How To Launch Your Boat By Yourself Or With Help

Tips for launching your boat alone or with others. Safely, correctly and with no damage or divorce.

How To Launch Your Boat By Yourself Or With Help sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Boat 7 years ago 38,229 views

Tips for launching your boat alone or with others. Safely, correctly and with no damage or divorce.

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Most popular comments
for How To Launch Your Boat By Yourself Or With Help

Knetters Practical Outdoors
Knetters Practical Outdoors - 6 years ago
John, you're welcome.  Thanks for watching, KPO.
wenhao li
wenhao li - 6 years ago
The devorce story is the most important thing in this video......
Knetters Practical Outdoors
Knetters Practical Outdoors - 6 years ago
It is!  Thanks for watching, KPO.
Daniel Holt XXL
Daniel Holt XXL - 6 years ago
I wish you would have done this on a windy day with a cross wind. That is what I always struggle with. Gonna put some side guides, roller type, on the trailer. I agree with having a set routine so you don’t forget something, so I have a specific number for each item. If I get to the end and I’m not at number five I know I missed a step. Thanks for the effort in making these PRACTICAL videos!
Knetters Practical Outdoors
Knetters Practical Outdoors - 6 years ago
Thanks so much for the support Belteshazzar, KPO.
Fishin' and Fixin' shxt
Fishin' and Fixin' shxt - 6 years ago
Not trying to pick apart your video here, just adding things that folks might want to consider.

Aside from mentioning to be absolutely sure the plug is installed, I would have mentioned something about being careful that the winch handle doesn't fling around and clock you in the melon! Mine is removable so I only have it on the winch when I'm recovering the boat. So I can be standing there and push the boat off a little and not worry about being knocked out or hit in the groin. My winch also has a nice feature of two spots for the crank handle, a low gear and a high gear so to speak. So when I'm recovering the boat I put it on the high gear side and crank it home because I am usually alone at the ramp doing it all myself and want to get out of the way as quick as possible.

You didn't mention trimming the motor before recovering. Haha! I know it's common sense but still mentionable.

Another thing I like to do when launching and recovering is to get the trailer as close to the dock as possible. That mitigates the amount of monkeying around and I may not even have to touch the water at all. *Not recommended for those who have trouble backing up a trailer*

I noticed you have anti-slip tape on your trailer. That is something I have thought of doing and maybe something you should have pointed out. I have slipped once or twice, and that is why I leave my phone in the van or the boat and never in my pockets when I'm launching or recovering.

I like the idea of unplugging the lights before putting her in for the reasons you mentioned. That's something I had not thought of.

As for the courtesy stuff... What I do when I first get to the launch area is pull into an open parking spot, unless the ramp is real busy, and start getting the boat ready and tossing the gear into it. When I'm ready to launch I head over to the ramp. If the ramp is busy I just get in line and hustle and hope I don't forget something.

I find your videos very informational, and this one is no exception. Keep 'em coming! Thank you!
tendertears2001 - 6 years ago
Great advice, Thanks.
Knetters Practical Outdoors
Knetters Practical Outdoors - 6 years ago
You are welcome, thanks for the support, KPO.
peter lloyd
peter lloyd - 6 years ago
Where did you get your light saber from?
Knetters Practical Outdoors
Knetters Practical Outdoors - 6 years ago
Peter, I got mine from a dead Sith lord.  He didn't need it any more if you know what I'm saying.  But how did you know I own a light saber?  Are you a Jedi?  Because I only use mine for cutting metal.  KPO
Knetters Practical Outdoors
Knetters Practical Outdoors - 6 years ago
Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  It's like north of Wisconsin, but it's Michigan.  Some maps don't even show it...………..I'm not kidding.  Thanks for the support, KPO.
M Watkins
M Watkins - 6 years ago
Knetters Practical Outdoors thanks I’ve never heard of that way before. You live and learn I guess. Where are you from?

10. comment for How To Launch Your Boat By Yourself Or With Help

Knetters Practical Outdoors
Knetters Practical Outdoors - 6 years ago
M Watkins, thanks for the comment.  The plexiglass in the back is often referred to as "splash guards".  They aid in a very popular fishing technique for walleyes known as "back trolling"  Often times live bait rigs are presented to walleyes at very slow speeds.  Sometimes so slow that it is only achievable by going backwards and using the stern of your boat as a "braking" devise.  Especially when using a gas motor to back troll.  Sometimes the gas motor is too fast even at it's slowest speed to forward troll.  And of course you have better boat control by pulling it (like with bow mount electric motors) than pushing it (forward trolling).  Often there is some kind of chop on the water and to go backwards causes water to splash in over the back.  The splash guards keep most of the water out.  You may even notice in the video that the stern of my boat is slightly angled (not totally vertical).  This design is also to help keep the water out when "back trolling".  Thanks for the interest and thanks for watching, KPO.
roy noblin
roy noblin - 6 years ago
the #1 first step he left out or i missed. MAKE SURE THE PLUG IS IN
roy noblin
roy noblin - 6 years ago
Fishin' and Fixin' shxt  here in florida i always pull my plug when i get it out of the water due to i may hit a frog strangler on drive home and don't want to have to get out in the rain before the boat fills with water. :) we also have law you are to remove any vegetation but i've never heard the pulling of the plug. i wish everyone would clean their boat and trailer.
Knetters Practical Outdoors
Knetters Practical Outdoors - 6 years ago
Probably all good ideas, KPO.
Fishin' and Fixin' shxt
Fishin' and Fixin' shxt - 6 years ago
Here in MN it is required to take the plug out before you leave the landing. It is supposed to help with the invasive species and if there is a DNR person at the ramp checking your rig for weeds before you go you'll have to do that as well as lower your motor so all the water can drain out, pull the livewell plug, AND dump your leftover minnows in the garbage.
Knetters Practical Outdoors
Knetters Practical Outdoors - 6 years ago
Roy, yes the plug must be in.  I don't think about it much because I never take mine out, but very important to those that do.  Thanks for adding in, KPO.
John Currie
John Currie - 6 years ago
Funny how some ppl are easy to watch on video and others dont come across so well :-) great Video , wish I had watched it before my first launching attempt :-))
Knetters Practical Outdoors
Knetters Practical Outdoors - 6 years ago
John, thanks for that comment.  I really do hope your next boat launch is easier and safer, and if my vid helped, all the better.  Thanks again for the support, KPO.
Frank Nelowet
Frank Nelowet - 6 years ago
This is incredibly helpful-- I should have watched this before I started launching and recovering boats at a boat ramp. I got lucky, but this fills in a lot of blanks for me.
Knetters Practical Outdoors
Knetters Practical Outdoors - 6 years ago
Frank, so glad to help you out.  Thanks for watching, KPO.
pointsofTruth - 6 years ago
This video should be required training for all boaters! Thanks for sharing! God is good!
Knetters Practical Outdoors
Knetters Practical Outdoors - 6 years ago
Thanks for that my friend, KPO.
mimci m
mimci m - 6 years ago
Thank you for showing and explaining very helpful sir...
Knetters Practical Outdoors
Knetters Practical Outdoors - 6 years ago
Mimci, you are welcome.  It's not rocket science but it can be frustrating if you're not doing things right.  Thanks for watching, KPO.
Frank Mcchesney
Frank Mcchesney - 6 years ago
The people waited 40 minutes for you to put your waders on. Sorry could not resist. Simpler to pull out flat cable walk down dock lean over snap in front cleat. Push boat away from the dock a little and then crank it in. That avoids the high wire walk all together. Avoiding an accident and with the both us looking at AARP just around the corner it would be the prudent thing to do.
Happy safe fishing. I would say with that smaller light boat I would have not backed in that far. You probably could stayed dry and not have to walk on your bumper. I know it is a little tougher to real in. If it is not lined up then back up the truck a little float to center it then pull out. When the body gets to old to crank it you could get an electric wench with remote switch. Tight Lines and many sunsets.
M Watkins
M Watkins - 6 years ago
Frank Mcchesney the cable you’re talking about using is much harder to use in my experience and hooking it up at the dock and pushing the boat over and cranking it in doesn’t work most of the time especially if the water is not perfectly still. I’ve done it for years and would recommend this guys way over yours any day!!! Most times I just drive the boat up onto the trailer anyways then hook it to the trailer.
Knetters Practical Outdoors
Knetters Practical Outdoors - 6 years ago
Frank, all good ideas!  Thanks for watching, KPO.
Knetters Practical Outdoors
Knetters Practical Outdoors - 6 years ago
Peter Yeung, believe me I don't get tired of hearing positive comments.  Thanks for watching, KPO.
Steven Powell
Steven Powell - 6 years ago
Very well done, good tips, good organization. Also loved the ramp courtesy tips. Boy could we use more of that.
Knetters Practical Outdoors
Knetters Practical Outdoors - 6 years ago
Steven, thanks for the comment.  You know I think a lot of people at the ramps are nice, thoughtful people.  It's just they have never been shown the right way to do things.  They might be new to launching a boat or maybe a little nervous with others waiting and then common sense slips away a little.  I know I try to be helpful if I see someone struggling at the ramp.  Keep the experience positive for everyone.  Again, thanks for the comment and thanks for watching.  KPO
limestonelizard - 7 years ago
great vid thanks for sharing!
Knetters Practical Outdoors
Knetters Practical Outdoors - 7 years ago
limestone, no problem, KPO.

20. comment for How To Launch Your Boat By Yourself Or With Help

Knetters Practical Outdoors
Knetters Practical Outdoors - 7 years ago
Kevin, thanks for watching, KPO.
theQuido - 7 years ago
Great video! I like the boat etiquette that you added. So many people think they're the only ones there!

I do have one thing that I would change for you- ALWAYS cross the safety chains at the hitch.

If you accidentally forget to lock that coupler down and the tongue pops off of the ball (and it will, believe me) the tongue will fall on the 'X' and not hit the ground. Here in Virginia you can actually be ticketed for not crossing them for this reason.
Knetters Practical Outdoors
Knetters Practical Outdoors - 7 years ago
theQuido, thanks and you're right about the chains.  Thanks again, KPO
Ray Jones
Ray Jones - 7 years ago
Great video. My brother-in-law and I used to go fishing (back in the oh-so-distant past) and he had a rig like yours (boat / trailer) and I recall one time when we were attempting to put the boat in the water that he had forgotten to remove the two tie-downs on the rear of the boat. Here he is grunting and pushing and grunting and..... It's funny now that I look back at it. Wasn't at the time, though. He had one more strap that he would put around the boats mid-section as well as the 2 rear latches, the transom-saver and the front winch. Them were the days. Thanks for posting this. Brought back good memories of when he and I went fishing.
Knetters Practical Outdoors
Knetters Practical Outdoors - 7 years ago
Yes, I try to do the same routine every time.  It help you to not forget a step.  Thanks for adding in.  KPO
Pete Scales
Pete Scales - 7 years ago
Thank you, great lesson!
Knetters Practical Outdoors
Knetters Practical Outdoors - 7 years ago
Pete Scales, that is an excellent fishing name.  I'm jealous.  LOL.  Thanks for the comment.  KPO
BCDWALLEYE - 7 years ago
Well done. Excellent boat ramp etiquette lesson as well.
Knetters Practical Outdoors
Knetters Practical Outdoors - 7 years ago
Thanks, I could have told funny stories from boats ramps for days.  KPO

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