Boating Navigation Rules

A responsible boat operator will always take the time, before casting-off, to talk with passengers regarding safety. This is especially true if there are first-time passengers onboard your boat. Explain the necessity of knowing where all safety gear is located and what actions to take if an emergency happens. The boat operator is ultimately tasked with operating the boat responsibly and for the safety and well being of his or her passengers.

Boating Navigation Rules sentiment_very_dissatisfied 51

Boat 13 years ago 293,537 views

A responsible boat operator will always take the time, before casting-off, to talk with passengers regarding safety. This is especially true if there are first-time passengers onboard your boat. Explain the necessity of knowing where all safety gear is located and what actions to take if an emergency happens. The boat operator is ultimately tasked with operating the boat responsibly and for the safety and well being of his or her passengers.

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Most popular comments
for Boating Navigation Rules

MDiGia1 - 7 years ago
Hook up with Us! Wahoo Insurance LLC - Take our 90 second challenge to reduce your Boat Insurance premium.
Best Regards,
Captain Mike
Jerome Cabral
Jerome Cabral - 7 years ago
Thank you for sharing.this is very helpful
Robert Coups
Robert Coups - 8 years ago
Many good boating videos on YouTube, but please leave out the lame music. It is distracting !
actionj29 - 8 years ago
Did anyone else get the lame junior high "vibe" of this video? I almost fell asleep watching it
mik st
mik st - 8 years ago
1 to build a boat two and one
Ken Wagner
Ken Wagner - 8 years ago
Great videos Good reminder and lesson for all Boaters
SeikiBrian - 9 years ago
4pples wrote: "Boating rules video with a guy driving a boat at 1:57 with no life jacket, brilliant."

The rules don't require a PFD jacket to be WORN by adults, only that a wearable PFD is AVAILABLE for each person on board, plus one throwable (Type IV) PFD.

That being said, that thing around his waist could very well be a belt-pack inflatable PFD, most of which are USCG approved.
vassilylucashenko - 9 years ago
Crushed 51, Not sure if you are asking how do you retrieve the anchor aka weigh anchor or something else. If it's the former, then you either manually haul up the anchor or if the boat (cabin cruiser or yacht) has an electric winch then you simply push the up button on the dash panel.
crushed51 - 10 years ago
A question for any sailor viewing this clip.  How in the name of all that's holy do you "weigh" anchor on a cabin cruiser ?.

All my searches come up with "cabin cruisers for sale", "how to drop anchor", or "activity on a battle cruiser weighing anchor",  Nothing about how to actually weigh anchor and get under way.

Not being an experienced sailor, I would imagine that it is a tad difficult to get under way before you get the anchor up, and if not actually on deck then at least off the bottom.  I am thjinking of getting a cabin cruiser, and I THINK it might be helpful if I at least know how to get started, instead of mqaking myself look like a prize idiot.

Can anybody show a link to how to do it, or actually tell me how to do it ?.

Any heelp would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance friends
SeikiBrian - 7 years ago
+ Bill Hooker -- What is the point of your link? It doesn't answer the question of how to weigh anchor on a cabin cruiser; it only defines the term "weigh anchor," which was never in question here.
Bill Hooker
Bill Hooker - 7 years ago
crushed51 - 9 years ago
Thank you most kindly my friend, that does indeed help a lot.

I am most grateful. :)
SeikiBrian - 9 years ago
+crushed51 "How in the name of all that's holy do you "weigh" anchor on a cabin cruiser ?"

The procedure is essentially the same regardless of the type of vessel; the main difference is the size of the anchor and the type of equipment used. Very small boats may have small anchors that are lowered and raised by hand, while larger vessels may have powered windlasses (winches) to do it. Another difference is whether the boat has a self-stowing anchor on a bow pulpit, or if it needs to be taken inboard and stowed after being raised. The basic method, though, is the same.

Here's the procedure:

1) Bring the boat over the anchor by hauling in the anchor rode or, in strong conditions, motoring toward the anchor.

2) When the bow of the boat is over the anchor, the anchor is hauled up by its rode (either by hand or windlass) until the anchor  breaks out  of the seabed.

3) If the anchor is unable to be broken out by hand or windlass, you have to haul the rode tight, cleat it, then use the power of the engine to break it out.

I hope this helps.
Willem Oldewage
Willem Oldewage - 10 years ago
Im sort of in the same spot as you , I think I am going to do a skippers course , suggest you do the same , you'll learn these things in a course .

10. comment for Boating Navigation Rules

hectorelbomba - 10 years ago
Awesome video! I just got my starting boat and this video really answered a bunch of unanswered q's that I had. Thanks!!
Gabriel Dalcomune
Gabriel Dalcomune - 11 years ago
Can you guys please make rules more strict and actually provide a test, so many people don't know how to drive a boat I've almost been hit while anchored.
4pples - 11 years ago
Boating rules video with a guy driving a boat at 1:57 with no life-jacket, brilliant

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