All about Raft Building - ARK Survival Evolved

SEE LINKS BELOW FOR FULL BUILD TUTORIALS OneWing Guide for how to build the best raft, all the build techniques to design and create your perfect boat build in ARK survival evolved on Xbox One. NEW FOUNDATION LOWERING METHOD: Ultimate raft building guide. BUILD TECHNIQUES Aligning the build in the centre Lowering foundation into raft using pillars Shortcut to sunken foundation Extending the raft foundation Building downwards Splitting squares Building a metal raft LIMITATIONS Radius restrictions Block limit 88 Carriage restrictions Plant overlimit EXAMPLES Expedition Boat Carrier Trapper Shark Cage Area Denial Breaching Boat Spike Boat Bangalore Boat FULL BUILD TUTORIALS Expedition Boat - Carrier Boat - Floating Farm - Mosasaur /taming Raft - Alpha Hunting Boat - Armoured Longboat - Floating Fortress - Be sure to check out my other channel at T-shirts -

All about Raft Building - ARK Survival Evolved sentiment_very_dissatisfied 359

Boat 8 years ago 1,101,524 views

SEE LINKS BELOW FOR FULL BUILD TUTORIALS OneWing Guide for how to build the best raft, all the build techniques to design and create your perfect boat build in ARK survival evolved on Xbox One. NEW FOUNDATION LOWERING METHOD: Ultimate raft building guide. BUILD TECHNIQUES Aligning the build in the centre Lowering foundation into raft using pillars Shortcut to sunken foundation Extending the raft foundation Building downwards Splitting squares Building a metal raft LIMITATIONS Radius restrictions Block limit 88 Carriage restrictions Plant overlimit EXAMPLES Expedition Boat Carrier Trapper Shark Cage Area Denial Breaching Boat Spike Boat Bangalore Boat FULL BUILD TUTORIALS Expedition Boat - Carrier Boat - Floating Farm - Mosasaur /taming Raft - Alpha Hunting Boat - Armoured Longboat - Floating Fortress - Be sure to check out my other channel at T-shirts -

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Most popular comments
for All about Raft Building - ARK Survival Evolved

L Oki
L Oki - 7 years ago
I think they patched the first method, idk about the second
Dark Blade
Dark Blade - 7 years ago
Best video ever !
Dark Blade
Dark Blade - 7 years ago
Does this still work for ps4!???
MisdaFire INFEXUS - 7 years ago
You don't actually need the ceilings just place two pillars next to each other and keep taking one out replace and remove the other one then repeat
Kaden Silton
Kaden Silton - 7 years ago
Tony Green
Tony Green - 7 years ago
Maxwell Coleman
Maxwell Coleman - 7 years ago
you sound a lot like fitz
Jack S
Jack S - 7 years ago
Is it possible to stop the Leedsichthys from destroying the raft through a metal foundation? My tribe lost one yesterday and the setback is unreal
Lee-Anne Woznak
Lee-Anne Woznak - 7 years ago
Gr8 vid

10. comment for All about Raft Building - ARK Survival Evolved

Kheqq - 7 years ago
Very helpful 10/10
- M1StakeS
- M1StakeS - 7 years ago
I had to press q to lower the foundation though
ReZZy - 7 years ago
stealthyshiroean - 7 years ago
Great tutorial and awesome boat designs!!! Thank you for this!
Toxic Gamer05
Toxic Gamer05 - 7 years ago
You sound like Liam Nieson
Techno-mage - 7 years ago
Cheers! Thanks
Dwayne Wallage
Dwayne Wallage - 7 years ago
Damn! I was just building for a place to sit at night and the basics, but this showed me some pretty cool possibilities! I might actually make it from one of the islands to the redwood forest on the Center without being demolished by a whale this time. Loved all of this. Thanks a bunch. Now I'm going to need to build a nice harbor to put those guys in!
revanswatchesvideos - 7 years ago
God help the Brontosaurus you build a base on.
Devin Schooley
Devin Schooley - 7 years ago
You do know you don’t need to do that many pillars. Just set a foundation then a pillar in the center then set another foundation. Same results less steps
Human Bean
Human Bean - 7 years ago
I dont play PVP, but this was a great learning tool as I usually solo. Thanks

20. comment for All about Raft Building - ARK Survival Evolved

Breezzy Banana Gaming
Breezzy Banana Gaming - 7 years ago
​I love the vid but the part where you had the foundations inside the raft looks super ugly
Nuclearpigz - 7 years ago
I dont think you are supposed to snap the last foundation in the boat, but rather slightly above. Otherwise the boat can be attacked.
Filthy Casual
Filthy Casual - 7 years ago
Just started ARK. Built your boat. Having a blast. Thanks man.
CMW18 - 7 years ago
It dosent let me place the foundation under the pillar
weezact7 - 7 years ago
Slow down there, Satan :P
Micheal Charbonneau
Micheal Charbonneau - 7 years ago
Super helpful
Ray .L
Ray .L - 7 years ago
Very cool and informative. Thanks for sharing.
KingMDR - 7 years ago
Lol, You're voice is soothing as hell, I like it, lol. xD
SecretAgentMan02 - 7 years ago
Pretty sure this video is stolen
Antonio Figueroa
Antonio Figueroa - 7 years ago

30. comment for All about Raft Building - ARK Survival Evolved

Cory Pellow
Cory Pellow - 7 years ago
Awesome tips.
Nexus Gamer
Nexus Gamer - 7 years ago
Thx it helped a lot
TROLLE02 - 7 years ago
your voice is too dark for me srry
NightOwlMusic - 7 years ago
This was extremely helpful! Your always directly to the point and demonstrate perfectly! These ideas are really gunna help alot! The expedition and the dino trapper have to be my favorite two!
Derp Johnson
Derp Johnson - 7 years ago
i can see great value in having a nomadic and roaming home/fishing area. thanks.
Randy Bo Bandy
Randy Bo Bandy - 7 years ago
goddamn youre a genius
Verp - 7 years ago
The Bob Ross of Ark.
James T. Gellert
James T. Gellert - 7 years ago
Thanks so much
SPARKLE Brannigan
SPARKLE Brannigan - 7 years ago
Sadly this no longer works. They fixed this convenient little trick. :((
xONEWINGx - 7 years ago
SPARKLE Brannigan what?
Grim Kennedy
Grim Kennedy - 7 years ago
This video really changed the way I look at boats in Ark, very excellent work friend.
Sir SavageWolf
Sir SavageWolf - 7 years ago
I know I'm late but does anyone know how to chat in Xbox 1?
James Grant
James Grant - 7 years ago
You started this video with a build already, you didn't show the first step on how to build a raft...
Ron Cazzato
Ron Cazzato - 7 years ago
Well ....I´ve built my boat exactly like that.....drove off....was happy that my boat seems to be indestructable....until an "alpha-something-Monster-Huuuuge-fish" destroyed my boat in a Did I do anything wrong there?
Jack S
Jack S - 7 years ago
Same thing happened to me I built the foundation out of metal and an Alpha Leedsichthys 2 shot the raft. Would love to know if there is a way to prevent this as it was the 5th vessal we lost to the sea hag. Ended up Macheteing him to death after this last one but we dont even wanna build another one up to have it happen again when were randomly sailing
Stefan Ekström
Stefan Ekström - 7 years ago
Verry cool :) I have to build something like this... Im verry new to this game... But do this stone fleets has good protection against sharks? I was thinking its a good way to get around but I wounder what the fastest way to build a strong fleet is... any advice...
Nathan Bergan
Nathan Bergan - 7 years ago
Wow! Great video! This was very well put together. I am excited to try out some of these ideas myself.
Toonmations Animations
Toonmations Animations - 7 years ago
22.35 I think that could be better as a drop ship for men going into battle
Ooran_&_Iren - 7 years ago
Thank you for this helpful and informative video
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima - 7 years ago
this tips still working?
xONEWINGx - 7 years ago
Mostly, check my vid titled patch problems and workarounds for the easiest method to lower foundations now.
Shannon Eos
Shannon Eos - 7 years ago
That was Awesome! Thanks for all the tips.
Tri Xdios
Tri Xdios - 7 years ago
I just found your channel and already you give more in depth info on making things than most people, thank you ladies, you've earned this sub

50. comment for All about Raft Building - ARK Survival Evolved

Seth Duggan
Seth Duggan - 7 years ago
Vinicius Chiaverini
Vinicius Chiaverini - 7 years ago
Morgan Dorame
Morgan Dorame - 7 years ago
It didn't let me place a foundation under neath a pillar
Trigger Blister
Trigger Blister - 7 years ago
I'm going to guess they patched this.
xONEWINGx - 7 years ago
Check my recent "patch problems and workarounds" video, everything can still be done.
QUALITY GAMER - 7 years ago
its dosnt work
Jens Telschow
Jens Telschow - 7 years ago
Doesn't work in the actual version. I would like to build something like that
xONEWINGx - 7 years ago
Jens Telschow see my recent video on patch workarounds.
terry mcginnis
terry mcginnis - 7 years ago
i feel like im watching a discovery channel documentary you know back when they wanted to teach something
Gareth thompson
Gareth thompson - 7 years ago
Incredible vid I can't wait to try these out
cytolol - 7 years ago
Cant seem to get the beginning steps for leveling-out the raft correct. I center the pillar, put two ceilings, then a pillar and try to snap the foundation. The foundation placement marker turns green, but it wont let me place it. Did they patch this?
cytolol - 7 years ago
Didnt know there was an updated one, thanks much!
xONEWINGx - 7 years ago
Mate watch the latest video, there has been patches since this video. follow the steps shown there.
Sain Hornet
Sain Hornet - 7 years ago
Lol xone wingx is the best ark boat building you tuber and is why he has 1 million views from this 1 video and has made me love boats
TheManTheLion TheLamb
TheManTheLion TheLamb - 7 years ago
it wont let me attach the foundation to the second pillar, making it lower than the raft. ya know, like 1:00 in to the video. -__-
xONEWINGx - 7 years ago
Check my later boat building videos for the most recent method.
King Theodin
King Theodin - 7 years ago
Zant Banitor
Zant Banitor - 7 years ago
I like the concept for the carrier and the trapper. Do you have tutorials on those?
Lankey Bastard
Lankey Bastard - 7 years ago
This video has given me some really good ideas!
Thanks Onewing!
The Gaming Of All
The Gaming Of All - 7 years ago
This is very useful
Doge! !!!
Doge! !!! - 7 years ago
So what this retarded man saying is just do the same thing over and over
MagesticMango - 7 years ago
Is there a way to increase the limit of structures that can be on one raft
Bubonic4U - 7 years ago
thats the funniest bug i ever saw, the c4 sacrificial turret proof raide , lulz'd hard ty 10/10 subbed
darktangent10 - 7 years ago
Oh man, it's only letting me build a 3x3 foundation on my motorboat. Looks like none of these plans are going to work anymore.
darktangent10 - 7 years ago
+xONEWINGx Nope, I was wrong. It let me place horizontal cabling but not vertical, even when trying to place it on an outlet on a horizontal cable.
darktangent10 - 7 years ago
+xONEWINGx It seems like the build limit for motorboats is only 35 as well. I tried placing cabling from my generator and it kept crumbling, but it was still in my inventory. Might have to get rid of the second story and just use my smithy as storage.
darktangent10 - 7 years ago
+xONEWINGx I was only able to build one foundation out from the center foundation for a 3x3 base. The centering trick wouldn't work since it wouldn't let me place a post as far out as driving the boat put it. Perhaps the motorboat is more limited?
xONEWINGx - 7 years ago
It still works, what seems to be the problem?
darktangent10 - 7 years ago
Great video! Your explanations were very clear and to the point.
I'm having trouble with the centering part however. They may have changed something, because I'm unable to place the first pillar while driving the boat, and hitting Y to stop driving makes the placement move.
darktangent10 - 7 years ago
Ah, it looks like the problem is that you can't place the pillar that far out any more. Guess I'll just have to eyeball it.
Perfect Chaos
Perfect Chaos - 7 years ago
I built and air craft carrier for my team with pads on the top for our birds to land it could cary 6 birds and we drive out till we saw something interesting park it at sea then fly the rest of the way. I just wish I knew a way to carry a second smaller raft to leave the carrier at sea and travel up the rivers with the small one
Julia Guru
Julia Guru - 7 years ago
with the metal foundation could the giant whale shark things still destroy the boat? i hate my boat dying in one hit from the giant boat
The Dishonored Coward
The Dishonored Coward - 7 years ago
Oh hey can you connect raft to raft and get even less building limit? I would only need to do this thrice because who needs 4 raft limit sized ships anyway?
Gollammeister - 7 years ago
great expedition boat
DingersProduction - 7 years ago
c4 boat so op
The Dishonored Coward
The Dishonored Coward - 7 years ago
I would recommend using spike traps for the sides of your swamp exploration boat. Denosuckass and kamposauckass are able to climb up onboard if you don't.
Johnny Munoz
Johnny Munoz - 7 years ago
Does this protect from whales ?
HRVY - 7 years ago
Check out my unraidable raft base
Ivory Mantis
Ivory Mantis - 7 years ago
I heard the Leedsicthys can bite through any attachments and attack the raft directly. Can someone confirm?
La4edimension - 7 years ago
where does the loot go if your ship sinks?
La4edimension - 7 years ago
I tried splitting foundation doesn't work for me. I don't get a position to place the ceiling cut in two like that
La4edimension - 7 years ago
xONEWINGx doesn't work for me. Maybe it's s+
xONEWINGx - 7 years ago
I did it just today
jordan clayton
jordan clayton - 7 years ago
Please answer this comment how did you record on your a Xbox 1
Julian Pac
Julian Pac - 7 years ago
Does it protect from a leepo?
La4edimension - 7 years ago
Why is he building a foundation under the raft and then building Ceilings underneath it? Upside down world... lol. .... I'm not sure I understand why he does it
Adam Whitney
Adam Whitney - 7 years ago
so, everytime I try and place a foundation under a ceiling, the game destroys it, although its highlighted in green and not red, but I did figure out a different way to extend it out, although its a little uneven, go out 2 ceilings, place a pillar, and then place the foundation, but it has to be a little over the ceiling otherwise it wont place, not only that, but the foundation ends up halfway over a ceiling and not lined up at all, its a bit annoying, wondering if theres and easier method to use, without the foundations instantly breaking trying the more common method.
Adam Whitney
Adam Whitney - 7 years ago
it might be that, I havn't tried going out to deeper water, ill have to try it when I get home XD
xONEWINGx - 7 years ago
Is it just that your water is too shallow?
Khalil Hart
Khalil Hart - 7 years ago
You think you can have build videos for the rest of your boats. I think I can build the trapper boat myself but I like seeing you do it so I get it right. Plus I like how you have the material and all that you will need
T-man S-man
T-man S-man - 7 years ago
Anyone know if this works in the latest patch i believe its 759.6
Baal93Ash - 7 years ago
I have to say THIS IS THE BEST GUIDE for Raft buildings.
Kainan Hawke
Kainan Hawke - 7 years ago
Excellent video, i was an idiot when it came to getting the first piece to align correctly, would always eye ball it and it never worked, now i know how to center it, thanks to you
Skrub Lord
Skrub Lord - 7 years ago
Can Leedsichthys destroy it?
Alex Kellslayer
Alex Kellslayer - 7 years ago
can we still build on rafts now? or are they patched?
A Box
A Box - 7 years ago
Did they change something? I can't seem to embed the raft in foundation.
xONEWINGx - 7 years ago
Check the description and later build tutorials for the new method, it's easier now.
jake paul fan
jake paul fan - 7 years ago
Ark and I don't think it is the window of opportunity for a while now but I'm sure it was the window of opportunity for me and you to build a better world
jake paul fan
jake paul fan - 7 years ago
Danny KJ
Danny KJ - 7 years ago
Do you have to use the thatch foundation?
Sicknnasty1234 - 7 years ago
i can already see saying "the hunter stalks it's prey"
VinnY BluE
VinnY BluE - 7 years ago
I believe this has been patched. Doesnt work for me.
Luke Cook
Luke Cook - 7 years ago
no it hasnt
Yes - 7 years ago
now try to jump while someone is moving the raft
David Forster
David Forster - 7 years ago
My boat the best on tha block thanks to this video
Sponti - 7 years ago
how did you make the trapper boat

100. comment for All about Raft Building - ARK Survival Evolved

FsN Solar
FsN Solar - 7 years ago
To be for real this is the most useful video that I seen.
Chance - 7 years ago
I can't get the raft to extend. Maybe it doesn't work anymore
Luke Cook
Luke Cook - 7 years ago
it does
UNKN0WN - 7 years ago
your game looooks soooo bad. but great video you earmed a sub
Nope!!! - 7 years ago
Does all this work with the new updates
Bruno Fialho
Bruno Fialho - 7 years ago
ceiling method to extend foundation still works? I can´t make it work
Fatguts1 - 7 years ago
for some reason i am no-longer able to snap foundations under ceilings. appears to have happened after patch 260.2. has something changed that im not aware of, or is it a bug?
stewart hill
stewart hill - 7 years ago
I'm thinking this has something to do with it as I can't do it anymore either. I can still lower the foundations but can only build out as far as the raft 3x3.
" Prevented multiple floors from being built underneath rafts and platform saddles"
Kenneth Schramm
Kenneth Schramm - 7 years ago
you might consider the large trapdoor for the top of your trap Ship
Frank Kudos
Frank Kudos - 7 years ago
good tips
Shayna Tabor
Shayna Tabor - 7 years ago
Do you know if the embedded foundation thing was fixed (broken) in a recent patch? I can't get the middle foundation to snap to the pillar.
Tuco Ramires
Tuco Ramires - 7 years ago
Fantastic job you did there.
Insane Cuckooman
Insane Cuckooman - 7 years ago
fuck me sideways O_O
Braiaan Wellner
Braiaan Wellner - 7 years ago
Frozen Hawk
Frozen Hawk - 7 years ago
did this get patched in the last update? im having a hard time getting it to work
xONEWINGx - 7 years ago
What? lowering and extending still works but check the boat tutorials in the description for updated methods.
Shadex De'Marr
Shadex De'Marr - 7 years ago
Brilliant... absolutely brilliant. Was a pleasure to watch.
Gabriel Smidt
Gabriel Smidt - 7 years ago
If you place a fence foundation in line with the sail pole, you can clip a pillar on the end of it. This will create a new clip point that allows you to place foundations level with the raft without any sinking involved!
MECA 2000
MECA 2000 - 7 years ago
out of date
Carson 2 genders
Carson 2 genders - 7 years ago
metal foundation exdending stopped working
treboR AP917
treboR AP917 - 7 years ago
love all your video's. I have a boat modelled off yeah Explorer boat. did you know you can also kidnap dinosaurs off the beach by glitching them through the walls into the boat I use this to catch small dinos for taming and harvesting Dodos safely.
Franco Rafael Mauricio Ramón
Franco Rafael Mauricio Ramón - 7 years ago
i don't know if this still works but awesome video man, amazing job :D
Elder Maxson
Elder Maxson - 7 years ago
thanks for putting in the hours to make this video, this was very helpful.
acanuck4life - 7 years ago
How do you have enough resources to make all these
Noah Isabell
Noah Isabell - 7 years ago
You could read a horror story to me and I'd still fall asleep.
Aricin K
Aricin K - 7 years ago
can't wait to see his new boat designs, seeing as how the new motor boat is coming with more health, speed, and 138 building limitation.
Harry Williams
Harry Williams - 7 years ago
Is it weird that he sounds like Bob Ross a bit
Metalmaniac365 - 7 years ago
built one of these rafts using the embedded foundation and a Leeds was still almost able to sink it. is there a way to protect the raft from these angry murder whales?
Altissimus - 7 years ago
So as of today (29/5/17 you CAN still build foundations down but you need to use the fencepost method.

However...the maximum size of the raft base I can achieve is not the same as in this video. The video (10:18) shows left and right most edges to be 3 away from the raft (agreed) but 4 in length (nope). Video shows longest length (centre 3) to be 9 in length (4 forward, 3 raft, 2 back) but now I can only do 2 forward. So consequently maximum raft size now is (left to right, by length) 3-5-6-6-6-5-3 (= 34), vs the video that shows 5-7-8-9-9-9-8-7-5 (=67). Big difference...or have I missed a technique to extend past the inital 34 pieces? Certainly the attempt to place straw ceilings now gives me a red no-no, can't place here.

Any help please?
Conor Byrne
Conor Byrne - 7 years ago
I believe they fixed it so you can't lower the ceiling
Conor Byrne
Conor Byrne - 7 years ago
Altissimus Yah , I watched some more recent ark videos and found it out , cheers anyway .
Altissimus - 7 years ago
You still can but not in this way. You need to use the fence post approach now.
XIII Talons
XIII Talons - 7 years ago
RIP Rafts
Tony Marty
Tony Marty - 7 years ago
Its against Leedsichthys?
Donk67 justabloke
Donk67 justabloke - 7 years ago
All we need now is a raft that Leedsichthys proof! I hope it's achievable, I've lost three rafts now to that fish...... Lol.
Correctedfish90 The 7th
Correctedfish90 The 7th - 7 years ago
he sounds like a clone trooper
brain gamer
brain gamer - 7 years ago
this didnt work i did exactly how you said for the first one
xONEWINGx - 7 years ago
brain gamer check my latest vids on boat building tutorials lowering foundation is easier now.
MasterLoby - 7 years ago
How well do armored boats work against PvE? Can creatures damage rafts that have foundations embedded into them?
kyle tewmey
kyle tewmey - 7 years ago
Have you made a video for the trapper boat? If so, I can't find it.
honnorgaurd - 7 years ago
too bad leechys in the game makes any dream boat now a pipe dream... thank you wildcard for ruining yet another former fun feature of the game
H4CKZ1 - 7 years ago
Awesome video man ! Love it might actually have a way to survive now aha !
Ramon Leal
Ramon Leal - 7 years ago
Very thorough. Speaks to a curious mind, answered every question that came to mind, and was well organized. Keep it up man. Also seconded the discovery channel narration comment.
Hybrid Decadence
Hybrid Decadence - 7 years ago
Ryan Baldwin
Ryan Baldwin - 7 years ago
Does anyone know if the leed fish monster thing can destroy rafts with lowerd foundations like this?
TwoPieceHoxton - 7 years ago
wow there is a whole other side of ark that i didn't know. i always thought rafts were kind of useless
Jordan Perkins
Jordan Perkins - 7 years ago
this doesn't work anymore. not on xbox at least. you can't put the foundation below the second pillar
M P - 7 years ago
Does anyone know how to get a raft out it gets stuck at the beach/shore?
DJAAN - 7 years ago
This helped me so good. I finally made a raft base
Full Flavor
Full Flavor - 7 years ago
Just so you don't waste your time, they've patched everything in this video on Xbox one, these raft are completely unbuildable now. I attempted to build the first stone foundation on my raft and they just disappeared as soon as I placed them. Patched, rafts are still build able. But not anywhere close to this deadly
xONEWINGx - 7 years ago
You can't extend the raft in shallow water, everything still works but check my latest vids for easier methods.
Vincent Silmaro
Vincent Silmaro - 7 years ago
will the whale still sink these boats?
Galaxyman1233 - 7 years ago
there is a much simpler way to drop foundations
Zid - 7 years ago
Then came the leedsichthys
Cryo_wolf - 7 years ago
pls do a simple guide on the area denial boat it looks very useful
Swapnil Tathe
Swapnil Tathe - 7 years ago
I tried doing same in PS4 version of Ark survival evolved.. I tried to place wooden pillar on raft handle but it didn't automatically switched to opposite end.. Then I manually placed first wooden pillar. I placed roof correctly on pillar then extended it with one more roof as shown in video.. then placed pillar to this new roof.. BUT it is not allowing me to place roof on base of raft with help of that pillar.. it says "Can't place Thatch Ceiling: No Snap Point".. Please help.
Fulgonsta - 7 years ago
you have 0% character
Stephen Rayner
Stephen Rayner - 7 years ago
It isn't working. Can't get it to snap one to the foundation.
myles lester
myles lester - 7 years ago
Stephen Rayner look how old the video is
Tristan Hurtado Sandler
Tristan Hurtado Sandler - 7 years ago
you sir, have a ascendant raft building skill.
mafuckingg - 7 years ago
Triggerslipped Jenkins
Triggerslipped Jenkins - 7 years ago
Can you make a tutorial on the Shark Cage?
Flabby Wall1
Flabby Wall1 - 7 years ago
You remind me of Bob ross.
Flabby Wall1
Flabby Wall1 - 7 years ago
This NIBBA got weapons against humanity
s4m3fu - 7 years ago
must be patched. tried everything and it didn't work, so I improvised and made a pretty sick boat. cool video still, plus it gave me the inspiration to make a boat
SaintMarneusCalgar - 7 years ago
good video very usefull :)
Ricardo Michels
Ricardo Michels - 7 years ago
Black Jesus
Black Jesus - 7 years ago
Thx dude I was having trouble placing things on the raft
Roosevelt Smith
Roosevelt Smith - 7 years ago
you did this shit
Albinorhino - 7 years ago
Dude this is great stuff
William Wallace
William Wallace - 7 years ago
You're pretty clever, you make boat building in ARK look as inventive as engineers in WWI. You've got a boat for everything, and they are pretty cool looking too. Any tribe would be proud to have you design their raids.
richard johnson
richard johnson - 7 years ago
Petrino - 7 years ago
the pillar thing been fixed? its not working for me. or isit because im using s+?
xONEWINGx - 7 years ago
Petrino see my later boat tutorials for the new method.
Rin8Kin - 7 years ago
Amazing amount of helpfull info in one short video!
Juan Gomez
Juan Gomez - 7 years ago
This was an amazing video! All the boats and the variety was beautiful. Going to try my hand at one although I am bad at building. Lol.
Joe O'Quinn
Joe O'Quinn - 7 years ago
you've made this a new game. wow
Xxxplasmagamerxxx - 7 years ago
How do you upload on Xbox
the reptile dude 2467
the reptile dude 2467 - 7 years ago
this may just be the noob in me talking but... what is the purpose of building a raft
Zatro Gamer
Zatro Gamer - 7 years ago
Do you have anything inside that room inside the shark cage?
Puma Sos
Puma Sos - 7 years ago
holy shit dude! thanks for this video. you're a madman!!!
Tony Nameless
Tony Nameless - 7 years ago
MAKE SURE to build thatch roof, not wood ceiling.
MAKE SURE to use stone foundation. Wood will not work.

Thatch roof+stone foundation. No other way.
Hopefully this wont be patched :)
Mark Howard
Mark Howard - 7 years ago
what kind of gate was used?
Josh H
Josh H - 7 years ago
Hey @xONEWINGx I really like your videos and i hope you dont mind if i use screenshots from your builds on my facebook page and on my twitch stream. will def link your videos in the posts!
M3Rk Savage
M3Rk Savage - 7 years ago
did this get patched because it isn't working for me
Holden Kenney
Holden Kenney - 7 years ago
I thought I came up with the catapult one
Alpha Sloth
Alpha Sloth - 7 years ago
does anybody not even have ark survival? or is it just me that doesn't have it?
AuntieWolf - 7 years ago
Sweet rafts mod will fix most of the limits and stuff
assacrow - 7 years ago
There is any tutorial for the trapper boat?
headshot66 - 7 years ago
Ohhhhhh those assholes that knock me out and put me in a cage on their boat I have a rude awakening when I get one of these boats built I think we all know which one I'm going to build that's good at destroying other boats
David 35
David 35 - 7 years ago
can someone please make a list of needed pieces?
Jeremy Coble
Jeremy Coble - 8 years ago
It helps to show how you put a ramp on it
Red Queen
Red Queen - 8 years ago
link for area denial raft?
Nidruljer Videos
Nidruljer Videos - 8 years ago
Dude this video is awesome. I had no idea how much you could actually do with a raft
Byrn Hazard
Byrn Hazard - 8 years ago
Trying to build the breach boat and I was wondering if u place the catapult b4 the walls or if it'll fit in after, anyone know?
Nacho Lopez
Nacho Lopez - 8 years ago
Is that unprotected trapper raft usefull in PVE? or does it get destroyed easily? BTW thank you for your videos.
huntneil13 - 8 years ago
my platforms won't go as low to the raft like yours did
Rosskeeler - 8 years ago
Can you guys subscribe to my channel
Obnoxious Stream
Obnoxious Stream - 8 years ago
The G.O.A.T. Channel no
Aspurce khan
Aspurce khan - 8 years ago
how i build carier boat ? help me please.
Brent LaPietra
Brent LaPietra - 8 years ago
How did you make the slotted windows for the shark cage?
Sandra Schumann
Sandra Schumann - 8 years ago
Have you ever been pranked

read more
Matthew Benway
Matthew Benway - 8 years ago
this is how u make a tutorial video
Meisen Mensch
Meisen Mensch - 8 years ago
does the lowering Technic still work?
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
Yes  but its been streamlined since, see my later videos for an easier way
Masterharry - 8 years ago
massive help thanks
Justin Bowling
Justin Bowling - 8 years ago
Is this still current? My initial foundation doesn't snap to the second pillar
Doc Dewrill
Doc Dewrill - 8 years ago
is it possible that the whole "place roof and replace it with Foundation" thing doesnt work anymore?
Doc Dewrill
Doc Dewrill - 8 years ago
Well! ill take a look on it at some point, thanks for the Info lad!
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
Doc Dewrill it's done with fence foundations, really inefficient though if you are trying to make a practical boat, only 88 pieces available.
Doc Dewrill
Doc Dewrill - 8 years ago
That was the missing information^^ nvm though, i made a Ram-Shield with sloped Woodroofs, looks splendid. next time i'll build a longer one. other question, ive seen ships with pointy fronts, who placed walls diagonaly (top down perspective looking loke a V) any idea how they managed to do so?
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
Still working, you need to use thatch roof.
Intangir Voluntaryist
Intangir Voluntaryist - 8 years ago
i love these videos, you have helped me a ton, i built many of these on ps4 pve 636, i have trapping, carrier, a variation on the expedition, and alpha hunting rafts, very handy tools
kyle braddock
kyle braddock - 8 years ago
Step by step vids on this would be amazing
Muse Madness
Muse Madness - 8 years ago
freaking awesome
Blowfeld20k - 8 years ago
one of very few GENUINELY useful and concise Ark how to vids ... niiiiiice one m8

SUB FTW guys
Chris Parsons
Chris Parsons - 8 years ago
Very useful video!
mateusz nowakowski
mateusz nowakowski - 8 years ago
And super video!!! 100000000000000000/10
mateusz nowakowski
mateusz nowakowski - 8 years ago
I have a another type of boat. The siege boat with cannons on the sides. It's very efective in sea raids but it's most efective with 5 cannons on the side and some pepole that Fires the cannons and IT should be a manned tur-retur to protest from quetzals and birds
FHN1987 - 8 years ago
Thanks a lot mate
Ultra Lord
Ultra Lord - 8 years ago
those higher lvl ppl better watch out
sharp411 - 8 years ago
PC Player here, I am trying to do the sunken method where you first place a foundation instead of pillar. When I'm going to place the foundation and start driving the boat, the foundation will not show up on the boat, instead its centered but up in the air, and as I try to aim it down it goes under the boat; anyone else have this issue? I eventually did it by eye balling it but everything came out a smidge crooked.
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
It was effected by a patch. You can still used the centring pillar. My later videos show better lowering methods though .
Allenthedude - 8 years ago
Your voice made this video %280 more tolerable to watch.
DirtyAary - 8 years ago
Awesome inspiring video gonna get building now.
Mufflee - 8 years ago
i just started getting into ark and this is amazing. I come from Fallout 4 building settlements and the building processes on this game are incredible and way more fun!
Kirk Faulkner
Kirk Faulkner - 8 years ago
Probably one of the more helpful videos I've come across. Thanks! my boat game just went up quite a few levels!
ItchyGuy87 - 8 years ago
Oh god my raft is about to get huuuuuuge
cory greene
cory greene - 8 years ago
thats a weak boat wtf.
David110702 - 8 years ago
the first pillar doesn't snap properly
The R3bels
The R3bels - 8 years ago
The spike boat is basically a spiky penis... lmao
Axiom Ape
Axiom Ape - 8 years ago
I'm only a week or two in playing "Ark" and seeing this blew my mind. The potential in this game is just so endless. It's like a much more interesting and adult version of "Minecraft" but with Dinosaurs. Definitely one of the best games I've played to this day.
Very Mad Gamer [Niv1]
Very Mad Gamer [Niv1] - 8 years ago
i can't place a foundation on a pilar ! Why ? Have you got a solution ?
Shyska Ronja
Shyska Ronja - 8 years ago
The ceilings won't allow me to add a foundation underneath it to extend the size of my raft. Was this sort of thing removed from the game?
Shyska Ronja
Shyska Ronja - 8 years ago
Thank you :)
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
Yes extending requires thatch ceilings, but you can snap metal foundation underneath.
Shyska Ronja
Shyska Ronja - 8 years ago
It requires thatch? I was trying to make it out of metal.
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
Are you using thatch ceilings?
Shyska Ronja
Shyska Ronja - 8 years ago
I am well over the open ocean but it only shows the snap point in red saying its obstructed.
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
Is the water deep enough to place?
Rockpapercake - 8 years ago
P filter
RictorScale - 8 years ago
Your a fuckin genius i love you
Joisey - 8 years ago
A recent patch must have eliminated the use of this technique. I've tried twice to place the third ceiling at the bottom of the 2nd pillar. There is no snap point anymore.
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
Check my recent videos for the new method. Its easier now.
Random player The king of steves
Random player The king of steves - 8 years ago
Random player The king of steves
Random player The king of steves - 8 years ago
I raeded the entire beach. XD
Lucifer Fletcher
Lucifer Fletcher - 8 years ago
the foundation won't snap under the pillar, am i doing somthing wrong
Faur - 8 years ago
So it's not allowing me to place the foundation in order to have it level with the rest of the raft, and I tried your technique.Did they happen to patch this or something?
Ryan Paul
Ryan Paul - 8 years ago
Thanks for the great raft building demo, it was extremely helpful. Most of all though, thank you for the tip on flipping walls, that was driving me crazy!
Larry McConahy
Larry McConahy - 8 years ago
Do you have any trapper builds where the raft is enclosed to protect against the snow biomes? Have been trying to combine the expedition boat with the trapper boat but I'm having a hard time keeping it from looking like a monstrosity.
Ben White
Ben White - 8 years ago
What a palaver! Brilliantly explained and superbly executed under very testing game mechanics. 10/10
shambaugh86 - 8 years ago
hello good sir. is there a video for the Trapper boat? I've looked in your videos but I didn't see it.. or can you just give me the dimensions of it? thanks sir
Jay Bartgis
Jay Bartgis - 8 years ago
13:10 get in the RV Pinkman, we're gonna go cook
kentzuh86 - 8 years ago
not working anymore on ps4. centering pillars work but putting the foundation doesn't so can't lower the dam foundation to same hight as the raft floor. Why the heck do they remove things and make so much harder to build on consoles. ark on pc and consoles are now 2 different games..
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
You can still do it, its easier now. See my latest raft building tutorials for the new method.
DropBearGamer - 8 years ago
Very well explained... nice job. I would love to see some videos on how to build some of the boats. :)
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
Some are already done and more are I the works, search my later vids.
Scavenger Invader
Scavenger Invader - 8 years ago
Easily the best tutorial for beginner raft building. i've come back to this video several times for inspiration.
Thisfoodsucks - 8 years ago
favorite was trapper boat
Amadeus Höfer
Amadeus Höfer - 8 years ago
hi - did they just fix this awesome building methods? - because i cant place foundations and ceilings under water anymore
TheGardfeez - 8 years ago
Your voice is so soothing should take over David Attenborough after he dies
ksm95 - 8 years ago
i tried to subscribe but then i realised i already did xD
Travis Whitworth
Travis Whitworth - 8 years ago
I built the shark cage type boat, but not without a ton of issues. had to extend foundation out further to enclose at the gate, and needed pillars on the raft for some reason. Would be cool to see a quick tutorial of how this was accomplished
omar ramirez
omar ramirez - 8 years ago
i would like to see a tutorial on the taming boat it was awsome
William Tess
William Tess - 8 years ago
trapper boat plz :)
Marc Maltesen
Marc Maltesen - 8 years ago
it doesnt work
Mike Lumberjack
Mike Lumberjack - 8 years ago
xONEWINGx, good job!, whatch mine video of how to make boat with turrets from the raft
cora haha
cora haha - 8 years ago
Best Video i have ever seen about Ark !!!!
Brian Bain
Brian Bain - 8 years ago
We need a trapper boat tutorial! Awesome video
Łukasz Kondek
Łukasz Kondek - 8 years ago
Joe - 8 years ago
I have to say that for a person such as I that likes to play by myself, finding this video was the best thing ever. I have been trying to find ways to tame without dying to hardcore. Now I can trap them and tame them on the fly. Thank you so much! I have to save this video for later.
Joe Beard
Joe Beard - 8 years ago
Was this patched?
TeenageAssassinPSN - 8 years ago
wow your way of going lower looks so much easier, think I'll build another raft aha
Jamison Crawford
Jamison Crawford - 8 years ago
I watched this video nearly nine months ago and it was enough, by itself, to persuade me to buy Ark. I've just started playing 1.5 weeks ago and only now am making my first raft.

Excellent video, well edited, and extremely informative. Thanks for this, you've earned more than a sub - this is legacy stuff.
Michael W
Michael W - 8 years ago
Hey could you make a tutorial on the trapper by any chance?
Ryan Dorantes
Ryan Dorantes - 8 years ago
Hey I'm playing on PC and once I make the first 2 ceilings, I don't get a snap point on the pillar placed in the middle of the raft. Any tips?
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
Yes see my later videos for the new way, its easier now.
natedawg516 - 8 years ago
Thanks to your videos I have a nice save start on any server. people usually will leave these boats alone because they don't block resource spawns and are mostly used until you decide to build a metal base. But if you have plant x on them 9 times out of 10 you'll get sunk by an alpha tribeI have used many of your builds and tweeked them to my needs.
chrissyzcreationz - 8 years ago
holy shit this is amazing!! I think I'm in love with you!! cuddles up to binge watch your videos
Kyle Rodgers
Kyle Rodgers - 8 years ago
Man, you are awesome. this video was absolutely awesome
Malcolm Slade
Malcolm Slade - 8 years ago
Watched several video and was still none the wiser (I am old). You Sir, nailed it. Much appreciated.
Nur Erwan
Nur Erwan - 8 years ago
Here's several ideas for constructing boats:
Allow enough time.
take advantage of done for you boat blueprints.
(I discovered about these and more on Denelle boat builder site )
Justin Thomas
Justin Thomas - 8 years ago
doesnt work for me just says no snap point when I try to put the roof on the bottom of the pillar
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
No roof on bottom of the pillar, its a foundation. But watch my recent boat tutorials for the new streamlined way.
Andi Kuzma
Andi Kuzma - 8 years ago
My pillar won't center :/
Strazdas - 8 years ago
If you drive the raft forward camera will center, helping you.
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
A patch changed it, but its still ok, just leave the mast visible, get your pillar out, grab the rudder then pull it back over the mast.
giuseppe porciello
giuseppe porciello - 8 years ago
i learned alot of useful shit im this vid dude thank you!
anthony anderson
anthony anderson - 8 years ago
your design is flawed dinos can attack the boat even when perfectly embedded in stong foundations
Erin Nero
Erin Nero - 8 years ago
excellent fucking video!!!
The Indie Diary
The Indie Diary - 8 years ago
I killed a dude that was just starting to do his foundations like this. Took all his shit as well. He was still raging 1 hour later lol. Best thing I ever did in Ark, hands down. XD
imsoawsomeXD - 8 years ago
Can anyone tell me the dimensions of the trapper boat? Trying to make one, but can't really where anything is or how much to make of anything.
Robert Adams
Robert Adams - 8 years ago
Does this still work I can't get the ceiling to snap on the bottom of the pillar on centering the build
Touros Spoon
Touros Spoon - 8 years ago
oh wow! I was really sceptical about getting this to work (im new to the game) but it worked perfectly! Thanks very much for posting this. Very helpful :))
cain0308 - 8 years ago
Did this get changed? I'm following these steps and the foundations won't go where the pillars are. They only appear on the left side or right side of pillar.
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
See my latest videos for the new lowering method, don't worry its far easier.
László Kun
László Kun - 8 years ago
Excellent! Thank you!
Slackman - 8 years ago
I've been working on my own ship build with some success. It's function simply is to scavenge for Beaver Dams. With Beaver dams often being in dangerous spots under shallow water. My Raft is designed to drive over said spots and collecting the contents of the dam while remaining safely inside. However there are obstacles to get over when doing so. For example accidentally driving over an aggro beaver and having it inside your boat. Or Just getting stuck on rocks along the narrow rivers.
This boat is highly beneficial but often a big pain in the neck. Any suggestions for making it easier to manage?
SH4RP - 8 years ago
Pretty much everything you need to know
Mochira - 8 years ago
I'm loving the carrier raft. I'm trying to transport 3 Allos from a place in the Center to my home base. I've tried before but they would die since I have to go through the swamp :v
Maurice Ward
Maurice Ward - 8 years ago
i found it easier making the two pillars,  no roof, then placing the foundation and the pillars only until achieving the desired foundation
DerpyQuagsire - 8 years ago
Wow. amazed with all these base designs. I just wanna say i appreciate all the effort you put into this! very helpful. You know you found a good tutorial when you get all the information you need from just one video. Very well organized and i love that you give possible uses for all the designs. Thank you! Gonna share this with my tribe :)
Car Mo
Car Mo - 8 years ago
Very nice video! I started watching out of curiosity, thinking i might catch a tip or two, and ended up motivated to go home and try new stuff, great job!
Joel Ayoub
Joel Ayoub - 8 years ago
this looks like an exploit. Surly will be patched
Mark Bird
Mark Bird - 8 years ago
My friend you are a god! thank you so much for this video will be sure to check out your other stuff !
molomosk123 - 8 years ago
any chance at a tutorial on each build boat?
molomosk123 - 8 years ago
BoganPlayz OJS
BoganPlayz OJS - 8 years ago
molomosk123 already are some just check his channel
Escher - 8 years ago
This video was very useful thank you
Daniel Fahim Islam
Daniel Fahim Islam - 8 years ago
Does this work on official servers?
BoganPlayz OJS
BoganPlayz OJS - 8 years ago
Daniel Fahim Islam yes if u want u can add me ironstingray139 and I will show u then easier way
Edith Merlos
Edith Merlos - 8 years ago
I love your videos
Henry Benson
Henry Benson - 8 years ago
These are almost all based off exploits. Hope they patch 'em
Luke O'Toole
Luke O'Toole - 8 years ago
the second step don't work anynore
Tim Bishop
Tim Bishop - 8 years ago
If you are on the ps4 and you want the platform at the raft level then the first column snap is too far back if u move it slightly forward on to the raft then it works.
Guestjellycat - 8 years ago
I wasn't able to place a foundation under the pillar to get the boat protected under neath I'm on Xbox one
Jose Carlos Garcia Arce
Jose Carlos Garcia Arce - 8 years ago
Excelent video :)
Teostra - 8 years ago
Ark, for the time you feel ready to graduate from minecraft school and start the big boy business of getting fucked up till you join a strong tribe. Tbh I don't think I have ever loved a survival game as much as this
Silver Weasel
Silver Weasel - 8 years ago
How do you keep the dolphins in the shark cage? would someone else have to ride them?
Javier Falco
Javier Falco - 8 years ago
Great vid
Completer Games
Completer Games - 8 years ago
Can u make a tutorial for the trapper plz
Doulos17 - 8 years ago
Xquizet - 8 years ago
could you make a dedicated video of the trapper boat build pretty please ^.^ with whatever is your favorite on top ;oP
xViNNy66 - 8 years ago
can someone help me out as to why when i go to drive the boat it doesnt snap my stuff to the center but instead far out floating in the distance. very frustrating
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
Its a glitch that only you see, log out and back in and it should be fixed.
Dustin Horn
Dustin Horn - 8 years ago
do you have a video of the trapper boat or do i have to go off what i see in the video?
Dustin Horn
Dustin Horn - 8 years ago
were at i dont see it
Dustin Fournier
Dustin Fournier - 8 years ago
Dustin Horn He's got a video on it. :)
Toni Tetzner
Toni Tetzner - 8 years ago
it won't let me put a foundation beneath the pillar
Eddie De Fini
Eddie De Fini - 8 years ago
Halo Man
Halo Man - 8 years ago
Can u do a tutorial on the trapper boat
Lance Miller
Lance Miller - 8 years ago
Wish I knew this earlier a level 150 mosasaur decimated my raft along with my whole 6 tribe members
your typical everyday bat
your typical everyday bat - 8 years ago
Lance Miller dang D:
Premier TV Box
Premier TV Box - 8 years ago
was almost done with the stone foundation and my raft started sinking down. did I do something wrong or is this a issue with ps4 Ark? or do I need to start all the way over again?
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
No idea what that is, what do you mean sinking down?
Evil Spyke
Evil Spyke - 8 years ago
it's weird. everytime I watch these videos my hand gets itchy. I keep scratching and biting it, to no avail.
ChrisM McKEarn
ChrisM McKEarn - 8 years ago
Interceptor 93
Interceptor 93 - 8 years ago
wow very nice tips and boats!
Praise the Moon
Praise the Moon - 8 years ago
This is so cool I made a little expedition boat with a cabin a few hours ago. Nothing like any of these boats but now I can't wait to build them all. My tribes been dying to cage is a shark and a few bigger Dino's.
megacdrw - 8 years ago
Awesome video thanks!
My first boat was just a snow biome hideaway with two fireplaces to keep warm while taming or oil harvesting.

Wish i thought of making the raft with a spot to tame on i was running back and forward to heat and feeding narcotics.

Good old days!
Bryan J
Bryan J - 8 years ago
Or some National Geographic.
Bryan J
Bryan J - 8 years ago
Dude you sound like you need to be a golf commentator.
Alpha Omega
Alpha Omega - 8 years ago
Awesome video!
OhHelloBosh - 8 years ago
Can't get the thatch foundation to snap on the second pillar
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
See my latest video for the new method its easier.
Aab Bob
Aab Bob - 8 years ago
thank god that there is the ability to have private server to get rid of these op attacking rafts, when ever i see some of these things on my official server i report the people who made them for exploiting. poor that wildcard doesnt care often enough. but ur other rafts are pretty fancy, also liked ur quetzal base guide :)
Kevin Smith
Kevin Smith - 8 years ago
im having a hard time getting the ramps to snap in the correct way on the trapper boat
Panzer GS
Panzer GS - 7 years ago
Is there a build tutorial for the trapper? It's the only one I don't see under full build tutorials.
Not so good Russian Gamer.
Not so good Russian Gamer. - 8 years ago
Kevin Smith I'm having troubles to do the pellers correctly.....
Kevin Smith
Kevin Smith - 8 years ago

Yeah i figured it out too. Thanks man
sharp411 - 8 years ago
I was having trouble with the sloped roof as well, I was able to determine which way it would face depending on the way I faced the wall I was putting it on. So the sloped roof will always face away from the interior of the wall, so you wave to make sure the inner wall (the side of the stone wall with the slab of wood) is facing the direction you want your roof to come down.
T C - 8 years ago
Kevin Smith Theres a difference between sloped roofs and ramps. Sloped Roofs require angled walls, ramps do not.
Kevin Smith
Kevin Smith - 8 years ago

Its because i wasnt putting angled walls
Kevin Smith
Kevin Smith - 8 years ago

Yes, but i was having issues with them
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
There is no ramps its sloped ceiling.
John Yarbrough
John Yarbrough - 8 years ago
Are you still making videos? Trap boat tutorial would be great for this soloer :)
Hulk - 8 years ago
Pretty sweet stuff, you should be a Architect if you aren't already.
Alex Colfescu
Alex Colfescu - 8 years ago
since c4 can be placed underwater do you think metal foundations are better than stone or stone will work just fine?
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
Metal is always better, but the invisible mast is still vulnerable.
Ronald Mahan
Ronald Mahan - 8 years ago
Bedboat is pretty cool too. Bed on tip of long boat lets you spawn inside the opposing base and if you put a storage crate clipped into the bed you can take some shit with you too. Also auto turret boat is pretty gimmicky only for trolling really.. Auto turret gets to fire inside of their base ehh,.
Benjamin Hernandez
Benjamin Hernandez - 8 years ago
do you have any videos or can u make a video showing step by step how to make one of these rafts..?
Marc Dominguez
Marc Dominguez - 8 years ago
what server are u on
Nick Toon
Nick Toon - 8 years ago
Hey one wing I'm on ps4 and I tried doing the shortcut but it won't snap into place
Nick Toon
Nick Toon - 8 years ago
Thank you very much I figured it out
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
Look at my later videos for the new methods,
Planetary Sponge
Planetary Sponge - 8 years ago
Has anyone built a trapper boat?
Young Padawan
Young Padawan - 8 years ago
Do you have a Trapper Boat building guide video?
Arachnid146 - 8 years ago
Honestly mate, this is the most descriptive, detailed video of seen on ark so far, this is incredibly helpful, thank you so much!
John Kravich
John Kravich - 8 years ago
true passion for water crafts
Koan - 8 years ago
Thanks for all your videos, they are very helpful. Could you do a trapper boat tutorial?
ameer's toys and cards
ameer's toys and cards - 8 years ago
Clear concise and straight to the point!
your typical everyday bat
your typical everyday bat - 8 years ago
ameer's toys and cards ikr
Soul Spear
Soul Spear - 8 years ago
amazing video
Kwan Eric
Kwan Eric - 8 years ago
Carrier is one of the best boat along with the expedition, is there a video just for the Carrier building??? Your videos are really helpful for a newbie liked, thanks in advance
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
broke gang
broke gang - 8 years ago
Very helpful. Thank you :)
Tomzhy Games
Tomzhy Games - 8 years ago
That was great
Max Wolf
Max Wolf - 8 years ago
what is a different between 1 & 2 method of building a foundation?? :/
kaleb thorpe
kaleb thorpe - 8 years ago
Maxim Mr.T one you can set how far you want the foundations above or below the raft
Ibrahim yürüyen
Ibrahim yürüyen - 8 years ago
Fantastic work Da Vinci!
xXMotionzzXx08 k
xXMotionzzXx08 k - 8 years ago
even though this is old can u please make a video on how to make the trapper boat?
james howard
james howard - 8 years ago
this is freaking awesome!
Triñity Wałker
Triñity Wałker - 8 years ago
Wanna Do Anal Till My Ass Bleeds ?
Triñity Wałker
Triñity Wałker - 8 years ago
Please Baby Make Me Horny
Triñity Wałker
Triñity Wałker - 8 years ago
Fuck My Pussy Clean
2 Cups
2 Cups - 8 years ago
thank you
Retard W.D
Retard W.D - 8 years ago
He sounds like Bob ross
Cecilie Søreng
Cecilie Søreng - 8 years ago
I absolutely love you so much right now! Just got my boat wrecked by a Sarco, but thanks to this video it will hopefully not happen again :D
Bad aim Sam
Bad aim Sam - 8 years ago
why the hell is he playing this on xbox
Ryan Peter
Ryan Peter - 8 years ago
Awsm video man :D
Tamir Blackwell
Tamir Blackwell - 8 years ago
Trapper boat build tutorial?
Wilo15PR Gaming
Wilo15PR Gaming - 8 years ago
Trapper specification
Wilo15PR Gaming
Wilo15PR Gaming - 8 years ago
Tutorial for the trapper pls
Error - 8 years ago
Would it be possible to connect multiple rafts using foundations so we can build double or triple?
Regan may
Regan may - 8 years ago
Error no
Ryan Ohnemus
Ryan Ohnemus - 8 years ago
wow.. was a little difficult to make the taming raft just from the vid.. but worked out GREAT my tribe were very impressed cheers mate!
Andrew Payne
Andrew Payne - 8 years ago
bad ass dude!!
Nuke - 8 years ago
Is there a tutorial for the trapper boat? Been looking for it but no results
3ThReaper - 8 years ago
awesome thanks for the tips
Lil' N1ggs
Lil' N1ggs - 8 years ago
I'm trying to make the trapper raft but it is difficult to guess what to use. cam you make a tutorial vid or let me know the required materials for it
BaDdAwG USMC - 8 years ago
can you do a tutorial on how to build the trapper
bdubdubdub - 8 years ago
Yea I don't get this, foundation doesn't attach to the bottom of pillars, it attaches to the middle of it. When i place the second pillar there is no spot for the foundation to go under it it just hovers halfway up the pillar.
bdubdubdub - 8 years ago
Okay thanks
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
See my latest videos for latest methods
GalloViking - 8 years ago
What's a good size for a raft base? 4x3? i'm afraid of running out of structures to place with a bigger one.
Sam Cawston
Sam Cawston - 8 years ago
Is there a more in depth tutorial on how to build the trapper?
Chris Cervantes
Chris Cervantes - 8 years ago
omg, that last one is terrifying...
Eric Spencer
Eric Spencer - 8 years ago
Nice boats
BradAss - 8 years ago
Can you do a trapper boat tutorial
Green Caveman
Green Caveman - 8 years ago
this does not work on ps4
koapualii14 - 8 years ago
wow your boats are magnificent
jAke.420 - 8 years ago
you are so stupid about building things
surviving gamer
surviving gamer - 8 years ago
That was uncalled for and not true.
Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne - 8 years ago
that´s verry helpfull, thx man. much appreciated .
Benny Fix
Benny Fix - 8 years ago
im sry but this video is so boring dude :( start adding music or something :/
Strazdas - 8 years ago
You are wrong. Thats the short and long of it.
Benny Fix
Benny Fix - 8 years ago
+Strazdas.-. ist how i think and what you said is how you think so i think ist okay what i think. If you think something too just write your wn comment. 
Strazdas - 8 years ago
This video is not boring, its paced perfectly. Looks like you have too short of attention span instead.
your typical everyday bat
your typical everyday bat - 8 years ago
Benny Fix it's meant to be a detailed guide not a simple guide
Benny Fix
Benny Fix - 8 years ago
+David Geisweller I like the Content u stupid lil boii but i dont like that ist so quiet
kaleb thorpe
kaleb thorpe - 8 years ago
HellBringer He clearly shows you all the options and learning everything might just be too much for you who'd just want the simplest way
HellBringer - 8 years ago
i didn't i started and left after 50 seconds but it don't mater anyway since i use ad blocker , and hide my view so it wil never even register that i was watching his video , also much more skilled people with videos who show how to do it clearly and with better audio .
David Geisweller
David Geisweller - 8 years ago
I liked it a lot, If you don't like it don't watch it
KlubKatz - 8 years ago
Benny Fix Minimalism can be unique and refreshing.
Arctic Media
Arctic Media - 8 years ago
love this aussie
SpocksBro - 8 years ago
great video m8
Alex Dufour
Alex Dufour - 8 years ago
i would reaaaaaaaaallllllyyy like a tutorial for this one too XD
ravynzfyreink - 8 years ago
I believe they might have recently patched the sinking foundation techniques. Ive tried both of them shown in the video and it goes great until you get to any part involving placing ceilings underneath the pillars. does not work at all and following every instruction to a T (and several times to boot) Playing on a dedicated private server on xbox. Great techniques and ideas if they still worked :(
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
Watch the more recent videos for the new method,
Jorel Antonio
Jorel Antonio - 8 years ago
Live your vids, can you make a Trapper boat tutorial?
Lefu Vui
Lefu Vui - 8 years ago
Can you make video of your explorer boat build?
JazzMayhem - 8 years ago
xONEWINGx Help please...
Every time I drop the second foundation it is level with the first even though it looks lower when I go to place it. What am I doing wrong?
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
I don't know, but try the method used in this boat
Capaz Kids
Capaz Kids - 8 years ago
super nice man If u can have a guide on how to mke each of them would be awsome
Cancer of Life
Cancer of Life - 8 years ago
Good vid but spike boat looks like a penis lol
Raphael Lebron
Raphael Lebron - 8 years ago
You! Sir are amazing!
Trolls The King
Trolls The King - 8 years ago
I am going to be getting the game in a few days. What lvl can I start making these?
Mike Lumberjack
Mike Lumberjack - 8 years ago
you can build a minumum of need with a limited amount of structures — it can be bad, smithy, refining forge, stoarage boxes, preserving bins, small crop plot with "black" berry and all of that can be be fully covered with walls and ceilings, on most of the servers
Trolls The King
Trolls The King - 8 years ago
+Bayseek You don't need to tame everything
Bayseek - 8 years ago
You can only build 88 Structures on the raft though. At least on most servers. So a Swimming base is not really possible. But if you make it a specialised "Taming Raft" or something like that, it works.
Jetoler - 8 years ago
make a bunch of rafts
Trolls The King
Trolls The King - 8 years ago
Mike Lumberjack
Mike Lumberjack - 8 years ago
you can start building rafts at lvl 15 usually, then you need to open wooden pillar, ceilings, etc. — i usually build my own type of boat and increse my lvl by building it up to lvl 30
BuyMeDinnerF1rst - 8 years ago
Trolls The King definitely crafting, killing dinos, taming and leveling up tames. each level up takes longer and longer sigh lol
Trolls The King
Trolls The King - 8 years ago
+Br0knBeauty I am currently at lvl 40~ Any advice on how to rank up faster in the mid lvl range? Or should I just kill high target Dinos?
BuyMeDinnerF1rst - 8 years ago
15, however you can rank up pretty quickly if you stay busy. depending on how long you play and what you do in the time, you can rank up to 15 in the same day. I would most definitely start out picking tons of berries, and finding a parasaur to knock out (they don't fight back, they run) feed it with a ton of berries, force feed narcoberries to keep it unconscious while taming and go berry picking with it.   If you load up on narcoberries, you can craft a mortal pestal with put narcoberries with spoiled meat to craft narcotics. the more you craft, kill things, etc you will build xp super quick. low levels rank up fairly quickly, you start getting the longer seems like forever ranking up once you get to 60's and above.  Best of luck! Enjoy the game. :)
ApexAero - 8 years ago
Trolls The King

Harambe - 8 years ago
Trolls The King 15
Dieseluk2k - 8 years ago
Make your way to herbivore island as soon as you can make a raft, It's the most south-eastern island and is carnivore free and has plenty of basic building materials to get you started.
Zcypot - 8 years ago
Just go crazy crafting Narcotics once you unlock it, gives ton of XP. the plant eaters parasaurs are easy to tame with berries, their attacks on bushes give you a TON of berries. Itll click as you play dont worry if you dont understand right now.
Trolls The King
Trolls The King - 8 years ago
+xONEWINGx Thanks
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
Lv15 for raft but you'll need to be at least 25 for a decent stone raft.
Trolls The King
Trolls The King - 8 years ago
+luke ross I mean effectively. Does inventory space play a roll? And could I essentially have a floating base? ( I heard your body remains in game unprotected when logged out)
luke ross
luke ross - 8 years ago
Trolls The King 15
Rollz Lulz LuLzAsOR
Rollz Lulz LuLzAsOR - 8 years ago
trying to do the trapper boat and I'm having some troubles getting the pieces to snap correctly, also the Dino door... any suggestions??
Re Detro
Re Detro - 8 years ago
trapper boat is creatively insane and fun!
Coops - 8 years ago
Why does the foundations need to be boat level
Isaiah Perez
Isaiah Perez - 8 years ago
Coops it helps protect the bottom of the raft
Joni 22
Joni 22 - 8 years ago
This is the perfect video for rafts. Thank you for being so accurate!
Mick Dundee
Mick Dundee - 8 years ago
Throw another shrimp on the barbie!
F4113n4ng31 - 8 years ago
Truly inspired boat building there. Thanks for the tips!
Nikolas Jody
Nikolas Jody - 8 years ago
very nice rafts man, building rafts are my favourites as its mobile and variable. however i need to point out that some of the rafts are vulnerable to be destroyed, the taming raft especially, if u break the raft, the whole thing will collapse sadly. so i customized some of ur rafts and ill see how it goes
FailsAndLuck - 8 years ago
Your voice is like NPR, I love it haha
T7emonic - 8 years ago
ive also found that the trapper is usefull for keeping players or dinos from killing your potential tames just lure the dino in and then drive to open water but remember to not move at all after you knock it out or it will clip through
T7emonic - 8 years ago
the only problem with the expedition is while your plant x are growing your vulnerable i was raided when i got offline i guess if you had the time you could wait for it to grow before leaving but i dont have that much time
Calypso Gamin
Calypso Gamin - 8 years ago
the foundations wont snap
Luis Mendez
Luis Mendez - 8 years ago
you talk all boaring man no enthusiasm!
Yaki Tok
Yaki Tok - 8 years ago
Fastest way to get stone? You have 10 seconds. Go!!
shawtknight - 8 years ago
Hit the Bong!!!
Prophet Of Merci
Prophet Of Merci - 8 years ago
Use hacks
The drplague
The drplague - 8 years ago
Ankylo works for metal, crystal and another minerals, If you want stones, Doedicurus is your best choice.
Rolly - 8 years ago
Just carry the doedicurus to rocks with a quetz, you don't even have to hop off and he farms stone for ya
Rolly - 8 years ago
Stone? Doedicurus.
Yey15285 - 8 years ago
Yaki Tok also forgot to say bit build a wall around it so no dinos can attack it .
Yey15285 - 8 years ago
Yaki Tok alsso what i do is use a quetzal to grab it once tamed and bring it on top of skull island in the centre map .
Yey15285 - 8 years ago
Yaki Tok tame a ankylo ( starve it and bring plenty nacotics ) when its food is like 3000 down to what its max is feed it tons of mejoberrys . its tame timer should shoot right up
JW G - 8 years ago
use the dino with the club tail to gather tons of it
Matthew Campbell
Matthew Campbell - 8 years ago
I'm having trouble snapping the foundation to the base of the center pillar
dean Nutz
dean Nutz - 8 years ago
any tutorial on the trapper? I'm new to ark I've made a makeshift one but can't perfect the slope where you got the doors and a neat little room. thanks
Don181, your a f***ing Neanderthal!
Don181, your a f***ing Neanderthal! - 8 years ago
wild card watched this video no doubt
Theagentfrom03 - 7 years ago
Chris Toutloff no
Chris Toutloff
Chris Toutloff - 7 years ago
I can't get the first foundation to snap. I this patched?
Justin Bowling
Justin Bowling - 8 years ago
My foundations don't snap to the middle of pillars
The Indie Diary
The Indie Diary - 8 years ago
There is a much easier way of lowering the foundations now as well as taking far less resources. Simply get 1st pillar ready to place, and like in this video, press triangle to grab the boat controls and place the pillar when it aligns it to the front. Now, simply place another pillar right beside the 1st one. It will be lower than the first one. Now delete the first one and replace it, it too will be lower than the second. And keep repeating this til you get it as low as you want. I usually just need 6 pillars and nothing else to get the foundations right down to the height of the raft. :)
Seen it in another youtube vid.
Eric Draven
Eric Draven - 8 years ago
When grabbing the raft to place the first pillar it places it in a different spot than in the video and I cannot get it to work
juzzyg1982 - 8 years ago
Doesn't seem to work any more
natedawg516 - 8 years ago
Definitely works on XBOX. I do it on every server. Sometimes I have trouble with certain building types but I use thatch and replace it. it works everytime
Matto Skins
Matto Skins - 8 years ago
Mikee Remastered i cant get it to work on xbox
The Indie Diary
The Indie Diary - 8 years ago
How so? All this still works.
Yuno Fucking Gasai
Yuno Fucking Gasai - 8 years ago
what makes you say that
The great Wabbit
The great Wabbit - 8 years ago
Some one please answer me I need to know if ark is on ps4
Pro Wolf
Pro Wolf - 8 years ago
The great Wabbit it is but only ps4 store if fine with you
Daniel Eisenstein
Daniel Eisenstein - 8 years ago
it just came out
Adam Harrington
Adam Harrington - 8 years ago
The great Wabbit no
raymickey - 8 years ago
The great Wabbit ya it is and its amazing
The Farmer
The Farmer - 8 years ago
The great Wabbit yes it is go to the play store is not bedt grapics but great game!
Creomedi - 8 years ago
Hi, does anybody know if in PS4 version is it possible to achieve the foundations at the same level of the raft like in this video? I tried but it didn't works because the pillar crashes when goes on the raft floor in the first example, and in the second the foundation don't find the snapping point under the pillar.
ExtremeMutilator - 8 years ago
brilliant video. clear and concise. all really good methods. good job.
Saw Boss
Saw Boss - 8 years ago
slot of work went into this video, liked and subbed good work.
Brian S
Brian S - 8 years ago
C4 boat and catapult are kind of cheap, Patching would be nice but great builds all around, easy to use video guide. Thanks
xKAMRONx - 8 years ago
This video is fucking amazing, very well done. So much ingenuity, I love it!
casey arrow
casey arrow - 8 years ago
holy shot I'm out of my depth that was awesome and showed how lil I know about this game awesome
Samalamb - 8 years ago
Why can't I demolish anything.... tried doing this but I can't delete any of it to do it
Xprodigy X
Xprodigy X - 8 years ago
so how do you get a bronto or giga over to an island base like herbivore island for example???
SYRUPS4M - 8 years ago
Aleem Alli Swim it over. Anything that can have a platform saddle and the giganotosaurus are unable to be put on platforms such as boats or platform dinos. It is quite possible to swim gigas to and from herb and Carno islands, but if you are living one one of the island s it's not an awful idea to invest the time in making a bridge to the mainland. You can put plant species on it to prohibit others from using it.
Gunter the penguin
Gunter the penguin - 8 years ago
As of December 19th 2016 with the latest update it seems raft embedding is no longer possible, atleast on ps4 it seems ( ; _ ; )
Atomic - 8 years ago
Ark naval warfare sound amazing and fun
GM Taboo
GM Taboo - 8 years ago
Guide in the trapper cage you made
Webbwulf - 8 years ago
the spike boat is more effective if your frame is down more and use metal spikes
Вадим Петров
Вадим Петров - 8 years ago
блять какова хуя на англиском
Rollz Lulz LuLzAsOR
Rollz Lulz LuLzAsOR - 8 years ago
videos are a great help since ark is now on ps4, made the expedition boat, would you do a video on the trapper boat? thanks
Ricky Colon
Ricky Colon - 8 years ago
do u plan on making a tutorial for trapper boat?
Salem Baron
Salem Baron - 8 years ago
Do you have link to your Alpha killing boat? I mean the one with a base inside.
Geoff Smith
Geoff Smith - 8 years ago
This works for me but the last two foundations wont. The just dissapear or crumble into debris
Pontus Jörgensen
Pontus Jörgensen - 8 years ago
its a really, really good guide about rafts of ark. thanks alot! you have done a amazing vid.
Sataniel - 8 years ago
I really liked this video. It might inspire me to turn my 1.2 hrs of gameplay over 6 months into finding a server (with more than 0-2 people on it) to play.

Question: Should I get more mods? The one mod I got for discount seems to have very few active servers, which is disheartening.
Weiden - 8 years ago
Do you have a tutorial on how to build these boats, for example the Breach boat and the Area denial?
Vincent Lee Latham
Vincent Lee Latham - 8 years ago
Does anyone know what the item rotate button is for PS4?
Ronaldo cikaric
Ronaldo cikaric - 8 years ago
Harambe Uchiha Hold L1 and press the touchpad
Harambe Uchiha
Harambe Uchiha - 8 years ago
Vincent Lee Latham how do u chat in game lol I can't find the option to write
Jose The Divine
Jose The Divine - 8 years ago
Vincent Lee Latham Its Traingle.
Apricot Curls
Apricot Curls - 8 years ago
Thank you for being you and having great content. So sick of all the wanna be Slipg8rs repeating every euphemism the guy ever uttered. Ty!
Cory In the house
Cory In the house - 8 years ago
Apricot Curls exactly they all have the same cut to intro format
The Slipernator
The Slipernator - 8 years ago
PS4: I've been trying this for the past 30+ minutes, it will not snap into place anywhere. I've tried all angles and standing positions.
Peanuts&Corn - 8 years ago
it took me a little bit a time but I got it to work
The Slipernator
The Slipernator - 8 years ago
Thanks Dox but I've finally sorted it :)
The Slipernator
The Slipernator - 8 years ago
OK I've finally found out what the issue is. When holding the "pillar" make sure to bring up the circular menu and choose "drive"
Jose The Divine
Jose The Divine - 8 years ago
The Slipernator Bro I just built this it works. On ps4 on official pvp server, want me to help you build it bro? Just reply with ur gamertag and ill add you.
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
There was a patch that effected that, can't you grab the rudder then pull the pillar back over the mast? watch my latest vid if you want an example.
The Slipernator
The Slipernator - 8 years ago
My apologies, I should have been more specific.
Centering the raft build. There is no snap points on the PS4 version.
Both myself and a friend have tried this method for over 30 minutes without any success.
FPSOutback - 8 years ago
What isn't working? people you have to be specific there's a lot of things in the video all of which are working as of yesterday.
usrevenge - 8 years ago
how relevant are these votes still and 10/10 like seriously I play pve and I'll be making some of these just because I like the building.
SmarrelDaug - 8 years ago
do you have a tutorial for your trapper?
jax k30
jax k30 - 8 years ago
If you come offline in your raft do you still glitch off it and drown?
dr1flush - 8 years ago
jax k does that always happen?
Despawning Enemy
Despawning Enemy - 8 years ago
Has this been patched? I can't get the leveing to work on the ps4 version help please..
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
Try the method in my latest video here
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
Try the method in my latest video here
Jacob Smith
Jacob Smith - 8 years ago
Gravy Grauers it doesn't work for me either
Jose The Divine
Jose The Divine - 8 years ago
Gravy Grauers it works still. Give me ur gamertag and ill help you build it.
Taft dunn
Taft dunn - 8 years ago
I'm having trouble doing this on Xbox
Expo :
Expo : - 8 years ago
sterling lehmer it works I just did this today
sterling lehmer
sterling lehmer - 8 years ago
it wont work on ps4? was this a glitch?
iddiot12 - 8 years ago
Taft dunn i was also having a problem just make sure that is being snapped to the roof not the floor of the boat just keep trying and it will work
DarkPulse gamer
DarkPulse gamer - 8 years ago
xONEWINGx he means the building also thanks for the help
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
Doing what?
ItsTrizzyTV - 8 years ago
A tutorial for the trapper and the alpha killing boat would be amazing man!
RothenWalzen - 8 years ago
Very valuable guide. Thank you so much.
SlamJam92 - 8 years ago
fascinating...thank you for sharing your knowledge on rafts! :)
Ben Lopez
Ben Lopez - 8 years ago
area denial boat tutorial
ZombiePeppers - 8 years ago
Anyone else having a serious problem with centering the first piece, it will not snap to the front of the boat. It just goes way out in the water
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
There was a patch that did that, just leave the mast visible, grab rudder then pull pillar back in until its over the mast. I do it in my latest vid if you want a demo.
Screechez - 8 years ago
TitanSlayer91 - 8 years ago
Boats are funkin awesome apparently and i haven't built a single one yet fml
ManThose FurryBallsPloppedMenacinglyOnTheTable
ManThose FurryBallsPloppedMenacinglyOnTheTable - 8 years ago
Extremely helpful.
Anther - 8 years ago
the bangalore boat isn't too op it takes a lot to make the c4 and you have to rebuild the protrusion every time, which means you can only do one raid every now and then, plus it's only for costal and boat bases so it's unlikely to be useful on any smart bases
Josh Murrell
Josh Murrell - 8 years ago
Ecstasy Edits
Ecstasy Edits - 8 years ago
how to make the trapper boat
HippoZoned - 8 years ago
how do you see where your going on those boats
tahavin - 8 years ago
In the settings? You can toggle between 1st and 3rd person view with the mouse scroll wheel on PC, or right bumper/R1 on Xbox/PS4
Delusional Gaming
Delusional Gaming - 8 years ago
HippoZoned with your eyes
Alex Lawrence
Alex Lawrence - 8 years ago
glad to be of service my friend
Yaki Tok
Yaki Tok - 8 years ago
Alex Lawrence saved my life
Alex Lawrence
Alex Lawrence - 8 years ago
Alex Lawrence
Alex Lawrence - 8 years ago
HippoZoned you need too take of first person view in the settings
DeadlyDieselTorque - 8 years ago
New Ark Player Here! Thank You for this... epic build Sub+ Like+

P.S. Not only is this guy very helpful, there are many hidden gems in the video on using this "glitch" build system!
Jordon Ohlde
Jordon Ohlde - 8 years ago
A suggestion on the breaching boat is to actually use the greenhouse ceiling as a window.
Brooke Burton
Brooke Burton - 8 years ago
Did he use behemoth gates or dinosaur gates?
John Morgan
John Morgan - 8 years ago
Now I look at my raft like it's a piece of shit lol. Great video man, very informative.!
IWI Homage
IWI Homage - 8 years ago
just gotta say great video. i just need to find tutorials of these rafts
Robert Jenkins
Robert Jenkins - 8 years ago
First off, great guide. It helped me build my first ship with ease. But the guide needs updating I'm afraid. Almost all dinos can destroy your boat in no time at all. Only way is to build with metal I guess. Expensive as hell though.
KingDarkAngels20 - 8 years ago
now see a raft base seems use full because its all ways on the move and never in 1 spot makeing it easy for you to keep you're main items safe from raiders i would advice to keep swimers from swiming into that type of base would to tame a bunch of piranhas a big pack of them and have them swiming under you're raft as protection and alot of toothie preditors to kill enimie swimer players
Alucard Bird_of_hermes
Alucard Bird_of_hermes - 8 years ago
lol bangalore boat.... thats just cruel
J. H.
J. H. - 8 years ago
how did you learn this and can you do a new raft tutorial please u r the best YouTuber for this everyone else spends the fist 10 minutes talking about literally nothing/"subscribe leave a like" shitty shit..... . I followed this video to a T. with no confusion, thx bro
SpamTheManChan - 8 years ago
Any chance you would be able to do a tutorial video on the Trapper Boat? (15:15)

I'm having trouble using the pillar + foundation method to get the height of the foundations as low as you seem to have gotten them in your video.
Pontus Gustafsson
Pontus Gustafsson - 8 years ago
Can you drive around with water dinos in the shark cage or would they glitch out?
FPSOutback - 8 years ago
No they will pass through.
dyndo101 - 8 years ago
I don't see the bangalore boat being overpowered as it most likely wouldn't get to hit many full scale land bases however could be very useful in a potential naval fight
Cyanide B4c0n
Cyanide B4c0n - 8 years ago
The foundations don't seem to go lower anymore. It'll show the snap point but then will only go to the other snap point =/ it's too bad. I was about to build one of these
Neidmeer - 8 years ago
we did it yesterday on ps4. But we placed the first pillar directly on the mast (we removed the mast first) instead of trying to place it on the rudder. Then we used his ''pillar-seeling-foundation''-technique to lower the foundations step by step. Now the base of our boat is 3x5 foundations big
MarrMarrGarr - 8 years ago
Hey thanks for the guide, my friends and I started a new server. It was easy to wrangle the tribe together with your raft designs, and in style. I am trying out the trapper raft (with personal touches), we seem to be having a problem with alphas and this seems to be the solution at our level. Additionally after watching one of your other videos I find my self saying "don't panic, that's how you get your self killed", so uh, thanks for the, what seems to be sound life advice.
GornithPlays - 8 years ago
How did you snap foundations under ceilings? I don't know if they have removed this ability or what, but I can't snap them. It shows green, I click, and the foundation just ends up back in my inventory and the sound is the sound of something crashing/being replaced. I was planning on making a decent taming raft, but without being able to place enough foundations, the raft I came up with is pretty small, only able to tame 1 smallish dino at a time (stego is the biggest I can fit easily). This is on a single player map.
Simon Enyalius
Simon Enyalius - 8 years ago
Only just started to watch your video today and i have over 1000 hours played in ark and i was shocked on simply how much i learnt thank you, even gave me a great idea for a boat :)
GLITCHED MATRIX - 8 years ago
This is necessary because they really nerfed the fuck out of rafts since I last used them. It used to not be a problem but now even a turtle can demolish my raft easily. Even worse it doesn't tell me how much or what materials I need to repair it with so I am forced to bring the amount it takes to construct a full raft.
fred hunt
fred hunt - 8 years ago
fuck you fuck you i have wasted so much trying what your doing fuck you peice of shit
GLITCHED MATRIX - 8 years ago
maybe it got patched?
NeZversTutorials - 8 years ago
Please do trapper design video!
Michael Mcgibbony
Michael Mcgibbony - 8 years ago
I'm on PC. I can't embed the raft in the foundation. The pillar gives no snap point in the center
m b
m b - 8 years ago
This was a fantastic video. I subbed.
Daniel Kummel
Daniel Kummel - 8 years ago
this is probably the most helpful tutorial in all of ark related videos
Last Shadow
Last Shadow - 8 years ago
Wow, just wow. Amazing video, thank you
justin powers
justin powers - 8 years ago
When I tried to center the build and sink the foundation it didn't work. For some reason my camera angle is higher than usual (above my players head and you can't see him) so the first pillar is too far forward. I'll move it back to the spot where the mast should be but when I try to place my next pillar it is on line with the next pillar not below it. Someone please help
FPSOutback - 8 years ago
+Jason Infantry YouTube comments are bugged for my onewing account,sometimes it just wont work.
Jason Infantry
Jason Infantry - 8 years ago
Too many replies?
FPSOutback - 8 years ago
Its been changed in a patch, yes just leave the mast visible and pull the pillar back a little. I'm not sure what your other problem is. Just place the foundation snapped to the side of the pillar. Check out my other boat tuts for a run through. (ps. this is xONEWINGx, have to comment with my other account).
Dominic Cerezo
Dominic Cerezo - 8 years ago
Yo this video was very informative. You are very smart with these designs. Make more of these videos.
Clifton Carnes
Clifton Carnes - 8 years ago
Followed the 'Centering the build' part of the video. However, my foundations NEVER go equal with the raft. They are always one point above. Because of this, I cannot drive it if I cover the rudder or I get a big hole in the back because one whole foundation is missing on the rudder.
FPSOutback - 8 years ago
You should check out the tutorials I did for the carrier boat to see how I lay the foundation down. Try lowering it with stone or wood foundation if you have trouble with thatch.
Morgan Hale
Morgan Hale - 8 years ago
please make tutorial on trapper boat. how wide and long is blueprint of foundation of boat?
Jason Smith
Jason Smith - 8 years ago
Another great video.
I'm recent to ark and have found your advice invaluable.
Thank you :-)
Jalen Norwood
Jalen Norwood - 8 years ago
Great video
Chris Taylor
Chris Taylor - 8 years ago
+xonewingx got a great boat i use to raid no force entry required. also got a much quicker way to inbed foundations uses around 4 instead ten. hit me up ill show ya
Leon Hades
Leon Hades - 8 years ago
This video took my gameplay to a whole new level! <3
Christof Maybaum
Christof Maybaum - 8 years ago
Hey. Nice Video! Do you have some kind of blueprint for the first boat? Trying to fogire out where to put the structures. Thx mate!
The Cot
The Cot - 8 years ago
Are you alive?
FPSOutback - 8 years ago
I'm on it.
The Cot
The Cot - 8 years ago
FPSOutback Please make more videos!
FPSOutback - 8 years ago
Yes, youtube is bugging out though. Can't leave comment unless its through this account.
Nibo Gon
Nibo Gon - 8 years ago
love this video thank you is there any way I could get this specs to the Trapper boat
Nomad45fox - 8 years ago
Awesome Video
Rc Power
Rc Power - 8 years ago
It doesn't work by expanding the foundations with the ceiling
Rc Power
Rc Power - 8 years ago
FPSOutback ok
FPSOutback - 8 years ago
Need to use thatch ceilings.
Dimitris Kyriakou
Dimitris Kyriakou - 8 years ago
man you are great!
Palle Gantzhorn
Palle Gantzhorn - 8 years ago
Dude! theyre soo cool! i got tons of ideas now for raft building! amazing vid :)
Split Dimension
Split Dimension - 8 years ago
Amazing work! Greatly detailed construction, limit and purpose to building boats! Well presented and straight forward. We also get to see the ship designs at work as well!
Split Dimension
Split Dimension - 8 years ago
OMG that Bangalore boat tho.
Anthony Deschenes
Anthony Deschenes - 8 years ago
can you do a tutorial for the breach boat?
Lochie fergusson
Lochie fergusson - 8 years ago
Help full
라또 - 8 years ago
Thanks was very helpful
Matt Riddell
Matt Riddell - 8 years ago
I'm gonna build a raft...once my admin WAKES UP AND UPDATES THE MODS.
Enrique Diaz
Enrique Diaz - 8 years ago
this is probably the most helpful tutorial in all of ark related videos
Lusty Wench
Lusty Wench - 8 years ago
Fantastic vid mate.
Brendon K
Brendon K - 8 years ago
I've seen a lot of designs for different ships, some serving similar purposes as yours here, but your designs are always just a notch above the rest. I've been able to build a close approximation of your trapper ship that works well, but the area denial ship has completely stumped me. Any chance there might be a construction video of that ship in the future?
YaGirlEmu - 8 years ago
You're awesome!
pickle muncher
pickle muncher - 8 years ago
Have any of these been patched?
Adam M.
Adam M. - 8 years ago
i made the level flat with the raft on a multiplayer server just fine, but i cant do it on my SP world??
Zero - 8 years ago
Much DEMAND for Trapper Boat!!!! We all really wanna see a Tutorial of building that!!!
Caesaries - 8 years ago
Such a well done video - earned a sub! Love your channel mate, you've really mastered everything you talk about.
Siedler Joe
Siedler Joe - 8 years ago
When i want to lower the foundation it allways jumps back up to the level of the higher foundation ....
It keeps locking on to the previous foundation not the pillar
SATAN - BRATHAHN - 8 years ago
i dont know if u still answer questions but it would be nice. does the traper boat even work with a giga ? and did u a Video how to build it. u r a big master of ark.
Ewok - 8 years ago
xONEWINGx would love tutorials on how to build the twin ;)
SATAN - BRATHAHN - 8 years ago
+xONEWINGx you answered me men :). thx a lot for the help.
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
The twin pen trapping boat won't catch gigas no. I've never trapped a giga nor tried but you can make a single pen that will trap an alpha rex but you'd better make sure its metal. I'll try make the tut soon.
MLG Big Bossu
MLG Big Bossu - 8 years ago
this video was incredible amazing tactical genius
MajesticInsanity - 8 years ago
can you do a tutorial on the trapper boat?
Karl Texas
Karl Texas - 8 years ago
Loved the boat and built one , but maybe I can help you.......I can show you how to put down all your foundations in one shot without all the multiple procedures....friend me on steam....Craven. I have step by step photos for anyone interested.
Matthew Pack
Matthew Pack - 8 years ago
Does this not work anymore
Hot sauce Tynanes
Hot sauce Tynanes - 8 years ago
Your awesome
jesse stines
jesse stines - 8 years ago
awesome i was hoping to see a diving raft
Josue Ramirez
Josue Ramirez - 8 years ago
You are a great teacher mate, your techniques were so helpful for me.
Michael M
Michael M - 8 years ago
you are awesome
Schwifty Chicken
Schwifty Chicken - 8 years ago
On the trapper boat I can't seem to get the stone sloped roofs to snap right, they keep wanting to face the sides of the boat.
DI gaming
DI gaming - 8 years ago
Can you do a raft building tutorial plzzzz
Zoie Houk
Zoie Houk - 8 years ago
especially titanoboa egg farm since u cant tame them
Zoie Houk
Zoie Houk - 8 years ago
great vid u could do an egg farm boat. you could do buildings like an egg farm too. I would watch a vid for awesome mobile dino bases or egg farm
John Roberts
John Roberts - 8 years ago
Snapping a foundation to the ceiling does not work anymore
Gruffy Da Janitor
Gruffy Da Janitor - 8 years ago
Make a boat with the giant hatch frame, I did it with one of mine and used it for raiding when going out with pteres and it is easy to drive and relatively small
s2n08 - 8 years ago
This video was nice and safe and then when the underwater part came in is when shyt got real taming/trapping rex siege boats and then my personal favorite the spike boat. I mean you got to be really evil to think of that....i like it
MyShuzzle - 8 years ago
nice video.
Ryan Jones
Ryan Jones - 8 years ago
I can't get this to work have they recently patched this
Faulk - 8 years ago
making it floor level
xONEWINGx - 8 years ago
Patched what?
Ryan Jones
Ryan Jones - 8 years ago
The double wall still works you just got to clip a thatch roof to the outside now
Faulk - 8 years ago
yeah i just tried they patched it
Dains Mail1
Dains Mail1 - 8 years ago
Thank you for making this effort, this was a great watch. I just survived a sarco attack on my first raft ever (it got all of my storage during my escape). I had seen other rafts which were all built up, but had no idea how to do it. Now I have the knowledge to make a well-defended raft :)
Joseph Taggart
Joseph Taggart - 8 years ago
Absolutely loved it :D
Cameron Drinkard
Cameron Drinkard - 8 years ago
If I could like this video over 200x I would
Kathamar - 8 years ago
the first step down procedure no longer seems to work, despite the green outline being below the existing foundation it default snaps to the foundation everytime. I've been at it for about an hour now and it will not step down
Famousfornow1 - 8 years ago
Awesome video! Very well explained. Love the concept of your trapper boat. What are the dimensions of each pen?
Jonathon Lawson
Jonathon Lawson - 8 years ago
So, is there any way to attack the raft?
like, whistle attack?
Id0n0thate - 8 years ago
How do you get the infinite building blocks?

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