Beginner's guide to driving a small boat
Boat 9 years ago 399,759 views
In this video I go through the basics of driving an outboard-powered runabout boat (or "tinnie" as we call them locally.) This includes judging your speed, leaving and approaching a pontoon, manoeuvring in a confined space, navigating in a channel and driving between moorings. We also explore techniques such as using a deck line to spring on or off a pontoon when weather gets bad. This is a great way to avoid running into trouble when the wind picks up as it does by the end of this video. If you are new to boating and looking for a few pointers before heading out on the water this video is a good place to start, but even if you are more experienced you might still learn something from this one. Learning to handle a boat can be a lot of fun, and there is always something new to discover so be sure to post your own tips in the comments as well! Apps use:
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20. comment for Beginner's guide to driving a small boat
Region A comprises nations in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, parts of Africa and most of Asia other than the Philippines, Japan and Korea.Region B comprises nations in North America, Central America and South America, Philippines, Japan and Korea.
30. comment for Beginner's guide to driving a small boat
Greetings from Sweden!
I googled it. found it. looks like plenty of water to have fun in for sure. this link did work now it said it's rejected on my phone? oh well anyway looks like a cool place. must be just my phone. link works on my tablet
Also you don't mention in your video, the importance of having the engine in neutral before you leap around on the dock with lines. I mean, while I really like the way you use the engine to hold the boat on the dock, some viewers might think this is a way to cast off... Which could leave you on the dock watching your boat sail away!!
Still, I really appreciate your videos and especially how to use the gears and steering to dock. Thanks!
50. comment for Beginner's guide to driving a small boat
For example: this is the key you press to move the motor up and down, putting the roof up and down for speed purposes and under certain conditions might be helpful for it not to get destroyed if your roof is foldable, throwing an anchor, this is how you put the boat's lever to put the boat in neutral or to back up (and actually show it with the camera and your hand), how to drive with waves (I know there were not big waves on the video, but maybe just going over it), how to use boat stabilizers on a bigger boat, how to tie a basic knot, and also safety tips when you are a new driver such as life vests, especially when you are driving alone.
Maybe this could be some ideas for another beginner's video. Thank you for your time and dedication and for trying to help others in their boating journey.
Keep up the great work.
just wanna let you know that AU Tides app no longer works as of 9/03/2017 it dosen't show the tides anymore so :|
Do you know the reability on the engine?
I purchased one a few months ago, seems to be in pretty good condition, and their rep. seems to be good.
Do you know if the motor still runs, have it been trouble-free etc?
Great video Stu!
The engie I got is an 2001 modell, starts right up just by turning the key. Perhaps it got low hours.
Anyhow, thank you! :) Looking forward to the next Evinrude video for the 150.
just one point on wash i noticed you come off the throttle rather quickly on your wash segment. it didnt effect that boat olus it was pretty calm. many boats are prone to copping a wave over the stern if you come off tge stick to fast. its a good habit to take not of the size of wash following and give it a gentle stab as the wash approches the stern. let the wash ride under the boat then ease right off. ive watched half your vid and checking your teaching style out. doing pretty good:)
I'm watching at least one or 2 of your amazing videos everyday even though I bought a small sail boat recently equipped with an outboard.
Your tips and your narrative are excellent!
Great accent too even though I'm used to the British/American one and yours sound so clear and easy to pick.
Thanks for your work and effort! You are making the nautical world so much easy and approachable for many people like me!
Greetings from Spain, the other side of the planet for you (almost the Antipodes)!!!
I finally got it setup through a youtube video with a link to the booklet.
Do you pilot a boat?
If it's a sailing boat, you sail it. If you're the captain of a ship, you skipper it, and if you're the helmsman, you steer or helm it, but otherwise, there's no general term.
Just Watched A Dozen Or So, After Owning My First Boat For A Week.
Very Informative And Educational, Top Marks.
Cheers Michael
keep it up
have a good one
anything you would recommend.
100. comment for Beginner's guide to driving a small boat
I've added them to the description now!
Friendly greetings from Sweden!
much respect and good luck with your (hopefully) rising channel.
I recon you and Maritime should pair up and make some more informative videos about boating..
Cheers from Scotland!
I'm new boater in Chicago. This is one of the best videos I have seen to really explain
everything you really need to know. Good Day
I highly recommend contacting the Coast Guard Auxiliary or US Power Squadron to look into a new boaters course.
I'm fairly new to boating, and I think your tips will come in very useful.