How to Clean a boat hull Tip

How to clean oxidation on a boat hull for CHEAP.
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Most popular comments
for How to Clean a boat hull Tip

Markus - 6 years ago
Tried this and did not work for me, i have tried just bleach alone, still no go, gonna try oxalic acid now.
Nick Church Fishing
Nick Church Fishing - 6 years ago
Sorry to hear that. Must be something else
Kent Fyock
Kent Fyock - 6 years ago
I detail boats for a living. I consistently buy boxes of this product and it costs About the same price as a single bottle of hull cleaner
Kent Fyock
Kent Fyock - 6 years ago
Need a mint condition aluminum trailer?
Kent Fyock
Kent Fyock - 6 years ago
18 ft for a nitro fishing ski
Stephen Bainton Jr
Stephen Bainton Jr - 6 years ago
Hey, odd question. I’ll give you the backstory first. I just got a boat yesterday (Robalo 1920 with a Merc blue water 125) anyways, I sprayed it with bleach to de contaminate it as it was disgusting (also to try and get the yellow stains and rust off). So I sprayed it with bleach about 30 minutes ago and that didn’t work so well as far as removing the stains... I stumbled across this video and bought the toilet bowl cleaner. Than I remembered that you aren’t supposed to mix bleach with ammonia (which toilet bowl cleaner is included) because it creates a toxic gas called chloramine. Anyways, I sprayed the entire boat, inside and out with water real good. (By the way the boat is outside so I’m not in a confined space). Do you think it’s okay to use the toilet bowl cleaner now or will I screw myself up because there WAS bleach on it.
Stephen Bainton Jr
Stephen Bainton Jr - 6 years ago
Nick Church Fishing too late haha. I figured rinsing the boat would “neutralize” it but than I realized the bleach and toilet bowl cleaner was still going to mix on the ground below the boat. Oh well. I think I’m good. Been a few days. I think I would have died by now. But awesome tip. That toilet bowl cleaner works amazing. Thanks.
Nick Church Fishing
Nick Church Fishing - 6 years ago
Stephen Bainton Jr ah man that's a good question. Just saw this. I would maybe start with a small area somewhere and just see. But maybe let it stand for a few days before you do it
Acrillies - 6 years ago
Will this work on the green portion? i have some water stains on a green fiberglass stripe, and how about the motor cowl?
Nick Church Fishing
Nick Church Fishing - 6 years ago
Acrillies probably not because of the clear coat. That usually isn't on the bottom of the hull but maybe try a small area just to see.
Sharon Rose
Sharon Rose - 6 years ago
I tried this yesterday on both waverunners that have been in the river for 2 months. Sprayed it on and it started disappearing quickly!!
Matt Hooper
Matt Hooper - 6 years ago
Does this stuff damage/eat concrete? I plan to try this with the boat on the trailer in my driveway.
Nick Church Fishing
Nick Church Fishing - 6 years ago
Matt Hooper I've done it on concrete and have not noticed anything. Just was boat and water will rinse away the chemical
Delcie Crumpler
Delcie Crumpler - 6 years ago
Protect your aluminum tr. Has acid in it.
Tony Ogden
Tony Ogden - 6 years ago
I'm going to send my wife out and try that

10. comment for How to Clean a boat hull Tip

robert ouimet
robert ouimet - 6 years ago
Hi Nick, my boat sits on a roller trailer, do you think the product will affect the typer of rubber my rollers are made of?
Nick Church Fishing
Nick Church Fishing - 6 years ago
robert ouimet maybe dilute the solution a little and then just wash the boat and trailer really good when done.
Howard Mora
Howard Mora - 6 years ago
It does work but you really better get it off your trailer as fast as possible. It will pit your aluminum trailer.
Gerald Paul
Gerald Paul - 6 years ago
Tried this on my 5 th wheel and it worked slick just reading the comments below and I just used water to dilute it...
Extremo Mobile Car Wash
Extremo Mobile Car Wash - 6 years ago
Great video
cooley pope
cooley pope - 6 years ago
I'm gonna give it a try thanks - Det Mi.
Rodney Johnson
Rodney Johnson - 6 years ago
Awesome! I'm going to give it a try this Saturday. I'll let you know how it turns out.
W Harris
W Harris - 7 years ago
Spray toilet bowl cleaner from Dollar Store on it,it cost a dollar,let it set and then rinse it,if theres still some on it spray it again and wait,it will come off believe me ,Ive used it for 15 years and have had no problem with paint drying out,thats ridiculous. I bought a industrial hand held pump up sprayer and after I use it I wash it out with soapy water and spray some through the nozzle,I havn't killed any fish yet.
Huynh Phung
Huynh Phung - 7 years ago
great tip thank you.
Matt Jones
Matt Jones - 7 years ago
Little tip, take and mix in baking soda and put on cheap towels on your boards and drive on quickly and it will remove yellow
C-Martz - 7 years ago
I'm going to try toilet bowl cleaner on my siding of the house.

20. comment for How to Clean a boat hull Tip

REDDEX Washington
REDDEX Washington - 7 years ago
How do you get your gel coat so shiny.
Sean - 7 years ago
I have really bad water stains on my boat from sitting in the water hall summer every summer since 1990, never cleaned the boats hull. I wasn't able to find the works cleaner so I bought a few types ( Lysol TB cleaner, and scrub bubbles TB cleaner ) it works on the light discoloration but not the really hard water stains. Not sure if even the works TB cleaner would help with mine.
soihavetoplay - 7 years ago
Great tip and money saver, much appreciated
nyinfamous2k2 - 7 years ago
great tip thanks, could I use this for all the fiberglass of my boat, meaning the inside. I have a dual console so no carpet. but the all the white fiberglass is getting dull and dirty. could I use this on my entire boat???
Bill Biscoe
Bill Biscoe - 7 years ago
So I just tried this trick today on my Donzi center console that has been sitting in the water for 5 years. It was badly stained orange at the water line and the white gelcoat was discolored and chalky all over. I bought 2 bottles of "The Works" toilet bowl cleaner from the dollar store and a spray bottle. I actually only used one bottle to do the entire boat and it WORKED!!! Freaking Fantastic!!! Took about 15min then most of the stains vanished without scrubbing but not entirely. Then I washed the boat with soapy water using a green padded sponge (also from the dollar store) and then did another coat of the TB Spray. This time I sprayed the entire hull not just the stains. Wow it is 5 shades brighter now. I was just about to wet sand the whole thing! So glad I tried this. Now it just needs wax and new bottom paint. And yes it burns if you get it on your skin! A few drips from the bottle got on my toes because I was wearing flip flops. Keep the hose close to rinse off if you get it on you. It also removed all of the rust from the D rings and the cleats! I am extremely impressed with my $4.00 investment!
Nick Church Fishing
Nick Church Fishing - 7 years ago
Bill Biscoe dude that is so cool. Love YouTube cause I'm sure it has all saved us money one time or another. Thanks for the comment I appreciate it.
Bobg Gallagher
Bobg Gallagher - 7 years ago
The Wroks also make a tub and shower cleaner that is not as corrosive but very strong stuff. It will eat the enamel paint off a tub if you"re not careful lol. I wonder if it would eat the aluminum on my boat? I'm pretty sure they say don't use on metal but not positive.
drerataff - 7 years ago
do you wash the cleaner or rub it
Kayak Chris
Kayak Chris - 7 years ago
I just bought an old 1990 Bayliner that is in surprisingly good condition, single owner.  The hull is gray but all oxidized and chaulky. Not sure if it'll have the same effect as it isn't stained from tannins, just oxidized from weather. I'm willing to give it a try. I read all the warning in the comments about it reacting with metal so I will test a small spot first.
Andrew Oliver
Andrew Oliver - 7 years ago
Tried this on my jetski and it worked great. Looks like new, used it in combination with oxyclean and it just rolled right off. Also crazy but I live in the same town you were talking about moving to lol.
Bobg Gallagher
Bobg Gallagher - 7 years ago
Hey come down to Fenton here in Genesee county and we could hit lake Ponemah, Silver Lake and Lake Fenton. Great Bass and Pike lakes. Ponemah has some very tricky Walleye if you care to attempt them. I'm from Flint and looking for some fishing buddies.
Nick Church Fishing
Nick Church Fishing - 7 years ago
Andrew Oliver cool man. You live in midland mi?
BARRY HUTCHERSON - 7 years ago
who was your mechanic? I live in Slidell and I am looking for one.
Nick Church Fishing
Nick Church Fishing - 7 years ago
BARRY HUTCHERSON he is iff fremeuex next to lawless custom. There is a medical like store in the front.
BARRY HUTCHERSON - 7 years ago
Yeah, I went over there and it's now a pawn shop but thanks for the write back.
Nick Church Fishing
Nick Church Fishing - 7 years ago
BARRY HUTCHERSON Chris dyer owns ponchatrain marine off of fremeux by lawless custom cars. Good guy

30. comment for How to Clean a boat hull Tip

Brien Sickler
Brien Sickler - 7 years ago
Going to try this. Thanks. Just fyi, if you get a carpeted board like a 2x6 or 2x8, put it under the stern behind the trailer, you can use a floor jack to raise it off the bunks enough to clean under them. The bow stop will provide enough protection and travel to do this. Just support on either side of the jack with stands while you do the work.
Nick Church Fishing
Nick Church Fishing - 7 years ago
Brien Sickler that's awesome. Glad to help with the tip. Guess I know what kind of videos I need to make now ;)
Brien Sickler
Brien Sickler - 7 years ago
Nick Church Fishing Thanks for the tip on rhe cleaner. Used it on a jetski I just got that was worse than your boat, and worked like a charm. I remember years ago working at a marina in Big Bear, California, and we used to clean the botom of boats with muradic acid. This had that famiure scent. For 1.68 for a bottle, I'm a happy camper. thanks again.
Nick Church Fishing
Nick Church Fishing - 7 years ago
Brien Sickler I will have to try that. Thanks for the tip. Appreciate it
Nick Church Fishing
Nick Church Fishing - 7 years ago
Robert Wynne, III awesome ;)
Roger Hockemier
Roger Hockemier - 7 years ago
/Thanks for posting that is cool. Does it work on oxidation too I have a boat with heavy chalk on it/
Roger Hockemier
Roger Hockemier - 7 years ago
Ok good to know I need to pull my head out and get the Scarab going its been sitting for almost three years after a major restoration on the boat and trailer. Thanks for the reply Nick
Nick Church Fishing
Nick Church Fishing - 7 years ago
Roger Hockemier I didn't have any damage in mine but I rinsed as soon as it cleaned the color.
Roger Hockemier
Roger Hockemier - 7 years ago
Ok if you get this on your trailer will it damage a painted surface? If you rinse it right away will you be ok? I will try a test spot on the chalk thanks for the reply
Nick Church Fishing
Nick Church Fishing - 7 years ago
Roger Hockemier not for sure in that one. Try a little area and let me know
Chris King Outdoors
Chris King Outdoors - 7 years ago
I have watched this a few times, great video Nick!
Nick Church Fishing
Nick Church Fishing - 7 years ago
Chris King Fishing thanks man. Appreciate it
Robert Abbott
Robert Abbott - 7 years ago
Any damage to the trailer, carpet, decals, boat numbers, rub rail, wheels and tires? I have heard from others that it can damage some of those things and that it stripped the paint off a trailer. just wondering if you had any issues like this. Also how long did it last?
Robert Abbott
Robert Abbott - 7 years ago
Thank you to you both. I was looking around and watching other videos about this and found out that it's not good for anything that is unprotected metal. Got some feed back about it going through fenders, wheels, axles, springs, wire connections, etc. It works wonderful on glass but you do not want to get it on your trailer or other metal items. Now with that said I think if you took precautions to make sure you didn't get it on anything and even then got it rinsed off ASAP then you would be ok. I'm going to go a different route and buy "Safe and Easy Hull Cleaner" from tackle warehouse. I watched their video and it is not corrosive and still gets the hull clean. I will just feel safer using it even it it cost a little more.
secureman40 - 7 years ago
Robert I use this also and learned this from a captain that maintains a small fleet of boats but captains a 53 foot Hatteras year long. This works very well but you asked a very very important question. YES the captain showed me this on my boat in a small spot but it was on a lift at the time. When I returned home I did this to the boat while it was on the  trailer and it ate completely through the trailer fender which is the unpainted steel. Just make sure you cover or rinse off of the trailer and just keep it on the Fiberglass and you should be fine. That was the only problem I had and the fleet he maintains out of Venice La is beautiful and he uses this on the Hatteras but all his boats he maintains are in the water except for dry docking. Hope this helps and its the best way I was taught also. Good luck Nick from Pearl River,La
Nick Church Fishing
Nick Church Fishing - 7 years ago
Robert Abbott I didn't have any damage to my stuff but I'm not saying it could or couldn't damage things. I wash my boat every trip cause I'm like that so it last me a long time.
MICHAEL MATTHEWS - 7 years ago
It doesn't appear that you diluted the toilet bowl cleaner. Is that correct? Thanks
MICHAEL MATTHEWS - 7 years ago
I watched another video and they added hydrogen peroxide to the toilet bowl cleaner. Made for a finer mist and the toilet bowl cleaner didn't clump up. I used Lysol brand. Their results were immediate. No wait time. I'll let you know how it goes.
Nick Church Fishing
Nick Church Fishing - 7 years ago
MICHAEL MATTHEWS no I did not dilute. But they would be a thing to try. Let me know. Test it diluted and see
Darrell Evans
Darrell Evans - 7 years ago
Did this on my 95 Javelin results were FREAKING FANTASTIC seriously saved me the headache of paying to have this done. Thanks a Million.
Nick Church Fishing
Nick Church Fishing - 7 years ago
Darrell Evans awesome man. Saves us money for sure lol
Xiioma Mason
Xiioma Mason - 8 years ago
i am going to try i have a 1998 sea ray 185 and it need cleaning thanks
Nick Church Fishing
Nick Church Fishing - 8 years ago
Xiioma Mason awesome. Let me know how it works. Wash it right away after it does its job. Test it like somewhere first too
Carlos Pellicer
Carlos Pellicer - 8 years ago
I used your form,la in my Sea Ray Sundance 280,.. the results are great,. but,. I did not pay much attention to your warning on the " long Sleeves " .. and that is why I writing today..
People, use protection,. I covered my eyes but did not use gloves.. I did not protect my skin as I should have and I got small burns all over my arms and my hands skin is all dried and basically dead,.!! jejejejej ... nothing mayor, but use the right protection,.Gloves, Long sleeves and EYE PROTECTION,.. this is very important.
I also have to say that I forgot to wash of a portion of the bak of the boat, where the name goes normally and it got a little chalky,.. so don't let it rest more than 10 minutes,. !!

Thank you Nick..
BuriedHistory - 8 years ago
9% hydrochloric acid is what is in there that cleans it
Rod Bending Addicts
Rod Bending Addicts - 8 years ago
Would this work for an aluminum boat? bass tracker?
Connor Sporich
Connor Sporich - 7 years ago
Rod Bending Addicts yes it does if you mix it with 50% hydrogen peroxide it requires no scrubbing
Nick Church Fishing
Nick Church Fishing - 8 years ago
Rod_Bending_Addicts that's a good thought. I would try it on a area that is. It seen maybe just to make sure it doesn't do anything to the aluminum. If it works let me know please.

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