How to Sail a Sailboat : How to Dock a Sailboat

Learn how to safely and correctly dock a sailboat with expert boating tips in this free video clip on sailing. Expert: Kelli Gant, Steve Damm, Ed Polkenhorn Bio: Steve Damm has raced in the America's Cup, round the world races and won Olympic gold medals. He now teaches beginning sailing. Filmmaker: Bing Hu

How to Sail a Sailboat : How to Dock a Sailboat sentiment_very_dissatisfied 37

Boat 17 years ago 118,459 views

Learn how to safely and correctly dock a sailboat with expert boating tips in this free video clip on sailing. Expert: Kelli Gant, Steve Damm, Ed Polkenhorn Bio: Steve Damm has raced in the America's Cup, round the world races and won Olympic gold medals. He now teaches beginning sailing. Filmmaker: Bing Hu

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Most popular comments
for How to Sail a Sailboat : How to Dock a Sailboat

James Nguyen
James Nguyen - 6 years ago
It would be more helpful to see where the boat going vs the face of the skipper. There is nothing dock to his face.
Kayak Excursions
Kayak Excursions - 8 years ago
The cameraman is a fucking idiot. Someone should toss him off the boat.
David Duncan
David Duncan - 10 years ago
Nice job Cap!  
Steve Kosvic
Steve Kosvic - 11 years ago
It's just nice to the ol guy out on the water and not behind the wheel of a motor home. Keep practicing gramps - someday you'll get it dialed in.

You know I'm just givin ya a hard time - great video
Trevor Townsend
Trevor Townsend - 11 years ago
circusboy901210, try not to forget you manners; even when you're hiding behind your computer. I'll be out sailing - today, in fact. I like newsnetuk's comments. He has a pretty good understanding of what's right and wrong about the video.
circusboy90210 - 11 years ago
any average sailor should be able to do this. and without another boat. you should be able to this anytime anywhere without help to be a decent sailor . I think you are a liar. point blank. when I lived in a beach town the old guy's would laugh at people using motor assist.
Trevor Townsend
Trevor Townsend - 11 years ago
Actually, I am a real sailor, and when you have no aux then your only choices are to sail her to the dock, use another boat to assist in maneuvering, or use anchors and lines to bring yourself alongside. It is just a romantic notion that 'proper docking should need no engine power", nothing more. Any sailor who can do so, every time, is very well skilled.
circusboy90210 - 11 years ago
proper docking does not use an engine.
circusboy90210 - 11 years ago
ask any real sailor and they will tell you proper docking does not use an engine as what do you do when there is no engine?

10. comment for How to Sail a Sailboat : How to Dock a Sailboat

Trevor Townsend
Trevor Townsend - 11 years ago
Not so sure about that - see newsnetuk's post above. This captain didn't brief his crew, have lines made ready, have fenders deployed, or line up properly.
Trevor Townsend
Trevor Townsend - 11 years ago
That is NOT true. Proper docking is when you've brought your vessel safely to the dock or mooring, under control, and then secured her properly. Whether you use the aux or not depends entirely on your needs.
RSBSTEADICAM - 11 years ago
Not really, one goes as appropriate for the situation "YWFTZ" you weren't fucking there! Oh and "you're" (as in you are) is as I've spelled it! Never approach a dock faster than you are willing to hit it.
RSBSTEADICAM - 11 years ago
After bow spring deployment!
circusboy90210 - 12 years ago
proper docking should need no engine power.
Mehmet Can
Mehmet Can - 12 years ago
Where did you shoot the video? Looks great...
newsnetuk - 12 years ago
No fenders deployed. No briefing to the crew. No lines made ready. The skipper never tells the crew on which side he proposes to dock. It's ok to give a quick bust of sternpower to slow the boat- but it should never be necessary to reverse out unless the skipper's made a mess of lining up (which evidently he has here). A poor effort 4/10
Monsieur Tranquille
Monsieur Tranquille - 13 years ago
@physchohead24 Once you are entered in the slip you hit the gas on reverse about 2/3 of its power and that will make you come to a full stop
Kevin Tran
Kevin Tran - 13 years ago
@physchohead24 just release on the gas and put it into reverse a bit to make it into a clean stop
Knight Hawke
Knight Hawke - 13 years ago
Thank you for making this video. It helps us rookies!

20. comment for How to Sail a Sailboat : How to Dock a Sailboat

k3it - 13 years ago
not sure about the X rope idea. what if there are no ropes? ever pulled into a transient slip? with that said the video shows docking under the most ideal conditions. hard to screw up with so much room and no wind or current.
MainStreetSimon - 14 years ago
All the boats are sailboats!? What a fantastic marina!
Liam Kelleher
Liam Kelleher - 15 years ago
that was very nice!! ell done excellent example
feffany - 15 years ago
The guy coming out of the downstairs at 2:42 looks like Bernie Madoff, lol.
DynamicMentalFitness - 15 years ago
Wheeeew! That's a lot of room heading into that marina and slip. I WISH I had that kind of space. I've got a sandbar ten feet starboard and docks ten feet port and seagulls threatening to drop poop if I slow too much - yeesh!
sk93 - 16 years ago
daft = almost silly I agree with you re training for it, but given the birth he's parking in, I wouldn't sail into it, even in an emergency... As for walking it in, if you sail that yacht single-handed, then you won't be sailing it into any births like that... not if you want to keep it at least. How'd you know how much farther in you need to go / what your clearance is going to be either side / place fenders appropriately... Not saying it's not possible, but it's highly unlikely.. :)
Ricky Idlett
Ricky Idlett - 16 years ago
Sorry but I do not know what "daft" means but it makes perfect sense to train for emergencies such as docking a boat without an engine. And good luck "walking her home" if no one is on shore. I did nt mean to offend you with my comment I only wanted to answer your question with reason. Nice videos.
sk93 - 16 years ago
of course, but you'd be daft if you chose dock under sail when the option of using an engine exists. tbh.. I'd just get the lines ashore and walk her home....
Ricky Idlett
Ricky Idlett - 16 years ago
I like the Captain Ron parks the boat! Good job though.
Ricky Idlett
Ricky Idlett - 16 years ago
Sailors used to do it before engines. It doesn't hurt to be prepared in case of engine failure.

30. comment for How to Sail a Sailboat : How to Dock a Sailboat

sk93 - 16 years ago
why? you never dock a yacht with the sails...

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