How to park a boat: Shaft Drive |

Nick Barke showing you how to park a shaft drive boat at Essex Marina with a Targa 47. For more boating videos visit

How to park a boat: Shaft Drive | sentiment_very_dissatisfied 63

Boat 12 years ago 308,544 views

Nick Barke showing you how to park a shaft drive boat at Essex Marina with a Targa 47. For more boating videos visit

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Most popular comments
for How to park a boat: Shaft Drive |

AbyssalReClass - 6 years ago
Excellent tips, although you should do another video on how to do these things with a single shaft boat.
Agent0range67 - 6 years ago
2:34 ;)
陈姆华 - 6 years ago
circle sea.
Dave-Jill Nelson
Dave-Jill Nelson - 7 years ago
Well how much ??? For jacket
Dave-Jill Nelson
Dave-Jill Nelson - 7 years ago
I want to buy your jacket
Luciforged - 7 years ago
so its like driving a tank, why didn't you just say so lol
MemoryLaneCinema - 7 years ago
PARK a boat? You park a car NOT a boat.
xdeerizx - 7 years ago
Current, not tide.
Leonardo Queiroz
Leonardo Queiroz - 8 years ago
The sound is the same as a scania engine.
plastbestikk - 6 years ago
Volvo penta D9's
Catherine Joy Remigio Andrada
Catherine Joy Remigio Andrada - 7 years ago
Leonardo Queiroz I think it's caterpillar

10. comment for How to park a boat: Shaft Drive |

AbyssalReClass - 8 years ago
That's all good, but what if your boat has a single shaft drive? That changes things entirely doesn't it?
bodyshopmgr1 - 8 years ago
That diesel sounds freakin AWESOME
Yusef Iannine
Yusef Iannine - 8 years ago
Usted parece un cerdo sacado de lo mas bajo del mundo
MerksX209A - 8 years ago
Damn that's loud.
MuRaT _34_69
MuRaT _34_69 - 8 years ago
very good
frien234 - 8 years ago
Ay Ay....Captain
alex - 8 years ago
i fucking want a boat
gesman5000 - 8 years ago
Get a used one.
bigman55434 - 8 years ago
Stay in school, go to college, get a good job, and you won't be broke.
alex - 8 years ago
+Chris Stone I'm 16 and im broke
Chris Stone
Chris Stone - 8 years ago
Buy one
irishinoslo - 8 years ago
'park a boat'? I thought it was dock or berth a boat?
annieliz1965 - 8 years ago
I am in the UK and we moor, berth or dock.  Not sure why he says "park".
bigman55434 - 8 years ago
It's the UK. They're a little bit different.
MrMrStamper - 8 years ago
Bowthrusters are great. Still, would be awseome if you could do a docking instruction video without thrusters. The "washing machine / sink" analogy is not adequate... If the washing machine is broken you can still wash in your sink easily. Contrary, on a yacht if your thruster is broken (and they do) and you don't know how to dock the yacht without thrusters, it might get a bit expensive...
t34bravo - 8 years ago
Great video! Exactly the info I was looking for and very well done. Appreciate it!

20. comment for How to park a boat: Shaft Drive |

TheIlJeep - 8 years ago
Useful, thanks! But is that normal sound for engine?
chpllshw - 8 years ago
diesel engines
Sajjad Ahmad
Sajjad Ahmad - 8 years ago
thank you so much. it is good lesson . if you also show how to drive jet drive it will great for every one thanks.
ProPain - 8 years ago
Great work Captain. Thanks for the lesson.
sometimesgood - 8 years ago
This video has absolutely no value of any kind. Four and a half minutes of waisted time.
GEREEF - 9 years ago
For Heaven shake !!!!!!!You don't ''parking '' a boat You DOCKING a boat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GEREEF - 8 years ago
I should have you on board a tanker i used to sail as a Chief Officer Hell is never enough.Over there you could call me NAZI. I was the fear of the ship with the trouble makers, with the decent seamans and the hard working A.B.'s i was pay the double over time Later on as a Captain i was quite (as i was older) Nazi??? i don't think so.Not even now as a pensioner....Men i was just try to correct you No Ofense
canonphoto - 8 years ago
Thank you boating nazi, now I hope no one calls the grammar nazis on you! Lol
Shadow Paranormal Society
Shadow Paranormal Society - 9 years ago
Great video!
2:32 Nice alarm after
you turn the boat on, I'm sure that's
normal and you did not steal the boat eh?
Plebasaurus Rekt
Plebasaurus Rekt - 9 years ago
you can just use the bow and sternthruster (if you have both of them) to go straight to the sides without using the engines wich i think is easier
okumonux - 9 years ago
I would be absoultely stressed out under these conditions! Funny enough that those people arguing "don't use a bow- or stern thruster" usually don't have a bow- or stern thruster". From my point of fiew Volvo revolutionized the industry by offering the IPS system. Makes boating less stressful and therefore more fun. What people tend to forget; those people who can afford a 50ft sports cruiser usually don't work as a pleasure craft captain...
Amr Soliman
Amr Soliman - 9 years ago
perfect thanks for posting !
Paul Paterson
Paul Paterson - 9 years ago
Great little video thanks for making

30. comment for How to park a boat: Shaft Drive |

Τατιανα Τοντινίδου
Τατιανα Τοντινίδου - 9 years ago
i am rich
Τατιανα Τοντινίδου
Τατιανα Τοντινίδου - 9 years ago
i have a boat
Cody F.
Cody F. - 9 years ago
Someone's looking outside a window and is wondering what the hell is this guy doing?
Shadow Paranormal Society
Shadow Paranormal Society - 9 years ago
I was wondering what others on the dock were
thinking he was up to..
pezzonovante888 - 9 years ago
How does docking work with a triple engine i/o offshore boat (no thrusters)?  Shut off the center engine and use the two outside drives or shut off the two outsides and use the singe center drive?
pezzonovante888 - 9 years ago
That was helpful and informative.  Thanks for posting!
highvelocity123 - 9 years ago
It should be noted, this boat has big diesel engines, turning big 20 inch 4 blade props.  So it makes the boat very responsive, much more than an average boat.
Catherine Joy Remigio Andrada
Catherine Joy Remigio Andrada - 7 years ago
It's a caterpillar engine. ? sunseeker ?
xdeerizx - 7 years ago
Yea, I have twin IPS drives and there are two props per side but they are smaller. My boat would never move that good with only the screws.
Ian Crawford
Ian Crawford - 9 years ago
Where can I buy a Fairline jacket nick??
firdaussi Razor
firdaussi Razor - 9 years ago
Martin, Ron here! Just seen your comment to Biker Ŵellies about trying out thigh waders soon! Don't worry - I haven't forgotten that I promised to meet you at Mucking Flats, but it will probably be near the end of April, at the earliest! Regards, Ron Leitch.
matic šorn
matic šorn - 10 years ago
Can please someone tell me the name of boat thats on te video (not this one on which is the camera...the other one)
peter mundy
peter mundy - 10 years ago
77,300 view's, you could double that by doing twin stern drives next. ??? 
thameswater - 10 years ago
sounds like an old washing machine..
Amr Soliman
Amr Soliman - 9 years ago
+thameswater lol :) actually it is the sound of the diesel engine !
Cruising the Waterways
Cruising the Waterways - 9 years ago
+thameswater i rode your ma on a washing machine
John Salazar
John Salazar - 10 years ago
The diesel engines or the thrusters? 
ajhasan3 - 10 years ago
Great instruction. Thanks for the video. 
Cliff Charpentier
Cliff Charpentier - 10 years ago
Must be nice to have thrusters.
Keith OB
Keith OB - 10 years ago
I have a single drive no bow thrust,30 foot Carver.My finger is to port,in reverse with winds to port at 15KPH,how would you get the bow around to port to come along side?With no tied
75gromit - 10 years ago
Nick you should do a series of them, twin & single stern drives, single shaft :)
ian011162 - 10 years ago
Targa 47? Well on the Fairline website there is no Targa 47. Is it a older discontinued model? Or is it a Targa 48 downgraded?
ian011162 - 10 years ago
Ah. Ok, Thanks!
75gromit - 10 years ago
Yes, it's replacement is the new Targa 48.
ian011162 - 10 years ago
+75gromit Have they stopped production of the Targa 47? On their website there is no Targa 47. 
75gromit - 10 years ago
Its the predecessor to the Targa 48! As he said a 2009 model :-)
Christoph Standfuß
Christoph Standfuß - 11 years ago
This is an amazing video! Great job :)!
Nikolai Bellic
Nikolai Bellic - 11 years ago
Humm I can't believe I am saying this, but awsome, now I can drive a boat or whatever it's called
arthur dasilva
arthur dasilva - 11 years ago
Love the boat
oscar gabriel
oscar gabriel - 11 years ago
You use jostik...veryyyy verryyy easyyy.

50. comment for How to park a boat: Shaft Drive |

Daniel Goldschmidt
Daniel Goldschmidt - 11 years ago
you the man Nick...

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