Don't Do THIS When Running Your Boat Under A Bridge!

It's boating time again! In particular, boating safety. If you've ever spent any time down in the Florida Keys for lobster season, you know how crazy it can be under the bridges. You've got divers, boats anchored up, and knucklehead boat drivers racing under the bridges dodging both humans and boats. It's nuts! And this doesn't just happen during lobster season. The same issue happens all over the country. Boats flying under bridges... going faster than they should We just lost our video equipment due to a large boat going WAY too fast in an actual no wake zone under a bridge. So this video is a great reminder to SLOW DOWN when driving a boat under a bridge. It's just not worth the risk of hurting yourself or someone else. For more on boating tips and boater safety, check out To see the "How To Read Channel Markers" video, click here now:

Don't Do THIS When Running Your Boat Under A Bridge! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Boat 5 years ago 10,497 views

It's boating time again! In particular, boating safety. If you've ever spent any time down in the Florida Keys for lobster season, you know how crazy it can be under the bridges. You've got divers, boats anchored up, and knucklehead boat drivers racing under the bridges dodging both humans and boats. It's nuts! And this doesn't just happen during lobster season. The same issue happens all over the country. Boats flying under bridges... going faster than they should We just lost our video equipment due to a large boat going WAY too fast in an actual no wake zone under a bridge. So this video is a great reminder to SLOW DOWN when driving a boat under a bridge. It's just not worth the risk of hurting yourself or someone else. For more on boating tips and boater safety, check out To see the "How To Read Channel Markers" video, click here now:

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Most popular comments
for Don't Do THIS When Running Your Boat Under A Bridge!

Salvatore Gagliardi
Salvatore Gagliardi - 5 years ago
No to mention that one guy fishing on the other side of the bridge that you can't see, With his 100# braid and 7/0 hook and 8 oz of weight!
Light Ning
Light Ning - 5 years ago
Pet piv of mine is boaters not being under power when travelling under a bridge. Lack of power means no control. Just sayin.
Scott Michael
Scott Michael - 5 years ago
Amen brother! Thanks for saying it!
Rob Topham
Rob Topham - 5 years ago
Many years ago I was taught bridges are no wake zones. Lots of states have that on the books. It just a safe thing to do. Thanks for the reminder.
terryble - 5 years ago
Thank u!
David Atkins
David Atkins - 5 years ago
Great tip, HOLLYWOOD!
DeathByFishing - 5 years ago
I have a pet peeve about those jerks in the big power boats buzzing me at 30+ knots and waking me while I'm fishing. Normally have a special rod set up to cast in front of them with an open bail and 50 lb braid.
Jim O'Callaghan
Jim O'Callaghan - 5 years ago
...and besides, there's FISH around them there bridges!!
Pak De
Pak De - 5 years ago
I love watching idiot boat fails but it's ...well I was going to say it's not funny when someone gets hurt but actually when one of those rich boy nimrods goes flying over the boat windshield it's pretty darn funny.

10. comment for Don't Do THIS When Running Your Boat Under A Bridge!

Glenn Porter
Glenn Porter - 5 years ago
As well as "No Wake" zones
Kage Shi
Kage Shi - 5 years ago
In GA every bridge tends to be marked such and if it is not marked it is still listed in the rulebook to treat it as so..
Paul Huval
Paul Huval - 5 years ago
Good little video. I don't know what it is but people are not as curious on the water as back in the 70s are before

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The "Don't Do THIS When Running Your Boat Under A Bridge!" video is part of the boating, sailing tipps category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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