Boating Safety - Your Sailboat Rigging's #1 Most Vital Fitting
Boat 7 years ago 3,068 views
Visit for more boating safety and sailing tips. It costs less than a dollar, weighs less than an ounce, and yet--without it--your sailboat rigging would self-destruct. And, you can bet this tiny fitting gets ignored more often than not. Don't let this happen to you! Watch this sailing video to find out more! Captain John with 25+ years of experience shows you the no-nonsense cruising skills you need for safer sailing worldwide. Visit his website at and sign up for his highly popular Sailing Tip of the Week. Discover how you can gain instant access to hundreds of sailing articles, videos, FREE e-Books and much more!
Aircraft are also subject to a lot of loads, flexing and corrosion in their own way. Wings and bodies flex and pressurized cabins are subject to enormous repetitive loads. The lifetime of an airframe is largely determined by the pressure cycles, which is why commuter-route, short-haul planes need to be replaced sooner. Lots of pressurization cycles over a relatively short time puts wear on the pressure vessel.
Road vehicles have lots of feel and feedback through the steering wheel and tires. Boats have softer feedback through water and wind. Planes have feedback from air on relatively delicate wings, which is even softer. So pilots tend to develop very sensitive feel and fine control. Several of the instructors in our sailing club are also pilots.
The main reason I pointed out the FAA document is that aircraft practices evolved over a lot of hard won knowledge about how to best use and maintain critical hardware like the pins, cables, turnbuckles, etc. We should generally copy what they do if we want our craft to be safe and durable. There may be some differences in practices, but the reasons for their procedures have detailed failure analyses behind them in order to better keep planes in the air.