Kayak Fishing in Rough Water - Kayak Safety Tip for Boat Wake

When kayak fishing, calm water can instantly become rough water when a large boat wake or a frantically driven bass boat wake slams into your fishing kayak. I was taught this kayak safety tip for dealing with rough water created by boat wakes - check it out to avoid being able to post a kayak fishing fails video when you flip! Subscribe to Kayak Hacks: https://goo.gl/BAxRXd Follow on Google+: http://tinyurl.com/kayakhacksGooglePlus The Kayak Hacks Fishing channel covers kayak, wading, shoreline, spin and fly fishing. It features gear mods to make kayak fishing more comfortable, efficient and enjoyable. Also, I share many tips, tricks and "how to's" for spin and fly fishing regardless of whether you are fishing from a boat or on your feet. Please subscribe! Thanks! Steve's CatchGuide series of fishing books is available on Amazon: Wade and Shoreline Fishing the Potomac River for Smallmouth Bass - http://amzn.to/1FwhvjG Maryland Trout Fishing - http://amzn.to/1L0fAEb Wade Fishing the Rappahannock River of Virginia - http://amzn.to/1L0fFb8 Wade Fishing the Rapidan River of Virginia - http://amzn.to/1L0fH2z Wade Fishing the North Branch of the Potomac - http://amzn.to/1ViIzK7 Read Steve's columns in: Southern Trout Magazine - http://www.southerntrout.com/ Southern Kayak Fishing - http://www.sokayakfishing.com/ Affiliate Disclaimer: Any product link to Amazon is an affiliate link. Other product links may be as well as I develop relationships with sellers. I appreciate your support in using those links since the small commission generated offsets the cost of the stuff I test for the channel. Thanks! Liability Disclaimer and Warning: In short, you accept all risk of using any ideas presented in this video. Do not apply any suggestion if it will ruin the appearance, function or structural integrity of your kayak. You must determine if the ideas are appropriate for your boat and we disclaim any responsibility for your actions and decisions. Nothing in this video creates any expressed or implied warranty or guarantees a result. You are responsible for the safe operation of tools and any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of those tools as well as from the information contained in this video is 100% your responsibility. We shall not be held liable in any way or manner for errors, misleading or incorrect information. If you find an error, please notify us right away using the contact form for the channel. It goes without saying that fishing is dangerous as a result of the fast water, slick rocks and other hazards that occur in random, unexpected places. You need to exercise caution, particularly in the spring when the water is high or during rapid changes in tide before you fish anywhere. You should always wear a life vest when fishing. Also, a wading staff will help you keep your balance as you walk on the shoreline or wade. The bottom line is that you must make a judgment regarding acceptable behavior and risk and not rely on the opinions expressed here. The regulations governing legal access to fishing locations may change at any time, and it is your responsibility to understand the law. Nothing expressed should be construed as encouraging you to trespass on private property or violate a regulation.

Kayak Fishing in Rough Water - Kayak Safety Tip for Boat Wake sentiment_very_dissatisfied 12

Boat 7 years ago 26,399 views

When kayak fishing, calm water can instantly become rough water when a large boat wake or a frantically driven bass boat wake slams into your fishing kayak. I was taught this kayak safety tip for dealing with rough water created by boat wakes - check it out to avoid being able to post a kayak fishing fails video when you flip! Subscribe to Kayak Hacks: https://goo.gl/BAxRXd Follow on Google+: http://tinyurl.com/kayakhacksGooglePlus The Kayak Hacks Fishing channel covers kayak, wading, shoreline, spin and fly fishing. It features gear mods to make kayak fishing more comfortable, efficient and enjoyable. Also, I share many tips, tricks and "how to's" for spin and fly fishing regardless of whether you are fishing from a boat or on your feet. Please subscribe! Thanks! Steve's CatchGuide series of fishing books is available on Amazon: Wade and Shoreline Fishing the Potomac River for Smallmouth Bass - http://amzn.to/1FwhvjG Maryland Trout Fishing - http://amzn.to/1L0fAEb Wade Fishing the Rappahannock River of Virginia - http://amzn.to/1L0fFb8 Wade Fishing the Rapidan River of Virginia - http://amzn.to/1L0fH2z Wade Fishing the North Branch of the Potomac - http://amzn.to/1ViIzK7 Read Steve's columns in: Southern Trout Magazine - http://www.southerntrout.com/ Southern Kayak Fishing - http://www.sokayakfishing.com/ Affiliate Disclaimer: Any product link to Amazon is an affiliate link. Other product links may be as well as I develop relationships with sellers. I appreciate your support in using those links since the small commission generated offsets the cost of the stuff I test for the channel. Thanks! Liability Disclaimer and Warning: In short, you accept all risk of using any ideas presented in this video. Do not apply any suggestion if it will ruin the appearance, function or structural integrity of your kayak. You must determine if the ideas are appropriate for your boat and we disclaim any responsibility for your actions and decisions. Nothing in this video creates any expressed or implied warranty or guarantees a result. You are responsible for the safe operation of tools and any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of those tools as well as from the information contained in this video is 100% your responsibility. We shall not be held liable in any way or manner for errors, misleading or incorrect information. If you find an error, please notify us right away using the contact form for the channel. It goes without saying that fishing is dangerous as a result of the fast water, slick rocks and other hazards that occur in random, unexpected places. You need to exercise caution, particularly in the spring when the water is high or during rapid changes in tide before you fish anywhere. You should always wear a life vest when fishing. Also, a wading staff will help you keep your balance as you walk on the shoreline or wade. The bottom line is that you must make a judgment regarding acceptable behavior and risk and not rely on the opinions expressed here. The regulations governing legal access to fishing locations may change at any time, and it is your responsibility to understand the law. Nothing expressed should be construed as encouraging you to trespass on private property or violate a regulation.

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Most popular comments
for Kayak Fishing in Rough Water - Kayak Safety Tip for Boat Wake

Weston Mings
Weston Mings - 6 years ago
This is great advice. This afternoon I was out fishing on my kayak when two boats went by really fast I headed for shallow water. I did not flip my kayak. however, the wave filled my sit on top with water and I started to sink. It wasn’t a great experience so thanks for the video. I’ll try it next time I’m out.
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 6 years ago
I really appreciate that! I'll work even harder!
Will S
Will S - 6 years ago
People capsize from boat wakes?
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 6 years ago
Yep. The most extreme case is here on the Cape Fear River when the container ships go by. They can kick off an 8 foot wave.
Turd Ferguson
Turd Ferguson - 6 years ago
Approach the wake at a 45 degree angle apposed to head on. They will be much easier to deal with and will help to avoid water entering the kayak.
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 6 years ago
ray g
ray g - 6 years ago
try floatation outriggers... stability is increased... I installed and they work.. plus I am usually on a lake.. and no time for pointing kayak at in coming waves.. or swells.. just ride it out.. and its better stability..
Robin - 6 years ago
I do the same as you...treat them like a set of train tracks and your on a bike...keep the front perpendicular to your obstacle.
thewayitis yup
thewayitis yup - 6 years ago
Slingshot and ice cubes for the really close boats that don't slow down.
nunya business
nunya business - 6 years ago
I agree totally. Only i use marbles.
James Orriola
James Orriola - 6 years ago
You are awesome. Love y’all
Jerry Krabe
Jerry Krabe - 6 years ago
Good video. I understand what your say about the waves not being as bad in 10 feet of water as they would be in 2 feet of water. I'm not an expert at kayaking but for me I'd rather be in the 2 water heading straight into the waves at least for the waves you were dealing with. If I feel like my kayak can ride the waves being in shallow water makes it easier to retrieve gear and safer for me. If that was a huge tanker with 3 foot swells I would have gotten completely out of the kayak, grabbed my rope that's tied on to the front of the kayak and held on and hoped for the best.
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 6 years ago
I agree if you can stand on firm ground and hold the kayak if the waves are not too large.
Mutherfuqbucket - 6 years ago
Just yesterday I was out on a small river with my family. Me my 2 sons 8 & 2 and my wife with my 7 year old daughter. About 5-6 boats went by from both directions without slowing from about 40-50 mph. We made room for them but didn’t have time to turn. I was pushed into a fallen tree at the moment a swell hit us and we flipped over. My wife instinctively grabbed my younger son at the same moment on the next swell and she flipped as well. I don’t remember everything but she said I must have turned into an octopus because I was able to get a hold of my whole family while holding onto the tree and gripping a rock with my bare feet like a monkey. I was able to get one of the other boats to stop and get us to shore and we were able to recover everything but my glasses hat and me and my oldest boy lost one water shoe each. I’ll take that. Now my issue is the lack of caring from the people going by as my family was panicking and I was working my dick off to keep us all together. I made eye contact with several of the operators as they ran by us and trying to ask for help but I got nothing from the group that went by first. I realize now that you can’t trust most people on the water. If I see any of them again I am more likely to carve them like a thanksgiving turkey than offer some advice on safety on the waterways. I know I made the mistake of taking my children with me on this trip on a fairly calm river but that leads to unnecessary fears of even going back out. It will definitely be non motorized lakes from now on and I consider us all very lucky to have made it. Really I just hope that anyone that drives a boat or paddles one can take into account that you are the one that decides how safe your journey is. I now compare kayaking on a river to riding a motorcycle: assume everyone else out there is aiming to kill you so take the necessary precautions yourself to prevent them from doing so. I will forever be in debt to the people that helped us I only wish I had the clarity of mind to get their names or make my family safer by taking the right steps faster than I did to avoid the whole thing. Be safe out there folks.
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 6 years ago
That was horrible! Great point on the motorcycle. I really think many of these powerboat guys are clueless while some just want to tip us.

10. comment for Kayak Fishing in Rough Water - Kayak Safety Tip for Boat Wake

Explorer Mike
Explorer Mike - 6 years ago
I sea kayak with a 19' kayak with good chine, so taking on swells or waves sideways isn't a really big deal. I don't have to point into the waves for stability. I have never kayaked the smaller fishing kayaks, so this video is interesting. I always thought the reason for kayaking was because of their stability in waves. Are the fishing kayaks not so stable in waves?
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 6 years ago
It depends on the model and whether you are taken by surprise by a large wave. You might be leaning over the side a bit to deal with the anchor or a fish and WHAP a large wave hits and tips. Container ships are the worst!
Chris Pearce
Chris Pearce - 6 years ago
This guys great!
jim k
jim k - 7 years ago
I never use a kayak where a boat could be used. That's just like riding a bike on the side of road. I think that's just being dumb and in the way. It is however your right to do those things and such. I'll be smashing walleyes and turbo smallies on shallow rivers where kayaks are needed.
Adam Wilson
Adam Wilson - 6 years ago
Well you don't get to fish much water then. Almost feel sorry for you. Almost
jim k
jim k - 6 years ago
RegularSize Russ But I'm still not called russ. Haha
jim k
jim k - 6 years ago
RegularSize Russ yep you're right. With a name like Russ you sound like you're really cool. Good luck Russ. Where's your sister russ? How's your scleroderma russ? Been losing a few lbs russ? Still diabetic russ? Catch any fish russ? Jim has been killing the fish Russ. He fishes with your sister.
jim k
jim k - 6 years ago
RegularSize Russ I did not give you permission to use your kayak as you stated. I don't know where you came up with that line of gibberish. You are making things up because you are a useless tool. Stick to what you know and lobby for a minimum wage increase and such.
RegularSize Russ
RegularSize Russ - 6 years ago
Really? Wow! You are obviously an expert on everything. Where exactly is it ok with you for me to ride my bicycle? Not the side of the road you say? Thank you SO MUCH for your permission to take my 'yak out on lakes deeper than a foot though!
Jason Kloos
Jason Kloos - 6 years ago
jim k well, that's an incredibly boring way to experience life.
Skitterwalk Slayer26
Skitterwalk Slayer26 - 7 years ago
I’m from NC
Jake G
Jake G - 7 years ago
Beginner kayaker.first time I put out into a big body of water than I'm used to a big boat came by at a pretty good pace and the swell would of easily taken my kayak had I tried face on.i turned 180 and paddled away from the swell.even though it still caught me it was a gentel roll and didn't cause a big splash getting the inside or me to get wet.
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
Exactly! As long as either the front or back is aligned perpendicular, you have the max chance of not flipping.
YAKMAN ONT - 7 years ago
Well said ! Great video
The Deitz
The Deitz - 7 years ago
I agree with Steve. To avoid being flipped paddle to deeper water, toward the ship or boat keeping you kayak perpendicular to the waves. Often I go to the river and the intercoastal just to ride the waves and swells. At 69 it adds a little trill to paddling .. In this video I'm parallel.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0V8Da9tmOA
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
I will have to look at that one. Thanks!
The Deitz
The Deitz - 7 years ago
I asked someone the other day that works on a tug and he likes the app 'Find Ship' I haven't done a 1 on 1 comparison but I imagine all are similarly, to some degree using the same technology .
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
The app is called 'MarineTraffic - Ship Tracking' Looks like it is the app version of your link.
The Deitz
The Deitz - 7 years ago
Thanks, tell me more about that app. I want to be out there with them to ride their swells, plus they are interesting to watch, video. This is an FYI marine link 4 U ... https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:-77.7/centery:33.9/zoom:11
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
What a cool video! Glad you came out of that OK. I downloaded an app that shows the boat traffic on the Cape Fear so I can be behind an island!
Ed Smith
Ed Smith - 7 years ago
This is very helpful Steve, thx!
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
Thanks! Appreciate it!
Henry Kratchfield
Henry Kratchfield - 7 years ago
on tall waves, try to stay level. when you get to the top of one on the way back down, paddle hard one good time to get the nose up.
sometimes you may need to push down with your feet while ascending a wave to stay level too. (don't do it too early).
never let the front of the kayak dig into a wave unless you're trying to do stunts
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
Great advice! Thanks!
Mike West
Mike West - 7 years ago
I keep a 1 ounce sinker tied a rod just for these situations. If a boat gets close enough to my cast they get mono prop.

20. comment for Kayak Fishing in Rough Water - Kayak Safety Tip for Boat Wake

Corey C
Corey C - 7 years ago
Good advice. Thanks for posting this. I'll be trying out my first kayak when I get home from my trip. Glad to know this.
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
Yes, it is counter intuitive... head for deep water instead of shallow
yakpackers anonymous
yakpackers anonymous - 7 years ago
i head right for the swell and paddle as fast as i can. That's fun !!
Perchjerker - 7 years ago
Steve you should install a bilge pump on your yak. One more thing. There are too many click bait video people on Youtube. most live life on the edge. Thank you for being safety minded and teaching properly. Please promote getting a PFD, inflating fanny pack or suspenders and using it, ALL the time. Accidents happen in a flash.death and drowning don't give second chances. You can pretty much control your actions, but inconsiderate people you can not. Better to be safe than have regrets. Stay safe and thanks
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
I agree fully!
fr3aky0u - 7 years ago
u should commentate porn dude. love the enthusiasm
Ponky - 7 years ago
i do the same as you. i try to be in the middle of the shoreline and the vessel.. like that i'm not too close either or. great topic though!
Ponky - 7 years ago
on a good day ill surf the wake till i get bored.... still a good topic. safety first as always.
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
Good to know there is consensus on this
Norwood BayBridge
Norwood BayBridge - 7 years ago
Wakes caused by power boats can be extremely dangerous; especially if some numbskull in a hotrod boat is buzzing a kayaker to show off. Situational awareness; and, knowing your safety boundaries in a kayak can keep your recreational time from turning into a tragedy; which, can happen in a few fleeting seconds.
SuperBardley - 7 years ago
Yesterday, I was out on SF Bay and one of those numbskulls in a very fast, very powerful powerboat (meaning that the fool could have properly slowed and then resumed his speed without trouble) just had to, had to, had to go buzzing through the 100' gap between me and a jetty at a high wake generating speed, so yes I was quite aware of the peril. Due to the relatively brisk winds, I barely got my bow turned into the wake, but I did without further incident, bravo for things working right.

So my point is that dangers sometimes will nail us despite our very best efforts to thwart them, so wear that PFD, appropriate immersion protection, paddle with a buddy, and carry a functional VHF. One last thing, SF Bay is a HUGE body of water, and I have sailed, boated, and kayaked all over it, yet somehow I have had so many close calls on it -- for some bizarre reason other boaters seem to gravitate to other vessels when out on such an enormous playing field, kind of like drunk drivers that ram into the rear ends of vehicles parked on the side of the road.
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
Absolutely agree. We have to be alert.
SP - 7 years ago
Kayak Hacks Fishing, Great video/videos. I think i'm gonna use your GoPro mount tip for my kayak. I don't wanna spend 70$ for a mount. I've spent enough LOL. I just gave you a Sub, you are what I call a G.O.A.T. Always can get great tips you can trust from an O.G.. Keep'em coming
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
Mathieu Dumoulin
Mathieu Dumoulin - 7 years ago
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
MooMoo Outdoors
MooMoo Outdoors - 7 years ago
Good tip. I practice the same thing.
BloodSweatnBass - 7 years ago
I learned this the hard way I wasn't tipped but I got slammed
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago

30. comment for Kayak Fishing in Rough Water - Kayak Safety Tip for Boat Wake

adanvjr - 7 years ago
Get a map and read it.
Fishing and/or paddling in ICWs and boat channels mean you'll have to put up with it. Regardless of time of day or season.

Most boaters are very nice and ethical, but a few are not.

Keeping your bow or stern point towards the directions of the swells/wakes will greatly reduce your chances of getting turtled.
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
Yep. We just have to live with it
Rodney Johnston
Rodney Johnston - 7 years ago
deal with it or don't go out
Adam Wilson
Adam Wilson - 6 years ago
Oh, so you're a maritime expert but just said you'll blatantly break several maritime laws???
Yeah I'm sure you "do know"
Henry Kratchfield
Henry Kratchfield - 7 years ago
Rodney Johnston you need to take that attitude somewhere else. and by you i mean YOU rodney jonson. choke on that one loser
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
Sorry you took my reply wrong. I was agreeing and using "you" in the general sense.
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
If something can happen, it will!
Rodney Johnston
Rodney Johnston - 7 years ago
Oh by the way I live in the desert there was a guy walk across the highway weather in his mind he probably thinking that he would never get hit by a car would you like to know what happened to him he got hit by a car it's no different than being on the ocean in a kayak
Rodney Johnston
Rodney Johnston - 7 years ago
You need to understand I do understand I can tell you I have work on the ocean for 8 years I seen my share a bad weather I've been out in the ocean when you have 30 ft way I would never be on a kayak on the ocean with a boat bigger the kayak big boat don't care about your life and neither do I it is your business what you do when something happens to you in the water I'll just read about it in the newspaper
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
Yep... you just need to understand what to do. It's gonna happen
BaitINwater - 7 years ago
boaters are assholes. great tip , thanks
Adam Wilson
Adam Wilson - 6 years ago

Lots and lots of kayakers that don't have a clue as well and endanger everyone. Come to traverse city right now and watch the shit show
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
You can always hope for better behavior...
Fred Fable
Fred Fable - 7 years ago
My approach is.... "to shoot them a torpedo before they get into my quiet area"!!
Fred Fable
Fred Fable - 7 years ago
Yeah...it sounds a little extreme...I should reconsider. LOL!
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
Now... that would be a hack!
Jim Underhill
Jim Underhill - 7 years ago
Great tip. I use the same technique when crossing wind blown swells.
Fishing Geek
Fishing Geek - 7 years ago
Agreed. Even paddling with the wind is a pain. I'm worn out by the time I get back.
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
Wind drives me nuts. 10 mph is my upper limit. We were caught out the other day when the wind picked up to a consistent 12 with gusts to 15 and it was tough paddling to get back to the launch.
James River yakking
James River yakking - 7 years ago
I agree with your Technique 100% I was in about 10 foot of water last year and a cigarette boat came past me and put water over top of my bow all the way to about where my knees were I pulled the Scupper plugs and let the water drain but I did not tip over great technique
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
Good exercise!
Larry Talbot
Larry Talbot - 7 years ago
Those fs128's are like barges. I got to try a friend's one time and it was stable as all get out. Unfortunately, it was harder to paddle for any length of time too. I was completely worn out in about a half hour.

I guess that's the trade-off, you can't be flipped, but you have to work hard to get where you are going. IMHO totally worth it is you have to deal with a lot of lunatics!
James River yakking
James River yakking - 7 years ago
Kayak Hacks Fishing yeah I was really surprised my father-in-law was not too far from me and he took the wave sideways he was in the ascend fs128t and the water came so high that it actually got him wet in the high position of his seat but again he did not flip over I was kind of shocked he didn't
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
Amazing what those power boats do.
Jerry Ehrlich
Jerry Ehrlich - 7 years ago
I got rolled in deep water under a bridge by a large boat going fast and I was turned into the wake.
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
That is what I am concerned about.
knightnoah7 - 7 years ago
I don't think the depth matters nearly as much as putting your nose into the waves.
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
Good idea. I use a car washing sponge right now. I need to upgrade.
darkomen42 - 7 years ago
Kayak Hacks Fishing one tip I saw for water is to get one of those huge truck washing sponges. They can pick up any amount of water, don't get in the way and weigh almost nothing. Just squeeze it out to slow bail your boat.
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
You need to do both. Especially on my kayak without the scupper holes. Any water that gets in, stays in.
Larry Talbot
Larry Talbot - 7 years ago
I got flipped one time by a maniac in one of those huge speed boats. He came within a few feet of me and I didn't have time to turn around to face the wave. I dealt with him by giving him the "single digit salute!" Some people have no respect for kayaks. They don't realize that sometimes we have lines in the water, and can't just move in an instant. It takes a couple of minutes to reel the line in and get ready to change course.

The best thing to do is always face the waves and hang on for a ride. Going parallel to them will only get you a bath or flipped.
Henry Kratchfield
Henry Kratchfield - 7 years ago
Larry Talbot you oughta 'accidentally' wrap a few hundred feet of line around the offending propeller lol maybe itll slow em down.
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
I was lucky in freshwater in Virginia - the Rappahannock and Rapidan are too shallow and have too many rapids for the power folks.
Larry Talbot
Larry Talbot - 7 years ago
I wish! We only have rivers and lakes around here. You know Where all the crazy people like to torture kayak anglers!
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
Yep. I've been there. That's why I love the back marsh where it is too shallow for the power boats.
kyle lovett
kyle lovett - 7 years ago
I would also add if you are near a breaker wall or any type of structure like a bridge it will reflect the wake back making that area like a washing machine. Not a fun place to be, and can be a challenge to paddle out of if not experienced.
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
GREAT POINT! Thank you. Kind of like the breaker wall in the video... I should have mentioned that. Appreciate your amplification of the message.
John's Fish Tales
John's Fish Tales - 7 years ago
Point the bow to the wake & ride it out. That's about all you can do.
Stephen Hibbert
Stephen Hibbert - 7 years ago
This is something i have had to deal with Good info thanks
Jim Jeffries
Jim Jeffries - 7 years ago
Excellent advice. I do it the exact same way as you recommend.
Victor kayak
Victor kayak - 7 years ago
Awesome info man thanks
2GuysYakin - 7 years ago
Great info. I use this quite a bit fishing the flats in Corpus Christi, Tx.
Enjoying your channel.
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
Wayn Jul
Wayn Jul - 7 years ago
Good tips. If you are in the ICWW and a huge barge comes by you get a huge surge of water in front but
as the barge passes it creates a huge vacuum that can suck you right into the barge.
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
Those container ships can be brutal. I use an app to track them when I am on the river
cobbs - 7 years ago
You can get big breaking wakes in deeper water too. I was out last Friday off the coast of So. Calif in about 100 ft of water when a 50 ft charter boat came chugging by at about 30 mph, pushing 3-4 foot waves that were breaking at the top, one after the other. But overall, they're really not that difficult to deal with if they're not breaking. If they are, just point your bow into them and paddle hard like you're launching into surf.
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
and keep your fingers crossed! :-)
ATL Fisherman
ATL Fisherman - 7 years ago
Great tip. Just got my kayak and was wondering about this.
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
Go deep, but not close
Dan Williams
Dan Williams - 7 years ago
Outriggers !
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
That could be a good use for them.
Ben Bateman
Ben Bateman - 7 years ago
I mostly kayak/fish on a chain of lakes in Central Florida and I learned to turn into boat wakes my first time out. My problem is there are ski boats and jet skiers' who think it's great sport to come as close and as fast as they can by someone in a kayak. My solution, is to go out on the lake during the week while most of these folks are at work.
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
Right, no need to do something that will get somebody hurt
Ben Bateman
Ben Bateman - 7 years ago
knightnoah7 I don't want to do that. I occasionally fish at Sebastian Inlet and there is an ongoing war between fishermen on the jetty and fishermen in boats. I've seen both side sling weighted hooks at each other. I will not stoop to such childish and dangerous behavior. Taking pictures of the offending boaters/jet skiers and turn them over to our local PD is the option I've chosen.
knightnoah7 - 7 years ago
Ben Bateman carry some 1-3oz sinkers... problem solved
Kayak Hacks Fishing
Kayak Hacks Fishing - 7 years ago
Those people drive me crazy. I think there are some who think it is sporty to try and tip us. If you have a GoPro, turn it on when you see them coming and report the bad behavior.

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