DIY tips tricks Boat seat repair upholstery rebuild....Don't use a Sharpie... Sorry

Pontoon boat seats are wore out and need to be rebuilt this is how I figured out how to redo boat seats with some helpful tips and tricks. Except for don't use a sharpie... Sorry about that..

DIY tips tricks Boat seat repair upholstery rebuild....Don't use a Sharpie... Sorry sentiment_very_dissatisfied 65

Boat 9 years ago 155,081 views

Pontoon boat seats are wore out and need to be rebuilt this is how I figured out how to redo boat seats with some helpful tips and tricks. Except for don't use a sharpie... Sorry about that..

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Most popular comments
for DIY tips tricks Boat seat repair upholstery rebuild....Don't use a Sharpie... Sorry

Susan Mills
Susan Mills - 6 years ago
this is very informative. I am going to try it myself!!! I do sew but you have given great advice along the way.
John Pajak
John Pajak - 6 years ago
Thanks so much for this how to. Subscribed.
Sun Shine
Sun Shine - 6 years ago
How did you attach the inner piece that goes inside the foam?
Lori Nikonovich
Lori Nikonovich - 6 years ago
I always re foam the vinyl so you have a tight fit and no wrinkles.
Lori Nikonovich
Lori Nikonovich - 6 years ago
Marking the pattern is the most important part of that job.
pappysminions - 6 years ago
Great video. I would just add; when you use the old pieces as patterns, cut them at the old seam holes. Mark your new pieces at those cuts. Then cut your new pieces 1/4 - 1/2 inch larger than the new marks. Now you have an exact line to follow when you are actually sewing.
bent rodguy
bent rodguy - 6 years ago
i thought you needed a walking foot sewing machine to do the job , i didnt realize a home duty sewing machine would work,,,any input would be appreciated?
jesbcool - 6 years ago
I know this video has some age now but I still found it helpful. I've been trying to find one as I'm preparing to do this to my boat as well. So in case you were wondering, your video is still being watched :)
Abdulaziz Kagimbo
Abdulaziz Kagimbo - 6 years ago
Wher is you're price for usd Yamaha marine?

10. comment for DIY tips tricks Boat seat repair upholstery rebuild....Don't use a Sharpie... Sorry

steve latener
steve latener - 7 years ago
where can you buy some affordable vinyl online?
JWB671 - 6 years ago
There is plenty of Chinese vinyl on ebay. It will most likely arrived with heavy creases from being folded in shipping but it’s good to practice on.
steve latener
steve latener - 6 years ago
JWB671 i was just wanting some to practice with first before i get good vinyl
JWB671 - 6 years ago
Spend the money on good vinyl especially for a boat.
Cassondra Rangel
Cassondra Rangel - 7 years ago
You have wrinkles by what I can see also never use a sharpie unless it's on old material durrr
mike sapp
mike sapp - 7 years ago
I'm a marine audio electric installer and we use seam rippers daly to open harnesses and cut insulation of wires. Great $2 tool
1duskyknight - 7 years ago
Hi, a light coating of Silicone Spray will make the vinyl slide much more easily over the foam and if you decide to do this type of work more often, a staple lifter is a great tool to prevent you stripping your knuckles if you should slip, and a Seam Splitter/ Cutter is an inexspensive tool to leave you with a more accurate template to enable you to cut a new piece that is a close copy to the original piece as you are only cutting the stitching as opposed to ripping and resulting in having a pattern with edges missing. One of the other comments mentioned grommets which are exellent for letting out moisture and air so it doesn't feel like your'e sitting on a gradually deflating balloon while the seating adapts to your body shape One last thing Coloured Tailor's Chalk is a good option for marking out and "notes" without it bleeding through.
Well done on the video though.
sir_hc3 my dix
sir_hc3 my dix - 7 years ago
the plastic is to reduce friction between the underside of the vinyl and foam while pulling it on.
Jamie Johnston
Jamie Johnston - 7 years ago
This is so helpful. It looks great too. How is it holding up?
Kenn - 7 years ago
Did use U.V. rated thread and stainless steel staples
CaptainMorganTeague - 7 years ago
Super helpful!Sharpie was a good tip!
John Wilder
John Wilder - 7 years ago
good work and effort man
Travis Becker
Travis Becker - 7 years ago
wisconsin in the house

20. comment for DIY tips tricks Boat seat repair upholstery rebuild....Don't use a Sharpie... Sorry

Robert J Lopez
Robert J Lopez - 7 years ago
I learned a lot from you thank you for posting.
Mike Anderson
Mike Anderson - 7 years ago
Great video. Might I suggest also to use stainless steel staplers so they don't rust.
Mitch Abshier
Mitch Abshier - 7 years ago
Mike Anderson thank you! Why didn't I think of that?!
indybob770 - 8 years ago
you will trap all the water in the seat if ya wrap in plastic
sir_hc3 my dix
sir_hc3 my dix - 7 years ago
indybob770 I do this for a living. 1 Or 2 grommets in the bottom will allow any water or moisture to escape
cr4zyj4ck - 7 years ago
When you're in a boat, water will almost always find it's way inside everything, despite your best efforts to keep it out. The plastic being there will keep a lot of water out, but, the water that does find it's way in will not evaporate out of the cushion, especially with the vinyl already there, and it'll create mold.
Jarod Morris
Jarod Morris - 7 years ago
Why would there be moisture in it when putting it together? If it's wrapped completely in plastic, moisture shouldn't get into it at all. maybe it's wrong, but I understand what he's thinking.
Norma Wilkinson
Norma Wilkinson - 8 years ago
Thanks - great video!!
Toby Slave
Toby Slave - 8 years ago
no plastic b/c if the foam does get wet it will never dry
Patrick Tilley
Patrick Tilley - 8 years ago
That's what I was thinking!
Arjay d
Arjay d - 8 years ago
ok your eco boost is slow v6 two turbos and tundra is way more reliable and better over all made in Mexico your a joke lol go cry somewhere else you don't have anything better to do.. loser glad you can read a brochure lol
Chris W
Chris W - 8 years ago
+Arjay d toyotas are so great, they run forever and never break down, not ever. lol
Johnalvimwheels - 8 years ago
Loved the video
Danny Schwab
Danny Schwab - 8 years ago
man I just got a pontoon boat. my last I didn't have seats I had to sell price by piece to pay bills fighting for disability. now after 7 years ibe got another one it has seats and in bad shape. I wish I could change mine shoot I would love to have your old covers looks 200% better than my seats. but God helped me get this boat to take special kids fishing for free. so I like it. and God will guide me you have fun catch many fish. but take a kid or kids and there familey fishing. it may be the one best and blessed memory that they have and need. god bless and thanks for the video and help.
Jon Murany
Jon Murany - 8 years ago
You should use a seam RIPPER taking the old vinyl apart, so you preserve your patterns, don't rip them up!
fireman431 - 9 years ago
NEVER use a Sharpie on the new vinyl. Once it's in the sun and the vinyl heats up, the markings will bleed right through. Only pencil on the new stuff.
Greavous Skoger
Greavous Skoger - 8 years ago
+fireman431 thanks for the tip!

30. comment for DIY tips tricks Boat seat repair upholstery rebuild....Don't use a Sharpie... Sorry

Travis In Canada
Travis In Canada - 9 years ago
Steve can we see the finish project?
Mike Merheb
Mike Merheb - 8 years ago
Cropslx1 - 9 years ago
Great video.  Would have loved to see the finished product :)
Jamie Buckner
Jamie Buckner - 9 years ago
+chris ce he did not even show it completely finished and stapled thoroughly, so how would you know?
Rob Burger
Rob Burger - 9 years ago
Do you ever use a seam ripper, Steve?  This was a very inspiring and informative video.  If I were set on reupholstering as opposed to reconfiguring my seating, I would tackle this myself instead of farming out the work to a canvas place.  I sew, but have never done upholstery.  This video makes it much less daunting.
Larry Nichols
Larry Nichols - 9 years ago
Good job
First boat upholstery video that starts to get into the actual needed details to do the job

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