How to dock a single-engine inboard/outdrive boat stern-first
Boat 12 years ago 661,065 views
Single-engined, inboard/outdrive boats are acknowledged to be the most difficult type of boat to dock in reverse, stern-first, in a marina berth. Here are a few ideas which might make it less of a challenge. We use the low-speed "steer - then gear" method, plus a piece of ribbon, a non-electronic Rulan helm indicator and a simple length of rope. ..........Oh yes, and we take our time. No boat was harmed in the making of this video.
If there was any wind or current, you would bash it up, or the guy next to you.
10. comment for How to dock a single-engine inboard/outdrive boat stern-first
/Captain Bob USCG Masters license since 1986
20. comment for How to dock a single-engine inboard/outdrive boat stern-first
Th tip with the rope (sorry, bow line, as my learned friend explains ad nauseam) is very helpful to single dockers like me
30. comment for How to dock a single-engine inboard/outdrive boat stern-first
You're quite right. I've learned very little in the last 14 years as a tug master.
When you're finished with it, can I have a go with your rubber duck?
... quack quack.
I dock in Columbia river with 7 knot current ad 20 knot winds. Sometimes takes more than one try...
There are usualy afew says to do anything. I liked this one.
No, an outdrive -- AKA stern drive, inboard/outboard, or I/O -- is not a z drive; a z drive is a type of azipod.
Single inboard you have steerage because the flow from the prop is straight onto the rudder. Its just different that's all.
This guy knows his stuff.
50. comment for How to dock a single-engine inboard/outdrive boat stern-first
in or out
Maybe it was an over sight.
Any 8 year old could berth that .. Whee was the 20 knot wind ??
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