How To Tie a Fender to Your Boat [Boat Tips]

Denison's Boat Like a Pro series will show you in detail the ins and outs of boating. This episode will show you how to properly tie a fender to your boat. For everything boating and yachting, visit our website:

How To Tie a Fender to Your Boat [Boat Tips] sentiment_very_dissatisfied 69

Boat 9 years ago 200,042 views

Denison's Boat Like a Pro series will show you in detail the ins and outs of boating. This episode will show you how to properly tie a fender to your boat. For everything boating and yachting, visit our website:

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Most popular comments
for How To Tie a Fender to Your Boat [Boat Tips]

TheRushtime - 6 years ago
What the fender is made from?
Barbara Jackson
Barbara Jackson - 6 years ago
How many vendors do you need for a 17 foot platoon boat it is 10 feet wide
Denison Yachting
Denison Yachting - 6 years ago
jawhitak - 7 years ago
NEVER DO THIS!!!!! Never tie anything to a stancien or rail!!! They are attached to the deck any stain and pulling on them works their bases and break their seal. These bases will time no longer be water tight and will allow moisture in that will rot the wood core of the fiberglass and destroy your boat!!
jawhitak - 7 years ago
Tie femders to your dock never your boat unless they are tied to a cleat.
MrRafterPL - 7 years ago
Bumper is too low. In case of waves boat goes down together with bumper and moves horizontally hitting dock
Jeff Pickens
Jeff Pickens - 7 years ago
Lol... haters make me laugh! This knot is called a clove hitch, and according to the American Sailing Association is "commonly used to hang fenders." Before criticizing an individual's attempt to help others, ask yourself 2 questions; 1) Am I truely qualified to offer an opinion, and 2) Does what I am about to say add value to the discussion. For those that tuned into this video to learn a useful knot for hanging fenders, study this video, it will help you.
John Green
John Green - 7 years ago
Kirsten, when the operating tension is applied to both legs of rope passed thru the bight loop it's called a Larks Head (aka. Larks Foot or Girth Hitch). When operating tension is applied to only one of the legs passed thru the bight loop (the standing end), and the working/tag/bitter end is left hanging, it's called a Cow Hitch. The fender is hanging from one leg thus a Cow Hitch.

... at least that's the distinction I was taught. I've found that knot names are moving objects, tho'.

I've never seen a Cow Hitch used to hang a fender, plus, since it's prone to slipping and working loose, I can't believe it would be recommended.
Kirsten Richards
Kirsten Richards - 7 years ago
Jeff Pickens The video shows a lark's head, not a clove hitch. The clove hitch is the most popular knot to use for this purpose. In the clove hitch you see two parallel loops with a third loop crossing them diagonally, sort of like a "not equals to" sign in mathematics. The larks had has two parallel loops with a third loop crossing them perpendicularly, sort of like an upside down "pi" symbol in mathematics.
John Green
John Green - 7 years ago
You seem a bit confused. A clove hitch IS most commonly used for fenders. This demonstrates a cow hitch ... not commonly used and, perhaps, not recommended. What questions do you ask yourself? lol
Maxim - 7 years ago
you make me laugh! this is not a clove hitch. that knot that he used in the video is useless. a little push upwords on the fender and the "knot" will open itself. useless
John Turner
John Turner - 7 years ago
Stay on the hook....
MrDenis7p - 7 years ago
I Wish you would have also shown us How a Pro Unties that Fender so the Pro can Relocate it or adjust it's height..
Robert Ryan
Robert Ryan - 7 years ago
its a larks head
Jessica Kirchoff
Jessica Kirchoff - 7 years ago
Use clove hitch and 2 half hitches.
Loanword Eggcorn
Loanword Eggcorn - 7 years ago
Better to use a round turn and two half hitches, though most people use a clove hitch for a fender line.

10. comment for How To Tie a Fender to Your Boat [Boat Tips]

L. P. W.
L. P. W. - 7 years ago
What on Earth is heighthththththththth!?!??? (Is that how you spell it?)
Валерия Пичугина
Валерия Пичугина - 7 years ago
This is dangerous knot !!! He is sliding under tension !!! Don't use it until you want to lose your fenders "Like A Pro" !!!
GuitarBloke - 7 years ago
At 1:14 and 1:58 you say "underneath the railing", but you put the rope over the railing? But I can see what you are doing.
pforce9 - 7 years ago
Thanks for calling them fenders. If you call them bumpers it means that you are using them wrong. As for attaching them I find that a clove hitch works just fine.
Daniel Culpepper
Daniel Culpepper - 7 years ago
Another vote for the clove hitch.
Denison Yachting
Denison Yachting - 6 years ago
also a good option.
High Velocity
High Velocity - 8 years ago
I disagree.  I use 2 half hitches side by side (Clove), and a half hitch on the down line, leaving a pull loop tail.  It's easy to adjust before you put the down half hitch on.  Taking it off is a snap, pull the tail and the half hitches.
Denison Yachting
Denison Yachting - 6 years ago
good option also.
Jo Allan
Jo Allan - 7 years ago
two half hitches side by side are not a clove hitch
Sifo Dyas
Sifo Dyas - 8 years ago
It's called a Cow Hitch.
defiasco13 - 8 years ago
What knot do you use to attach your rope to the fender itself?
xxtwr1 - 7 years ago
Someone that has been sailing my own boat in the Caribbean for 12 years, Sheets are the lines that control sail trim, anchor rode is line, chain is chain and line is nt for everything else.  Halyards are lines that hoist sails, top lift is line that holds the boom up, a vang is a line that adjusts boom tension, a painter is a line that is attached to the dinghy and a reef line is one that shortens sail.   Using a public forum, I would advise using a bit of research before confidently putting your foot in your mouth.
SeikiBrian - 7 years ago
+ dirtTdude -- Just as I thought: you have nothing to contribute to this thread, you've shown that you know nothing about boats, and when caught you resort to puerile replies. You're a boor and a bore, and I'm done with you.
SeikiBrian - 7 years ago
+ dirtTdude -- You call ME retarded, yet you think sheets are sails? That's a laugh. Go ahead, ask any yachtsman how to raise the main sheet or furl the jib sheet on his boat.
SeikiBrian - 7 years ago
+ dirtTdude "...sheets are sails..."

Hahahaha! What an idiot! Sheets are the lines that control sails, not the sails themselves you moron! They can be rope, cable, or chain depending on the size of the sailing vessel.

"...anchor rode is made of chain..."

Anchor rode can be chain OR rope, OR a combination of both.|2276108|2226892&id=1121581

You obviously haven't a clue what you're talking about.
SeikiBrian - 7 years ago
+ dirtTdude "cowboys use rope... boaters use line"

Boaters use ropes as lines, sheets, rodes, etc.
SeikiBrian - 7 years ago
+ defiasco13 "What knot do you use to attach your rope to the fender itself?"

I suggest an anchor hitch, also known as a fisherman's bend.
Joe Keyser
Joe Keyser - 7 years ago
defiasco13 I
Denison Yachting
Denison Yachting - 8 years ago
bowline knot.

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