Can You Really Drive an Inboard Boat?

Here is a great video to help enhance your skills on driving an inboard boat. There are some small techniques that I have learned in the past that have helped me become a lot better boat. My hope is that you learn some of the techniques and you start using them as well! If you enjoy the content and want to help me with my projects, you would make a huge difference by making a small donation. Thank you: http://PayPal.Me/justiwhite Please support the channel by subscribing. Subscribe!! Hello Everyone, my name is Justin White. Ever since I was young I was always fascinated with how things work. Wherever I am going, I constantly look at how and why something is working the way it is. With my YouTube channel, I am able to give accurate and credible videos to the viewers. Cluengineer or "Clue in engineer" is a guide to a solution. Many of my videos are how to, fix it, and explanation. Come join the community and subscribe, like, and share.

Can You Really Drive an Inboard Boat? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 36

Boat 7 years ago 51,076 views

Here is a great video to help enhance your skills on driving an inboard boat. There are some small techniques that I have learned in the past that have helped me become a lot better boat. My hope is that you learn some of the techniques and you start using them as well! If you enjoy the content and want to help me with my projects, you would make a huge difference by making a small donation. Thank you: http://PayPal.Me/justiwhite Please support the channel by subscribing. Subscribe!! Hello Everyone, my name is Justin White. Ever since I was young I was always fascinated with how things work. Wherever I am going, I constantly look at how and why something is working the way it is. With my YouTube channel, I am able to give accurate and credible videos to the viewers. Cluengineer or "Clue in engineer" is a guide to a solution. Many of my videos are how to, fix it, and explanation. Come join the community and subscribe, like, and share.

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Most popular comments
for Can You Really Drive an Inboard Boat?

Connor Miller
Connor Miller - 6 years ago
I am 14 years old I have an inboard bayliner boat and I can drive the boat forward and back words and I am pretty good at it
Retrohit - 6 years ago
Forgot to mention that at speed when turning the boat likes to go left more than it does right.(Dependent on the prop rotation) This helps in picking up a rider in some situations or just general knowledge for driving your boat.
GIXXER KELLY - 6 years ago
How about a video on driving an inboard onto a trailer.
CluEngineer - 6 years ago
Gixxer, I already have that video! Check it out:
GIXXER KELLY - 6 years ago
N.M. I see you have one thanks
Caleb Willhelm
Caleb Willhelm - 6 years ago
Shit look at this ol son spitten some wise words up on the tube. Responsibility say what?!?!?!?
Awesome dude. You'll live a good life. If your a douche you end up strung out on drugs and no teeth.
Dominic Delgado
Dominic Delgado - 6 years ago
Great videos man! I just bought an old supra with an inboard. Your videos have been a ton of help! Keep it up!
CluEngineer - 6 years ago
Dominic Delgado Thanks man! Have fun with your Supra!
Litto808 - 6 years ago
You don't "drive" a boat. You navigate the boat. It's a nautical term. You don't push your throttle back and forth like a lawnmower. You center your engines with the helm , then very gently place the throttle in the "floating position " You still have a lot to learn about boating son.
Zach Young
Zach Young - 6 years ago
hahahaha shut up nerd
phatsmitty - 7 years ago
Boat handling - always good to learn how the different drives handle. My boat has an old school Berkeley jet with the old school Berkeley baby bucket reverse. Try docking a Berkeley boat sometime, or trailering, especially with a cross current or eddy [c: Good vid.
phatsmitty - 7 years ago
Your thoughts on over-correcting during low speed handling are right on, almost everyone zig-zags my boat at low speed, when they give it a go.
CluEngineer - 7 years ago
Haha. Will do. Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed the video
PhantomPlayz - 7 years ago
Trying to teach us about boating but makes a huge mistake right in the beginning starting the motor without the blower on.
CluEngineer - 7 years ago
True, the boat was recently started to get it over tho that location so there was not a need for it. I only use it when its on a cold start or refueling my boat.
Sam Hansen
Sam Hansen - 7 years ago
Best ski boat tip I’ve ever learned: spinning the boat in its own length.
Crank the wheel over to the right, then alternate throttle pulses of forward and reverse idle. Forward + wheel over to the right will kick tail out clockwise, then pulse of reverse will keep you from going forward too far and the prop walk will bring the aft around even more. Repeat. You can dock anywhere using this.
For a MasterCraft - wheel to the left so it can spin the opposite direction.

10. comment for Can You Really Drive an Inboard Boat?

Sparks c
Sparks c - 7 years ago
I was wondering why I was getting a banging noise from my engine when I was going forward  at 40mph and slapping it into reverse. Thank you for clearing that up for me. I should not do that.
Sparks c
Sparks c - 7 years ago
Tammy Hacker sarcasm
Tammy Hacker
Tammy Hacker - 7 years ago
Sparks c why would uedo that??
CluEngineer - 7 years ago
charlesskier - 7 years ago
Great video
I miss my Ski Nautique.
I was a tournament slalom skier for years. I was wondering if you thought about putting a cruise control in your boat? It really helps to hold the speed in the slalom course.
Brad Putney
Brad Putney - 6 years ago
David Jessee
David Jessee - 6 years ago
Brad Putney I have to disagree.. perfect pass will compensate for a skiers pulling on the boat ... It is very hard for a driver to maintain a constant speed through a solid course with just throttle's too much throttle other not enough.. the perfect pass maintains speed through the pass.
Brad Putney
Brad Putney - 6 years ago
I would recommend against using cruise in a slalom course. I have found strong slalom skiers will pull hard and constant throttle adjustments are required. I don't know of any cruise control that can keep up.
Sam Hansen
Sam Hansen - 7 years ago
You’d want Perfect Pass Stargazer for this boat.
CluEngineer - 7 years ago
charlesskier so true! I wish I could move to Florida and ski year around! That would be sweet!!
charlesskier - 7 years ago
CluEngineer Perfect Pass will work great. It’s rpm controlled. Wires to the tachometer. When you come around a turn on the slalom course and get into your next pull it will since the load on motor and automatically add throttle. Then when you get off your pull before the turn it will decrease throttle a little.
Just move to Florida and ski year round. Lol
CluEngineer - 7 years ago
You are right. Mine is just the throttle cable. My buddy on the same lake has zero off on his new Nautique and it is so nice!!!
charlesskier - 7 years ago
CluEngineer I had “Perfect Pass” speed control on mine. There’s one called “Zero Off” and it actually uses gps positioning but you need a drive by wire throttle for it to work. I think your boat is a cable throttle.
CluEngineer - 7 years ago
charlesskier thanks! Yes, I really want to put one in. I ski at 36mph and sometimes I can tell the driver isn't paying attention on the speed. It is definetly on the list!
Dredious - 7 years ago
U get ur skippers ticket to operate a boat?
Caleb Willhelm
Caleb Willhelm - 6 years ago
Dredious you get that penis out your mouth before you said that?
OL prop drive a v6 mustang ass
OL drove a 15h.p. flatbottom one time ass
OL def believe in climate change ass
OL won't lick his girls ass bc he's gay as fuckkkkkk ass
HP11208 - 7 years ago
Luca Williams
Luca Williams - 7 years ago
Just get a sterndrive?
CluEngineer - 6 years ago
I enjoy the wake behind this boat when I am skiing though.
CluEngineer - 7 years ago
Luca Williams I competition ski...
westcoastfrisco - 7 years ago
Great video man. Just picked up an old Malibu Skier. This helps a lot
CluEngineer - 7 years ago
westcoastfrisco you are welcome! Congratulations on your new boat!!
Matt Larsen
Matt Larsen - 7 years ago
Awesome! Thank you Justin!
CluEngineer - 7 years ago
Matt Larsen you are welcome!
Mac - 7 years ago
Great video, I'll try these techniques next time I'm out on the water.

I have a quick question though, I noticed your steering wheel turns to either direction with no apparent resistance. on my family's used 1994 sport nautique (I know it might not be quite the same to your boat) the wheel turns with alot of resistance to one side and almost none to the other. Me and my Dad thought it was P-factor from the prop, but after seeing your video and you steering the boat with ease I now think it might be the steering cable. Or maybe our boat is just old and can't be steered as well, it would just be nice of you let me know what you think, thanks!
Mac - 7 years ago
Yes, I did. We pulled the boat out of the water a few days ago, and the first thing i did was check the rudder for a trim tab. I dont know if it is (or even if it can be) in a different place or something, but theres not one on the rudder.
CluEngineer - 7 years ago
Mac did you see the trim tab on my rudder?
Mac - 7 years ago
CluEngineer I can't seem to find a Trim tab on my rudder, guess I'll just have to deal with it...

Thanks Anyways! :)
CluEngineer - 7 years ago
Mac go to my video and skip to 3:00 min. You will see that my trim tab on my rudder is turned to the left to reduce the p-factor. I know some people prefer have the tension on their steering wheel. You can see in the video I attached that my trim tab is far over to the port side. Try adjusting your trim tab on your rudder to fine tune it the way you like it. I hope this helps!
Mac - 7 years ago
CluEngineer it happens at a higher speed, if I remember correctly, which is why we thought it was kinda something to do with p-factor
CluEngineer - 7 years ago
Is the steering issue when you are stationary or is it when you are moving fast?
Jorge Romero
Jorge Romero - 7 years ago
Great Teaching videos.
A side question. I have same yeas and make of boat as you. My question is..... did you know that PCM is no longer making the ECM modules for our engines? So, as I understand it if the engine computer fails we now longer are able to get our engines repaired and are let to replace it with a different power plant.
Have you heard about this or can you shine some light on this issue?

Thanks you.
CluEngineer - 7 years ago
Jorge, if your engine ever goes out there will always be second-hand parts that work. There is probably still new ECM modules people are selling. There are companies and maintenance shops that will take care of you. I would not worry about that. Just keep your boat up with all the maintenance and take care of it. This will make your boat have a lot longer life!

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