How To Tie a Fender to Your Boat [Boat Tips]
Boat 9 years ago 200,042 views
Denison's Boat Like a Pro series will show you in detail the ins and outs of boating. This episode will show you how to properly tie a fender to your boat. For everything boating and yachting, visit our website:
... at least that's the distinction I was taught. I've found that knot names are moving objects, tho'.
I've never seen a Cow Hitch used to hang a fender, plus, since it's prone to slipping and working loose, I can't believe it would be recommended.
10. comment for How To Tie a Fender to Your Boat [Boat Tips]
Hahahaha! What an idiot! Sheets are the lines that control sails, not the sails themselves you moron! They can be rope, cable, or chain depending on the size of the sailing vessel.
"...anchor rode is made of chain..."
Anchor rode can be chain OR rope, OR a combination of both.|2276108|2226892&id=1121581
You obviously haven't a clue what you're talking about.
Boaters use ropes as lines, sheets, rodes, etc.
I suggest an anchor hitch, also known as a fisherman's bend.