Marlin Sinks Fishing Boat. Vessel Capsizes After Hooking Huge Fish [Reuploaded]

[Reuploaded for Solving Music Copyrights Infringements] The History: A sport-fishing boat off the coast of Panama capsized last Thursday after someone aboard the boat snagged a gigantic black marlin. Photos of the ordeal posted to Facebook make it seem as though the monstrous fish sank the boat as it was being reeled aboard. According to Marlin Magazine, which obtained the epic pics and uploaded them to Facebook, the fish didn't actually play a role in sinking the boat, though the boat did eventually end up on the bottom of the ocean. Instead, the captain had been "backing down" on the fish, a practice where the boat is put in reverse to help reel in line. A large wave overtook the stern, upsetting the captain's balance, which caused him to slip backwards and accidentally hit the throttle into full reverse. This rapid movement in reverse ended up swamping the yacht and sinking it. A person claiming to be a spokesman for the boat manufacturer, Strike Yachts, took to boating forum The Hull Truth to offer a similar take on the incident: Direct from Panama I was told that the sea conditions were not as calm as they seem to be in the pictures and the Captain was an experienced Captain. The seas were full of big swells and large waves. A large wave came over the transom and with the anglers all being in the starboard corner the boat leaned... the Captain in the tower lost his footing [and] while the boat was still in reverse another wave came over the transom. At this time, the captain slipped and, believed to still have his hand on the throttle, putting the boat in full reverse burying the transom into the next waves and swells. Black marlin have a reputation for being among of the largest, most difficult fish to catch. The BBC has labeled the creature, which can weigh as much as 2,000 pounds, the "fastest fish on the planet." Indeed, black marlin can reach a top speed of 80 mph. No one aboard the boat was harmed, and they were soon rescued by the same boat that captured the event on camera. As for the fish, that has to be one happy marlin. The one that got away.

Marlin Sinks Fishing Boat. Vessel Capsizes After Hooking Huge Fish [Reuploaded] sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1325

Boat 11 years ago 2,914,487 views

[Reuploaded for Solving Music Copyrights Infringements] The History: A sport-fishing boat off the coast of Panama capsized last Thursday after someone aboard the boat snagged a gigantic black marlin. Photos of the ordeal posted to Facebook make it seem as though the monstrous fish sank the boat as it was being reeled aboard. According to Marlin Magazine, which obtained the epic pics and uploaded them to Facebook, the fish didn't actually play a role in sinking the boat, though the boat did eventually end up on the bottom of the ocean. Instead, the captain had been "backing down" on the fish, a practice where the boat is put in reverse to help reel in line. A large wave overtook the stern, upsetting the captain's balance, which caused him to slip backwards and accidentally hit the throttle into full reverse. This rapid movement in reverse ended up swamping the yacht and sinking it. A person claiming to be a spokesman for the boat manufacturer, Strike Yachts, took to boating forum The Hull Truth to offer a similar take on the incident: Direct from Panama I was told that the sea conditions were not as calm as they seem to be in the pictures and the Captain was an experienced Captain. The seas were full of big swells and large waves. A large wave came over the transom and with the anglers all being in the starboard corner the boat leaned... the Captain in the tower lost his footing [and] while the boat was still in reverse another wave came over the transom. At this time, the captain slipped and, believed to still have his hand on the throttle, putting the boat in full reverse burying the transom into the next waves and swells. Black marlin have a reputation for being among of the largest, most difficult fish to catch. The BBC has labeled the creature, which can weigh as much as 2,000 pounds, the "fastest fish on the planet." Indeed, black marlin can reach a top speed of 80 mph. No one aboard the boat was harmed, and they were soon rescued by the same boat that captured the event on camera. As for the fish, that has to be one happy marlin. The one that got away.

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Most popular comments
for Marlin Sinks Fishing Boat. Vessel Capsizes After Hooking Huge Fish [Reuploaded]

Mary Cleveland
Mary Cleveland - 7 years ago
Isn't that fish still hooked on the line?
BuckNel - 7 years ago
If someone's taking a video; it's nice to know that they put the camera down to rescue the captain & crew!
Wayne Hatfielx
Wayne Hatfielx - 7 years ago
I know idiots like this silly fucks tricks are for kids...i wonder how much they paid for that honor
Dingle Berry
Dingle Berry - 7 years ago
Just goes to show you should smoke a bunch of Bob Marley marijuana before Manning the starboard
Govind Kumar
Govind Kumar - 7 years ago
Govind Kumar
canadaguy20081 - 7 years ago
Awesome vid ..... oh right
Big Chief Trucker
Big Chief Trucker - 7 years ago
good to see one of these magnificent creatures win for once.
John Doe
John Doe - 7 years ago
Probably a unsinkable vessel anyway, may take on water or capsize but not sink
red71gs - 7 years ago
Later than morning the Marlin was seen flying a flag with the picture of a Sportfisher on it......

10. comment for Marlin Sinks Fishing Boat. Vessel Capsizes After Hooking Huge Fish [Reuploaded]

Robin Banks
Robin Banks - 7 years ago
No evidence that anything sank - quit ripping other people's stories dick wad.
dutto - 7 years ago
i wont be buying one of them boats
QSSCEO - 7 years ago
A lanyard on the captains neck to a kill switch might of helped..hindsight is 20/20 .... might hurt ones ego to wear one...but safer for sure.
Yaeti Kak
Yaeti Kak - 7 years ago
the marlin dosent weight that much to sink that boat just idiots make story fuck you idli
Wayne Ross
Wayne Ross - 7 years ago
Call a little piece of shit a fishing boat fucking sport fishing pussies
Susie Pittman
Susie Pittman - 7 years ago
Turn about is fair play.
checkfoldcallraise - 7 years ago
The marlin has the boat mounted on his living room wall.
SHERVIN SMITH - 7 years ago
W C Emmons
W C Emmons - 7 years ago
Ha Ha Ha, at last, the Marlon wins.lmao
Jose Benitez
Jose Benitez - 7 years ago
What's worse is that it is FLAT ASS CALM!
Anna Belle
Anna Belle - 7 years ago
Stupidity sunk the boat not the Marlin.

20. comment for Marlin Sinks Fishing Boat. Vessel Capsizes After Hooking Huge Fish [Reuploaded]

Mark - 7 years ago
thats what happens when you back up into a following sea dummies
Voklst Westie
Voklst Westie - 7 years ago
Never saw anything like this would think a BIG shark off the trolling line.
JEEP2001MRED - 7 years ago
Now you know damn well this isn't true
Wojciech Mikosz
Wojciech Mikosz - 7 years ago
They should cut off the marlin's rope.
Steve Mckellar
Steve Mckellar - 7 years ago
So the marlin sank the boat ?....or the captain?
Mark Jacob
Mark Jacob - 7 years ago
Marlin did not sink no boat, the captain of the boat sunk the boat.
K. W. Churchill
K. W. Churchill - 7 years ago
It said he may have slipped, and pinned it in reverse...accidents can happen to anyone. But this is frigging terrible.!! Can you imagine how they went from Yippee to Oh crAP in about one second?
Blue shark bama
Blue shark bama - 7 years ago
Daniel Hade
Daniel Hade - 7 years ago
Johnny AppleStead
Johnny AppleStead - 7 years ago

30. comment for Marlin Sinks Fishing Boat. Vessel Capsizes After Hooking Huge Fish [Reuploaded]

First Name Last Name
First Name Last Name - 7 years ago
Operator error for sure.
Knee Slider
Knee Slider - 7 years ago
suck shit cunt. thats what you get for fucking with a beautiful creature. it probably still swimming around with a hook in its mouth you cunts... Burn in hell cunts
1bottlefed - 7 years ago
Whatcha wanna bet that if he had hit full forward immediately after fukn up it would have saved it?
Roberto Gonzales
Roberto Gonzales - 7 years ago
Guess people just don't the understand the memo of nature disaster. those who get pride of killing or just show offs get what get. lol
geoff - 7 years ago
Capt sunk it not the Marlin
johncartelli - 7 years ago
cut the line, full throttle forward and bail with every pump you got running
NELSON X - 7 years ago
And into the shark infested waters they went.
Paul Mccafffery
Paul Mccafffery - 7 years ago
Toy boat paper mache humans & clearly that "fish" is made of rubber....
Roman P
Roman P - 7 years ago
man that's hard to watch. I saw some people looking to move their boats. I'm fully licensed and insured. I haul boats for a living I have three boat trailers and three trucks give me a call for a quote 2158695060
Jonny D
Jonny D - 7 years ago
should have had a bass boat
Jacques Raaijmakers
Jacques Raaijmakers - 7 years ago
All photoshopped and fake
Richard Grimett
Richard Grimett - 7 years ago
Please tell me they managed to release the Marlin at least....the thought of it going down with the boat still attached to the line and rod....which would be in a harness.....hmmm..not good
Bo pittbullgaming
Bo pittbullgaming - 7 years ago
Driver dumb ass trying to blame it on the boat
Mike Owen
Mike Owen - 7 years ago
Good thing that Marlin didn't know it could get some serious payback
Edward Snowden
Edward Snowden - 7 years ago
Fake as fuck!
Phil Giellea
Phil Giellea - 7 years ago
Click Bait
william - 7 years ago
bullshit x 1000 pounds
kclawdog36 - 7 years ago
who the fuck would take pics?!?! Where the fuck is the video?! F'ing moron!!
TheTolz0 - 7 years ago
Well got your 5 minutes of fame....but you sucked us into your vid and we knew better!!
Stephen Klick
Stephen Klick - 7 years ago
This is not real and you guys are pieces of garbage.

50. comment for Marlin Sinks Fishing Boat. Vessel Capsizes After Hooking Huge Fish [Reuploaded]

csrgatorfan - 7 years ago
If this story is to be believed, why is the picture photoshopped? Look to the left at about the 1:45 mark.
Daine Armstrong
Daine Armstrong - 7 years ago
Pilot error! The boat is sound as a pound. Video compiler can eat a dick #NAFA
Amithrius - 7 years ago
Don't you mean "captain sinks fishing boat"?
Bob - 7 years ago
Free Water Effect.....
Peyton James1
Peyton James1 - 7 years ago
nebraskatpp - 7 years ago
yeah, "Swarming Waves" alright. there's not even any whitecap anywhere... I don't know if it's the boat handling, or the boat manufacturer, but it sure doesn't speak well for the manufacturer, unless they not recommend a tower on that model. be interesting to know.
Jose Peixoto
Jose Peixoto - 7 years ago
WOW!! just one marlin to change a light bulb(install an led?!)
I would have put the fawking boat in FULL FORWARD FORCE right away; BEFORE the water flooded the engine, right away;in a fraction of a second! that should be instinctive! and turning hard to the right; it would drag it's ass ,the water might slip back out,and,MAYBE got away ,and save the boat;
oh,and ,yes,that marlin sank the boat,yes,he was involved; and you can see him dancing up and down, celebrating!
Reel Chaos Charters
Reel Chaos Charters - 7 years ago
As captions we need to no everything around us. It is a thankless job..
Chris Lewis
Chris Lewis - 7 years ago
Slicklickz - 7 years ago
Fish 1,Boat 0.
lue mart
lue mart - 7 years ago
Succstrat - 7 years ago
Did the fish get away because if you look close, as the boat is sinking, one crew member is not letting go of the pole, now that's a devoted crew member. Fish On!
CreepingDeath - 7 years ago
There's no way a marlin can sink a boat. My brother caught a 508 pounds blue marlin on a 13" Boston Whaler years ago. I think it's still a record... In the pictures, the sea was almost flat. 100% captain error!
LIZZIE SANGI Sangi - 7 years ago
The clone of the Al, the weatherman, Roker is FOREVER breaking down. That lobster has to be 100 yrs or better and lobsters shriek when provoked.
bob murphy
bob murphy - 7 years ago
Marlin 1 - Boat 0 :-)))
Soldado de Juan José Torres
Soldado de Juan José Torres - 7 years ago
Who was taking the pictures?
Craig Sanderson
Craig Sanderson - 7 years ago
I had no idea that waves could swarm! Especially on what appears to be a relatively calm sea. This is nothing but more clickbait. The dumbass at the helm capsized the boat, not the marlin.
Mary Kelly
Mary Kelly - 7 years ago
And who took these photos??????
zopa seah
zopa seah - 7 years ago
karma for causing so much suffering to fishes. fish to eat n survive, not for fun.
Richard East
Richard East - 7 years ago
It would have been funnier if the Marlin attacked them.
Crow T. Robot
Crow T. Robot - 7 years ago
Click bait title.
adam clark
adam clark - 7 years ago
Change title to,,, retarded captain sinks boat and blames a fishy.
955isteve - 7 years ago
Bet that boat was going backwards and dragged a lot of water in I have see others do it and water floods the back of the boat ?
silkworm3268 - 7 years ago
swift steel
swift steel - 7 years ago
is that a little smile I see on that fishy face
Jim Ronsivalli
Jim Ronsivalli - 7 years ago
Don't believe it.
Manuel Montalvo
Manuel Montalvo - 7 years ago
The marlin surely enjoyed some karma.
Anthony Gillian
Anthony Gillian - 7 years ago
who was taking the pictures LOL
Ken Clark
Ken Clark - 7 years ago
I bet his wife said, "I told you so!"
totemthepole - 7 years ago
Idiot "captain" sank his own boat
Acehh21 - 7 years ago
Hurray for the Marlin
Zbriu - 7 years ago
So the merlin went fishing boats.
blackhornetful - 7 years ago
ha ha
mikey mike
mikey mike - 7 years ago
Captain Dumbass!
Ryad Arlan
Ryad Arlan - 7 years ago
Lockheed Marlin Evasive tactics.
Daniel Dudoit
Daniel Dudoit - 7 years ago
This EXACT thing almost happened to me and two other guys off O'ahu. We just hooked a HUGE marlin and the captain, following seas, threw it in reverse to save the line from breaking because the fish was so strong it was ripping line off the reel like nobodys business. Sure enough the waves dumped water in the back of the boat and submerged the motors. GOD was on our side that day. The boat rose back up on the next wave trough without any throttle reaction from the captain, who was stupefied from both circumstances (boat sinking & huge fish). Stripey broke the line 30 minutes later thanks to another idoit horsing in the line by hand with a bad attitude. Thankful to fish another day though. Respect the Ocean. Aloha.
enelgee - 8 years ago
Where's Popeye the Sailor when you need him?
Jonel Ringor
Jonel Ringor - 8 years ago
kasteman1 - 8 years ago
There's nothing like being on a sinking ship with a tethered marlin flailing nearby. Double fail.
notatechie - 8 years ago
Back off on the drag, back off on the drag, give him some line! We need a bigger boat, right?
Seemor Disillusioned
Seemor Disillusioned - 8 years ago
So the mistake of the captain sank the boat not the fish ........ THUMBS DOWN
Antony Krokowski
Antony Krokowski - 8 years ago
it's not a boat strength issue. It is freeboard, stability and in particular swamped stability.
phdfxwg Fischercat
phdfxwg Fischercat - 8 years ago
boy i hate it when that happens !
The Game Is Over
The Game Is Over - 8 years ago
What A bunch of losers they don't even know how to control the boat!! Shame on you lol
br549 Lyfld
br549 Lyfld - 8 years ago
that beautiful fish said fk u I'm taking your boat down..........................
Tony A
Tony A - 8 years ago
That marlin will be at the "Billfish Bar" every afternoon telling his buddies about the ones that got away...
tackless - 8 years ago
One word . BULLSHIT !!!
These boats are made to back down at full throttle on a fish . Will you take on water, yes but not enough to ever to sink it .
Crown Royal
Crown Royal - 8 years ago
YEA I think it's a fake vid
Crown Royal
Crown Royal - 8 years ago
YEA I think it's a fake vid
Love and Hurt
Love and Hurt - 8 years ago
Bunch a pussy kids are glad the marlin got away and the boat sank, a bad day for the crew smh.
virgendeguadalupe virgen
virgendeguadalupe virgen - 8 years ago
Your the pussy for thinking that way.
1_ Fishin'_ Magician
1_ Fishin'_ Magician - 8 years ago
wow.......Fish On !!!
mrBDeye - 8 years ago
the boat hit a reef

100. comment for Marlin Sinks Fishing Boat. Vessel Capsizes After Hooking Huge Fish [Reuploaded]

stephen john gray
stephen john gray - 8 years ago
why are you using the music soundtrack from the stealth sniper/2 games .
lovethe world
lovethe world - 8 years ago
karma .....
0011clem raptor
0011clem raptor - 8 years ago
another boat for an artificial reef , glad the marlin got away .
ardiles_wae wae
ardiles_wae wae - 8 years ago
madmikeastoria - 8 years ago
Why dont i believe that??
madmikeastoria - 8 years ago
What it ws was that the person who posted this video wanted the people to watch his video so he used the caption you see above to catch peoples eye. He got me but now I know the truth. Thanks a bunch me lady! ;o)
Phil Giellea
Phil Giellea - 8 years ago
Obviously you failed reading and writing in school~! The headline says: "Marlin Sinks Fishing Boat."
Stacey Sharp
Stacey Sharp - 8 years ago
You didn't read, did you... it wasn't the marlin that sank the boat.
Phil Giellea
Phil Giellea - 8 years ago
Because there is no Marlin that could sink a boat of that size. And line will break at usually 80 or 130 pounds, that why for starters!
Sydney Smith
Sydney Smith - 8 years ago
Once again good men risking life and limb to put meat on the table while their wives go out on yet another senseless shopping spree.
F Huber
F Huber - 8 years ago
"Swarming waves"


That water is nearly flat....
zinkwithak - 8 years ago
Good to see! One notch for the Marlin!
Louie P
Louie P - 8 years ago
Bullshit title. Ckickbait.
Lawrence J
Lawrence J - 8 years ago
Insurance company did not pay
Max Stevens
Max Stevens - 8 years ago
how stupid, think they would be casually sitting there if the boat was sinking, you dumb bastards only stupid one here is you thinking this would fly.
Lollip - 8 years ago
Looks fake... photoshop pics,
Bob Olson
Bob Olson - 8 years ago
Entirely too stupid. They should stick to canoe's.
skrt - 8 years ago
god marlin
suburban999 - 8 years ago
not possible
misael godinez
misael godinez - 8 years ago
from the looks of it the marlin got caught on the anker and for some reason looks like the anker is hooked to the top
Mazda rx7
Mazda rx7 - 8 years ago
clickbait bullshit channel
SuperSaltydog77 - 8 years ago
I spent 5 years in the Navy and things can escalate from all normal to fighting for your life in a couple of heartbeats.
Dotyz Outdoorz
Dotyz Outdoorz - 8 years ago
that dudes arms would be ripped off b4 it pulled that boat over I'm sure he was backing down n swamped the boat
Rocco LooCascio
Rocco LooCascio - 7 years ago
thats what they said DODO brain
David Lewis
David Lewis - 8 years ago
Duke Of Hesse
Duke Of Hesse - 8 years ago
This is, how should I say it, uh, maybe bullshit would sum it up.
Josh Cavender
Josh Cavender - 8 years ago
strong fishing line to sink an 8000 pound boat I don't believe it
b tippa
b tippa - 7 years ago
You didn't even read the captions did you.
harddazeknight - 8 years ago
Stoned, stupid and driving boats is no way to go through life.
ابو هاشم
ابو هاشم - 8 years ago
شغل المحرك يادنكي ودوس ولا أقطع الخيط ياحمار
Last Dog Up
Last Dog Up - 8 years ago
Lets hear it for the fish. hip hip horay.
Enduro Maniac
Enduro Maniac - 8 years ago
the stability of that ship is just shit if its that easy to sink...
Ty Cetto
Ty Cetto - 8 years ago
Disliked for misleading title... click bait!
tackless - 8 years ago
Photoshopped and total bullshit. What was he knocked out when he slipped ? Through the engine throttle out of gear. You can take on water when backing down but then let up . Easy, even if he was knocked out there are two other nitwits who could have done the same . A boat won't sink instantly from just backing down.
Dj Evans
Dj Evans - 7 years ago
Nope this is true I work at the boat plant that built that boat
Paul Eberle
Paul Eberle - 8 years ago
great catch by the MARLIN, has to happen more with all the new technology good to see
mother nature still has ( sometimes) a chance
fladave99 Mills
fladave99 Mills - 8 years ago
A marlin cannot pull a boat, not can the line hold that much weight - cappy was backing it down and texting his boyfriend.
Chris Martin
Chris Martin - 8 years ago
the marlin didnt bring it down... the idiot pilot did. fuck that guy. he deserves it. suck it.
marjamada - 8 years ago
Reminds me of that huge Scandinavian fishing boat that caught millions of Herring in a giant net and was about to hoist them out of the water with the crane on the side of the boat, but the Herring suddenly sounded (dove to the bottom) all at once and created such a collective downward force that they pulled the ship over on its side, and it sank! First ship ever sunk by fish.
C Eldredge
C Eldredge - 8 years ago
Credit card captain
Nuno Oliveira
Nuno Oliveira - 8 years ago
this is fake .a fish that size would never sank a boat
Anioed - 8 years ago
Stop with that nonsense trend to zoom in or out of a photo. Let the whole picture up to us too see, we do not need zooming pan or else, that is boring. Especially when the quality is like that, absolutely awful. Thanks.
unacat09 - 8 years ago
Marlin: 1. assholes: 0. Good day.
TigrisdeGallia - 8 years ago
Why is the marlin still jumping in the same area lol, might had as well photoshoped an ufo that got hooked while jigging.
Barbara Griffin
Barbara Griffin - 8 years ago
Big Bang theory
Ghost R
Ghost R - 8 years ago
-1 )) Way to go Marlines! Kill'em all! "Chase those crazy boldheads out of town"! Hate fucken fishing and fishermen! Hate hunt and hunters!
e r
e r - 8 years ago
the last pic shows like the Marlin is texting LMAO.
fxrsniper1 - 8 years ago
I call BS
T, Skipwadoo
T, Skipwadoo - 8 years ago
Once a boat starts taking on water in this manner it is practically impossible to recover. Not as big of a boat , but the principal is the same, I sunk my Alumaweld. I slowed down and did not compensate for the wave running up behind me, what did not help is my passenger weighed 350 lbs. Once we started taking on water it was too late. Live and learn.
BLKBETE11 - 8 years ago
Anyone who buys this crap is a moron...
Dyllon Malone
Dyllon Malone - 8 years ago
he must have slammed the boat in reverse but either way, I see that being very hard to do or let happen
Mojave888 - 8 years ago
Fish: 1 Rich dicks: 0
mnrmyc - 8 years ago
it was a sport fishing boat not a yacht, so why rich dick? makes no sense
naida077 - 8 years ago
That is 100% bulshit
Harrison Moses
Harrison Moses - 8 years ago
The real question is who took the photos
petrochemicals4u - 8 years ago
Just stuff those life jackets in can always grab one later. Yep ok...
Judge TK
Judge TK - 8 years ago
good job you didn't cut that fish loose or someone tell the cap WTF. I agree with Kempouk. if brains was gas they wouldn't have enough to power a piss ants motorcycle around the inside of a cherrio!!! lol
SpiritBear12 - 8 years ago
Who took all the photos while the crew on the other boat are trying to stay alive?

Oh look, a boat is sinking. I think I'll just sit here and take photos of it.
Gavin Valcarce
Gavin Valcarce - 8 years ago
And all the shots have a perfectly timed marlin jumping out of the water. I call shennanigans
Goatee_Gamez - 8 years ago
The marlin didnt sink the boat the driver did it instead or it got photoshopped...
Jason Tyree
Jason Tyree - 8 years ago
There is no way that Marlin could have sunk that boat. This had to be photo shopped. If the boat was going under, don't you think it would be a heck of a lot of waves or swells around it.
Chris Leslie
Chris Leslie - 8 years ago
+SpiritBear12 poor bastard can't read....
Dyllon Malone
Dyllon Malone - 8 years ago
+SpiritBear12 either way that's hard to do. you shouldent really back down on a fish if you have big rods and reels just keep the fish off the stern. boats like that take a wave over the back no problem
SpiritBear12 - 8 years ago
Read the captions in the video. The Captain goofed and threw the boat into reverse too fast. This threw the bow up and the stern down. The stern filled up with water and the boat sank.
Jarrod - 8 years ago
1:36 - ummmm, "...where the boat once floated...", implying that the boat sunk? You can clearly see the outriggers of the boat on the left of the shot. Either this photo was taken prior to the sinking, or the boat never actually sunk. Or...did you simply mean that at one point in time, the boat was actually floating at that spot where the marlin is now jumping?
Leo Roberts
Leo Roberts - 8 years ago
I;m NOT buying it. The fish was photo shopped in!
pete sampson
pete sampson - 8 years ago
Over-excited, under-trained, and clumsy human sinks boat.
surfr8 - 8 years ago
Accidents happen.  No, the marlin did not sink the boat.  I'm sure that the captain has had many successful fishing trips.  It is a shame this happened.  I'm sure those of you who felt inclined to post stupid comments would love to be the captain of a nice boat like that.
rafat kotp
rafat kotp - 8 years ago
ماشاء الله
Berkaelzar - 8 years ago
That marlin will live to see another day, thanks to the retarded fisherman in charge of steering the boat ^_^
Rustic Box
Rustic Box - 8 years ago
Instant karma?
Leon Allan Davis
Leon Allan Davis - 8 years ago
I bet they hooked a Russian sub and photoshopped the marlin.
The insurance company will pay out for the fish, but not the sub.
Ethan Ryan
Ethan Ryan - 8 years ago
how did they get the pics? huh
tokiesgalore - 8 years ago
Really have to love those credit card captain's! No brains on how to use a boat but has no problem flipping out that credit card to rent one or buy one.
David Sempau
David Sempau - 8 years ago
So much for fishers, hunters, and all other sorts of animal torturers and assasins (including Spanish corridas) who enjoy killing animals for pleasure. Pitty it just happened this one time.
dkgiovenco - 8 years ago
Should have had a bigger boat!
Stephen Coleman
Stephen Coleman - 8 years ago
To all those ripping on the Captain, you have never slipped? Stuff happens. Without knowing exactly what happened you internet know it alls are just displaying your ignorance. I have been in dangerous situations while hunting and fishing because stuff happens. It is an imperfect world. And anyone typing on a keyboard always has the right answers and knows JUST what to do. Sometimes it is not that easy.
melodymaker - 8 years ago
+Stephen Coleman   Not easy for the hunted.   Were they killing that magnificent fish for food or for their ego? hang on a wall!   geez
Stephen Coleman
Stephen Coleman - 8 years ago
It aint the boats fault
Bo Lerkins
Bo Lerkins - 8 years ago
swarming waves ? Go forward at a high rate of speed and avoid that diabolical fish
Mhla Nombembe
Mhla Nombembe - 8 years ago
Whether the marlin was 5000lbs it doesn't justify the boat sinking . .  The fishing reels have a drag control button . .why they didn't loosen the drag if the fault is the power from the fish . . The cause of the disaster is not the fish but those who r catching it... The boat's capability is so high that yu will struggle to sink it yet these guys managed to sink it with ease... Lot of 99.9% of fault is with one handling the boat
Brandon Nevarez
Brandon Nevarez - 8 years ago
um...bc it's fake as shit, drag or not drag. phot shop is a he'll of a program
The Spearfishing Centre
The Spearfishing Centre - 8 years ago
surely the rod would have broken or the Nilon?
Robert Smith
Robert Smith - 8 years ago
The boat sunk itself, due to bad handling. Don't blame the poor Marlin. Admit he F'd up.
nomopms1 - 8 years ago
Umm....I'd have cut the marlin loose before I'd let my boat sink. Must be a guy thing. :D
nomopms1 - 8 years ago
Umm....I'd have cut the marlin loose before I'd let my boat sink. Must be a guy thing. :D
Salim Serrano
Salim Serrano - 8 years ago
marlins are also allegedly able to regurgitate their stomachs & grow new ones..
stan marvin
stan marvin - 8 years ago
Should be captioned, "Idiot sinks boat"
Gabrielle Kreller
Gabrielle Kreller - 8 years ago
f you
Craig Herron
Craig Herron - 8 years ago
Another case of Darwin being right.
justin Thomas
justin Thomas - 8 years ago
I think you mean Murphy
Patriot of Justice
Patriot of Justice - 8 years ago
0:31 Oh, I'm sorry. Did I sink your ship, motherfuckers?
660 - 8 years ago
I hope the guy had insurance
Fstarocka Burns
Fstarocka Burns - 8 years ago
did they get the fish???
klontaan ryan
klontaan ryan - 8 years ago
Doug Borrett
Doug Borrett - 8 years ago
What a lad of bullshit a marlin could not do that, but a dumb ass at the helm certainly could.
Searia Kett
Searia Kett - 8 years ago
Score one for Mother Nature!
David Sempau
David Sempau - 8 years ago
+Searia Kett AMEN!
Pi Chan
Pi Chan - 8 years ago
just a photo edit .. photoshop... it cant be happened . without a video clip are proofless these days.
TheSeer101 - 9 years ago
I caught a 15,547 lb Marlin and this almost happened. Luckily I am one strong son of a bitch!!!!!
TheSeer101 - 8 years ago
+melodymaker Bullshit I have the fucking world record. Nice try liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
melodymaker - 8 years ago
+TheSeer101   lol...I caught a 16,000 lb!    nice try...ha!
kempo_uk - 9 years ago
i just love clueless rich cunts fucking up, lol
Soldado de Juan José Torres
Soldado de Juan José Torres - 7 years ago
he sounds more like a bootlicker that think the rich are superior to him
kempo_uk - 8 years ago
+that guy clearly another rich prick trying to pass the buck.
that guy
that guy - 8 years ago
Clearly this was a fishing charter, so the person fucking up is some local Panamanian...not a rich person, but props to you for finding an outlet for your pent up frustration over your social position in life ;)
cliff4ever - 9 years ago
Yah, bad description. Should be called idiot captain who's wallet is too big for his skills destroys boat and almost kills his crew and himself. Much more accurate. Asshat.
Victor Oneill
Victor Oneill - 9 years ago
Hmmmm .................i think we need a bigger boat!!
Lance Weatherhead
Lance Weatherhead - 9 years ago
I like the music for this video! Does anyone know who this is?
LazyStatic - 9 years ago
That marlin would be giving flipping them off while he danced around if he had fingers.
guitarsurfer2010 - 9 years ago
Hey Jose' then why is the title "marlin sinks fishing boat" BOO Boo Boo
Bud Wiser
Bud Wiser - 9 years ago
Maybe someone who knew how to pilot a boat should have been at the helm.
b tippa
b tippa - 7 years ago
It clearly states that he hit it into reverse full speed and got water over the transom.
Nice story though pmsl.
Gabriel Noriega
Gabriel Noriega - 7 years ago
The captain run the boat back with the transom door open... then happens what you said... the fish didn´t have anything to do with it... lucky fish...
David Kelley
David Kelley - 7 years ago
Bud Wise
oldedude51 - 8 years ago
That was my response - I suspect that everyone was clustered on the starboard side, gaping at the fish fight, while the captain/pilot did a sharp turn to starboard (probably to help keep the fisherman's line clear).  Of course, as soon as the boat heeled over, in the turn, every person and unsecured piece of gear on the boat slid to the starboard side, unbalancing the boat, which then began to take on water and...  blub, blub, blub.  This boat sank for the same reasons the "Mary Rose" heeled over.  No way the marlin did this, unless you think a fish on an 80 lb test line can flip a boat.   Bad seamanship, not a big fish, did this.
Gabrielle Kreller
Gabrielle Kreller - 8 years ago
maybe you should shutup you turd
PrimalurgesMiami - 9 years ago
The boat came down from taking on water while backing into the fish. The fist didn't bring the boat down the captain did.
Claudio Sagredo
Claudio Sagredo - 9 years ago
alguna vez que ganen ellos
MrBlackshot1996 - 9 years ago
yeah nice one i hope they learned there lesson catchin marlins sucks they are so rare...
MrUnknownnoone - 9 years ago
I bet that Marlin get's all the Marlin pussy out there now once that story spread the seven seas...
Gold Coast Estuary Fishing
Gold Coast Estuary Fishing - 9 years ago
fake as fuck the guy on the left is just chillin there like nothings happening
Mitchell Bruning
Mitchell Bruning - 9 years ago
photo shoped to the max
Extra Slice
Extra Slice - 9 years ago
U mad fish or nah? Lol
Hayden Vasquez
Hayden Vasquez - 9 years ago
If you actually think this is real, go outside more often. Jesus Christ.
Darby Crash
Darby Crash - 9 years ago
captain huge mistake
kader kadero
kader kadero - 9 years ago
I don't believe in pics. Please vid it.
Prince Sharat
Prince Sharat - 9 years ago
Marlin 1  Boat 0 Bet the Marlin family will be talkin bout this for a long time - the boat that didn't get away!
photoman2004 - 9 years ago
I would be curious to know what really happened.
javymetal harder
javymetal harder - 9 years ago
william smith
william smith - 9 years ago
that there paskey y was right next to the t dammit..
william smith
william smith - 9 years ago
dat boat...not day boat...dat boat
william smith
william smith - 9 years ago
dat captain needs a boat with more scuppers for sure....he got excited and screwed up... with a down screw screwing boat don't float....swim forest... swim!
Mathew Peter
Mathew Peter - 9 years ago
Well done you beautiful marlin, sink the egotistical morons boats anytime.
Smucks should all be shark bait. Little d**K boys all of them
Antipodean33 - 9 years ago
So the marlin didn't sink the boat, an idiot captain did. Change the title view whore
darryl martell
darryl martell - 9 years ago
that fish is a legend now!!
Kirby - 9 years ago
I thought I saw a video of this a while back. Has anyone seen the video
thestigmach1 - 9 years ago
ever heard of cutting the line? once the boat submerged like that no fish is worth it. cut the line and the boat probably would've recovered.
thestigmach1 - 9 years ago
+Austin Martel I know that's what caused it originally but it seemed like like the fish was tossing the boat around. they may have had a better chance if they cut the fish
Austin  Martel
Austin Martel - 9 years ago
the fish didn't cause the vessel to sink. the captain hammered the throttle full reverse and it sucked the stern down. pilot error.
Jalunizar Fauzi
Jalunizar Fauzi - 9 years ago
kurang x tream
Chris W
Chris W - 9 years ago
Got to love the guy that filmed this but wasn't trying to help. Googan score of 9.
Chris W what was he supposed to do? You don't know how far the camera man is from them. They did rescue them after the boat sank you idiot.
Broward County
Broward County - 9 years ago
you guys are dumb its easier to catch a fish on its side
5winder - 9 years ago
Why blame it on the fish? Stupid ass boat 'captain'...
slimmdogg - 9 years ago
If anything you would punch it in forward gear to get distance between the boat and the fish so it doesn't jump in the boat and kill someone.
slimmdogg - 9 years ago
I call BS on these pictures and the story for one reason. YOU WOULD NOT be backing down on a fish that is right behind the boat!!!!!!!!!!
Kevin Dufresne
Kevin Dufresne - 9 years ago
+slimmdogg420 I agree, and then, just think about they seem to be claiming that the fishing line between he fish and the boat was strong enough to capsize the boat??? What was the test of that line, 6000 pounds? What kind of rod is strong enough to pull such a boat underwater? It's just another photoshop, bs story.
Shannon Knable
Shannon Knable - 9 years ago
that was super fake. the fish wouldn't have stayed around like that.
OpporTUNAty Sportfishing
OpporTUNAty Sportfishing - 9 years ago
What an idiot! Lack of experience and not enough common sense. Who does this!?!
James Keillor
James Keillor - 9 years ago
No matter If The Captain Reverse Sank the Vessel or Marlins Revenge LOL Awesome.Hope they were all saved and saved.  Maybe Having a Real Capt on Board would have Helped..........Maybe Photo Shopped. lol
Александр Пртмак
Александр Пртмак - 9 years ago
зжц. ц ¹м. пьышк
Renica Justrenica
Renica Justrenica - 9 years ago
Jose, I find this entire story to be 100% BS and Photoshop'd. No one in their right mind would take 10+ pictures of a fish jumping out of the water 10 times without attempting to save the others on the sinking ship first. You can't prove any of this happened.
Okeefenokee the Seventeenth
Okeefenokee the Seventeenth - 9 years ago
Great photo manipulation works! Looking almost like real.
Machine - 9 years ago
That boat didn't sink.............
blueridgemtns10 - 9 years ago
Marlin 1 Fisherman 0.
renegade1644 - 9 years ago
Marlin 1, Very expensive fishing boat with IDIOT CAPTAIN ZERO!!!!!
Matt C
Matt C - 9 years ago
Scary stuff
Sampson Havoc
Sampson Havoc - 9 years ago
hope the fish was ok........
Kelt4ever - 9 years ago
Veronica Martinez
Veronica Martinez - 9 years ago
that's funny. .. ;-)
vincent7520 - 9 years ago
Once again the old essential and only tool any sailor must have was missing : a knife (or in this case a hatchet).This common sense tool as old as the history of boating was forgotten was neglected simply because these people know very little about the sea except what they come for : the sport which is as stupid and selfish as hunting big game endangered species on land.Not that I am against hunting or fishing, but the first thing needed in this activities is remaining sensible.The sea is always right, evein when it manifests itself in fishing activity...
Andrew C
Andrew C - 9 years ago
The title should read "Clumsy captain sinks boat while marling fishing!"
SunriseBoy - 9 years ago
At last...Jackasses get some dues!!!
Murdering a creature like that for fun. Moronic. Cruel. An act of utter stupidity.
honestlythatsbull - 9 years ago
Yer Man which is 8 inches long and currently stuffed deep in your wifes cunt
strato man
strato man - 9 years ago
So in other words the title of the video is a complete lie.
Jo Mama
Jo Mama - 9 years ago
Yea for the Marlin, Boo 4 De Boat driver, Can hear em now...Cries of Joyous Jubilation , turning to HELP MAMA. HELP, DUMMMMM EEEs
TechMechMen - 9 years ago
I never thought that the time that I would say this would come... but...

Fake and gay.
Faron Adams
Faron Adams - 9 years ago
I sunk a ship I shot on you humans lol
Maxwell Winters
Maxwell Winters - 9 years ago
Name of the song ??
Carla Sheidan
Carla Sheidan - 9 years ago
You re gnna need abggerboat
hérault peche034 tom
hérault peche034 tom - 9 years ago
it s crazy
Ismael - 9 years ago
that is justice!!! let live animals!!!
Zyklon B
Zyklon B - 9 years ago
You re gonna need a bigger boat!
Veronica Martinez
Veronica Martinez - 9 years ago
perfect timing right ?
NC Bowhunter14
NC Bowhunter14 - 9 years ago
It looks kinda photoshopped lol
Max Burke
Max Burke - 7 years ago
NC Bowhunter14 it is
honestlythatsbull - 9 years ago
Utter fucking photoshopped fucking shit !!!!
Veronica Martinez
Veronica Martinez - 9 years ago
+honestlythatsbull ;-* muah....
Veronica Martinez
Veronica Martinez - 9 years ago
+honestlythatsbull ha , can't do 8 , but maybe 7.5 ? ;-)
honestlythatsbull - 9 years ago
Hay Vero ...Do you want 8 inches of bean toooooo ? X
Veronica Martinez
Veronica Martinez - 9 years ago
+honestlythatsbull LAMFO , you guys crack me up ! honestly it is a real incident I saw it on the news , however they left out important details on the cAptins expertise , which by the way was contributed to the capsizing of the boat.
Brisdad53 - 9 years ago
+honestlythatsbull It's actually a fully documented incident, Goober. But what IS photoshopped is that pathetic little bean YOU call a penis.
wirikuta14 - 9 years ago
I´m with the Marlyn.
David Tremblay
David Tremblay - 9 years ago
The ton of blow in the hold didn't help
Veronica Martinez
Veronica Martinez - 9 years ago
+cole santos hey Cole I hated when that happens. LAMFO
cole santos
cole santos - 9 years ago
+David Tremblay a couple of cases of budweiser didn't help either.
Jin Johnson
Jin Johnson - 9 years ago
Then theres that asshole who took pictures instead of help
evofd - 9 years ago
It's called YouTube, NOT YouPics
onedeep160 - 9 years ago
deal with it
NC Bowhunter14
NC Bowhunter14 - 9 years ago
ภานุวัฒน์ ไชยสอน
ภานุวัฒน์ ไชยสอน - 9 years ago
สุดยอด สู้กันมัน
kolby turner
kolby turner - 9 years ago
Why do yall thing this is real?A marlin does not weigh nearly enough to sink a boat their is no way that could happen!
Mightiflier - 9 years ago
+kolby turner There was an explanation at the beginning of the video that related the captain slipped and reversed into a swell which caused the boat to take on water. When this story hit the press, they predictably left out that important detail.
cole santos
cole santos - 9 years ago
+Jason Hong

Actually when trolling or deep sea fishing you reverse the boat to back down on the fish and aid the guy on the pole by chasing the fish and creating slack he can reel in. Its very common. I've seen waves come over while doing this and always thought it was a but dicey without really good deck drains.
Jason Hong
Jason Hong - 9 years ago
+Rice Man no. you dont go reverse to chase the fish.. it was the driver's error..

The fish wasn't the reason the ship sank.

Can y'all read proper english?
Rice Man
Rice Man - 9 years ago
+kolby turner
The boat is in reverse to chase the fish.
kolby turner
kolby turner - 9 years ago
And the line would break way before the boat would cap size
Southeastern777 - 9 years ago
Next day the newspaper reads:
☛ Game Over: Marlins - 1, Mariners - 0 ☚
Rob Vaughn
Rob Vaughn - 9 years ago
Glad the marlin got away
Julia McDonald-Carberry
Julia McDonald-Carberry - 9 years ago
Hopefully, the Marlin escaped. Score one for the fishes. Payback is a b---!!!!
lustamatrix69 - 9 years ago
Fucking idiot
No the marlin did not

It was driver error
Hard reverse into swell will
Capsize any boat

Especialy with these
Tournament boats and rivera's ect
Their prop shafts are on a downward angle
Which didnt help

With an offset prop shaft
Heavy reverse will suck the stern
Offset prop Heavy forward keeps
The stern and the bow level


Dont write a description if you dont know shit
BIG BEARVEVO - 7 years ago
lustamatrix69 calm down you tube warrior
SportakiasGR - 7 years ago
lustamatrix69 is
LIZZIE SANGI Sangi - 7 years ago
You cannot be serious, are you? There is no such fish as a ,"wankstain ", (unless referring to womens' panties [I would guess] ). Wanker, wank, anything with "wank" in the 1st syllable, is not real. A real wanker did make that bad joke, 'tho. You made a lot of people laugh really hard and that ain't easy to do. Most always, 'tho, made in innocence.
Susan Stocks
Susan Stocks - 7 years ago
what type of fish is a wankstain.
is it related to the marlin.
Ethan Van Baelen
Ethan Van Baelen - 7 years ago
The fish did not sink the boat the fish was just on the line when the boat started sinking
PakistanAngler - 8 years ago
@Coach John: More intelligent than you for sure!
Brandon Nevarez
Brandon Nevarez - 8 years ago
+adamantsea3 my mammal brain can't comprehend that...damn whale 1..Brandon 0
lennox howard
lennox howard - 8 years ago
i don't believe it
adamantsea3 - 8 years ago
Dolphins are a species of whale(mammals) and generally have larger and more complex brains than fish, such as this marlin.

Hope it made sense =]
Coach John
Coach John - 8 years ago
+AJAnewage There's a dolphin in Russia that was taught to play chess - now that's one smart fish!!
AJAnewage - 8 years ago
+EFC1878 GP intelligent yes not quite as though
Coach John
Coach John - 8 years ago
+J_ L_ Fish or mammal - either way, everyone knows that these big sea creatures are as intelligent as humans.
R_ F_
R_ F_ - 8 years ago
+EFC1878 GP Please be troll...Marlin are fish not mammal.
Coach John
Coach John - 8 years ago
+lustamatrix69 It's possible that the Marlin timed a big pull on the line to snag the gear shifter and throw it into reverse. It is said that some of these mammals are more intelligent than humans, so don't think that it's not a possibility.
Paintballinmike1 - 9 years ago
Couldn't he could have gone full throttle forward? Would that have done anything? I'm no expert just curious.
Edwin - 9 years ago
Son of a thousand fathers.... fucker
AJAnewage - 9 years ago
+honestlythatsbull my point you act like a kid kid who just started high school it's very childish
honestlythatsbull - 9 years ago
+AJAnewage whatever u tool
AJAnewage - 9 years ago
+lustamatrix69 you have no place to call him pathetic with those responses grow up
honestlythatsbull - 9 years ago
Mosquito DICK
honestlythatsbull - 9 years ago
Boo hoo you son of a Prisoner !
lustamatrix69 - 9 years ago
You're shitty because someone here actually knows their shit

And you and you're pathetic family are all Dumb shit inbreds

Fuck off and get a life
lustamatrix69 - 9 years ago
Cunt i will fucking skin you alive
You putrid peice of shit

Talk about my mum you troll
I hope youre mum
Gets hit by a car

Dog cunt
honestlythatsbull - 9 years ago
Fucking Idiot .... Fuck you and your mum and your Victoria Beer its shit Aussie fucking wankstain
Benito Rodriguez-Masso
Benito Rodriguez-Masso - 9 years ago
Morgan Cook
Morgan Cook - 9 years ago
It was e captains fault, he put the boat into reverse to fast and he did it INTO the swell
callasexperience - 9 years ago
Buy a bigger boat you loosers!!! Big fish = big boat
the fruit hunter
the fruit hunter - 9 years ago
you're stupid.
lazz 223
lazz 223 - 9 years ago
What a load of fucken shit
Chad Mynatt
Chad Mynatt - 9 years ago
Operator error. The fish had nothin to do with that rig goin down.
Johnalvimwheels - 9 years ago
yeah they saw the fish jump after they ware rescue. ok... what happened to the huk on its mouth. bullshit
scooter13 - 9 years ago
pull his license he's a danger to us all if he;s got one
Chase Harper
Chase Harper - 10 years ago
shit happens
Reebert McJunk
Reebert McJunk - 10 years ago
this is a silly video, errrr bunch of pictures... the fish had nothing to do with the sinking the captain did... numbers grabbing is what this video is about...
Rachel Sleeter
Rachel Sleeter - 10 years ago

fuerst metternich
fuerst metternich - 10 years ago
it should read "Captain sinks Fishing boat" instead....
James that guy
James that guy - 10 years ago
The Sea was Angry that day my friends.
jeremy coon
jeremy coon - 10 years ago
why didn't  they just cut the line ?
ltsmeet - 9 years ago
+jeremy coon  The fish had nothing to do with the sinking. It was the fault of the captain and sea conditions.
Waddy Hirshy
Waddy Hirshy - 9 years ago
Waddy Hirshy
Waddy Hirshy - 9 years ago
Cud it was like a 30k fish
Paula89147 - 10 years ago
The guy trying to climb the gunwale is a chimp.
Paula89147 - 10 years ago
I would have grabbed a life jacket first.
Richard George James Jackson
Richard George James Jackson - 10 years ago
Common Sense
Common Sense - 10 years ago
namkang ngabsanthia
namkang ngabsanthia - 9 years ago
Shawn Munger
Shawn Munger - 10 years ago
That's one BAD ASS!!! Fish.
Deep Diver
Deep Diver - 10 years ago
Captain was idiot.
ryan whymark
ryan whymark - 10 years ago
Noddy Macswiggin
Noddy Macswiggin - 10 years ago
Jonas in there somewhere
bstix78yfg - 10 years ago
So where is the video?
Leggo My Ego
Leggo My Ego - 10 years ago
It was reported to be a Strike 37 from Strike Sportfishing Yachts.
dimensionalyspeaking - 10 years ago
GO MARLINS@!!! Miami Fl,
Ehrin Lloyd
Ehrin Lloyd - 10 years ago
In cases like this, they should have brought along a shotgun. That way they could shoot the fish and spend the rest of their time trying to save their vessel. Then the marlin would be right there when they were ready to get under way again.
I'm that guy you love to hate
I'm that guy you love to hate - 10 years ago
Captains fault not the boat. People need to understand things happen on the water real quick. One mistake and you're in the drink
anbu anbulag
anbu anbulag - 10 years ago
a 1000 pounder bluefin tuna cant sink a small boat. - WICKED TUNA
chrismechanic B
chrismechanic B - 10 years ago
so the fish didnt really sink the boat at all... ffs
cornskid - 10 years ago
Top heavy piece of crap.
Scott Hodges
Scott Hodges - 10 years ago
This boat has triple outboards and a very low stern freeboard.  The first mistake was to throw it hard into reverse.  Even inboards will throw water into the cockpit when backing down in full reverse (watch some other videos).  The second problem is that these boats are much lighter than they used to be.  Higher, heavier engines (outboard V-6 or V-8 blocks weigh as much as car engines but there are three here, and are above the deck compared with inboards below it) combined with the fat guy on the marlin tower means that the center of gravity and related tipping point for this boat are much higher than deck level.  If you climb up a mast on a small sailboat, you will likely tip it over.  Same principal applies here.  So the captain made a series of mistakes.  First, he backed down too hard.  Second, he turned while backing down which caused the initial dunking.  And third, he failed to quickly get the boat into neutral and get off of the tower, which is what ultimately sank the boat.  The marlin actually had nothing to do with the boat sinking as the pull on the line could never provide enough leverage to tip over a boat this size. It was all captain's error.        
lustamatrix69 - 9 years ago
Fucken idiot

3 Outboards hahahaha fml
Its a fucking tournament boat
It will have 2 deisel engines
If not obviosly one
How can you see outboards

It was either the rudder or the stabiliser system haha
Andrew Clelland
Andrew Clelland - 10 years ago
there are clearly no outboards on the back of this boat... check at 1:05 mark.  You can even see in the same shot the inboard propeller under the vessel kicking up white water.  inboard engines with shafts are traditionally angled down, so when you reverse hard they are pulling the vessels stern down too... all you need is a small wave over the transom and the additional water weight inside the cockpit will amplify the problem. 
ryan whymark
ryan whymark - 10 years ago
Yawn boorriinnggg
petereuropa - 10 years ago
The Marlin is such a Beautiful and fantastic fish!

Boat - Marlin, Result: 0 - 1
Mikel - 9 years ago
+petereuropa Bot - Marlin 185 Millions to 1.....
Dave R
Dave R - 10 years ago
The fish is kind of saying yuk.yuk I win & you loose
Hayden Voegtle
Hayden Voegtle - 10 years ago
who was the manufacturer 
Cindy Spencer
Cindy Spencer - 10 years ago
Soulrider2012 - 10 years ago
I don't whether the person who uploaded the video doesn't understand what actually happened (by common sense and as told by the annotations in the video itself) or if the person just used that dramatic (but false) title to get views.  The Marlin didn't sink the boat. The boat's captain meant to go into reverse only slightly (according to the annotations in the video)  but supposedly slipped and put the boat into full reverse causing the backwash of water to come over the back of the boat thus submerging the entire back of the boat.   That's what lead to the sinking of the boat, not the fish.  While a fish that size is extremely powerful, it's not going to pull a boat like that under the water.  It's also not going to be able to pull a boat that size backwards fast enough or with enough force to submerge the back of the boat.  The line or tackle would likely break (or they would intentionally cut it) before something like that came close to happening even if the fish was big enough.    
최주니 - 10 years ago
힘 좋다 
Rafi Ghazarian
Rafi Ghazarian - 10 years ago
EngSpringSpan - 10 years ago
It was a sail fish
Harry Goodwin
Harry Goodwin - 11 years ago
Poor people
namkang ngabsanthia
namkang ngabsanthia - 9 years ago
Nino Brown
Nino Brown - 11 years ago
poor fucking marlin 

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3 Ways to trip your Boat Anchor | TAFishing

681 likes 138,610 views 9 years ago

This is another way Graeme uses to trip his anchor on his 17ft boat. He shows you three different ways on how to trip...


Fishing Tip: Boats for Rough Water

49 likes 131,266 views 16 years ago

Gary walks you through all the necessities for everything you need to be looking at when choosing your next boat.

About Marlin Sinks Fishing Boat. Vessel Capsizes After Hooking Huge Fish [Reuploaded]

The "Marlin Sinks Fishing Boat. Vessel Capsizes After Hooking Huge Fish [Reuploaded]" video is part of the boating, sailing tipps category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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