How To Back a Boat Trailer Like a Pro | BoatUS

BoatUS Magazine managing editor Rich Armstrong shows you how to successfully back a boat trailer like a pro, whether heading to the launch ramp or into your driveway. You'll learn the basics of boat trailer backing, including understanding how your boat trailer moves when you turn your steering wheel, how to adjust your side mirrors, and give you tips for practicing in a large open parking lot before taking it to the busy launch ramp. For more information, visit BoatUS is the nation’s largest association of recreational boaters with over half a million Members. We provide a diverse offering of services including marine insurance, on-the-water towing provided by TowBoatUS, the nation’s largest fleet, plus boat financing, graphics and lettering, representation for boaters on Capitol Hill, the award-winning BoatUS Magazine and much more. For over 50 years, BoatUS has made boating safer, more affordable and more accessible. Join BoatUS Today! Connect with us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Pinterest: LinkedIn:

How To Back a Boat Trailer Like a Pro | BoatUS sentiment_very_dissatisfied 17

Boat 7 years ago 103,595 views

BoatUS Magazine managing editor Rich Armstrong shows you how to successfully back a boat trailer like a pro, whether heading to the launch ramp or into your driveway. You'll learn the basics of boat trailer backing, including understanding how your boat trailer moves when you turn your steering wheel, how to adjust your side mirrors, and give you tips for practicing in a large open parking lot before taking it to the busy launch ramp. For more information, visit BoatUS is the nation’s largest association of recreational boaters with over half a million Members. We provide a diverse offering of services including marine insurance, on-the-water towing provided by TowBoatUS, the nation’s largest fleet, plus boat financing, graphics and lettering, representation for boaters on Capitol Hill, the award-winning BoatUS Magazine and much more. For over 50 years, BoatUS has made boating safer, more affordable and more accessible. Join BoatUS Today! Connect with us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Pinterest: LinkedIn:

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Most popular comments
for How To Back a Boat Trailer Like a Pro | BoatUS

mixer okeefe
mixer okeefe - 5 years ago
When backing a trailer, the further you have to back the more difficult it becomes. Back slowly, in idle if you have a diesel engine. When the trailer starts to jack STOP! counter steer wheel, slowly pull forward just enough, inches to one or 2 feet in most cases, stop, counter steer wheel and again start backing slowly correcting steering slowly and minimally. if need be, stop adjust wheel and resume backing. NEVER PULL ANY FARTHER FORWARD THEN ABSOLUTLY NECESSARY! Again, the further you have to back the more chance of getting out of wack. Always use side mirrors and focus on where trailer tires are going. if you use a spotter, gag them, have them hold a sign that says stop if you are about to hit something, otherwise they are mute. a spotter trying to give directions is frustrating and worthless. if they think they can do better let them try! Finally, 35yrs driving and backing tractor trailers and launching my boat has taught me a plethora of tricks and techniques.
lostintime86 - 5 years ago
I don't boat
BoatUS - 5 years ago
Maybe you should?
Zorbacci O
Zorbacci O - 5 years ago
The video should be "how to back up the trailer without the boat on it, when you can't even see it."
DreamShore Music
DreamShore Music - 5 years ago
@BoatUS why do I bother?
BoatUS - 5 years ago
@DreamShore Music Unfortunately the backup camera is fairly useless when the boat is in the way -- unless you have one hooked up to the back of the trailer. And your field of vision is blocked by the trailer and boat. Way better to use your side mirrors.
やま愛知 - 6 years ago
BoatUS - 6 years ago
At the risk of this being a translation error, I don't think you want to remove the trailer coupler before backing down the ramp. The boat doesn't run very well with the trailer still attached!
Big Turf
Big Turf - 6 years ago
Who is here from the family guy episode?
Mack MacDonald
Mack MacDonald - 6 years ago
Cool thanks man imma give it a try I’ll let u know how it goes
Ian DePalmer
Ian DePalmer - 6 years ago
So how did it go? Once your good at backing up a trailer it is a proud achievement. I'd say less than 1% of the population can back up a trailer confidently and accurately.
angela neal
angela neal - 6 years ago
I'm sure you guys will laugh at this, but I need help AFTER the boat launch process. My issue comes in trying to park in a crowded parking lot at the boat. If it's not a straight forward pull ahead spot, I'm screwed. We just bought a bigger boat and I really need help with this. any advice? I don't want to be the girl at the boat ramp that has to ask for help because I've got our truck and trailer in a situation I can't get out of. thanks!
BoatUS - 6 years ago
Hey Angela! There's no laughing coming from us. We've all be there at least once. This video should help you whether you're backing out of a spot in the lot or backing down the ramp. The key is that you have to retrain your instincts (or fool them) because once you have a trailer on the back of your vehicle, the back of your vehicle and your trailer go opposite ways. To help you out, we give you a common hack that helps you keep it straight--grip the wheel at 6 o'clock and then turn the wheel in the direction you want the trailer to go. (Boy, do we wish we'd been taught that early on!) Let us know if there's something more specific you need assistance with. However, the best thing to do is find an empty lot, set up some cones, and practice, practice, practice. That way you can make — and fix — your mistakes in a low-stress situation without other vehicles around. Good luck, and let us know how you make out!
Kayden Singer
Kayden Singer - 7 years ago
At the end when we was putting the boat in the water the back straps were still on
ITheOtherATL - 6 years ago
Kayden Singer has
Slimetime - 6 years ago
Prada King id say it's pretty obvious he wasn't actually launching
carpfish - 6 years ago
Prada King and a mile from the dock.
John Fox
John Fox - 7 years ago
Good tips. I earned by grade school diploma on how to back up the hard way, after driving our 4Runner cross country while pulling a UHaul trailer and ended up taking a wrong turn down a dead-end road that didn't have any room to turn around. At night.

You get really good really fast when you have to back up around two curves for about a mile. It took about a half mile for me to finally start to steer without thinking. I think I never had to pull ahead the last quarter mile.

Experience and necessities are both great teachers!

10. comment for How To Back a Boat Trailer Like a Pro | BoatUS

sketchyssk8shop - 7 years ago
as an 18 wheeler driver I noticed you did not mention the 2 most important things that were not mentioned are always look in both mirrors no more than a second at a time. if you are looking at a mirror too long, the boat can go to the oposite side way to fast and you get a jack knife before you realize it. next is to start thinking about the back up as you pull into the dock area. get the rig in position before you even start to back. this way you will be ready to back easily right away
BoatUS - 7 years ago
Thank you for your insight! You make very important points.
MisterBassBoost - 7 years ago
Awesome video,Keep it up!

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