a Small Boat for Better Fishing and Performace

Tricking out this small aluminum boat will give me the advantages that some of the bigger more expensive boat have. From getting on plane in shallow water to fishing all day on the trolling motor these tips will greatly improve your fishing experience. Thank you to everyone for watching my videos and please subscribe before you leave. This boat is the Bass Tracker Heritage Model and is quickly becoming one of my favorite boats to fish out of. Follow me on Fishbrain and Instagram

7 ways to Trick Out a Small Boat for Better Fishing and Performace sentiment_very_dissatisfied 75

Boat 6 years ago 117,251 views

Tricking out this small aluminum boat will give me the advantages that some of the bigger more expensive boat have. From getting on plane in shallow water to fishing all day on the trolling motor these tips will greatly improve your fishing experience. Thank you to everyone for watching my videos and please subscribe before you leave. This boat is the Bass Tracker Heritage Model and is quickly becoming one of my favorite boats to fish out of. Follow me on Fishbrain and Instagram

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Most popular comments
for 7 ways to Trick Out a Small Boat for Better Fishing and Performace

Joe Kennedy
Joe Kennedy - 5 years ago
My life time and your still out there excited as ever. Cheers.
Benlov Lov
Benlov Lov - 5 years ago
Thank you Mr Martin. Grew up watching your show. You're the greatest.
Dink Master
Dink Master - 5 years ago
this is the boat i dream about at night
david frank
david frank - 5 years ago
I have to say that I am a huge fan of yours and I'm a huge fan of your trolling motor prop. I always carried extra on my boat. And let me say I had never had a single problem going through anything that the water thrown at me. Very glad to see that you are still making videos.
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 5 years ago
Munky332 - 5 years ago
You over here talking about a 12,000+ boat, and I'm going like "I got 100$, guess i'll go buy an inner tube and float over the lake instead"
Marvin Obermeyer
Marvin Obermeyer - 5 years ago
30 years ago my first water craft was a 150 dollar used canoe. 4 boats later I still have it. Still a favorite
Nick Rogers
Nick Rogers - 5 years ago
Nicely done! For someone wanting a shallow flats boat without spending a ton of money, this is a great way to make a small boat work for those shallow flats and still not break the bank! I wouldn't have thought to use this particular Tracker boat as a flats boat. Something designed as a flats boat is going to cost at least twice this amount just for the base model without any of the extras. Thanks yet another great video, Roland!
White Noise
White Noise - 5 years ago
Welp - gotta pay the bills somehow..
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 5 years ago
Everybody thinks that pro fisherman make a lot of money. That's just not the case!
allen rodon
allen rodon - 5 years ago
Wow Roland Martin I just found your channel I thought by now you would be out of the game. I wanna say thank you for every episode you have ever films you and bill dance Were my heroes growing up I looked forward to every to weekend to watch your shows Keep doing what you do you're a legend!!!
Nathan Evers
Nathan Evers - 5 years ago
What prop did you put on it

10. comment for 7 ways to Trick Out a Small Boat for Better Fishing and Performace

Chris Forrest
Chris Forrest - 5 years ago
auto trim tabs are the best for the money
Steven Erickson
Steven Erickson - 5 years ago
i know this guy is a legend...but shit, i couldnt be the only one that was worried he was gonna keel over. fuck man. calm down.
Lester D. Howell
Lester D. Howell - 5 years ago
buddy, you could have put all the links in the description. thanks
Steven Brogna
Steven Brogna - 6 years ago
I have a classic 1983 Lowe 17 foot Bass Catcher Pro.
Dan Runnheim
Dan Runnheim - 6 years ago
Ive loved that exact boat since the 80s, my friends dad had one. Unfortunately the DNR in MN are such fucking money hungry morons it doesnt pay to go fishing anymore unless your hhhmong or nignog. Thanks for the video though.
J Slice
J Slice - 6 years ago
Love to hear the details of the 4 blade like brand, diameter and pitch and it's performance. I'm buying the 2019 Bass Tracker Classic based on this review of the Heritage. In this video you show the stainless 3 blade, what are details on that one?
Jason Reyes
Jason Reyes - 5 years ago
J Slice talk to your local boat motor specialist. Every boat is different and changing the prop could adversely affect performance.
J Slice
J Slice - 6 years ago
Roland...what diameter and pitch stainless steel prop are you running.
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
I'm trying a 4 bladed now but I haven't run it yet
brian davis
brian davis - 6 years ago
Mr roland, where did u order your micro power pole from? If you can/ don't mind telling me. Thx
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
Bass pro has them or look on line under micro power pole
Jason Born
Jason Born - 6 years ago
I need that power pole where do I get one.
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
Bass pro
Richie rich
Richie rich - 6 years ago
Are u teaching or just promoting?
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
Mainly teaching but I have advertisers as well but it's a soft sell on occasion

20. comment for 7 ways to Trick Out a Small Boat for Better Fishing and Performace

Brent Young
Brent Young - 6 years ago
The most often used improvement to my aluminum Jon boat is a piece of aluminum angle-iron welded to the boat so I can clamp rod holders mounted on a board to the boat. I originally made the rod holders for spider rigging for crappie I quickly realized the spider rig was great for live bait fishing of any kind.
Born In The South
Born In The South - 6 years ago
Roland have you used the 4 blade prop yet? If so, how was the performance?
Born In The South
Born In The South - 6 years ago
I have a couple of your weedless ones. I was referring to the engine prop, in the video you mentioned that you were getting a 4 blade.
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
My 2 blades weedless wedge is way more weedless than any 4 blades prop. The patent expired 7 years ago after Minnkota use it exclusively for 23 years and they still use it exclusively even though it has no patent protection!
Jesse Fex
Jesse Fex - 6 years ago
Your a champ!
Rowdy Broomstick
Rowdy Broomstick - 6 years ago
Did I hear him say my favorite rod? Didn't think he fished favorite Rod's.
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
That's all I fish
Crix Macea
Crix Macea - 6 years ago
Nice Rolex, Roland
bass3do - 6 years ago
This will void the warranty LOL
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
The changes I did on my Tracker Heritage won't affect the warranty
Embcii Bee
Embcii Bee - 6 years ago
Roland and Scott should do a video on "tricking out BRANDON's boat :D that would be so awesome hahaha
Mike - 6 years ago
Still pimping shit after all these years...
George Canvin
George Canvin - 6 years ago
Particly is not a word.
George Canvin
George Canvin - 6 years ago
Roland Martin Outdoors you were speaking not spelling.
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
I'm a really bad speller
Robert Tysinger
Robert Tysinger - 6 years ago
What’s the cost as you have?
Robert Tysinger
Robert Tysinger - 6 years ago
Thank you Sir!
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
The boat was 9,995.00 the jack plate was about 600.00 the micro power pole was another 600.00 the stainless prop I bought used for 250.00 the cavitation plate is about 75.00 and the extra depth finder is a 6 or 7 year old model that's out of production but worth about 400.00 for a grand total of about 12,000.00 total

30. comment for 7 ways to Trick Out a Small Boat for Better Fishing and Performace

Richard NZ
Richard NZ - 6 years ago
if you talk faster without breathing any more you will get brain damage your right on the edge
Nathan meurett life
Nathan meurett life - 6 years ago
Since when is a 17ft boat small lol?
Dave C
Dave C - 6 years ago
isnt it 16
Theo Amos
Theo Amos - 6 years ago
Plus there's thousands of dollars in equipment in it
Theo Amos
Theo Amos - 6 years ago
Thank you!
OLD Beer Buzzard
OLD Beer Buzzard - 6 years ago
Truly, the only tricked out equipment I need, is my Lure. Never used electronics or camera,s like this generation. Still to this date, You can't have a cell phone on my boat. You can only use my home made lures, and Fish finders are only the knowledge that is in my brain. Never needed all the tricks. Guess that's the difference between having debt or like me, Never a debt in my life, never a Cell phone in my pocket,,,lolol
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
Wow! You must be somebody hero, I'm just not sure who!
s static
s static - 6 years ago
12k is not a budget smh wow I can imagine what ur pocket change looks like u can purchase a bass boat from bass pro for the same price brand new
s static
s static - 6 years ago
Oooooh ok I get it we were talking about 2 different things your referring about becoming a professional angler I’m talking about just fishing in general lol yeah I see that now that’s when I’m buying a 43k boat lol
BassSniperTV - 6 years ago
+s static If you are Mike, I've watched a ton of your videos, but unlike you I need a steering column. ABA rules dictate that your boat have a steering column to compete. For me it's more efficient to buy built, than to build. I don't need another project boat.
s static
s static - 6 years ago
BassSniperTV but u do know that you can buy a bare aluminum boat 14 or 16 ft and put a kit in it with all that and more for less that’s y I don’t see it as a deal but that’s just me look up mike Lopez
M&M Outdoors
M&M Outdoors - 6 years ago
+s static I'd say 13k for a street bike is unnaffordable , but I dont streetbike
BassSniperTV - 6 years ago
+s static I'm here because I said the same thing about a boat a guy was calling affordable at 43,000$. Bass boats are r costing damn near 100,000$ for the top of the line brand new. So year 12,000$ is a bargain in the boating world for brand new.
TexasFishingDude - 6 years ago
If you knew anything about boats you’d know 12k for a brand new boat and everything he’s done to it is a steal
s static
s static - 6 years ago
no Im just saying these are all seasonal toys that we use and I understand both I grew up using a wood boat that back in the days we put tar on it to seal the leaks so I know about boats and all the seasonal toys we like to get into like I said his pockets are just deeper than mines so is yours and to me thats not a budget boat like i said I saw a brand new tracker with all the bells and whistle for the same price thats all I'm saying maybe this is all the retired guys with deep pockets group.
Hillary For prison
Hillary For prison - 6 years ago
s static stick to your street bike then !
s static
s static - 6 years ago
Roland Martin Outdoors if that’s your profession and fishing is all ur going to do I can see that. for the average guy like me. Mine u I’ve done seasonal sport like tracking out my street bike which cost brand new 13k plus paying to use the track, gear, etc trick out my bike all that so I get it and now that I’ve done all that.much as I enjoy riding a street bike I wouldn’t buy brand new check out mike Lopez and what he’s doing he’s changing the game what he’s doing is making it affordable and on a budget check him out every one is following him but we’re not doing it for a living. That’s probably the audience your reaching out to the guys that wants to do it for a living.
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
You need to research the boating market for 12k is a tremendous bargain budget boat
Mitch Stout
Mitch Stout - 6 years ago
Roland, you need to hook up a oxygen mask to your airarator you sound out of breath.
187StrikeKing - 6 years ago
7:34 cut cut cut LMAO OMG Roland im dying over here laughing that would of been the Ultimate Super Bowl Commercial hands down LMFAO
Allen Sadicario
Allen Sadicario - 6 years ago
Brad Johnson
Brad Johnson - 6 years ago
Good advice on saltwater and aluminum!
Ryan - 6 years ago
There are several guys on Bass Resource that have recessed the trolling motor foot pedal. To me, that is huge. Great video!!
Ryan - 6 years ago
Roland Martin Outdoors Yes most certainly do, but my understanding was the Heritage did not. Thanks
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
Many of the bass boats have a recess.
DildoSwaggins - 6 years ago
When your watch is worth as much as your boat..
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
I've had that Rolex for 25 years and I bought it cheap in a Birmingham pawn shop!
Frank Heck
Frank Heck - 6 years ago
I love the mods, but you better have some $$$$
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
About 2,500.00 for all the upgrades!
Dee Dubya
Dee Dubya - 6 years ago
Nice little boat. Why douche it out?? Rename the video on how to douche out a normal person fishing boat. Cant just go fishing anymore, gotta douche everything to the max. A douched out boat doesnt catch the fish
Nick Rogers
Nick Rogers - 5 years ago
Tilt trim isn't anywhere near the same, especially at running speeds. A tilted motor at running speeds will still ride the prop and lower unit just as low in the water because the thrust pushes the tail end downward. The jackplate moves the whole motor up to a shallower running depth, which enables you to run at planing speeds without smashing your lower unit to bits.
Dee Dubya
Dee Dubya - 6 years ago
Right, because im sure it doesnt have power trim on the engine. Nothing else will affect how it goes through shallow water. Oh wait! It does have power trim!
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
To make it run the super shallow water you have to do a few things
Frank Baird
Frank Baird - 6 years ago
I want to know how they installed the trolling motor cable. Mine won’t work.
Frank Baird
Frank Baird - 6 years ago
Roland Martin Outdoors I figured it out. Had to do some modifications to make it work. Now to start saving for that jack plate. Lol!
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
I have 2 boats with that trolling motor and they work well!
Shoshonewolf2 - 6 years ago
Hopefully he has a rocket rod on board
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
Nope, I use the Popeal pocket fisherman!
Tele 71
Tele 71 - 6 years ago
Thanks for the tip Roland. I have pretty much the same boat and use it in both fresh and salt water. Maintenance IS the key.
CentralCoastCamper - 6 years ago
That's a lot of nice features packed into a small package.
Cnc N More
Cnc N More - 6 years ago
Man I grew up watching Roland ....OH SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loren Debold
Loren Debold - 6 years ago
Son! I grew up watching ole Roland. Good tips and glad you remember not everyone can afford a nitro. From illinois and walleye fishing the mississippi river, happy new year.
Jason H
Jason H - 6 years ago
How fast can it run with those motor upgrades?
John Hill
John Hill - 5 years ago
+Roland Martin Outdoors 35 with a 4o HP with no trim. ! 1500 for the whole rig !
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
It runs 40 mph
Jerk Ass
Jerk Ass - 6 years ago
I discovered the joys of light braid. A few years back. I like diawa J Braidx4 15lb. And the 10lb x8.
Its THE REAL DEAL Son! I can't stand floro and am getting tired of respooling mono every month sometimes twice a month. Or getting bad spools of mono.
Navi Gator
Navi Gator - 6 years ago
backlashes are hard to clear with braided fishing line.
Jerk Ass
Jerk Ass - 6 years ago
I fish the Mississippi river. Haha. Clear water is 24 inches of visibility. In the months of Feb and march sometimes you can see 4 and five foot deep. Nothing like northern lakes or reservoirs out west
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
Braid is amazing. Try tying a 2 foot leader to the braid in that really clear water!

50. comment for 7 ways to Trick Out a Small Boat for Better Fishing and Performace

Tim Prall
Tim Prall - 6 years ago
Roland, quick question, I have a 11 foot skiff that i use for very shallow saltwater. Because the boat is so small and not designed for a front trolling motor, I was wondering if the Bobs Prop nut would do anything for the cavitation even though its mounted on the back? Where I can run the trolling motor, I seem to spook a lot of fish because of it. Maybe a different prop? Trolling motor is a Riptide 45lb thrust and comes with your standard weedeater prop. Was thinking of trying the Bobs nut or a different prop. Seems the worst about 40% or higher throttle after Ive been moving for awhile. I was also thinking that it was too high on the boat but I cant bring it much lower without digging in
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
I'm constantly rising and lowering my trolling motor
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
I'm constantly rasing and lowering my trolling motor
boogerwelder - 6 years ago
Because the first thing those of us who can only afford a 10k boat do is spend several thousands upgrading it...SMH
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
With the upgrades it's still less than 1/2 the price of a salt water flats boat!
Patrick Rossi
Patrick Rossi - 6 years ago
Roland I live in High Springs. You need boat washed and cleaned after a long trip. I'm your boy! Thank you for all the years. God bless!
Zachary Klipstein
Zachary Klipstein - 6 years ago
What model jackplate is that? I got on Bobs site and it looks like they have a mini one good for up to 40 hp which you are running. I have a 60 and was wondering if you had the mini or the bigger one good for up to 300 hp.
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
It's the mini
josh hill
josh hill - 5 years ago
+Brett Miller jack plates aren't that expensive and there is a lot more to gain than shallow water running. You can gain 5 to 10 mph on most boats top speed. I use to be like you and think they are a waste of money till i started messing around with a cheap manual one on a 14 ft. jon boat with a 9.9. I was able to pick up 4 mph and that is with me 190 lbs and my brother 250 lbs and our fishing stuff. Might not sound like much but traveling at 17 mph is a lot better than 13. On bigger boats the gains are usually much more on top speed and it is easier to get on plane when loaded down.
Brett Miller
Brett Miller - 6 years ago
Hydraulic jack plates are hardly budget generally 16-1800 low end and generally not warranted on a essentially flat bottom boat if you’re gonna be running in that shallow of water maybe trade the prop drive in for a jet model and never worry about it again even with that motor in the stock location your pretty safe in 2 1/2 foot of water any shallower than that you’re probably gonna end up sticking the trolling motor into the bottom
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
This would be great but this is a boat on a budget!
Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson - 6 years ago
Good info here, Sir! Roland, I've been a fan and have enjoyed you and your presentations for more years than many of your followers here have been around. "SON!" One question. Is this a painted trailer and if so what maintenance routine do you incorporate for saltwater use? Thanks, Sir.
Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson - 6 years ago
+Roland Martin Outdoors Thank you again, Sir.
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
I rinse with fresh water: I also have a fresh water canal on my property that I can back boats in to let them soak for a while!
Eric Dunlap
Eric Dunlap - 6 years ago
Hard to beat a bass tracker aluminum boat. Many up grades for them. For those on a budget u can pick up an excellent used one . 3000 and under. Just have to look.
Robert Biddle
Robert Biddle - 6 years ago
I have an 18½' Landau aluminum bass boat and LOVE it! All welded, all aluminum, no wood to rot.... phenomenal boat!
BBBYpsi - 6 years ago
Stabicraft boats are the best Aluminum boats in the world. Nothing more stable then they are.
Hunting Fishing
Hunting Fishing - 6 years ago
You are a good fishing men
Hunting Fishing
Hunting Fishing - 6 years ago
I watch you on tv
askip7 - 6 years ago
The power pole remote looks like a medical alert...”I’ve fallen and I can’t get up”
Ineluctable Smith
Ineluctable Smith - 5 years ago
So what? It works.
Jason Born
Jason Born - 6 years ago
askip7 lol or help I'm moving and a cant stop.
Kevin Bradleysucks
Kevin Bradleysucks - 6 years ago
Are you still cheating at tournaments?
Jerk Ass
Jerk Ass - 6 years ago
If you aren't cheating....you aren't trying. Lol
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
Rob 23
Rob 23 - 6 years ago
Would this boat be good for saltwater??
swimmin' wit da fishes
swimmin' wit da fishes - 6 years ago
@Rob23 .... I used an aluminum boat in saltwater for years with no problem but if you are trailering make sure your bunks are NOT pressure treated (plain untreated boards are fine). Through a chemical reaction you will eventually have pinholes in your hull ... speaking from experience.
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
Wash it in fresh water and it will last forever!
Rod Royal
Rod Royal - 6 years ago
I'm 62 and I remember watching Roland in my early teens. Along with Dance, Houston, MCKenis, Wilson, and later the Linder brother's, Winkleman and others. At the time, most magazines were story centered. Then the Linders came out with In-Fisherman, Ray Scott and Bob Cobb with Bassmaster. Both revolutionized fishing. Buck Perry's spoonplugging brought the concept of structure fishing to the masses. Cover isn't the same as structure. Amazing thing is when these guys were changing fishing as we knew it, they did it with the only electronics available at the time was Lowrance's "little green box" We all stand on those guys shoulders.
Rod Royal
Rod Royal - 6 years ago
AGM batteries if ran below 20% require a special charger.
Rod Royal
Rod Royal - 6 years ago
+Navi Gator good info, thanks!
Navi Gator
Navi Gator - 6 years ago
Also many mechanics do not know this, and will throw out batteries even though they are still good, as their chargers will say that the batteries are "bad." If below 20% you can bring voltage up with another 12 volt battery and jumper cables, then when voltage is higher, the standard charger will work.
rhallman1000 - 6 years ago
Great vid Roland. I've been a fishing fanatic all my life and grew up watching you and Mr. Dance. Good to see you still have tremendous passion for the sport and still teaching. Keep them coming.
naughtydorf18 - 6 years ago
Sissies use heavy braid. Real men use light braid. I use 2lb fireline for 75% of my fishing. 20lb for sharks and bull drum. 10lb for bass and catfish. I got away using 6lb braid for slot drum, trout, flatties, whiting, and puffers.
Cerus98 - 6 years ago
Fireline isn’t even a braided line.
Scott Michael
Scott Michael - 6 years ago
Roland is correct, try pulling a 40 plus inch snook out of bridge pylons with your 2lbs or even 10lbs line. If you say you've done it, you're lying and anyone reading this knows it.
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
Light braid is fantastic and I use it a lot in open water.
naughtydorf18 - 6 years ago
I have used light braid (2lb fireline and 5lb Powerpro) around brush and other woody stuff for crappie with the occasional green carp (largemouth bass) messing up the works by wrapping me up in that stuff. We don't have heavy mats in SC. There are some though but in gator country and I don't fish there.
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
Yes, I'm like you, light braid is great for open water. Last week I fished 10 # braid for big snook and redfish! However, for heavy cover, pitching and flipping the heavy matts, heavy braid is a must. This must be a type of fishing you're never experienced!
Jim Warden
Jim Warden - 6 years ago
You still duh man. Good job Roland.
The Flying Jerzey
The Flying Jerzey - 6 years ago
Listening to an old roland martin saying tricked out is just hilarious to me. Idk why lol
The Flying Jerzey
The Flying Jerzey - 6 years ago
+Roland Martin Outdoors I respect that. Been a big fan since i was young. I remember watching your tv show when I was still learning to fish. I appreciate your tips and tricks you shared with the world. God bless and Merry Christmas
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
I think young!
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
I think young!
John s
John s - 6 years ago
Everybody don't have the big bucks like you roland
John s
John s - 6 years ago
+Roland Martin Outdoors roland, we remember when you fished loch raven reservoir up here in maryland way back in the day.
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
This is truly a budget boat. Even wit the upgrades I did
clickman77 - 6 years ago
Good advice for people wanting to catch fish headache free. The only thing I would add to this is buy a cheaper boat and get a GPS anchor trolling motor. I love out fishing more expensive larger boats in my skiff. I also have the micro power pole but the trolling motor with anchor is more usable. Also second the recommendation for a 6 foot MH rod for trout and reds.
Md Doit
Md Doit - 6 years ago
Rolands point here is shallow water set up. He's spot on. Fact not opinion.
clickman77 - 6 years ago
+Roland Martin Outdoors my 12v motorguide xi55 was on sale about 1300 clams online. Micro power pole costs about 650 I believe. Neither are small purchases but the anchor lock is usable on those deep cuts and depending on wind direction may be the difference in catching fish or headache.
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
The " spot lock" system trolling motor by Minnkota is really fantastic but costs a small fortune, about 3,000.00! I'm using a Minnkota edge which cost about 300-400!
Timothy Brown
Timothy Brown - 6 years ago
I have the same boat I fish hopedale Louisiana with it works great
Born In The South
Born In The South - 6 years ago
Exactly what plate is it you are using on the lower unit? I have the same boat and it likes to blow out when I turn sharp (trimmed down) wondering if this would help some of that.
Steven Pelini
Born In The South
Born In The South - 6 years ago
+Roland Martin Outdoors thank you for the response. Which one is it that you have on the heritage boat though? Or at least what size
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
Yes a good cavitation plate will help you in a turn
Nathan Hornaday
Nathan Hornaday - 6 years ago
That's about 4500.$ to trick out boat.more than 2000$.more than 3000$ if u on a budget 45.hundred $$$ is what most people whole budget for everything!!!! Any way fishing & boating equipment mark up is just about 45%! money, money, money!!!
Millers Landing
Millers Landing - 6 years ago
the Wellness Channel
the Wellness Channel - 6 years ago
lots of info in 10 min! thanks Roland!
Ate Up Angling
Ate Up Angling - 6 years ago
Roland, you are great at keeping the audience listening. Great attention to detail!
newmennium - 6 years ago
These videos are awesome!
smokster0604 - 6 years ago
My mentor awesome....
Re Branding
Re Branding - 6 years ago
12k sounds way better than 20k+
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
That's a flats boat on a budget!
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
JP - 6 years ago
That boat cost more like $13000 out the door. but I'm sure you got it for free lol
Jason H
Jason H - 6 years ago
How fast are you able to run with those motor upgrades?
JP - 6 years ago
+Kevin flabouyfishing Yep, Not many do.
Kevin flabouyfishing
Kevin flabouyfishing - 6 years ago
+JP was that awesome to see Roland reply!!!
Kevin flabouyfishing
Kevin flabouyfishing - 6 years ago
+Roland Martin Outdoors when is the new classic getting released ? And think that's super kool that you keep showing us these videos, I was curious live well seemed small on heritage version for my 40lb Okeechobee bags LOL any word on live well size for new classic release?
JP - 6 years ago
+Roland Martin Outdoors I like my Ranger lol But for the $ that's a nice little rig. They look well made.
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
The original Tracker Heritage, like I'm have, costs 9,995.00 but they made only 5,000 and sold out in a month. Shipping charges from Springfield, MO were extra as well as upgrades. The new Tracker Classic will go for 10,995.00 and has a 50 hp motor. If you decide to pick it up in Springfield, there will be no shipping fees!
Bass Raider
Bass Raider - 6 years ago
“Son”. Love it!
Anderson Ard
Anderson Ard - 6 years ago
Nice rig
MARK LOCKWOOD - 6 years ago
You left out motor flushing. Running fresh water through the water jacket flushed out salt. Plus come spring it’s good to run the engine a bit to make sure it’s ready. Checking the water pump. Flushing my older Yamaha from the river I notice brown river water color then after it gets up to temp and flushes good the water is clear. Then use a good fuel stabilizer like your son Scott says. That startron. Stabil works to. Don’t forget older engines that you can remove the fuel line run em dry. As the engine goes to. Quit use the choke to get any remaining fuel out. The fuel breaks down today after about a month. Plus it prevents engines from being gummed up. The old fuel will clog carb jets. So by spring after storage no fun for the grand kids to family trips. If the fuel is still good but needs to used up on a portable tank burn up the fuel in yard equipment start with fresh. Or keep a fuel stabilizer handy for storage. I have sat on the river bank in spring and listen for those that don’t do maintenance crank crank etc. plus with built in tanks fill em back up to full. Prevents water getting into the tank by sweating then add a fuel additive. If stored for a month.
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
You are absolutely right, I should have mentioned to flush the engine in fresh water!
Jerry G
Jerry G - 6 years ago
Whats the orange thing holding the prop on the trolling motor ? Nice boat, great info Mr Martin.........!
Steven Pelini
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
It's the prop nut but it also helps cavitation.
Rollin'Cajun Outdoors
Rollin'Cajun Outdoors - 6 years ago
If you think that ten lb braid can cast a long ways you should try out some of the 6 lb braid. I use 6 lb braid on my little micro spinning reel and I can literally cast almost the entire spool off that baby. I have to be careful because surely I don't need to be spooled by a fish but I have to tone it down a little because it will cast that whole spool if I give it a hard enough cast.
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
It's amazing how far light braid will cast!
Steve Steve
Steve Steve - 6 years ago
I want one of those boats. That would be perfect for me.
Steve Steve
Steve Steve - 6 years ago
+Roland Martin Outdoors thank you sir
Roland Martin Outdoors
Roland Martin Outdoors - 6 years ago
The new one for 2019 is called the Tracker Classic and cost 10,995.00. It has a 50 hp 4 stroke. They are only making 5,000 so put your order in soon!
hometownguy71 - 6 years ago
brian davis
brian davis - 6 years ago
You damn right
grumpy old fart
grumpy old fart - 6 years ago
The master angler......... Can you define Rebate, Debate, and Probate? Debate is what you put on de hook to catch de fish.........You Rebate, when de fish takes de bate........... Probate is de bate Bill Dance uses........Roland Martin uses Masterbate.
Terry Mase
Terry Mase - 6 years ago
Thanks, Roland.
caverun fishing
caverun fishing - 6 years ago
I love the jackplate and the micro power pole. That's awesome Roland!
The Lake Commander
The Lake Commander - 6 years ago
Super video!
Anthony B
Anthony B - 6 years ago
Great Video Man!

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