Kayak Fishing in Rough Water - Kayak Safety Tip for Boat Wake
Boat 7 years ago 26,399 views
When kayak fishing, calm water can instantly become rough water when a large boat wake or a frantically driven bass boat wake slams into your fishing kayak. I was taught this kayak safety tip for dealing with rough water created by boat wakes - check it out to avoid being able to post a kayak fishing fails video when you flip! Subscribe to Kayak Hacks: https://goo.gl/BAxRXd Follow on Google+: http://tinyurl.com/kayakhacksGooglePlus The Kayak Hacks Fishing channel covers kayak, wading, shoreline, spin and fly fishing. It features gear mods to make kayak fishing more comfortable, efficient and enjoyable. Also, I share many tips, tricks and "how to's" for spin and fly fishing regardless of whether you are fishing from a boat or on your feet. Please subscribe! Thanks! Steve's CatchGuide series of fishing books is available on Amazon: Wade and Shoreline Fishing the Potomac River for Smallmouth Bass - http://amzn.to/1FwhvjG Maryland Trout Fishing - http://amzn.to/1L0fAEb Wade Fishing the Rappahannock River of Virginia - http://amzn.to/1L0fFb8 Wade Fishing the Rapidan River of Virginia - http://amzn.to/1L0fH2z Wade Fishing the North Branch of the Potomac - http://amzn.to/1ViIzK7 Read Steve's columns in: Southern Trout Magazine - http://www.southerntrout.com/ Southern Kayak Fishing - http://www.sokayakfishing.com/ Affiliate Disclaimer: Any product link to Amazon is an affiliate link. Other product links may be as well as I develop relationships with sellers. I appreciate your support in using those links since the small commission generated offsets the cost of the stuff I test for the channel. Thanks! Liability Disclaimer and Warning: In short, you accept all risk of using any ideas presented in this video. Do not apply any suggestion if it will ruin the appearance, function or structural integrity of your kayak. You must determine if the ideas are appropriate for your boat and we disclaim any responsibility for your actions and decisions. Nothing in this video creates any expressed or implied warranty or guarantees a result. You are responsible for the safe operation of tools and any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of those tools as well as from the information contained in this video is 100% your responsibility. We shall not be held liable in any way or manner for errors, misleading or incorrect information. If you find an error, please notify us right away using the contact form for the channel. It goes without saying that fishing is dangerous as a result of the fast water, slick rocks and other hazards that occur in random, unexpected places. You need to exercise caution, particularly in the spring when the water is high or during rapid changes in tide before you fish anywhere. You should always wear a life vest when fishing. Also, a wading staff will help you keep your balance as you walk on the shoreline or wade. The bottom line is that you must make a judgment regarding acceptable behavior and risk and not rely on the opinions expressed here. The regulations governing legal access to fishing locations may change at any time, and it is your responsibility to understand the law. Nothing expressed should be construed as encouraging you to trespass on private property or violate a regulation.
10. comment for Kayak Fishing in Rough Water - Kayak Safety Tip for Boat Wake
sometimes you may need to push down with your feet while ascending a wave to stay level too. (don't do it too early).
never let the front of the kayak dig into a wave unless you're trying to do stunts
20. comment for Kayak Fishing in Rough Water - Kayak Safety Tip for Boat Wake
So my point is that dangers sometimes will nail us despite our very best efforts to thwart them, so wear that PFD, appropriate immersion protection, paddle with a buddy, and carry a functional VHF. One last thing, SF Bay is a HUGE body of water, and I have sailed, boated, and kayaked all over it, yet somehow I have had so many close calls on it -- for some bizarre reason other boaters seem to gravitate to other vessels when out on such an enormous playing field, kind of like drunk drivers that ram into the rear ends of vehicles parked on the side of the road.
30. comment for Kayak Fishing in Rough Water - Kayak Safety Tip for Boat Wake
Fishing and/or paddling in ICWs and boat channels mean you'll have to put up with it. Regardless of time of day or season.
Most boaters are very nice and ethical, but a few are not.
Keeping your bow or stern point towards the directions of the swells/wakes will greatly reduce your chances of getting turtled.
Yeah I'm sure you "do know"
Lots and lots of kayakers that don't have a clue as well and endanger everyone. Come to traverse city right now and watch the shit show
I guess that's the trade-off, you can't be flipped, but you have to work hard to get where you are going. IMHO totally worth it is you have to deal with a lot of lunatics!
The best thing to do is always face the waves and hang on for a ride. Going parallel to them will only get you a bath or flipped.
Enjoying your channel.
as the barge passes it creates a huge vacuum that can suck you right into the barge.